#they basically cant even breathe near each other without some prick saying something to them
jrueships · 1 year
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inagetawaycarxo · 4 years
Mind Games | Spencer Reid
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❛❛ Omg Spencer and hot custome reader basically they are at halloween party and the lights go out and there is a usub is trying to play mind game with the guess and the team. Like exposing people such as the tragedies that has happened in their life ( can I request a really bad tragedy for the reader) also for people to confess their feelings .In this, spencer and the reader are married, so someone else confess their feelings for either spencer or the reader (doesn’t have to be someone on the team) Anyways, The team has to figure out who it is by the end of the night so before the unsub killed them, (you know how those scary movies are that the usub plays mind games that torture them?) Lol idk what I just said but is basically that, if you can and want. Thank you❜❜- LalyMendoza9 + ❛❛ Confessing things that the team doesn’t know, like lies, betrays, making the reader, spencer and people jealous. The confessions doesn’t even need to be true because is mind games manipulation❜❜- LalyMendoza9
 Pairings: Spencer Reid x Wife!Reader
Featuring: Spencer Reid, Y/n (Reader), JJ, Emily, Tara, Garcia, David Rossi, Luke Alvez, other agents, f/n (friends name)
Summary: A Halloween party turns into a nightmare. Can the bau find out who the unsub is?
WARNINGS: violence, fluff, angst, mind games, suppose betrayal, hurt!reader, injured!reader, idk.
Word Count: 1967
A/N: I haven’t watched cm for a long time. I decided to make the unsub y/n’s friend.
Spencer clutched your hand tightly as soon as the power shut off. leaving the bau office in complete darkness.
Spencer pulled you closer to him. As some agents and their significant others panicked. Some screaming, others having panic attacks.
“It’s going to be okay.” Spencer reassured you. as you nodded your head. Taking out your phone and turning your torch on.
Looking for your friend. Everyone else in the room either took out their phones, turning them on or the torch app, or took out lighters.
“I’m glad I’ve got all of your attention. It’s time for a little game. Time to expose all of you for the corrupt agents you are.” A distorted voice spoke, through a speaker. Everyone let out a panicked gasp or scream. While you clung onto Spencer's arm. Getting worried about your friend.
The distorted voice spoke again. This time exposing some agents past. You didn’t listen to it. To busy focusing on finding your friend.
“I can’t see f/n anywhere.” You spoke. Looking at Spencer with a concerned expression.
“Maybe, he is in the bathroom.” Spencer responded. Giving you a reassuring smile. You smiled back at him. But your mind still wasn’t at ease.
“I think, I should go look for him. Make sure he is okay.” You spoke. Letting go of Spencer. Spencer panicked. Grabbing a hold of your wrist. Giving you a pleading look. Furrowing his eyebrows.
“Don’t go, it’s dangerous.” Spencer pleaded.
Just as you were about to respond. The distorted voice said your name. making the hairs on your body stand up. Your skin crawling. Your spin tingling.
“Y/n Reid, have you told your husband what happened to you in your past? Or have you pretended like it never happened, bottle it up. It’s not healthy you know. Or do you feel like you are being a burden if you do tell him? So, you sweep it under the rug, as JJ does with her feelings for Spencer. Don’t you JJ.” The distorted voice spoke. JJ looked shocked. Shuttering on her words. While you felt like a weight was pressing against you. shallowing rapidly, as your throat felt like it was closing in. tears pricking your eyes. JJ looked away from you. Avoiding your gaze. A feeling of jealousy sparking up inside of you.
Spencer cupped the side of your face. Giving you a pleading look.
“He is just trying to get inside your head. Don’t listen to him.” Spencer reassured you. But you looked away. What they said got to you. she didn’t even deny it either.
“I have to go find, f/n. You should figure out who the unsub is before he gets bored with minds games and manipulation and starts killing people.” You spoke. Avoiding his gaze and shaking him off of you.
You quickly walked away from him and out of the room. Searching for your friend.
“F/n.” You called out. But got no response.
You were about to call out for him again but stopped yourself when you heard the distorted voice coming from a room near you. you quickly went over it peeping inside to see your friend talking into a com. You let out a loud gasp. Eyes widening fear, as he raised his head. Cupping your hands over your mouth and ducking behind the door. Your back pressed against the wall. As he turned around. Walking to the door. You slowly slid away from the door.
The door opened. Making you suck in a breath.
“Y/n.” f/n spoke. Giving you a fake smile.
“Hey, f/n, there you are.” You greeted him mustering up a smile. F/n’s fake smile dropped into a snarl. You gulped as he stalked towards you. While you backed away. But it was no use he pinned you against the wall.
“You saw me, didn’t you?” He asked.
“Saw what?” You gulped out. Playing it cool. You sneakily reached your hand into your back pocket. But f/n saw this and grabbed your wrist roughly pulling it away.
“Don’t lie, y/n, it’s unattractive.” He hissed out.
“F/n, please.” You begged him. Looking at him with pleading eyes.
“Sh, soon you will understand.” He cooed. You felt something prick your side. Making you look down to your side. Letting out a panicked gasp, as you saw a needle in you. F/n pushed the plunger into the barrel. The liquid in the barrel going to you.
“No, please.” You gasped out. Trying to push him off of you but to no avail.
“Sh...” He cooed. As the drugs took effect on you. you slumped in his grasp.
F/n smiled. Discarding the needle. Then looking around to see if the coast is clear. He picked you up. Taking you into the bathroom he was in. gently laying you on the floor. He quickly put zip ties on your hands and ankles. Binding them together.
“You’ll see, y/n. they aren’t worth your time.” F/n hummed. Stroking your hair. Taking your phone off of you and breaking it….
The team stood around the table. Garcia sitting down on the chair, her laptop on the table. While Rossi was looking out at the window. Eyes narrowed.
Spencer tried to call you again, but it went straight to voicemail.
“She’s still not picking up?” JJ asked.
“No.” Spencer mumbled. A sinking feeling forming in the pit of his stomach.
“Focus, Spencer, I’m sure she is okay.” Emily spoke.
“He obviously gets his kicks off of playing mind games and manipulating people.” Rossi spoke. Still not looking away from the window.
Emily opened her mouth to say something, but the distorted voice spoke again.
“Times running up. I’m going to start killing you one by one.” The distorted voice spoke. He was about to say more when a gasp stopped him. Gaining everyone’s attention in the room.
“He has someone already.” Emily spoke. Eyes widening.
F/n turned off the com. Well, he thought he did, but he really didn’t. Putting it down on the vanity. Turning around and walking over to you.
 “Why are you doing this?” You asked him. Giving him a sad look. The team looked at each other in panic. While Spencer felt like the walls were caving in on him.
“Don’t you get it, y/n?” He snapped. Looking at you with fury in his eyes.
“No, I don’t.” You gasped out.
“I love you, and you still choose him. I was there for you when you had that incident, he wasn’t, you haven’t even told him, and yet you still married him. He has you blinded. He and his whole team are corrupt.” He yelled.
“Please, just stop this.” You begged. Tears finning up your eyes. Your eyes suddenly wandered to a blinking red light.
“Oh, no, these people need to learn… What are you looking at?” He spoke. Eyes wandering over to what you were looking at.
“Just your confession to go to jail.”  You spoke. F/n saw a red-light blinking. Making him let out a growl.
He quickly grabbed a fistful of your hair. Yanking it up. Making you let out a whimper.
”I’m not going to jail, just so he can have you, if I can't have you then he cant.” He snarled out. Pulling out a gun and pressing the muzzle of the gun into your stomach.
“No.” You pleaded. But f/n didn’t listen to you, he pulled the trigger. You let out a blood-curdling scream. Feeling an intense amount of pain in your stomach. Spencer felt like he was going to collapse. He had to go save you.
JJ tried to comfort him, but he shook her off. Without a second thought, he rushed out of the room. Searching for you, pushing other agents aside. it wasn’t hard to find you, he could hear you crying out in pain. It broke his heart even more. F/n kept telling you to shut up.
Spencer rushed into the room making f/n lookup.
“Put the gun down.” Spencer commanded. But f/n glared at him. Shaking his head no. Pointing his gun at Spencer.
Spencer's eyes glanced towards you. His heartbreaking some more.
“Put down the gun, f/n I won't ask you again.” Spencer demanded.
“No.” F/n growled. Shaking his head from side to side. Spencer quickly tackled f/n to the ground. Both of them struggling for dominance.
Yanking the gun out of his hands and pointing it at his shoulder. Spencer pulled the trigger. Shooting f/n’s shoulder.
Spencer went over to you. picking you up bridal style and walking out of the door. Bumping into Emily, Tara, JJ, Luke and Rossi.
“He is in there. I am going to take y/n to the hospital.” Spencer spoke. Walking out of the building as best as he could.
Spencer gently put you in the passenger seat. Shutting the door. Then rushing over the driver's side. Hopping in. Putting the keys into the ignition and turning the car on. Putting the car into gear then pressing his foot on the accelerator, speeding off.
“It’s going to be okay.” He reassured you.
“I…I…Should…have…told…you. I’m sorry.” You gasped out. Eyes closing. Breathing getting swallower.
Spencer panicked. Stepping on the gas even harder.
“Stay with me. It is going to be okay.” He panicked.
“I love you.” You gasped out. Making Spencer feel like his throat was closing in on him.
Spencer felt relief as the hospital came into view. Driving into the entrance, parking in the entrance. Opening the door and rushing over to the passenger door. Opening it and taking you out. Rushing into the hospital. Leaving the car running.
“HELP! Someone, help me, my wife needs help. She’s been shot int the stomach.” Spencer pleaded.
A few nurses came over to him with a gurney. Taking you off of him and putting you on the gurney, then wheeling you off. Leaving Spencer standing there in shock. Hoping you wouldn’t die…
Spencer waited in the waiting room, for over eight hours. The rest of the team waiting with him. Trying to comfort him. Reassuring him that you are strong. That f/n is under arrest. His eyes were red and dry from crying.
“Family of Reid, Y/n Reid?” The doctor asked. Bringing Spencer out of his daydream. He stood up rushing over to the doctor.
“I’m her husband.” He spoke. The team standing up. The doctor smiled at him.
“She is stable, had a blood transfusion. You can go see her, just one at a time.” The doctor spoke. Making Spencer nod, as well as the team.
The doctor told Spencer your room number and the floor you were on. Spencer bolted off towards your room.
Breathing in deeply then out before going into the room. His hands shaking.
He opened the door. Walking in. seeing you laying there on the bed, with wires on you broke him. Spencer closed the door behind him softly. Then walked over to you. grabbing a chair and sitting down beside you. grabbing a hold of your hand. Which made your eyes flutter open.
“Hey.” Spencer cooed. Kissing your hand feverishly.
“Hi.” You whispered hoarsely.
“I am so glad you’re alive, I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you so much, and only you.” He softly spoke.
“I love you too.” You replied. Smiling at him.
“I’m sorry about f/n, I…” You apologized.
“It’s not your fault.” Spencer spoke. Giving you a reassuring smile. While you gave him a pained smile.
“I want to tell you about what happened in my past.” You spoke. Making Spencer smile.
He kissed your hand softly. Nodding his head.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He spoke softly.
“I need to.” You spoke. Spencer nodded his head.
Spencer listened intensely to what you were saying. Thumb caressing the back of your hand, as you talked…
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retrocelly · 6 years
You’ve Been Distant (Tyler Seguin)
A/N: I banged this out in about an hour and barely proof-read it, so sorry for any mistakes. I’m in an angsty Tyler Seguin mood and I can't help it.
Warnings: angst, age gap (everything legal of course), cursing, yelling, basically everything that comes with arguing
Word count: 2,378
Everything about Tyler was familiar. You knew the subtleties of the way he spoke, the way he would lean on you for comfort after a particularly rough game, and all of the things that made him tick. However, you didn’t know this Tyler. Recently, he had been distant from you. He would come home from roadies and hardly acknowledge your presence within your shared home. He seemed reluctant to talk to you about his day, or listen as you spoke about yours. He hadn’t been inviting you to come out with the boys after a win like he normally would. After nearly a year and a half together, you’d grown accustomed to Tyler being borderline clingy at times; hanging on your every word and staying near you like a lovestruck puppy. But the separation came all of a sudden: he just came home one night, took the dogs out, then went to bed without a second glance your way. From that point, it’d been nearly three weeks since you’d had your Tyler.
Your worry wasn’t that he’d fallen out of love with you or that he’d been unfaithful, but rather that he’d finally listened to what everyone had been telling him for over a year: you’re too young. Sure, a seven year age gap was a lot to some people. Hell, even you and Tyler had been wary to start a relationship at first. It hadn’t taken long for the both of you to realize that you were too good together, you complimented each other in every way. Since then there hadn’t been a doubt in your mind, but you couldn’t say the same for Tyler. You noticed the way that he paused before telling his friends that you couldn’t drink while out with them since you were only 20. You noticed how he shifted when he introduced you to his family, praying that they wouldn’t be surprised by how young you looked. You noticed all of it. 
You needed desperately to talk to Tyler about all of it and just get a feel for where his head was at. Then again, how on earth were you supposed to do that when he wouldn’t talk to you at all? Luckily, the Stars didn’t have a game tonight and you figured that he’d be home from practice by 2pm, giving the two of you plenty of time to talk.  Your were right, and right around 2, all of the dogs got up to stand around the front door. You gave Tyler a moment to set all of his things down and greet the dogs before you spoke.
“Hey Ty,” you started, trying your hardest to sound cheerful, “how was practice?”
He gave you a quick glance, his face remaining stern.
That was it. Good. You hated the word.
“Well when you have a minute, I need to talk to you about something.” Tyler let out a heavy sigh and ran a hand through his hair.
“I’m pretty tired after practice, Y/N. Can we just talk some other time?” Tired, he was always tired. After practice, after games, after going out with friends. When wasn’t he tired anymore?
“No, Tyler,” you sighed, “it’s important and I need to talk to you about it today.” He shook his head slightly, exacerbated, then turned from you and headed up the stairs toward your bedroom.
Fine. If he wanted to try and ignore you, you were going to make it near impossible for him to do so. If constant prodding is what took to get him to pay attention to you, then that’s exactly what you would do. You needed him to talk to you, scream at you, something.
Tyler trudged black down the stairs a few minutes later, having changed into sweats and a worn t-shirt. He sat on the couch (the opposite end from you, of course) and focused his attention on the TV. Shamelessly, you scooted closer to him until your shoulders were touching. The small amount of contact was probably the most you’d had in almost a month and you missed him. Tyler sat up straighter and leaned slightly away from you. It hurt, sure, but you were determined to keep going with your plan.
“Do I smell bad or something, Ty?” You tilted your head to look him in the eyes, but he didn’t return the gesture.
“Is something wrong?” You knew there was, but you’d do him the courtesy of acting as if you didn’t know.
“Nope,” He returned bluntly, “just tired, like I said earlier.”
“Do you want me to give you a massage? That always seems to help.”
He shook his head without a word, keeping his focus on the TV screen. Okay, time to kick it up a notch. You pulled out your phone and opened snapchat and selected the puppy filter. Quickly, you turned the camera toward Tyler and started a video where you zoomed in on his face. Finally, he turned to look at what you were doing, which activated the filter and turned his scowl into a much cuter puppy scowl. You let out a childish giggle and posted the video to your story, knowing that that would only agitate him further.
Tyler shifted in his seat, letting out a sigh so heavy that it sounded more like an annoyed groan. However, he still wasn’t talking. For your next trick, you leaned your head on his shoulder and made sure to nuzzle into him a bit to really piss him off. If there was one thing Tyler hated, it was being smothered while he was angry. Still nothing. Well then, time for your final act.
Tyler clearly wasn’t in ‘the mood’ at the moment and if anything, it was probably the last thing on his mind. He was angry, and tired, and didn’t want to be around you for whatever reason, so what better way to push him over the edge? Slowly, you tilted your head up and began laying slow kisses onto Tyler’s neck. You made sure to focus your efforts just below his ear and overtop his collarbone, where you knew he was most sensitive. He moved his head away from you slightly, but you only used that as an excuse to move so that you were straddling him, now completely blocking his view of the television. Quickly, he moved his large hands up to grab your shoulders and pushed you away from him.
“Cut it out,” he scolded, “I don’t know how much clearer I can make it that I want to be alone right now.” His face was hard and unforgiving, an expression you’d only seen when he was upset during a game.
“But I thought you said that nothing was wrong.” You pouted, making no move to get off of him. You were taunting him, and it seemed like he’d finally realized that as his face contorted into a confused scowl.
“Is that what you’ve been doing this whole time?” He questioned loudly, standing up as he forced you off to the side of him. “You’re actively trying to piss me off? Are you that fucking desperate for attention that you cant even leave me alone for one damn day?!”
“One day?” You retorted, standing off of the couch the face him. “Tyler, you haven’t spoken more than five words to me in the past month!” 
He let out a bitter, empty laugh, one that you hated. He was livid.
“And so this is how you decide to get me to talk to you? By being the most obnoxious girl within 100 miles?”
“I didn’t know what else to do, dammit!” You screamed, and you could feel hot tears beginning to sting your eyes. “you wouldn’t talk to me no matter what I tried!”
“God,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair, an unforgiving glare still plastered across his features, “You’re so fucking immature that you don’t even know how to handle a problem without acting like a brat. Do you not understand how annoying that is? It doesn’t make me want to talk to you, it makes me want to get up and leave the damn house. You can be such a child sometimes, it’s like I’m fucking babysitting.”
“Oh, so that is the issue!” Your tone was accusatory, “You think I’m too immature.”
You had settled slightly, your demeanor softening after finally hearing the words you knew he’d been waiting to say. Tyler, however, didn’t seem like he was backing down.
“Wow, Y/N, do you want a gold star for your fabulous detective work?” You crossed your arms at his mocking tone. “Y’know, sometimes I think that they were right about you. Jamie told me that you were too young - he said that you would a pain in the ass, because 20-year-olds are fucking stupid when it comes to dating - and he was right. My mom and both of my fucking sisters told me that it wasn’t a good idea to get involved with a girl so much younger than me and I should’ve fucking listened.”
Tyler’s face was red and you had a couple tears running down your cheeks by the time he was done.
“Oh, give me a goddamn break, Tyler! You’re such a selfish ass sometimes, you know that?” He opened his mouth to retort, but you cut him off. “I didn’t do anything wrong. Nothing at all! I was being a good, supportive girlfriend and then one day you came home and just decided to pretend like I didn’t exist. I was there for you when you needed me to be! When you came home after a bad game, whining like a baby that it was all because of shitty refs, I was there to console you! Not once did I complain when you drug me out to go clubbing with you and the boys after I’d had a full day of classes and work! Not once did I sit you down and tell you about how terrible my day was, because I cared about you first! I always put you first! And instead of repaying the favor like any other boyfriend would, you cut me off and acted like it was my fault! If you wanna talk about who’s immature, take a good hard look in the mirror because I’m not the moody, narcissistic prick in this relationship, but that’s what you are right now!”
You let out a heavy breath and walked past Tyler to go upstairs. He made no attempt to speak, nor did he try and come after you. You knew him well enough, and when Tyler was silent like that, it was because he knew he was wrong. You walked into your bedroom, shutting the door behind you (after the dogs had followed you in, obviously). You needed time to cool off and he needed time to reflect. Once you were changed into your pajamas, you sat on the edge of the bed and allowed yourself to shed your remaining tears. By the time you’d calmed down, you were simply exhausted. It was still only mid-afternoon, but you didn’t care. You crawled into your side of the bed and flicked on the TV, ready to settle in for the day. However, a soft knock at the bedroom door and Cash’s soft whimper caused you to get up again. When you opened the door, you were met with a sheepish-looking Tyler, his hand scratching at the back of his neck and an apologetic look on his face.
“You’re right,” he sighed, causing you to raise your eyebrows.
“Good start,” you chided, “what else?”
Tyler let out a quiet laugh at that - he always did have a thing for your “strong personality,” as he called it.
“I’m sorry. Like, I’m so fucking sorry, Y/N. I’ve just been under a lot more pressure at work recently, y’know with management up my ass and all that. I know that that’s not an excuse, and I shouldn’t have have taken it out on you, but lately I’ve just been feeling like I’m not at my best and I guess I just didn’t want to disappoint you too, so instead I figured I’d just ignore you. I should’ve just sat down and talked to you about it, and I was the immature one because of that. About what I said earlier, I didn’t mean it. I love you with everything that I have and your age isn’t an issue for me, I was just pissed off. And for the record, Jamie and my family love you too, you know that. I was just being a dick and wasn’t thinking about what I was saying.”
You nodded carefully, allowing the silence to settle before you spoke again.
“I appreciate that, Tyler. With all due respect, I did mean what I said. You’ve been really selfish just ignoring me and it hurts. It hurt me to think that you were going to break up with me - to think that you were just giving up on us.” 
Your eyes welled with tears again and Tyler moved to envelope you in a hug. You let him.
“I’m so sorry, baby. So fucking sorry.” You could tell that he was near tears too, his voice shaky and breaking. “And I promise you that I won’t ever make you feel like that again. I understand if you still need some time but I’m here if you need me and I’m not going anywhere.” 
You pulled away from him gently, taking a moment to simply look into his eyes before leaning up to connect your lips with his. The two of you melted into the kiss right away, Tyler’s hands moving to cup each side of your face as your hands draped loosely around his waist. When you moved out of this kiss, you were greeted with Tyler’s soft smile. It wasn’t a smirk like he sometimes did after an intimate moment, but a simple, happy smile. You returned it.
“Can we just go lay down? We’re both sleepy and I miss you.” You pouted your bottom lip slightly and he couldn’t help the laugh that resonated through him.
“Yeah, of course, let’s go to bed. I miss you too, my love.”
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