#they are indeed ineffable husbands
vavoomed-for-crowley · 6 months
Not in 6.000 years Aziraphale would've thought his first kiss with Crowley would be like this. Means, if Aziraphale really ever believed in actually kissing the demon at all. But pressing their lips together forcefully, nothing left to say and going back to heaven has all not been on the list of how Aziraphale imagined it would be.
Now, he might be back on Earth and things with Crowley are sorted out. They can finally live their peaceful existence.
But there's one thing that Aziraphale still has to do: He wants to kiss Crowley the right way. He'll make it right, every time.
Make It Right on AO3
Out Now
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shiplessoceans · 1 year
Good Omens 2 appreciation post for that moment after Nina has just rocked Crowley's world with the revelation that no, he isn't slick and yes, it is glaringly obvious to everyone just how head over heels in love with Aziraphale he is.
Crowley takes himself off to the french restaurant and is drowning his sorrows in a bottle of wine while having the realisation that he's been following the angel around like a lovesick puppy all day with no other possible agenda other than to be around him.
And then he sees Aziraphale and whistles him over but the angel is too busy to join him for a wine in the middle of the day and Crowley tries to divert questions by complaining that he's scared Gabriel/Jim is gonna smite him and he'll be well and truly smote, no, smoted? Smited? What's the word he's looking for?
And the angel gives him a knowing look and says:
"Smitten, I believe."
This is my new favourite double entendre.
Smitten as the past tense of Smite. And the exact reason Crowley is drinking in the middle of the day.
He's realising he's smitten, your honour.
I hope Neil closed the laptop with a dramatic flourish after writing that line. Hell if I'd written a moment that perfect I'd take a victory lap of the kitchen and then call someone to tell them how clever I'd been before I pop.
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golswia · 7 months
could you draw chibi crowley and chibi aziraphale? please
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limas-art · 1 year
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At the Ritz.
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ineffablyruined · 6 months
The way he looks at Crowley with a cheeky little smile after he mentions sitting on the sword.
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Look at him. He knows what he said.
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crowleyanthonys · 6 months
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Play dumb! Not that dumb!
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lowpolybread · 8 months
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“Oh, Crowley. Nothing lasts forever.” “No. No, I don’t suppose it does.”
GOOD OMENS 1x03, 2x03
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gooseinsoup · 9 months
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i was listening to a crowley playlist on spotify and then fucking funky town came on and i started losing it.. so heres a quick one
playlist link
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Shax: “I’m a little bemused as to why Crowley should risk destruction for you. You don’t seem his type at all”
Aziraphale: *slight raise of eyebrows*
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bluberryfields · 1 year
"I want a proper apology."
The dramatic “apology dance”
In the entirety of Season 2, I think the “apology dance” scene is pretty close to my favorite.
The way Crowley walks in like he’s entering a stage in a packed theater.
The way Azi clearly sees him coming and fusses himself up to look extra focused on his work and not at all excited about Crowley’s return.
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Crowley, noticing that Azi has yet to look at him, ramps up the drama by:
Whipping off his glasses (taking off his armor)
Response from Azi? Clears his throat and focuses harder on his work.
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Time for Level 2 Drama, it seems.
Stalking over to the table (no sauntering here)
Tossing the glasses down (looks casual but absolutely isn’t)
Ringing that little bell (like a ceremonial gong signaling “this is fucking happening”)
Walking back into the rotunda where he has maximum visibility (also maximum vulnerability)
Azi now has no choice but to react, which he does by slowly looking up and over at Crowley, who looks like the human-shaped embodiment of dread.
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Finally announcing “I’m back” like the bitchy customer who just yesterday had declared they were never shopping here again
I mean, wow. Amazing. Glorious.
Not to be outcunted, Azi just casually turns back to his work and practically hums, “Yes. I can see that.”
Damn, Aziraphale, did you take lessons in passive aggression from my mother?
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Now Crowley groans in a way that I felt to my core and asks, “Do you want a big, ‘I think I said the wrong thing,’ sort of an apology, or can we take that as said?”
He averts his eyes until the last second because this probably feels more demeaning than begging Azi not to do his magic act at Warlock’s birthday part.
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Still turned away, Azi replies in a tone that is a mix of hurt and guilt that makes me think this has been coming for awhile. "I'd like the apology actually." I bet you would, Angel.
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Back to Crowley, he pauses to assess his options, takes a deep breath, and says the magic words: “You were right.” Also looks like he almost says something else but either doesn’t know what to say or doesn’t want to say it.
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Oh wow, so convincing. Bravo.
Finally, Azi puts down his glasses and his work and turns to address Crowley. He is not happy.
“Not good enough. I want a proper apology.” Also, side note, but Michael Sheen’s voice here is just…yum.
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Before Azi can finish, Crowley is so quick to reject this idea. “No.” with a shake of the head.
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You're not winning this battle, Crowley, and you know it.
“With the little dance.” Azi’s voice perks up and his eyes brighten at the hope this will happen. Seize that opportunity!
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Again, Crowley barely let’s the word “dance” come out before he tries to shut it down. “I don’t do the dance.” Nope, no sir, not this demon.
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Oh no, now Azi’s anger joins the hurt and guilt for a vicious trifecta. “I did the ‘I was wrong’ dance in 1650, 1793, 1941…” each date being spat out with increasing amounts of venom.
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Oh Crowley, you brought this on yourself, girl.
This non-apology combined with his “I'm sorry. I apologize. Whatever I said, I didn’t mean it. Work with me, I’m apologizing here. Yes? Good. Get in the car.” and I can see why Azi reacts to this the way he does.
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Crowley knows he’s beaten and concedes with a “Fine!” that feels the very opposite of the word.
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Okay so before the “proper apology” can begin, Azi gets up from his chair, straightens his waistcoat, and stands with his hands grasped in front of him like a proper gentleman. A properly petty gentleman.
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Then the main attraction! Crowley, looking completely stone-faced, does “the little dance.”
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It’s wonderful. He looks so silly and childish and graceful and mature. And god, that deep knee bend at the end? Amazing.
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Also amazing is Crowley’s face when he says "Kay?” while bobbing his head and eyebrows back like a sassy rooster? *chef’s kiss*
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For Azi’s part, god it is just a delicious mix of polite poker face and barely concealed thirst. I see your eyes scanning Crowley, drinking in that thin, dark Duke. That little dance will live in his head forever.
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And that’s the signal to go back to normal! Crowley regains control and Azi falls back into the supporting role.
Long-term relationships are hard, yo.
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You know, everyone (rightfully) assumes Crowley is thinking of Eden when he talks about falling in love under shelter together, but I think we're all overlooking another equally important moment, and even in the very same episode where they're having this conversation:
"You mean like a sudden rainstorm
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forces them together beneath a canopy,
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they look into
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each other's eyes,
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and realise they were made for each other?"
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golswia · 7 months
ur cat and dog aziracrow made me think of bird vers for them, crow-ley and aziraphale as a dove or owl!!!! ur art is adorable
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they scream at ur window at 4am for seeds
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zhuletta · 1 year
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Posting the line art version too bc I love how it looks
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ineffableaddiction · 6 months
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Everyone talks about how Crowley doesn’t eat, but he’s clearly devouring Aziraphale here.
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ingravinoveritas · 19 days
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David is all of us looking at the new photos of Michael...
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fleething · 2 years
The greatest thing about good omens is that there is just no way for it not to be a love story.
Not necessarily between Aziraphale and Crowley but more so for each other.
Crowley wanted to save the world so Aziraphale could spend more time licking abricot jam off the back of spoons, marvel a little longer about how the seasons change in St. James’.
Aziraphale wanted to save the world so Crowley could have more time to listen to Queen while gardening, a few more years to put together another array of outrageously stylish outfits.
And each of them wanted to be there to witness it all.
Sure, they saved the world because they find it to be a very enjoyable place to exist in, but even more so, because the other one does. They saved the world for each other, in a way. And if that isn’t love, i don’t know what is.
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