#they aren't agents
actual-changeling · 2 months
Post-Chimera fic with a moment similar to Ellen asking Mulder about having a significant other but it's Scully having to grapple with that question.
Maybe she picks him up at the airport (she misses him & also he almost got drowned so she's even more concerned—what if he didn't get himself checked out, what if EMTs missed something, what if there's still water in his lungs and he develops pneumonia, what if...) and gets roped into a conversation by someone waiting to pick up their partner.
"Are you waiting for your husband, too?"
"He's my—"
Husband. Well. No but not no. Technically no, but Mulder is still Someone and the most important person in her life, so—yes?
Scully doesn't want to lie but she can't decide if it's really a lie when the sentiment behind the word is true, when the weight of what Mulder is to her is not just equal to a spouse but even more than that. She panics a little a lot, and the words get away from her.
"He's mine."
It should sound odd or overly possessive but, somehow, it doesn't. It sounds right. Whatever it is they are, they both know—without having to say it out loud—that they belong to each other in a fundamental, can't-imagine-myself-without-you way.
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hajihiko · 2 months
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It runs in the family
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Been thinking about the X-Files recently. A show I have a hazy, but fond memory of.
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mattastr0phic · 4 months
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(Non-canon) If Agents Myriad and Ukulele weren't cowards during Field Days
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blaiddraws · 2 years
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a continuation of this comic. emmet has some concerns about the loyalty of his depot agents, and not in the direction that usually goes.
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the-radio-star · 9 months
"I can't believe the whole team just broke up post season 7 and now only talk once a year"
wrong they just spent years constantly trying to stop the world from ending and never having any time for their lives outside of SHIELD. They're now each taking a few years to pursue their own lives-- this is super healthy!!!
daisy isn't going to be in space forever. it's like a sibling going off to college. fitz and simmons are first time parents contending with a toddler. and coulson earned that sabbatical. especially in these first few years after season 7, getting all of them in the same room is nearly impossible. even real families and friendgroups have phases like that! and it's clear from their conversation that they all have been talking regularly in-between anyways and making future plans.
so in three years? five years?
you're telling me fitzsimmons don't enlist may's help with babysitting? mack, elena, coulson, and may hanging at the end of the day to talk SHIELD gossip? (without the pressure of the world on the line!) piper and davis rallying the group to throw a "welcome back to earth" party for the astro ambassadors when they return?!
all of them took time away from the group before, why would this be any different? they're still friends, they're still in the same field, they just have lives outside of SHIELD now!!! and that's a good thing, that's the good ending!
"this will be your last mission together"
good!!! no more traumatic missions!! now they can just focus on being silly and being friends!!!!
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cautionszz · 3 months
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AGENTS!! as always. not to scale
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agentpenguinmann · 2 years
so they really said "he's a dad first and a spy second" with these covers huh
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ellenchain · 1 year
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🍩🌴Vacation time 🌴🍩
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legendofrhythm · 4 months
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Would you still love me if I became a living oil spill
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antianakin · 1 year
I've decided the only valid answer to the question of "Could another Master have trained Anakin better/saved Anakin from Falling" is Jon Antilles.
This has absolutely nothing to do with any sort of personality differences between Jon Antilles and Obi-Wan or any belief that Jon Antilles would be a better teacher or has anything in particular in common with Anakin, and everything to do with the pure rage-fueled aneurysm that being Jon Antilles's Padawan would give to Palpatine as he tries to contact Anakin and is told for the 7th time now that Anakin and his Master were just declared dead again and no one's sure if it's stuck this time.
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2hoothoots · 5 months
It sounds like the Raz in your Villains AU would be more emotionally stunted than the proper FSAU Raz. I can imagine the Performer and Lover archetypes either didn't form to balance out the Agent archetype, or we have a Cassie situation. Maybe the Agent archetype usurped them and Raz ate his feelings.
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It's not that I can't. I just find it more prudent to focus my energy elsewhere.
v!au Raz doesn't have any archetypes. he never really saw the need to develop any. what's a guy like him need a little doodle friend for? he's already a walking one-dimensional paper cutout
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
Loving the splatoon dlc bc of the pearlina interactions and also Pearl being Eightʼs hypesquid
i feel like being Eight's hypsquid is the least pearl can do if she's also gonna be like THAT with Eight's OTHER mom in public
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lavenoon · 2 years
Accidentally Undercover AU, let's go!
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Three idiots and six identities, and all the comedic chaos that entails.
Y/N is a rather particular parkour enthusiast, who happened to catch the eye of someone scouting for new secret agent material. They're damn good at their job, though their lighthearted "ehehe I'm a secret agent" attitude doesn't really give off that impression. They're proud of their reputation though, and worked hard to get where they are.
In come Sun and Moon - one animatronic, two AIs (unbeknownst to Y/N). A tag team that works shorter shifts but due to their shared body still more than Y/N, and is scarily efficient. They quickly ascend the ranks and become respected agents to everyone except Y/N. About the same time, they look for a new place to live - somewhere with more space for all their gadgets and gear, and preferably with a landlord who won't ask too many questions.
Well, Y/N doesn't ask any questions they don't want turned around towards them, so at least with this arrangement everyone is happy. They don't mind the drilling, whirring, and all the other seemingly suspicious noises - because they're used to them, and have their own little workshop (although they invested in soundproofing long before Sun and Moon moved in). They do quite like their new neighbor, not realizing that's supposed to be plural, and find him one of the easier people to deal with in their life.
Not like their rival at work - who really seems hellbent on making their life difficult. Some mission overlap means they meet quite often, and fortunately mutually agree not to tell anyone else when their banter distracts them from the mission itself, almost causing them to fail. They don't truly hate each other. They're just the two smart kids in class who always need to prove themselves (to the other).
They're all very smart to work as secret agents - but I cannot emphasize enough that they are all three extremely, extremely stupid when it comes to their identities. They don't even expect the nice neighbor/ annoying coworker to be both, so of course they don't notice.
Sun and Moon can talk internally, and do sometimes, but mostly while one is active the other is in rest mode. It's a mutual decision - they would drive each other crazy, constantly critiquing actions/ not being able to actually intervene. They can "wake" each other, but mostly do that around the time of the switch anyway.
So when one talks about the respective Y/N identity they're aware of, they do so via recounting, and not shared memories, only increasing the dissonance between "Robin" and Y/N.
A present day to mildly futuristic setting, animatronics and robots are fully integrated into society. There's also enough of them around, so Y/N in turn doesn't question why their neighbor and coworker look so damn similar.
Shenanigans ensue ✨
Edit: Here's the masterlist! (Check reblogs for future updates)
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"We need more messy/awful/cringefail female characters!"
You guys couldn't even handle Wanda Whipple...
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benevolenterrancy · 1 year
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this is a little belated by I saw @dayinthedeath's discussion about who in torchwood is most likely to be spiderman and I needed to join in with this proposal: it's a team effort in united nerdy idiocy
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