#i hate the way everyone just film bullies people like
respectthepetty · 1 day
Pride Petty Watch (SOTUS) 2/5
Since so many people voted for the two blacklisted shows I was supposed to watch during Pride, it unlocked the wild card of me rewatching my sworn enemy SOTUS. I don't remember anything about the show, and the only thing I truly took away from it was hating Krist for the last eight years, so I'm settling in and revisiting the past to figure out why I forgot about every single plot point of this show including that Jan was in it and that Kongpob x M were the perfect ghost ship.
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I left off praying that Arthit gets meaner before he gets nicer, which I consider as getting better before he gets worse, but since I'm getting Dangerous Romance flashbacks flash forwards, I doubt Arthit can commit to bullying Kong much longer before he turns full simp.
How am I not supposed to root for Kong x M when M looks so devastated every time Kong leaves his side to go talk to May. I know M likes May, but the way these scenes are set up, it's hard not to think that M likes Kong and he is in pain when everyone else gets his friend's time since he has known Kong SINCE JUNIOR HIGH!
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Thrilled that Wad is always ready to lay hands first and ask questions later. Also excited that he is motivated by pettiness just like me, so the only reason he is playing in the tea product placement game is just to spite the seniors. Petty work makes the dream work. Amen.
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The pink milk in this series needs to be studied because on one end of the spectrum, we in BL Land know the pink milk is a staple of a Thai BL (which is slowly coming back in Last Twilight, Only Friends, Addicted Heroin and I Saw You in My Dream), but on the other end, the show itself treats the pink milk like those dumb hot takes from people asking if drinking fruity cocktails makes a man a fruit, or if sucking on popsicles makes a man want to suck a dick, or if eating food in general makes a man queer. It just feels as if this show treats Arthit that way every time he orders it, like "GOTCHA, QUEER!"
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If I were that food vendor, and Kong started popping out with these little nuggets while Arthit just kept threatening him, their business would be all up in the group chat because I'd be messaging all my friends that these two gay guys were practically foreplaying right in front of my salad pork skewers.
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So of course Arthit would show up to the game just to stand there and glare at a man drenched in sweat from playing a hard game of basketball like the internalized-homophobic asshat he is.
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God, some things never change.
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I gasped not because of the note on this conversation but because of the comment coming from AN OPENLY GAY MAN on the hazers squad. I am not Thai, so the only way I can relate to the hazers is through Greek life (fraternities and sororities), and even a long long time ago, I knew openly gay men in frats, and they pulled ALL the girls since girls felt safer around them than the straights, but the look Prem and Arthit are giving Tuta when he says this is what I'm laser-focused on because they show toleration rather than acceptance. I'm taking those looks personally.
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Arthit continues to say Kong's face is annoying, but he never says it's ugly. Sir, I see your gay awakening on the horizon.
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AND M WITH THE FUCKING LOOKS AGAIN! He is looking at Kong on stage then looking at May looking at Kong on the stage, and I know where this is going, but my god does it feel like M is sad because he believes Kong is straight and wouldn't reciprocate the feelings he has for his best friend SINCE JUNIOR HIGH!
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I have made it clear that I do not like Krist (I believe his acting is flimsy but I can't even act like I like people, so who am I to judge), but I don't think the people behind the filming of this show liked him either because these opening title cards between the parts of the episodes are doing him dirty.
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Excuse me, little stage presenter, I need to know what the fuck was going on with this performance that they had a western theme with modern guns. Was it Big Sean's "I Don't Fuck With You"?
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And why is Jan looking like Taylor Swift in "Teardrops On My Guitar"? This show was in 2016, but the styling and hair are in 2003.
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Now the judges are coming for Kong, and Lord knows he is going to answer in the most uncontroversial way because Kong refuses to pick a side against hazing and the boy he likes being punished by.
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*eye roll* I did not think I'd make it here this quickly, but I'm on Arthit's side because Kong IS annoying. Jan's character looks full-on Stockholm Syndrome into the camera when Kong is answering, yet homeboy is just over there giving the most ridiculous reason of "our hazers have their reasons for hazing us" and now I see the direct line to GMMTV forgiving parents for abuse (Double Savage!).
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Kong can play basketball really well. He remembers everyone's name. The whole class wanted him to be president. He is great in school. Now he is the Freshy Moon. Marsha, Marsha, Marsha. I hate this kid.
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M, my most beloved, now I see why you're quiet a lot.
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I appreciate M for also stating that Kong is just great at everything without trying, but it also feels that he is hyping up his boy because he has been IN LOVE WITH HIS SINCE JUNIOR HIGH!
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In a room full of people, only Kong notices that M is unhappy, and now I see the direct they-are-married-but-not-a-couple line to Peaceful Property. New understands these roles well.
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THE QUESTIONS THAT NEED ANSWERS! Can you run 54 laps, Arthit? Can you squat 200 times, Prem? These freshmen won everything, yet Arthit is still being a dickwad, and he just got his ass off of school probation. Bold move, sir! I want the juniors to suffer. Except for Bright. My boy has never done anything wrong, and if he did, he didn't.
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I saw an umbrella in The Ex-Morning pilot trailer, and if that show doesn't give me a scene of these two arguing in the rain over the dumbest shit, then what is the point?
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All those people watching Arthit, and none of his boys could run with him? If the purpose of hazing is unity, obviously the juniors didn't get that memo when they were being hazed as freshmen, so why continue the traditions that they don't even abide by?! Arthit is better than me because I would have crawled my ass back to my dorm before accepting their help SINCE THEY DIDN'T EVEN RUN LAPS! And now this little freshman wants to be up in his face. What's the point of the umbrella now?! He is a boy in a BL who has been in the rain for hours. HE IS ALREADY GOING TO DIE NO THANKS TO YOU UNHELPFUL DOUCHE NOZZLES!
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I was just on Arthit's side, but then the show decided to tell me that entire seniors-hazing-the-juniors thing was a setup, and mixed with most of the images on Arthit's door being black-and-white, and one of those images being Charles Manson's Rolling Stone cover, I'm back to hating him again. So in case anyone is still following along, I now hate both of the leads. Can I get M and Bright back?
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Kong says several times that Arthit can punish him, then he irons Arthit's clothes. If this show would just lean into the kink of it all, I would embrace everything about it. If Kong could just be a masochist dom, I would be delighted. JAPAN, COME HERE RIGHT NOW! Fuck remaking Love in the Air! Remake this kinky shit instead!
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This is what a sado sub looks likes and Japan would know exactly what to do with him. Now I'm mad that I'm watching the babygirl-fication of a perfectly good jerk.
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Well hello there you two! You wanna make out before going to the hospital? Maybe keep it all a secret from everybody else? I'm so pissed that I can't remember this plot now because I don't think they will be a thing BUT THEY WOULD BE PERFECT!
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And I'm still rooting for my boy M to get his best friend since unlike Arthit, M can at least acknowledge that his friend is pretty to his face. No internalized homophobia here but probably because M isn't even a homo. I've sailed ships with less.
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😬🥴🙃 Thank you subtitler for keeping the word. It's important. So are the looks that I'm taking personally. And BRIGHT IS THE ONE TO SAY IT! So I like M now and only M. Everyone can eat dirt and choke.
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Arthit's nickname means warmth? I'm starting to remember why I forgot this show. Like Celine Dion, "It's All Coming Back to Me Now"
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And I hate it.
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jrueships · 1 year
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gor3sigil · 2 months
Before starting T, when I socially transitionned, I was surrounded by radical feminists who saw masculinity as gross and inherently evil, something to avoid, something to make fun of, something to destroy. The other transmascs in my friend group, sometimes, told me that they didn’t knew if they really were non-binary or if they just were scared shitless of saying “I am a man”. Because they saw this as a betrayal to their younger self who had been SAd and abused.
I saw many of my masc friends and trans men around me hate themselves, not outing themselves as men because it would imply so so much, it was like opening the Pandora Box. Even when we were just together, talking about our masculinity was always coated with bits like “I know we’re the privileged ones but…”, “I don’t want to sound like I have it bad but…”, “Women obviously have it worse, but last time…” and we were talking about terrible traumas we experienced while taking all the precautions in the world in the case the walls were a crowd of people in disguise waiting to get us if we didn’t downplay the violence we faced, or like crying and being upset and being traumatized and afraid and scared and to say it out loud would make us throw up the needles we were forced to swallow every second of every day living in our skin.
Most of us weren’t on T yet, some of us were catcalled every day and harassed in the streets or in abusive relationships nobody seemed to care to help them get out of because they were “strong enough” to do it by themselves.
I was using the gender swap face app and cried for ours when I saw my father looking back at me through the screen. The idea of transforming, of shedding into a body that would deprive me of love, tenderness, and safety, was absolutely terrifying. I knew I couldn’t stay in this body any longer because it wasn’t mine, but I also knew that if I was going to look like my dad, my brother, my abusers, it would be so much worse.
5 years later and I’m almost 2 years on T, and almost 2 months post top surgery.
I ditched my previous group of friends. I was bullied out of my local trans community. But let me tell you how free I am.
I was scared that T would break my singing voice: it made it sound more alive than ever.
I was scared that T would make me less attractive: it made me find myself hot for the first time in my life.
I was scared that T would make me gain weight: it did. But the weight I put on is not the weight I used to put on by binging and eating my body until I forgot that it even existed. It’s the weight of my body belonging to me, little by little. The wolf hunger for life.
I won’t tell you the same story I see everywhere, the one that goes “I started going to the gym 8 times a week, I put on some muscles, I started a diet and now I look like an action film actor”, in fact if you took pictures of me from 5 years ago vs now I’d just have more acne, I’d have longer hair and still look like I don’t know what to do with myself when I take selfies.
But the sparkle in my eyes, my smile, tell the whole story way better than this long ass stream of words could ever.
I want to say some things that I wish someone told me before starting medically transitionning.
It’s okay to take your time. It’s your body, it’s your journey, if you don’t feel comfortable taking full doses and want to go slow, the only voice you need to listen to is your own. Do what feels right.
If you feel overwhelmed, it’s okay to take a break, it’s okay to ask for support.
Trans people are holy. Everyone is. You didn’t lose your angel wings when you came out because you want to be masculine. You are not excluded from the joy of existence, from being proud of yourself, from being sad, from being scared, from being angry. The emotions and feelings you allowed yourself to feel while processing what you experienced when you grew up as a girl and was seen as a woman are still as valid as before. Nobody can take that from you. If someone tries to, don’t let them.
It’s perfectly normal to grieve some things you were and had before you started to transition, like your high soprano voice or even your chest. Hatching is painful. You can find comfort in things that don’t feel right, so making the decision to change can be incredibly scary and weird and you deserve to be heard and supported through this. Wanting top surgery doesn’t make the surgery less intense, less terrifying, less painful to recover from. When it becomes too much you have the right to take a break and take some deep breaths before going on.
You don’t have to have a radical, 180° change for your transition to be acceptable or valid or worthy of praise. Look at how far you’ve come already. It doesn’t have to show, you’re not made to be a spectacle, you’re human and it is your journey.
Oh, and last thing, you know when some people say “Oh this trans person has to grow out of the cringy phase where you think that you can write essays about being trans or transitionning or just their experience because it’s weird” ? If you ever hear this or see this online, remember all the people whose writing you read and, even if they were not professional writers, helped you more than any theorists did ? If you want to write, do it. It won’t be a waste. It can help people. Or it won’t, and even then, if it helped you, that’s enough.
Love every of my trans siblings, take care of yourselves. You deserve the world.
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rhondafromhr · 7 months
I normally don’t like social media/youtuber AUs but I just came up with a really unhinged one that I feel compelled to subject y’all to.
So, Stephanie’s a podcast girlie. She started one to rebel against the constant pressure to stay out of the public eye and not do anything to make her dad look bad by saying a bunch of things she know will enrage the public (like “peanuts the pocket squirrel is overrated”) and having controversial guests. As it took off, she really started to enjoy the financial independence and attention/validation it brought her, eventually moving to LA to do it full-time.
Grace has a fundamentalist channel (not unlike Girl Defined) where she basically just spouts purity culture bullshit. She’s controversial and while she does have a decent amount of people following her unironically, most of her views are hate watches and she gets a lot of her engagement from commentary channels dunking on her. One of those channels is run by none other than Peter Spankoffski - most of his content is nerdy/science based stuff and that’s his real passion, but he needs to make rent and the videos about Grace are what get views and money.
Stephanie decides that having them both on her podcast would make for one hell of an episode and they agree to do it. She asks questions she knows will get them riled up and cause arguments. It escalates to an all-out screaming match at some points, but the second the cameras are off Grace completely switches up, just totally calm and unbothered. Then she hits on Stephanie, which really confuses the other two. It turns out she’s a grifter - she hasn’t bought into the things she preaches on her channel in a long time, but she keeps it up for the money and because she’s been doing it for so long she doesn’t know what else she would do. Steph and Pete both get it so they’re just like “oh, cool, respect.” Pete invites them to a party hosted by his friend Ruth - an aspiring actress and popular lifestyle vlogger. Her real dream is live theater, but she has a lot of anxiety and she’s way more comfortable talking to a camera and posting online than performing in front of a crowd. The few roles she has gotten have been less about her talent and more about using her following to sell tickets, which is a big insecurity of hers.
At the party, they run into Max, who has one of those awful prank channels where he’s an absolute menace to the public and Richie, his camera man (they met and became unlikely friends in college. They started the channel when Max got an injury that kept him from playing football and had a crisis over what to do with his life). Richie can’t believe this is what he’s using his film degree for and he constantly tries to get Max to pivot to more serious content. The six all get to talking and realize they all grew up in Hatchetfield (Max went to Sycamore in this universe. He was still a literal monster and bullied everyone there, but Hatchetfield High was safe). They talk for hours about all the strange occurrences they noticed back home and the fact that they all suspect some sinister, supernatural forces are at work there. Eventually, they decide to travel back there, investigate and exploit their findings for content in the most epic collab the world’s ever seen.
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uneditedidiot · 1 year
this love is ours - jamie tartt x reader
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jamie tartt x gn!reader
summary: after officially starting to date Jamie, the media figures out who you are. Judgment comes in from all places - news outlets, social media, family members - but Jamie puts all that doubt out of your mind. based off the song ours by taylor swift. features appearances from Keeley and Roy.
word count: 2.5k
Warnings: language, angst, fluff social media bullying & hate, reassurance and comfort from Jamie
A/N: This could technically be part two to gold rush but you don’t need to have read that one to understand what’s going on in this imagine. Hope you enjoy!
Seems like there's always someone who disapproves
They'll judge it like they know about me and you
And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do
The jury's out, but my choice is you
Even on a beautiful Saturday afternoon out on the Richmond Green, you and Jamie somehow attracted the attention of a few invasive paparazzi.
“I thought the hat would be enough,” said Jamie, pulling the brim of his ‘icon’ hat further down his forehead.
The two of you walked off quickly down the path, keeping the photographers and their bright flashes at your backs.
You couldn’t help but giggle, tugging at his hand in yours. “Jamie, you wear that hat everywhere. People recognize it pretty easily.”
“I’m not the only person in the world with this hat.”
“Maybe not, but you made it popular.”
He sighed. “Yeah, you’re right.” He smiled at you. “Well now that we’ve left those annoying arseholes behind, what do you want for dinner?”
“Keeley invited us over for a couples night with her and Roy,” you reminded him. “Remember? We talked about it with Roy this morning after your training.”
“Nah, the granddad has a tendency to ramble on with ya about random stuff so I just thought ya were chattin’ with him.”
“Yeah, I was chatting with him about dinner with him and Keeley, which you agreed to, by the way, even in your post-workout haze.”
Jamie grumbled like a little kid. “Ugh, but I’d rather just stay home with you, get pizza or some takeout, and make out on the couch.”
You lifted your head up to his cheek to kiss it. “And we can do that – tomorrow night. Which is a night we didn’t agree to have dinner with Roy and Keeley.”
That seemed to satisfy him for the moment and the two of you made your way back home to your shared house.
“I’m going to go shower, babe!” he called as he headed upstairs.
“I’ll be here!” you called back.
You kicked off your shoes by the front mat and strode into the kitchen to grab some water. As you filled a glass from the filtered pitcher from the fridge, you scrolled through your instagram.
After making it official with Jamie, the two of you had decided to keep it quiet in terms of posting on social media. You’d told close friends and everyone at Richmond. Jamie’s mom and stepfather obviously knew, since it had been at their house that you’d made things official. But your family hadn’t taken it quite as well.
Being from the States, your family’s only impression of Jamie was the Richmond matches they streamed and his arc on Lust Conquers All, which hadn’t painted him in a flattering light. Of course, Jamie freely admitted that he was an all-out prick on the show and had publicly and privately apologized to those he had hurt while filming. But your family couldn’t exactly see past it. They were protective of you and worried about what Jamie might do in the relationship.
Thankfully, Ted and Beard, who knew your parents quite well, had reassured them that Jamie was not the person the media portrayed him as. This had seemed to quell their anxieties about their kid dating a superstar footballer with a notorious reputation for being a (as your mother so kindly put it) “man-whore.” But you, as well as everyone around you, knew that Jamie had changed.
Now the instagram comments you saw as you scrolled on your latest post of you and Jamie getting brunch together were of similar nature. 
There were a few comments from your friends at Richmond – Keeley had commented, “I love you both so much and you are too cute together!” Sam had said, “the queen and king of Richmond;” while Rebecca put it plainly, “you are the best people and these photos are my new favorite of you both.”
Despite the many loving and supportive comments from friends and now people who had deemed themselves ‘fans’ of you (which felt quite strange, as you were merely the head physical therapist for the team and didn’t do anything that warranted ‘fans’), there were a good handful that were not quite as kind.
One person had written, “Jamie’s back in his pretending to be monogamous era - wonder how long that will last.”
You shook your head. You knew who Jamie had become and this wasn’t a phase for him. You scrolled on.
Another comment caught your eye. “Ew who are they? Jamie is way out of their league.”
And then more continued to pop up.
“Fuck them.”
“Why do they even bother? Jamie is going to dump them in like a week bet.”
“What are they wearing?”
“Jamie and Keeley will forever be endgame.”
“I liked it better when he was with Keeley.”
“Whatever happened to celebrities dating out of their league? This person is clearly a big step down for him.”
It was a rabbit hole of discouragement and darkness. And even after you exited out of Instagram trying to shake off the hate, more seemed to appear as you opened twitter. You’d been tagged in numerous disgusting tweets from multiple accounts.
“Go die no one likes u.”
“Why is your face like that and why does Jamie like it.”
“I bet he thinks of Keeley when they fuck. Lol I would.”
“You’re literally nobody and the fact that Jamie Tartt of all people is dating you is really pathetic.”
You shook your head, exiting out of twitter with a huff. You tossed your phone on the other couch cushion. It was difficult seeing so many people who thought they had a right to comment on your relationship saying such things on the internet. You knew coming into this that dating Jamie would be difficult in terms of hate on social media, but your fears were resurfacing.
Jamie wouldn’t actually believe all that stuff said about you. You knew that. But what if other people you knew saw it and agreed with it? What if you had to start dealing with people in real life saying that? Were you not good enough to be dating someone like Jamie?
The self-doubt began to creep in, like a mist slowly dragging itself over a hill. Your thoughts began to spiral.
You recognized the anxiety beginning to escalate and decided to watch something to distract yourself. You turned on the TV and tried to tune out the online ruckus.
About a half-hour later, Jamie came barreling down the stairs.
“Babe, Keeley just texted - I think we’re late for dinner,” he said, rushing to put on his shoes.
“Shit!” you cried, slamming the TV power button and quickly going back over to do the same as Jamie.
You both grabbed what you needed and quite literally ran out the door to Jamie’s car which was right next to the gates of your home.
As you sprinted to the passenger side door, a white light suddenly blinded you from beside the front gates. 
It was like they appeared out of nowhere – two photographers with large lenses. And they were yelling your name.
“Hey, what’s it like to be with someone who clearly can’t commit?” one laughed.
“Getting tired of this one already, Tartt?” the other bellowed.
“Just fuck off!” exclaimed Jamie, waving his hand at them. “This is private property! Fuck off!”
You jumped into the car, shutting the door as fast as possible. You watched as Jamie flipped off the photographers, who took the last few pictures they wanted, and trudged away.
Jamie closed his door with more force than necessary and buckled his seatbelt. “Arseholes.” He turned to you, putting his hand on your leg gently. “Are ya okay?”
No. No, you weren’t okay. After reading through all those hateful comments and then being berated by paparazzi not just for pictures, but also with hurtful questions didn’t help your self-doubt. It seemed to be bubbling up from below into your heart.
But you didn’t want to ruin the mood more by admitting you were not okay, so all you could do was nod.
“Don’t let them get to you, alright? I love you and nothing’s gonna change that,” confirmed Jamie tenderly. His hand slid into yours.
Neither of you let go all the way to Keeley and Roy’s. 
“Heya!” greeted Keeley from the front door as you and Jamie exited the car.
You forced a smile. “Hi, Keeley.”
“How ya doing, Keeley?” grinned Jamie. He gave her a big hug, and then you gave her one, too.
“Just peachy,” she replied, holding the door open for the both of you. “Roy’s inside getting the chicken all prepped. I think he’s trying something fancy tonight - chicken cordon bleu!”
“That is fancy,” you agreed. “He’s really upping his chef skills.”
“I’m not buyin’ that,”Jamie joked. “He’s making beans on toast.”
“Have some faith,” you nudged him playfully.
“I’ll put my faith in nothing until that chicken cordon bleu is sitting on my dinner plate.”
“You two are so cute,” awed Keeley as the three of you made your way to the kitchen.
You swallowed the lump in your throat at the comment, feeling sweat on your palms.
“Ey, if it isn’t the granddad himself!” cheered Jamie. “Making us something fancy, are ya?”
Roy was bent over the kitchen counter, slamming a meat tenderizer into pieces of flattened chicken. He turned with a scowl on his face and gestured at the younger man with the meat tenderizer.
“I’ll be flattening more than this fucking chicken if you keep that up, Tartt,” he growled.
“Aw, I’m terrified,” mocked Jamie.
“Stop it, you two,” ordered Keely good-naturedly as she kissed his cheek. “No one is flattening anything else ‘round here — especially body parts. Right, Roy?”
“I certainly wouldn’t be happy about it and neither would they,” Jamie chuckled, nodding his head at you.
Your smile was tight. You tried to make things light hearted as you wrapped an arm around Jamie’s bicep. “Yep. That’d be…tragic.”
Jamie peered down at you with a questioning glance. He knew something was up, but didn’t want to push it in front of Roy and Keeley.
Keeley gave you both drinks and you all went to sit outside on the patio as Roy finished up cooking in the kitchen.
Jamie and Keeley launched into immediate conversation and you tried your best to keep up and add things in here and there, but you were unusually quiet. Your mind kept drifting back to what you’d read online and what the paparazzi had screamed at you.
It was an endless circle of disappointment in yourself, anxiety, and self-consciousness. This infinite loop of darkness continued to crowd your mind, taking up all the space inside. A storm seemed have come into your psyche and it was doing a number on you.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket as Jamie and Keeley chatted about the towels in the locker room at Nelson Road.
Puzzled, you checked your texts. It was from your mom with a link to an article from a tabloid website.
“This doesn’t seem like a good thing, honey. What are you doing with a celebrity like that?”
That was the message your own mother had sent you about Jamie. You internally groaned. Then you clicked on the article. The headline was atrocious: HOW LONG WILL TARTT’S NEWEST FLING REALLY LAST? The pictures associated with it were from that very day on Richmond Green with you and Jamie walking hand-in-hand, clearly trying to outrun whoever was taking the photos. And then the worse ones – the paparazzi from outside your house had sold the pictures to this tabloid. They were grainy and ill-lit and had been very obviously edited. They had added weird width to your arms and even your head. The caption was “Tartt’s Partner has Gained some Weight!”
That was it for you. The dam had broken. 
Tears were already spilling over by the time you’d suddenly stood from your chair and raced to the bathroom.
Both Jamie and Keeley called your name after you, and Roy had said it, surprised, from the kitchen as you rushed past.
You closed the door quietly, but didn’t have the willpower to sit anywhere else but on the floor next to the sink. You sobbed into your hands as silently as possible, but that didn’t work for long.
“Babe?” came Jamie’s voice through the door. “Babe, what’s going on? Talk to me.”
The desire to be alone was rapidly replaced by the need for Jamie.
You opened the door slowly, still seated by the sink. You kept your blood-shot gaze away from his for a moment as he stood there in silence. 
When you looked up a moment later, your heart broke at his worried expression. His hands were shaking slightly.
“I’m just…overwhelmed,” you admitted hoarsely.
Jamie got down on the floor next to you, patting the space between his legs and reaching for you. You shuffled over to sit in his lap, your legs swung over one of his, arms going around his body and face sliding to nestle in his neck.
His arms wound around you protectively, rubbing your back and rocking back and forth slightly.
“Why are ya feeling overwhelmed, love?” he wondered gently.
You inhaled shakily, your face still buried in him. “I just…I’ve been getting a lot of hate comments and mean tweets lately. And then those paparazzi incidents today were awful and then my mom just texted me saying things like ‘why are you with him’ and ‘you shouldn’t be with someone like that.’ Then there was a link to this article that had pictures from today and they’d edited me to look horrible.”
Jamie sighed, his voice soft. “I’m so sorry, love. I’m truly so sorry. People are arseholes.”
“Why do they hate me so much?”
“They hate what they don’t have. They see us happy and they’re miserable, so they want to make us miserable. People throw rocks at things that shine.”
You moved your head off his neck so you could look him in the face. You smiled through your tears. “Did you just quote Taylor Swift at me?”
“I did,” he smiled. “But I’m not kidding. Media is fucked up. People on the internet are fucked up. They’re bored and feel the need to stick their stupid opinions where they’re not wanted.”
“It’s just so frustrating.”
“I know. But what matters is you and me. That’s it.”
“You’re right. You and me. That’s it.”
Jamie smirked mischievously. “Besides, they’re probably jealous you get to sleep with a hot footballer and they don’t.”
You laughed. “Jamie, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I’m not sleeping with Roy.”
Jamie laughed in return. “Oi! Ya don’t need to be an arsehole about it.”
You gazed happily at him. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. And I promise, forget all that shit. If you’re ever feeling this way again, just talk to me. I’ll make sure to let you know that all I need is you and you alone. This love is ours. They don’t know what they’re talking about.”
You pressed your lips to his for a sweet kiss, feeling much more reassured.
“Now come on,” Jamie encouraged when he pulled away, “I’ve gotta see if Roy actually can cook.”
“I think he can, Jamie.”
“We’ll just see about that, won’t we?”
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I was re reading a bit and looking back camp half blood DEFINITELY has some sort of hazing going on.
Cause you look at characters like Percy and Piper and start to wonder.
Like, a LOT of people forget, but Percy was NOT well liked when he got to camp. He was the newbie, unclaimed, AND he was getting attention because he killed the Minotaur. Clarisse wasn’t the only one out to get him. It took Percy until the third book to get the reputation that he as with the campers because they didn’t like him.
He was mocked for everything, for being a new kid, for not knowing anything, for killing the Minotaur, for being a child of the big three.
And you have to realize that outside of the big three thing, they were ALL in his shoes before. So it’s almost nonsensical for them to give him a hard time. Unless it’s a type of hazing.
This behavior is never brought up again but it’s actually one of the reasons Percy likes Luke so much in the first book. Outside of Chiron and Grover, Luke was the only one being nice to him.
Because he was being HAZED.
And it would’ve been a one time thing but I think each Cabin has there own niche of hazing because you then get Piper and get a look into the Aphrodite cabin.
Firstly, you have to break someone’s heart in order to be accepted, weird. You have to do everything Drew says or else your on cleaning duty or want to wake up in the middle of the lake or smth. And your start at the bottom of the pack before working your way up by becoming one of Drew’s minions. It’s like every stereotypical sorority film.
There’s also the fact that it’s mandatory that you get robbed when you first stay in the Hermes cabin, need to get glory in order to STOP being bullied, and kiss a boar when you first get to camp (deleted chapter)
Like throughout the series, I think the only people we don’t see go through this are the Zeus kids (privilege), Annabeth (seasoned camper) and Leo (nice siblings).
And like Nico kept leaving because he thought no one liked him because he was a Hades kid. So imagine if, no, it wasn’t being he was a Hades kid, he was just getting the mandatory hazing. Like he thought everyone hated him but they were just fucking with him the whole time.
But yeah, CHB definitely hazes people.
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Do you think Sasha's blatant dismissiveness of Marcy's interests was just a testament to her inability to care for things that didnt interest her, or do you think, perhaps, it's something that was developed over time as Marcy didn't stop trying to get them to watch War of Warlocks and play creatures and caverns?
I ask because, if I'm not mistaken, Matt once said they would sometimes play games together when they were alone and I always found it odd how the strategic side of CC didn't appeal to Sasha, which got me thinking if she didn't feel somewhat put off by Marcy's approach to the situation?
I quite like this interpretation because it adds another layer to their communication issues, but pre-amphibia Sasha definitely looked like someone who didn't give a chance to things that didn't outright interest her.
Sorry for the long ask and I hope I made sense here!
Thanks for the ask!
to be honest, I don't think it has anything to do with inability to care or reaction to Marcy's insistence that they watch WoW/play CC. I think that this is much more a testament to the state of their overall relationship, which allowed Marcy to do things no one wanted to do in their presence and allowed Sasha to be kind of mean about it, all while Anne panicked about how to handle the situation on the sidelines.
Sasha still played games and watched the film, paying attention enough to know the plot twist at the end and to know what kinds of things Marcy liked, she just wasn't very nice about it. I think it's more of a testament to how people can get comfortable with being casually mean to each other or bully each other even if they don't actually enjoy it. In the same way, it's easy for people to settle into a routine of being fine going through the motions during shared activities instead of discussing with each other and finding things everyone can enjoy. In Marcy's Journal, Marcy talks about how they all come to terms with the fact CC isn't something they all enjoy, and Marcy resolves to find something they can all do together!
(Also, and this is an aside, I suppose, very little is actually said about Sasha and CC, and it is the case IRL that sometimes people just don't like a game system. Sasha could have liked the strategy but hated the RP or vice versa, or the dice and number system could have been too frustrating for her to enjoy. D&D has strategy and RP elements, but it's far from the best in either direction. If you wanted a pure strategy game, you could probably just go back to Chess, and if you wanted a better RP system, you could almost certainly find a better one out there by an indie creator or big company! D&D just has brand recognition.)
I think that when it comes to Sasha, it's important to note that Sasha's character and arc don't pertain very much to the concept of pure "interest." That's a very "Marcy" or "Anne" thing. While everyone in the Calamity Trio has something to do with attachment, Sasha has much more to do with power and control. Sasha and Marcy maintain a relationship wherein they don't question each other and just go along with what the other does, backing them up even if they don't care about or for what they're doing. It's why Marcy has so much confidence that Anne and Sasha will be okay with the plan with Andrias, and it's why Sasha is so convinced that Anne and Marcy will just go along with her coup. This is a flaw in their relationship, not a feature.
Perhaps Sasha wouldn't give things she didn't care about a chance if she didn't feel it interested her, but I think it's probably more accurate to frame it as it being ignored if it wasn't beneficial. Canonically, we actually see that Sasha pays great attention to things that seem to disinterest her, even if it doesn't feel that way! That's part of what makes Sasha so interesting, at least to me
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are u okay with michie? if u are, maybe some michie hcs??
This ended up really long and kind of turned into a mini fic, but I had a lot of thoughts.
Hatchetfield Omegaverse Headcanons: Max x Richie!!
So I do think Michie is possible, just not in high school. That's too big of a personality change in too short of time.
And I'm not a fan of the ‘person bullies someone to hide their feelings’ trope.
So this is how I could see Mitchie happen. 
They graduate from hs and go off to college. 
Max is on a football scholarship and is pressured into a business degree by his dad. 
I could see Richie going to school for Graphic Design with hopes to get into animation or video game development.
Richie thrives in college. There's a lot more people like him. 
He joins a bunch of clubs: anime clubs, gaming clubs, trans support clubs. 
He even gets better hygiene habits and works with a doctor to manage his overactive sweat glands. 
Basically he does a full 180 from how life was in high school. 
Max, meanwhile, isn't doing so hot. 
In Hatchetfield, Max was a big fish in a small pond. He was the star quarterback, pride of the town. 
That's no longer the case anymore. 
His new team has amazing players, and Max doesn't stand out the way he used to. 
What's more, his asshole personality doesn't cut it in college. No one wants to be around him. He's completely alone. 
College, however, does do something amazing for Max: he's introduced to lots of new ways of life, and he begins to realize that his dad and brother’s way of thinking isn't right. 
However, it isn't until their first winter break that real change happens. 
Max comes home expecting everyone to be so excited to have him back. Except that's not the case. 
There's a new hotshot quarterback on the team and Max is already a distant memory, his dad is too busy fawning over Max’s golden child brother to pay him any attention, and even his old friends don't want to hang out. 
Confused and more alone than ever, Max ends up drunkenly wandering onto the Hatchetfield High football field one night, reminiscing over his ‘glory days’. 
That's where he runs into Richie, who’s getting footage of the field for a school project of some kind. 
Only this isn't the Richie he remembers. 
The Richie Lipschitz that Max knew was a scrawny, awkward nerd. He smelt like a sewer, was covered in acne, and was known for bringing a katana to school on multiple occasions. Most importantly, he was scared of Max. 
The Richie that stood before him stood with confidence, not even flinching when he saw Max on the field. 
Max tries to ignore the beta, drinking heavily as Richie filmed different angles of the field. 
Eventually, however, it becomes to much for Max and he bitterly comments how things had changed: Richie was doing amazing and Max had lost all his friends. 
He doesn't know how he was expecting Richie to react. Maybe he wanted him to jump to reassure the Alpha that he was still top dog. He certainly wasn't expecting a scoff and to hear that it wasn't like he had any real friends before. 
When asked for clarification Richie responds with the following: 
“No one was really your friend: obviously I wasn't your friend, but even the other popular kids hated you. We were all just too scared of what you could do to us if we did anything about it. But when you weren't there… There was a week senior year where you missed school to go on some college tour. And the atmosphere was completely different. Everyone was nice to each other. People wanted to sit with me at lunch. The rest of the football team talked to me, they told me that they loved having me as a mascot. And then they apologized, because the second you came back to school everything was going to have to go back to the way things were before. And what's sad is that I understood; they just wanted to survive high school. The only reason you had any power over us is because the school was too scared to punish you because you were the star athlete. And now that we're in college, you don't have the same power. No one cares enough to pretend to be your friend.”. 
Richie left not long after but his words stuck with Max for the rest of his time home. He didn't want to be some friendless loser forever. Something had to change. 
When he gets back to school, Max is a new person. Or he tries to be. 
He starts being an active member of the football team, rather than expecting to just be handed success. He joins clubs, gets to know all kinds of people, goes to therapy, attends classes to unlearn his previous ways of thinking. He even changes his major to physical education and school counseling, wanting to help teens like him become better people. 
Sure it's a slow process, and he definitely has his bumps in the road, but every day Max strives to be a better person. 
He even realizes that he's bi, although he keeps that fact to himself for fear of his family's reaction. 
By the time Max goes back to Hatchetfield for summer break, he feels like a new man. And he's determined to make amends. 
He starts by apologizing to Kyle and Jason for being a shitty friend. It's an awkward conversation, but in the end, they agreed to give him a fresh start. 
After that, Max apologizes to every former classmate he sees around town. It's usually a quick ‘I'm sorry for being a shithead in school’, and he's not sure if anyone truly forgives him, but he wants to prove he's changing. There's only one person on his list that he can't seem find. 
It's a month before he finally sees Richie. He's at Lakeside Mall buying a new backpack when he sees the Beta at the Hot Topic next door. 
Not wanting to miss his chance, he heads over and says hi. It's an awkward conversation at first, Richie clearly not wanting to be around him, but Max apologizes for how he treated him throughout school. He tells him how much the verbal lashing he'd been given that night on the football field had stuck with him and that he was trying to become a better person. 
Richie knows all too well that sometimes people just need a fresh start and offers to catch up with Max over lunch. They end up talking for two hours and Max learns how well his life is going. 
Richie is a streamer with decent sized following. He's designing his own video game that people seem to be very excited to play. He's doing well in school and he's supposed to start an internship at a game company in the fall. 
He's got a lot more friends now, though he's still in close contact with Pete and Ruth. In fact, he'd been asked to be Pete's best man in his wedding to Steph at the end of the summer. 
Richie is the one to end their catch up, saying that he was supposed to meet his uncle for dinner and needed to get going. But, before he can leave Max asks if they could do this again sometime. 
A part of him wants to refuse: Why would he want to be around the person who made his life miserable for years? But another part of him can see that Max is making a real effort to change, and in the end, he says yes and gives Max his number, thinking he won't hear from him again. 
Boy, is he wrong.
They start out sending each other memes in their spare time, which then turns into messaging whenever they have a chance. 
Soon the messages turn into more meetings. Dinner, the movies, you name it. 
Anyone can see that they're dating, but Max is convinced that Richie is just being friendly. 
Just like all good things, summer begins to come to an end and they both find themselves preparing to return to their respective universities.  
Max tries to find a way to ask that they keep in contact during the school year, but nothing he comes up with seems good enough. 
Richie has a great life waiting for him at school. Why would he want to keep talking to someone like Max? 
He's agonizing over this issue when his phone vibrates, alerting him to a new message. 
Richie: Would you want to be my plus one to Pete and Steph’s wedding? They keep asking me if I'm going to bring my new boyfriend, and I need to let them know soon for the headcount. 💙 
And that is how Max Jägerman, former bully, started dating Richie Lipschitz, former nerd. 
I hope you like this, anon. It turned out very long, but I knew that I would want Max to have a lot of character growth before I could ship him with Richie. And if you have a request, just hit me up! My askbox is open!
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mihstar · 2 months
I think I've seen this film before: Chapter one
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My notes: No beta reader. Second chapter is way better. Thanks for all the support again @elliespuns @wicked--loving--lies @xxx-silhouette-xxx @et-cant-phone-home-no-signal and all the others who supported❤️
Summary: The world hates Joel, but he has ellie to make things a little better in this universe too
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Joel should've know he must be the unluckiest motherfucker alive, at this point.
It ain't something he would lament about, It's just something he figured out as long as he can remember. When he was a boy, for example. He always have been a good child; never been a two-goody-shoes by any means but never been a bully and disrespected his elders either - the few times he threw some punches was because some kid or another tried to mess with him or his baby brother. But that didn't stopped his father - his role fucking model - from leaving Joel and his family just a week before Thanksgiving, passing the role of man of the house to Joel, who was just 14 years old by that time.
("Why do I have to be grateful for somethin'? He left all of us!" Tommy's voice was something high-pitched as he stormed out of the dinner table and ran to his room. Joel went after him, of couse, where he spent half an hour having a heart to heart with Tommy and trying to make a nine year old boy understand that his daddy leaving wasn't the end of their family. He also convinced him to come back for their holiday dinner with only three seats, his mother's grateful and brittle smile in his direction when they came back wasn't enough to make him feel less like shit).
Or in high school, when he finally conquered Grace Howard's heart and no longer after got her pregnant, consequence of their first real night together. That pregnancy was the best thing that ever happened in his life, God knows that, but the way it happened was too rushed for both of them. He felt like the whole world was against them. (And when Grace also left him with their one-year-old baby, because parenthood and Joel weren't worth staying for. Just like his father thought. This was one of the times that he felt most incapable.)
Hell, even on his birthday 20 years ago the world decided to get more complicated than it already was; life suddently becoming just a blurry of kill and survive to everyone. (Blood staining his shirt and arms while Sar-she was grasping for air that wouldn't fill her lungs, cries of pain merging with his own pleads. All Joel could think was that this wasn't supposed to be happening to them-)
So yeah, Joel is used to all the sort of shit happening to him, or being at the wrong place in the wrong time.
That's why he also should've guessed that the fireflies would start bombing in the middle of the street. Right near where he is.
Joel coughs dryly, his body heavy on the asphalt and painful from the impact of the explosion. His back will probably give him shit later for that. He looks around, eyes struggling to see anything other than people passing by him and dust. At least he already delivered those weapons, he thinks as he gets up and takes a look where the bomb exploded. There's a military vehicle destroyed across the street, fire and smoke coming from every part of it. The siren is already ringing, and the curfew warning is clear and loud for everyone to hear. Joel needs to get out of here, now.
So he follows the rest of the people that were also caught in the line of fire, not sure where that fucking came from or if there would be others. Out of the corner of his left eye, he notices a woman trying to walk with one leg bleeding, going in the opposite direction he is. A guy, young enough to be her son, tries to help her walk. That's the thing with the fireflies, he thinks bitterly. They can brainwash the Tommies in the world with their cheap good-samaritan propaganda all they want, but in the end, they're just greedy scumbags; stepping on whoever is in the middle of all this shit.
His legs are moving in one motion, he's just two blocks away from his place. Tess is probably home already like she was earlier, so joel doesn't have to worry about her in the streets right now. He just needs to walk faster and the day is over.
But when he was just about to turn the corner, he almost trips on his own feet.
Joel just has time to hear some curses from the people around him as Fedra soldiers arrive on the street with heavy boots echoing against the ground before shit hits the fan.
"Take this motherfuckers!" Some voice roars with rebellion from some building above him.
The shots start before he even blinks.
"You have to be fucking kidding me-"
The commotion around him increases; people running to the opposite side as the guards advance down the street, some of them already falling on their knees with holes on their bodies as the rest of them seem to shoot blindly. He hears some yelps of pain and some people shouting near him. He's walking as fast as he can, trying to come up with a strategy on how he could get back to the apartment without passing by their crossfire and at the same time try not to draw attention to him - he recalls some residents that were mistaken for fireflies before, and the end of most of them wasn't pretty.
But as he moves in agile steps and adrenaline courses through him, he can't help but feel that all of his body screams that something is off. He wants to move faster, he knows he can do better than this - but his legs begin to shake and he doesn't even have to look at himself to know he's pale. Something is wrong.
"Watch your step!" His shoulder bumps with a short man and he's looking at him up and down for a second, like he's judging. However, Joel watches the guy's arched brows and sour expression morprhs to something almost shocked when he looks at Joel's flannel before he turns back to his way to scape the crossfire. Joel follows his line of sight.
Fresh blood gushes slowly from his body, and it runs down the worn green cloth.
He got shot.
"Fuck" He hisses, pressing his hand to the wound, his hand getting wet quickly and the pain finally hitting him. He was so occupied trying to sort what the fuck was going on that he hadn't even noticed that someone had shot him. The bullet came from the fireflies or Fedra? It doesn't matter, he thinks as he begins to walk, each step with a groan. He needs to fucking hide, wait for this freak show to end so he can go home.
His head was begining to spin by the time he enters an empty alley, letting his 56-year-old back rest on the wall bricks and his ass lay on the ground. Above both sides of him are apartments, and a huge dumpster was a bit far.
He would already be home by now, is the only thing that passes through his mind as his blood drops hit the concrete. He would be on his place resting for the rest of the fucking day but instead he's here, bleeding in a fucking alley because he got shot by God-knows-who. "Dammit... dammit." He breaths, his hear beating fast and his wound throbbing.
There's a big graffiti on the wall that faces him, When you're lost in the darkness written in an ugly shade of green with the Firefly logo above it.
It's the last thing Joel sees before he blacks out.
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raelle-writing · 7 months
Non is NOT a perfect victim
Or: The meta that will likely get me canceled lmao
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Disclaimer: I am not victim blaming Non. I'm not saying that he deserves what happened to him. I'm simply tired of everyone acting like he has no agency and has never done anything wrong. Non was written to be a gray character the same as the others.
I think a lot of people write off the bad ways that Non acted, either because they view the ways he harms others as "not that bad"... or view his actions as being fair or just because of the people they impact. But regardless, the writers clearly wrote Non to make mistakes, hurt the people around him, and not be a perfect victim.
Getting his "friends" involved in money laundering
It would be easy to say that Non didn't know what he was doing was illegal. But he definitely did. Tee brought Non to an illegal casino, hidden behind a restaurant.
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Gambling is illegal in Thailand. Non knows in that moment that what he's doing is wrong, and he jumps into the deep end anyway. I'm not making a judgement on him choosing to work with Tee for money - I understand why he did it.
The thing is, Tee basically told Non what he was getting into. Taking him to the illegal casino, laying it all out what they were doing. Non knew he was getting involved in something illegal when he started working with Tee. Non more than likely felt like he had no choice, since he couldn't ask his parents for help, of course.
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But Non doesn't do that when he recruits his friends. He blatantly lies to them, telling them it's all for filming, and then uses the accounts they opened for money laundering.
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Then, because of the way that Non and the mafia are using the accounts, Jin, Fluke, and Por all got pulled in by the police and questioned. And I know people hate the bullies - but those three aren't the ones that deserved to get arrested at this point in the narrative.
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Non covers for them and says it was all on him (truthfully) but it's also out of self-preservation since Tee warned him that he'd be killed if he told the truth.
Lying to and gaslighting his boyfriend
Then we get to the introduction of Phee as Non's boyfriend. And on the surface, they have a happy, cute relationship. But then we go below the surface, and we discover they have issues. Phee is always pushing Non and trying to help him, despite the fact that Non hasn't asked for his help, and doesn't want it. And in return, Non repeatedly lies to Phee.
He starts episode 7 by promising he won't do that, promising he won't lie to Phee.
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And within the same episode, Non does exactly that. He lies to Phee's face after Phee catches him with Keng. There's debate on whether or not Non slept with Keng here (I'm personally under the impression that he did, since his shirt is untucked, but we don't know for sure). But regardless, Phee asks Non what was going on, and Non lied to him.
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Phee calls him on the pieces of his lie (and yes, I've seen people saying "Phee didn't trust Non!" and yeah, he doesn't, because clearly they have a history of Non lying to Phee). And Non proceeds to turn the entire thing around on Phee, making it about Phee having trust issues and not trusting him.
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This is gaslighting. Non flips the script and turns the accusation back to Phee, making Phee the one who is in the wrong because he doesn't trust Non, despite catching Non doing something wrong and suspecting that he's lying.
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"(Gaslighting is the) psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator." Definition, Merriam Webster
While gaslighting is usually chronic, that doesn't mean there can't be individual cases. And given the ease with which Non lies to Phee, and the way Phee knows in the past that Non withholds things and makes him promise not to lie, we can tell that Non's lying is a chronic problem in their relationship.
I want to point out here that a lot of Non's actions are signs of hyper-independence which is a trauma response. It's clear that Non has been abused and isolated his entire life and has no framework to know how to ask for help. He "knows" (because of his upbringing) that he can't rely on the people around him, and that help never comes without a price. I don't want to paint him as a villain, he's not just yanking Phee around for the fun of it. But people who are hurt, abused, and in bad situations can and do still hurt other people. Non's hurt doesn't erase the wrong he does to Phee.
Further manipulation of Phee
Non shows further manipulative signs when Phee catches him with Keng. (I will address the cheating thing later but for the purpose of this section - Non was coerced into sex so we as the audience shouldn't label it as cheating, however from Phee's point of view that's clearly what it was).
When Phee catches Non with Keng, the first thing that Non does is apologize, which is good. However, he immediately follows that up by telling Phee to calm down, and telling him that he loves him.
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Telling Phee to "stop being upset" implies that Phee is too upset, and that he's not acting rationally. Following that up with "I love you" is designed to slide through the weak spot in Phee's armor. This exchange shoves Phee's emotions to the sidelines and centers Non's instead.
This manipulation is much lighter than the gaslighting earlier, but still made me wince when I saw it. Non is belittling Phee's emotions and trying to recenter it all on Non's love for Phee, because that matters "more" than the hurt and pain that Phee is experiencing. Non is working in CYOA mode - that's another trauma response. He's used to being the target when people are angry, so he's trying to deflect it and make himself the victim. It's a trauma response, but it's still a manipulation.
Planning to murder his friends
This is one of the ones that I point to as "I think people gloss over this because they think the bullies deserve it." But I want to point out that pre-meditating to murder people is still a bad thing to do. Non made a plan, brought a weapon into the woods, and then proceeded to try and kill everyone there.
We can debate whether he could've actually gone through with it - he cuts Top and tries to kill Tee, but then when Jin jumps forward to apologize, Non calms and doesn't swing at Jin. That may very well be because he doesn't know what Jin has done - but despite not knowing those things, Non still crossed out Jin's face and planned his death in the script.
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I don't know if, when push came to shove, Non could've actually killed any of them. But regardless of that, he planned to, and hurt some of them.
Again, does that mean he deserves to be sold off to the mafia? NO. Of course not! I just want to point out that premeditated murder is bad.
A note on "cheating"
I mentioned this above, but I want to linger on the point about cheating. Because while I stand by that Non was coerced and assaulted, and therefore we as the audience shouldn't label it as cheating, I still feel like it's important to point out that everyone in the narrative treats it as cheating.
No one - Jin, Phee, Non's parents, etc. treat Non sleeping with Keng as if it's assault. Non doesn't seem to understand he was assaulted either (which is normal for victims of grooming).
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Phee and Jin in particular react to Non as if he was cheating on Phee. Their actions are shaped by that assumption.
Should they have seen what happened and known it was wrong? Maybe. But I also did some research onto the laws in Thailand and I'm not actually certain that Keng did anything illegal, since Thailand's age of consent is 15 and there's some murky language in their coercion laws (big ass disclaimer that I'm only able to read things in English and so I'm not reasonably certain it's accurate, but it's the only information that I have access to).
I am reasonably certain that the only person who could've brought charges against Keng was Non, but I'm not certain that he would've had a case (again, because of some murky language).
Obviously that regardless of legality, Keng's actions are still morally wrong. I just want to lend some perspective on why people may have reacted the way they did to the event.
In conclusion: Non is a victim, but not a perfect one
Non is still the ultimate victim in the narrative of the show. He's still the one whose life was destroyed, who was victimized repeatedly by the people around him. But I don't want people to forget that he also made mistakes of his own. Because I'm kind of tired of people acting like anyone who sympathizes with a character other than Non is "missing the point."
Non was written to be a gray character, just like Tee, Jin, Por, Phee, and the others. All of the characters have made mistakes. Have acted selfishly, have hurt the people around them, have done illegal things, etc. The difference is that Non's life is the only one who got ruined. Until the present, of course...
Disclaimer that I'm not saying that all of the characters are the same level of gray, there's obviously a bit of a sliding scale there!
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timetobeaghost · 7 months
Breaking my silence
I guess fandom doesn't take leaker maire3xx on X too seriously. But I do, I buy it - like 72% buy it, who would want to be sure. People brought the counter argument that they said Lucas would die in S4, but they claim they just hinted hints about shit getting real in the Creel house, that was taken as Lucas dying. Which from the way they talk I can believe? Are there better counter arguments?
Here a summery go what they said for S5:
Byler endgame, it happens in E5
Before that there is a scene that WILL make us cry best described by the saddest Adele lyrics ever "Please, stay where you are, don't come any closer, don't try to change my mind, I'm being cruel to be kind. (O MY GAWD) I can not love you in the dark, it seems like we're oceans apart" And it's Mike -> Will, so get ready
Emotionality of the Byler arc is 10 out of 10
Emotionality of the Elmike arc, which they described as 💔 is 8/10, Scene on the rooftop is "very emotional!
Will gets so possessed, like they won't shut up about it. completely super constantly possessed. No powers but when possessed. Dangerous and veiny when possessed, which he so is. Like fr.
Vecna gets involved in the love triangle in that he wants to break it up. To isolate them.
Will in the bts pic is a spoiler because plot and time jump, we'll get it when we watch the show.
The Sinclairs move away and Lucas is not in Hawkins High to be bullied alongside Dustin and Mike. The Sinclair siblings insert themselves into the plot somehow using Erica's friend Tina. Lucas is then hyper focused on Max. Caleb has not filmed yet (or when they said this not so long ago)
Max is playing a large part in not the real world. Which might be for the best... Sadie has filmed one scene.
Eddie is back. Just is.
No conflict between Mike and either Dustin or Lucas, they're tight. And also have scenes with the 3 of them.
Stonathan BFF, Rockie is happening, duh. Lots of new interaction, half the cast at the barn and also radio station. (not Lucas tho) Everyone is closer to everyone.
El gets a happy ending.
Jonathan dies. No, he doesn't! Or does he? (I'm telling you they are sometimes playing, but dear god I hope Jonatan doesn't die.
Mike is in danger, his plot in 4 emojis: 🔻⚠️❤️🗡️
Wills arc in 4 emojis (he possessed) 👦🏻 👁️*hand I can't find*❤️ ( hand might say stop or be laid on someone's chest?)
Idk I can work with all that. Unless Jonathan dies, then I hate this show!
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weclassybouquetfun · 10 months
Everyone Gets Lost in SALTBURN.
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Including me, as I've gloried in this film three times -enduring the annoying Academy aspect ratio format (writer/director/filmmaking genius Emerald Fennell explained this ratio was used to accommadate the squareness of the estate and to enhance close-ups).
I love films that are bold and audacious; ones that are polarizing and divisive because that means it has touched the audience - for good or for bad - they have been given food for thought. Now, you may savour it, or vomit it out but you will wolf it down. I don't see how anyone could look at this film and be bored.
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EVERYTHING. Barry Keoghan owns every single frame of this film. He gets to use so many colours in his acting palette and while I don't have faith in the Academy, I hope that they nominate him at least.
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Same goes for Archie Madekwe as Farleigh. He is the Tom Wambsgans of SALTBURN (complimentary). He's a hanger-on who hates the other hanger-on. Fennell could have just written him as one note - just nasty and cruel bully, but he had more dimensions than that.
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We get a glimpse at how he hates that his mother has to beg (by way of Farleigh) for financial support. He could have just been someone who held the attitude of, "I've got mine, now get yours", but it bothers him that his mother is struggling. He hates that he lives a pampered life while the footmen are ignored. I especially love how he has no shame over being taken care of by the Cattons. Kicked out of 3 schools for blowing teachers? Oh, well. Sir James' connections will get him somewhere.
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He sets up Oliver to karaoke to The Pet Shop Boys' "Rent" and when Oliver remarks, "Felix, I think this song is yours too." (a line that never failed to pull a reaction from me), Felix doesn't tuck his tail between his legs. He's not embarrased. No, he gladly takes the mic.
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Then there is Rosamund Pike who is never not fantastic in everything. Elspeth is so droll, so cutting, yet so loveable.
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Pike tosses out these lines that carry such humour in it, effortlessy. Like Farleigh, Elspeth is someone you probably should dislike - not batting an eye when discussing Pamela's death, judgmental, gossipy - but she, like Sir James are charming. Their obliviousness comes across as a mere quirk in their personality versus a deal-breaker.
The humour. This movie is so funny. What I appreciated though is that where most directors would put laughs to diffuse the preceeding scene, Fennell plays it straight. You are sat there without any quip or hammy performance to distract from Oliver drinking Felix's cummy bathwater and lapping the drain for good measure.
Or from Oliver and Venetia's menstrual blood swapping. Or grief stricken Oliver humping Felix's grave. The laughter, however comes from the audience. I've seen it three times so I've experienced three different audience reactions and I was surprised by how much people laughed (and gasped. Or closed their eyes), when to me it was serious bizness.
The first screening I attended had a Q&A with the film's composer, Anthony Willis, and he said that when he does panels with Emerald she always apologies to the audience for the pervisity. Why apologize, Emerald?! Talk your talk!
The only scene I could think of where humour was added to diffuse a scene was when Oliver kills Elspeth and he's draped over her trying (and failing) to put her limp arms around him. I think that was necessary so audiences can go into the end scene of him dancing victoriously through his ill-gotten estate.
-When Felix starts clueing in that Oliver lied. The way the unasked question where they pull up to Oliver's home. You can see that he's taken aback by a supposed addict would live there. Then you can tell the realization is falling on him when he spots the lawn being watered because what hardcore adcict would care about maintaining the lawn? But it's the "Gone Fishin'" sign that made him realize he's been duped. Jacob played it so well because it was very understated. Even the entire scene with Oliver's parents (played by Dorothy Atkinson who displayed that same fierce love of her child in "Pennyworth" and Shaun Dooley who's usually playing a tough nut.).
The bad actually has nothing to do with the film itself. It's the perception of Felix that Jacob Elordi and Emerald Fennell holds. They both paint Felix in the most terrible light with Elordi saying Felix is scarier than his character in EUPHORIA and Fennell calling him callous, misogynistic and racist. While I can see where she paints him as such in the film (leaving Oliver to walk his bike back to campus, not talking to the girl/s he's going to have it off with, just hitting her on the butt and walking off with her, having the very tone-deaf attitude of "not seeing race" by telling Farleigh that he doesn't care that he's "different" from them. But does that make him a truly awful person? Maybe it makes me an apologist because I can see how Felix's life of privilege makes him oblivious on how to treat people.
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Fennell says her direction to Elordi was that Felix is a bad kisser and bad at sex because he never has to try; he doesn't need to impress. That makes sense because if one is wealthy and/or conventionally beautifully those things does the heavy lifting and grants you a ton of leeway. Since it works for him, why would he even think he needs to pivot on his behaviour?
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I just don't see Felix being a terrible person. He ran interference for Oliver at the bar, he tried to get someone to hook Oliver up with a friend, he ditched the graduation party to support Oliver after the "death" of his father. Duncan was so crushed by Felix's death that he couldn't even close the curtains. Liam or Joshua (the Footmen Farleigh said Felix didn't know the names of) ran off crying after closing the curtains while Felix's body passed by. You would think if he was such a horrid person the staff wouldn't be so affected by his death. He pushed Oliver to stay for dinner at his parents house because he could see how much it meant to them to just have homemade SpagBol and cake.
He may be oblivious and has blindspots, but I'm not buying that he's abominable.
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-When Venetia is telling the story about the doppleganger, there's a window to the garden behind her and you see a man in a pink shirt walking past, then we cut to the reactions at the table to her story and Felix is wearing a pink shirt. Could it be Felix's doppleganger? A harbinger of his death in the garden? If we take Felix seriously, Saltburn is inhabited by Felix's dead granny. What's one more supernatural occurrence?
-In the credits are images that alludes to what has transpired: we see a spider because Venetia tells Oliver Sir James calls him Spider-Man because she skulks and she says he spins his web, she thinks he's more of a moth (I say he's a kitsune. He's a shapeshifting, beguiling trickster.).
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There's a puppet on a string - and that has a dual meaning of the shoebox theatre of Catton family puppets that Felix examines when he first arrives at Saltburn and latter stops in front of at the end when he fixes their memorial rocks atops it; and also how Felix was ultimately a puppet master. There's also an ouroboros and a pair of glasses, which I loved seeing because Oliver sheds his glasses when he gets into Felix's circle. We eventually realize that they were merely an affectation. A costume he adorned to get in order to get into the character as humble, unassuming scholarship kid and shedding him once he was ensconced in Felix's circle.
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-I ponder whether Felix truly considered Oliver a friend. Ewan Mitchell's Michael (the other asocial scholarship kid) warned Oliver that Felix would get bored with him. Venetia tells Oliver that she likes him better than the last one. Her words seemed like this is Felix's folly and he does this all the time and Oliver was merely another stray. Then we hear from Felix that a friend he invited had a fling with Venetia and it ruined his friendship. Maybe Felix doesn't get tired of these guys, but they make a mere (perceived) misstep and he ends the friendship. We see it almost happen when Felix yelled at Oliver for making a fuss about the state of his dorm room. Which is why Oliver deployed Operation Dead Dad - he needed a gambit in order to not lose Felix's friendship.
There were a few times where Felix could have ditched Oliver, but he didn't. If he's as flighty as people perceive him to be then I think he would have just made an excuse for Oliver to not attend the fancy dress party. Cancellation wasn't the only option. He could have just pulled an Elspeth and had Sir James make Oliver leave in the dead of the night.
Instead, even after everything he now knows about Oliver's deception, Felix looks crushed after their talk in the maze. His anger from earlier seemingly turned to sadness. Maybe his apparent dejection stemmed from what Oliver said to him: how he was just giving Felix what he wanted; thus (screw you Farleigh, "thus" is a good word) probably making Felix ponder whether everyone around him are playing roles - court jesters trying to appease Felix their king and no relationship he has with anyone outside his family is authentic.
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Or maybe Felix had sexual interest in Oliver (because I don't think anyone had a romantic interest in each other in this film; sexual/carnal/opportunistic, yes)? It's powerful when someone obviously wants you. Even if you didn't have any prior interest in that person the, "What if?" or "Why not?" aspect comes into play and you want test how far it could go. Venetia told Oliver, "Felix doesn't like to share his toys. Even the ones he doesn't want to play with anymore." Maybe he just liked male attention, but had no intention of following through. I don't know. Maybe Oliver wasn't the only unreliable narrator.
"I wasn't in love with him."
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xplrvibes · 8 months
some people on twitter are getting really mad at colby for apparently ‘ditching’ shea for his new girl saying shit like oh he led shea on and now he’s pushed her away lol
they’re fully acting like he’s committed an awful crime like why are they cancelling him 😭
(side note - i’m actually, whole heartedly convinced that half of the fandom genuinely hates colby and everything he does fills them with rage lmfao)
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This is going to be a one and done, on this topic. I don't like Shea, don't like what she's doing. Never did like her, as you all know, because she has been an absolutely awful and manipulative bully and generally trash person over the years and I don't want her taking up too much space on my blog because of it.
But I felt the need to just put this out there before I move on, so here we go, behind a cut for anyone who doesn't want to hear it lol.
You know, I find this whole "taking Shea on her word all of a sudden" thing interesting.
According to Shea, they had a 10 year (even though he was still living in Kansas 10 years ago) "on-again, off-again thing" that was "mostly just talking" and was "never official," although it was "almost dating, but not official" for 2 years (even though there hasn't been a 2 year period where Colby hasn't been at least seeing someone, if not hooking up).
She doesn't seem to know any of his friends and not a single one of them follow her on socials - in fact, most of them unfollowed her several years back. Of particular note is the fact that Sam, after all these years of her being Colby's future wife, still hasn't followed her back...but has followed several of the other girls Colby's been linked to over the years, including M.
She never seems to have a clue about what is going on in his life and has been promising (and not delivering) fans content with Colby for years now - including her telling everyone that her and Colby were going somewhere to film a documentary in January of this year when Colby had already told everyone on xplrclub that he and Sam were going to be in Vegas or in Texas filming in all of Jan and then in Australia for most of Feb. She promised to have him on one her streams on a day when he was actually in Hawaii, then another day when he was actually in Kansas visiting family.
She hasn't been invited to a single party or group gathering of theirs since 2019, save for one time when she visited Colby and Sam in Las Vegas - which came across as very awkward, given the above.
She complained about never getting invited to snc's Halloween parties - you know, the ones that have 500-1,000 invitees and snc have claimed include an invite to every single person they know and are friends with? Yet Colby's soul mate gets left on the list somehow, 6 years running?? (One year he had four different past flings there at once. But the future Mrs. Shea Brock just didn't make the cut somehow)
Oh, bonus: she once told a gc full of her fans that Colby asked her out, but she turned him down because she valued the friendship too much. Funny how those turns tabled.
Colby meanwhile, has never hidden that he considers himself single, does not think he's met "the one," uses Raya to find dates, hooks up and has flings....he's not just pretending to be single, he IS single.
So. to recap: They have had a 10 year friendship and emotional bond that Shea deluded herself into thinking was more. Colby comes around her again after having had a cancer that could've easily rendered him unable to have children, and her grand idea is to tell this guy she freely admits she was never even dating that she wants to cash in on some vague promise he may or may not have actually made to her about getting married and having CHILDREN???
I'd have left her ass, too.
But sure. He's the bad guy. By the way, to hear Shea tell it, Colby did the same thing to her that Sam did to Kat. But all the people trashing Colby were the first ones in line to defend Sam from big bad mean Kat and her hurtful words because "he wasn't ready" and wah wah wah. Isn't that funny...and on par.
So yes, lol. Most of the people pissed about this are using any excuse put in front of them to trash Colby cause that is the only enjoyment they get out of life. Trust me when I say they are backing the wrong horse with Shea. She's not the hero victim y/n sainted good girl she pretends to be.
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nickeverdeen · 1 month
Heyy, can I ask for match up and sorting at the same request? I think it would be super annoying for you to read me talk about myself twice, so🙈 so, firat about the hcs sortings. The ones I'm gonna choose is Avatar The Last Airbender = sorting what bender you’d be and The Last of Us 1 + 2 = sorting which (human) group you’d be part of.
For the match ups: The last of us (Part 1 and 2) and MCU. I don't really care if it's female or male, I don't have preference.
So, for my description:
I'm a teenager and my pronouns are she/her. I'm a hufflepuff and my zodiac sign is aquarius. I love art in any way possible, but drawing is basically my roman empire. I'm always with a sketchbook and sometimes I look at random places and people and I try to imagine how would I draw them. I usually draw and paint listening to classical music and orchestras (I even used to play Erick Satie pieces on a kalimba!!!), but I also love Rock and Metalcore. I'm that type of person who has a headphone on her head 24/7. I'm very introvert and usually have difficulty communicating with other people, simply because I'm bad at continue conversations. My mom says it's because I spend so much time at the little world in my head that I forget how to get out of it, and as much as she doesn't mean in a harm way, I know this can bother people around me (I mean, somebody called me autistic in a perjorative way once. I'm don't even have autism, it's just my personality). Even tho I'm introvert, I can be very chatty around people I like and trust. I also don't like fighting, I hate fighting, and because of traumatic experiences involving bullying and problems at home, I start feeling anxious when I hear arguments. So I'm usually a very chill person and try to keep things smooth till I can, but I can also get exaggeratedly agressive when people step on thin ice with me, and that caused me problems before. I also love animals (at this point, I don't even have to explain that I prefer them to people, right?), I would totally be a vet if I wasn't so afraid of seeing injuries, and I could also study astronomy if I didn't hated physics/math. I'm not very patient, but I also change my mind easily, so I'm the type of person who tries something new and says "I won't ever do this again" and it goes wrong, but is trying again next day. I looove eating, and even tho I have some pet peeves with food, food bribery can work a lot with me lol. My favorite types of films are drama and science fiction (cry for a good story and think hard are my two favorite things). I'm a very perceptive person and I am very vulnerable to see through people, I know there's something wrong in the air usually before everyone else, and can see how people may be feeling even if they don't tell me right away, that's what makes me a good friend to the few people I'm friends with, because my intuition is good. I'm also very criative, and even though my imagination can get a little morbid and sad, it also gives me good ideas and experiences. On the other hand, one of my flaws is not doing things I'm supposed to do like fufill tasks, and I get over disappointed when things don't go exactly the way I plan. I'm also not that good at talking about my feelings, but I like hearing others. I don't like hot weathers and my favorite season is fall. My favorite holiday is christmas, and I usually spend the whole year deciding what to wear for halloween. I don't really get happy about my birthday, but I like the cheap excuse to eat cake.
Your ATLA bending is…
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Waterbenders often have a calm, reflective nature that aligns with your introverted and artistic personality
Your love for art, particularly drawing and painting, reflects the fluid and expressive qualities of water
Your ability to perceive others’ emotions and your strong intuition are traits often associated with waterbenders, who are known for their empathetic and perceptive natures
Waterbenders can adapt and flow like water, much like how you easily change your mind and try new things
Your creativity and ability to imagine different perspectives also reflect the versatility of water
Waterbenders often prefer harmony and peace over conflict, similar to your aversion to fighting and arguments
Your efforts to keep things smooth and your anxiety around conflict align with the waterbender’s desire for balance
Your love for animals and preference for them over people is reminiscent of the water tribe’s close connection to nature and its creatures
Your preference for cooler weather and fall also aligns with the water element, often associated with cooler climates
In The Last of Us you’d be part of…
Jackson Community
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The Jackson community values safety, cooperation, and a sense of family, which aligns with your desire for a peaceful and stable environment
Your perceptiveness and ability to understand people’s emotions would make you a valuable member of this close-knit community
In Jackson, you would have the opportunity to contribute through your artistic skills, bringing beauty and creativity to the community
Whether it’s through painting murals, teaching art, or simply creating, your talents would be highly valued
Jackson provides a relatively safe and conflict-free environment compared to other groups
This setting would suit your aversion to fighting and arguments, allowing you to live more comfortably and without constant anxiety
Jackson is a place where your love for animals can thrive
There are opportunities to care for livestock and pets, fitting your preference for being around animals rather than people
The supportive and cooperative nature of Jackson would help you feel secure and understood
Your friends in the community would appreciate your perceptiveness and emotional intelligence, and you’d find a place where you could be chatty and open with those you trust
Your The Last of Us 1 match is…
Ellie Williams
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Ellie shares your love for drawing and would be fascinated by your art
You’d spend hours sketching together, sharing tips and admiring each other’s work
Ellie’s interest in music aligns with your love for classical music and rock
You’d bond over listening to and playing music, maybe even teaching her a few pieces on the kalimba
Ellie understands your introverted nature and wouldn’t pressure you to be social
She’d enjoy the quiet moments with you, appreciating the peace and creativity you bring
Ellie would be sensitive to your aversion to conflict, making an effort to create a calm and safe environment for you
She’d step in to defuse situations if they arose
Ellie’s love for animals would resonate with you, and you’d often talk about your favorite animals or even take care of pets together
(Let’s ignore the fact that she killed that precious rabbit)
Ellie would value your perceptiveness, knowing you can sense when something is off
This would make you a strong support system for each other
Ellie’s adventurous spirit would inspire you to try new things, while your creativity would bring a new dimension to her experiences
Ellie would enjoy your love for food, often bringing you treats or sharing meals to cheer you up
Food bribery would definitely work on her too
Ellie’s experiences have given her a darker outlook, which would complement your occasionally morbid imagination
You’d understand each other’s perspectives deeply
Ellie would be someone you could eventually open up to about your feelings, creating a mutual space for trust and support
Your The Last of Us 2 match is…
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Dina would be impressed by your artistic skills and love for drawing
She’d often sit with you while you sketch, maybe even asking you to draw something special for her
Dina loves music and would appreciate your eclectic taste
You’d share playlists, and she might even join you in playing music, appreciating your classical choices and rock favorites
Dina respects your introversion and would ensure you feel comfortable
She’d be patient with your social awkwardness, making you feel understood
Dina would be protective of you in conflict situations, stepping in to help keep things calm and support your need for a peaceful environment
Dina’s love for animals would match yours, and you’d bond over caring for any animals you come across, sharing stories about your favorite creatures
Dina would trust your intuitive nature, often seeking your advice or perspective on situations because she knows you can read the room well
Dina’s adventurous side would inspire you to step out of your comfort zone, but she’d always respect your limits and ensure you’re comfortable
Dina would love your enthusiasm for food and would enjoy trying new things with you, often bringing you snacks or cooking together
Dina’s experiences have given her a nuanced view of the world, which aligns with your occasional morbid imagination
You’d find solace in understanding each other’s darker thoughts
Dina would be a great listener, helping you navigate your emotions and encouraging you to express your feelings more openly
Your MCU match is…
Peter Parker 1
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Peter would admire your artistic talent, often asking to see your sketches and paintings
He’d be your biggest fan, encouraging you to keep creating
Peter loves music and would appreciate your taste in classical music and rock
You’d share playlists and enjoy listening to music together while you draw or study
Peter is empathetic and would understand your introverted nature, never pressuring you to be social and appreciating your company in quiet moments
Peter, being a peacekeeper, would respect your aversion to conflict
He’d step in to resolve any arguments, ensuring you feel safe and comfortable
He may not look like it, but Peter’s affinity for animals would resonate with you
You’d bond over your shared love for them, often talking about your favorite animals and maybe even caring for a pet together
Peter would value your perceptiveness, often seeking your insights on situations and trusting your intuitive understanding of people
Peter’s adventurous side would kidna want you to step out of your comfort zone, but he’s very careful with you
Peter would love your love for food and would enjoy trying new dishes with you, often bringing you snacks or taking you out to eat
He’d joke if you love him more than food or not
Peter’s experiences as Spider-Man have given him a complex outlook, which would align with your occasionally morbid imagination
He doesn’t like it, but he also has one
Peter is an awesome listener, always there for you and he lets you to even spar with him to let some anger out while he’d hold back, but not too much so you’d notice
He cares both about your mental and physical health
He’d appreciate your support in return, knowing he can rely on you
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bugsmunched · 10 months
❤️‍🔥I think I wanna Kiss You - Steve Harrington X AMAB! Reader
summary: Y/N never thought that Steve would ever notice him, but one night, he needs a ride home from practice, and Steve is the only one willing to give him a ride. 
Contents: Later Seasons  Steve, Male reader, He/him reader, male anatomy, pothead reader, reader,  smokes a bit, a not date date, fluff, a lot of build-up/plot, reader not knowing he has feelings for Steve, secretly Bi! Steve, Steve really likes film and also the animated Disney film 'Aristocats' (I do whatever the hell I want), Steve coming out, acquaintances to lovers, !!! SMUT !!!, Dom! Steve, Sub! Reader, degradation, use of "whore" and "slut", handcuffs, choking,  orgasm denial, face-fucking, fingering, anal, protected sex (WRAP THAT SHIT) 
Word Count: 7.1 K
Smut under the cut !!!!!!!!!!!MINORS DNI!!!!!!!!!!!
Y/N never thought that Steve would ever notice him. Sure, we wasn't nearly as popular as he used to be, but he still had more friends than Y/N could count. Y/N however, was the opposite. He just had a couple, close friends, all of them that he smoked with. None of them were necessarily hated per say, but people just liked to pretend that they didn't exist. They didn't look at them in the halls, none of them were ever chosen for group projects, but they also were never bullied. They were all just simply left alone. 
This year however, was different. Y/n had joined the basketball team and actually showed some promising skill, so people were starting to notice him, but not exactly in a positive light. He avoided going in the locker room and just changed in the bathrooms on the other side of the school both before an after practice, since most of the guys would just make fun of and harass him. They didn't really have any reason to, it wasn't like they had any actual dirt on him, they just decided that they didn't like him, and it was as simple as that. So, he did his best to avoid everyone on the team, which was harder than it seemed. 
One night, he was making his way out to his car and when he got in to turn it on, he realized he had accidentally left the lights on and killed the battery. Shit. He looked around the parking lot, to see if there was someone there that would be willing to help him jump-start his car, but there was only one car left. Steve's. Double shit. 
He contemplated just walking home , but he knew that it was too far, and too cold to walk home.  Why did basketball have to be a winter sport? And why did he have to live in the middle of nowhere? Pulling a joint out of his pocket, he started to walk over to Steve's car, feeling extremely nervous. It was weird, every time he interacted with Steve , he got nervous. He didn't really know why, he just knew that talking to Steve made him feel funny. 
When he finally got to the car, he knocked on the window with a sigh, watching as Steve rolled down his window. "Two questions, Harrington. One, you got a light? Two, you got jumper cables?" He asked, cursing at himself when he felt his voice crack when asking for a light. 
"You  don't have a lighter on you? Somehow I find that very hard to believe. " Steve said as he playfully rolled his eyes. His voice had a joking tone to it, and he was trying to make it obvious that he was just trying to lighten the mood, as he could sense some kind of tension between the two of them. " I'm sure I have one around here somewhere, one sec," Steve hummed softly as he started to rummage through the center console before he exclaimed triumphantly, pulling out a red lighter. " Here you go," he said as he tossed him the lighter through the window. 
Unceremoniously, Y/n caught the lighter, almost dropping it on the concrete parking lot. He muttered a quick, 'Thank you'  before he quickly lit up the joint and took in a long draw, exhaling a large puff of smoke. Almost immediately, his shoulders relaxed and his facial expression changed. he wasn't high yet, but knowing that he soon would be made him feel a bit calmer. " What about the jumper cables, Harrington?" he asked, placing the joint between his lips once more and taking another large hit, coughing a little bit afterwards. 
"Oh, yeah, uhm..." He turned around and buzzed his lips together for a moment, eyes scanning the backseats of his car. Nothing.  "Yeah sorry I got nothing, why? You need a ride or something?"  He asked as he tilted his head with a smile. He was being a lot nicer than Y/N thought he would be, maybe it was because he had dropped those old, toxic friends of his. 
"Shit. " was all Y/N could say as he ran a hand through his hair, holding the joint down by his side.  " I can't imagine coach kept the building unlocked, which means I can't go in and call my parents. Shit. " He repeated, rubbing his temples, he was clearly distressed. 
Steve looked at him, a bit of concern lacing his following words, "Hey no need to panic over a dead car, L/N, I can give you a ride. It's no big deal." 
"With all due respect Steve, I'd rather not." Y/N said as he waved his hand dismissably, shaking the end off of his joint and setting it in his pocket. He was a little too stressed out to smoke anymore. Ironic. "Maybe I'll just walk into town and use the diner's phone or something. That's only a couple miles, right?" He asked, cogs turning as he thought of a way that he could call his parents instead of inconveniencing Steve, someone he wasn't even sure could more than simply tolerate him. 
" At least let me give you a ride into town? It's awfully cold, and dark out. I don't want you to get lost." 
"Nope, I'm putting my foot down, get in the damn car, I'm taking you into town so you can call your parents. end of story, get in. " Steve said sternly, looking at Y/N with an equally stern gaze. It was obvious that he was not going to be giving this up. He was determined to give Y/N a ride, and he was not going to let him walk. 
"Fine. Let me at least buy you some food or something while we're there, okay? I feel like I'm wasting your time and your gas, and I want to try and make it up to you. "
"Deal. " Steve said with a triumphant smile, unlocking the car and watching as Y/N walked around to the other side and got into the passenger's seat. 
Steve started his car and started to drive into town, the car was mostly silent besides music softly playing over the radio. The car ride felt mildly awkward, at least to Y/N it did. Maybe it was because he felt like the weed wasn't doing anything to calm the nerves that popped up every time he was around Steve. Maybe it was because part of him wondered if this was a trap and he was being pranked by the basketball team. A lot of thoughts were running through his head, occupying his mind so much that he didn't notice when they had finally gotten to the diner. 
Steve tapped him on the shoulder, breaking him out of his spiral of thought. "we're here. Remember, you owe me a burger." he said with a kind, and yet goofy smile plastered on his face. Looking at that face made all of Y/N's worried about being pranked melt away, but it also made his cheeks heat up. God damnit why was he so fucking nervous around Steve? He was just a guy!  But, that wasn't important right now. What was important was calling his parents and getting home. 
"Let's go in. " Y/N said quickly as he got out of the car and hurriedly shuffled into the diner, leaving Steve  in the car with a puzzled look settling on his face.  Y/N was being so strange, like stranger than usual.  He followed him in, pointing over to the phone to show him where it was before he sat down at a table. 
"You going to get  anything for yourself? " Steve asked, looking at the other boy who shrugged.
"Probably, let me call my parents first. I hope they're home," He said with a sigh, heading over to the phone. 
After a few minutes, Y/N came back to the table with an exasperated look. "I told them that I was going to be at practice, and I don't have a house key. But of course , of fucking course they aren't home! And they probably won't be home! And then none of my friends picked up either, which means that I can't crash at their places. Shit." He groaned out, placing his head on the table with a sigh, hitting it a few times. 
"I hope you don't mind, but I ordered us both burgers and fries. I also remember you saying that you don't like pop, so I got you a water. Also, you can crash at my place, parents are never home. Hope you like burgers, wasn't sure if you did or not, but then I thought 'Well everyone likes burgers.' So I got you the burger." Steve rambled for a moment, obviously he had burgers on the brain, the man was hungry. 
His ramble was so burger centralized that Y/N almost didn't catch the offer to crash at his place. Almost immediately his cheeks turned red once he realized what he had said. " I'm sorry, what?"
"I got you the burger but I wasn't sure if-"
"Not about the burgers, Steve I heard that. The middle bit. You said I could crash at your place?" Y/N asked, obviously a bit skeptical of the offer. 
" Oh yeah. My parents are never home, and the house is huge, you can just use one of the guest rooms or a couch or something. And since today is Friday, you won't have to worry about showing up to school in the same clothes tomorrow. I'm sure your parents will be home tomorrow, or your friends will finally respond. " 
"Steve I don't think-"
"You don't really have a choice, now do you? You said it yourself, you don't have a house key, your parents aren't home and none of your friends will pick up. So this is your only choice unless you want to cause a scene and spend the night in jail. " 
Y/N thought for a moment, as tempting as spending the night in jail was, he knew that it was a much better idea to just take Steve up on the offer. "Fine, you're right. I guess, I'll stay at your house tonight...thanks. " He muttered out, eyes fixated on the table. The funny feeling in his stomach kept growing, especially at the idea of spending the night with Steve Harrington. He shook his head and stood up. "I think I need some air, some and get me when the burgers are out. " He quickly excused himself before he walked out the door, wanting to calm this feeling by smoking more of the joint that lay dormant in his pocket. 
After about 15 minutes, Steve came outside, tapping Y/N on the shoulder. Y/N hadn't gone through much of the joint, surprisingly enough. He wanted to desperately squash the funny feeling in his stomach, which he still couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was, but part of him was screaming to stay sober while around Steve. So, he had only take a small hit and let the joint just burn out, and he just stayed outside, trying to figure out what feeling Steve was making him feel. 
"The burgers are out," Steve said with a soft smile, opening the door for him and letting him go ahead of him. Soon enough they were both sat at the table and an awkward silence settled over the table. Steve didn't like that so he started to think of a topic of conversation. "So...Got a favorite movie that you like to watch?" he asked, taking a few fries off of his plate and popping them into his mouth. 
" favorite movie? Uhm, I can't really choose if I'm going to be honest. It's mainly because I don't spend a lot of time watching movies. I'm not allowed to smoke in or near the house so I spend a lot of time being away from home, and when I do watch movies I'm usually high out of my mind and don't really pay attention. What about you?" Y/N said as he took a bite of his burger, happy that Steve also disliked the awkward silence. 
" Well that really depends on the genre, because i like to categorize them by genre. I don't have a favorite overall, per say. My favorite childhood movie was the Disney movie Aristocats, it came out in 1970. Do you know if you've seen it? " Steve asked with a smile. 
"I know for a fact that I've never seen that, what is it about?" He asked, returning the smile and finally making eye contact. Shit shit shit, his eyes were so pretty. 
Steve smiled and began, in detail explaining the plot of Aristocats, the animated Disney classic. As he was deep diving into the lore of a movie about animated cats, it finally hit Y/N as to what exactly Steve was making him feel. He was romantically attracted to the man that was currently sat across from him. fuck. 
 Steve spent the entire time explaining the plots of different movies, as Y/N just sat there and happily listened, trying to ignore what he now recognized as butterflies in his stomach. Soon enough they were both finished eating and the bill was paid, but they were just sitting there, talking  - well Steve was talking and Y/n was just sat there listening. Finally, the waitress came up to them and gently told them that they were closing soon (aka kicking them out) and they both apologized before heading out to the car.
Steve started to drive home, smiling softly as he kept his eyes on the road. "That was really nice, actually, " he said softly, turning down the already quiet radio. "Sorry if I talk too much, a lot of people say that I do, hope you didn't mind." 
" I think that was one of the better conversations I've had with someone in that diner. To be fair the bar is pretty low, most of the time when I go there i go with my friends and we are all high out of our minds, so the conversation is kind of non-existent. " Y/N said with a little laugh, "Actually a lot of my conversations are like that, so this was a nice change of pace, thank you for that, Harrington." He said as he looked out the window. 
"Thank you for listening, L/N. It was nice for once that I wasn't being told to shut up."
"If your friends tell you to shut up, they're pretty shit friends. You deserve to have people in your life that like to listen to you, and respect your opinions." Y/N said softly, tracing shaped on the car window mindlessly. 
"I mean, some of them are pretty great, just young. It's the ones that are my age that are pretty shit. I feel like if they knew too much about me, they would hate me. " Steve sighed, his grip tightening on the wheel, it was obvious something in particular was on his mind at the moment. 
"If they found out that you like Aristocats they'd hate  you?" Y/n asked, obviously joking. he figures  that Steve meant something else, but he wasn't going to pry if Steve wanted it to be kept a secret. 
"Yeah, something like that. " Steve said with a smile, biting back his words for a little bit. 
Once again a silence fell over the car, but this time it was pleasant, and not as awkward as it sometimes was. Both of the men felt relatively comfortable in each other's presence. After a few minutes of silence, Steve sighed. "Can I tell you something?" he asked, his voice suddenly laced with seriousness. 
A puzzled look fell across Y/N's face and he nodded before realized Steve wouldn't have seen him nod. "yeah Steve, you can tell me something. "
"Promise you won't tell anyone, or hate me for what I'm about to say?"
"I promise...what is it Steve?" Y/N asked, his puzzled expression turning to one of concern, worried about what Steve had to say.  What could be such a big secret that people would HATE him for it? 
"Okay so, I've kept this a secret for about a year now, and you're the first person that I'm telling. I don't know what it is about you, but I feel like I can trust you with this, and maybe like you'll understand..." Steve paused and bit his lip, "I am...I am bisexual. Which means I'm attracted to both girls and uh, guys. " He said, stuttering over a few of his words, spit getting caught in his throat. Nervousness rose as he waited for any form of response, being unable to take his eyes off the road to see Y/N's reaction. 
" I see why you wouldn't want to tell your friends that. " Y/N said before he feverishly shook his head, "That sounds like I'm being an asshole. Oh god no, that's not what I meant, Steve. I'm just saying I know the guys that you're friends with and they're assholes. They would probably say some dumb shit like 'oh so do you like us then?'  When why would you like them ? They're assholes. " he quickly rambled out, trying to not sound like a complete and total dick. "Sorry." 
Steve felt a little bit confused by Y/N's reaction, not really sure how he felt towards him. "So you- you don't hate me, right? You're not uncomfortable by being in a car with someone who likes guys?" 
" uncomfortable? " Y/N questioned before he shook his head, "Can I tell you something Steve? I think I like a guy right now. " he said as he buzzed his lips together for a moment. "So no, I don't hate you. I mean, to be perfectly honest I don't really understand why I'm attracted to a guy right now, but I'm not sure the why is important. "
Steve paused for a moment, his brain over-loading with information. He pulled into his driveway and parked, finally being able to look over at Y/N. A million thoughts were running through his head. Who does Y/N like? Wait, he's bi? God, why did I say that? He's so pretty.  But what finally came out of his mouth was, "I think I wanna kiss you." 
Both of their faces turned bright red, but neither of them could really see the other in the dim lighting of the car. "I- wow I didn't mean to say that. That was incredibly weird and stupid of me I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make it awkward again, shit. I'm really sorry man, I really really am. I didn't mean to-"
Y/N reached out and put a hand on Steve's hand, "Steve," he said, snapping the brunette out of his rambling state. " Just take a few deep breaths for me, alright? " He spoke softly, not realizing that his hand touching Steve was just making the poor man freak out even more. "Let's head inside, okay? We can talk more in there. " He spoke softly, squeezing his hand before pulling away, which left Steve a little bit disappointed. 
Still freaking out, Steve followed Y/N into the house and sat down on the couch, putting his face in his hands. "God why did I say that, I'm so fucking sorry man, I just- shit. there's no point in hiding it, I like you, that's why I wanted to take you home tonight. I wanted to get to know you better. And then you said that you like a guy- and I guess I just freaked out. I'm sorry I made it weird. " he sighed, feeling like he was about to cry. 
Y/N sat down next to Steve and shook his head, "Steve, you didn't 'make it weird' , don't worry.  You're the guy I like. I realized tonight, sometime during the Aristocats rant, that I like you, more than friends. I also wanted to get to know you better. I've never liked a guy before though, so until tonight, all I knew was that being around you made me feel weird. Seeing you flash me a smile as you passed me in the hall made my stomach feel weird, and I now recognize that you gave me butterflies each time you passed me in the halls. "  he spoke softly. 
Steve raised his face from his hands, looking at the other man with a confused expression. "What?" 
" God, you're so lucky you're so handsome. What were the words you used? I...I think I want to kiss you, too, you idiot." Y/N said softly as he reached out and grabbed one of Steve's hands, looking into his eyes. 
"Really?" Steve's eyes lit up with excitement, a hopeful smile spreading across his face as he scooched a little closer to Y/N. 
"Yes, dumbass, really. Now c'mere and kiss me," Y/N said as he grabbed the collar of Steve's shirt and pulled him close, their lips finally connecting in a kiss. Sparks flew as their lips connected, the kiss soft yet full of a passion neither of them had quite known was going to be there until that very moment. Steve intertwined their fingers together, squeezing the others hand tightly as he continued to kiss him. 
After a few moments, Steve pulled away, a smile exploding across his face, "God you're an even better kisser than I could've ever imagined." he said with a little laugh, bringing his hand up to his lips and giving it a soft kiss. He was content with just the one kiss, but Y/N was not. 
"Come back here, you little shit, I wasn't done." He muttered as the grip on his collar tightened and he pulled him back into another passionate kiss. This one was a bit more fiery than the first,  Steve's free hand finding itself resting on the inside of Y/N's thigh. Steve just smiled against his lips and eagerly complied with whatever he wanted, the kiss deepening and turning from just a simple kiss to a full blown make-out session in a matter of seconds. 
Y/N pulled his hand away from Steve's and rested it on his hip, pulling him closer, nearly being on top of him now. What was at first a very sweet moment was now a heated moment of fiery passion that was soon to turn into something far more than just a little kiss. Soon enough, Steve pulled away from the kiss and shook his head, which caused Y/N to get a little nervous. Had he gone too far? 
"I don't want to do it here, let's go up to my room. I have a big comfy bed, and I really want to pound you into that mattress rather than the couch, plus all the lube and stuff is upstairs and we aren't doing this without lube. It may be both of our first times with a guy, but I know better than to not use lube. "
His words made Y/N laugh slightly. Here he was thinking he had gone too far with the make-out session when in truth, Steve just didn't want their first time together to be on a couch. That mad him smile and he let go of Steve. "Okay, that's fair enough, Harrington, take me up to your room, then. " He said as he stood up, extending his hand. Steve took it and then started to lead the way up the stairs to his room. 
As soon as they got to his room, Steve pushed Y/N onto the bed, pinning him down with his arms above his head. His demeanor had almost completely changed from his goofy an aloof demeanor just a few moments ago. This was something more...devious, and more in charge than before. It was clear that he held the dominant personality between the two of them. 
"God you look so good beneath me, I can only imagine how good you're gonna look getting impaled by my cock. " He said with a devious grin, leaning forward and capturing his lips in another passionate kiss.  Y/N moaned at Steve's filthy words, the moan becoming swallowed by the kiss.  He kissed back quite eagerly, appreciating Steve's change in demeanor. He loved feeling powerless beneath him like this.
He started to grind his hips upward, desperate for some kind of friction against his cock, which caused a chuckle to rumble through Steve's chest. " Desperate little slut, huh? Don't worry, I'll touch you soon, baby. I'll touch you soon. " He assured him, one hand keeping his arms pinned down and the other resting on Y/N's hips to keep them on the mattress. He pulled away from the kiss and leant down, burying his face in his neck, starting to kiss and suck at the skin. 
Y/N began to moan, whining softly from the feeling of Steve leaving marks against his skin, hands balling up into fists as he attempted to tug them away from Steve's tight grasp, but to no avail. Steve started to gently bite along his collar bone, reveling in the desperate little sounds that were coming from the man beneath him. God he sounded so good, he just wanted to do everything to him. After a few minutes, he pulled away from his neck, admiring his work, "God...not a bad job if I do say so myself. " He said with a cocky grin, licking his lips. 
Y/N whined a little bit once the sensation faded away as Steve stopped kissing and biting at his neck. "Please, Steve." he pleaded out desperately, not entirely sure what he was pleading for, all he knew was that he needed Steve do something, anything to him.
Steve gave a mean chuckle and started to roughly grind his hips downward into Y/N's soaking in the sounds that he started to make once again.  "You really are a desperate little whore, huh? Bet I could make you cum in your pants just my grinding on you and you'd be satisfied, wouldn't even have to feel my cock buried deep inside of you to turn you into a mess. " He purred softly in a mocking tone, continuing to roughly grind down, small groans falling from his own lips due to the sensation. 
Y/N whined out and shook his head, "please Steve- god - touch me, please! I'm so hard it hurts!" He whined out as he tried to buck his hips up to meet Steve's but his hand was keeping them firmly planted in the mattress. 
"Yeah, but you're my desperate little whore, aren't you? Yeah, yeah you are. Only I can make you crumble like this, no one else. You're mine, all mine, aren't you?" he purred softly as he ignored his pleas to be touched. " Say it " he growled out, stilling his hips, lust letting his bulge rest against the other's. 
"I- I'm your desperate little whore, Steve, I'm your desperate little whore, yours. " Y/N let the words fall from his mouth quickly, barely even registering what he had just said. His mind was becoming fuzzy, slipping into a space he had never been in before. He had never been treated like this, and it was driving him crazy, he wanted to know everything that Steve would do to him.  
"Good boy...such a good boy for me," Steve purred softly as he let go of his hands and his hips, sitting up off of him and reaching over into his nightstand. Y/N gave a puzzled look, about to ask what he was doing before he was pinned down again and the next thing he knew cold metal cuffs were being wrapped around his wrists, attaching him to the bed frame. "there you go..."
Y/N whined softly and tugged against the cuffs, they were on there pretty snug, not enough to hurt of course, but just enough to keep him fully restrained. "jus' wanna touch you..." he whined out, looking at Steve with a defeated look and god he wished he could've captured a photo of the sight in front of him. Y/N looks so pathetic and Steve was just drinking it all in. 
"You'll be able to touch me soon, I just wanna have some fun, got it?" he said as he pushed his legs open, sitting down between them, hand resting on the waistband of Y/N's jeans. He quickly undid his button and zipper, reaching into his pants and then pulling out his fully erect cock, smirking at the sight. "Wow, so hard for me, aren't you, you desperate whore?" He purred softly, admiring the length in his hand. He spat on his hand a few times, rubbing it around his cock, loving his he was reacting. He was squirming a little bit, trying to close his legs, but since Steve was in the way, he couldn't.
Steve started to slowly jerk him off, moving his hand up and down his shaft while squeezing a bit tightly. Y/N moaned out in pleasure, bucking his hips up into Steve's hand desperately. His mind was fuzzy and he was finding it difficult to try and form any sort of words.   Steve sped up with his hand, causing Y/n to whimper more with pleasure, eyes screwing shut. 
A strong hand was soon enough wrapped around his neck, squeezing the sides. "Keep your eyes open and watch me like a good boy, got it?" Steve growled softly, smirking as Y/N opened his eyes, lips wet with spit, lewd moans falling from them. Steve was making him feel so good, and already pre cum dribbled from the tip of his cock. Steve moved his hand up to the tip of his cock and used his thumb to smear the pre cum all over the head of Y/n's length. "Such a dirty boy, already starting to make a bit of a mess, aren't you?"  he purred softly, continuing to squeeze the sides of his neck. 
After a little longer, the only sounds were Y/N's moans and the wet sound of Steve jerking him off, and he felt himself growing close. "Oh god Steve I- I'm gonna cum..." he whined out, bucking his hips into his hands once again. Almost immediately, Steve removed his hands from Y/n's body, no longer touching him, which made the other boy whine out. "Why'd you- why'd you stop? I was close..." he whined, wiggling around, trying to get some sort of friction to get himself to his finish that he had previously been so close to. 
"stop moving like that, whore. I didn't give you permission to cum, so you're not allowed. " Steve scolded, smacking his thigh as a warning. Y/N jolted at the smack to his thigh and stopped moving, looking at Steve with glossy eyes, looking like he was about to cry because of how close he was. "Oh is the poor baby gonna cry because I didn't let him cum? Yeah? pathetic." Steve spat, a sadistic grin on his face.  He loved seeing Y/n so helpless like this. 
Steve stood up and tugged off his belt, tossing it to the side before he managed to shimmy off his pants and boxers, his cock springing free. Y/N's eyes lit up at the sight of Steve's cock, causing him to lick his lips in desire. Steve walked over and straddled Y/N's chest, tip of his cock pressing against his lips. Without saying anything, he thrusted his hips forward, pushing past his lips, groaning as he slip into the warmth of his mouth. "Fuck I've thought about this day for a long time, and your lips look so fucking pretty wrapped around my cock like that, baby. Even prettier than I could've ever imagined..." He purred, working on fully sheathing himself inside of his mouth. 
Y/N made a few gagging noises as Steve forced his cock into his mouth, drool pooling on the sides of his lips and bubbling up a little bit as Steve began to thrust his cock in and out of his mouth. The brunette groaned and tilted his head back a little bit as he kept moving in and out of the other's mouth. "Fuck, you greedy little whore, taking my cock like your mouth was made for it." He groaned softly as his hips thrusted forward particularly roughly, causing Y/N to gag. 
After a little while, he pulled out of his mouth, smearing spit and pre-cum all over Y/N's lips with the tip of his cock, smirking softly. "As much as I'd love to make a mess out of that slutty little face, I want to absolutely ruin you..." He purred softly, gently slapping Y/n's face with his wet cock a few times before getting off of his chest, letting him pant for a few moments as he undid the handcuffs.  "Face in the pillows, ass up. I need to prep you. " He hummed softly, standing up and walking over to the dresser, pulling out a bottle of lube along with a box of condoms. He placed them both on the bedside table as Y/N got into position, burying his face in the pillows and wiggling his ass a little bit. 
Steve smirked and smacked his ass, reveling in the little groan sound that Y/n made at the impact. "Okay the prep is going to take a little bit, I don't want to hurt you." He said softly as he got behind him, pouring lube all over his fingers. His demeanor had changed slightly, as he didn't want to hurt Y/N at all. "If you need me to stop, just tell me and I will, alright?" He asked as Y/N nodded. He shook his head, "No, Y/N I need you to use words. I need verbal confirmation that you'll tell me to stop if you need me to," he spoke sternly. 
"I promise I'll tell you to stop if I need you to. " Y/N said softly, a soft whimper leaving his lips as cold lube was spread all over his hole and a finger was pushed up against it which caused Steve to laugh in amusement, his dark demeanor returning. 
"Desperate to be filled, are you?" He purred softly, circling around the tight entrance with his middle finger. "Well I guess I have to fulfill your desires..." He purred softly as he pushed past the tight entrance with one finger, pulling a whine from the man on his knees for him. "Shit you're really tight. You're gonna need a lot of prep. " he muttered, mostly to himself. He figured he would have to get a couple fingers in there to comfortably stretch him out. 
Slowly, he began to pump his finger in and out of Y/N, occasionally curling it inside of him, which always caused the other to give a loud whine of pleasure. "Fuck, baby, what a greedy little hole...think you can take a second one?" he asked softly, Y/N only nodded in response. He was met with a rough smack to his ass, causing him to jolt at the feeling. "Good whores use their words. So I'll ask you again, think you can take another one?" he asked softly, slowing his finger to a painfully slow pace. 
"Y-yes Steve, I can take another one, please, " he whined out softly, pushing back against his finger with desire. 
Steve nodded softly and slowly began to push a second lube-covered finger into the tight entrance, smirking at the loud, drawn-out whine that fell from Y/N's lips-which were now glossy with spit from getting face fucked earlier. Slowly he began the thrust his fingers in and out, making a scissoring motion. Y/N began squirming against the bed sheets, moaning out in pleasure from this new sensation. He pushed himself against Steve's fingers, a hand lightly gripping at the bed sheets. 
Steve sped up a little bit with his fingers, soon slipping in a third. He smirked once again as Y/N whined at the feeling of another finger entering him. "Greedy little hole is just swallowing up my fingers...can't wait to feel you wrapped around my cock, little slut. " He purred softly, Y/N whimpering in response. "Yeah? You want my cock in you? C'mon, use your words, tell me that you want my cock. " He growled softly, fingering him at a quick pace. 
"ah- please Steve -fuck - please I need your cock!" Y/N whined out, his cock twitching at the feeling of three fingers pumping in and out of him. 
Steve chuckled softly, smacking his ass with his free hand, soaking in his beautiful little noises, "Good boy, such a good little whore for me. " He purred softly, smirking at the red hand print now left on Y/N's ass. After a little while longer, Steve pulled his fingers out and reached over to the nightstand, grabbing a condom and lube. "Do you think you're ready?" he asked softly, once again his demeanor changed to a soft and gentle one. He ripped open the condom and slipped it over his cock, rubbing some lube around. 
"Y-Yeah, I think I'm re-ready." Y/N stuttered out, taking in a few deep breaths to relax his body. 
"Good, and remember, don't be afraid to tell me to stop. " Steve hummed gently as he got behind Y/N once again, rubbing his ass gently to cool the hot red print. He gently pushed the tip of his cock against the other's entrance, biting his lip a little bit. "Okay, take a few deep breaths, and just relax..." He muttered softly, as Y/N did exactly as he was told. 
As Y/N was breathing, Steve gently pushed in, groans falling from both of their lips at the feeling. He was about half way in when he stopped, rubbing Y/N's hips gently. "Are you doing okay?" he asked softly, taking a few deep breaths himself. He was holding himself back from just slamming into him, he felt so good. But he didn't want to hurt him. 
"please keep going..." Y/N whimpered out softly, pushing against his cock, trying to get him to go deeper. 
Steve nodded softly and once again slowly started to push in, soon enough fully sheathing himself inside of the other man. He stilled his hips, giving Y/N a few minutes to adjust to the new feeling of being stretched out and having something inside of him. He was honestly impressed with how well Y/N was taking him. "Okay, are you ready for me to move, Y/N?" he asked softly, fingers tracing hearts on his hips mindlessly. He nodded in response and Steve shook his head, "Use your words, " he reminded him sternly. 
"Please Steve, please move," Y/N cried out, a couple tears being soaked up by the pillows which he had buried his face into. 
Steve smirked a little bit at his pathetic cried and slowly started to move his hips, thrusting in and out of him. "Look at my greedy little whore, just loves having a cock stuffed in him, don't you baby?"
"Yes- fuck! yes Steve!" Y/N choked out through broken moans as Steve started to angle his hips, hitting his prostate. His entire body began to quiver as Steve's hips began to speed up and he started pounding into his prostate repeatedly and rhythmically. "Right there!" he moaned out, more tears spilling from his eyes. 
"Oh yeah? Did I hit a special spot?" he purred softly, becoming rougher with his thrusts, moans falling from his lips. "Fuck you feel so good around me," he grunted, gripping onto his hips so tightly that there were sure to be bruises in the morning. 
One hand left his hips and wrapped around, gripping the others cock tightly, starting to quickly jerk him off, which caused Y/N to moan out so loud he was practically screaming as he squirmed against Steve, hands tightly gripping the blankets.  Steve leant forward, bending over the other, starting to kiss and bite at his neck. " my handsome little slut loves being pounded into the mattress, don't you?" he purred softly, biting down on his collarbone for a moment. " God you feel so good around me, " he repeated, but it was true. Y/N was making him feel so good, he felt like he was in heaven from fucking him into the mattress. 
As Steve continued his rough pace, Y/N's brain simply turned into mush. He tried to reply to Steve's question, but only nonsensical babbles came out of his mouth. He could barely manage to form words his brain was so far gone. His mouth was stuck agape, lewd moans constantly falling free, sometimes forming into pleasured screams. 
Soon enough, Y/N was near his climax, cock twitching in Steve's hand, pre-cum dripping free. "Cl-close!" Y/N managed to choke out, unable to form any other words as pleasure was clouding his mind. 
Steve groaned in response. "Me too, baby, me too. C'mon slut, cum for me. " he groaned as his thrusts became sloppy and erratic, a sign that he was close to his own release. His hips stuttered a few times, the pleasure causing him to bite down on the other man's collar bone once again. Soon enough, Y/N was sobbing out with pleasure, tears being soaked up by the pillows as he came, thick white ropes painting Steve's hand and quilt. Just as he came, so did Steve, filling up the condom as he groaned in pleasure, his hips roughly rutting forwards a few times. 
After they both came down from their highs, Steve pulled out, Y/N whining at the sudden feeling of being empty and Steve just laughed in amusement, " I'm that good, huh?" he asked with a smile as he tugged off the condom and tied it off, tossing it into the trashcan that he kept next to his bed. "Can you stand up for a minute? I need to toss this blanket into the wash, and I don't want either of us laying down on it. " He said softly as Y/N nodded, standing up with wobbly legs, leaning against the wall to keep him from falling. 
Soon enough the two of them were cuddled up under the remaining covers of Steve's bed, Y/N's head laying on his chest as they just sat there in a comfortable silence together, soon enough drifting off into a deep and relaxing sleep.
20 notes · View notes
stormblessed95 · 2 years
Here to tell the whole world to stop living through some rom-com style, heteronormative fantasy of Jikook. Last night’s live seems to be such a big deal for so many of you and I am here like, buddy?? You all really thought ,one fine day, JK would wake up and be like, my ring finger has JM on it, as in JIMIN??? If they are in fact a couple, there’s simply no way they will come out any time soon, if at all. Jk is 25, he’s very successful, but he’s still very young with at least two decades of career ahead. JM is just 27, known as the idol’s idol, pretty much acknowledged as a role model for the idol space. They live in Korea, and the current regime is anything but pro LGBTQIA+. As many sus moments as we have seen, they are still in the CLOSET, if they are intact together? They aren’t gonna kiss each other in public and make it official you no? At least not for the foreseeable future.
I can’t emphasise this enough- it may seem all sunshine and rainbows, because we all are wearing tinted glasses, but being queer in a queerphobic country with cameras on you 24*7 isn’t even remotely fun. It’s even harder if you have images to live up to and roles to play. As someone who has been living in Asia, I can promise you, the tables would turn so fast if they even approach the subject. They were just recently Busan expo ambassadors? You know that means practically having supremely close connections with the government? Their families, the communities they are a part of, the group, the company, everyone would have to face such strong repercussions. I am a nobody and my nonhet sexuality is a nightmare to navigate. I have lost friends and families over it. Imagine doing that while being hella popular?
Just wish them happiness and move on. If they are together, they are. We have no control over it, only over the narrative. Please just please don’t expect a mega coming of age film. It’s embarrassing. We have no right to be hurt because he said what he said. Either it is the truth or he’s trying to protect something. Either ways, respect it. Also, they are K-pop artists after all, of course they are very globally renowned, but after all they are K-pop stars. Their narratives, their medium, their stories, we will never have first hand access to. We are seeing them through a tunnel, because we just don’t have access to many things. For instance, JM is so so popular in SK and many other Asian countries and pretty much receives endless love. Like the culture minister of the country says “everyone knows JIMIN”. He isn’t tortured or tired, he’s very loved and he knows it. JK just because first Korean artist to perform at WC, he’s made the country very proud. We see them as these characters in this world, they aren’t. They are full people, with agency. Let them do what they want to. Twitter is vile and bullies playground. But that doesn’t make it a reality. They get hate, and they probs see it. But they also get love and know it.
Meant to post this yesterday. Sorry I'm late anon. Jikook distracted me 🥰
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