#they are so sweet in this ep 🥺🥺🥺 the way they interact you can tell they are really good friends
xinyuehui · 2 years
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Meng Ziyi (ENFP) & Li Xueqin (INFP)
The kiss in Wonderland S2:
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mister-sandwich · 13 days
hi!! I read your pinned introduction post :3
loveeeee chuckle sandwich, but I saw the nsfw part and wanted to ask will you be writing any sfw/fluff as well?? pleaseeee 🥺 pretty pleaseee 🥺🥺🥺🥺 for yiour good friend (blog you have never interacted with) 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Okay so I’m actually not a writer- BUT…. since you asked so nicely and you’re such a good friend……..
I will provide you with some of my thoughts/imagines and maybe it’ll inspire some folks. Disclaimer, I have been watching a lot of OLD Chuckle so maybe some of this doesn’t apply anymore, also this is what I gather from the information they spread online so who knows what they’re actually like 🤷 (aka me trying to fight off my parasocial demon)
Tried to keep it fairly gender neutral but there is some gendered language like “broad” and just “girl” as a descriptor for like a not “manly” thing. Also I still have no clue how this hellsite works so my formatting may be shit.
Warning: Schlatt favouritism will likely be SO obvious here. I love them all but I watch Schlatt the most (if you couldn’t tell from the pfp and the everything else)
↣ I mean they’re all losers in their own way but Charlie is like specifically a dork if you get me
↣ Just the sweetest ever I mean we’ve seen him it’s a fact
↣ I love D&D so I just keep imagining him running campaigns that you specifically will like- something for you and your friends whenever you wanna play
↣ Just geeking out on nerd shit with him would be so nice- he would be so excited by anything that makes you excited
↣ Probably would call his partner sweet pet names or like make puns out of your name
↣ Probably the most emotionally intelligent out of all of them although I hate to bash the other two, he just seems like a guy who would notice you’re uncomfortable and IMMEDIATELY fix it
↣ Charlie also just seems the type to try and understand someone’s sense of humour so he can make them laugh over and over and over again- so I feel like he’d nail your humour so fast and you’d be struggling to BREATHE whenever you’re around him
↣ You would make him laugh too of course, he would love that about you
↣ He talked about taking Ted’s hand and dragging him through one of those little kiddie waterpads that squirt water everywhere trying to avoid the water and I imagine him doing that with you
↣ Ted is actually the weird middle ground between these two I fear (like openly aggressive but also openly sweet)
↣ His loser alignment is specifically goofball (I cannot and will not explain)
↣ One thing I’ve noticed is Ted is so extroverted and social and I feel like if you weren’t he would bring you out of your shell a bit
↣ He would also be like so proud of anything- like the way he talks about Shae playing beer pong in the first Chuckle ep with Ludwig
↣ Like I feel like he would be the type to be like “my partner fucking rocks and I’m just here” but he would love it (he’s kenough)
↣ One episode of Chuckle Sandwich he talks about trying to make Charlie happy (because he had resting bitch face so Ted assumed he was sad) and so he was just dragging him around and doing bits and like he would definitely do that with his partner
↣ Like definitely keeps track of what you like and what makes you happy so he can shove it in your face whenever you’re sad
↣ I feel like he’d call you classic pet names like “baby” “babe” “honey” would definitely throw in some especially cheesy shit for the bit
↣ Getting high with him would be a BLAST like he would get so hyped and he would make sure you had a great time (honestly my stoner ass wants to write a whole post about all of them while high but I don’t usually write so it would be BAD— LMFAO)
↣ He would also just like always look to you and ask for your opinion while having a conversation in a group, just always makes sure you’re included and happy and having fun
↣ He would also organize any trips y’all wanted to go on
↣ I also feel like there would be SO MANY BITS- like full on bit city over here
↣ Okay so this man: learned bits of Russian to talk to people on video games (I forget which game(s) specifically), asked Quackity for his Spanish music playlist because he wanted to listen and he genuinely enjoyed it and shared it with others, learned more Japanese than I think he’d admit and knows like actual information about the places he goes to and all that good stuff- so like- if you’re from ANYWHERE different he’s asking you about your stuff
↣ He’s bullying some of it a little too, probably talks about how “_” is actually so much better in America/NY
↣ If you speak another language he’s learning bits of it to say odd shit and playfully flirt with you because obviously
↣ Just so much playful bullying and teasing, my personal weakness tbh
↣ Like his pet names for you are “toots” obviously but then like “dumbass”
↣ One of those boyfriends who is a baby and cuddles you but if you take a picture of him or record him he’s back on his man shit
↣ His actions speak volumes though, he’d bend over backwards and all the way back around for you probably
↣ I mean he shoveled his old neighbours driveways he’s a considerate guy I think
↣ But he’d like whine about doing ANYTHING for you like it wasn’t his choice
↣ “I brought this fuckin’ broad out last night ‘nd it costed me like $200.”
↣ He is so blunt he ends up accidentally genuinely complimenting you all the time but it’s literally just observations about you like that’s how his brain works
↣ Would buy you any Wii games from your childhood and then tell you how ass they are while he plays it with you
↣ Gives the energy of that man who says he doesn’t wanna watch your “girl” show but then stands in front of the tv and asks you 5000 questions
↣ Takes those stupid 0.5 photos of you and posts them to Twitter as like reaction images
↣ But also takes like BEAUTIFULLY shot photos of you with his digital camera or records cute dates with the camcorder so he can look back on it
↣ While Charlie and Ted seem more like activity date people I think Schlatt adores a quiet night in, he’s an introvert, I mean did you see him in the Mr. Beast video??
ANYWAY- that was my shoddy attempt at making some imagines or whatever you’d call it- sorry if they’re pretty generic and not great. To be fair, I wrote a bunch of them at work LMFAO- Like I said I am NOT a writer but I hope y’all enjoyed nonetheless
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mikuni14 · 10 months
There are so many series airing now that even though I feel like I can keep up, EVERY DAY I come across a set of gifs on tumblr that remind me of another series I've missed. The sad truth is that none of them impress me enough to keep an eye on the release date of the new episode 😟 (although now I will be looking out for the Sign, hehe)
Bake Me Please is fine. I will definitely watch for Guide, Ohm plays similarly to UWMA, but he is better at interacting with someone who openly tells him 'fuck you' than P'Deeaaan. Their pool scene was really nice 🥰 Is The Mother related to the mother of the twins from Twins? 🤔
My Dear Gangster Oppa is fine. I watch it for Meen ngl. I still think their relationship is rushed and groundless, and Guy is just too childish, idk ,the series just... misses something..
Playboyy I like the new pair the most, I also think they are the sexiest and most believable couple. The second ep is even more chaotic than the previous one, there is still a lot of laughter and surprising/shocking moments, which makes me approach the next episodes wondering what they will come up with next instead of engaging with the characters and the plot, which is.. not good. Imo, the series is terribly edited, it seems like I'm constantly missing something, rewinding the player and it turns out that no, I haven't missed anything, it's just like that. I just have the impression that a lot of scenes have been cut out, which is why there is often a lack of continuity in the story. After two episodes, I say that Playboyy is a series that makes little sense, and despite the large amount of sex, it's not really sexy, but it is a pure stream of fun and wild ideas 🥳 The only question is - how long will the fun and new ideas last to keep the viewers interested? 🤔 No matter what the theme of the show is, mystery, possible murder, sex, kink etc, this series presents these dark topics in a way that is way too funny to be treated seriously (and their fashion choices certainly don't help).
Last Twilight is fine. I watch for Mhok, he's such a golden boy. This series is a bit too "feel good" for me. It's absolutely not a flaw or anything wrong, it's just not really my style. Besides, I find myself constantly having a feeling of deja vu, as if I've seen this story before, even the scenes… like recently... hmmm... Moonlight Chicken?
Pit Babe this is one of those BL romance that has everything interesting… except the actual romance 😆 Ok, first of all, Pavel carries ALL the weight of this couple, he is interesting and hot for two lmao. Basically everything that doesn't involve MLs is interesting, especially the supporting characters (and even new ones appear and they're fun too!). The non-romantic scenes, Babe's relationships with the other characters, the relationships between the other characters are much more interesting than what happens between Babe and Charlie. Oh, and I totally ship… Babe and Way 😋 Maybe it's the actors, I don't know. I just like watching Pavel and Nut on screen. And I feel and see Way's love 🥺 It just seems to me that an actor with such magnetism as Pavel MUST be paired with an actor with equal or just slightly inferior charisma. He can't just be pretty and sweet. Nut isn't as pretty as the actor playing Charlie, but he's the only one who can manage to take my eyes off Pavel lol
Twins I liked this episode much more than the previous one, even though there was almost no romance (except for the kiss, there were some nice accidental kisses this week and it's a trope I don't even like that much 😃). I admire Sprite for his dedication and sacrifice, I feel sorry for him having this kind of family, especially his toxic mother. I'm officially back to being invested in this series 😉
The Sign 10/10
Today is the premiere of The Whisperer 💖💖💖
(there are still plenty of series for me to watch 😥)
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pitynostars · 2 years
rewatching PotD properly let's gooo
"is there anyone out there" "yes." This was hot
"what am I doing, I've got a date to get to" is Dan talking ABT Diane ???
The idea of doing an EP about just the cyber TLs would be so interesting imo ajdkkfdjks... Like they're not converted humans but that's their whole deal usually so like....
"don't get shot" *Dan gets shot* prime comedy
"don't lose my sonic" patronising 13 i hate u
Did anyone else expect Dan to turn evil here the way he hesitated over the controls? XD
The alien shows them what they want right ???? Why does the doctor see a random kid?
"I'm the doctor I'm going to protect you" "the doctor lies" lmao
Ive seen people say like. The train CGI the painting CGI is rlly bad but honestly I can never notice but I don't rlly have eyes for that sort of thing
Ace and Tegan Skype friends <3 the ending should have been like this w all the companions where they're all just swapping adventure stories rather than the support group thing
"should we pick u up again in 24hrs" so Dan is on and off the TARDIS at this point ??? Having dates ??? Assuming w Diane but the only person we see him w in the rest of te EP is Graham so I mean....
"Yaz u and I can see where the cyber masters took that child" so... Yaz saw it as a kid too? Did I mishear the line ABT it looking how u want
"it's not my life" hmm I buy that BC we saw his life before of pretending to b the museum guide and helping out at the food bank and stuff he's a community guyTM sure hate that this is so weirdly rushed less i guess "I can attack it now because I've been with you" I buy less lmao... He's had no growth at all??? Also the way it's framed like he's talking to the doc is so odd when he spent more time w Yaz (unless they've been travelling for more than 3 years ???)
The doctor saying "homes important" just makes me HOWL tho ngl
"I'll b kipping on mum and dads sofa tonight" .... Where have u been sleeping all the other 24 hr breaks youve appaz been dropped off for ???
"not one for goodbyes" idk I buy that w 13 we saw the whole "one happy one sad" the hug goodbye for Ryan and graham
...so why can't 13 tell yaz about this traitor dalek??
also the concept of a dalek realising theyve strayed from their og mission does actually kind of slap but we did just see daleks v daleks in revolution so i'm glad this wasnt the main plot again
sacha dhawans acting<3<3
the scene where he looks in the tsarina (?)'s eyes and he's like "are my eyes not full of certainty" and u see him reflected in her eyes.... SICK. have they mentioned the master is kind of hypnotic yet in this era before this?
where are the dhawan telling the tsar to take a holiday vs donna telling caecilius and family to take a holiday in pompeii parallels.
are they saying dhawan master replaced rasputin nd made an alt universe with this cyberplanet in the sky? or is there some historical note about there being something in the sky at that time (?)
i love that the doctor and yaz both barely react to the hahahahahhaha tardis there's no like. wtf. moment they just head straight in.
i think it would have been sweet for 13 to stroke one of its panels and be like "oh shes not mine." nodding to that theyre telepathic!! but we seem to have forgotten that this era 😔.... i feel this generally in this era the relationship between the doctor and the tardis has been lacking actually like apart from ghost monument and spyfall we barely see them interact... i know its not always a Thing but man i loved 11 & the tardis' relationship so much i'd love to see a writer feature it more again 🥺
ive seen some people claiming yaz reads gallifreyan off the screen in the tardis. that would be cool but 100% you can recognise readings u can tell what data/readings are without labels necessarily like i can go into a car and look at a speedo and i dont need numbers on it to know what the readings mean yk?? either way it does speak a lot to teh familiarity she's got with the tardis and i <3<3 ... yaz and the tardis' growth is fun to think about. do you think she was grumpy that yaz was hanging out with the other tardis on earth in revolution ? XD
DOCTOR: Ah, there's a rudimentary cloaking shield in operation. Soon fix that. The Cybermen have tethered that child into this planet. It was registering as an energy source.
YASMIN: How is that child an energy source?
DOCTOR: Wait, there's more layers to the shield. Oh, not just cloaking. It's a consciousness shield! A creature trying to evade capture, hiding behind a visual projection shield, and this one shows us what we instinctively want to protect, as a defence.
Help me out here. Are they saying that the Qurunx also set up the cloaking ??? or that the cybermen cloaked it and it also put up the consciousness shield? ? or was it all the cybermen?? why would it need both?
also the idea of it showing what you want to protect -- do yaz and the doctor and dan ALL just happen to see a child in this situation then ??
"is this planet your doing?" doctor you literally saw the cybermen kidnap the qurunx to bring here 😭😭😭... YOU FOLLOWED THEM HERE
just once i'd like the "your master awaits" to be subverted/mirrored with "your doctor awaits" ...... the "this country needs a doctor" line is hot but its not the SAME.
"have you got any idea whats going on in outspace in 1916 rn" "strangely enuf. no" this line always gets me aklsjflk i love kate
"I'm Yaz. The only one here who doesn't really know what's going on" sorry babe that's your whole character
i am once again asking ok these paintings got "defaced" so its not an alt timeline??????????? they never fixed this in the end right ??????? sweats. so rasputin was teh master alll along historically (?)... and he jst put himself in paintings in modern day ?? but then the dr says "some people think you're rasputin" ?????
"this is the day youre erased from existence forever" .... how does turning into her erase her from existence 😭
dhawan inventing acting
i still dont understand why this "give her a gun" moment is in there.
wait what happens to vinder in the end??? his ships broken
"you'll feel safer with me in the building" LMAO
"she really doens't want us back in there" and then yaz just drops her home w no goodbye to the doctor coolcoolcoolcoool
ok but why did the master clone ashad specifically what difference does he make over like. any cyberman/cyberleader??
love the russian doll cyberman lmaoooo... reminds me of that arc thing from doomsday/aog... TIME LORD TECH
if i had a penny for every time the doctor is forced into one of their enemies only for it to be purely for transport i'd have 2 pennies which isn't a lot but its a bit funny it happens twice
i love the rasputin moment but i dont rlly get the lead in ngl 😭 hes just like k time for my dance number mid speech. which i suppose like. in character XD
sacha dhawan in thirteens outfit.... i'm bisexual<3 i need to get my ears pierced
"Don't… don't… don't worry. You'll get used to me. Everyone will. I still need a companion to ask and… bask in my brilliance. Come on, Yaz. Let's go on an adventure! Don't make me ask twice. I'd hate to have to bring you down to size." /
"Come on, Yaz! Let's save a civilisation! Let's correct history! Rescue a sick animal! These yours? Oh, bless. Ow! What was that? Some sort of dirty protest? Unless you want to be consigned down a black hole for eternity, you'd better behave! I am the Doctor, and you will obey me." snapping in yaz's face "I AM THE DOCTOR NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
-> this would have hit soo different if this actually was the doctor i would HAVE LOVEDDDD it. first time watching i honetsly thought this was still the doctor and the tardis was reacting like that bc the regeneration was so unnatural (like the way she reacted to jack in utopia) but no 😔
mandip inventing acting<3
"very 80s" "thanks!" LMAO
"gold star and a sticker" u r sick
the random news drone on top of a random 2 planets is so.... ??? i feel like a lot of this was cut somehow aslkfjklgds..
also where's the awkward cut scene of yaz standing around while the master's in the wardrobe picking his outfit aksfjgdlkf
[plays the recorder on a burning mushroom planet] king shit
"quite the strength of character this incarnation" "DOCTOR 6: Our predicament! This is supposed to be handed over. You can't ruin it for the next one. / DOCTOR 5: And you were doing so well." i hateee these bits so much its SO patronising
"i dont do robes" lmao
why is whittaker in the reversed robe/the robe they used for time here hm
the hologram i do like as an idea tbf especially as we've seen the basic version w 9 and 11 and whatnot so her developing it to be more ai is rlly fun ... especially after she saw how handy having three of her in diff places was in flux lmaoooo
"it should only activate under the gravest circumstances. Like if I'm no longer around. Now, that would be disastrous. But I will have very subtly inserted a sonically triggered nano-implant under your skin and passed it off as static electricity. f I remember to do that. I must remember to do that." -- so either 13 has only just finished the hologram ai before this ep OR she KNOWS shes about to walk into some Real ShitTM and takes precautions akjfgldf.....
"HOLO-DOCTOR: Whoa! The emotional receptors on the AI are a bit oversensitive. Apparently, you're annoyed with me? Apparently, I should apologise for something?" this is so fucking funny because it comes across literally just like thirteen was she is always this fucking mean and patronising and borderline manipulative lmao its so askjdfglkdf......... blame it on the emotional receptors being oversensitive sure 🙄
i reiterate my point that most of the things/wins we get are done by the hologram dr, yaz is STILL asking the doc for validation even when shes a hologram 😔
"can't hurt the feelings of a hologram" SHE JUST TOLD U SHE WAS AI. watching this after measure of a man is like. HELLO.
"yeah well i didnt" [tosses bag] I LOVE TEGAN
they cld have mentioned nyssa in this rant tho fr
"i'll distract the cybermen" "how are you gonna do that" [cuts to screaming] hELP ASKFJDGLF... THE COMEDY IN THIS EP IS SO
the shot of ace falling into the console room is so fun actually <3
dhawan hood up<3<3
vinder no idea who the doctor is or their history w the doctor or yaz in this ep is. q funny to me.
"YASMIN: I'm sorry. / MASTER: Are you? Truly?/ YASMIN: Came back, didn't I? / MASTER: We could have fun, you know? I am fun. Different type of fun, but fun. We could travel. You'll see. "
i am once again saying i wish we got dhawan!doctor fr with this vibe
the touch of the ai mirroring the companions emotions is cute but i do still kinda wish we'd got whittaker to do these scenes fully
god i want ace and bill to meet actually
"the joy is to watch them fly" 😭😭😭
"former bus driver" is such a funny thing for graham to think when introducing himself
"wanna see how i dealt with them in 1963?" i'm kissing you on the lips
kate sacrificing herself is so<3<3 redgraves acting here is sooooo
jasfkdj tegan slipping on the ladder... is this a ryan reference or is that purely for plot convenienceTM
if the daleks plan is to destroy the planet through volcanoes then who do the cybermen have left to convert .....😭
wait the tardis in this shot LOOKS SO BAD i never notice cgi and whatnot idc but like LITERALLY THATS OBVIOUSLY A BOX WITH THE BACKGROUND PAINTED IN 😭
jo martin my beloved<3 god i wish she got more to do
vinder shooting the master is sooo<3 king
yazs speech about friendship and love got me actually.
i reiterate its the hologram telling yaz what to do this isnt her win wholly and that frustrates me so much 😭...
also how do the daleks and cybermen and master and vinder SEE ruths hologram when the doctor didnt plant the ai in them ?????? the whole static thing was the flag hello ??
"dont let me go back to being me" pleaseeee
"where there's hope..." YOU DIDNT FINISH THAT. THERES WHAT.
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lenteur · 2 years
hiii love! 💓 ahh, of course :) and i do appreciate that a lot, thank you 💛 i work as well during the weekdays and sometimes it can be stressful <3
it kinda was! bc i was like oh god i'm gonna slip up!!! >.< but i kept it hidden well, she had no clue 🥰 they were so cute!! there's a website where you can order personalised clothes and have your pets faces on them <3 she had three dogs and i thought it would be hard but the socks turned out amazingly!! 💕
OH GOD I'M SO SORRY 🥺 that's svt for you, i swear sometimes when i rewatch old gose eps, i'm like.... am i about to switch bias?? i hate them but i love them so much (hate them tho) 🤣
noooo, don't be sorry, i'm so emotional too 😭 one of my older mutuals on twitter went to one of their fanmeets and she said the way you see them are the exact same in real life, she said they're so nice and they do genuinely take an interest in speaking to you (omg pls lemme meet them :((( )
honestly i feel like he's one of the least biased people in the group which does make a little bit sad :( he's one of my favourite people and is v important to me 💔 if you can be anyone in life, be a seungkwan 🦊
she is absolutely gorgeous 😭 totally did not have a bigger crush on her after that ep 💓
AAAH I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED THEM!!!! they're a whole family 🌺 i missed one of the FUNNIEST ones omg which is this one - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lTN_tCtuq0 this one is also a three part, just watching them having fun in the water is so funny 😭 dk's smile & laugh is everything to me 💝💝💝
you're so very welcome!!! i'm happy they had a positive impact on your day 🌷🌼🌻
hiii bestie 🌼 i've missed you a lot 💓 hopefully work doesn't get too stressful for you. if only we could be paid but not work, that'd be great... alas... </3
omg! that's even cuter than what i imagined :( all her dogs printed on her socks. this might be her favourite pair of socks 💝
oh no don't worry 🤣 i wasn't complaining (well kinda) about changing. i knew what i was getting into when i slipped into the diamond life 💎 but still hao is #1 in my heart. however, i might bias a lot more than just him. i don't have an official biaslist in that group and i think i'll keep it that way lol
lucky her 😭 i mean i believe her. the guys seem so nice and chill. it'd be an honour to meet them :( crossing fingers you'll meet them one day
really? from what i've seen i thought he was one of the more popular members of the groups? but it's a shame because he's so funny and sweet and talented and- i'll stop right here ^^'
seeing the 🦊 next to seungkwan made me wonder if you had to assign an emoji (not necessarily animals) to each member, which one would it be? you don't have to do it for all the members if it's too much, but at least a few members. the only one i find fitting is hoshi and his whole 🐯 agenda. tbh i thought it was just a one time thing at first, but then i saw him committing to it and i was a bit surprised to say the least. i haven't seen an idol be so invested in their persona before 😭 and i was a bit sad when his first solo song wasn't named tiger but spider instead. i thought he lost his passion for tigerhosh 🤣 🤣 🤣
all the episodes made me laugh so much. i mean seventeen always deliver as both artists and comedians. they make everything funny and captivating. i get so invested in their games even if it's not that deep 🤣 i mean in the sense i'll react as if i was a part of the group and the game lmao and the episode you sent me was funny as well 🤣 seventeen aka PURE CHAOS
thank you so much for interacting 🌻 that makes me happy :D and if you have any questions please do tell. i feel like i've been the one asking you questions and i feel bad for it >3<
as always, have a lovely day (or night) depending on when you'll read this :)
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catgirledteach · 2 years
Things in the "Pine Barrens" ep I loved (spoilers obv):
- Laszlo telling Baby Colin to use Siri to prove him right in an argument with Nandor
- Baby Colin chilling with Sean during the day because Laszlo and Nandor are sleeping
- The girls night is fucking LIT they are having the time of their LIVES, and most importantly Marwa. I think Nadja even has a line about Marwa needing to experience other things outside of Nandor (I may be wrong though)
- Guillermos family is so cute but you can also start to get a picture of how he ended up as a perpetual familiar. He definitely has a somewhat subservient/perpetual little kid dynamic with his family and he struggles to speak up for himself, although not as much anymore
- Guillermo is wearing VERSACE. HELLO??? (he may also be wearing a Gucci tracksuit at the start of the ep)
- Guillermo is just SO SWEET with his family he's so proud to finally have them over for dinner im-
- The girls watching Mamma Mia and Nadja being so pumped about it. She's reliving Greece through Meryl Streep
- She also says Laszlo doesn't like to watch it because it reminds him of all the children he sired and then left when he was a human (which taking in his current parental role with Baby Colin is so interesting to me)
- Nandor and Laszlo are having tension pretty much from the very start of the ep but Nandor seems most taken aback when Laszlo says Sean is his best friend. And he keeps getting excluded from their interactions 😢
- Nandor gets concerned about having firearms in the house with Baby Colin around 🥺 and when he tries to tell Laszlo he shouldn't be messing with them Laszlo brushes him off and that seems to be the final straw that leads into their fight
- My babygirl Guillermo was hiding so much over the years that he felt like he had to lie that Nadja was HIS WIFE. And when cornered, Nadja actually GOES ALONG WITH IT for seemingly no other reason than to help Guillermo??? She could have just slaughtered them all, hypnotized them into forgetting her, but no. She plays along!!!! Because they're friends!!!!!!
- PS. I think at one point she even lies to make him look better by saying he's actually her boss???
- de la Cruz family having natural slayer instincts theory CONFIRMED!
- I may be reading too much into this one but Guillermos abuela says when a de la Cruz gets near a vampire your heart burns and you get goosebumps and then it cuts straight to Nandor. I am connecting the dots on how Nandor and Guillermo met because there's no way Guillermo didn't feel something similar (he's probably just gotten used to the sensation after all this time and didn't think it was weird). Again I may be overthinking but that sure sounds like a sensation that could be mistaken for love at first sight and also its giving strong vibes of when Nandor said he had already found love and then it cut straight to Guillermo
- Nandor and Lazslo fighting in front of Baby Colin also gives big 'my parents are a week away from a divorce' energy
- Nadja actually really loves Guillermos family! She asks them how such lovely people raised such a boring person (im paraphrasing cause I couldn't really hear)
- Guillermos face after he comes out I will never recover
- Also the fact that as soon as everything about the vampires comes spilling out he also comes out - like I know we (sort of but not really) joke about vampirism/the monstrous being a metaphor for queerness but hoo boy. this one really got me
- His family was more annoyed that Guillermo wants to be a vampire than him being gay I love that for them
- Nandor is really going through it man. But he's also becoming so protective of Baby Colin. I just want to hug him 😞
- Nadja has another moment of real sympathy with Guillermo based on her own family that she can't see anymore. This was truly an episode delving much deeper into the individual characters' insecurities and histories of how they came to be the way they are
- I also think she has a line about how Guillermo has a puppy dog face when he wants something but it's more effective on Nandor and she thinks it's gross
- Nadja wants to have more girls nights and wants to watch Mamma Mia 2!!! I hope Guillermo joins their girls nights cause she only requested that Nandor Lazslo and Colin be out of the house
- This entire sequence between Guillermo and Nadja (in a talking heads confession TOGETHER! BESTIES!!! it's everything I wanted from them in London)
GUILLERMO: Now they know I'm gay, so...
NADJA: I mean, who isn't gay???
GUILLERMO: Lots of people.
NADJA: (sarcastically) Oh ok, woo-hoo. I'll get the confetti(?) out, sorry.
GUILLERMO: (rolling his eyes in the gayest, bitchiest way possible) Shady.
I love them so much it's insane.
- Baby Colin teaching Sean about Roblox - this can only lead good places
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quokki · 2 years
ok since i went on about christopher in my own reply to you the other day it only feels correct to go on about minho now 💕💕💕💕 ok so like i briefly mentioned i actually didn’t vibe with minho at first i just found his entire aura. so strange i was NOT used to someone like him at all but over time the more i learned about him (and the more i had him on bubble like u can only be called jagiya so many times before smth had to snap) i slowly got to warming up and now he’s literally the second member in my bias line. i find the way that he interacts with people so….sweet? he’s not outwardly loud with his affection (like aussie line for example) but it’s subtle. he’s very teasing and clearly finds the reactions fun and only does it out of actual love and never to be “mean”. the way that he sends little bbl messages every day to make sure stays ate and to check in is so cute. THE WAY HE COOKS FOR PEOPLE HE CARES ABOUT!!!! ugh and the way he is with his cats it truly pulls at me i can’t explain it like it’s the way i tell ducky all the time IT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE. DOMESTIC OR SMTH???? anyways on top of the other stuff like his humor is just so funny HE JUST BE SAYING SHIT and on a shallow end god he’s. he’s just so pretty. it’s disgusting how handsome he is actually it almost makes me mad. like. his lil smile when he’s genuinely happy and giggles. it sends me into a FIT. ALSO THE WAY HE IS A PERFORRRRMEEEER the way he dances like. god. we do no give minho his dues he is such a powerful and precise dancer and every time i see him i am FASCINATED. i wish he would do more choreo videos god. anyways all good minho dynamics are perfect but my personal favorite is minchan 🥺 it’s his only hyung!!!! the way chris comes up to hug him or be cute with him and minho tries SOOO hard to be like 😒😒😒 but in the end he’s always like 🙂 is SO CUTE like. the way they both take care of the others and minho takes over for leader stuff in the times chris is busy and put the responsibility on him for being their lead dancer bc he KNEW minho could do it and handle it and the guilt chris felt when minho was eliminated just. they r so special 2 me (it’s my fav chris dynamic after aussie line/3racha but that’s for a diff day)!!! their 2 kids room ep is easily my fav and it made me laugh bc that’s just how i act at my friends (as chris LMAO). idk there just so much love there i would die for them actually. 🥺🥺🥺 also their unit pics that we got from the oddinary teasers sent me spinning so much my friends that aren’t as deep into stanning sent them to me to ask if i was good RBWJWJWHAUA. for fav moments im truly trying to remember smth specific but there’s just so much. if i had to pick one rn it’s truly nothing special but i’ll pick that one clip of him on his phone in his sweatpants and the black shirt. y’all know the one. in fact i will make it one of my pics. it just makes me insane like there’s no other reason other than it drives me up the wall on a v shallow level. on that note here are my favorite photos of him and to end on there’s probably so much more to say but. i love him. truly and honestly my lil meow meow i am kissing him on the nose and wishing him nothing but the best 🥺💕
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omg i loved your answer about chan so much 💞💞💞
“i just found his entire aura. so strange i was NOT used to someone like him at all“ lmaooooooooooooooo he really is so unique i totally understand
“ and the more i had him on bubble like u can only be called jagiya so many times before smth had to snap “ lol i wish i had their bbls 💔
i think the way he shows affection or that he cares is so subtle and sweet
“the way he is with his cats it truly pulls at me i can’t explain it like it’s the way i tell ducky all the time IT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE. DOMESTIC OR SMTH???? “
yes i love his pet owner side and how funny he is about it
he truly is hilarious
“ it’s disgusting how handsome he is actually it almost makes me mad “ completely understandable tbh how can he just look like that?
“ the way chris comes up to hug him or be cute with him and minho tries SOOO hard to be like 😒😒😒 but in the end he’s always like 🙂 “ lmaooooooo he doesn’t wanna give in
i love all the lino letters i’ve gotten (quite a few!) because everyone is pointing out diff little things about him and im just writing it all down in my head and it’s making me like him more lol 
omg the 4th pic u sent i totally get the smiley face thing u mentioned!! it’s so cute lmao
here’s some pics for you 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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send me a love letter about your bias 💌💌💌
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matan4il · 4 years
Hi there sweetie. ❤️ Just popping in to say I hope you're feeling better and that you are the bestest!! ❤️❤️
You are so wonderful, thank you so much for brightening my day! I hope you saw my reply to your ❤️ ask from the other day, Tumblr was being stupid about letting me tag you in it. I’m doing ok, I have a new doc appointment and have to deal with some bureaucracy, but hopefully this guy can help! I’m sending so much love your way and hope you’re having the best of days, as you deserve for every single day to be! xoxox
(Since I have a lot of asks to answer, the rest of the replies are under a cut to save your dashboards!)
🥺 Your appreciation post had me so soft! You were one of the first few blogs I ever followed for 911/Buddie content and you've brightened up my dash every day since. I love reading your insightful meta and seeing your posts in the Discord ❤
Awwww, darling! Every interaction with you has been such a joy, I’m so happy and honored mine was one of the first blogs you followed in the fandom and it fills me with more joy than I can explain that it goes both ways and you’ve enjoyed our friendship too! You talented bean, I’m so happy that you’re here and everyone gets to know and appreciate you like I do! All the hugs and love to you, my dear! xoxox
happy international women's day my love! I really hope you have an amazing day as you are.🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 love you😘😘 happy 911 final day.
@yelenabelous Thank you so much, my darling! And happy (belated) international women’s day to you, too! My love, you are one kick ass woman and the world is a better place for having you in it! You also sent this:
hay alice how are you today? as girl with C.P,  i found the  Christopher's escape a little bit unrealistic. obviously  he is more independent than i am and he has more capabilities than i do.  but still, why go this far? why not just do the exact same conversation  but over the phone or him demanding to go to buck. and eddie would  overheard them or something like that.  i mean it's kinda nice that  writters wanted chris to be a typical angry kid who needed a safe place  but in rl it's not like that :)
Thank you for this ask. I don’t know enough about CP and Chris’ specific levels of it to comment on what is realistic for him, I leave that to others who are more knowledgeable than me. What I can talk about is why the show needed this for plot reasons - to give us a really emotional scene. That doesn’t work as well over the phone and it also doesn’t allow for a cathartic hug at the end. And Chris demanding to go to Buck’s would likely mean Eddie would insist the two of them stay home and talk or would have changed the nature of that scene, with Eddie there, too. But the show clearly wanted to give us specifically a Buck & Chris scene. So the show needed for the running away to happen as it did, whether it’s realistic or not. I hope this helps! xoxox
I hope you add that scene with the airport worker telling his friend that 'while  he gave him a hard time about his job, he actually really admires it  and that its inspiring how much he loves his job and that he doesnt give  up'  (something like that) in ur this week's Buddie meta post.
cuz it weirdly parallels Buddie soo much, imo
@fandom-101 Thank you for the ask, I’m always happy to hear from you! :D I actually didn’t add that scene in (as you might have seen), even though I love that parallel and thank you SO MUCH for bringing it up! I feel like my meta posts are long enough as is, so there are things in almost every ep that I end up leaving out, which is why getting these asks is fantastic. We get to fill in a few blanks! Like I said, I love this parallel, though of course there is one big difference. You know neither Buck nor Eddie would ever quit, no matter how dangerous the job gets. ;) Thank you again! xoxox
And to @bubblesandroses88 too, thank you for the sweet message and right back at you, my love! I’m sending you so much love and tons of hugs and I hope you’re doing well, my love! Miss the days when we were in the same fandom, but so happy we’re still in touch! xoxox
congratulations! how many followers do you have now?
Thank you so much, Nonnie! :D And remember how I said I never wanna get too hung up on this? That’s why I made a promise to myself when I joined Tumblr that I would never say how many followers I have, not publicly and not even privately. I think that promise helps me keep in mind some perspective. I can just say that the number was nice when I entered the Buddie fandom, it’s even nicer now, but the nicest thing is the people I’ve gotten to interact with, on big and small levels alike. Hope you’re having a great day! xoxox
Hi! I haven’t seen the second half of season 2 or season 3 yet, so I don’t really know Ana’s backstory or her relationship with Chris and Eddie (other than she was his teacher). So I’m wondering if you thought it was weird that Ana said “I love you” to Chris when Eddie invited her over at the end of 4x08? It struck me as kind of strange, but again, I’m trying to fill in some blanks! Thanks!!!
Thank you for the ask, Nonnie! And happy catching up, you still have SO MUCH goodness coming your way! ;) Hmmm, I think it is and it isn’t weird. For the character? It’s def too soon and out of nowhere and weird. But for a real life teacher/educator? I can say that I turned to work with kids because I honestly adore kids so much! I love them right away simply for being. IDK how to explain it ‘coz it’s not about logic, it’s just built into who I am. That being said, I still wouldn’t say that to a kid out of the blue. And probably not even after a long time of knowing them, because boundaries. But everything else with Ana dn Eddie has been rushed and poorly built up to, so why not this, too? It’s been poor writing overall, so I guess this line was no exception. In conclusion, if you didn’t like it, Nonnie, I’m with you. Hope you’re having a great day! xoxox
just to add to your meta: i think it's very telling that eddie is the one to say that the man on the roof has "cornered" himself and that he has "one bad decision left in him still" (or something to that degree). something about the way he's rushed in this relationship with ana& is forcing that everyone get along makes me feel like we should analogize the man on the roof to eddie himself. eddie is putting himself in a corner and he's forcing his hand and he's going to need a push (like roof man)
Nonnie, I love this comparison, thank you for it and I’m with you! Mainly because it does feel like Eddie is rushing into this (not just the writing). He’s only been on a few dates with Ana. He could have been honest with Chris about dating her without bringing her over under that hat. Or any hat, TBH. I didn’t get the idea behind her offering to help Chris with his math if she’s apparently not that good at teaching it? It felt like an excuse for her to push for Eddie to tell Chris without appearing pushy. She did at least later offer to slow down, but we saw there again that Eddie was rushing into this, because he was way too quick to say no without even considering what’s the right thing to do for his son. So yep, def felt a little like he was cornering himself. Thank you again for the ask, Nonnie! xoxox
Apologies if this has been asked before, I haven't had the chance to go through all of your meta backlog yet. I'm new to Buddie, but it (and your meta) bring me joy. I was wondering, in the hypothetical event Buddie became canon, who do you think would kiss who first? I think it would be Buck, since he's a leap first kind of person when he wants something and I don't think that's ever going to change and I also think Eddie needs something big like that to realize Buck is more than a friend.
@ea-stofnar Hi there! :D I have to tell you that you’re one of my fave new followers! Thank you for the ask, TBH I can’t remember if it’s been asked before, I *think* it hasn’t been. It’s such a great question and I honestly think I can make a good case for either of them. Because I think you’re right, Buck is the more open and daring one among those two, so it fits his personality overall more. At the same time, I think he’s also the one who’s more afraid of rejection, so I can also see him pining, wanting, coming close to doing it, but stopping at a love confession without kissing Eddie. Whether he does kiss Eddie first or not, because we tend to see Eddie as the more closed off and reserved of them, I think it would be the moment when he kisses Buck (whether it’s the first kiss or a reciprocated kiss) when the whole thing will be truly on. ;) I hope this helps? Thank you and lots of hugs to you! xoxox
Tim said in an interview we’re going to see a real friendship develop between bucktaylor and possibly more? What do you think the chances are that their endgame?
Hi Nonnie! And you’re asking a hard question, thank you for being so daring yourself. ;D I think they have more of a chance than Ana and Eddie, that’s for sure. Right now, I don’t think that’s what the show has in mind for Taylor. I believe the show has a long run ahead and whoever will be Buck’s endgame will either have to be a regular or someone who comes in relatively late into the show. I suspect for now, she’s meant to be temporary, but they’re probably still testing her character out. If they see it works and it’s popular, they might change plans for her and make her a more long term character. If that happens, then she might have a chance of becoming Buck’s endgame. But I don’t think they’re there yet in turning her into a regular or his endgame, at present, I think she’s just a part of Buck’s journey for this season. I hope I managed to answer to your satisfaction, Nonnie! xoxox
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hobidreams · 3 years
Hi Rain! This ask can be the 'ask' you can post to avoid the spoilers I just mentioned (that's a lot haha). I'm sorry you had to copy-paste everything, thank you! Can't wait to hear about your thoughts! 💟
omg you are SO thoughtful! thank you so much babe <3 the rest of your asks will be under this cut. anyone who's interested in hearing our Love is Blind JP chatter, please read on 🌹😍 ALSO I HAVENT WATCHED THE LAST 2 EPS YET. i’ll prob do it later today or tomorrow so please come back and chat with me once you have!!!!
Yaay!! We can talk freely now! 😂 also, no worries at all! I really do want to give you time to reply and there's no rush! I'm sorry if i kept asking, i just get really excited haha. I don't want to pressure you to reply at all (and I hope i did not?)as I also know you have things to do! I was actually suprised you reply immediately! So just take your time, no pressure! I'm just really excited to talk about this show😆😆, sorry I kept sending ask 😅
NOOO its ok !! pls dont apologize 💕 it actually means a lot to me that i have someone to talk about this show with bc i dont know anyone irl who’s watching it hahah 💖
And oh nooo, gosh 😥 take a long enough rest, pls! I hope the headaches ceases 😔 have you got your new glasses? I really hope you'll feel better soon! 😩😥💕
i ordered them but they havent arrived yet 😩 i hope they’ll come sometime this week.
Gah i wish I could do the 'cut' layout thing here if it's in anon but anyway--just in case:
----Spoiler alert for Love is Blind after this sentence!!-----
• Aww that's so sweet with LIB USA couple!! 🥺 that's so nice to hear! Now I have a question-- is the wedding/marriage really, official and legit?? I did look it up and found that is it true but I just couldn't believe it 😆😆
yep hahaha it’s for life!!!! which is why im glad the jp couples seem to be taking it more seriously bc divorce is unfortunately still such a stigma there.
• Ah yes, it's that actor! 😂 Ooh i gotta check that Cherry Magic out then haha. Thanks!
• You and your bf are so cute, pls! 💕😂 YES IT WOULD BE AMAZING, that would be so cute. It's so cute everytime Ryotaro would fix Motomi's hair 🥺 I would love that too-- ONE PLS 😂
• Ahh so it is Takumi. Thanks! Yes 😢 I wish those guys and girls would've been at least introduced in the show?? I want to see them too cause there are several moments they interact (just like Takumi eating that lollipop lool) with the cast members and i am soo intrigued!
seriously!! like we saw Eri once and never again hahaha. but i guess its better to do that than to use them for unnecessary drama.
• Yea!! I know! I liked them together at first too! I was shocked-- what happened, Odacchi?? Yes, agreed 😔 Didn't also liked his attitude--it was rude! He didn't put an effort or at least having fun together on the getaway! He sort of just accepted they have their differences--so?? He would've at least been nice to her, for the sake of being a decent person?
Yes, so true!!! He should've said that in the pod and he should've communicated with her! Yes! I also felt so frustrated for Nanako, seeing her do the activities alone and she was so uncomfortable. I found it hard to watch at the get-together with the other couples, you can tell she's teary eyed and distancing herself to Odacchi and Odacchi just looked happy like nothing's wrong?? It put me off. Yes, jfc, haha! He should've talked to her about his problem/expectations-- things would've ended much better. I agree, they were just incompatible.
• Ahh, Minami and Mori 😔💔 Just when I looked forward with them being together. Sigh. Agreed.
Ahhh, i didn't even realized with Mori and his upbringing aw. I feel bad for him. And also with Minami's, too. I did wondered about how the way Minami would talk to Mori and if is it really that bad. Then I also thought, we don't know what's happening behind the camera. But aw man. I feel bad for the both of them 😔
Wait but isn't he already a doctor?? Ooh Pipe dream, really? Aw, man poor Mori. He wants someone gentler and much affectionate? totally understand.
he wanted to move to a developing country in the next 10 yrs and set up a clinic i think?? and she was saying that was unrealistic :(((( 
Yeaa, totally get that with Minami. She shouldn't have to give up her career and she did mentioned she wants for her & her partner to be "equals", totally get that. Also, i think you could see how Minami put effort into changing herself (which is just hard too, if that's really just the way she is.) by the end of them trying to work out their relationship. You can really see both of them tried really hard to work it all out but. Sigggh 💔
They were so nice together at the getway!! That's why they're one of the couples i root for to be together at the end! 😢💔💔
I also can see where both of them are coming from. I don't think anyone's intentionally trying to hurt the other at all, they're just two different people, that's it. It sucks that it didn't work out 💔 awww MORII 😔 yes yes, I hope they find people who 's for them!
• Ooh, MIDORII. YEES EXACTLY!! She's so confuuusing 😆 like, gurl what happened? I thought he's "the one"? I also cringe every time she mentions along the lines of closing her eyes to sort of imagine what it was like back in the pod. Like gurl, he's the same person! She kept saying like, "I don't feel that kind of affection for him, as a man", like whaaa? What does that mean? But she's still with him? I think she's just not attracted to him.
YES, her mom was right!! Maybe she haven't reconcile on her expectations with the looks and with who Wataru really is (the person she liked in the pod! Like gurl, you fought for him and had to do a paper PRESENTATION. its in that level. What happened? Lol)
Definitely agree with the looks being important too. But yes, I also felt sooo bad for him! Like the time they worked out together? He said he's not that type of person and he was shaking with that planking (was it? Haha not sure) and all that workout and for me, it felt like he was willing to change himself, make an effort for you, like "GURL??Wataru really likes you and wants to marry you!" And yes, you can tell that he knows she's sort of pulling away by subtle comments about not being basically perfect for her.
I was the most baffled by this: YES! They actually have good chemistry with each other and they look naturally good together! Yes, with cute little moments seems so real, even her reactions seems so genuine! It's sooo confusing as to why she's still second-guessing it. I'm exhausted watching her 😆
• We Love Priya IN THIS HOUSE, YES Haha! Oh, Priya deserves sooo much better!! Period! Ooh, I wonder what Priya & Wataru would've been like!
i feel like theyd understand each other more, but i also dont know if she wouldve been attracted to him either 🤔🤔🤔🤔 i have to say that Mizuki is better looking than Wataru. or maybe i just dont like that goatee thing LMAOO
• Oooh man. Mizuki. Tsk. At first I thought wow, he seems to perfect to be real (and great match for Priya). But I was shocked when Priya called him pretentious the resto. I was like "wooooah what's going oooooon??" That was the start of it all! 😥 i wonder if he's really that sketchy? I want to give him the benefit of the doubt but. Also, didn't the production did a background check on these people??
I couldn't believe (if he really was) he lied about all that or was it just a technicality thing? Like maybe he/they just genuinely don't know how to do business at all and that he's learning but..idk man, you also just gotta be honest. But its def red flaggg-- YES THANK GOD, PRIYA LISTENED TO HER INTUITION! And whaat, there are people bashing on Priya?? I AM ABSOLUTELY HERE for Priya being direct and persistent with questions because you gotta know your partner! Uh people, they're engaged for just lesst than 1 month and they're about to get married??? She def have the right to know what she's about to get into (and vise versa)!! I think what she did is realistic! I also think there's a mix of concern to her persistence, being an entrepreneur and knows about business herself--like she's just trying to clarify stuff, people! Totally agree with what you said!! I hope she gets to be with her person irl!
• Oh Yudai. Haha. I think he should date more people before marriage haha. Oh yeaa, he was so judgy with Ayano, that's what I don't about him too haha. Idk who told him (i think its Ryotaro? But not sure, i couldn't find the exact scene) that he was skeptic on one of the girls and the guy said something like, "hey, no dude, she is really being genuine. She really likes you" or smth. Oh yeeea- the kids thing. Totally right about that! What do you expect, dude?? Lol with the air time 😆 And YES, EXACTLY THANK YOU! It's...a marriage show!
• Ooh yea. So true. Oh okay so, it's not just me! I also think that of Ayano! Yea, she should've been straightforward! I genuinely think she needs to work on being direct and that's hard. I also think she was a bit rattled after not being chosen by Yudai. I felt like she felt defeated by that time so I think that affected her to talking to people. Did that make sense? Lol
• With what you said about Shuntaro/Ayano: Yep yep yep. Totally agree!! Haha! They don't seem romantic at all!! At least not with what Ayano's doing (and thus probs why Shuntaro is like that too? Haha). Sigh, sometimes age is a factor too, like it can affect, right? But ofc, its still depends on the couple.
I feel bad for Shuntaro cause he's a good guy! Tho I do think he also needs to just freaking directly ask her if she likes him or not. Just rip the bandaid, man! But also i think he's just not a confrontational person and probs didn't wanna pressure her esp since Ayano said she likes to do things at her own pace-- I mean, at that point? I immediately said, "Oh yea thay're not gonna get married" lol. Yes yes yes, you're so right. I'm suprised too! And He did seem tp really like her. Yes, def agree with you. I think they may break-up oorrr they're just gonna keep dating for a while?
• With what you said about Kaoru/Misaki:
YES TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU. They're over, Hahaha. Yea haha omg, I guess she doesn't do much on the show too haha. I got a little bored too haha.  Oohh my goodd, Misaki! YEP YEP. He doesn't give a shit! I was like. "Oh wow dude you are soo out of touch!"
OH. YES, THE PAST TRAUMA. YEP, EXACTLY!! THANK YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE RIGHT! The hell??? THE AUDACITY--MOVE ON??? "Okaygreatthanks, now she's healed!" 😬😒😒 So insensitive! Every step he made were just sooo wrong. Not telling his friend about her; not getting to know her more (which i think what Kaoru did to him as well, i guess she got turned off?); not knowing HER LAST NAME what; OFFENDING her with her past traumas. I mean come on. Haha. Sigh.
• With what you said about Nana/Yudai:
It's def Yudai's fault he didn't mentioned he doesn't want to have kids right away and all that. I agree with what you said, it's def an age thing too haha. Thank god that Nana asked that question early on the getaway??
I mean I feel bad for Nana (but also like, good for her that she dodged a bullet? Haha im i too harsh) but I think its for the best they broke up, honestly. Yudai needs time to explore for himself hahaha.
• With what you said about Midori/Wataru: GUUUUUURLL. From Midori's expression (is it grimace?? Is she still unsure?? Oh good lord but i could be wrong haha) on the preview????? Jeezus this girl/couple 😂
I totally would say, SAME. I have the same prediction! Either two ways-- she did that face just for the humor but will say yes OOOR she would say no. Oh gosh, think about being hesistant AT THE ALTAR AT THE LAST MINUTE?? GOOD LORD, thinking about it makes me cringe but honestly wouldn't stop watching 😆. Yes yes, I feel baaad for Wataru too 😬😥 sigh. That is so true-- better knowing now than later!
Alright these are just my re-reply(??) to your replies because I had to add more since i've change my opinions on some things and all the drama hahaha. I'm so sorry for adding much more rants 😅
I think I'll send another ask after this for my 'official' predictions lol. This is too long and i wanna separate it hehe.
And PLS! Just keep on telling me what you think! I'm all ears and I LIVE FOR IT!! 😆😆💕 thank you for listening and baring with me as well! 😅💟
hahaha i love hearing your thoughts!!!!! i didnt reply to everything bc im gonna do it in the ask below to make things smoother to read for u and i didnt wanna repeat myself 😍 i love that we’re on the same wavelength tho!!!!
Hi Rain! These are my predictions (i feel ridiculous on being a bit serious about this show 😆😆):
• Ryotaro and Motomi will either: (1) get married, and (2) no, not yet but will keep on dating each other after the show (and eventually get married in the future)! Ahehehehe 💕
DEFINITELY hanging on with that cliffhanger with Motomi's dad!! It's so intense (btw love his hat and he looks pretty stylish & neat?) !! 😆 gosh, also can we talk about Ryotaro preparing for the meet-up? Dressing up and making sure of his clothes? Can we talk about Ryotaro dyeing (or temporary dyeing) his hair black? It was such a sweet effort?? He really didn't have to do that (knowing Motomi didn't pressure him to do it is good enough) but he still did 🥺 He is such a sweetheart, we don't deserve him ahuhu 😢😂
I hope everything goes well with these two We shall see! 🤞👀👀
YES omgggggg the dad looks so stern but also stylish hahah. pretty much exactly what i thought he would look like. the black hair was really sweet imo, esp because its probably temporary. its still a show of sincerity that i appreciated 😭🥺 
By the way, did you ever noticed that Ryotaro & Motomi had very few scenes during the 'live-in' stage of the show? Not hating on the other couple but i guess these two are doing so well they don't have much problems for the production to cover 😂. Motomi meeting Ryotaro's friends went well. So thr most tricky situation they got is Ryotaro meets The Family/Father-- that's about it right? 😂 seriously, good for them and I hope these two stays to together for long and good 🥺💕
Oh and every time Ryotaro would seat in that red/orange(?) chair of his, that one where he can watch Motomi cook over the kitchen is so cute?? I just had to mention that because!! 😆 i'm too smitten by Ryotaro/this couple ahahaha
i didnt!! LOL but that totally makes sense bc things were going too smoothly 🤣 OMG yes the way he looks at her???? LIKE THE LOVE IN HIS EYES??? theyre always smiling at each other. im so obsessed and hope they stay together forever 💕😭
• I will be SHOCKED if Kaoru & Misaki carries on til the altar/end! 😂 they won't get married for sure haha. Those two needs to be with other people! Haha
💯💯💯💯 i will actually feel so bad for her if she marries him
• I think Ayano and Shuntaro wouldn't make it to the altar, totally agree with what you said. I felt bad when Shuntaro said that Ayano is just there to "visit" and not to stay. To be fair, Ayano can still experience a lot more in life, being in 20s and all. I think they're gonna talk things out days before the wedding day.
(No one's asking lol but) I think Ayano needs to take time to figure out things for herself first (haha but she can do what she wants haha who am i) haha. But kind of for real haha.
ok i read this post and it totally confirmed why im not the biggest fan of Ayano. like just the way she carries herself... i think its just not a match for Shuntaro and theyre both so stilted with each other. it doesnt feel natural at all and the way she keeps trying to please ppl is just.. not it. theyd just end up in a cold marriage tbh because they dont communicate well at all.
• I think 2 things can happen with Midori and Wataru: (1) Midori will say yes; and (2) She will say no but the two will decide to date for a while after the show (if things goes well) until whether or not she decides to be with Wataru for sure (not sure, unlike our OTP, loool, Ryotaro and Motomi hahaha)
*btw i was wrong, Midori wasn't grimacing at the preview (i was exaggerating 😅), sorry hahaha. But it does look like a nervous smile so hahaha. Omgg cannot wait 👀👀
YEAH HER LOOK AT THE ALTAR IN THE PREVIEW!!!! it looked so awkward fasdlkjafs. idk its still completely uncertain for me and i cant wait to find out what happens hahaha
So overall-- 100% agree with you that most likely to actually get married are Ryotaro & Motomi 😆💕
I also wonder if the former contestants/couples would be guest in the wedding ceremony? Will the cast (all of them or most of them) ever have a 'reunion' moment-- I think there's a scene in the preview where Motomi* popped open a bottle? Haha. How about former couples would get to talk again?? And will they talk and hash things out or maybe some drama will happen?? Omgg 👀👀😆
there was a reunion after a year for the first season of LIBUSA so maybe they’ll do it again??? i hope so! it was filmed last summer so if they had a reunion, itd be done this year. i saw on Nanako’s instagram that Midori commented that she missed her so i think some of them really became genuine friends. itd be so cute to see them all together again!! 🥺🌹
Hope you'll feel much better! And you get to have plenty of rest, always take care! Let's enjoy watching the last 2 eps! 👀💟
at this point i just want someone to be happy 🤣🤣🤣 i adored the wedding dress scene tho and im so happy it was there 💞 im gonna go into the 2 eps with an open mind and im so sure theres gonna be something unpredictable. WHAT IF AYANO AND SHUNTARO GET MARRIED ????? 😩😩 hahaha 
0 notes