#they ask some questions back nd forth nd answer nd stuff nd begin connecting
cloudy-dayys · 2 years
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@finalfridayss when they first met
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*slams hand on table* okay miss Shikai hear me out. if you want... do you have any headcannons surrounding X and Zero? Their ordinary dates? Character tics? Relations with others when together? X/Zero being cute in general? Funny stories surrounding this glorious gay robot couple? Generally, just X A ND Z E RO
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OH MY DEAR ANON…The answer is yes, of course, and always. But you’ve put me on the spot and now I’m not sure where to begin! I know I’ll be kicking myself because I’ll think of more later, but for now I’ll just start off with general headcannons (boy oh boy did this get long):
Zero’s not a big touchy-feely person. Reploids don’t get “skin starved” like humans do, so I feel like most wouldn’t be very touchy-feely anyways, but I think Zero’s absolutely not a fan of people being up in his personal space without good reason (a “good reason” would probably be combat or training related). That being said, Zero can be pretty demonstrative (for Zero anyways) when it comes to X. Day of Sigma reinforced this headcanon (plus that greeting they had in X6) since Zero pretty casually put his hand on X’s shoulder to ease his concerns, so I think that sort of interaction is a regular thing between them.
X is probably pretty touchy-feely for a Reploid. Along with the morality tests and other scenarios Dr. Light programmed to help educate and test X, I’m sure he put in a few lessons about social interactions so X would have a general idea of how to socialize with humans once he woke up. (X is probably more touchy-feely than he would’ve been anyways because of habits he picked up in his first few years of being “awake” and being around Dr. Cain). I think giving pats on the shoulder or back are things he’d do to show his affection for the people he cares about (he probably likes receiving them too). I think hugs are reserved for Dr. Cain and maybe??? Zero??? I have nothing in canon to go off of this unless you want to count X5 //shot but X seems like the type of person who’s desperately in need of hugs so I’m going to say yeah, that’s a thing that happens between X and Zero too (on rare occasions).
I think X and Zero would be pretty casual around each other? Like maybe X is a little tired so he leans against Zero or something and it’s Not A Big Deal. Canonically speaking, Zero and X trust each other more than anyone else in the world so I feel like they’re pretty comfortable around each other.
If we’re talking about what they’d be like in a relationship, I think it’d be really frickin cute if they held hands (for long periods or even if it was just for a brief moments, like one of them returns from a long mission and that’s how they greet each other. Maybe Zero squeezes X’s hand and it’s his way of being expressive since he’s probably not as good at that as X is). I like to think about them leaning their foreheads against each other’s (even though the other Hunters would probably be Scandalized because being so touchy-feely is weird for Reploids).
As for dates I think it’d be pretty casual too??? They’re practically a couple in canon already so I feel like their hangout sessions wouldn’t be too different (assuming they have time between missions and just. The war in general. Man that’s depressing). I tried tackling my idea of what one of their dates might be like in my “Dates and Desserts” fic, but I wasn’t 100% happy with that fic. I’ll get around to fixing that up later. But basically, casual fun things, in or outside of Hunter Base. Maybe they just watch awful human movies together or X tells Zero about weird books he’s read. Nothing that deviates too much from what they usually do (but maybe it’d involve more cuddling).
Other random stuff??? X likes reading physical books rather than digital copies just because. He doesn’t really have a reason for it, he just does. He also likes sleeping with a blanket even though he doesn’t need to because it’s comforting (that’s probably a human-exclusive trait but you know what, let me have this one). He likes eating human food sometimes and he’s tried every human hobby at least once (he has a scrapbook, various knitting equipment, a few sketchbooks, and some music sheets in some of his drawers). I think X would be good at piano but never felt a strong connection to any of the other instruments he tried. Zero likes seeing the hobbies X picks up on occasion, but I don’t think he’d try most of them unless they piqued his interest (or unless X asked him to try something with him).
HECK these are more like general headcannons, lemme give you some actual romantic ZeroX headcannons
I think if they ever actually got into a relationship it wouldn’t be an official thing? Like they’d never have that “you want to date?” or “I love you” moment, it’d just sort of happen organically? I don’t think much would change between their current dynamic and any sort of relationship. They already love and care about each other, after all :’)
I’ve gone back and forth over the whole kiss thing for them for MONTHS and I’m still not 100% set on my headcannon, because on the one hand I think any sort of physical interaction between them is already pretty intimate since it’s a demonstration of trust, so they probably wouldn’t really feel the need do the whole kissing thing? ON THE OTHER HAND, I think X (and Zero?) would recognize kissing as another / different way to show affection for someone you love, so maybe it’s a thing they’d do??? Who knows???? I’m constantly struggling to keep headcannons as in-character as possible but that can kill the fun so you knOW WHAT here’s some kissing headcannons
X gives really soft, small, gentle kisses mostly the cheek, and they’d be pretty regular. Maybe a cute short smooch on the lips once in a while. Zero would probably not be a big kisser, when he does it, they’d mostly be on the forehead because X is short lmao. Once in a while he catches X off guard with a proper kiss and it and X is adequately pleased and flustered for the rest of the day.
I dug up my old kissing headcannon post from like a year ago so I’ll reiterate a few of those here too: Zero’s kinda bad at the whole “romantic displays of affection” thing, so in the beginning he just tries to copy what X does and he’s awkward at it (but X would think it’s sweet b/c Zero’s this big intimidating Reploid trying his best to figure out how to give his bf cute kisses). Zero eventually nails his technique and then it’s X’s turn to be embarrassed and Zero’s just like “B) good”.
I don’t think they’d have nicknames for each other. Just regular ol’ X and Zero. I put a lot of importance in names but idk how to properly explain that so moving on-
Going back to an earlier comment, if the whole “organic thing” regarding how they came to terms with their feelings was too bland, here’s a few more headcannons from a scrapped fic:
X realized how he felt first because of course he would. 100 years of being stuck in a capsule growing accustom to his emotions and feelings would naturally give him a good understanding of his personality (and heart, theoretical though it might be). He’d probably realize it in quiet moments while hanging out with Zero, times when they’re relaxing after missions and just talking. Of course, it probably wasn’t something he felt the need to meditate on until Zero’s initial death (or maybe even before then- when Sigma used Zero as a hostage in ‘Day of Sigma’. Though he didn’t know what the consequences would be in the moment, he essentially let hundreds (if not thousands) of people die because he couldn’t harm Zero to kill Sigma, and then Sigma turned around and bombed their city. The understanding that there was a single thing he was unwilling to lose, so much so that he might put others at risk (even unknowingly), probably scared the hell out of him for a little while. If not that, then the fact that Sigma so easily read him and used (and continued to use) Zero against him time and time again probably did it.
Zero, even without 100 years of meditation and the emotional expression range of a brick, would realize how he felt about X eventually. Love and Loyalty are probably the same thing in his mind, and he’d accept his feelings readily. It’d just be another fact of life for him, one he wouldn’t dispute or question, and one he wouldn’t linger on. Tbh I have a whole fic concerning Zero reacting to this realization, so expect a fic from me about this later.
I could add more but THIS IS LONG ENOUGH AS IT IS. I’m always down to talk about MMX and these two, thanks for giving me an excuse to do so anon (and please forgive any run-ons or whatever)
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