#they are already getting comfortable and soft and YESSSSSSSS
storge · 3 years
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King of Beasts and King of Flowers
Kei x Yaku ep 2
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clown-moss · 2 years
N Harmonia X male reader Part One
The bed dipped as I sat down with a tired gruff, it just seemed this day went so damn slowly! It doesn't matter now I suppose but still, it was quite annoying. "Whatever I need to finish this game still..." I mumbled softly while slowly opening my 3DS, the DS is black with colour with a very dark blue was the top screen, you couldn't even tell it was blue without a light shining on it!
I smiled lightly as I heard "Let's Go Together!" play through the speakers, I'm so happy my friends convinced me to buy that Eshop gift card to buy some of the Pokemon 3DS themes before the shop closes. I pull out the stylist from it's compartment and click on Pokemon Black, I skip the beginning scene and open my save file. My last save file is right in front of the Pokemon league, I really don't want to go up against them and lose to any of them or N, I don't know what it is but I really hate the idea of losing but now that I think of it I might just be salty in the face of defeat.
This is about my 3rd time playing the game? I know to some it might seem a little boring but to me it's comforting! Let me live a little alright? My head rose a little as I remember something, "Volcarona! There's a Volcarona in the relic castle, that'll be perfect for the elite four!" I say to myself while I click on my flying type Pokemon so I can fly to Nimbasa city, I make my way through the desert and the ruins and I finally make it to the bottom and I see the door open. "YESSSSSSSS" I whispered to myself as I run into the ruins with anticipation.
I find the entry to the Volcarona shrine with some mindless wondering and quickly ran into it only to find the said Volcarona not there, I mumble in disappointment as I stare at the empty room. I roll my eyes and turn around to leave but as soon as I make it to the door the only thing that happens is the noise that happens when you run into a wall, "what the..." I say under my breath as I narrow my eyes at the screen, I keep trying to leave but it won't let me and I start to get frustrated. "I'll just go back to my last save file!" I thought as I go to click the home button, it's not like I'll miss anything I didn't even gain anything on this adventure!
I click the home button but for some reason it won't let me exist the game, now I'm officially annoyed. I hold the off button but it still won't turn off! I curse under my breath at this before I here a text box pop up through the speakers, I look back towards to screen only to see a blank text box. I tilt my head slightly at this before clicking A before the line of text appears.
"....No not yet, it's not the time for that."
"Eh?" I say out loud while staring at the text, before I could react the screen turns into a bright white that it practically glows through the screen. "What the!-" I yell in fear as I feel somebody's hands grab my face tightly while it pulls my roughly towards the screen. I shut my eyes tightly as I brace myself for either death or concrete but to my surprise to feel soft grass, I lift my head slowly to not irritate the headache already forming within.
I lift myself onto my knees as I rub my already incredibly sore eyes, I squint and look around my surroundings only to feel my eyes open wide in fear amazement. Is this... "....Nuvema Town" I say breathlessly, staring at the scene playing out before me. I feel something wiggle in my pocket and I flinch from the sudden feeling, I pull out whatever that must have been making that movement only to be greeted with a Moon Ball. I smile brightly as I think of the many possibilities on what Pokemon it might be, at this point I can't contain myself and I release the Pokemon from it's Pokeball home to be greeting with...
The small creature yelled with excitement, a small Zorua? It seems to just have been hatched! I squeal slightly as I cradle the small fox in my arms, it's so damn soft! The Zorua cuddles up against my chest and makes a noise of contentment and I swear I could feel myself have a heart attack from his cute they are! Aren't Zoruas really rare? Score!
I pause as my train of thought starts to get wild, "what about my home, my friends and my family" I thought at high speeds, "I know this has been my fantasy for years of my life but I would never trade it for my friends!" I yell inside my head in a panic, I can feel myself starting to have a panic attack and it seems Zorua can feel that as well as it gets up on its hind legs and licks off the salty tears I didn't even know we're cascading down my face.
I smile softly at the gesture while petting the Zorua once again before my thoughts start up again, "how will I even shower?-" the thought started before it halted at the translucent screen displaying in front of me now. The screen shows one of each option:
• Pokemon
• Pokedex
• Bag
• #####
• Save
• Options
I get quite curious and I decided to take a peak inside my bag so, I click the option which made a certain noise I can't describe. I shuffle through each one and it was mostly normal at first, potions, pokeballs, you know the drill but then I started finding herbs and berries, even revival herbs! That stuff is really expensive, I shake my head before grabbing an Oran berry and handing it to Zorua to snack on.
I exit out of my bag's options and stare at the save button, my curiousity really got the better of me as I clicked the button. As it was saving I started to feel extremely refreshed! It's like I just walked out of a nice hot and relaxing bath, this must be how the player doesn't look like a washed up forest gremlin. A high pitched noise indicated that the saving process is finally complete and it's time to move on, Zorua climbs on top of my shoulder and chirps with righteousness.
I rise up on my feet and swiftly make my way to route 1 to start the real life Pokemon adventure that I've fantasized for years of my life! After what felt like a while of beating trainers and Pokemon I could notice Zorua getting quite tired so I snatch them up into my arms once again to make my way to Accumula Town so I can heal up Zorua there in the nearest Pokemon centre.
"Hey wait! Wait for me!" Said a shrill voice from behind me, I turn only to see Bianca, BIANCA! I can hardly contain my excitement while I stand and wait for her to catch up, "Hey thanks for waiting! I hadn't seen you around before, my name's Bianca! What's yours?" She babbled quickly, I knew she'd be a fast talked. "My name is ####, Nice to meet you Bianca!" I chirp in response only to hear her giggle as well, "Hey me and my friends are meeting up at Accumula Town! Do you want to join us?" Bianca offered, of course I'm not giving up an invitation like that! "Sure! Why not?"
Eventually we make it to Accumula with Bianca being as bubbly as ever but me? I'm WINDED, I never walked much back home and I just realised how much more I'll have to do now, what a pain. I raise my head slightly as I hear commotion in the distance only to met with the sight of Ghetsis. "I wonder what's going on over there-" Bianca started before I interrupted her by placing my hand on her shoulder to hold her back, "Don't, I have a bad feeling about this" I hissed out as I glare at the very existence of Ghetsis, Bianca stared at me for a second before complying.
It takes a few seconds for the show to be over and the crowd to disappear but as soon as it did Bianca practically dragged me towards her friends, "Guys! Meet our new friend, #####!" She sang as she waved towards them. Hilda turns to me and smugly smiles before putting her hand out towards me, "Ah! New meat! I'm Hilda, nice to meet cha" She laughed out with a roar, I smile before shaking her hand. I turn to Cheren to greet him only to meet with a cold glare and his lip turning down faintly, I falter slight and Hilda notices and looks at both of us before sighing. "That's Cheren, don't worry he's always been that cold to everybody he meets. You'll get use to it, kid" I said on Cheren's behalf, "it's fine don't worry, I completely understand" I say sheepishly.
I make conversation with Hilda before I feel a presence walking towards us in a slow but even pace, "Your Pokémon... Just now, it was saying..." The stranger starts before I turn to him and flinch at who it is, we make eye contact and I dart my eyes away from his cold gaze. "...Boy, you talk fast, don't you? Also, they... speak to you? What an odd thing to say." Cheren spat out annoyed, "Cheren, manners." I sneered at the uptight boy only to be met with his glare. "Yes, they do. So... perhaps you cannot hear them...? Pitiable..." The man mumbled out in a sort of quiet tone while looking away slightly, his eyes turns back to us quickly as he introduces himself, "My name is N."
"...Well, I'm Cheren, and this is Hilda, Bianca and... #####" Cheren introduced while spatting out my name with venom, my eyes narrow at him slightly before I relax my face back to normal. "We were asked to complete the Pokédex, so we're on a journey to do that. Though my primary goal is to be the Champion..." Cheren continued, disregarding my glare. "The Pokedex, Hm...?" N says with misplaced curiousity, "That would require a great many Pokémon to be imprisoned in Poké Balls... I, too, am a Trainer, but I am always doubting." N says within a trance while he continues "Am I making my Pokémon happy, I ask...?" He says, lowering his voice slightly.
N snaps himself out of remorseful trance and turns to me with a intention "#####, was it? Let me hear more of your Pokémon's voices!" N declared as he reached for his Pokeball that's tucked in somewhere, "I'm sorry but no thanks" I reply quickly only for him to falter slightly and stare at me with confused eyes. "Excuse me?" He asked dumbfounded, "I'm sorry I'm just not interested in Pokemon battles unless they're necessary" I explained to him, I can feel Cheren's stare that's just telling me I'm being stupid and N's confused looks doesn't make it any better. N clears his throat, "Very well then" he concluded before asking Hilda for a battle which he took within a heartbeat, she's very competitive like that.
The battle was very quickly over with Hilda being the victor, N cradled the small Purrloin in his arms before mumbling something I couldn't make out and then leaving without a farewell nor goodbye. "...what a werido" Cheren whispered under his breath, "I thought he was nice!" Bianca objected as Hilda giggled slightly "you think everybody is nice Bianca" Hilda teased which caused Bianca to pout slightly. "Relax guys let's just get to the next town, that one should have the first gym in it!" Hilda roared with excitement as the others agree.
They start to walk towards the route entry way but I falter slightly and turn to where that green haired man went, I felt my eyes narrow in pity. "#####! You coming?!" Bianca yelled out toward me, "Yeah I'm coming!" I yell back before turning towards his exist way, sighing and then following the others in their youthful stride.
We make it to Stration City and we split into half practically, Cheren going to the trainer school with Hilda following suit and me following wherever Bianca seems to be going. She seems to know where she going so in not all too worried but I'll ask just in case, "where are we going, Bianca?" Bianca makes a noise of acknowledgement before replying, "The Dream Yard! I heard there's mythical Pokemon there and I wanna see it!" She squealed with childish views, alright sure we can do that, it'll be fun.
We make it there and make it past the trainers and Bianca is just bursting with excitement, she starts to babble on about the dream yard until I could faintly hear a cry of a distressed Pokemon. "Sh Bianca, follow me quietly" I say in a soft whisper while I crept close to the noise, Bianca does the same. When the noise stopped we see a very injured Pokemon whimpering and covered in bruises.
My reflexes immediately kick in as I reach for the healing herbs within my bag before I voice of a man stops me in my tracks, "Found you, Munna!" The man yelled, coming into view. "Alright, come on! Cough up the Dream Mist!" Another man says as he also comes into view with a loud thud, this thud was the noise of his shoe colliding with the poor Munna.
"Hey! You can't just hurt that Pokemon like that! Who the hell do you think you are!?" I scream at them, "Who are we? We're Team Plasma, and we're fighting day and night to liberate Pokémon from moronic humans!" The first grunt says, showing off his egotistical views. "And what are we doing? Munna and Musharna produce a special mist called Dream Mist that shows you dreams, right? But people want to abuse those Pokémon to make use of it... And if it showed their dreams, it would influence people's hearts!" The second grunt laughs as his foot collides with the Munna again and it softly whimpers.
"Enough! Nothing you say makes any sense! You're abusing a Pokemon despite being against it? What's your excuse there? Your whole speel has holes in it" I seethed bitterly, disregarding the glares and growls the grunts are giving me. "You're kicking that poor Pokémon just so it'll give you Dream Mist? That's horrible! Why would you DO that?! Aren't you Trainers, too?" Bianca yells along side me, I've never seen her so angry and it's amazing!
"Yeah! We're Pokémon Trainers, alright. But unlike you, we're fighting to make Pokémon free!" Grunt one dismissed pathetically, "And we WILL free your Pokémon from you! We'll fight you and snatch them away... to liberty!" Grunt two yells with misplaced intentions, his facade are faltering through. Grunt two pulls out a Pokeball out of his pocket and stares at me with an evil glint, "Alright, then... Let us save your Pokémon!" He says with a start before sending out his Pokemon.
The battle was over swiftly as my Zorua swept the floor with them, they both looked at me stunned. One being more terrified while Two was in more of fury, "How did you..." Grunt one trails off absentmindedly. "How did you get your hands on a Zorua!?" Grunt Two screamed in rage, "Aw a Zorua! I didn't even ask to see your Pokemon so this is quite the surprise! Aren't Zoruas horribly rare?" Bianca says while both petting my Zorua and winking at me with an mischievious intention, this only angers the grunts more.
"ENOUGH OF THIS! I have a mission to complete and I'm NOT FAILING IT!" Grunt two screamed as it round house kicked the Munna so hard I wasn't sure if it was still breathing or not, just as I'm about to make them eat concrete hallucinations of Ghetsis appear around them. This hallucination starts to spout out things I couldn't care less about but it was good enough to send them running like children.
I swiftly and quietly sit down and pick up the Munna, it's still breathing thankfully. I start to crush up some herbs as I'm softly praising the creature for being so strong, I apply the paste against its wounds and bandage it up snuggly so it doesn't come apart. Bianca stared at me in amazement, "you actually know how to use those?" She spoke quietly. I nodded in response, "I grew up in the forest for most of my life so Pokemon centres were never really an option." I explain while handing an Oran berry to the recovering Munna and the Zorua perched up on my shoulder.
"alright" I sighed out, "your wounds should heal in a few hours but please take it easy within that take, you do not want them to get more irritated." I explained to the Munna quietly as it made a noise of happiness while I pet them softly on the head, a shrill cry came from the Yard's ruins and I turn to see not only the mother Pokemon of Munna, Musharna.
Munna immediately floats to its mother's side and it appears to be that they're speaking to one another, the Musharna slowly turns and floats towards me. After was felt like hours of staring at each other the dreaming Pokemon gave me some sort of essence before disappearing along with its baby, Bianca stared at the object with stars in her eyes. "Is that..." Bianca started, "...Dream Mist" I finish for her.
"Dream Mist!" A voice cried as she ran up to me and tried to snatch the object from my grasp to which I pushed her for, "Hey who do you think you are! You can't just steal something like that" I yelled at the obviously adult women. "I'm sorry but I really need that to finish an experiment I have!" She whined childishly, my nose turned up in disgust. "Get your own" I finish, "But-" she tried to start but I cut her off before she could finish, "No." With my voice slightly raised. The women whimpers and runs off into another direction of the Dream Yard.
I shook my head in disappointment before turning back to Bianca and smiling, "hey I'm going up to the gym, do you want to come with me?" I offer only to have Bianca shake her own head and smile. "No thanks I think I'm going to stay here for a bit, I'll catch up with you later though! Good luck!" She chirped back into her normal bubbly self. I wave her goodbye as I make my way back through the forest and into Striaton City.
Once I get back go to the centre to heal up my fox child before making a beeline towards the gym, once inside the smell of cooked foods varying between different flavours waft around me. It's really strong and it's almost too much but I'll push through in order to complete my challenge! A tall man greets me at the door and introduces himself before handing me a fresh water, good to know thanks man!
I take a deep breath in and out as I brace myself for the challenge I'm about to face within the Striaton City Gym.
Am I reposting this all (unfinished) story again because N deleted it? Yep. Is it boring to copy and paste? Yep.
- Mod Ivor 💗
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pseudofaux · 3 years
Thank you for opening up requests! May I please request a drabble that features Harr with a breeding kink?
screams a totally, completely normal amount 🗣 YESSSSSSSS!!!
You may, you may, I totally smiled when I saw this one. Thank you! I can tell this is going to be passionate but soft and tender and he’s probably a little conflicted about the whole thing, because he’s Harr. I’m excited! I really hope you will enjoy this.
(Requests are open through May 1!)
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“I just...” He’s shaking his head slowly, like he is trying to dislodge a thought. “I want to... make... magic with you,” he says, frustrated with the way he bumbles his own meaning. He looks down at the shabby settee and resolves to tidy up as soon as they are through this conversation. If it will even be a conversation.
“Harr, you do,” she tells him sweetly. She is always ready to come to his defense, especially against himself. She touches his cheek and he knows she is trying to catch his eyes so the sureness of her smile reaches him. He has no doubt she means every word. No wonder he’s consumed with wanting her the way he does.
“No,” he says, and then when he sees her face fall he clarifies immediately “No— I don’t mean at you. No. I’m not being clear.”
She slides her hand into his and he squeezes on reflex, their five squeezes: I-love-you-al-ways. A different kind of spell that takes nothing and gives so much. “What do you mean, then?” she asks kindly.
His face is hot, but they are alone and she deserves his bravery. She has been so brave for him. Even as he commits to telling her, he finds he doesn’t have the words, which feels ridiculous— how can he ask this of her if he is so squeamish? But the desire snakes around him, vines of pleasurable imaginings wrapping over his mind’s eye, and he jabs his hand forward between them because he must move or his lust will choke him. He is careful to gentle the way his palm touches her belly, and very careful with the tingles of magic floating beyond his hand. He suppresses a groan, just imagining her full, of a child, of him before the child forms, of trust for him before they even begin.
 “This,” he says carefully, looking her right in the face as she deserves. “I want this.”
Her recognition shows itself in wide open eyes and a quiet gasp. The smile that follows has all the perfection of a single apple blossom on a May branch, fresh beauty gracing the world without regard for what is deserved by lustful wizards. She is that glorious, that good. When she says “Oh... me, too, silly, was that what all this is about?”, he does not suppress his groan and he does not keep his mouth from hers.
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Harr dared, in his wildest dreams, to think that if she were amenable to his fantasy they would prepare and then come together in the night, but after they kissed one another dizzy on the perfectly fine (lovely, actually) settee she pulled him to their bedroom, and he was, as usual, powerless against her. He long ago made his peace with that. He can see her better by midmorning light, anyway.
It is a frantic tangle of kisses and fabric just inside the door to their room. Everything has to come off, off. Now. If he is not against the skin of her legs in the next minute he will die before he can ever attempt to... Ah, his face is hot all over again, but his intent is stronger than his embarrassment.
“I’m going to take you to bed,” he says onto her mouth. The words feel like they are plodding out of him but he has to say them, has to tell her as best he can. “And I am going to make us both happy.” It is a solemn promise. Something to bind him up before he gets any further out of control. He wants to follow where his lust leads them, but not at the expense of her happiness.
She slows down and smiles. “I know,” she says simply. “Go right ahead.”
Her chemise is still on, but he scoops her up and places her on the bed anyway. It’s important to keep one’s word. “Off,” he says. “Please. Get rid of it. I want to see you.”
She hums and shimmies it up and off, but puts a hand on his chest, naked as hers is now, and the rest of him goes still immediately. “Harr,” she says. “I’m not going to run away. This is what I want, too. We don’t have to rush. And...” she swallows as if to fortify herself, “We can... umm. We can do this as many times as we’d like,” she whispers.
The way she is so conspiratorial about this inflames him and comforts him at the same time. No wonder he wants her. No wonder he’s been unable to deny this urge.
Yes, something-- it’s him, this is all him, as uncouth as it is-- hisses in his head. This. If you love her you need to fill her up, need to pump her full until there is no empty space and it bubbles out around you while you push the rest in. You need to fuck her, Silver, and put a baby in her so her tummy goes soft and tight, out and round, full. Full. Fullfullfullfull—
He leans over her on their comfortable, homey bed, and kisses her again while he shucks off his trousers. Already is he hard, probably a mess, hanging between his legs and aiming where he wants to go. A tight, wonderful curl of pleasure squeezes his belly so hard he shudders. Definitely a mess, he can feel the way a drip falls from him, seeking a fertile place to land.
“I’m ready, really,” she breathes between kisses. “I want it, too, Harr, won’t you please try?”
He wants to listen to her, but he knows what it is to be at the mercy of overwhelming need, and how foolish that can make a person. He traces a hand down her full, lovely cheek; her throat; the graceful bump of her collarbone; the swell of her breast. Put a baby there, a smokey voice whispers as he rubs her nipple in a circle the way she likes, but first you have to put it inside. He trails lower, drumming gently over her ribs, continuing the movement to tickle her and make her smile again. He curves out with her body to cup her beautiful hip, then comes back to her midline to find that yes, her body is plenty ready. Midlines are important in magic and hers is the most important one in the world.
He gives her one more quick kiss and presses his cheek to hers, then sits back on his knees to be able to see.
Her fingers part her folds for him, shy but sure. “I love you always,” he whispers as he watches. A spell that takes something but gives much more. When he glances up at her face, her grin makes him feel like he has, for once, said exactly the right thing.
And then it’s another frenzy and she is gasping, laughing, moaning his name. That’s perfect. Keep her happy and come in her, change her, change you both. He loves her, so he is careful to keep her in mind despite how the fit of her body empties him of most rational thought. He wants it to empty him of something else.
What thoughts he has left seem to subsume the rational ones anyway. He knows he is speaking the words and does not even feel embarrassed when he pushes her legs to her chest, slams his hips to hers with a deliberate angle, and says, clear as day, “Get. Pregnant.”
Her shuddery breath—it leaves her mouth open— and the way her eyes shine with need show him what he needs to do.
“Did you hear me?” he asks gently, slowing down to something more like their usual pace, warm and slow. The magic of summer. “I want you full, Alice,” he tells her, sliding his hands down the backs of her thighs and then right back up. Her eyelashes are fluttering and she is fluttering around him, too.
“Is this something you like?” he asks, and because this is a situation removed from everyday life he doesn’t feel bad for asking a question he knows the answer to. Her tight nod is very gratifying, just the same. “Tell me what you like about it,” he says, trying to tease and feeling like he misses the mark a bit... But that’s alright, he feels so much calmer now, still well in the grip of the desire to make her a mother but also stable in the thought that it is ahead of them.
She stutters over the word “Everything,” and it makes him smile so wide he has to hide it in her shoulder. She must be able to feel the heat of his face, but she can’t see him, so he feels emboldened to say “More, then?” as he hits her particularly close and deep. He thinks maybe he can feel the entrance to her womb and he groans so loudly into her skin he would miss her answer if it were anything less than what she gives: a throaty, desperate assent, and a squeeze of his back.
He wants to splash all over her, her womb, her entire sex, her entire being.
He gathers her so close to him it feels like their bodies will fuse and create something entirely new, the way the deep parts of the earth collide and become truthful stones and sought-after gems. She is clinging to him just as tight as he is pressing into her, and her little sigh of his name, passionate and gliding on the crescent of tension and bliss, tips him over. The first spurt feels more like a loosening, it flies out of him so fast. He concentrates better on the ones that follow, purposeful and direct. Take, he thinks, take root. The satisfaction sends pins and needles down from his back to his ankles. 
His cry is hoarse in his throat and it feels thick, like something is leaving his body with the air. Maybe it is this mania. He’s not sure if he will miss it or not. He sits back on his knees again and puts his hand over her breast so his fingertips touch her heartbeat before he watches his last few thrusts, coated in white like livery.
They do nothing but this for the rest of the day.
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Could I please request some Klance x reader head cannons..? 🥺
*clears throat and cracks knuckles* let’s do this shit.
they’ve probably both had a crush on you from the start
let’s say you were in the Garrison with them
let’s say you were in Keith’s squadron
and finally, let’s say you befriended Pidge and Hunk which is how you met Lance
you were the only person from the Garrison that Keith kept in touch with
so you knew when he got some weird readings which lead to you sneaking out to help him that night
which is how you ended up in space, as a legendary defender, with two people who couldn’t stop arguing bc of you
baby boy Keith is so shy
lover boy Lance is defo not shy
shameless flirting constantly
Keith watching from the distance fuming bc he wants you to laugh bc of him but you’re always to focused on Lance
but alas it is okay y’all
bc Keith makes you feel so calm and carefree that Lance gets super jealous of it
like sure, he can make you laugh, but the smile on your face just by being in the same room as Keith?? he could never
so he thinks
basically they’re both just really jealous of each other with anything relating to you
you pick up on it easily and find it amusing
they both admit their feelings to you the same day, unplanned, separately
Keith after Lance and he gets so fuckin embarrassed when you start laughing
bless both yalls dumbass hearts
that was an attack on myself not you guys
once you calm down and explain the situation Keith only gets more embarrassed
then you hug him and tell him you need some time to think, he agrees
a Top Secret Klance Meeting™️ then ensues where they discuss your decision
“I think we need to just accept whatever verdict they dish, it would be so uncool to make them feel bad about their own choice.”
“I agree, if they choose you, I’ll be happy and supportive for the both of you, I hope you’ll be the same, and if they choose neither of us we can eat Hunks comfort cooking(™️🥴) and not cry together.”
they wait anxiously for your response
you defo make them sweat by taking way longer than necessary, even tho it is a difficult thing
probs hit them with that ‘I think you’re both cute and wanna spend time with both of you before I decide’
which did not ease either of them whatsoever
after like several weeks of doing stuff with them individually as well as all together you realize you don’t wanna choose?
and you’re just like eh fuck it
you call up a meeting between the three of you
they’re both anxious as all get out bc they don’t really want an answer anymore
bc they like the dealio they’ve got going right now
and they’re like making silent agreements to comfort the other if they get picked
but also just already acknowledging eating their sorrows away together not expecting you to actually pick either
and then you come in and shock the absolute hell out of both of them
you tell em straight up, no hesitation
(lmfao if only)
“I don’t want to date either of you.”
cue immediate deflation of the two and a fuckin mischievous as all get out grin
like the fuckin lil shit you are
that was me calling myself out again I’m not tryna insult you guys
“I wanna date both of you. At the same time. If y’all are cool with that that is.”
now cue hella confusion
they’re both kinda like, really fuckin down
but also
like uhhhh that’s not how this is supposed to work???
they try to tell you it’s okay for you to choose, they’re big boys and can handle it
you just shrug and hit them with “it’s both or neither, I’m not choosing, I don’t wanna.”
and this the birth of yalls relationship
it started out as they were both dating you and that was that
but then one time you went on a like weeklong solo mission
(which neither liked one bit)
and they were left by their lonesome together missing their shared significant other
which lead to bonding moments
when you got back and found your boyfriends cuddled together in your bed with no room for you like usual, you wished you had a camera
after that mission they started acting almost coupley to each other as well?
they made it official a few weeks later and it was game over
all three of you are so damn clingy
y’all gotta be touching at least one of your significant others at any given moment
you all try really hard not to get pouty when someone is giving someone else more attention
but it doesn’t work
which leads to amazing soft makeup sex focused on the person that wasn’t getting attention that day
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
the team found it odd at first but got used to it pretty quickly
mostly are just annoyed by how either disgustingly adorable you three are or how much sexual tension y’all bring to the team
y’all got told you weren’t allowed to join a mandatory team meeting until you finished some other business once bc none of them wanted to deal with any of your pining horny asses
lots of cute nicknames and stolen moments and all that jazz
basically just really soft, pure, wholesomeness
with a ‘hint’ of *cough* impurities *cough*
y’all kinky is what I’m tryna say
the dream couple all round frfr
best poly relationship in the whole damn universe and y’all know it
this was both a lot longer as well as a lot shorter than I thought it’d be
I hope y’all enjoyed!! and please feel free to ask for more, or other couples, or whatever
I’m totally not 100% into poly relationships and love writing about them
I also have no idea why I’m still writing these as headcanon additions instead of paragraphs
~Admin Rori💜
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berniedette · 5 years
Walls by Louis Tomlinson First Listen Album Reaction
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Alright, I have my good earphones plugged in and I will be listening to the whole album in order, no skipping. Let the Brit come and invade my ears and mind. Here we go...
Track 1: Kill My Mind
I’ve heard this before. Upbeat. Devil in my brain. Ease the pain. I really love the bridge to this. The energy. Yessssssss
Track 2: Don’t Let It Break Your Heart
I’ve heard this before. This is the track version now. Little bit longer intro than the single version. I love the lyrics to this a lot. It’s already helped me in my personal life. It’s just so so nice and comforting and reassuring, but it never crosses the line to cheesy. I think it’s cuz it’s sincere. It’s saying yeah it fuckin hurts and you feel like it’s killing you… but DON’T. LET. IT. Also, the guitar towards the end is just magnificent.
Track 3: Two Of Us
I’ve heard this before. The keyboard on this song is absolutely killing me. The swells in this song is just heartbreaking. The chorus is just so passionate. One Life For The Two Of Us. It’s sad, yet hopeful. OH MY GOD the outro. That might be my favorite part. It makes me want to give him a hug, not because I think he needs it but I think he just deserves it for being so strong.
Track 4: We Made It
I’ve heard this before, but it’s hitting me so hard right now. The melody of this song is something special. The big pop chorus swells aren’t there, and without it, the song just has a flow and a tempo and a rhythm that kinda says, “yeah, we made it,” We’re here. We’re not stopping. We’ll keep going. We’re “never coming down.” SO. WHAT. The almost spoken-word style of this song just makes one need to listen to the lyrics all that intently. It’s a statement. Some of the verses talk about a relationship with somebody, yet the chorus and feel of the whole song makes me think that he’s just talking about himself. He could also be talking to his fans, but I like my idea that he’s talking about himself. Maybe to the person in the mirror, idk. And the quip about the “singing something poppy in the same 4 chords” lyric is hilarious when compared to the style of pop of this song. I really like this song. Favorite so far.
Track 5: Too Young
Oh wow okay. Echos. This style seems so familiar to me, like a songwriter or a producer I’m familiar with made this. I don’t know what I feel about this song. I’m not getting sadness, it seems like it’s just so matter of fact. And that’s weird cuz Louis’ voice normally (and so far in this album) have been so expressive and emotional. This is weird. It might be how much echo there is…. this is weird. His voice kinda sounds distorted, like it’s been edited to sound even more soft and tender. Creeps me out a little, like listening to asmr. Maybe it’ll be better if I didn’t have earphones in.
Track 6: Walls
The title track of this album. This was released a few days or weeks ago. I might have listened to it once, but I haven’t even watched the music video yet. This vocal is so much better than the last one. “Nothing wakes you up like walking up alone.” I hear that. That’s happened to me once or twice lol. There are a LOT of instruments in this already, and I haven’t even gotten to the first chorus yet. I like the vocals in the chorus actually. Up and down, and up and down. Okay, I’m sorry did this man just rhyme lost and because???? I love that! That’s a quote right there. I really like the melody of this chorus. Oh wow. End with the opening line. Okay, Mr. Tomlinson, I see you.
Track 7: Habit
He really likes the combo of acoustic and electric guitars huh? OH MY GOD excuse me mister baritone wtfffffffff. Where did that come from??? LEMME START OVER. THAT THREW ME OFF lmfaooo. Aw, this is so sad. Aw, he misses crack cocaine. KIDDING!!! I like this song. Yeah, compare that person to a drug. I love that. I love this song, wow. “I was better with you”? Oh honey nooooo. Awww, I usually love bridges and Louis writes really good ones, but the lyrics in this song’s bridge is not okay with me. :( This is a fantastic song tho. Second favorite so far.
Track 8: Always You
Damn okay. Uptempo it after my heart just broke with the last one. I like the opening chords. OH WAIT, are these even chords? Whoah hold up. It went SUPER POP rn. Sounds kinda dance-y. Is there gonna be a bass drop in this song? I’m calling it now lol. What the fuck?? Bro. Wtf. This is SO POP I cannot even. I can’t focus on the lyrics cuz my head in is spinning. Is there a fuckin feature on this???? What the fuck is this. Okay, it’s over. What. The. Fuck. Was. That. Why the fuck was that song in this album??????? That’s so weird. Who let that happen??????? It’s so out of place!! I can’t. I have to move on.
Track 9: Fearless
Are those sounds of children? Ew. Wait a sec, is that shade? OMG These lyrics are soooooo shady. Yesssss I love this sound for him!!! It’s anger. YESSS. YELL BABY!! Claps. Who is this song for??? Who is the umbrella under?? Who are we shading, honey? I NEED TO KNOW omg. “Tell me do you still remember feeling young” YES BABY ROAST THEM. This is fuckin hilarious and this just knocked down Habit as my 2nd fave.
Track 10: Perfect Now
Strumming an acoustic. Awww, the lyrics of this song is so sweet. This would be a great song for him to sing by himself on stage in concert, him playing the guitar. That would be so sweet. I know there’s some violins, but the song don’t need that live. “I guess some queens don’t need a crown” It’s true hun, but it’s obviously the perfect accessory. “You make me feel like being someone” is such a fantastic line.
Track 11: Defenceless
Ugh, the British spelling, I guess lol. Okay lyrics, you’re strong. Okay kickdrum, you’re working overtime. I really like this. Nice drums on this one too. It felt kinda busy at first, but it works. “By YooOoUuUu.” I feel like I’m getting attacked. And I’m fucking defenseless (that’s not the British spelling lol).
Track 12: Only The Brave
The title sounds like an army thing lol. Okay, is this the 60s? I like the sound actually, it’s pretty cool. Retro. Wait, it’s over already?!?! I gotta listen again wtf. I didn’t even understand a word. I just heard that he went up to head voice thrice. Okay, again. “I’m breaking all my rules, I’m crying like a fool.” Wow. I get the sound now. I appreciate this a lot. I gotta read these lyrics. Seems to me he sang “it’s a solo song and it’s only for the brave” which wow. Amazing end of album line.
Final thoughts:
Louis Tomlinson is a very talented singer and songwriter. He has his sound and he’s not floundering about. This album proves it. I’m not mad at it at all. I liked almost every single song at first listen and I’m sure the only one I have a problem with will grow on me. I thought ending on Only the Brave was absolutely perfect. It is a very strong song to end on. Lastly, if you’d excuse the lame metaphor, this debut album is a strong wall which he can build more onto (with tours and more singles and more albums) so that in no time, he’d have a very tall building that can touch the sky.
My Top 3
3. Habit
2. Fearless
1. We Made It
Special Recognition to Only The Brave for being hauntingly raw and honest
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artlessictoan · 5 years
Could I request something for Soft butch Karin and Butch Hinata? The pairing stole my heart by accident and now im in love with it.
YESSSSSSSS MORE HINAKARIN also teacher au, bc i’ve been craving it lately
(requests open)
(ao3 mirror)
“Are you sure no one’s coming?” He’d been asking thatquestion every five seconds for the last ten minutes and, honestly, Hikari wasgetting sick of it.
She casually elbowed the ladder her friend was balancing on,taking a little joy in the terrified squeal he let out. “Yeah, I’m sure, justhurry up so we can get out of here already.” Beside her, Ren snickered, beforegently shaking the ladder himself.
“Would you both cut it out, I’m the one doing all the work y’know!”
“Ren came up with the plan and I made the stuff to go in theballoons, compared to that you’ve got the easy bit,” she said, peeking her headout of the door and looking both ways down the hall to check for intruders.
They had been waiting for this opportunity for weeks andsoon, the moment would be at hand. Revenge was gonna be sweet.
“Ok, I’m done, let’s get outta here, quick,” Yuta said, jumpingoff the ladder and quickly folding it up.
Together, they gathered up any evidence of their mischief, checkedthe surroundings for anyone lying in wait, then, sharing a knowing smirk andsnickering at each other, they turned around to head back to their classroom. Thebell had already rung, but it was only Nara-sensei’s class, he wouldn’t punishthem for tardiness – hell, he probably hadn’t even turned up himself yet.
“What do you three think you’re doing?”
As one, they froze in place, before slowly, sloooooowly,turning around to face the sharp voice that had silently snuck up on them. “K-Karin-sensei!”
They were screwed.
“Well?” she asked, staring down at them, arms crossed andfoot tapping. A notoriously strict teacher had caught them, carrying a ladder, string,tape and empty water balloons in their hands and generally just looking mightysuspicious. No way was she going to let them out of this easy, not unless theyhad a bulletproof excuse.
“We were just…” She looked to each of her allies in turn, neitherof whom giving her a response more useful than a shrug. “Juuust… going tochange a lightbulb?”
Was she blinking that slowly on purpose, or was time justslowing for Hikari as her life passed in front of her eyes – all six years ofit. “With balloons.”
“Um, these are-” Think of something, quick.
Finally, Ren stopped shivering in terror long enough up tohelp her out, saying, “For a class with Konohamaru-sensei later!” His excusewas even almost believable.
When Ren failed to elaborate, Yuta jumped in to save him. “He’suh… teaching us the rasengan?” Aaaand they were back to being screwed. Ok,maybe she hadn’t been able to come up with anything better, but she was stillgoing to have to drag both her friends off and coach them on knowing when tokeep their big mouths shut when they got out of this. If they got out ofthis.
And judging by the ever-narrowing eyes of the scariestteacher in the entire academy, that was looking less likely by the second.
“You’re in your second year; rasengan is an advanced classonly available to genin graduates.”
If she’d been in a better state of mind, Hikari might’vewondered why she didn’t seem phased by the more obvious issue of why they wouldeven need to bring water balloons to a class teaching an A-rank jutsu, but as itwas, she just trembled in place, praying for an escape from this situation.
“Classes have started, what are you all doing out- oh,Karin-sensei, is something the matter here?”
Lightly jogging down the hall towards them, messy ponytailbouncing along behind her, was their salvation.
All three students shouted in unison, “Hinata-sensei!”
“These three were clearly up to something, I’m just tryingto get to the bottom of it.” Glasses were adjusted as the shorter of the two womencame to a stop beside the other. Seeing them standing next to each other, thedifference was stark; where Karin looked cool and professional, in her buttonup shirt and tailored shorts – the only contrast to her smart appearance being herundercut hair – Hinata was all soft hoodies and a thousand layers, clearly shewas only dressing for comfort, but it made her so much more approachable than almostevery other adult working at the school.
Moral boosted by the soft presence of the kind teacher,Hikari found her voice again. “We haven’t done anything; this is all just a bigcoincidence!”
“I’m not buying that for a second.”
“Karin-sensei, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt,” Hinatasaid, reaching up to rest a light hand against the other woman’s shoulder. “I’msure our students would know better than to lie to us.” The gentle smile on herlips was sharper than any of Karin-sensei’s glares.
Hikari twitched.
“In fact, why don’t we all go into the room together and seewhat happens?”
The three students exchanged a glance. “Uh, actually-” Renstarted speaking, but was cut off before he could get anywhere.
“I mean, if you haven’t done anything, then I’m sure you wouldbe happy to prove it.” She still wore the gentle smile, but, with every word outof her mouth, it seemed less and less kind; more and more cunning. “It would bequite easy.”
By this point, sweat was sliding down Hikari’s back like awaterfall. “Well, see, we would, except that we really have a class tobe getting to now, don’t want to be late, right?”
Hinata blinked at them, smile not dimming for a second. “You’realready late, I’m sure a few extra seconds won’t hurt, I’ll even vouch for youto your teacher.”
A hand settled heavily on her shoulder, firmly pushing hertoward the door. Hikari sent a desperate look to her friends – theirexpressions of pure terror perfectly matched her own – then, hopelessly, as alast-ditch effort, turned to Karin-sensei.
There was no mercy to be found in her glower.
As the teacher pulled open the door, she finally found thecourage to scream, “NO, STOP!”
She closed her eyes, already knowing what was coming,waiting for the inevitable impact-
The rush of wind was halted with such speed that she sworeshe heard a little thunder clap. But, other than that, she felt nothing.
Sucking in a deep breath, she slowly opened one eye,squinting at the green blob hanging an inch from her nose. The relief floodingthrough her left her bones feeling like jelly – not too dissimilar to the gloopysubstance she knew to be held within the water balloon’s thin shell, carefully mixedwith a kind of dye that took a week to wash out – but she managed to staymostly upright as she staggered back a few steps from the hanging balloon.Following the string it was attached to with her gaze, she saw the hand holdingit firmly in place and, following the hand up a dark-skinned arm, she found itattached to a blank-faced Karin-sensei.
“Clear up this mess and get to your classes. Now.”
The halls grew quiet, as they slowly walked away from thefrantically apologetic students and she was thankful for it, because shedefinitely didn’t want anyone to hear them talk.
“You were going to let her get hit by that balloon, weren’tyou?”
Hinata glanced at her with those huge, terribly innocenteyes of hers. “If she payed more attention in her classes, she would have beenable to dodge it.”
She snorted, but still had to bite her own lip to keep thesmirk concealed. “I can’t believe I’ve got the reputation as the scary teacher,when you can go around pulling shit like that and still be everyone’s favourite.”
“Are you jealous?” God, that quietly confident air Hinataheld around herself like an aura was just devastating.
Trying to play off her embarrassment – and slight horniness,they were in the workplace after all – Karin said, “As long as they take mylessons seriously, I don’t care if they like me or not.” Which wasn’t true atall; as much of a pain as some of them could be, there was a kind of fulfilmentand excitement that she got from teaching that she’d never had in her entiretime as a shinobi.
She just had a bad case of resting bitch-face and was alittle awkward around kids was all.
And at this point, she didn’t want to ruin her reputation.
Feather-light fingers trailed up her spine, leaving trailsof ticklish skin in their wake, even through her shirt. “Don’t worry, you’ll alwaysbe my favourite.”
Red to her ears, she snapped her head away from hergirlfriend so that she couldn’t see how happy that comment had just made her.Practically feeling the grin pointed at her back, she made a show of looking ather watch and muttering an excuse about having tests to score before her nextclass started and, with a short goodbye and a light peck to her cheek, sheswiftly marched down the hall.
Hinata grabbed her hand before she could get very farhowever, easily pulling her back and gently bringing her down enough that theirlips could meet in a brief kiss. “I’m taking you out somewhere nice tonight; I’llpick you up at eight.”
“So bossy,” she murmured, biting at her lip lightly beforepulling away. With a bashful grin and slightly wobbly legs, she managed to get halfwaydown the hall before soft words halted her in her tracks.
“Wear that suit I like, the one with the purple flowers onit.”
“Fine, but you better not show up wearing a ratty old hoodieagain! You might not have any standards, but I do.”
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shineyma · 3 years
I watched an interview segment where Daniela describes the day her water broke (during her first pregnancy I think) and Eric was out with his brother, so Daniella went over to Eric's house, and Eric's wife had to call Eric and ask him to buy Daniela some pads to avoid a big mess for the ride to the hospital maybe, and Eric asked, "Tampon pads?" Daniella's recount was hilarious.
I've written a whole lot beyond this point, do maybe a second ask is in order. That way you could ignore it (you really could), post only your reply or put it under a read more. It's more work for you but I still feel bad about the space that ask about Sam's family takes up on your blog. I did not think it through. (1/2)
lol, I appreciate the consideration, nonnie! Part two of your ask is under the cut. And lol to that interview quote!!
Kensi is back before the end of S05 turns out. I thought she gave birth in the spring, so I figured we had sevedal episodes to go with her on the special assignment. Then I read she gave birth in December, when things seemed to come to a head during the episode the team rescues her and it seemed just too soon. It's amazing that both she and the show's team managed to give Kensi as much screentime as they did. This Afghanistan storyline had me hooked actually. I was a bit sad that it was over as quickly. Despite the limitations and the fact that I love the team together, seeing Kensi star in a side story running parallel to the main plot, without the others stealing into it, was great. The story was fascinating, Kensi's dynamic with Granger and Sabatino was interesting to watch, the connection to her past a nice touch. Bonus points to the writers for not attempting a love triangle and for writing Jack becoming a Muslim and saying he found peace in it. I do also appreciate the few times immigrants they've interrogated have told them off about the U.S. 'intervention' in the Middle East and Callen, Sam or whoever it was just kept their mouth shut and you could see they did so because they couldn't deny those accusations. It's quite surprising and nice. Back to Kensi, I wish they'd taken a couple more episodes to give her Afghanistan storyline a slower closure. It seemed too rushed. I would have liked to see her more in action, trying to save Jack and herself, parallel to the team's rescue attempt. It could have at least been a two-parter. Still glad we got it at all.
One complaint I have is about Deeks. I don't know if I'm being dramatic here but I feel they've been mistreating him far too much. It's not so much about Kensi because they've developed their own kind of banter and Kensi shows him how much she cares. Although, remember right before Kensi left for Afghanistan, the day after the night we're supposed to assume they slept together, she was hostage to someone they were chasing and he was using her as a human shield, and Deeks didn't take the shot. Remember how she punched him? I'm still angry and bitter she did that, let alone that she didn't apologize, let even more alone that she acted as though what she did was right. I fully understand what the reasoning behind it all is or is supposed to be, but it was so wrong. And then, to circle back, I hate the way Callen and Sam have been treating Deeks since the moment he joined the team. It took Deeks withstanding torture and not giving up Michelle, torture that left him traumatized, for Sam to let up on the 'teasing'. I'm not even touching Callen, who actually tried to get Sam to stop being soft on Deeks 'just because of what Deeks did for Michelle and because he misses his partner who's gone on a dangerous special assignment'. Maybe I'm being dramatic but I really think the line on the teasing they give Deeks has been crossed a long time ago and I don't think they're ever going to show any remorse for it.
There was this show I got into when it was already on S14. One of the main characters that was there since S02 left and it wasn't the actor's choice. It was my favorite character out of the entire show. Anyway, I was binging S11 when the news broke. I finished it and that was it for me. They were my comfort character and I tried to watch the next two seasons they were still in but two episodes in, I stopped. I don't know why? Keeping new content of them for the future? Not wanting to watch about 40 hours more of them knowing they are the last ever and it sucks? It's been a few years since then and I haven't regretted it so far. It somehow feels right that I didn't reach the end of that character. And I've done it with other shows too. Once I got past my obsessive need to see shows and franchises through, quiting things became easy and a good tactic when something you loved decides to change the things you love most about it.
I'm sorry about Nell. It sucks. And hopefully the drama in your life is not too bad. I had some of it too, so my binging turned slow as molasses (is it even binging any more?) when it started off so well. And then the drama was capped with that very final, very irreversible bad thing that happens and the world just turns a little dimmer, the colors and just all of it a bit duller. Hence, also, my rudely late replies. Hopefully, your drama is at least a few or several steps away from that.
Oh, chef's kiss for Nell and Nallen in 5x05 ('cute girls with guns') and 5x14 or 5x15 (you know, with Nell fighting that guy in the boatshed's interrogation room and then Callen lowering her gently to the ground and brushing her hair back and all that Nallen goodness). I'd actually seen gifs of the second thing before but none had the fight and I hadn't paid attention to the episode number or even season, so I was very pleasantly surprised and miiiiight have replayed it a half dozen times. (2/2)
I also enjoyed what they did with Jack, although I feel like they never really resolve Hetty's part in things. Like....dick move, Hetty. Very dick move. And minor spoiler, but Sabatino returns, and while the entire team seems to hate him 5ever, I actually really like him lol. He's funny! And cute.
You are not alone in feeling that Deeks is mistreated by the guys, nonnie! There are whole communities of Deeks fans that hate it a LOT. I definitely feel like they cross the line sometimes....but conversely, I feel like Deeks crosses the line pretty often himself. I think in general the writers aren't great at judging when too much is enough, you know? But yeah, that doesn't stop anytime soon, I'm afraid.
Awwwww, I'm sorry you had that experience before with a show, nonnie! But yeah, sometimes quitting is the best thing you can do. It's better, I think, than continuing to drag it out and watching when you're not enjoying it anymore....then it's too easy to become bitter and then you can't even enjoy the earlier parts you used to love.
I'm also sorry you had drama followed by something worse! I hope things are getting better for you <3 For myself, things got very busy at work and then I was impacted by Hurricane Ida, which chased me out of state for two weeks while I waited for power and water to be restored to my apartment. I spent those two weeks living minutes from my mom and brother, which was nice but has had the impact that now I miss them a lot more than I did before.....like somehow I got used to living away from them and being close erased that adjustment? And now I'm not as good at it as I used to be. In fact, I'm actively hoping for my employer to have an opening there so I can transfer back. So I've been very emotional lately, on top of which the ongoing recovery from Ida meant more work for me at my job.
Whew, didn't mean to rant about that! Sorry.
And yessssssss, those are some of the BEST Nallen moments!!! I loooove him tenderly brushing her hair out of her face. That's probably my second favorite--or third favorite, there are two things coming that are tied for first favorite. So you've got that to look forward to!!
Sorry this took so long, nonnie! I hope life is going well this week! <3
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