#su flourite
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The other piece from my collab with @montybuggershop-hooty ! This one was their amaaazing sketch which I lined and colored. 👉👉
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gentle-giant-swag · 2 years
GGS round 1, group 1, part 2
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smookiekuma · 2 years
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To those who saw it in amino, yes you did see it in amino.
I wished I put more effort into Lars, I missed a lot of opportunities here.
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SU Character Tournament
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zergula · 2 years
Welcome To Lunestia
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The date is 7600.
Humanity finds itself alive and well on the planet of Lunestia! With its gorgeous greens, purples, pinks, and white fields it is definitely different than Earth but almost eerily the same. After the legendary forum wars of 2025, aliens have fully become a part of society on Earth as well as Lunestia. Great advancements in not only technology but human evolution have improved life in the universe more than any being could imagine!
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I fell in love with Risa's Lunestia and Meroze maps as soon as I saw them! It was really hard to choose between those two to use for this space world save but Lunestia's beautiful terrain painting and blend won me over! I highly recommend both of these worlds, absolutely gorgeous and incredible work!
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Mae, Malie, and Una Verse keep watch over the renovated remains of the First Contact ship that brought all beings to beautiful Lunestia! Although thankful for the great honor bestowed upon them from their ancestors, these young beings just want to have some fun, sometimes!
The Goth family and Bachelor family fell into a wormhole in Sunset Valley and have found themselves farther in the future than they could even imagine!
Candy is a plantsim who is trying her very best to recreate all of the lovely plants from Earth! She lives in her underground lab and you can find her there or above ground tending to all of her lovely friends…uh plants!
Skyla Martial is a genius who has filled her home with bots that she treats like family but never stopped to wonder if she wants an actual family. Either way, the bots fill that void…for now.
Finally, you will find lots of beings from Oasis Landing and Lunar Lakes here: Amelia Loveland, Kel Gwyn, Harkin Shire, Fawn Lacey, Felix Finn, The Planesons, The James family, The Mosqueda family, The Su family, the Sekemoto Family, Eleanor Alto, the Castle family, the Star family, the Orey family, and the Landgraab Clones.
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Around Town
29 Community Lots 62 Residential Lots
There's lots to do in Lunestia! Along with all EA rabbitholes, you can visit:
The Millennium Falcon Bot Emporium - A recreation of the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars by soocoolsim! It includes the bot emporium register, comics register, and a food register.
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The Future Fashion Salon - - I have been experimenting with combining rabbitholes, registers, and lots on one lot and am loving the results! It saves so much room in town and I love how some of these rabbitholes/registers/lots work together! This is a salon and tattoo shop that includes the Elixir Consignment register, nectary register, consignment store register, and the Spa rabbithole.
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Purple Flourite Museum - Art Gallery by Satureja13 that includes another nectary register.
Monsters Inc Stadium - a fun recreational park built by Hidehi for the Disney Magic Kingdom collaboration. The school and stadium rabbitholes are also located here.
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Sapphire Ice Gym - by Satureja13 A small gym with all machines and martial arts stuff
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Zephyr 47 - An old starship repurposed into Lunestia's favorite spot to watch the game, get some wings, and drink some juice with the old team! (shell by geminiagre, interior redone and converted to sportsbar by me)
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Natatorium Pool - pool from Lunar Lakes
Laser Waves - A poolside club with lots of secret places to find!
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Cosmic Ray's Bowling Lanes by Sandraelle is the place to be in Lunestia! A huge arcade with every game and numerous bowling lanes open at all times, all beings come here for fun and prizes, to grab some groceries, catch a movie, or have a quick meal at the diner!
Lunestia Library And Bookstore - a huge library with fun for the kids, snacks, the bookstore, and the Vault of Antiquity
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Full Spectrum Fire Safety - by Waterheart197 - Even in the future, fire will still get you. Luckily, the fire safety beings here at Full Spectrum can help!
Bridgeport Acres Festival Grounds
Astro Orbiter - by soocoolsim is a fun hangout with a roller coaster, games, and snacks
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Lunar Hub Casino - this is Lunestia's Live Show Venue that includes all casino games, giant performer's stage, nectary, and food register. You can find HOLODEK by Livvy1049 - a bright future lounge right next door!
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Science Tech Center - bot emporium I built that includes the bot competition arena and observatory rabbitholes
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Cube by Snowmoon - this dive bar is for surly beings only!
The MotherShip by Snowmoon is a little more inviting for the locals in Lunestia. The Darts Competition is weekly, see you there!
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It wasn't long after Lunestia was discovered that the Space Buzz Studio by Hidehi was built! You can always see some of the actors rehearsing on stages upstairs if you stop by to tour the studio rabbithole (in the basement).
Crater Lagoon is the town fishing spot stocked with all fish and not too far from there you will find Oasis Shoreline Beach!
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Don't forget to visit the crash scene wreckage! It might look like a junkyard but very important research is being done here. You can see the renovated First Contact ship from here as well!
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In this download, you will find the world and 3 save files:
LunestiaCommunityLots - this save has the community lots only, no residential houses or other lots
LunestiaUnpopulated - the is the final version of the save without sims
LunestiaPopulated - this is the final version of the save with all households
This save uses Into The Future, Lunar Lakes, and all sci fi store content extensively but there is zero custom content. I have all expansions, all stuff packs, and all store content but if you do not have some of the items, the game will generate a similar item for you (but you may have to edit). The only expansion not used is PETS so I am unsure how the save will perform with Pets, but there is definitely plenty of room for them!
Because this world was just roads and trees, I ran into the same problem I had with Simarellen, which was sometimes the lots do not line up perfectly with the roads. Some of the lots may look diagonal or incorrectly placed because of that but I have playtested everything and have not found any routing issues. This world save does use the Into The Future elevators profusely so there might be an issue with some of the elevators not working as intended. To fix this, simply go into build mode on the lot, go to the ground floor of the lot, use the hand tool to pick up the elevator and then drop it, this will reset the elevators to go to the correct floors. I tried not to fill the world up with lots too much, but it was hard to choose with so many excellent options out there! You can always add more, if you like!
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This took me longer than I expected, my apologies for the delay! Please tag me @zergula or #lunestia if you share any photos, etc I would love to see them. You can find my other world saves here: River Falls here: Simarellen and here: Kaodina
Happy simming and green plumbobs for all <3
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maryfortune · 11 months
Catalina /Fortunato
Buenas, aquí rápida y rauda dejo mas escritos. Este fue muy divertido. Siempre me han hecho gracia los genderbends. Sobre todo el saber que modificar pero mantener la esencia del personaje.
Aunque me ha costado saber cuando cortar la escena. Ya que si no me corto te hago todo una novela. Pero bueno os dejo empezar antes de que me maten.
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Estaba saliendo de un evento al que había sido invitado. Lo malo es que se me hizo demasiado tarde.
-Mierda.-Iba con una maleta donde estaba mi cosplay de "Fay D. Flourite" y las cosas que había comprado en el salón.
Evidentemente antes de salir fui al baño a quitarme el disfraz, para poder ir tranquilamente como Fortunato.
Mi cabello ondulado lila, suelto menos el flequillo de un lado, que estaba trenzado. Como siempre iba bien afeitado. mis ojos dorados que destacaban con la ausencia de iluminación, ahora sin el maquillaje se veía mi tez blanca llena de pecas.
Lo bueno de este cosplay es que ser alto, pero delgado me había dado puntos.
Al salir solo quería ropa cómoda. Por eso me había preparado mi camisa estilo pirata crema, que no tapaba al completo mis brazos vendados, chaleco a juego con la camisa, unos pantalones cuero morado oscuro, unas botas y mi inseparable sombrero de pico.
Al menos esta vez fui previsor en ese sentido. No podía decir lo mismo de mi trasporte a casa. Había perdido el ultimo tren.
Suspire hastiado mientras veía el vaho de mis labios salir. Al menos si no llevaba cosplay y no hablaba, nadie de ahí dentro me reconocía.
Me encantaba mi trabajo, pero era agotador cuando entraban con peticiones en bucle. Era difícil mantener la sonrisa agradable y servicial cuando entraban en modo intenso.
Pero ahora debía centrarme en mi problema principal. Estaba consultado mis opciones de vuelta a casa en el móvil, cuando este empezó a sonar.
Era una llamada de Cata. Me sorprendió ya que mire la hora y efectivamente ella debía estar trabajando.
-¿Si?-No pude evitar que se me curvaran los labios al contestar.
-¿Como estas Dulzura?-Tarde un poco en responder.-¿Me oyes?
-Si si si pero ¿Quieres una verdad o una mentira?-Digo con una risa nerviosa.
-Siempre verdad pero ¿Qué ocurre? ¿Te ocurrió algo?-Ella me pregunto claramente preocupada.
-Bueno, me estaba preguntando si seria tan malo por una noche hacer el mendigo en la estación. ¿Tu que opinas?-Intente bromear para rebajar la tensión. Pero el silencio de mi compañera me dio a entender que no funciono.-¿Estoy bien? Simplemente salí tarde y ya se fue mi ultimo tren. Creo que tendré que ir a pie.-Me froto el cuello y suspiro.-Debí estar mas pendiente de la hora. Soy un desastre.
-¿Quieres que vaya a por ti?-Cata me pregunto con voz comprensiva.
-Me alaga la posibilidad de que vengas en tu corcel negro a mi rescate, pero se que estas trabajando. -Intento resistir a pedirle ayuda. Se que ella si se lo pidiera vendría a por mi. Pero estaba ocupada y nunca me aprovecharía de su buena voluntad.
-Te llevaría a comer.-Ella dejo caer de forma tentadora, imaginándomela con esa sonrisa divertida. Escuche mi cuerpo traidor rugir con la posibilidad de comer.
-mmm ¿Sabes que es difícil ser un caballero amable contigo, cuando me provocas de esta forma Gatita? -Gruñí, claramente sabia que decirme para ceder. Escuche una risa femenina tras el auricular.
-Me lo tomare como un si, así que busca donde sentarte que seguramente en 20 minutos llegue a ti.
Me colgó sin darme oportunidad a responder. Al final ni le había podido dar la dirección. Puede que cuando le comente que iba al evento se lo hubiera dicho.
Aunque juraría que no mencione la dirección. Bueno es igual, a malas si no lo supiera ella tiene mi teléfono.
Al fin simplemente fui a las escaleras del edificio del evento con mis pies adoloridos. Como ella dijo no tarde en escuchar la moto frenar y verla llegar quitarse el casco.
Dejando ver su cabello purpura caer por su espalda, el rapado de un lado, esas cicatrices que adornaban su piel junto al lunar de su ojo.
La sonrisa emocionada que resaltaba rasgos como su pirsin de la ceja, sus ojos azules que me miraban con adoración y la sonrisa automática cuando me vio no dudando en aparcar la moto.
Ella iba con su chaqueta vaquera abrochada, unos pantalones marrones y unos guantes que cubrían las cicatrices de sus manos. Me levante arrastrando mi maleta con pena.
-Siento haberte hecho venir hasta aquí.-Dije apenado de haberla hecho dar tanta vuelta para recogerme.
-No te preocupes, no estaba lejos de la convención además siempre es un gusto llevarte.
Dice mientras con facilidad sujeta a la moto en la parte de atrás mi maleta. No esperando cuando lo deja el equipaje asegurado y se gira para darme un abrazo con los tonificados brazos.
Suspire sintiendo mi cuerpo relajarse. Era como ser abrazado a una roca térmica. No hacia mucho frio pero era agradable.
-Mmm si me sigues abrazando creo que me dormiré.- Me separo del abrazo para notar una fragancia que me cautivo. Y no era mi motorista.-¿Que es eso que huele tan bien?
-Te conozco lo suficiente para saber que debes estar hambriento así que pare un momento para pedir nuestra cena e ir directos a casa a descansar.
Fue escuchar eso y oler la pizza de mi restaurante favorito y no pude evitar el impulso de tirar de su chaqueta para inclinar la y llenarla de besos por todo el rostro.
Viendo a Cata como de un momento a otro se ponía como un tomate con una sonrisa tímida pero feliz.
-Aishiteru Catarina, no se que hice para tenerte. Eres la esposa de mis sueños.-Digo emocionado. Claramente mi reacción no la esperaba y menos mis palabras. Dejando a mi compañera muda. Yo al darme cuenta de que dije me veo sonrojarme y calarme el ala del sombrero para esconder mi vergüenza. Regulo para intentar sonar mas tranquilo de lo que me sentía.-Perdona, me pase.
Cata me sonrió feliz. Subí tímido a la moto desde atrás y la abrazara.
-Sera mejor que nos vayamos antes de que beses al primero que se te cruce.
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Lo se es un final abrupto pero es que me pasaba de largo. Se que hay gente que no lleva bien las biblias. Aunque seguramente algún día lo intente seguir. Aunque también digo quise hacer a los dos personajes genderbend. Pero sinceramente Fortune Cato o Cata, no le es impedimento mientras sea este.
Espero que os divirtierais leyendo y nos vemos en otro escrito bye
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garfunklyy · 2 years
Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
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stop. Over. Designing. Your. Characters. When. You have. A simple. Art Style! I get it. I like cute outfits and adding little details makes things pretty but you need to be smart about it, and the more simplistic your art style is the more careful you have to be. Think about where your drawing the viewers eyes, and know when it gets to be too much. RWBY haunts me with the oddly placed belts and zippers and pops of color in very strange places that draw my eye in weird places, and adding barely noticable details (boob windows don't work when the shirt practically match the characters skin tones) Steven universe haunts me with stegg (why is he ripped? What is his hair? It doesn't look like a mixture of greg or Stevens hair textures? What is his outfit? Why is his face shape so different??- Steven universe has had some bad designs but if it wasn't for flourite I'd say stegg takes the cake) heck usually my complaints with su designs are the generic lack of detail but i honestly prefer that over this. And TOH finale haunts me with the overly detailed designs, when I see fanart of the finale designs they tend to look a lot better because most fanart I've seen has a more detailed art style but in the actual show with the simple art style they feel a little bit overwhelming and cobbled up, and you only really need to remove one or two patches or a scarf to fix that (overall though I think TOH has the better designs of the shows I've listed, thanks to them gave gus and amity the style they deserved- the vibes were immaculate) but ugh. I'm not saying you should only make simple designs but you should be aware of how much detail is too much and where to put the details, I'm not a character designer so maybe I'm not the best person to critic this, but if you wanna draw a character wearing cute streetwear maybe simplify the patterns? Or take out stuff that's too hard to animate consistently? (Cough cough Weiss's skirt) Or alter it?
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mea-art · 3 years
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Angry Flourite for all your angry flourite needs!
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su-reader-imagines · 5 years
Not a popular gem, but I really like, Fluorite! She just seems so kind and gentle and I imagine she would be a really loving and giving gem to be with. She's definitely one of my favorites :)
I remember hearing somewhere that Rebecca said her components were ”really fun to have around?” I’m hoping we get to meet them.
She’s a cute caterpillar who deserves everything and is a cinnamon roll. I saw how happy she looked in the SUF intro and I wanted to protecc that smile
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Had the massive honor of doing a couple collaboration pieces with the hugely talented @montybuggershop-hooty !!
We both did sketches and passed them to each other to finish. This one was my sketch that they inked and colored!
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Rebecca’s version of the Guardians of the Galaxy
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SU Character Tournament
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super-mario-girl · 6 years
Also I made an obnoxious happy noise when I saw the Sun Incinerator landing on Earth with Lars and the Off Colors inside.
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randoboiiii · 6 years
All y’all out here talking about how Peridot is going to leave Lapis for Bismuth.
Fools, they will become the most power polyamorous couple the world has ever seen(besides fluorite)
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tietime · 7 years
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Lars of the stars ✨✨✨ Space pirate Lars has answered all of my dreams 💜
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