#they also fixed my composition with the touch of god lmao
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Had the massive honor of doing a couple collaboration pieces with the hugely talented @montybuggershop-hooty !!
We both did sketches and passed them to each other to finish. This one was my sketch that they inked and colored!
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auniverseforgotten · 5 months
Starting out with a predictable character for the ship ask: how about any and/or all of your fave Salieri ships, go buck wild, get unhinged, feed the brainrot~ uwu
-cracks knuckles- it's time....so unless i hit some kinda post limit this is all gonna be one,,,fucking enormous post so when you hit that read more I JUST WANT YOU TO BE PREPARED there are like...five ships here LMAO
FIRST UP WE HAVE Mozart/Salieri, the first big brainrot I had for them thanks ENTIRELY TO YOU WOLFIE, who showed me these two before I even played fgo and went -will smith presenting hands- and now i am the same
So generally love this ship because holy/divine and what must end the holy/divine, so in love and in hate for them that they Cannot be normal, and then when i played through Russia...when I PLAYED THROUGH RUSSIA....god you can fit so much fucking yearning in this bitch
who’s the cuddler: 
Gonna say both! Mozart very clearly enjoys attention and likes when all of it is on him. You know that bird meme, I do not like when we are not about me? yeah that's him that's Mozart who else would it be. So he's pressed up against Salieri as often as possible, which Salieri allows, but when he tries to get Spicy in public [like grabbing his ass-] he's gonna get pushed away like nope you're in timeout now.
And Salieri shocks everyone by being a cuddly, hugging person. Mozart about has a heart attack the first time it happens, he rolls up trying to be annoying like "Swee~eetiieeee~ can I have a huuu~uuuug~~" and then. Salieri hauls him in and hugs him and he blue screens. Salieri is def very touch starved, and while Mozart gets some platonic touching he kinda is too? Especially after Russia my god do not get me started on the mess these two are after Russia I have a WHOLE FIC IN THE WORK ABOUT IT IT IS 7,692 WORDS AND IT'S NOT EVEN HALF DONE HELP ME HELP ME-
Anyway if you [like I did] summon Salieri early through like Chaldea Boys and they got together pre lostbelt 1, Salieri would seem unusually affectionate because he Knows what happens, whereas Mozart is like "omg!! the affection i Deserve!! Finally!!" but then after...after Salieri seems desperately affectionate, like he's trying to hold Mozart together with touch and affection alone, and Mozart...well. That fic will be done eventually :) though I'm also not as nice in it LMAO so Mozart does NOT get what he's craving.
who makes the bed:
Salieri, I cannot stress enough how little Mozart cares about keeping spaces clean. He might? Keep his own desk clean so he knows where his compositions are, and the piano ofc is spotless, but aside from that- he would be living in garbage if Salieri didn't h a t e clutter and garbage. Called babe over for a date but now he's deepcleaning my room what do I do-
who wakes up first:
Multifacet answer. Usually Mozart, and then he'll cuddle up to Salieri and just...enjoy the softness. But also Saliei does not always go to sleep so sometimes Mozart will get up and oops babe clearly NEVER WENT TO BED time to fix that.
And then after Russia...thee are a lot more painful memories, after that. Mozart becomes the one who doesn't sleep, Salieri tries to reason, beg, bribe, coax him to sleep but...it's hard for him. The easiest way to get him to sleep is for Salieri to play the piano for him, which is actually good at helping Salieri process some of his internal shit too.
who has the weird taste in music:
Salieri has a wide musical palate but Mozart looks up the oddest word combinations he can think of to throw at Salieri. Unfortunately for Mozart this usually backfires and Salieri finds them interesting so now he has to listen to music he may or may not like-
who is more protective:
So everyone assumes it's Salieri, and don't get me wrong: he is MASSIVELY overprotective of Mozart. He starts out normal prior to them getting together, because he wants to kill Mozart sure but he will also kill anything that wants to kill Mozart because he fucking adores him okay? OKAY??? So riders especially, but also anyone who says something along the lines of "wow you're so annoying I wish Ritsuka would break ur contract" had better start running because he is COMING.
And then once they're together he gets. Much more protective because he is dealing with the Main in Grey but also now he isn't just Mozart he is Mozart his beloved partner. AND If we're operating in my AU w/Russia, man. MAN. HE IS. SO PROTECTIVE.
MEANWHILE Mozart is also really protective over Salieri as well. Physically he can't do much and honestly he's okay with that, he knows Salieri can handle that. But if he hears any rumor about Salieri that paints him in even a minorly negative light, he is Immediately deploying his informants [Shakespeare, child servants] to figure out who started it, who has been spreading it, and he will RAISE HELL. Also anyone who looks at their relationship and talks about the whole wanting to kill thing...that's his business, not theirs, and he'll make it known.
who sings in the shower:
Both of them, though Salieri may be a little more hesitant to do so. But Mozart can usually convince him or competition him into doing it.
who cries during movies:
I feel like I could see Salieri tearing up about movies with a protagonist who, through no fault of their own OR through their own GOOD! intentions became evil/hated because god yeah it hits too close to home, but he doesn't full on cry.
Mozart meanwhile I think he has very funny reactions to movies. Tender but cheesy 'I love you' scene in a romance? Outright cackles. Sad death? Critically analyzing it lik e"okay but could that happen I mean-"
He's fun to watch movies with if you want to hear someone tear something to shreds. The only movies he doesn't do that with are ones Salieri gets like [above] about.
who spends the most while out shopping:
Okay listen. Salieri has objectively more expensive taste and may spend more, but Mozart historically canNOT handle his money so if he goes out on his own and 'steals' Saleriei's credit card the bill will not be as big as one of Salieri's but it's still like YOU SPENT $500 ON ONE DECORATIVE PLANT?? Alsoooo if he goes shopping without Salieri he inevitably calls him like heeey babe I accidentally <3 spent $1000 <3 I need money <3 <3 and without fail Salieri will come and bail him out.
Yes some other servants joke about Mozart being his sugar baby and Mozart finds this HILARIOUS but he tells Salieri and he has a massive fucking spiral that scares the shit out of Mozart and he never repeats it again.
[The spiral is because sugaring is often cast in a more predatory/taking advantage of light, and he...cannot handle that.]
who kisses more roughly:
So I fully think it's Salieri because he is a BITEY MOTHERFUCKER however I do also think he has so much general guilt and religious shame [yoinking from raised as a christian LMAO] about things like physical affection and what is and isn't 'right' affection, so like Mozart. Has to haul it out of him. Luckily he enjoys this process very very much <3 and then once it IS out my god,,,the bitemarks,,,love is the teeth and the neck willingly given INDEED
who is more domineering:
Kinda thinking Mozart mostly because we have seen him twist situations around to solely suit himself, and I can see him doing the same here. Salieri might be Physically more domineering once it's hauled out but overall,,,Mozart.
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 
I will never be normal again/10
OKAY and we're at the first of the polyships, Mozart/Marie/Salieri! This one is, once again, all your fault Wolfie <3 but while I'm kinda meh about the whole "oh Marie makes Salieri docile" I also think Marie deserves a harem <3 <3 so really the ship we're DISCUSSING is this one but Marie also has d'Eon and Sanson as well, she's the center of a huge polycule do you see my vision do you understand me
ANYWAY while a lot of people in Chaldea think this is a "oh Marie and her two silly boys" or "Mozart and Salieri want to be together but have to have Marie buffer" that is not the case! They both just really deeply adore her, and Marie adores them too. My answers will prob be shorter here bcus adding Marie doesn't really change the overall dynamic a ton.
who’s the cuddler: 
Once again, all of them!! Salieri is a surprisingly huggy, touchy person, and Mozart wants all attention always. BUT Mozart does put aside literally all his selfishness for Marie, so he is a little more mellower about that in this ship. Though he does sorta get like...touchy about Salieri like why aren't you giving Maria all the attention in the world and he has to sit him down like Mozart I love you but you do not tell me how to love people
AND MARIE HERSELF. SHE LOVES EVERYONE SO MUCH ALWAYS. ALL THE HUGS ALL THE KISSES ALL THE LOVE. She is never without a person on her arm, the person just changes XD
who makes the bed:
Still Salieri, Mozart dgaf even with Marie and while I think Marie would I also...don't think she would do it Right because lbr irl Marie Antoinette was incredibly privileged and she 110% had servants for things like this and while Salieri appreciates her trying to do chores I feel like she just makes it worse on accident sdzfgh
who wakes up first:
Toss up between Salieri or Mozart, esp after Russia [AND OH MAN IS THAT HARD FOR MARIE esp if they're together before and then after...both of her partners have just irrevocably changed and no one will tell her WHY or how she can HELP], Marie is def a sleep until noon person if she manages it.
who has the weird taste in music:
Salieri still has a wide palate, Mozart still looks up what he thinks is the weirdest stuff possible, but Marie goes through so many idol phases. Like you know how a lot of pop groups will start all soft and sweet and then just. Evolve? Marie starts wanting all these soft songs so ofc they write them for her but then she'll be like "okay this week i'm bad!! >:3 fuck!!! >>:3 i'm so sorry for swearing-" and they'll switch up her idol vibe.
who is more protective:
Salieri is the most physically protective. His level of protectiveness over Mozart doesn't change, but he becomes very protective over Marie as well. After dating her he has to take time to like. Think about Sanson and rationalize that because you KILLED HER but also Marie loves him too so it takes time for him. To relax around him. But he does! He'll still throw anyone into a wall who insults either of them though.
Mozart is still fiercely protective over Salieri but also with Marie...he knows she can somewhat defend herself, but she's not as adept at it as Salieri is so he gets Physically protective over her too. Has started fights he has no hope of winning and either wakes up in the infirmary or one of Marie's other partners rolls up to back him [if it's Salieri we get a nice -gently bandaging him- "what the FUCK is your problem you can't keep DOING this-"]
AND MARIE. Marie...was a queen. Marie...knows the power that lies in words and regal bearing. Someone will call Salieri a mindless death machine, or Mozart a useless layabout, and then Marie will go and have tea with the kings and queens and mention it in the most "oh bless their hearts" way and then that person...is so unbelievably fucked.
who sings in the shower:
Marie is the most enthusiastic about it!! Since she wants to be an idol she is Always singing, and shower acoustics are scientifically proven to be so good for certain notes and when you find those notes it's very cool so she'll be singing in the shower f o r e v e r
who cries during movies:
Marie all the way she will be BAWLING in animal movies, romance, romcoms, animated movies, music movies, she is SO EMOTIONAL AND SO MOVED she loves everyone and she just has to show her emotion through TEARS
Salieri actually doesn't watch movies much with her because of it because it upsets him/the Man in Grey to the point where he wants to attack someone to make her feel better but it's not That kind of tears so he has to just not be in the situation
who spends the most while out shopping:
Salieri still spends the most in terms of Amount, though he only ever spends his own money. But given Mozart in life and. The sheer fucking excess french royalty enjoyed. Yeah he's footing the bill for both of them LMAO the sugar daddy comments do NOT stop and they really eat at him so Marie puts her foot down hard and tells anyone that if she hears them again she'll make their life a living hell and then leave like "if you tell anyone no one will ever believe yooouuu~ <3"
who kisses more roughly:
Salieri and Mozart retain their same level of roughness with each other but are all but worshipful with Marie, she is a Queen, their Queen, and they just. Can't. And honestly I don't really see Marie enjoying roughness that much?? So she's fine with it, though she makes sure to reassure them that it's valid and what they do with each other is fully okay w her, she's not Against roughness just doesn't love it herself.
who is more domineering:
Again not really Marie's thing but she also doesn't mind when her other lovers get domineering with each other. IF she was into it though she does have. Literally everyone wrapped around her fingers so <3
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 
Iiii'd say about a 6.5/10? It's still a good ship but also Marie just isn't very developed? But given we do have Marie alter now I imagine I'll reconsider once she's out in NA.
AAAAND SECOND POLYSHIP, Salieri/Jalter/Dantes, which I first got into shipping when I saw this art by Sabu a while back: clicky, and they've just been marinating in my brain since?
Like it's both because I love all of them but also I think having each other...would mellow them out [but not change their characters lmao] and also avengers,,,,loving avengers,,,,gotta be my fave dynamic
who’s the cuddler: 
Here it's deeeefinitely Salieri. While Dantes is. So absolutely 100% touchstarved once he's got physical affection I'm not sure how much he vibes with it? Like at first it's like. Wow I wanted this forever...but stop touching me right now please. And he adjusts but he's still not super touchy?? At least imo. But he's 100% okay to be cuddled unless it gets to be too much, in which case he explains that and the others back off. He does enjoy throwing his arm around their shoulders or having a hand on their hip, just full on cuddles can be overwhelming.
And Jalter...Jalter is SO touch starved but she also REALLY WANTS physical affection but she cannot ask for it, she can't, ask for physical affection??? No thanks she'll go die instead. But Salieri will so easily hug her or keep an arm around her waist the whole time he's with her and she is DYING of happiness inside.
And ofc they reciprocate too
BUT ALSO it's fun to imagine the relationship as Jalter and Dantes being together already and then they're like "we like your funny music, magic musicman" and then they have this really affectionate Italian and are both just ??? !!!! about it because he is so physically affectionate when he looks like THAT [mentally death warmed over but in a crappy microwave]
ALSO HE INSISTS ON DANCING WITH THEM AFTER JALTER MENTIONS WANTING TO DANCE W RITSUKA IN SHINJUKU Jalter comes in the room and it's set up as a fucking ballroom because Salieri is so fucking extra god I love them
who makes the bed:
Salieri, Jalter and Dantes could not care less, truly. They do tend to keep things cleaner though because they can tell it's something that bothers him. Especially Dantes leaving ash everywhere my god he got some on Salieri's suit on accident once and the sheer DREAD he felt- [Salieri waved it off like it was nothing but given Salieri's general attitude that doesn't mean it's OKAY]
who wakes up first:
I'm gonna say it's usually Dantes but if Salieri stays up all night making music or dealing with the demons then it's both of them. Not sure if he'd stay in bed to cuddle or just slip away to leave Salieri and Jalter in peace and go do whatever. Making sure Ritsuka's still on the same plane of existence, probably.
Jalter sleeps in until like 5pm if you let her LMAO
who has the weird taste in music:
I feel likt Jalter, we saw her Edge in her summer berserker form, she just knows the most random bands. Salieri, like always, retains a wide music palate, and I feel like Dantes sticks to one or two favorite genres.
who is more protective:
As remains the answer for. Literally every ship I do this for. THEY ALL ARE WAHOO!! ARE WE SEEING THE PATTERN YET???
So while Salieri is seen as the most physically protective one in the above two relationships, being with two of the most Avengey Avengers definitely makes him seem. A lot more chill. He'll still fuck someone up don't get me wrong but he does come off as much more calm and reasonable.
Jalter is loudly protective and puts most of her energy into being scary af so that no one even dares Try anything with either of her partners. She would kill and die for them [and they would for her] and anyone who tests that is getting stabbed and set on fire.
BUT DANTES TOPS THEM BOTH w showing up in a servant's mindscape or cornering them in a dark alley or abandoned part of Chaldea and telling them in excruciating detail what will happen to them should they so much as make either of his partners even Slightly upset. [yes he did have a confrontation like this with Mozart because Mozart = stressed and angry Salieri but luckily Mozart being an antagonistic bitch [affectionate] by nature he just brushed it off and Salieri had a Long talk w Dantes about their whole weird besties to mortal enemies to besties dynamic]
And in battle never have them on the same team because while they will be FIERCE they will also abandon all other duties to protect each other any day of the weak.
who sings in the shower:
Salieri and Jalter, though I think Salieri is better at it than Jalter is. Dantes could never.
who cries during movies:
Jalter and she hates it and threatens her boyfriends that if they tell anyone she will Grondement du Haine them SO HARD but it's all in good fun.
who spends the most while out shopping:
Salieri all the waaaaay I can't see Dantes really spending a lot of money and while Jalter likes fancy shit she also...obviously doesn't always go for it -glances at the shinjuku dress- but Salieri my god this man can SHOP
And it's not just for himself either, he'll roll up for so many dresses for Jalter and smaller things for Dantes at first so that he can adjust to the spoiling before buying more and more. They're both a little worried about it but he's shown them the receipts and somehow he just. Has money??? Where are you getting it Salieri??? Where is the money????
[I feel like any time they're in a singularity/event/thing for long enough to get a job Salieri will just. Rayshift in and get one to alleviate the boredom LMAO so he has so much money bcus he has a million side hustles]
who kisses more roughly:
Definitely a playful competition here though while Dantes and Jalter I feel wouldn't care as much about PDA Salieri reeeeaaally does so when they're trying to get him in on the aggressive kissing they need to be in their room or no go.
who is more domineering:
Mmmm tossup between Jalter and Dantes, I just know it isn't Salieri. He's just too chill deep down when not exposed to Mozart, he just wants to fuckin live lmao
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 
11/10 I will never recover from this one either
ALRIGHT NEXT UP one that my brain surprised me with but does? Seem to be something of a ship, Salieri/Hessian. Another Avenger ship why am I the way I am
ANYWAY My favorite thing about them is Lobo definitely got them together, this music man who has piano that resonates with his grief and anger rolls up and wow...this music nice...and since he and Hessian share a braincell, Hessian can't hide from Lobo the fact that he likes Salieri. So Lobo, being a good wingman, keeps dragging Hessian to Salieri LMAO and it is actually Salieri who reaches out in the end. Lobo is Pleased that the music servant belongs to his rider/pet [does this go against Lobo lore yes do I care no]
Also Salieri learns sign to communicate w Hessian bcus he LOVES HIM and it's also an IMPORTANT SKILL TO HAVE admittedly I'm not sure which they would use....Chaldea is in Antarctica,,,Hessian was German but was deployed to the US,,,,confusing to decide which! there is international sign but it's more of a pidgin sign language so yeah....hmm
who’s the cuddler: 
So I can't really see Hessian as even considering being cuddled until he is and then he's just !!!! wow this is great actually!!! He's been so focused on Lobo getting back his freedom for so long that he just...put literally every single thing aside for him. Didn't consider his own happiness or loneliness or anything, he just...wanted Lobo to be free. So now in Chaldea when Lobo is trying to encourage him to accept Anything for himself [not lobo lore compliant BUT I SAY PUBBY IS GOOD AND LOVES HIS PET], and when Hessian lets himself just. Accept affection from Salieri. He loves it. Hugging, cuddling, holding hands, hand klisses, shoulder kisses, etc just. Love.
AND SALIERI REMAINS CUDDLE CHAMPION OKAY THIS MAN IS MADE OF RAGE AND LOVE AND DAMN IT ALL HE WILL HUG PEOPLE but also once he realizes how little Hessian ever got physical affection he becomes Much more PDA accepting, since it's still 'polite' PDA. Also this man will sleep on Lobo he loves having a big ol pupper so much and Lobo loves his new pet too.
who makes the bed:
You cannot tell me Hessian doesn't rest curled up on Lobo I won't believe you so Salieri by virtue of him actually Owning a bed.
who wakes up first:
I don't...know that Hessian actually Sleeps. Like rest and recover sure but does he really need to sleep with no head and with magic that is definitely tied to Lobo? Anyway he doesn't sleep so him but also Salieri on his bad nights.
who has the weird taste in music:
Hessian loves exploring ANYTHING and EVERYTHING he is learning to live again and Salieri is so happy to encourage him and find new music for him to listen to. When he's not too murderous around Mozart he asks him for recommendations too which Mozart takes SO seriously because Salieri!! Asking him for something!!! ASKING!!!! HIM!!!!!!
Lobo will eat the stereo if it annoys him though they've lost five by now
who is more protective:
Another both option but with an added "do not fuck with Salieri or the giant fucking murder dog will come and chew your face off"
Salieri tends to be protective because I feel like Hessian and Lobo are seen as signs of misfortune and the like and he loves them both so much so um fuck off actually
Hessian is really good at noticing when Salieri is getting overwhelmed or drowning in self loathing so he is A LOT more protective during those times.
And do not...set off...the phantasmal puppy...
who sings in the shower:
I don't. Think Hessian can sing. So Salieri for that one!
who cries during movies:
Hessian [if he can't sing how can he cry IT'S ABOUT VIBES] any time it's a movie that reminds him of what Lobo has gone through or is about dog peril. He breaks.
who spends the most while out shopping:
Bold of you to assume Hessian even has any idea on shopping at all he does not give a fuck so it's Salieri again and once again spoiling with gifts!!!! But most of the gifts are for Lobo because he's A GOOD BOY
who kisses more roughly:
So Hessian is kinda out bcus he doesn't have lips but also I think this is one of the softer Salieri pairings, formed out of a ghost puppy being a wingman and a shared love for music. So it's all gentle kisses from Salieri too, just...soft...
ig Lobo's big ol wolf tongue kisses are probably aggressive but in an excited dog way not a painful way,,,
who is more domineering:
Again not super applicable here!!!
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 
8/10 sweet ship to think about I enjoy it but as is clearly shown my favorite part of it is that Salieri gets An Dog
And now we have reached...the final ship that honestly came at me with a steel chair fr I did not see this one coming I made one small comment about FRIENDSHIP and then my brain went OKAY BUT WHAT ABOUT Salieri/Phantom as a ship AND HERE WE ARE
So this one...hinges a lot on opera,,,opera,,,friendship,,,but then they really are similar honestly? Salieri is an innocent monster via rumors and slander whereas Phantom is canonically an innocent monster due to him just playing a part that society assigned to him. I feel...like they could really bond over the crushing weight of what society has created them to be. And yeah I know the Phantom of the Opera is different than Salieri but the Phantom of the Opera in FATE differs from the one in the book, he's just the 'model' for it.
AND THIS ONE IS ALSO REALLY FUN BECAUSE. Due to Phantom's reputation literally EVERYONE is worried about it. Like given all they have is the og story: Phantom GROOMED someone, KIDNAPPED them, tried to keep them FOREVER, did a LOT OF MURDER etc so like. Erik is not that at all but everyone is constantly just like Salieri,,,are you sure this is a good idea,,,and Salieri is like sorry are you shittalking my partner right now? -wildfire blade held menacingly-
who’s the cuddler: 
Salieri ONCE AGAIN but this time I feel like it's a little related to Erik so used to people interpreting him as an exact copy of the Phantom of the Opera and thus he's internalized himself loving others to be evil and grotesque. It takes Salieri a lot of time and patience to gently coax Erik into accepting physical affection from him, and it starts very very small, holding hands alone, gently tucking his hair behind his ear also alone, jsut...slowly acclimating him to touch. And even then Erik. Cannot handle PDA, cannot handle feeling like people are looking at him so Salieri willingly keeps Everything to the bedroom but also makes sure people know because he loves his partner and also because cmon Erik has to get jealous af sdfgh
who makes the bed:
Salieri continues to be the Only Chore Doer and makes the bed. Tbf I feel like making the bed w/claw hands would be really hard, at least Salieri can put his away.
who wakes up first:
Bold of you to assume either of these crumbling messes sleep. If other ships gently encourage Salieri to sleep, Erik ship is just them constantly in the hell that is their minds, sleep deprived and kept awake due to nightmares. They may Occasionally sleep but it's. Really rare. The avengers are thiiiis close to staging an intervention as Salieri's eyebags become entire eyesuitcases
who has the weird taste in music:
OPERA OR...NOPERA BAYBEE there is no ROOM for any other NOISE only OPERA MAY EXIST HERE or whatever Salieri feels like playing because that will Become opera once Erik starts singing to it <3
who is more protective:
Alright so the answer as usual is both! For Salieri a lot of it is challenging people who call his relationship into question. It doesn't matter that it's usually out of concern for him, he and Erik are Fine and actually help each other cope a lot with being innocent monsters, so it drives him up the wall when people fling accusations at Erik.
BUT ERIK IS WHERE IT GETS FUN :D because like. Kinda playing off the way he has been in summer events several times now where he just...slips through cracks in reality...plays the game beyond the universe...he's very protective of Salieri on multiple levels. This can be very handy for a less "must protecc all servants" master because. They could throw Salieri into any tense situation and Phantom would follow, find out all the background info and who is doing what, and relay it all to Salieri to try and protect him.
But. Salieri tries not to get put in situations where Erik's protectiviness will Really shine through. Because while he is the model for the Phantom and not he actual Phantom, when he decides someone is an actual threat to Salieir...that's it, game over. Like they are going to fucking die as soon as he can feasibly do it. There''s no threats, no promises, you hurt or threaten Salieri to a degree Erik decides is dangerous? You're dead, do not pass go, do not collect $200. He's an assassin for a reason. Yes he has dropped a chandelier on someone before, yes they did go to couples counseling about it.
In battle though they don't really act too protective because they both know the other can handle themselves.
who sings in the shower:
Both of them, it turns into a full on opera in their quarters, sometimes servants will sit outside to listen. This is very embarrassing to Salieri.
who cries during movies:
Neither of them. While Salieri gets emotional with a certain kind of movie [mentioned,,,in one of the above ones, maybe Mozart?], he doesn't actually cry, and Erik just doesn't get moved by movies.
who spends the most while out shopping:
Salieri, I don't think Erik likes to go out much? So he'll buy fancy clothes and nice food and wonderful wine and bring it back for a nice date in <3
who kisses more roughly:
BOTH YAHOO both very possessive of each other, both really get into kissing though Salieri is bitier than Erik. But I mean Erik leaves clawmarks so <3
who is more domineering:
Switches between them tbh
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 
My brain latched onto this ship yesterday and I am so fucking feral about it/10
NOW I THINK TRULY THE ONLY WAY TO END THIS. IS TO CONSIDER. What if Salieri dated all of them at once because it's HILARIOUS LMAO
Mozart and Erik would HATE each other because they both want the Most attention, Marie would remind Jalter too much of Jeanne d'Arc, Dantes would see Erik as a threat [everyone would until Salieri would sit them all down and be like YOU LISTEN OR WE'RE DONE] the onyl chill one is Hessian and Andersen hears all about all of it from Salieri and dies laughing every fucking time
They would be such a chaotic mess and the only way they would work is if Salieri had an absolute breakdown in the middle of all of it and they're all like OH GOD I HURT MY BAE so they sit down to discuss it as Adults AND EVEN THEN IT WOULD STILL BE A CLUSTERFUCK LMAO Salieri sitting there like "I know I wanted someone to love BUT THIS IS TOO MANY ALL AT ONCE" which is why i don't really ship them in a polycule this big [they'd be metamours save for the poly ships] BUT IT'S FUNNY TO THINK ABOUT THEM ALL TRYING
Holy fuck this got so long THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE ASK WOLFIE I HOPE IT FEEDS YOU WELL ask meme here
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pangtasias-atelier · 1 year
Hey! Hope you're doing well. Is there anything you're hoping they change or keep the same if they remake FE4?
Omg hi, it's been awhile lmao. This got long as hell so readmore will save y'all from having to read all this
And god, there's like so much with FE4 that like, both parts need a desperate re-haul but then changing everything also just fundamentally changes the experience of the game, cause like FE4 is definitely an experience. And like even before awakening and every other game copied Gaiden's style, I always felt like FE4 was more of the black sheep of the games compared to FE2 lol.
But anyways, without story spoilers, like just change the incest thing I'm fucking begging assnbdnjs. Like, I understand that the situation of the two's mother has to do with the story's like kinda obsession with doomed love and whatnot, but like it's so far in the background and they could easily change it so they're distant relatives or even completely unrelated or anything. Cause like I do very much enjoy the whole drama and angst of it all but god, no more incest I'm begging.
And that plus like fleshing out the church would be so nice instead of everyone just being like the evilest, most insane fuckers in the world lmao.
Also supports or something cause I know there are way too many pairings. The saddest part of FE11 is no supports and limited supports in FE12&15
And for gameplay, actually make maps more filled with enemies. There are way too many spots in each map where you're either backtracking with few or no enemies and if there are some, the composition is very simple with no variety. But keep maps big as fuck, the sizes alone help convey the sheer scope of the fight even if its a bit tedious at times.
Also, fucking fix weapons. higher grade weapons should be better, but not like better in every way lol. And physical weapons + magic should be re-hauled so that swords and wind aren't the best in every way to their peers. And 1 more mov to infantry classes so they're not completely left behind or change canto to engage canter but then that involves changing certain time sensitive side objectives.
But keep everything the same besides like MAYBE changing doubling and make it so pursuit just makes it easier to double or something idk. Cause gen2 feels like just getting pursuit on as much babies as you can lol. Also, PLEASE make rescue in gen1 not locked behind Edain/Azelle or Edain/Claud I'm begging.
But like, I honestly would be fine with an FE4 that really recieves almost no touching to its plot if none at all. Cause it holds a really special spot in my heart even if I kind of hate playing it ashsjn. Also I need to write more fat bitches from the game and just say fuck chapter 5, it doesn't exist, therefore it can't hurt me
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #119
What are some tropes/settings/concepts that you like in horror movies/books? Uh I tend to like paranormal movies. I like a lot of horror stuff though, but right now I'm really not in the mood to like dig through my brain listing everything that comes to mind. One thing I do wanna mention though is I LOVE well-written villains that have like, a reason behind their evil.
Are there any objects that you own because of what they are rather than what you use them for? (For example, having a piano to have a piano rather than to play it or having an Eames chair because it is an Eames chair, etc.) No, that seems pretty dumb and pridefully materialistic.
Who do you tend to compare yourself to most often? Is it someone in your life, someone online, or some composite idea of a person? My two immediate sisters, the ones I grew up with and have been regularly involved with my whole life. I 100% feel like that hydra dragon drawing where two look serious and powerful and then there's the derp one/me lmao. I constantly feel like they're both embarrassed by me and since we were raised in the exact same environment and all, I have a hard time understanding why I turned out so different from them in terms of being an adequate, capable adult.
Stripes or polka dots? Polka dots, I just like circles.
Do you care if people touch you when they’re talking to you? This depends on a lot. How close are we, and how exactly are you touching me? As a base rule if we're not at least somewhat close, just simply don't touch me unless it's like, a hug that you have permission to give.
What is your gender? Do you think that people think it's obvious? As the previous survey taker answered, gender isn't always an obvious thing, first and foremost. However, in the traditional sense of how people visualize a woman, I think it is. I've never been misgendered, so.
How long did your first date last? A few hours. We saw a movie and had lunch.
Highlight of your day? Girt meeting my sister's EXTREMELY affectionate dog Oakley and them totally falling in love with each other, oh my god they were both so happy. Girt had wanted to meet her for a loooong time now because she's like 100% his kind of dog, but the one time he'd already been here since they got Oakley, she had to stay locked in Ash and Nick's bedroom because of a party guest being terrified of her (she's not aggressive, just VERY big and insanely pushy).
Is everything working in your house? Uhhh I believe so, yes. Well no, we do have a broken PS2 right now, but Girt wants us to keep it stored in case our working one breaks because he's confident he can fix the other one with the right stuff.
Does pop give you energy? When I had caffeine extremely regularly, it did nothing for me energy-wise, but since drinking soda way less, I think it tends to, at least usually.
TV show you love with a passion? Meerkat Manor.
Do you think you learned anything from the worst night of your life? Yes. Never, ever, fucking ever allow yourself to be 100% certain that a person won't just drop you like a boulder and bolt, I don't care what your connection to the person is.
Is it safe to say you own over 20 pairs of shoes? Holy fuck, no. I don't think I even have 10.
Last time you went to 7-eleven? Never, I think. They're not really a thing here, or at least they weren't; one recently opened very near to us, but we've never been there.
A fast food restaurant that you hate with a passion? Arby's is absolutely disgusting. Burger King has also never impressed me.
Does everyone in your family have a job? Me nor Mom do. I mean, my mom does clean the church she attends, but she is no longer paid because if she was, she'd be taken off disability, which simply can't happen if we want a house to live in and groceries in the kitchen. It's not a stable source of income anyway because it's taxing on her, the church is extremely poor so can't pay her much anyway, and with her health she needs to be able to stop the moment she feels she really needs to.
Going anywhere this weekend? I don't have anything planned other than take my old Nikon camera and Nikon supplies to the place I sold my flute and guitar (for a GRAND TOTAL of like $45 btw lmao) hopefully tomorrow, and I want that to be it, really. I'm extremely sleep-deprived and just stressed and want to be a hermit.
What does it mean when you're being quiet? It can mean almost anything, really. Including nothing at all, considering I'm generally quiet anyway.
Last person you had a face-to-face conversation with? My mom.
How late did you stay up last night? At LEAST 1:30 AM, I think 2, and not willingly. I struggled so badly to fall asleep last night, I literally just laid there for fucking hours.
How many times have you been in love? Twice. I once thought thrice, but no, I was not in love with Sara now that I've actually been in love with Girt and been able to compare the sensation to how I was with Jason. I know I loved Sara, but it was not the same as Jason and Girt.
How many years older than you would you date someone? It would be very, very hard for me to go older than nine years, and even that I really wouldn't want unless I was crazy for the person, basically. I think like, 4-ish years older is the last number where an age difference wouldn't bother me at all.
What was the last thing you pinky swore on? Something with Girt, I'm sure, probably relating to my shitty self-confidence in some way. I feel like the last thing was when he initiated it about not finding me unattractive, because he knows I'm very convinced (NOT by his own behavior, I want to emphasize, this is all on me and my own head) he's not attracted to me.
Are there a lot of mirrors in your house? Definitely no more than what's normal.
About how old was the last person that hit on you? He's 29.
What color are your headphones? This pair of earplugs is white.
Is the fan on? No, this house is always fucking freezing these days and Mom is very, very reluctant to turn on the heat because money.
Any special reason why you’re taking this survey? I haven't taken one in a VERY surprising amount of time for me and I also just want to do something while I listen to music.
Your friend needs you to run to the store to get a pregnancy test. Do you? Uh I don't drive, and there's also nobody in my face-to-face life who would ask me that anyway because they know I don't, AND I'm not ~that~ close to any of my friends here. I would if I COULD, though.
Do you like the opposite sex to be dominant or you the one in control? I am the most sub bitch you'll ever fuckin MEET lmfao, HOWEVER this is primarily only sexually and if my boyfriend was acting domineeringly as a life partner and person as a whole, I'd be so fucking gone, no partner is ever allowed to boss me around.
If I asked you to point to Ohio on a map of the US do you think you could? Yeah, it's a state with a relatively recognizable shape and I have family there anyway.
[TW: EATING DISORDER] Do you eat a lot of food? No, these days I eat way too little. In therapy yesterday I did open up about how I'm developing eating disorder-ish thoughts (at least I think so, I've never actually had one) and cried a whole lot about it, and with my mom present we decided that once I see this endocrinologist next month, we're going to try to get me refered to a dietitian to help me with pre-diabetes management, weight loss, and just in general building a healthier relationship with food.
Have your parents ever tried to control your relationship? No.
Have you ever had to give someone directions before? Hell no, I would get that person NOWHERE. I don't know street names, interstate numbers, how many miles are between here and there, ANYTHING that would really help with directions.
Have you ever babysat a newborn baby before? No, that's PURE panic attack material for me lmao. I couldn't do that.
When was the last time you held someone’s hand? Uhhhh a few days ago when Girt was here, I don't think we did today. Maybe we did, but I don't remember it.
What is your favorite Disney movie of all time? The Lion King.
Which room of your house/apartment do you spend the most time in? This spare room where my desk/laptop is.
Which insect do you find the most beautiful? Butterflies and moths. Some praying mantises are also just pure stunning and so intricate.
Is there a substance you avoid at all costs? If so, what is it and why? I will never, ever put beer in my mouth because that was what my dad always drank as an alcoholic. The mere smell makes me want to hurl. I also will never, ever do hard drugs like cocaine or meth 'n' shit, I will liiiiiiiiterally die before I fuck with that kind of stuff. Lastly, I am very, VERY doubtful I could ever swallow an Alka-Seltzer Plus pill, because that's the cold medication I ODed on. I shit you not, seeing the fucking logo of the brand ignites massive anxiety in me.
Is there a place that you might call your second home? Dad and Kim's house, I guess. I'm pretty much totally comfortable in Ashley's house, too.
Is there a piece of jewelry that you feel naked without? My vertical labret lip piercing.
What’s the sweetest thing someone’s done for you? Never, ever gave up on me and was there for me when he had zero obligation to be. I get way too emotional when I think of what Girt's done for me, both before we dated and now that we do.
Which wild animals are a common sight in your area? Birds obviously, then gray squirrels. Opossums and raccoons are the main roadkill here, but you don't like, regularly see them out and about and such. There are rabbits and (primarily) whitetail deer too, but they're of course shy and bolty. VERY rarely you'll see a fox; I think I've only seen one alive in my entire life, though.
Do you recognize friends’/family’s vehicles by sound? Nobody super easily that is still in my life, but I can usually know when Girt is outside because I'll hear music. Defending him immediately, he's not an asshole that blares it, but it's still loud enough for me to hear in the living room, which is where I usually sit and wait when I know he's almost here.
What was the last thing that stressed you out or upset you? Me just being a bad aunt.
Do you wish people would forgive you for your past so you could move on? So uh, I'M the one that fucking desperately needs to forgive my past lmao
Who was your first roommate? Technically my younger sister. Uh, I think. I don't believe I ever shared a room with my older sister...
Do you have a sibling who looks like you? Ashley, Nicole, and I are obviously sisters, according to basically everyone. I do stand more clearly apart from them, though; people regularly think Ash and Nicole are twins.
[TW: CHILD/PREGNANCY LOSS] Name three women you know who have lost a child. My mom's mom lost a whole lot, my former best friend Colleen had a miscarriage, and an acquaintance I have that I've done pictures for also has experienced one.
Which nationalities have you been told you look like? (i.e., Asian, Irish) I mean, I've just heard American, which is what I am.
What book are you currently reading? Wings of Fire: Talons of Power. I'm being super slow at reading this one... Not because it's not good or anything, I'm into it, I've just been bad with reading.
Have you ever received any scary, threatening messages on social media? Yes.
Who was your first kiss? First person who kissed me was one of two boys that endlessly harassed me in pre-k, but I absolutely don't consider that my "first kiss." I'll always consider it Jason.
Who are three of your favorite YouTubers to watch? Game Grumps, John Wolfe, and I've been having a jacksepticeye streak.
What do you miss about high school? Seeing friends regularly. Being confident in my future.
What color was your first car? I haven't had my own personal car.
What color was the house you grew up in? Primarily red brick.
Growing up, what floor was your bedroom on? I've only ever lived in houses with just one floor.
Does your bedroom have carpet? Yeah.
What are the top three travel destinations on your bucket list? South Africa, Alaska, Germany. Last two are pretty interchangeable with rank.
Do you get heartburn? I am on a prescription antacid because without it I have heartburn so extremely severe that it nearly makes me want to cry, like my throat will be PURE fucking acid fire. I'll sometimes feel it if I miss literally just a single day's dose. On the bright side I have learned via weight gain -> loss -> then gain again that it's absolutely weight-related, and I'm confident if I lose enough again it'll improve, if not totally stop.
What are three things you are known for on social media? Uh I guess primarily a photographer since I have the most socials for that purpose, and uh... I don't really think I'm even remotely noteworthy online in another way.
What is your Instagram account name? I have three haha; I'm not sharing my personal openly, but brittanymphotography is my basic photography account, and eldritch_obscura is roadkill/vulture culture-y photos.
Have you ever used Snapchat? No, that is NOT the app for someone who hates taking pictures of themselves lmao
Did you want to be famous when you were younger? Kinda like middle-high school transition/some of freshman year I kinda wanted to be an electric guitarist.
First celebrity you were obsessed with? Steve Irwin.
First celebrity crush? I was a Jesse McCartney bitch y'all
What was something unique about you as a kid? Uh... nothing exceedingly unique, but my writing abilities were raved over from a pretty damn young age by my teachers.
Were you ever goth/emo? Oh I was totally an emo teenager haha, and as an adult I'm 200% goth at heart lol, I'm just too poor as well as lazy for the outward appearance.
Do you want any more piercings? Oh yeah, quite a lot more.
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hikelesbian · 6 years
Every even number for Carol and Therese.
2.) Who’s the messiest? The cleanest? – Therese can be the messiest literally, like leaving things out on the counter or creating stacks of things instead of putting them away, but Carol can be the most absent-minded which results in other kinds of messes like last-minute shopping. Overall, Carol is the tidiest superficially since she had a home to run and appearances to keep up before. Therese likes things to be neat too but if the artistic flow takes her somewhere, she’s gonna follow it.
4.) Living space has a leak! Who fixes it? – Definitely Therese. She’ll put on her jeans and her flannel and her little headband and get down to work. (Carol absolutely loves this look, btw). And if she doesn’t already know how to do something, she’ll find a book about it and learn how to do it. Carol brings more domestic fixes to the table, like how to fold a fitted sheet, or surprising fixes like how to get rid of a hangover.
6.) Going out to eat: Who pays? Who orders the most food? And who has dessert? – Carol pays most of the time because she’s loaded. Therese is okay with this because it’s just the facts, but when Therese offers Carol always lets her pay. Therese definitely orders the most food because her eyes are bigger than her stomach and usually takes the rests home, while Carol is more peckish and usually declines to take things home. They both like to split dessert, both because they just like dessert and because it’s something they can do in public together that isn’t too wildly noticeable.
8.) Who knows how to swim? Who doesn’t? – Therese knows how to swim technically but she’s not a fan of exerting herself in any sporty way. If it’s hot enough she’ll get into the pool and tread water but she’s not gonna do much more. Carol knows how to swim and do laps and used to enjoy it when she was younger, but it was one of the many things she had to stop doing as a young lady. Occasionally they’ll go to the pool but they prefer the beach if Rindy is with them. Carol tends to sit under the umbrella and read or people-watch because she tends to burn easily, while Therese is more of a collecting seashells and exploring kind of girl.
10.) Any pets? Or plants? – Carol’s not really the pet type. She’s a little too protective of her furniture to let a cat or dog scratch it up. She used to garden for fun when they had the house, but since she’s moved it’s fallen to the bottom of her list of hobbies because there’s just no space in an apartment. Therese doesn’t mind the no-pets situation since she never grew up with any pets and any plant Therese has is gonna go several days without being watered because she’s got other things on her mind tbh.
12.) Can they stand silence? Who talks the most? Who talks the least?  Once the confusion and the heartbreak and the drama has all passed, they’re definitely able to to spend more time with each other, which leads to being more open with each other, which leads to more conversations about a variety of things. Therese is still notoriously silent at times, but it means she’s focusing and thinking extra hard. Now that she knows what she wants and she has the words for it, she’s not shy about letting Carol know how much she means to her. As for Carol, she’s outgoing and genial with just about anybody, but for her words to have real substance and emotion she has to be around the right people.
14.) Who is the highest maintenance? Does the other mind? – Oh my god, Carol is physically the most high maintenance of course. Total high femme. She enjoys taking her time getting ready and making herself look good, she’s got her little beauty rituals, she’s meticulous about clothing, putting outfits together, doing her hair. She will not be rushed on any of this. Therese drinks it up—at night she’s usually the first in bed, reading or just watching Carol while Carol takes off her make-up, puts on lotion, and gets ready to join her.
2.) Who brings ideas? Who initiates? – It’s like 60/40 on new ideas, only because Carol has more experience and can think of new things based off that too. But Therese is younger and runs with a younger, rowdier crowd, so she’s not clueless either and catches on pretty quickly. Carol is more into the classics and Therese is more creative, and they’re both open to both because they just like doing things together. Carol tends to invite initiation more than initiate things outright—touching Therese’s shoulders while she’s playing piano, subtle looks, etc. When Therese takes the initiative, she’s more upfront about it with bold kisses, naughty words, etc.
4.) Oddest place they’d have sex? – Given the time period and their personalities, they’re both pretty tame on this. Within the apartment though, anywhere is fair game. Considering it’s hard to see into another building/other people’s windows all the way across the street, they’ve got some privacy that way, so sex by the window and in the sunlight/breeze is a favorite.
6.) Dom/top? Sub/bottom? Any switches? – No dom/sub. I see them both as verses, but with Carol topping a little more often than Therese because of her personality and also the experience. Carol is wary of control per se or the thought of coercing Therese into doing anything and is more into guiding instead, so she likes to check in with Therese by pausing, light touches. Not outright words as much because she’s got her own flair for the dramatic lmao. Therese is way more verbal in bed and can sweettalk Carol in a way that makes her melt, and can be a tease in her own right.
8.) Favourite erogenous zones? – For Therese, anytime Carol touches her face. If Carol cups her jaw or brushes her thumb against her in any way, she’s a goner. She’s a trembler when she’s turned on enough and Carol can get that out of her if she kisses Therese behind her ear. She likes wrist kisses too along with anything on her inner thighs. As for Carol, she’s into the classics and more intimate sexual touches now that she doesn’t have to pretend to be straight, so she’s big on having her neck and shoulder area kissed or her ass squeezed.
10.) First to orgasm? Last to orgasm? Who comes the most? Does someone ever end up unfinished? – First to orgasm is Therese because girl is like what, twenty-something? Everything is new and exciting and she’s just gonna come first most of the time unless she’s actively doing something for Carol first. Carol is more in control of herself and a bit of a fan of delayed gratification for herself, so she’s usually ‘last’ in the sense that she might take longer. But unless one of them is on their period or has some specific act in mind, they go to bed with about equal amounts of orgasms no matter how long that takes. There are times for whatever reason when sex is more about simple touch or the mood changes though, so it’s not impossible that someone ends up unfinished. But that’s on the rare side.
12.) How are their afterglows? – Therese is a mess lmao. Needs a minute to gather herself, then she’s all smiles and loving gazes and likes to be pretty close to Carol until they start round two. Past three orgasms though and she’s liable to get sleepy quick. Carol tries to look more composed and dignified (but if Therese is laughing or smiling she’s always quick to follow). Past two orgasms for Carol and she definitely loses that composition, gets more raw and honest.
14.) Lights on or off? Do they look at each other? Or is someone embarrassed? – They absolutely look at each other. Therese has no problem with it and it’s one of the things that she’s more confident consistently about than Carol is for a number of reasons. But after the first few words of encouragement, Carol’s just as into it as Therese and there’s no more shyness (unless they’re purposefully playing coy).
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skswriting · 8 years
pink sweater weather
Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Yoongi/Namjoon Words: 1474 Summary: Yoongi likes her pink sweater. Everyone likes Yoongi in her pink sweater. AN: Lmao pure smut ahead, literally no plot what so ever
ao3 / hoseok / seokjin / taehyung / jimin
Her sweater is pink and soft against his skin, the skin underneath flushed to match.  Her legs are trembling a little in his hold as he presses her against him, their mouths slotted together as the composition plays on loop in the background.  He can feel the wetness of her panties on his stomach from where she’s sitting in his lap and it makes him moan into her mouth.
Yoongi squeezes her legs around him and he pulls away from her to breathe, head spinning from how overwhelming it all is.
“You okay?” her voice is pitched higher, breathy, as she lifts the hand from his neck to brush her fingers against his cheek.
“Fine, great, I’m-” Namjoon cuts himself off to kiss her again, her lips slick from their kissing and the chap stick she always wears.  Watermelon.  The smell always drives him crazy.
The hand on his face threads through his hair as the track plays again and Jungkook’s voice in the song joins the instrumental and Yoongi hums.
“I think you need to add background vocals,” she says, their lips brushing as she holds him close by the grip in his hair but not actually kissing him, “Jungkook sounds a little lonely.”
“Please don’t talk about Jungkook when you’re sitting on my dick,” Namjoon gasps as she grinds down a little, seemingly remembering how hard he is, “Fuck Yoongs-”
“Shh, baby,” she kisses him softly, briefly, more teasing than anything, “You asked for my help on this song right?  I’m just doing what you asked.”
Namjoon’s head falls back against the wall as she grinds a little harder, her thighs tightening around his waist, and heat flows through him.
“Just let me help you,” she whispers, Jungkook hitting a high note in the background as she takes advantage of his titled head to press kisses into his neck.
Namjoon whines a little when her hand falls to his stomach, the muscles contracting under her butterfly touch as she makes her way to the waistband of his briefs.
“Also, the bridge falls a little flat.  It’s supposed to be a love song right?  I’m not feeling the love,” she tells him matter-of-factly as her hand slips under his waistband and wraps around his dick, her hand firm and warm.
Namjoon groans, “It’s- it’s supposed to be ironic.  The words ar-aren’t supposed to match the – ah!”
Yoongi smiles prettily down at him as she thumbs at his slit again, “That’s interesting.  Then the instruments are too soft, make them a little more aggressive.”
“Yoongi please,” Namjoon bucks his hips a little, but it doesn’t do much to spur her on, “Baby, Yoongi, please, please do som-”
Yoongi slides off his lip, hands grasping at his briefs to pull them down until his cock is lying hard against his stomach.  She wastes no time in taking him into her mouth and it’s Namjoon’s turn to slide his fingers into her hair, grasping tightly as he thrusts shallowly into her mouth.
Yoongi has never had a gag reflex and Namjoon is forever thankful as he slides right down her throat, her mouth hot and wet as her tongue swirls around him as well as it can.
“Shit, fuck,” Namjoon gasps, “Yoongi I’m gonna-”
Yoongi’s too good with her mouth because Namjoon can feel the telltale signs of his orgasm fast approaching and he wants to warn her, because he knows she doesn’t like to swallow, but she puts her hands on his thighs and pushes her way down until her nose is nestled in his pubes and Namjoon chokes as he cums.
She pops off panting, hiking her sweater up, showcasing the cute panties she’s wearing, as she climbs back into his lap.
“Touch me Joonie, please, touch-”
Namjoon brings her back into a kiss as he places one hand on her lower back to hold her steady against him and lets his other hand rub her through her panties.
“These are so cute,” he tells her as she whines, shaking against him, “didn’t I buy you these?  You’re going to ruin them; take them off.”
Yoongi, who doesn’t like to be told what to do and has a biting remark for everything, almost falls over in her haste to pull her panties down and kick them off.  Namjoon smirks as she returns to her spot, hovering above his lap as she imploringly looks down at him.
Namjoon lives for moments where Yoongi lets him take control, lets him tease her until she’s a begging, moaning mess.  It’s almost a breath of fresh air in that she can let loose, that she trusts him enough to let him be the one to do it.
“You’re shaking,” he notes, rubbing his fingers on the inside of her thighs and they’re slightly damp from how wet she is, “Are you cold?”
She places a hand on his shoulder to steady herself as she whimpers, “Joon.”
“Okay baby, it’s okay, I got you,” he tells her, smiling when they make eye contact and then grinning when he presses his thumb against her clit.
She bites her lip to stop the sound she makes and Namjoon circles his thumb, lets his finger slide through her folds and marvel at how turned on she is.
“Is this all because of me sweetheart?” he asks and she nods frantically, pushing her hips forward and applying more pressure that has her crying out.  Namjoon groans at the blissed out look on her face and slips two fingers in no problem.
“Joonie, Joon, Joo-ah,” her fingers curl into his shoulder and her fingernails bite into the skin and Namjoon loves it.
He twists his fingers a little, spreading them apart before he adds a third.  Yoongi closes her eyes and she teeters above him, head falling forward a little at the feeling.
“Feel good baby?” he laughs, tightening his hold on her lower back.  She nods again, lips red and swollen from where she’s biting them and Namjoon can’t help but kiss her, “Good; fuck yourself on my fingers.”
Yoongi lets out a pathetic noise at Namjoon’s command, wasting no time in doing as she’s told.  Namjoon is captivated by the faces and noises she makes as she moves her hips, pulling her sweater up enough the she exposes her bra, putting on a little show for Namjoon.  He wants to touch her, wants to run his fingers and tongue over every inch of skin he can, but he also wants to watch her face and her hips as she works.
“Joon, curl your fingers, please, just a bit, just-”
“Okay sweetheart,” and Namjoon curls his fingers for her.
Yoongi squeezes her eyes shut as she rests her forehead against Namjoon’s collarbone, hips getting a little sloppy in their movements and Namjoon takes a little bit of pity on her, rubbing at her walls and helping her along with his fingers.
Yoongi is quiet when she cums, a sharp little intake of breath and a small whine, mainly because she bites at his neck to stifle her sounds.  Her hips are erratic until it’s too much, until she pulls off him and Namjoon guides her down onto the bed.
The only sounds in the room are Yoongi’s pants and Jungkook’s voice on the looped track and Namjoon wants to get up and turn it off, except he always looks forward to cuddling Yoongi after sex.
“You okay?” he asks and Yoongi nods, throwing an arm over her eyes as she tries to catch her breath.
“Fan-fucking-tastic,” she says and Namjoon shakes his head in mirth, “Can you turn this off?”
Namjoon happily obliges, shaking his legs out as he stalks over to his computer and turns the track off.
“You’re right, I should add background vocals,” he tells her, saving the program and shutting his laptop.
He turns around to see her slipping back into her panties and fixing her sweater, the view almost obnoxiously cute and he doesn’t know why.
“Of course I’m right, I’m always right,” she says, turning her nose up in the air and Namjoon rolls his eyes, “Hurry up, I’m cold.”
Namjoon raises an eyebrow and falls on top of her and she squeals.  Namjoon shuts her up by kissing her and she grumbles into his mouth, but the hand on the back of his neck is soft as she runs light finger tips over it.
“It’s a good song though, it’ll get you an A for sure,” she tells him, voice uncharacteristically soft as she praises him and Namjoon feels that familiar tightening in his chest whenever Yoongi lets her guard down a bit.
“I had good inspiration,” he tells her and when she gives him a confused look, “The love song may be ironic, but my love for you isn’t.”
“Kim Namjoon I swear to God-”
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