#they are like two dozen squealing rolling muddy piggies and I will each a kiss on the snoot
ackackh · 10 months
can u talk about what you love about generation kill? i tried to get into it once and it just didn't compel me. but i loved band of brothers and the pacific and i want to like gk
Yes, absolutely!
I’ll just start by saying that the tones for BoB and TP are much more similar to each other than either is to GK, so with that alone, it’s understandable that you might be like, eh, about GK. And it’s totally okay to not like something! But since you asked… :)
For me, the differences between the WW2 content and GK is what makes it more appealing. Even tho all of the shows are based off of journalistic works, GK feels more so, I think because it doesn’t have the hero-lens BoB and TP have. I like that. The characters are overtly flawed and sometimes hard to like initially, and it feels like a closer rendering to real life than the other two shows. I think that the creators of GK had to handle its contents differently, because OIF was not like, a net good? Or any good, really. And we as viewers know this, but the characters are, at most, conflicted in their feelings about it. And, for me, this conflict is what makes it so, how you say, JUICY.
The biggest thing for me is the characters. This show is fucking PACKED with dialogue and I watched it (voluntarily) many times with captions to pick up on all the little tidbits that are left all over the place in background dialogue, in the credits, and wherever else. It all paints a really detailed picture of these men in this very specific real-life situation that basically only happened once. I like the strong personalities, and I like the way in which they’re right, and wrong, and charming, and hard to swallow all at the same time. That’s what speaks to me, personally.
I’ll also just tack on that I understand why you might not find it compelling. I think it’s worth it to go into it with a different expectation than you might have with BoB and TP. For one, it doesn’t have the same story structure the other shows have. There isn’t as much material to pull from; where BoB and TP had years’ worth of stories to sort through and structure into a more conventional plot, GK takes place over like several weeks. In this way, it feels a bit more like a documentary, or maybe a series of related vignettes? If that makes sense. For two, outside of like two or three officers, there aren’t real good guys or bad guys. For the most part, everyone is just doing what they think they have to do to survive moment-to-moment. I think “how do I not get fucked?” Is a better internal logic for this series than any conventional narrative one that might be closer to, “here’s the problem. Okay, how do I solve that and progress the story” which the other two shows can more easily use.
Okay, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to talk for this long, and I feel like this is all over the place. But the take-away here is, I like it because it feels more real/realistic, the characters are extremely flawed and that makes them more life-like and interesting, and I find a show driven by characters more compelling than one driven by a more conventional plot.
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