#they both exist iicr
I mean Tracks is a flying car normally which leads me to.
Interesting TFA Tracks idea to note down. Since Breakdown is flight capable, maybe Knockout was an Autobot who ran off with Breakdown and still a car. They end up with Tracks, who is a car with wings.
The Decepticon babysitters have never known more fear than the day they were watching him thinking it wouldn't be a big deal with tiny car getting zoomies then they hear shhhnk and turn to find wings just suddenly there and now he's flying away.
The goddamn noise i made upon seeing this because oH YEAH YEAH HE WAS!
Is Tracks in tfa actually wait??
He is indeed in tfa
And, while he "might" not fly in tfa, his wings/doorwings are conspicuously not visible in his altmode... hmm...
Plus he's an extra meaning we can do whatever the fuck we want
Oh and since he "shares a body type with Road Rage" we can say she can do this too.
Ooooo yes yes yes. Kobd menace child Tracks. That had to be such a surprise, and i can fully imagine how that went down.
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justatalkingface · 1 year
what's your opinion on the big 3? When I was hyperfoxed on this series they were the thing I care Abt the most (I enjoyed season 4, obv I'd change some stuff now but I still remember it being atleast ok)
I hate how dirty they did my girl nejire, as far as I'm aware they didn't even do anything with her after the whole pagent thing she just got a small backstory about how she was sad (don't know all of it I haven't been keeping up that well w the manga)
mirios not having a quirky and having to save eri (a girl who I can't imagine would be that skilled at the age she is and has been training on lizards to give his quirk back all together, I'd imagine it taking a few more months but bnhas time is shit so) and coming back in the war arc to punch one person and then basically do noting iicr
The only decently written one was amajiki, I wish they had more going on I think they have a fun dynamic (w them helping taking care of eri and me rlly liking idk what it's called but I love the fluff it brings) :(
Lots of mixed feelings, in all honesty. Lots of mixed feelings.
I'll admit, a big part of my mixed feelings about them is they showed up as the latest, 'Stomp on Izuku's everything' at the point in the story where it was becoming obvious that there was always something stomping on Izuku, and that gave me a bad first impression on them I've never been able to shake... which isn't helped by how they're connected to the clusterfuck of Nighteye, of all people, which is kind of my whole thing with Mirio (warning; I am biased):
As a person, he's obviously nice, but as a character, basiclly his entire reason for existing was, 'give Izuku an existential crisis' and I don't think I've ever forgiven him for that, really. His entire character is just bigger, stronger, older, happier, more capable, more confident, more successful, more loved Izuku, who had a Quirk his whole life and only had to dig deep to find out how strong it, and he, was all along.
Unironically. It's....
It's a really bad look, to be blunt; he feels kind of like a bad fanfiction character written by a bad writer who wanted to put their super special OC in the story, except he's canon.
Since we've never seen him even think something unheroic, there's really nothing that distinguishes him from that impression factual statement, which, again, makes it hard for me to give a shit about him, or even remember him... which is a problem Hori seems to share, lol. It doesn't help that I loathe Sir Nighteye and that most of his development time is spent admiring him, to boot, and that his parts of the story are either empty or focused on a living plot device I can't quite like no matter how hard I try because of how blatant the emotional manipulation is about the biggest story breaking, SOD shattering plot device until Stars and Stripes showed up.
If he ever got any kind of development to flesh him out a human being rather than being either Izuku and/or a heroic archetype, it'd help, but beyond all of that his biggest personality trait is liking jokes, and that barely even comes up. Or, rather, considering both the Final Arc and his response to Bakugou's name, along with Nighteye's own tendencies, 'jokes', maybe.
He doesn't deserve it, I admit it, it's not his fault, but I just can't get past that. He also doesn't deserve to just be forgotten until his big moment of a butt joke, but... MHA, everyone. In all honesty, I'd just like him better if his entire story arc didn't exist in and as some of the worst parts of the Overhaul arc, but he's tainted by that fact.
I freely admit that I am unfairly biased against him, so take all of that with a mountain of salt.
As a side note though, god, the story doesn't seem to realize how badly Nighteye is using the poor kid; Mirio thinks Nighteye is training him because he's worthy, while Nighteye mainly seems to be doing it because he's the closest thing to an All Might clone he can get, bar him actually cloning All Might, even if he grew to like him for who he is. I'm not sure Nighteye ever thought of Mirio with just his Quirk as anything more than a temporary situation; even at the start of canon, when on his own merits he's rising to fame with how successful he is, Nighteye's overall focus is still about getting AFO into the kid.
I almost wish I could see Nighteye explaining how all of his training came down to getting All Might's Quirk, just to see MIrio react and tear Nighteye down a peg about it, except Hori's history of handling these kinds of things means he'd never be allowed to be properly offended on his own behalf, the poor bastard.
Moving on, Tamaki. Out of all of them, he's had the biggest of an on-screen story arc, and in a intellectual way his Quirk is easily the most interesting. Unfortunately, while he has a personality, it feels so bland at times that he's far easier to remember for his Quirk than who he is.
I liked his story, really, but at the time it was overshadowed by Mirio and his everything, and by the time he showed back up it was clear how irrelevant it and he was, so it was more about how (admittedly, very) cool he get his Quirk to be than it was about him, and with some brutal honesty, it's probably because his Quirk is so interesting that he even got that much focus beyond that initial arc by Hori.
And... Nejirie.
In a combat sense she's easily the best of them, really; Mirio is almost purely defensive, which limits him (especially if he's not surprising someone with it) while Tamaki's Quirk, while flexible, is so conditional in ways that can easily hold him back (we only ever see him fight with full preparation; if he's not gearing for a fight he'd be easy to ambush), and like a lot of things in the Final Arc, his big laser canon thing is.... questionable.
Nejirie, though, is just simply powerful. In a setting where everyone has one power and one main application of that power, where you either fly or blast things, but not both, she's the closest I've seen to a 'traditional' super hero, like you'd see in Marvel or DC.
At the same time, though, out of the three of them she least has a story, for obvious reasons, and it's a disgrace, really. If Hori had just spent some time on her, on the her backstory that apparently exists (yeah, I'm not sure where that is either), she could have been so interesting... but really, all she is is the Girl Teammate. Her personality traits are The Girl Teammate's personality traits. She's just The Girl Teammate stamped over all of the interesting stuff, and it's such a waste, it really is.
And finally, as a unit? The Big Three is a shiny toy that Hori forgot in the corner somewhere as soon as he got bored with it. He spent a few minutes oohing and aahing over them, focusing really hard on developing interesting powers, how they could be used, and how strong they were, only to start to lose interest as soon as those powers were established, and he was writing the three of them off before their introductory arc was even over.
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transingthoseformers · 3 months
Thinking about my one SG au where:
Ultra Magnus is/was in charge
Optimus is/was aiming to dethrone Ultra Magnus
Megatron is an exminer (but no gladiator era) who gained a following through his writings and his eventual connections through other notable decepticons
Optimus does eventually overthrow Ultra Magnus after obtaining the Matrix
Sentinel Magnus was the Magnus before Ultra Magnus, he's in a situation like bayverse Sentinel (should I Shatter him too or make him worse? I'm tempted to make him worse) and I feel like he'll be found in stasis somewhere in a trashed ship. I feel like it won't go well, I want to make him v similar to bayverse Sentinel tbh and have him betray both the autobots and decepticons
Cybertron gets pretty trashed, but it'll be rebuilt eventually— bit by hit
Cybertron sucked ass before the war, as you might've guessed
I feel like the decepticon base on earth in this au is either under the ocean like in g1 (iicr?) or in the middle of the fucking desert somewhere.
Groundbridges are a thing, as are spacebridges but those are generally massive and in space
Outliers aren't a thing. No Skywarp teleporting, no Sunstorm radiation, no immortal spark Starscream, no telepath Soundwave, nothing.
The decepticons existed for a short while before the war
Just about everyone has their canon colors / a mix of their canon colors
Starscream was ex-military before getting into the decepticons and being thrown into the war
Shockwave was a minor and obscure scientist before the war, gradually gaining skill and rank throughout it
I'm torn on Soundwave because on one hand I liked showhost!Soundwave in SG IDW, but I liked how Megatron just kinda found him in IDW, buuut I also really like the idea of going with a TFP influence in his backstory and making him a former gladiator.
At some point or another Bumblebee has an arc of his own, not sure how but I just think there should be
I think I mentioned it before but the constructicons are medics
VERY torn on whether Megatron should have a fusion cannon or no.
Energon is blue here
I'm torn on how to introduce the human buddies into this and how they'd act but I definitely want Mikaela and Sam in on this (I'd love to see how they're characterized in a more series like setting rather than a movie one)
Elita is a major general and I vaguely feel like she deserves her person chair like she gets in IDW.
Actually Rodimus gets his Lost Light colors because I say so. He's either one of the wreckers or Optimus's eventual successor (or both?) (I'm not sure where to place Rodimus during the war, but I like his SG personality)
Torn on Deadlock never defecting or him becoming an autobot wrecker somehow. Because on one hand, angst. On the other hand, I like his Deadlock design and the idea of him staying moderately loyal to a SG Megatron makes sense in SG. Hgghhh but SG driftrod. I don't know, I like both options.
Ratchet is still terrifying like he is in SG IDW
Most of the designs are like if you drew the IDW designs in the TFA style, in my mind
Mnemosurgery is a thing because it's so horrifying I love it I hate it I love it
Galvatron =/= Megatron and he's such an example of "but what if [character] was good but also still himself". He's still got Cyclonus and Scourge at his side.
The sg dinobots are terrifying
Shockwave makes the Predacons (Predaking, Skylynx, Darksteel, possibly a few more?) and they're almost a reflection to the dinobots. Because Predaking v Grimlock would be so fucking cool.
Wheeljack is terrifying this time
Jazz and Prowl are evil husbands
There's not as many characters on earth as in g1, but there's certainly more than in say tfp or tfa (... How many mecha are on earth in g1 again?)
There are characters who are on other planets fighting the war
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I just realized it is absolutely criminal I did not make these two things clear.
1.) Overlord is a hot younger trophy wife/husband/spouse. Ratchet specifically refers to him as "that mech half his age" that Megatron picked up "who knows where" when Megatron went on a brief spiritual journey to find himself post-war when Damus was six-ish.
2.) Megatron has carried all his children except for Hot Rod whose existence lead to Orion initially staying with the Decepticons longer and refusing the "call to action" with the Primacy being offered.
He and Megatron broke up during a moral event horizon moment for Orion who ran off with Hot Rod and they both found the Matrix of Leadership. He actually took a long time to take command of the Autobots as a faction, taking his friends and refugees in instead to avoid the war, but things escalated and Megatron was furious about Orion now Optimus taking Hot Rod.
Hot Rod's presence changed the direction of the war and when Optimus and Megatron had to join forces against the Quintessons they just decided to split the planet and slowly mix back together into a shared society.
The Quintesson fight is what lead to Damus being born.
He's known as the baby that ended the war, because Megatron alerted Optimus and they talked things over for once. Hence peace.
RatchOP and MegaLord happened later.
(Also this world may be from an initially much more serious fic that I may one day write but has an entirely different tone from the silly divorce au post war.)
Okay the fact that Overlord is the trophy wife makes his beef with Damus (and Optimus's beef with him) so much funnier
I'd love to hear about the serious one so much because it's amazing when a serious fic and a crack fic share the same universe.
I have so many questions about how the Quintesson fight lead to Damus's creation and my leading theory is victory sex. But also since iicr this is a TFP fic, indicating tfp/aligned Quintessons appearing again for the secondish time in cybertronian history. Kid might've caused peace but he's certainly not a peaceful kid.
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