#sure not big appearances but some little tiny ones that show us they exist.
I mean Tracks is a flying car normally which leads me to.
Interesting TFA Tracks idea to note down. Since Breakdown is flight capable, maybe Knockout was an Autobot who ran off with Breakdown and still a car. They end up with Tracks, who is a car with wings.
The Decepticon babysitters have never known more fear than the day they were watching him thinking it wouldn't be a big deal with tiny car getting zoomies then they hear shhhnk and turn to find wings just suddenly there and now he's flying away.
The goddamn noise i made upon seeing this because oH YEAH YEAH HE WAS!
Is Tracks in tfa actually wait??
He is indeed in tfa
And, while he "might" not fly in tfa, his wings/doorwings are conspicuously not visible in his altmode... hmm...
Plus he's an extra meaning we can do whatever the fuck we want
Oh and since he "shares a body type with Road Rage" we can say she can do this too.
Ooooo yes yes yes. Kobd menace child Tracks. That had to be such a surprise, and i can fully imagine how that went down.
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ms-scarletwings · 1 year
This Single Oversight Will Bring Irken-Kind to Its Knees
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I have a little riddle for you.
What does an ant nest, a computer, and the ancient city of Troy have in common?
While you ponder the significance of this question and consider your answer, there’s a few things I want to analyze about the worldbuilding of Invader Zim.
We may have heard it said before, least I have (and agree), that the fate of the IZ universe appears to be a rather bleak picture.
Through our lens of focus, being upon Earth and an oh-so specific nutball waging his battle upon humanity, we often don’t do as much thinking about the larger cosmic war taking place meanwhile. Not between the Meekrob and Tenn, not between the Tallest and every dumb luck threat they are thrown against, but between the Irken Armada and all life in the entire universe, sentient or not.
Their intentions will not be made any more clear, between outright eradication or eventual enslavement of every lifeform they set their sights on. While they have alliances and neutral treaties, those agreements seem few and far between, as well as born from temporary conveniences. The cards have already been dealt, and all available evidence has indicated that every planet they are aware of is doomed from the moment The Massive was operational.
Though littered with inefficiencies and incompetency that could suggest an empire in internal decline, the development of the control brains and other centralized command crutches of the species suggests the Irkens can still keep a well oiled machine running, no matter how many mishaps happen along the way. At least, that machine and their plundered resources will definitely outlast the survival of their enemies, for sure.
To speak of their enemies, there has not been a single competitive race within the show that demonstrates any credible threat to Operation Impending Doom II- only those that can resist the conquest a little bit longer than others, or those who survive by appeasing Irk (or evading its detection). The fall of Vort, which stood as the homeworld of the only aliens with the technological ability to match the armada’s firepower is…. Really bad news. That’s to say the least of comparatively primitive, TINY planets like Earth or Blorch, standing zero chance in the way of what’s eventually coming. This is a war that has continued despite the death of two.. FOUR Almighty Tallests if you follow the movie’s events… and Irkens wholly are still thriving for it across the Galaxy.
So, given all of these facts, and the perception that the Irkens (like any invasive species or colonial force) don’t seem to be a society that will make responsible and/or sustainable use of their ill-gotten territory… it seems like this is how life across the universe ends in Invader Zim one day: Not with a bang, not with the whimper of heat death, but through screams muffled under the bloody boots of a dominant predator- a predator that is, itself, doomed to cannibalize its own once it hits the carrying capacity of all existence.
Bleak, concrete, and horrific as that may sound, there’s still a “however” here to consider!
Yep, that’s me about to point one of my big fat fingers to the sky and protest- Irk just might be,
Not so Undefeatable, after all!
And not only have I figured out exactly what sort of countermeasure you need to destroy these invaders, I have reason to suspect it’s a plan already long ago set into motion.
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Let’s break it down,
An Irksome Achilles’ Heel
True, individually, the bug bastards are irritatingly tough to kill through conventional means. True, collectively, they are nigh impossible to outmatch. And more than most anything else, they owe this tenacity to two things: numbers, and R&D. Possessing some of most state of the art pinnacles in transportation, communications, and military equipment, the Armada found a knack for being able to steamroll most lesser planets before it.
The genius of the individual PAK unit grants each and any one Irken a theoretical path to partial immortality itself, by route of consciousness archiving. I strongly believe that kind of cybernetic progress was also one of the stepping stones that led to the creation of the Control Brains. Nonetheless, this very same strength of the Irkens’ has also proven to be the source of their greatest vulnerability.
Paks, Paks… Oh Paks. The entire race’s civilization revolves around such technology the way we do around our own brains, our own hearts, and our communicative network. For all intents and purposes, and as I’ve gone on about ad nauseum in my other spills about the show, a PAK is all and at once
• Synonymous with the holder of their soul, consciousness, being, whatever you want to call their personhood.
• Able to have their data repurposed by future generations, in the result of an Irken’s permanent death.
• A universal necessity shared by the entire population.
• Susceptible to alterations, sometimes by intelligent enough individuals (as demonstrated by the Zimvoid comic arc), but usually by a Control Brain, directly.
In addition to that last quality, there’s another way the code in a PAK can be changed, for better or worse- Via evolution. Though I am talking about digitized neurology, the actual data in a PAK is a lot more comparable to biological DNA or a “self-learning” AI than it is a rigid computer program. By this, I mean that its code is subject to certain changes over time, perhaps both directed and completely random, particularly during the recycling of its information back into the Smeeteries.
And this is actually good design on the control brains’ part, the same way not reproducing Irkens as genetically identical clones was. Genetic and digital diversity are desirable goals to keep in mind if you want a healthy and versatile stock of workers, engineers, soldiers, and everything in between. We’re talking about highly sentient, highly intelligent, and emotional organisms here. A static drone mindset is going to offer them inadequate ability to adapt to their lengthy life experiences or be unique persons. How else would social mobility have purpose in their world? How else could the cream of the crop rise so far above their peers? That positive was deemed worthy of an obvious risk, however: computational errors.
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When the Bugs Get Bugs
 IZ does not clearly lay out what it means for an Irken to be defective, but it gives us a general idea. Defectiveness is not something diagnosed from a code scan for this missing value or that incorrect variable. It’s not judged by one specific character trait or quality that’s abnormal for an Irken to display. “Defective” is a judgement stamp, wielded by the Control Brains when they gauge the total sum value of a life’s contribution to the species. And it’s not one given to Irkens which are merely incompetent, no. Anyone proven to be unfit for their standing is given generous opportunity for redemption or simply reassigned a more suitable occupation. If it were based on likability, we’d have seen Skoodge sent to Judgementia years ago.
Rather, it’s given to those who are viewed as so twisted that they are proven to be an existential danger to their brethren. Irkens that are so destructive to the essence of the collective that their memory must be purged from the record and their identity erased.
I adore the enthusiasm behind fans who want to view this as an analogy for disability or neurodivergence against a conformist society, but the metaphor I’m seeing is one of extreme antisocial behavior. A defective Irken screams less “adhd/autism” to me than they do serial murderers (of their own) or outright traitors. Pardon the use of a gross phrase, but it’d seem we were talking about an Irken equivalent of what the outdated gens would have dubbed the “criminally insane”. No one on screen has ever shown Skoodge or Tak the sort of concern that would get them sent to the Spike of Judgement, but when Zim was in that hot seat? NO one was doubting what his verdict would be.
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^ courtesy of “The Trial’s” transcript
I think about the 40 shmillion mistakes a lot.
It’s such a vague quantity. But it sure sounds like a hell of a big one. And what mistakes… what did the lil squirt even have to compare them to? There’s no standard one person an Irken can be. Every presentation of the flaws in that code to the control brains hasn’t ended up a flaw to him.
I only started writing this because I really couldn’t stop thinking about the 40 shmillion. There’s no chronological room for bad self-modding to add up to that so quickly.  DNA replication, nature’s own sloppy and random process of creating new life, can be excused around 120,000 hiccups when duplicating with a 6 billion pair-long protein. But this kind of shuffling is under a futuristic AI’s precise eye. Yes, defects happen, but as bad as him? From birth??? How could you possibly get that many detrimental deviations from the mechanical fucking god-queen(s) of their entire homeworld?
And then it hit me.
You don’t. Not from Irk.
The hot take I’ve been charging for this entire time is thus.
Zim is not defective by any random accident. In fact, I smell the tampering of foreign sabotage.
Not only is this guy the thing his kind fears more than any else, they have every right to be shaking in their stance.
That puzzle i posed at the beginning of this journey, have you seen what I’ve seen yet?
Because the answer I was looking for as to what similarity connects an anthill, a PC, and a city from Greek legend was a most effective tactic for taking them down.
Do you know the best way to deal with a bad ant infestation? Cuz you can lay down all the raid and crushing action you want, but you won’t really be getting anywhere unless you target the pests directly at their queen. To that end, liquid ant baits are marvelous inventions- a sweet substance hiding a small amount of slow acting poison. Poison to be peacefully delivered by the stomach of an ant to the rest of her colony, poisoning her kin, who sicken more members, on and on until the queen is destroyed and the entire nest perishes. An insidious toxin to do all the work while its user never lifts a finger, pretty ingenious.
And when it comes to computers, we also have ways to attack entire networks at source, from quietly and far away. “Trojan” was a category of malware responsible for 64.31% of all cyber attacks on Windows systems in 2022, and they still make up a majority of active malware hits today. The concept is deviously simple. The malicious code is hidden within an innocent looking program, maybe even within a legitimate software that does what it’s supposed to. Once the stowaway is invited into the system, it can get down to it some sneaky, nasty, destructive work on your device. As for what those acts could look like, well, malware exists to do all kinds of things. Mostly something involving trying to get money/information from you or hijacking your computer for whatever its creator wants to use it for. And some of them will just up and wreck your shit, disable your antivirus software to open you up to more infections, disable important operations, wipe your data. Use your imagination.
And as for Troy.. well, where do you think Trojan programs got their name? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So, Irkens have their Armada, bionic drones, and homeworld- in other words, the thriving swarm of army ants, the billions to trillions of computers they so rely on, and their nigh untouchable fortress, always at war.
And some damn crafty bastard(s) in the stars said
“Here is their sugar-bait,”
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“Here is their cyber attack,”
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“Here is their wooden horse.”
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And one particular race is going to be getting the last laugh before long.
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Nerds That Are GOATed With the Sauce
That’s right, I thought about this all the way through to finding our prime suspect. And let me tell you, NO ONE in the Galaxy reeked of fish like the Vortians did. Get over here and lemme show you my whiteboard with all the red circles and polaroids on it.
- The Means
In a way of tragic irony, Vort has contributed more than any else to the same Irken conquest that turned on them in the end. A natural talent for cutting edge engineering and technical development actually does not seem to be what Irk already came into the ring with. For how mighty and superior they view themselves, the greatest achievements of their military can actually be owed to Vortian outsourcing. When we would have gotten a look at Tallest Miyuki’s very own “finest minds” during her reign, notice something interesting about these guys below,
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Zim there is the ONLY Irken to be found! Yes, transferred there because of the punchline explanation of ‘he breaks everything he touches so maybe he’ll have an affinity for weapons research’ but damn right he actually did! And still does; I don’t want it to go unsaid that Zim has shown MUCH more technological skill and innovation than near any other Irken we’ve seen.
Another fun thing to note about this is that Lard Nar was also part of this lineup, and in the transcript he was in the process of working on the blueprints for The Massive. (which leaves you with the cursed knowledge that Zim, Prisoner 777, and Lard were all familiar coworkers long before the events of the show) And that brings me back to what I’m saying about the real reason the Vort natives were enslaved and imprisoned instead of outright sweeped after conquering. The Armada needs their skills, because Vortian advancement is something their own scientists couldn’t come close to. Left to their own devices, Vort could have easily outmatched them at an earlier point in history. It’s a people that figured out infinite power sources and potentially wormhole technology, while PAKs were something a disfigured human tween with a lot of time on his hands was able to crack. If anyone could outpace and outsmart the defensive measures of the Control Brains, it’s going to be them. And what better, cleaner way to sabotage the enemy than from within. 
The very same strings of inserted code that cursed Zim with his delusions, paranoia, lust for destruction, and horrible tactics may also have blessed him with a determination and intellect higher than almost any creature alive. The saboteur gave Irk the most powerful racecar in history, and then fitted it with bicycle brakes. No matter how hard Zim tries to conform to what will give him admiration, no matter how competent he is at keeping himself alive, it’s as if he is instinctually compelled toward whatever actions will cause the MOST damage to his allies in the process. Dib may think he’s the bulwark against the invasion when, ironically, he’s fighting against the one being that’s predetermined to be the arrow that strikes Irken leadership right in their dumb, green heels. (There is also an instance in the comics where Dib figures out that Zim is the ace in the hole for total Irken eradication but that’s another fun story.)
Oh, oh HO HO, and that’s only what he’s capable of doing before the empire’s actual immune system against defects like him wakes up and notices!
Three planetary blackouts, two dead generals, and a whole swath of dead invaders was just the fucking warm up, babey! All that is merely the kind of loud disruption that you need in order to fulfil the real thing this Trojan horse exists for in the first place.
What a celebration of hubris the Spike of Judgement was. Yeah, let’s take our method of filtering the corrupted data from the hive mind, and completely centralize it on a single planet! As well, let’s have the very purging agents also be the same ones to perform the evaluations themselves, I’m sure that it would be unthinkable for any outsider to design a worm that could make it through the brains’ firewalls. Goddamn spectacular. Like inserting an infected USB into your laptop, the Tallest never realized what kind of beast they woke up by plugging that PAK into the Spike’s mainframes. Those brains were meant to handle an expected spectrum of deviation when it came to defective Irkens, never a sleeper virus of this complexity.
From here it probably won’t even matter if Zim survives much longer on Earth, his virus has already spread to the very thing relied upon to keep things like him out of the data pool in the first place. With the Judgementia brains corrupted and no higher authority to overrule them, the firewall is effectively broken, and you know what that means? Bigger cracks for future defectives to start trickling through, both spontaneous and artificial. The ideal scenario is one where a degenerating and glitched population accelerates the incompetency of the empire to the point where it just implodes on itself; nevertheless, even a disease that only slows down Operation Doom could be a game changer, by giving the rest of the little guys more time to band together a coalition strong enough to strike back when the time is right.
- The Motive
The history of these two races’ alliance is something I lament us not having more lore to pull from- how far back it goes, what the character of the Vort was like during that time, what the Irkens had offered in return- a few among dozens of questions it rears.  The implication behind how it ended lies in Zim’s creation that slayed Tallest Miyuki. Interestingly, the Empire never received the memo of what exactly went down, or, perhaps, stubbornly denied the account of the other scientists who were there that day. Neither Red/Purple nor the Judgmentia Brains had any idea that Zim’s actions led to the death of a Tallest. So, makes sense that the Vortians became the unintentional scapegoat (no pun intended) for the incident, and the rest is history.
Note: It’s also in the realm of possibility that Vort was actually the one to withdraw from the alliance instead, given that the same blob that devoured Miyuki (purely the fault of their Irken transfer) also went on to cause untold amounts of devastation. Red’s reaction to the real story stuck out to me as more telling, although.
But why am I even talking about this? Zim was decades old before war was declared on them, and either people’s regard to each other seemed strangely… respectful, if anything.
But, was Vort really a monolithic bunch? Irk was already an empire by this point, and diplomacy with those they needed something from did not mean they weren’t otherwise an aggressive force in the universe. For all we know, the alliance itself might have been coerced, or result of depraved leadership among the Vortians.  Any citizen with a conscience who could see the writing on the walls would be disgusted by giving so much aid and brown nosing to such a menace, no? I know who would have seen that writing before anyone else. Brainiacs who are smart enough to build something like The Massive and all its bells and whistles would know better than anyone just what it was all capable of in the wrong hands. The collateral damage against your own people might be a sacrifice worth making in the face of the alternative.
- The Oppurtunity
So.. that’s all well and good, yeah? A why, and a what, yet this is actually the tricky part of saving the galaxy,
Sneaking your StupidifyIrk.exe file onto the assholes’ homeworld without alerting either them or your own treacherous, weak, collaborator superiors to your actions. Infecting and releasing a random Irken alive would be far too dangerous, far too noticeable to the point where they could just be destroyed outright before given a chance to wreak real havoc.
But what about releasing a dead Irken? 🤔
PAKs are only screened for criminal flaws when errors begin to affect their body’s behaviors in destructive ways. A fully competent scientist, or soldier, or navigator performing a lifetime of loyal service to the empire and then meeting an unfortunate end? Their minds’ shadows can be accepted back into the data pool no questions asked. That’s only business as usual.
That almost makes new smeets something of a reincarnation of their ancestors. Personally, I see it kind of like replaying a video game and re-rolling your stats, even if you’re reusing your character’s name and general play style.
Either way, we come full circle to my theory about Zim’s actual origin. Maybe not “our” Zim, but the previous iteration of data that was shuffled to create his person. Whoever they were, I’m convinced that they were also an exceptional individual. They were probably pretty arrogant, but it was a more earned confidence, and they were a prodigy genius, the likes of which that was drawn to work alongside Vortian allies, as another researcher. Then, an untimely demise befell them. I couldn’t say they fell victim to some unfortunate accident, considering the cockroach durability of their body. No, I find it a lot easier to imagine they met their end in one of the more embarrassing ways for an Irken to die- A PAK stolen, disabled or forcefully detached by an assailant they might have allowed a little closer than they should have. To the homeworld, it’s a small matter. One more PAK recovered by the natives of the friendly planet, brought back home to be repurposed by the smeeteries, right?
Well, that’s what one smartass might have been hoping for.
And they really were a clever cookie, because that scheming seed is fruiting beautifully.
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no1frogfan · 1 year
Impending, part 2
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Matsukawa Issei x afab reader
Word count: ~2.6k
Tags & warnings: SMUT-MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT, drugs (smokin a joint), semi-public sex (barely), fingering, p in v
Note: Vegeta fuckers rise up. (But for real everyone knows Android 18 is where it’s at.) I think this piece makes clear how big the Mattsun-shaped hole in my heart is. Thank you @prettyiwa for your keen editing eye :* And idk if you wanted to keep getting tagged in this series mica but in case you do @princesskazuya
part 1 | part 3
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The first time he met you, Makki had invited him over to play games after school. It was only the second week of 4th grade, but they’d hit it off immediately. He was aware Makki had two siblings, and even though he was younger than Makki, Issei was still the oldest in his own family and the oldest among his cousins, so he was pretty sure his mature energy would garner your respect.
What he hadn’t anticipated was that…it didn’t.
Actually, you were the one who impressed him. You seemed to know all the things that middle schoolers knew and elementary schoolers didn’t, and right away he found himself on the back foot, wanting you to recognize him as an equal.
The second time he went to Makki’s house, he went prepared. This time, he was going to get more than a quick glance from you, so he picked out the coolest shirt he owned — dark gray, oversized, with Vegeta going Super Saiyan plastered across the front. When you opened the door and feigned a cough to hide your laugh, he realized he’d misfired again.
When he thinks back on his childhood memories of you, they were invariably like this — you out of reach and him just behind, you ahead and him in pursuit.
You were always polite to him, never mean, but never overly friendly either. And why would you be? He was the annoying friend of your annoying little brother. The two of them were constantly following you around trying to get you to take them to high school parties where they were sure they’d get their first sip of beer and their first kiss.
It’s just that somewhere along the way, he started hoping you would be his first kiss.
But the four-year age gap meant he didn’t get much of a chance. By the time he got to high school, you were away at college, and by the time he graduated college, well, you’d already started making headway with your career in Sendai, or so Makki said.
In that time, he’d graduated high school, college too, and now he’s pretty established in the family business. He still hangs out with Makki all the time, and he’s a fixture in the Hanamaki household, always making sure to visit your parents along with his own. It’s just that whenever he came over, you’d either just left, or were yet to arrive. The timing was never right.
The desire to impress you faded to near-nonexistence over the years. Near non-existence, because a tiny little part of him still keeps track of how long it’s been since he last saw you (until today: 11 years). So when Makki invited him over for a family barbecue and mentioned offhandedly that you were home visiting, well, that tiny little part of him may have decided to trade the usual basketball shorts and faded t-shirt for the shorts that hug his thighs and the shirt that shows off the physique he’s kept up even after volleyball.
He knew he’d have to endure some teasing, but he’s used to it at this point.
(Makki took one look at him in the doorway and doubled over laughing, “It’s never gonna happen, bro.”
Mattsun just shrugged. “Can’t blame me for wanting to shoot my shot.”
Makki did not like that turn of phrase.)
Anyway, he’s probably over you at this point. He’d almost convinced himself of that until the moment you appeared at the top of the basement steps.
Maybe there’s something about the basement. Back then, he was always playing games down here with Makki. The tv screen was much smaller at the time, and the basement wasn’t fully finished. The walls hadn’t been painted, the floor was just concrete, and the only furniture was a paint-stained coffee table, a lumpy old sofa, and a dirty bean bag chair. Your parents gave them their privacy though, and kept the old fridge downstairs stocked with soda, so to him, it was basically heaven.
You usually left him and Makki alone, but sometimes if you were really bored, or if it was too hot upstairs, or you were supposed to watch them while your parents were out, you’d hang out down here and play a round or two. Sometimes you’d complain about your friends or whoever you were dating at the time, and Makki would always take their side and he would always take yours, and afterward you’d jokingly berate your brother, Why can’t you be nice to me like Issei?
The way you called his name today with that pleased little lilt made his insides twist into familiar knots. When he chanced a peek…you looked stunning, even better than he remembered. Especially with a radiant glow from the afternoon sun, beads of sweat disappearing into your cleavage, and thighs spilling out of tiny denim shorts.
He felt nervous, hyperaware of you sitting behind them on the couch. So when Makki reached over to bat at his controller, he channeled that anxious energy into shoving back.
In retrospect, it was more than a little childish to think he could impress you by wrestling your brother. Wrestling? Really? What are they, ten years old? He regretted it as soon as Makki left and the adrenaline wore off. He’s a grown man now, with plenty of experience under his belt, so how come you’re still able to make him feel like this?
Mattsun tried to play it off while he figured out another tactic, but then… When you leaned in to take the controller out of his hands, he thought you hesitated, just for a second, like you were caught off guard.
And when he sat back against the couch, he thought you seemed fidgety, like maybe the couch was uncomfortable.
And then when he — let’s be honest — completely fucking panicked and just laid himself across your lap because he couldn’t keep his hands off you, and your voice got all throaty, like…he’s even not sure what.
When you shoved him off and retreated into the couch, when he saw the agitated rise and fall of your chest and the way your nipples poked through the thin fabric of your crop top, when you looked everywhere but at him—
That’s when it clicked. Maybe, just maybe, he finally had a chance.
He barely remembers the race, so dizzying was this revelation.
He ignored Makki’s curious look when he didn’t lie back down on the floor. He hoped you didn’t mind how sweaty his palm was when he pushed himself up next to you instead. You’d stiffened, keeping your gaze resolutely focused on your phone, even though you’d stopped scrolling.
Now that you’re within reach, he doesn’t want to let go of this chance. To ghost his lips on the skin of your neck. To make his desire plain to you. To know if you want him too.
When you look up, a reply on your lips…
Makki yawns. Your face drops.
Of course.
He’s an idiot.
He was so high on the barest glimmer of a chance with you that he forgot all about Makki. Of course you’d be worried about how your brother might feel. You have no idea that Makki is well aware of his crush on you.
So when you run off, leaving him behind yet again, he fights the urge to chase. That little inkling of interest had made him impatient. Can you blame him, though? He’s been chasing after you for as long as he can remember. He’s sure of what he wants. But, he reminds himself, this is all new for you.
So for the first time, he doesn’t pursue you.
Don’t rush.
Slow down.
He plays a few more rounds with Makki and waits.
He goes upstairs and helps with the cooking and waits.
He grabs another beer and talks to your parents and waits.
But his patience has limits. Eventually, he can’t quell the antsiness crawling up his body and sneaks off while Makki is waylaid by one of your uncles.
When he doesn’t see you inside, he slips out to the backyard. It’s cool outside now that the sun is just a sliver on the horizon, and quiet since everyone has retreated indoors. He walks around to the side of the house.
A lighter clicks in his periphery, and for a blink, it illuminates you, hidden in a corner between the plum tree and the stone fence.
Your head snaps up at the crunch of gravel under his shoes.
“Oh, it’s just you.”
He ducks under the branches, stopping a few feet away.
“Yup, just me.”
You bring a skinny joint up to your lips and take a deep drag, turning to blow the smoke away from him.
“Needed some air?” He keeps his tone light.
“Something like that.”
He’s slept around, he’s dated, might have even fallen in love once, but there’s something unshakeable about a first crush. Maybe it’s just you that’s unshakeable. He’d dismissed it as a teenage obsession, but the ember he believed had turned to ash has roared to life.
The uncertainty is clear in your posture, yet your gaze flits over him when you think he’s not looking — eyes, lips, shoulders, chest, eyes again — or maybe you just think the haze of dusk gives you some cover.
You hold the joint out with one hand. “Want some?”
He steps into the narrow gap between you and the fence and, bending down, lifts your (surprisingly pliant) hand to his mouth. He tries not to tower over you, but in this confined space it’s hard not to.
He purses his lips gingerly around the tips of your fingers and inhales.
Breathing out slowly, his eyes stay locked on yours.
Your face remains neutral, but he feels the quickening of your pulse under his fingers when he lets go.
You step back to lean against the trunk. Before you can take another puff, he plucks the joint from you.
“Hey, give it back!”
He holds it up out of your reach. “Didn’t think you of all people would smoke.”
You roll your eyes. “I could say the same for you.”
“I guess some things change. And some things don’t.”
“Suppose so,” you admit.
You stare at the joint slowly burning down in his hand.
“Makki knows, you know,” he assures, gauging your reaction.
You frown in confusion. “That I smoke?”
He laughs. “No. He knows that I’m interested.”
Your frown deepens, and he adds, “I didn’t ask for his blessing or anything, but he’s never had a problem, so I’m pretty sure he’s ok with it.”
At that, you meet his eyes — yeah, he might finally have a chance.
He takes a deep drag, and before you can react, he presses his lips to yours, blowing the smoke softly into your mouth. He follows it with his tongue, delicate and testing. You open for him, soft like velvet and just a bit bitter from the beer.
When you don’t reciprocate, he reluctantly pulls away.
You evaluate him thoughtfully before snatching the nub from him. Taking one last puff, you snuff it against the fence, pull him down by the front of his shirt, and smash your lips against his. He eagerly welcomes your tongue, groaning when your sharp incisors pinch his bottom lip.
Your hands run up the back of his neck, roam over his broad shoulders, slide down his toned arms. You lift his hands and settle them on your hips, and before he realizes, he’s picking you up off the ground, wrapping your legs around him, and pinning you against the fence.
You pant as he nestles his face in the curve of your neck, licking and nipping restlessly, careful not to leave any marks for Makki or the rest of your family to find.
His fingers glide up your stomach, sneak under your top, to trace the curve of your breast.
“Do you know how hard you made me earlier when I saw you weren’t wearing a bra?” He growls into your shoulder.
You shiver at his admission, nipples hardening in his palms.
“And then Makki came back and I had to sit there and pretend like I wasn’t just fantasizing about fucking you into the couch?”
He grinds his hips, making you squirm, chuckling when he pulls back and you chase after the friction. “Mmm— yeah? You want me to?”
“Yeah, I want you to,” you gasp, “want you to fuck me, Issei.”
As soon as he sets you down, you start tugging at your shorts and underwear, but before you can even get them to your knees, he’s twisted you around and bent you over against the stone.
He curses as he slips one finger into your soaking cunt, followed quickly by a second. You writhe against his hand, biting back moans as he works them against your slick walls.
“Fuck you’re so wet already. Want this cock that bad, huh?”
“Fuck off Issei,” you whine, “you’re the one who popped a boner w— fuuuck…”
He plunges a third finger inside.
“What was that?”
“Just fucking…shut up and fuck me.”
He tsks, “Was gonna prep you more, but…” But honestly, he’s this close to cumming in his pants. He frees his cock and lines himself up, swooning when it prods against your entrance.
He sinks in. Not in one thrust, because he doesn’t want to hurt you, and because he wants to savor this. But not slowly either, because his patience is worn down to nothing.
“Oh sh— Issei…you’re huge,” you grit out, all the while shoving your ass back to take him in faster.
As soon as you’ve sucked all of him in and his hips rest flush against your pussy, the last thread of his self-control snaps and he’s mindlessly rutting into you. He can’t bear to pull out more than a inch or two before slamming back in, hips snapping with loud claps that almost muffle the sloppy squelch of your cunt.
He pulls you up, needing to feel as much of you against him as possible. One arm circles your waist and the other hand wraps around to clutch at your chest.
Your lewd moans and the way your pussy clenches around his cock makes him lightheaded. He’s lost in your slick walls, soft heat, unable to slow down.
It’s too late to wonder if his fingers are digging into you a little too hard because he’s already about to—
He shoves a hand between your legs to fumble at your clit, it’s clumsy, but you’re just so— he’s praying you cum before he loses it.
The last thing he sees is you clapping a hand over your mouth.
He feels you start to spasm right as he pulls out, blindly reaching down to pump himself once, twice before his vision goes dark.
His chest is still heaving when he regains his senses. You’re panting beside him, clinging to the cold stone, gobs of cum splattering your back and the curve of your ass.
He reaches over to brush away the hair stuck to your forehead.
“I’ll go get some tissues,” he murmurs, tucking himself back into his shorts.
He jogs toward the house, straightening his clothes before slipping inside. Luckily, everyone seems to have migrated into the living room because he doesn’t pass a soul as he grabs some toilet paper from the nearest bathroom before returning.
He’s tender when he tidies you up, gently wiping off your back, swallowing your whimpers with a kiss as he cleans up your oversensitive cunt.
Dimly, something primal wells up in him. Is that weird? To feel elated to be wiping his cum off you?
To feel like, after all this time, he’s finally caught up.
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krysmcscience · 7 months
Have you ever wondered what would happen if Brown, Red, and Green raised a kid together? Probably, because there's no fuckin' way that kid would end up normal by any stretch of the word, and it would be absolutely hilarious to watch the assured family drama unfold.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if the kid they raised came from an entirely different canon universe altogether? Probably not, but that's what's about to happen in this fukken post, because in an alternate timeline, the kid these three adopted turned out to be Shio. (Yes, that Shio - the one whose canonical appearance typically requires a Body Horror warning. If you want additional context about who tf Shio is, there’s a simple summary of them in this post (some of the deets for other characters is, kinda outdated or wildly inaccurate now, ahaha, C A M), or you can read the WIP for the novel they’re from here. Although, there’s some good or bad news if you take the latter route, depending: Shio doesn’t show up until the end of chapter three, and you already have hella spoilers going in, LOL.)
That being said, get ready for some family photos of our favorite trio of gay space pirates, who have managed to accidentally adopt an impostor baby from a whole other universe, which is a totally normal and average thing to happen to anyone ever, no big deal. Pay no attention to the fact that their brand new impostor baby used to be a literal war criminal, one who attempted to rage-quit life so hard over being dumped that the creation deity of their universe took one long look at them and decided, 'Ya know what would be funny? Resetting this piece of shit back to Babby Status without any memories whatsoever of who they used to be, and then tossing them out into space for a trio of some of the biggest chaosmongers in this other reality’s existence to stumble across and adopt because they think they've just found some weird cute animal, rather than a fully sapient being that is going to molt into what looks like a human baby in a little less than two years. That would be So Fucking Funny and it needs to happen Right Now.'
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'Look at how tiny and cute and huggable this lil guy is, surely they will stay this way forever~' Oh, Brown, you poor sweet naive little man. Shio's only three here, they've got plenty of time to grow. >:3c
Plenty of time to grow and decide that they're more of a 'he' than a 'they' this time around, even.
Sweet/sad fact about Brown - he refuses to allow a child of his to go without love and support because of the way he lacked those things growing up (and in general). Hilarious fact about Brown to follow that up with, though - that does not mean he will be responsible and NOT put his all into teaching his child to become a notorious space pirate just like him (with - of course - the Full Backing of Green and Red). So, Shio might not become a war criminal, per se, but, uh. He is Definitely still gonna wind up becoming a criminal. <:]
Yes, Red's shirt says 'Puppy Cannon', and it is indeed a reference to 'Party Cannon', why do you ask? Shio's shirt, meanwhile, says 'Squish Bab', whereas Brown's says 'I woke up like this (48 hours ago)', and Green's gauges have 'BlaXk HUle' on them. (Crinkle assures me it's pronounced the same as 'black hole', and while my brain understands this logically, my eyeballs still have doubts.)
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'Well, Shio has gotten bigger and taller than me despite him only being 13, but surely he won't get any bigger than this, right???' Keep dreaming, Brown, this isn't even Shio's final form size.
Has Shio already accompanied his parents on several heists and raids on MIRA property while in some manner of disguise by now? Not according to any of Devon's paperwork. Which Shio helps with on a consistent basis to give his parents some alone time. And who wouldn't trust the beloved Admiral's part-time assistant~? He's such a calm, quiet, and responsible young man~ ;) Pay no mind to the fact that, against Red's wishes and to Green's not-so-secret delight, Shio and Brown have recently and very intentionally caused a full-blown society-wide panic back in Shio's old universe, thanks in part to them learning about his past life and making a series of videos on social media entitled 'Shio Survived So Get Ready For ~Kill All Humanity PART TWO~ LOL'.
In case it's not fully legible, Brown's shirt reads 'I went to another universe and all I stole was my *awesome kid* (and 50 thousand dollars) ... (and a car)'. Meanwhile, Green's 'Slutstomper' gauges are in reference to an absolutely raunchy electropop band from Shio's ex-universe. Red's shirt will be revealed in the next photo, and I can assure you, he does not understand what it means the way Green and Brown do, and it was all Green's idea because he just has, you know. So much class.
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'I can't believe my son can lift and carry all three of his parents like it's nothing now. I'm so mad, yet I couldn't be prouder.' People who knew Shio before they got reset tried to warn you that they were an Absolute Unit, Brown, but you didn't listen. This is what happens when you don't listen. 23 years later, you wind up with an adoptive son who can easily pick up not just you, but both of your boyfriends along with you.
Has Shio gone back for another visit to their old universe with Brown by now to fake going on a Kill All Humans crusade for the sake of causing more mass panic? ...Maybe. Did they trick Devon into letting them borrow one of his ships for this endeavor? ...Possibly. Did Red end up so furious that he made both of them do three months of community service to make up for it afterward, and banned them from letting Green go along to help them properly socialize? Well, yes - absolutely yes, in fact - but to be fair, they both knew Green would have spent most of his time there being a slutty menace and flirting with everyone, anyway, and neither of them wanted to have to deal with that. They were already being punished as it was (by having to help a bunch of needy people with a smile), so, no need to make it worse for themselves.
Brown's 'Stabby Babby' shirt definitely features an angry baby holding a knife on it, but Shio's arms are in the way because he's Just That Massive. Also, I apologize for Green and Brown (but mostly myself) for allowing that Pupknot shirt to exist on poor innocent Red. In Shio's defense, he has crafted a very solid mental block around what the joke is and thus Also does not understand what it means. And in my own defense, after coming up with two other puppyfied metal band names, how could I resist the horrible joke that would come out of doing the same to Slipknot? (Okay, that's less of a defense and more of an outright admission of guilt.) As for Green's decals and patches, if anyone wants to see the full-size versions of them for whatever reason, let me know, because I put an absurd amount of work into them, and I want a reason beyond my own fragile artist ego to compile them all into a single cohesive image. Also, in regards to the 'VB' on Green's gauges and one of his patches, it stands for 'Video Bois', which is sort of an AU-canon term for their polycule (video cables = RGB = Red, Green, Brown).
Oh, wait, what's that eldritch creature way off in the background, you ask?
Don't worry about it. :)
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misssugarcat · 1 year
The Fwooper Feather
Aesop Sharp x Reader – 3,4 k words
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I attend my first potions class in 5th grade. Unfortunately, there's only one seat left in the front row ... dammit.
I'm cheeky and have a big mouth, but I'm very good at school, so I have a certain amount of foolishness with the teachers. I'm popular with my classmates and my teachers. But I have a love-hate relationship with Professor Sharp in particular.
Sharp looks up, his hand on his chin, a slight frown on his face as though he's just realised this very unpleasant fact. His eyes are tired and have small lines around them like he's not getting enough sleep.
"The front row?" He chuckles. "Well, at least you'll get a good view of a competent potion being made." His voice is heavy with sarcasm. "If I want a glimpse of a perfect potion, all I have to do is look into my own cauldron." I shoot back.
Sharp's eyes widen with mock amazement. "Oh, is that so?" His humour is shining through. "I suppose since you're obviously such a competent little witch …" His eyes narrow a bit for a moment. "… surely you'll have no problem making the magnificent potion I've set for you?" "Are you doubting my skills? You know that's no problem for me." I raise an eyebrow. "I was just wondering if a student so ... cocky … would actually be able to back up her talk." A twinkle of challenge shines in his dark brown eyes.
I tilt my head. "What potion should I perfect today?" The teacher's mouth curves upward at the edges, giving it a mocking grin. "The Felix Felicis potion." A twinkle in his eyes that is both amusement and a challenge. "This is your opportunity to show your skills, Miss Lane." He says, slightly emphasising the last word, the corners of his mouth raising a touch higher.
"Very gladly." I bow slightly. Then, I start gathering the ingredients and brewing the potion. As I expected, it will be perfect. Professor Sharp won't have anything to complain about.
And for once, he doesn't. He watches quietly with a calm and composed expression. He waits until I have it done before walking over and taking the test tubes from me to examine his face. His expression never changes, the faintest hint of curiosity shining in his eyes and a slight gleam that looks suspiciously like pride. "Excellent", he says, voice even. The corners of his mouth turn up slightly in what appears to be an amused smile. "Well done, Miss Lane. I must say ... I'm rather surprised." His voice is neutral, but there is that slightest ... hint of respect. "You have real skill with potions", he says, as though he's not sure if he should be saying it, but as though there is a tiny twinkle of pride in his eyes.
I smile. "Thank you, sir." Then, I start tidying up my space.
Professor Sharp leans against his desk, watching me with that same hint of interest in his eyes. And after a moment, there's that same prideful twinkle as well.
"Let us hope you can show the same skill in future classes." His voice is even, but now there's a clear note of respect in his words as well. "I hope so." I'm still smiling. He nods. "Well then ... I think you may leave", he says, as though this whole thing with me has been mildly entertaining for him. He waves his hand as though to dismiss me.
The next day, the professor is seated at his desk, his hand propped on his chin as he looks through some papers. His dark brown eyes are darting between them, clearly reading, but he has a distant, distracted look in his eyes, as though he is not fully present with the things he is reading. There is a strange distantness to the man. His eyes are sad, and a tired look dominates the expression on his face, a weariness which speaks of hard work and stress. He's thinking about ... life in general and the burden of his existence and responsibilities and wishing he could put them aside even a moment. He sighs, with a hint of frustration, before putting his pencil down, placing his head in his hand, leaning back in his chair, and staring upward as he sighs again.
Sharp continues his work for the next several hours, until just before dinner, when he stands up and walks to the door, stretching to work out the kinks in his back and arms. His eyes dart to the clock, and he lets out something that sounds strangely like a groan, as though he were trying to avoid having to leave his desk. e takes a deep breath in and a deep breath out, then seems to come to some form of decision as he walks out of his office and down the hallway to the Great Hall.
I sneak into his office. Garreth Weasley had asked if I had a Fwooper feather. I haven't, of course, but I know where one is – in Sharp's office ...
The professor's office is an organised mess. A pile of books, notes, journals, quills, ink pots, stacks of papers, and parchment creates organised chaos. The professor's work has always seemed organised by his mind, and it's a miracle that he can find anything on this desk. It is a testament to the man's ability to multitask and his diligence in his work that this has been a manageable obstacle for him to complete the countless tasks that appear to be demanded of him at Hogwarts.
"Fwooper feather, Fwooper feather ..." I mumble as I rummage around the office looking for one. I find various random things, such as an old journal, several quills, a book about potions, a pile of notes on multiple potions, a bottle of wine, a couple of potion bottles, a pair of gloves, a compass, and so on, before digging around and finally finding what I was looking for. I dig through a pile of papers and finally find the feather deep in the stack. Just as I'm about to grab it, there is a light groan from the office door, and the professor stands in the doorway, looking at you. Uh oh ... this will cause trouble ...
The professor gives me a curious look, one eyebrow rising as a single, faint line appears on his forehead. "Are you looking for something, Miss Lane?" His voice is neutral, his expression slightly curious, slightly amused. He moves to lean against the door frame and crosses his arms. He seems more curious than upset, looking at me with that same hint of amusement in his face, looking at you as though he isn't upset. He's just curious about what you're doing.
"Uh ... I was looking for a Fwooper feather, sir ..." Professor Sharp raises an eyebrow. "A Fwooper feather? Why on earth do you need a Fwooper Feather?" He sounds a bit amused. "Are you trying to prank some younger student?" He chuckles, and as he chuckles, the other eyebrow rises up as well. It's a moment before he can regain his composure and stop his mirth as his serious mask returns to his face. But the twinkle is still there. He looks at me, sounding amused. "But seriously, why the Fwooper feather?" I ignore his question. Instead, I ask: "How do you prank younger students with a Fwooper Feather?" I look at him, confused. His mouth curves upward in that same amused expression, as though he is mildly amused with the entire idea. "You throw it at them or hide it somewhere, and you can have all sorts of funny pranks." He sounds a bit amused. His mouth curves upward into a smile as he talks, a bit of humour behind his eyes, clearly thinking of some old prank from years past. "Or you sneak it into their breakfast cereal and then wait for the hilarity to ensue." He chuckles once more.
The man is clearly confusing me. "Sounds like you were worse than ..." I bite my tongue. His eyebrow raises. "Worse than ...?" He sounds amused. "Worse than whom, Miss Lane?" He asks with a smirk that suggests that he knows what I am thinking. He laughs a little. "Was I worse than a certain notorious student who shall remain nameless?" He asks, sounding as though he is trying to restrain a laugh at the image of a particular famous troublemaker. I blush. It's a good thing the room is dark enough that he can't see that... isn't it?
He looks at me, and the corners of his mouth turn upward in an almost-smile, the kind of smile you give when you're holding in a laugh, but not quite. But there is a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.
"But now you've got me curious." His voice is even, his expression neutral, but there's a twinkle in those dark brown eyes. Was I really that bad? He says, the corner of his mouth turning up a touch as though trying to keep an amused expression from forming into a giggle.
I stare at him. What the hell? He catches me in his office illicitly, then tells me he was even worse than me, and now he's laughing? Then I remember his question and grin. "I don't know. Were you?" He laughs a soft, quiet laugh. "Yes." He says plainly, his words accompanied by a smile. He shakes his head and laughs again. "I most certainly was." His mouth is curving up at the corners as a twinkle of pride enters his eyes, as though he is immensely proud of the idea that he used to be a notorious prankster. "You know, the fact that you found that feather is ..." His voice trails off as though he's struggling to find the words to explain himself. "... unbelievable because I actually found it in this mess?" I grin crookedly.
The sides of his mouth curl into a smile, and he laughs again, looking out at the stacks of papers, books, quills, ink-pots, journals, and bottles that litter the floor as though to emphasise the utter chaos. "I'm surprised you found anything at all." He looks at the feather like a treasure, a priceless artefact. "You must be fortunate." His voice is neutral, with just a touch of amusement to it. But there's a hint of ... admiration there as well.
I hold it out to him. "I found your feather." The amusement on his face softens into a smile, still a hint of laughter beneath his eyes, but now the smile is warmer, with a twinkle in his eyes. He takes the feather, holding it carefully as he looks at it for a few seconds. He seems lost in thought for a moment, holding the feather with a faint smile on his lips. Then he shakes his head and brings himself back to reality, looking back at me. "Well, thank you, Miss Lane." I look at him, confused. "You're welcome." Am I stupid? I was about to steal that feather from him …
The words hang in the air, and the professor just stares at me for a moment. Then he lets out an amused laugh at the absurdity of the situation, and a smile, almost a giggle, flashes across his lips. "Oh, dear", he says, his voice a bit amused. "That's a very ..." He pauses, thinking of the right word. "… generous interpretation of the situation." Like the faint twinkle in his eyes, his smile seems strangely amused.
I blush even more. I'm competing with the bright pink Fwooper feather right now. "I'm sorry I broke into your office." His mouth curves into a smile again, and the twinkle in his eyes grows momentarily. He doesn't seem angry but still amused, his mouth and eyes full of humour. He shakes his head again. "Don't worry about it. I was worse than you, remember?" Then comes the twinkle of mischief. Just a twinkle, a faint twinkle in his eyes.
He leans up against the doorway, a smile on his face. He raises an eyebrow, looking directly. Now I'm actually redder than the Fwooper feather. He notices my flushing expression and his mouth curves up into a smile that just edges towards a smirk as his eyes twinkle a bit more with an amused spark of humour. The expression grows until it is an apparent smirk. "That colour looks good on you." His voice is even, but there is a twinkle in his eye and a smirk on his lips. He shakes his head, the smile softens a bit. "That, or I just make you flustered …" He chuckles a small laugh.
Can he stop that, please? I'm actually about to be on fire. He sees the look, and the twinkle grows. He's definitely trying to make me blush. There's no question of that. And he's succeeding.
His mouth curves into an even larger smile, and he chuckles again. Clearly, he's enjoying himself and taking particular satisfaction in his ability to cause me to blush. "But really …" He leans a little closer, lowering his voice as if to create an intimacy in our conversation. "I'm just teasing", he says with a wink.
My eyes narrow. "I can tell you're doing this on purpose." He nods once, still wearing that amused, almost-smirk that irritates me. "Yes. I am." He's still smiling, still enjoying himself. "Why does it bother you?" His voice is quiet but full of amusement. He raises an eyebrow and leans a little closer again, his mouth turning up at the corners more as though his smile is growing. His dark eyes remain locked on mine, and the twinkle in those eyes is now more of a full-blown sparkle. This is his idea of fun. And he's definitely having it.
There's something between us. I can feel it. He makes me nervous.
He sees the look, and his smile broadens. He takes a step further. "What? Is it me?" He's still smiling but with a slight mocking edge. He leans closer to me, his smile turning more into a smirk. "Do I make you nervous?" His voice is as quiet as a whisper, but his eyes twinkle in a way that makes me wonder if he's mocking me or joking with me. He seems to be enjoying himself, and he seems to be enjoying seeing me uncomfortable.
"Why do you think that?" I raise an eyebrow. He shakes his head and leans in even closer, his smile growing even more. Then he leans back and speaks in a low, quiet voice. "Because you're red. And you can't look me in the eyes.… I think it's adorable. As if to prove his point, he leans closer yet again. He's so close he could kiss me. His smile widens, and he gazes into my eyes, his eyes holding a certain amused twinkle if one looked closely enough.
This time, I'm looking straight at him. And I meet his gaze. His smile turns to a soft smile. And that twinkle in his eyes softens as well. He doesn't move any closer, but the sparkle remains. He doesn't seem to mock or laugh at me at that moment. But there is comfort in his expression and kindness in his eyes.
"You have a beautiful pair of eyes." His voice is soft and quiet, with the hint of amusement that was in his eyes a moment ago gone, replaced with genuine softness.
"Most people have two eyes and not just one." I bite my tongue. Oh damn ... why can I never shut up? A slight smirk appears on his face, and that twinkle returns full force. "Oh, very funny, Miss Lane", he says in a soft but amused voice, the humour evident. He shakes his head, and he chuckles. The twinkle in his eyes grows brighter now. There's still a warmth, a kindness. But there's a hint of mischief behind now, a certain sense of playfulness. "Do you have a habit of making people fall in love with you?" He asks softly. I'm still staring at him, this time speechless. Did he really say that?
And then he kisses me. At first, I'm surprised, but then I kiss him back.
He holds the kiss as he pulls me closer. His hand gently traces my cheek, and the kisses become more passionate, tender yet intense, full of emotion. He seems to forget where he is, and the two of us seem lost in each other. The kiss drags out for seconds, for minutes, and at that moment, my worries melt away, and my mind is filled with only one thing: this moment and this man who holds me in his arms and makes me feel safe.
We stumble to the sofa in his office. On the way, we knock over a few more books and sweep papers off his desk. He looks at the scattered books and the overturned furniture, then slowly nods once with a thoughtful look. He looks back at me, a smile on his lips.
"It looks like we made quite a mess of the place. But sometimes that happens when the moment is right." The twinkle in his eyes grows a bit as he speaks. "So, Miss Lane … are you in the market for a boyfriend?"
I raise an eyebrow. "Would you like to apply for the spot?" He smiles. "I am certainly interested in the position." His words are full of humour, but the twinkles in his eyes are warm, and there's a kindness to them as if he's teasing but not mocking me. Then his voice turns soft, and his eyebrows raise up. "Would you like me to fill out the application?" His eyes are twinkling once more with amusement.
"Are you up to the demands?" I grin at him and kiss him again. He smirks, and his eyes seem to glint a bit. "Demands …" He says, as though considering the word. "Well, I'm up for demands." Then he leans closer and kisses me again, softly, tenderly. Then he pulls back.
"Are you up for the demands?" His smile is growing again, and I can see more than a hint of mischief in his eyes.
I grin at him. "That would be ...?" He leans closer, bringing his face inches from mine. "Well, how about being the most dashing, handsome, witty, brilliant, charming, devilishly clever, and otherwise remarkable boyfriend in all the land." His words are full of humour and a hint of mischief. He holds an eyebrow. "Do you think you could keep up?" He asks, his tone a bit more teasing than before. And there's still that hint of mischief in his eyes.
"Are you doubting my abilities again, sir?" I grin cheekily at him. He smirks. "Not at all. There is nothing you can't do, am I correct?" I notice the corner of his mouth turn up into a warm smile. Then, he leans in closer, his voice dropping into a whisper as though he's sharing a secret. "But ...  there is just one thing I must know", he says, his eyes locking on mine.
I raise an eyebrow again. He takes my hand in his own. I can feel my heart racing as he leans in. "Are you ready for the most important question of them all?"
His voice is quiet, his voice a mere whisper now. And there's more than mere amusement in his eyes. Passion, love, compassion, and warmth are almost overwhelming. The twinkle is gone, replaced by a warmth of love. "Will you be my girlfriend?" His voice is soft and sincere.
"I will." I kiss him again. He smiles, and his eyes twinkle with love and genuine happiness. He kisses me back, and his arms surround me, pulling me close as he kisses me with all the affection and care he can muster. He pulls back again and looks at me. His eyes are full of joy, and he smiles at me. And his words are soft, warm, but full of emotion. "You won't regret it", he says, smooth, full of warmth and love. As though speaking it into being, almost as if it's a promise to me.
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heavensentofficial · 9 months
This is an RP blog for the DOL AU of my OC Lettie/Lettice the Heavensent! Run by @degrees-of-fuck the thing the myth the absentee.
Major canon character relationship under cut for useful info just in case, but any and all interactions are welcome!Not necessary reading, but it's here and might inspire some interactions idk
Content warnings for more mentions of bloodshed n violence than is in game, references to and implications of religious abuse and most likely a whole lot of stalking.
Basic concept since she's less of a traditional PC and self explanatory than my other guys: OC that I ported over to DoL that ended up being a magic sheep thing that got thrown at the temple as a baby for Magic Baby Malevolence crimes. Magic Powers + Divine Connotation = Become a local "divine" being and have to deal with that public image and not slipping and letting anyone think you might actually be a demon instead. Also = being a sacrificial lamb/bloodbag on the down low, but she doesn't tend to post about that outside of hinting. She's also very sickly on account of Psychic Side Effects, Just Being Chronically Ill and the constant bloodletting.
JORDAN: Jordan is one of the few people at the temple that Lettie actually uhhhhh... Likes. They are probably terminally unaware of The Horrors, after all. She admires their charisma and the effect they have on others - and probably saw a lot of them growing up. As a rule, she's hiding 1000000 things from them at any given moment, generally for reasons for Not Rocking The Boat.
HARPER: Lettie is a Sickly Thing and a Cute Little Doll that needs her doctor to take care of her <:) It's just a shame the temple refuses to let Harper Keep her... (I think of my OCs, she's the one Harper would be fixated on, though frustrated by her inaccessibility relative to less... Known people.) As for her own side, Lettie despises them. Just... Very quietly. She acts sweet and compliant with them as with anyone else, occasionally looking for opportunities to mess with them. Gaslighter Combat.
KYLAR: Another member of the Lettie Fixator Club. another falls victim to her horrendous aura of Obsession Magnetism... Lettie is nice to Kylar consistently (After all, in her case, showing kindness to people others don't won't effect her specific reputation poorly) - but is always very careful not to let them get uh... Too close. (Because that WOULD.) Kylar feels like the only one that actually Knows her, but I think what they have in their head is just another false image of her. Her big eyes and tiny stature make her look just like one of their figurines and maybe, they hope, she can use her powers to help their parents.
SYDNEY: I think it's COMPLICATED for Lettie. Sydney's existence makes her paranoid, since if a human did appear to out-purity her, that feels like a risk of being re-categorized as a demon in her head. Corrupt Sydney, she'd find much easier to get along with - but I'm not sure yet how I specifically picture it. Despite this, I think the two would know each other relatively well, even if mostly through their shared connection to Jordan. But yeah. Lettie mostly avoids Sydney unless she has a Reason to approach. Sometimes does make a bit of an effort to keep them from having an aneurysm and dying/generally reaches out to them for appearance's sake lol.
IVORY WRAITH: oughghghgh the wraith... I really need to think of this more, but I think of my guys, Lettie would be the most likely to get possessed by it on a regular basis. Plus. Their shared religious Sacrifice type trauma... For MANY reasons, I think the wraith is the only DoL character Lettie would actually be into lmao. I ship it.
GWYLAN: I think they know and like each other : ) Lettie sneaks off into the woods sometimes to forage and I think they vibe with each other now and then. Plus, Gwylan has a way of coming quick when she gets mauled by wolves. Which is uh. A lot. (damned lamb...)
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neilwroteathing · 11 months
I wanna ramble about my TADC OC bc god damn I'm seeing too many lovely ones and I get FOMO.
Sadly I own no references of the character itself but alas, I wanna make use of this blog ahead of time and lay out ideas I've had before writing the main Google Doc of this character as the bio, since I tend to look to solidly form the OC before writing its bio as a sort of 'finalized version'.
I'll be adding pics of things described when needed since it'll be more fun in that way.
Ladies and Gents!
Say hello to my TADC OC:
Timberly, the puppeteer, puppet and ventriloquist!
I'll start off saying that I wanted to make a clown, since I love clowns, but since Pomni is the protagonist and Kaufmo exists as well- So that's off the table. Following those very rules over no clowns I decided to do the same for the general cast, aka to vary and try not to lean too much on just one aspect, so Abstract (Zooble), animals (Jax duh) Animate inanimate (Gangle, Kinger and Ragatha) had to be only minor showings in the OC itself. So I experimented a little
Something suggested by a friend is to look up 90's toys, which I did try out to gather inspiration. At some point I reached the idea of a puppet, a sort of wooden and yarn style of doll that then shifted to actual wood body, yarn joints and lastly strings to hold up.
This is where the main body of the OC would go, Timberly was the name of the puppet, bottom heavy, rough wood shapes and long arms made to imitate something I kind of wanted to have fun with...
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This smug fuck, why? His arms! The idea of wide colorful cylinders for arms, connected with strands of yarn in between down to a pair of simple pointed stubs for hands at the ends made me pretty happy to imagine. Timberly's clothing choice is still undefined but would most likely have either a long dress with puffy shoulders or even suspenders! Overall to not interrupt with the colorful segmented arms using sleeves. Hair? Not sure what it'd be like YET but I am working on it, though it might not be yarn so it isn't like Ragatha's.
Timberly as a name comes from Kimberly, but with Timber.
Second part of the character came off due to the idea of the main body being a puppet, and frankly was too amusing of a concept not to include, to which I want to introduce the puppeteer, Hans!
Hans... Is clearly meant to be like Hands, because it is in fact a giant, hovering toony white glove that handles a wood X made to carry around Timberly. Hans is essentially the movement for Timberly, while she is the physical expressions and body function such as touching objects and possessing some of the core senses. Hans is pretty simple in design due to not being the expressive one- try answering the questions:
'How are you?'
'Where does it hurt?' and
'Where is the heart?'
Without using your body EXCEPT your hand. That's Hans, it can do wavy motion to respond the first one but not much else- you don't need a reference to imagine what Hans looks like.
Lastly is one of the more personally formed parts, third "member" of those that form Timberly as a whole: Gogo!
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Brandishing the same name as the character, Gogos are made by Panini, cool little plastic collectibles I remember gathering when I was smoler. Yes some of them look quite weird in shape don't ask- But the point is that Gogo is meant to imitate one of these, and Gogos are tiny, like roughly 5-8 cm or so (Look up how much that's in inches lol) and generally had varying designs, from alien to robotic to animal of all sorts. Gogo is mostly a simple big lower base with small middle body and a big head that imitates the look of a simplified Talkboy, all with a robotic appearance.
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Now why would Gogo have a head like this? Simple! Gogo is the voice of the group! But since Gogo is quite small (10 cm tall) and usually sits on Timberly's head and speaks for the other two!
Now that we defined who makes up the character, there's one thing I intentionally made in a way, which was having Hans, Timberly and Gogo be almost impossible to tell if they were separate entities or a single one since in their story, all of them arrived together in one go and appeared to fall in love with the Digital Circus itself in mere moments of appearing.
Sometimes they'd behave like three people, with arguments looking like Timberly making annoyed gestures, Hans shaking either of the two and Gogo being vocal and loud- While other times they all act in one way together, Gogo speaking, Timberly gesturing and Hans keeping them on the move if needed.
Who knows what these three are, if not a single mind that fell into what felt like a dreamy blessing, or three individuals shackled to live as one?
First post using this account again, fun stuff, sorry about the text wall but if you did reach this, hope you liked the concept of the character!
I'll uh... Learn how to segment posts better soon.
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taiblogcomics · 5 months
They're Tiny, They're Toony, They're ALL a Little Loony
Hey there, amber spyglasses and subtle knives. We're getting own to the end on this one, huh? Eager to see where it goes? I hope so, coz I'm eager to show it to you~
Here's the cover:
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I think this might be the most exciting and interesting one so far. First, you get a look at Zee and Uncle, she's the blonde and he's the other guy. It's got our characters running in peril, which seems to be a recurring theme. And to top it off, big ominous shadow of danger, which also promises some of the cartoony threats that have eluded the main cast so far. I like the high contrast and flat colours used for it. Additionally, Dick's moustache is also coming in nicely, as you can see. Good cover! If the final issue keeps it up, we may go out on a high note next time~
So what's the scoop? Dick and Mutt, on the run from their own government due to their involvement in a radioactive incident with rogue drone War Pig One, are slowly being transformed by the rainbow gas leaking from said drone. Mutt's been getting more dog-like, and Dick's personality and vocabulary are shifting. They were hunted by, then teamed up with, their Air Force allies Zee and Uncle. Zee's also having transformation troubles, but Uncle's unaffecte so far. And just when they set their differences aside and decide to meet the General, someone drops a nuke on Washington. Ain't that always the way~
We open with a squad of armed guys in hazmat suits. They're reading their equipment, and radiation and electromagnetic levels are normal. All the buildings and structures are intact. The explosion had visual characteristics of a nuclear weapon, but there's no known weapon that can do that without leaving any traces. Curiously, there's no sign of people--at first. And then they make contact. Out of the Capitol building swarm a bunch of cartoon monkeys in suits chasing a raccoon in a general's uniform. That Congress meeting has ended with the senators going ape~
Meanwhile, our protags have wandered into the Pentagon, since everything seems deserted. Zee takes a moment to note that she's undergone some further changes--namely, that instead of the reasonable, realistic build she had for an Air Force officer she had before, she's now got an exaggeratedly voluptuous, feminine build. She's not a fan, but Uncle can't help but admire it. Dick tells them all to shut up, leading them into a particular office. Inside is that same cartoon raccoon we saw moments ago: General Harrier, transformed into a toon by the explosion, standing on his desk attempting to burn some evidence.
They tie the general to his own desk chair, then go looking through the notes he was trying to burn. Among them are the research tapes left by Professor Dubious, and Harrier protests that they shouldn't watch them, as they might not like the answers they find. With that kind of warning, I hope it's not his sex tape. Thankfully not, though I'd hardly put it past Garth Ennis. Instead, it appears to be inside of a cave. The Professor, here still calling himself DuBois, is narrating what appears to be some kind of archaeology expedition. To some, this may be more horrifying.
So we're deep in a cave, and the professor is looking for some ruins he believes to exist due to his readings in the ancient book, the Looneytunicon. Written by the great magician Chuck Jonescraft, I'm sure. First he finds some heiroglyphs. Not only are they grawlixes, but they match the symbols War Pig One has been spewing in its rainbow mist. Then he discovers statues: the Buggoth, the Quacker in the Dark, Scoob Niggurath, Wileathotep… And they all sit at the feet of the dread starspawn himself: Cthluto. It's fair, trying to figure out the relationship between Pluto and Goofy does lead to madness.
Also among these statues, DuBois finds a chest with a latch on the front. Opening it, he finds a set of perfectly-made ingots of a clear material, glowing with power. He muses that perhaps this might be incredibly dangerous. And then he starts getting an idea as the element begins affecting him… Our four protagonists watch in horror, realising what's going on. So yeah, the ultimate secret of this series: cartoons descend from eldritch entities that Man Was Not Meant To Know, and Professor DuBois doomed us all by unleashing it.
General Harrier manages to escape from his bindings while they're reacting to the tape, and they decide to let him go. How much harm can a cartoon raccoon do? This is played parallel with him finding a telephone, implying he can do a lot of damage. Speaking of parallels, Mutt also takes the time to go find a phone of his own, putting in a call to his family. Or at least he tries. In a tragic scene, as soon as his wife answers the phone, he suddenly starts barking again, distressing her further. Dick first yells for him to shut up, but when he realises the situation, both of them break into mutual sobs of how they don't want to be what they're becoming.
They return together as the tapes go on, showing the Professor's further experiments, eventually catching up to when he prepares to introduce it to Unliklistan and renames himself Professor Dubious. Uncle also sorts through the various printed notes and files, discovering some further notes on how Unstablium works. It can be introduced to other elements, where it will react, but it will also gradually build up energy and react on its own. On its own the explosion is clean, while when combined, it amplifies other elements. That's why Unliklistan is a crater, while the explosion in D.C. oly affected the population.
There's another effect as well. If introduced to a sample of its own self, the explosions will cancel out and render the samples inert. So that's our current status: the sample in War Pig One is active, and caused the explosion here. If introduced to another sample, it'll probably cancel this whole thing out. And even the whole source is suspect. Was it really made by dark elder gods? Or did it just affect some natives long ago, causing them to go mad as well, inventing the statues and writings in reverence? It might just be some naturally occurring element in that case.
So they've got a plan! Unfortunately, they've also got a problem. The General has finished his phonecall, getting a bunch of special ops guys into the base. As the General gloats how this will advance his career and make him a hero, one of the soldiers receives a call and confirms his orders. General Harrier pays no attention, caught in his monologue. He wraps it up and commands the troops to fire when ready. They do so--shooting General Harrier into dust, and telling the four Air Force folks that the President would like to see them.
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They quickly meet with President Clooney (the vice president who was sworn in earlier in the story), who is now a small cartoon fox. But he's not content to remain such, and he realises the four of them are much more valuable alive. The world's rapidly changing from the Unstablium, and he aims to stop it before everything goes nutty. Dick tells them he has a plan, outlining what they learned from the professor's notes. And the further he gets, the more enthused he becomes. As the comic ends, he's outright twirling his moustache and declaring this to be a job best suited for the four of them: Zilly, Klunk, Muttley, and Dick Dastardly! The rest of them have no idea who he's talking about...
This one's really fun. The cartoon shit's really hit the fan at this point, and we are in full apocalypse mode. I bet that's an apocalypse you didn't have on your bingo card: world doomed to become wacky cartoons. I like how it sets up a bizarre backstory, and then throws even that possibility out the window. Maybe it's true, or maybe it's madness. Either is likely at this point. And in between all the backstory and zaniness breaking out, there's some real character moments. Even in the middle of goofy toon antics and exposition, there's real tragedy happening. Next week, we'll see how this all concludes~
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madisonpattonblog · 1 year
Immediate Plans In Contractor Licensing Exam - A Background
Previously this year I was persuaded by my loving other half as well as adoring youngsters that if I really enjoyed them I would have a swimming pool installed in our back backyard. Now, I directly think that if God had implied for human beings to hang out in the water he would certainly have provided us gills as opposed to ears as well as fins rather than fingers and flippers as opposed to toes, but that am I to argue with the desires of the water starving ladies in my life? For this reason the big concrete fish pond that now exists in my yard. The experience did introduce me to an interesting class of entrepreneurs jointly called, " specialists." I don't mean to generalize, yet the professionals I have actually been handling are a stereotypically number who drive truly huge pickup and also put on used job boots as well as filthy denims and torn tees as well as sporting activity three-day hairs and also pass names like Buddy, Bubba, Junior, Earl, and also obviously Tiny, who was the biggest individual on the crew. Side note: calling a fat individual Tiny is like naming a three-legged pet Fortunate or a one-armed male Lefty or a bald individual Harry. Sure, it's amusing at initially, however after that the joke, like the seat of Tiny's trousers and also the fuzz on Harry's head, wears slim. So I offered my other half the OK for the pool as well as the service providers started appearing of the woodwork. There was the pool specialist, the concrete specialist, the landscaping professional, the fence specialist, the dust elimination professional, the bug control service provider, the electrical specialist, as well as the plumbing contractor and contractors whose specialty I've neglected. After that the enjoyable started as the service providers began to disrupt our lives. And the one question that kept going with my mind throughout the whole challenge was this: exactly how do these guys manage to stay in business since they obviously do not offer much thought to the contractor licensing exam common policies of company, neglecting little points like scheduling, preparation, employee monitoring, licensing, top quality of work, and so on. Now I mean no disrespect to the contracting market in its entirety. I'm sure there are lots of upstanding, sincere, hard-working specialists in this world who take excellent satisfaction in their job and operate by the publication as well as give greater than a mug packed with cigarette spit about their client's fulfillment. Then there was the team that settled in my backyard right component of the summer. From them I learned a few important lessons regarding the contracting organization that I would love to show to you now. If you've ever before handled a professional of any kind of kind I'm certain these lessons will sound familiar to you. When a contractor states, "Yes, sir, we'll be out initial point in the early morning," he actually implies, "Well, sir, if you're fortunate we'll be out here at some factor over the next 6 to one year as well as we will not bother phoning call to allow you recognize that we're not coming or to reschedule.
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rhetoricandlogic · 1 year
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The Troupe By Robert Jackson Bennett
Published by Orbit Books Released February 21, 2012
Holy Author of Creation! Robert Jackson Bennett‘s latest book, The Troupe, is the wondrous and heartrending tale of 16-year-old George Carole, a gifted pianist whose mother died in childbirth and who is on a quest to find the father he’s never known. After reluctantly telling George that his father is in show business, he leaves his nagging grandmother to work at Otterman’s theater in the hopes of finding him one day. As soon as he learns his father’s traveling vaudeville troupe, The Famous Silenus Troupe, is performing in the nearby town of Parma, George quits his job and jumps on a train.
What he notices first as he steps off the train is that tiny Parma is creepy. The quality of light is all wrong and there’s an extra-dark darkness that hovers over the town. As he gets close to the hotel where the troupe is staying, George notices something else – all the sounds of the world die out and a mysterious man in a gray suit emerges from the thickening shadows. He heads straight for George and asks him about Heironimo Silenus.
Sensing the man seeks to harm his maybe-daddy, George tells him nothing. He rushes to the theater to warn Silenus and gets there just as the oddest show he’s ever experienced during all his time as a vaudeville pianist begins. He sits through the show utterly mystified yet still anxious to meet the man he’s 99% certain is his father. When he finally does, he gets much more than he bargained for. His attempts to warn Silenus about the man in gray backstage after the show are met with contempt and dismay that George is still fully awake after the last act. This is no ordinary show, for sure, and George is no ordinary member of the audience. The troupe knows that right off the bat. George is just confused.
And so what begins as one boy’s journey into manhood becomes a whole other tale altogether. The Troupe is no ordinary group of performers for they, too, are on a quest and existence – all of life – depends on their success. Silenus is not exactly the father figure George had in mind and is neither whom nor what he appears to be and neither is Stanley, Silenus’s ever-present silent right-hand man. Franny, the strongwoman, is something altogether different and the ventriloquist act may be no act after all. This leaves only the beautiful and talented, but tempestuous Collette for George to turn to for friendship, which quickly deepens into a hard crush.
As is true in real life, so must be true in a story about life, which The Troupe really is. The best laid plans fall by the wayside and new, more urgent actions take precedence. In this case, a showdown between the Light and the Dark, Creation and Anti-Creation, changes everything for everyone in the troupe. Some truths are revealed a little too late to do some of the members any good, while others help to heal ancient wounds.
It has been said that Bennett’s work is like Stephen King and John Steinbeck rolled into one. I haven’t read Steinbeck in years, but I can see why the comparison to King has been drawn. The characters in The Troupe are endearing in their oddness and even in the bad ones there is good which struggles to break free from dark shackles. But the main theme here, as with so many King stories, is the basic boil-down to good versus not-good. I can’t really say evil here because the anti-creation forces see their goal as the only just course of action. They’ve been displaced by the creation of the world and they’re quite put off by it to say the least.
Told with affection and vivid prose, The Troupe submerges you in a world of time out of mind and place, and makes you wonder what the hell it’s all about, this life on Earth business; whom or what exactly put us all here and why? Will it ever end? Could it? While you may not find answers to the Big Questions here, The Troupe will certainly keep you enthralled until its very satisfying end.
Robert Jackson Bennett is also the author of Mr. Shivers and The Company Man. The Troupe is his third novel. A fourth as-yet untitled book is forthcoming – an excerpt of which I read at the end of The Troupe – and promises to be good and creepy and exceedingly well-written. This Book Slave has found a new favorite author here! Learn more about Robert Jackson Bennett here.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Okay, so you know “Justice League meets Batman’s kids, who they’d previously been unaware existed” AUs?
So picture that.....but this time, instead of them just having no knowledge of any of these other Gotham vigilantes at all....the Batkids all migrate to various cities as they get older and become known as their protectors - Dick in Bludhaven, Tim in San Francisco, Cass in Hong Kong, etc....
Meaning they’re all established figures, the Justice League are aware of them as solo local heroes who stick to their cities and so they just don’t interact with them much if at all, or else some are members of team lineups but are particularly vague about their histories or life outside of the team’s adventures....
So the big reveal isn’t that they become aware of all these other Gotham vigilantes all at once....its that some big conflict or whatever requires a huge team up of all available heroes, and in the aftermath, they figure out that like.....despite being known as solo heroes who work alone or loners outside of their team settings, 80% of these heroes all not only seem to already know each other, they seem to be related.
And so naturally they all turn to Batman, who has profiles on every known hero and they thus figure had researched these individuals too and just never mentioned this little detail, and they’re like, “Did you know about this?”
And then Nightwing turns to him too, arms crossed and is like, “Yeah Dad, did you know about this?”
And the infamous Red Hood is all: “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have never met any of these people before in my life. Lives? Whatever.”
And then Red Robin moodily grates out “I have no siblings.” Since he’s nursing a grudge since Dick and Jason broke into his apartment the night before and replaced all his custom Red Robin gear with Darkwing Duck merchandise and his vengeance will be swift and also totally disproportionate because things escalate quickly in this family, that’s true in every universe.
Cass meanwhile has deftly skewered Jason’s lie by walking over to him and brazenly patting down the man with many many guns with no fear whatsoever. He squawks and futilely attempts to bat her hands away as she riffles through his many pockets, but he doesn’t seem shocked, just annoyed. Eventually, she pulls away and triumphantly reveals a box of Hello Kitty themed band-aids.
“So these are yours then? Just for you?” Black Bat asks smugly. Red Hood squints at the box.
“What the fuck? How long have those been in my jacket? Why are those in my jacket? Did you freaking plant them in my jacket just on the offchance you could at some point in the distant future use them at my expense?”
Black Bat frowns, puzzled. “Yes?”
“Oh come on, Dead Hood,” Spoiler says with an exaggerated toss of her head meant to convey she’s rolling her eyes beneath her own mask. She skips her way across the room to Black Bat and then drapes herself languidly all over the smaller woman. Who in turn doesn’t so much as twitch beneath the sudden added mass as Spoiler holds out her hand towards the box of band-aids. 
“One please. I have a boo-boo,” she says with easy familiarity straight into the intimidating cowl of Black Bat. Only then does she deign to finish her train of thought with Red Hood.
“I mean seriously, are you saying you don’t have potential blackmail set-ups, pre-rigged releases of incriminating material, and a random assortment of traps, pratfalls and mortifying scenarios in place for the express purpose of being able to humiliate any and all of your siblings at any given moment, without any need for additional prep time?”
“Is this true, Little Wing?” Nightwing whirls on the larger Red Hood with a faux-scandalized gasp. The founder and leader of the Titans, formerly the Teen Titans, renowned for his stratagems and calm competence when directing squads of supers in the heat of battle while he keeps pace with nothing more than naturally acquired acrobatics and a utility belt that apparently uses the same technology as Wonder Woman’s invisible jet....now appears to be....staggering with the back of his hand pressed to his forehead, moaning about how he felt....faint? 
What is happening right now, several dozen superheroes want to know. Is this a drill? Are they supposed to be checking for signs of a mental ambush from undetected psychic saboteurs? Did they all hit their heads at the exact same time and are now experiencing some kind of shared mass concussion?
Look, that wouldn’t be the weirdest thing to ever happen on the Watchtower. 
“Have I failed you so utterly?” The veteran child hero bemoans with a dramatic twirl - that when contrasted with his stern demeanor of a mere ten minutes ago - makes the fears of telepathic infiltration seem less paranoia and more....concerningly probable. “Did you learn nothing from me? Did you learn nothing from B?”
He stops and jabs a finger up at the sky. “Quick, everyone! What is the very first rule of Living While Batty?”
As if by rote, over a half a dozen voices chime in from all over the room, causing various heroes to jump. Spooked by yet more and more vigilantes joining in some kind of mass recitation like they and they alone have some kind of clue what the hell is going on and everyone else just hadn’t been invited to the party. Which is just rude, honestly. Nobody likes feeling like they weren’t invited to the party. Not even superheroes. 
“If you’re not going to bother preparing for every possible contingency and at least six impossible ones, you might as well just stay in bed.”
Even the Red Hood joins in the Illuminati chant or Cub Scout pledge or demonic ritual or whatever the fuck that just was, though his slumped and exasperated posture gives away every hint of sulkiness his headgear otherwise would have kept safely hidden. He’s surprisingly more...expressive, than most who’d only known of him by reputation had expected him to be. The day continues to yield surprises.
“Of fucking course I do,” he growls out, snatching the box from Black Bat. She doesn’t even fight to hold onto it, just lets it go with a knowing smirk. “I wasn’t surprised by the idea of it, I was just surprised she bothered with such a weak effort. Like yeah whatever, actually those could be mine. I use those all the time at home. So what?”
He aggressively yanks one of the band-aids out of the box, fumbles with the peel-off strips with one hand and he roughly rolls up the sleeve of his jacket with the other. Then just slaps it on his forearm and raises said appendage high, showing it off this way and that. “See?”
“Oh yeah, for sure,” Signal drawls from the other side of the room, nodding his head approvingly. “Totally convincing. Nice job walking that one back, you really showed them.”
Red Hood’s head snaps in his direction with ominous intent. “Watch it, Day-Glo.”
Signal just snorts.
“Yeah, like I’m gonna take constructive criticism on my name and costume from a dude who’s spent the last several years calling himself Red HOOD while running around in a freaking HELMET.”
“Its not meant to be literal, you fucking pedant.”
“So wait, its not literally a helmet? Huh, does it at least protect your head literally, or just like...symbolically? Like if Bane were to clock you across the head, would your concussion just be a metaphor? What’s the treatment protocol for a metaphorical concussion? Fluids, bedrest and a philosophical prescription of two chapters of Chicken Soup for the Soul as needed?”
“Laugh it up, KC and the Sunshine Band,” Red Hood bats back. “You just got yourself disinvited from Thursday night’s poker game.”
Signal just grins and folds his arms over his chest cockily. “Please. You’ve been looking for an excuse to ban me for weeks, cuz you know until you can prove I’m using my ghost vision to cheat, you can’t actually bring suit against me for it in Family Court.”
“That, and also Family Court isn’t a real thing, you toddler. Stop validating Wing-a-ding-ding’s obsession with Shitty TV Nostalgia and just call it that thing where Oracle traps us all in a room until we settle our latest fight without anyone getting stabbed.”
“Yeah, but like, say that five times fast,” Spoiler pipes up. “Its just not practical. Family Court’s way easier.”
“Says the one who’s not even in our fucking family.”
“And yet I grace you all with my sublime presence anyway,” she blows a kiss at him, beatifically unbothered. “You’re welcome.”
The Red Hood scoffs and rounds on his heel, zeroing in on Batwoman in the far corner.
“Hey Auntie B, my siblings are all dead to me and I just helped stop an alien invasion so I deserve nice things like a fun Saturday night. Can you get me into Dad’s fundraiser so I can crash it? He won’t put me back on the list until I promise not to bring any C-4 with me and I won’t promise not to bring any C-4 because he should just trust me that I won’t when I say I’m not gonna and he won’t trust me that I won’t until I admit I shouldn’t have brought any to that sting last month where three tiny little yachts blew up through barely any fault of my own, and I’m just not gonna do that ever because I have convictions and I feel I shouldn’t have to be punished for that. Y’know?”
Batwoman blinks at him. “Kid, I’m not gonna lie to you. You’re my nephew and I love you, but I stopped listening three seconds into all that.”
“Ugh, fine. Can you help me crash Dad’s event tonight so I can teach him a lesson about why he should just trust me not to make a scene so I don’t have to always make a scene to make a point.”
“Tempting as you make that sound,” she says wryly, “I have a strict policy for dealing with you lot and your......everything. I only worry about tolerating one of you at a time, and there’s seven of you, and seven days in the week. You each get your own. You know perfectly well its Robin’s day today. You get me on Tuesday, just like always.”
“Auntie B, we’re not like other families, are we?” Red Robin’s delivery is sarcastically childish and his question clearly rhetorical. Most of his attention is fixated on whatever it is he’s doing with his wrist-mounted computer. 
“No sweetie, we’re all severely fucked in the head and a little bit too comfortable with that.”
“Just checking. Oh hey, Hood, I just emailed you a patch for the hole in your firewall I exploited when replacing all my shit using your accounts just now.”
“You did what?”
“Used your accounts to pay to replace all my stuff that you fucked with last night?” Red Robin says slowly. “Did you not realize that I’ve been sticking within ten feet of you for the past five minutes just so I could clone your devices and do all that while BB and Spoiler kept you distracted? I gotta say, bro, I feel like that’s on you then.”
Red Hood swivels his helmeted head in the direction of the aforementioned two. Black Bat waves. Spoiler shoots him an utterly unrepentant thumbs up.
“You’d side with your ex over me? That’s what its come to?”
“My only allegiance is to chaos,” Spoiler says brightly. Black Bat shrugs.
“Plus he bribes better.”
“Hateful,” Red Hood points at Black Bat, moving on to level the same finger at Spoiler, who curtsies in acknowledgment: “Hateful-er.”
Then the finger rounds the bases to aim judgmentally at Red Robin. “Hateful-est. And that was all Nightwing’s idea anyway, not mine.”
“Oh, I assumed as much,” he says casually. “Your idea of a prank tends to have more of a Carrie vibe. Or be a literal literary reenactment.”
“Its called an homage, 4chan.”
“Whatever, plagiarist. And anyway, I couldn’t go after ‘Wing for payback on this one. He used an Immunity card. If you didn’t want me getting back at you, you should have used one too."
Red Hood looms aggressively. Red Robin ignores willfully. Round and round they go. Superheroes who can survive excessive G-Forces are getting dizzy just watching them have a largely motionless stand-off. That shouldn’t be how that works, but whatever. All the most infamously reclusive and isolated heroes in all hero-dom are apparently part of the same one big reclusive and isolated family of fucked up weirdos and they’re all officially bonkers. Nothing makes sense anymore. Reality broke. Try another stall.
“Okay, but see, in order to have an Immunity card, I would have to participate in one of you losers’ stupid Immunity challenges,” the Red Hood drags out with exaggerated patience. “And I’m just not going to do that, on account of those all being fucking stupid. You see the problem there?”
Red Robin just shrugs. “I don’t know what to tell you, bro. You can have principles or you can have an Immunity card. You can’t have both.”
Meanwhile, on another side of....the same room.....look, its like, an octagonal room, probably. It has a lot of sides. Robin fends off questions from an aggrieved looking Superboy.
“You never told me you had a bajillion brothers and sisters!”
“Yes but I never said I didn’t either.”
Superboy rolls his eyes. “Oh yeah, so I should just assume everyone I meet has a bajillion secret brothers and sisters?”
“Well clearly it would have worked out in your favor in this instance if you had, now wouldn’t it?”
“Assuming of course that you can trust what has been said or implied here today and I am actually related to any of those numbskulls. Which I am not actually admitting to,” Robin tacks on hastily.
Superboy eyes him dubiously. “You joined in the same creepy chant all the others did and then got super self-conscious and looked around to see if anyone had noticed. Which uh. I did.”
“First off, your interpretation of body language is abyssmal. I do not get self-conscious,” Robin says with a delivery that probably could have benefited from being a little less self-conscious. “And second....that proves nothing. I guessed what they were going to say.”
“Word for word,” Superboy says super-skeptically.
“I’m very good at guessing things. You know this.”
“Okay. Guess how much I believe you right now then.”
Robin glares and folds his arms grumpily across his chest. 
“And what was that anyway? Was that like....you guys’ family motto or something like that?”
“Oh no,” Spoiler pipes up. “That’s much shorter.”
Superboy balks at that. “Wait, you guys actually have one of those for real?”
“Yup,” Steph says, counting out the words with her fingers. “He who laughs last....probably works for the Joker. So tranq him just to be safe. See? Only sixteen words. The first rule of Living While Batty is way longer, and what we said was just the abridged version. You should hear the original, before Black Bat put her foot down and refused to memorize it unless sizable edits were made.”
Superboy hovers between her and Robin now, both in mid-air and on the verge of taking Spoiler’s words as an invitation to hear just that. A low growl arises from Robin’s direction.
“Must you?” He asks the older vigilante, with a most put upon expression.
She looks at him pityingly. “Do you actually need me to answer that? Like, we’ve met, right? Hi, I’m Spoiler.”
“Wait, so Robin said that I just never specifically asked him if he had a bajillion brothers and sisters, and that’s why he didn’t tell me, so that means he wouldn’t have just lied and there’s not some code of secrecy that flat out forbids telling other people stuff, right?” Superboy realizes excitedly.
“Yes, excellent direction. Go on,” Spoiler says, steepling her fingers. Robin buries his face in the palm of one hand.
“Soooo, what other stuff could you tell me about Robin’s super top secret family that I wouldn’t think to ask about but that he would tell me about if I knew what questions to ask?”
She claps once, lightly but with emphasis. “Well done. You’ve passed the first barrier. Untold secrets await you behind just a few more.”
“I’ll get you for this,” Robin vows calmly. She waves a hand at him.
“Yeah, yeah. Just make sure you do it before January 1st, remember? You’ve promised retribution like ten times already this year and those don’t roll over, y’know. Rules are rules.”
“Enough!” Thunders a voice then, from the front of the room. Well one of the fronts anyway. Like sides, it has a lot of them, but this is the one where Batman’s standing. All eyes snap to him. Which is kinda just what eyes do when Batman says stuff like that. Its like his superpower, except he doesn’t actually have superpowers, which is what makes it scary. But where the snapping of the eyes (directional) is usually followed by Batman saying something else besides just “hey look at me,” here he pauses in the wake of his own call to attention’s waning reverberations. Uncharacteristically silent.
Not that, y’know, he’s normally Mr. Talkity Talk, but usually his silences feel like he has the words to fill them, he’s just withholding them. This though, this feels more like he doesn’t have any words at all. And he’s as confused by it as any of them, and most everyone else is confused by Batman being confused, and its this whole trickle down economy of confusion and its wrecking havoc on the value of the golden silence standard.
Of course, not everyone present is rendered spellbound with confusion.
“C’mon B,” Nightwing cajoles, leaning forward and practically radiating delight. “I think you know what you have to do now. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Its not likely to come around again.”
Red Hood snickers beneath his helmet and chimes in. “Yeah Pops, go ahead. You do this and you’ll actually have my respect for a whole twenty four hours. No, wait. Sixteen. No! Eight. Yeah, eight. Still a good deal.”
“Carpe diem, B,” Red Robin grins, leaning back as if to enjoy the show.
“Hey! Infringe on my trademark one more time, dude,” Signal throws a faux-glare at the former. Red Robin just quirks an eyebrow.
“And what, you’ll start saying Yum every time you eat a burger? Oh no. I’m hoist by my own petard.”
Signal flips him off with a grin and then redirects his attention back to Batman. “Yeah seriously though B, you kinda gotta do it now. Because if you don’t do it, then you’ll forever be the guy who didn’t do it, and you don’t want to be that guy, do you?”
“Yeah you really don’t want to be that guy,” Spoiler shouts out. “Nobody likes that guy. He’s the worst.”
“Do it, do it,” Black Bat starts chanting beside her, steadily picking up speed and volume. Several others start joining in. Even Robin appears to be slightly anticipatory, albeit trying very hard to hide it.
Batman sighs, and somehow everyone manages to hear it. Stills. Waits for....something? Nobody but them seems to have any clue what, but the air is thick and heavy with portentiousness. Something is about to happen, and all most of the heroes present could say for sure is it was something they never would have in a million years seen coming.
Finally, Batman straightens with the resigned air of a man about to have oh so many regrets. He crosses his arms, shakes his head, and in an absolute deadpan monotone, says:
“You are awful children. You know you’re killing me. You’re killing your father.”
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marmaligne · 3 years
headcanon in two parts, sorry. Ask does not miss it. 1.1 Oh, you know the insecticons from the tfp? Can I have a headcanon where a S/O person is on friendly terms with insecticons?
[TF PRIME] S/O Is Friends With The Insecticons
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* [S/O] meets them by accident quite a bit before the events of the Energon Eaters. Arachnid is still “leader” of the Insecticons by technicality as the only available ‘Queen’ for the hive-mind, however she never really patrols the area or takes care of the hive as she should, rather choosing to wander as a free mind, disobeying orders from everybody.
* You had stumbled upon the hive while taking a short walk along the side of the Jasper highway, leading out of town and to an old coal mine you liked to inhabit on your days off work. A home-away-from-home of sorts, it brought you peace of mind to have a quiet place.
* At least you thought it was a quiet, desolate area until you broke through a thinning in the rock floor of the entry shaft and ended up crashing an Insecticon tea-party.
*It was a rather awkward fall, and it had injured your hip joint on the way down, leaving you temporarily paralyzed in throbbing pains and nerve damage.
* The giant bug-like robots and their shiny, metal wingspans immediately armed themselves and aimed at the shifting dust and rockfall, growling and chittering in a language of some sort, unknown to you.
* “Is it one of those ugly-faced Decepticons ploys again?”
* “It’s too small and squishy, much sooner to be a predacons’ chew toy than any weapon.”
* You looked super confused, absolutely stupefied, completely duped, utterly incomprehensible, awkwardly awed, amazingly idiotic, a-
* Their manner of speech and vocal patterns was practically lost on you. You could pick up remnants of a language similar to broken [language], but really nothing else. In an attempt to make contact with the metallic giants to gain help, you enabled your parroting capabilities.
* Humans have the stunning ability to mimic sounds and specific noise frequencies, at levels other earthen animals, especially mammals, cannot. Using this ability, you managed to copycat the grinding and chattering noises coming from the vocal mass of bug-bots.
* [S/O]: “¿Krrt-grrut vvurrr chechch?”
* Hardshell: “¿Buzzzz vert-tet-brrrz, Erreech?”
* [S/O]: “¿Erreech?”
* The contact went well, unbeknownst to you, and the successful communication meant that you might actually have a chance at escape, or finding a hospital!
* Congrats! You are now [Tiny Bug Child]! You have no idea what they were speaking about, unaware that they were contemplating how to execute you, but you successfully managed to evade death by being cute and cuddly! People say curiosity killed the cat, but it evidently saves the naive human-who-fell-into-an-insect-cult-meeting!
* Hardshell, the Insecticon you nearly landed on top of, begins to lift you out of the rubble, and place you down upon a makeshift stone table, partially destroyed by the collapse. The others—including Wingflap, Bombshell, Shrapnel, Blockhead, and Kickback—gather closely around you, cooing and chirping in their weird language again.
* This was, evidently, how you became the new Queen of the hive, though you didn’t know it, and managed to befriend your way through the entire enclosed community and worm into the spark of every Insecticon, though they were very few in number.
* You made easy friends with Bombshell, and remained close with him up until his untimely death by Bulkheads hammer fist. He would often lay atop the Jasper cliffside with you, and make out shapes in the clouds, constellations in the stars—regaling to you tales of the Old Cybertron, when his own kind weren’t so despised, and were respected as viable assets and allies amongst those with forms like and unlike their own—until the Autobot Elitists ensured they were seen as ugly and malformed, made to hide away in the shadows and step away from society for ‘the greater good’.
* It’s how you came to hate the Autobots—and Decepticons—for all they had done, to their planet and yours, and to your friends as well.
* Your mimicry slowly turned into actual speech patterns and recognition. Repetitive sound signals were a key portion of Archaic Insecticon speech, which made it easy to recognize simple words or phrases, each indicated by a set of whirs, clicks, or beeps.
* Now that you could actively communicate with most of the hive, it was far easier to make friends with even the hardiest of bots.
* Hardshell, of course, was tough to crack. At your constant insistance, he spoke with you once or twice, and made sure to acknowledge your presence when in the room, as well as save you a seat at the underground pub every other weekend. It wasn’t actually a pub per-say, rather a dugout chamber with smooth walls and some stone slabs insert for seating, where the cons enjoyed engex they could sneak off the Nemesis from time-to-time.
* After awhile, he warms up to you, welcoming you back to the hive every day after work, standing alongside his multiple siblings, and pushing others aside to get to hold you first.
* Meanwhile this all happens, they still don’t know what a human is. Their simple understanding of earth comes only from what they’ve seen on the highway from the cliffside, or from video footage of the Autobot pests on the Nemesis. Due to their bulky size and noisiness, they’re banned from most human-inhabited areas.
* Don’t doubt that some of them have attempted to follow their [S/O] home. They have. And some of them won’t stop trying. It’s been more than one awkward encounter between you and some teens to get them to realize they could get you in trouble.
* You all eat [dessert] together sometimes, made with energon supplements for ‘The Boys™️’, with some good ol’ 25-something-kg of sugar mixed in.
* The boys were worried when you didn’t show up for a week due to hospitalization via severe food poisoning medical coma.
* When Arachnid finally returned to Earth, and her fight against Arcee had proceeded about as well as expected, she located the hive and proceeded to force them to engage in business with Megatron. She believed that by implementing her own soldiers amongst the ranks, she’d be better equipped to backstab Megatron when the time came.
* She was undoubtably surprised when Hardshell and some others adamantly refused to take part in her plans at first, until she enforced their compliance through the hive-mind.
*When she learned of your existence, and the very gauge of your importance to her former hive, she came at you with full force.
*The Insecticons were fully unprepared to deal with a fight between their small [S/O] and an extremely angry ex-Queen. In refute, they returned you to the surface without so much as a goodbye, and begged you to escape before Arachnid scented you out.
* It was soon after these events that you learned of Breakdown’s death, Bulkhead’s coma, and Bombshell’s demise due to the combined effects of a substance called Tox-En and injuries sustained during his battle with Bulkhead. It broke you inside to learn there was nothing you could have done to help, but you refused to disobey their pleas to stay away for awhile.
* At the hive, Arachnid rules supreme. Being able to control the hive-mind was a feat a human was incapable of achieving, only Cybertronians able to easily access the imbedded chain of command.
* Hardshell mourned the loss of a true friend—a small, squishy human—but a friend nonetheless.
* Wingflap and Kickback went through a collection of memories you’d left behind with them. Pictures and small objects gifted over the years, a small treasure trove of important parts of their lives, now without you in them.
* Shrapnel stims a lot more now, and has nervous tics that he believes are the result of the loss of his dear friend. He knows you aren’t dead, least not yet, but he knows that you’ll likely never come back.
* Blockhead, as dumb as everybody thinks he is, is actually very emotionally intelligent. He has a way with words he barely understands, and [S/O] acted as a big support for someone like him. Without them now, he can no longer function like normal, and now has nobody left to talk to.
* Arachnid could care less. She absolutely despises [S/O], and would smite them for all she cares. You matter little to her, and only worry her for the loyalty and capacity of her troops.
* It isn’t until the Energon Eaters appear that everything turns completely south.
* [S/O] finally builds up enough courage to march themselves back down to the mine, and demand to meet Arachnid face-to-faceplate.
* The desert is hot, Nevada is hotter, and the trek down the highway seems endless and tedious. You pass by 5 interstate signs on your way to the hive, and count the steps it takes to reach the entrance, parched by the time you make it there.
* In all your sweaty glory, you, [S/O], make your way down the carved pathway into the mineshaft, dark and cramped—just as you left it.
* But everything is exactly as it was left, not an item out of place. The entire hive was empty, including of those you cared about. Their rooms are full of memories, and their energon cubes still lie in a corner, collecting dust and grime.
* The search seems profitable, yet it leaves you with nothing, and the emptiness of the hive echoes around you, and in all the chambers, through the cavern walls of every room.
* You know they’re gone, that they have left without you, and without so much as a simple passing note.
* Perhaps someday you’d find them, hiding away in another Jasper mine, but you never would.
* In their haze of a hive mind, they barely even remember the face of the human they left behind. A long line across the moon—stretching on for miles—and a vampire on a false throne, draining the lifeblood from their veins, and the image of [S/O] from their minds.
✨ Hope you enjoyed ✨
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mitsukui · 4 years
late night experiences | g.w.
Pairing: George Weasley x female reader.
Summary:  learning new things is always better when it is done with someone else.
Word Count: 2,7k.
Warnings: smut! Masturbation, mentions of innocence kink.
Disclaimer: none of the pictures used in the edit below belong to me; I simply put them together.
A/N: please, leave me some feedback if you feel like it! My askbox is open for your opinions, thoughts and requests. Thank you so much for your time and attention ❤
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Your last year at Hogwarts rushed into your life without warning — and so did your sexual hormones. You swore to Merlin you could feel them tingling all over your body whenever you solely looked at George Weasley, your majestic boyfriend. And apparently, he felt the same way towards you. Wondering the reason behind it all, you were quick to blame the fact that the two of you had just turned 18.
You had been together for a little while now: around nine months or so. But nothing had ever happened, and you were not quite sure why. You two had, supposedly, everything needed: steamy make-out sessions, wandering hands, lustful thoughts, privacy, and all that jazz. Yet, there you were: ground zero.
However, things were about to change even though you still were unconscious about it.
“Psst!” Your favorite quill stopped scribbling your Herbology notes. “Oi!” Your eyes gazed at the direction from which came the voice only to realize it was one of your classmates, Angelina Johnson. “I’ve discovered something last night which I thought you might be interested in.” A mischievous smirk painted her lips as you leaned in closer, already feeling eager to listen to whatever she had to say. She was one of those people who made anyone pay attention to them whenever they said something.
Her hushed whispers filled the existing silence between you two in the Study Area once more. “The boys were talking in our common room last night, and rumor has it George can’t keep his hands off of his cock whenever he thinks of you.”
Katie Bell and Alicia Spinnet giggled like little girls when she finally finished her speech. You could feel your cheeks getting embraced by a deep and violent warmness. Uh-oh.
Your mind suddenly produced images by itself: George’s chest going up and down quickly as he moaned under his breath. He had his long and slender fingers wrapped around his dick and, sweet Merlin, he was big. Big and thick and veiny. His eyelashes fluttered as his hand pumped up and down a few times, precum leaking from his tip.
Heaven probably looked like that. What a lovely sight. You would give anything to actually see the great George Weasley in such a position. But, again: ground zero.
Still, the possibility of him pleasuring himself at the thought of you seemed to awake something new inside your chest and offer you a novel tingling sensation. You felt a burning flame in your loins, and it was almost as if your entire body were on fire.
You wanted him to jerk off thinking of you. You wanted his hands to get dirty from his own seed because of you.
You gulped. Snapping fingers brought you back to reality. “Girl, it’s high time you gave that poor lad some love, you know.”
The next few days felt slow and eternal. George Weasley and George Weasley’s thick dick were the only things occupying your mind. Of course, you had fantasized about him before; but it had never been that vivid. Things are always better when they are real, after all.
And you wanted to do something about it. Your soul ached for him to share his hidden and erotic reality with you. Your flesh longed to be painfully close to his. Your body and your hands desired to tease him and give him something to be unbearably hard over. You obviously would not feel in peace until you got what you wanted.
That is why the suggestion of a late night meeting in the Prefect’s Bathroom came to life. It was discussed during another of your studying session with Angelina, Alicia and Katie, being first brought on by Angelina, of course. That girl had many wild cards up her sleeve.
“I happen to know the password. Got it from a Slytherin guy, after giving him a few galleons.”
“And a blowjob, too.” Alicia responded with her eyebrows raised and a mischievous grin hanging on her lips.
As the three other girls laughed carelessly, seeming to be extremely relaxed and confident to talk about such a topic, you chewed on your bottom lip. Jittery feelings bubbled up within your veins while concern clouded your mind. You had a severe lack of inexperience when it came down to anything sexual.
Your temporary anxiety was sharply noticed by Katie, who positioned her hand over yours in a comforting act. Her fingers soothed your skin, her next words slipping out of her lips as motherly advice.
“Don’t feel pressured to do anything, honestly. George is one of the most understanding people I have ever met. But I think a little bit of intimacy would work wonders on you, both of you.” Her grip on your hand became a bit tighter, and her warmth was incredibly pacifying. “You know, just suggest going to the Prefect’s Bathroom tomorrow night. He will surely accept, once he is heads over heels for you. Get in the warm, bubbly water. Kiss him, if you feel comfortable enough for that. And just see where it goes.”
Your other two friends nodded, assuring you everything was alright and that you could always count on them for support and advice. The conversation went on for a little longer, they sharing intimacy tips and encouraging you.
Luckily enough, the next morning was one that you had classes with George. You brought on the subject in the end of the lesson, while he gathered his material quietly.
His lips opened up in a bright smile in the moment you appeared in front of him, but his expression was soon destroyed by your visible tensed posture.
“Hey, gorgeous. Are you alright?”
You sighed shortly, trying to relieve some of your internalized insecurities. The suggestion came out of your lips in a mere murmur, but he was smart enough to grasp onto all of your words. His eyes noticed your dodging gaze and your fidgeting fingers, playing with the hem of your tie. You looked absolutely adorable to him.
“See you later tonight, then. Prefect’s Bathroom, 12AM sharp. I won’t be late.”
The rest of the day felt like an eternity. Perhaps, it was the uncertainty of it all, given that there was no way to predict how the scenario would take place later on. But the time for your meeting agonizingly came, and you were forced to leave your dormitory.
The weather was unpleasantly hot, and it was hard for you to tell whether it was due to the time of the year you were going through, or to the fact you were walking towards your own doom.
You had been curious and tempted to get to know his darker and more lustful façade but, at the same time, you were ashamed of how much you craved him despite being your first time feeling anything like that. Those same novel tingles from before returned to your loins as your made your way to the fifth floor.
Underneath your favorite carmine red pleated skirt and a muggle band T-shirt, you wore a set of lingerie that had not received much attention when previously picked out, which was a simple white bra paired with white panties, covered in tiny pink strawberries. When you were about to reach your destination, you came down to the realization of how childish your underwear looked. You inhaled sharply, concluding you had ruined everything.
Eventually, you and George met, and entered the bathroom hand in hand.
Although you had heard of its wonderful interiors, seeing everything with your own eyes for the first time made you gasp. Your gaze traveled through the place, and you wished to engrave every detail in your heart. The white marble grandness awoke a sense of greatness and admiration inside you, and you almost fell to your knees right then and there.
A tad of small talk was exchanged between you and your boyfriend, until he approached you at last. His big hands cupped your delicate face, and he leaned down to kiss you.
His lips were so terribly gentle that they sent butterflies to your stomach. He showed no shyness in the second his hands roamed down your body and found your back, giving your ass a light squeeze. Unable to control yourself, you moaned and pressed your body against his.
A steamy make out moment was held between the two of you until the moment for the truth hovered over your heads. He rested his forehead against yours, and looked at you with loving eyes as his thumb ran over your lips.
“Tell me why we are here, darling.”
“It’s just that…There had been this rumor, you know?” A shy chuckle escaped your lips, and you closed your eyes, trying to block out all the filthy images suddenly appearing in your mind. “People have been saying that you jerk off thinking about me. But I’m not sure if it’s true or not, because we have –“
“It is true.” The coolness in his voice caught you off guard, and you blinked at him in a mixture of shock and self-induced accomplishment: your boyfriend touched himself at the thought of you.
Your eyelashes fluttered until your eyes were shut, and a sigh escaped your lips. Your mind knew no restrains at that moment, and the images you had been blocking out came to life all at once, violently crashing against your insides, almost like agitated waves at a beach.
Silence embraced the two of you again, but neither of you felt bothered by it. You took your time to let the sinful images sink in, and he took his time to study your face. You had been clearly affected by the truth he had just spilled out, and he secretly enjoyed such thing. He could read you like the palm of his hand, and he knew you were thinking about him with his dick out.
As he breathed heavily, fearing air would forever leave his lungs after what he was about to do, he prepared himself for what was about to come. His thumb ran over your slightly swollen lips but, this time, he parted them with a gentle tug on your lower lip. George timidly shoved his thumb into your mouth, and you, with your eyes still closed, took all of it.
Your tongue swirl against his finger, the feeling of your saliva dancing against his skin sending electrical waves down his spine. You continued on sucking him until your cheeks finally hollowed, and he pulled his finger out with a low ‘pop’ noise.
You opened your eyes in a deep frustration, but he could no longer take it. His cock was hard inside his trousers and it battled for its freedom. He breathed unsteadily and with a bit of difficulty, his mind starting to wonder how your lips would feel wrapped around his tip.
The realization that you two had never done anything before hit him hard, and he felt himself twitching while precum started wetting the fabric of his underwear.
Would it be selfish of him to think he would probably be the first one ever to taste your cunt? The first one to penetrate you, the first one to end your innocence for eternity, the first one to feel your walls clenching around him, the first one to make you cum.
George was forced to step back and groan in bitterness. He really wanted to fuck you, but he would never disrespect you or your limits. Plus, on top of that, he really did not know how he could express his urges.
“S-Sorry, darling. I-I-I don’t know what’d gotten into me, I guess I just lo-“
“Can you show me how you touch yourself?”
The question hung on air for one or two moments. You could not believe what you had just said. You were drunk on a new dizzying and exciting sensation, one that left your panties secretly wet and your clit throbbing, and one which made you ask your boyfriend to masturbate right in front of you.
So he did it. Apparently, Katie was right: George Weasley would gladly accept anything you asked him.
After the enormous bathtub had been filled with water and bubbles, he undressed and you lost all of your senses for a bit.
His fair skin carried grand amounts of both freckles and small scars. His entire silhouette was outlined by groups of yet developing muscles, but each one of them caused more wetness to pool in your strawberries ridiculously covered panties. George was so tall, his shoulders were so broad, and his dick was indeed so big.
When all of his being finally became bare in front of you, you rubbed your thighs together, the need for friction creeping inside your body for the first time ever.
You stood still exactly where you were, but he made his way to the tub, sitting on the edge of the white porcelain. He lowered his dark eyes to his throbbing member and his touch caused a relieved sigh to leave his lips. His hand moved up and down a few times until he looked at you again.
There was something different on his face. His eyelids seemed to be a tad heavier, and the sounds slipping out of his slightly parted lips were the most delicious thing you had ever heard.
George Weasley was jerking off right in front of you. He was moaning only for you. And you hoped he would cum just for you, too.
As the minutes slowly went by the two of you, you watched him quietly. However, it was impossible for him to keep quiet. By now, his moans were loud and shameless. He whispered your name every now and then, the thought of you bouncing up and down his dick providing all the fuel he needed to orgasm only for you.
That was entirely new for you. You felt so dirty, so sinful, so misbehaved, but you were living for it. You wanted more of him, and you also wanted to give George more of you. And that was exactly the reason why you said your next sentence out loud.
“Can I touch myself?”
His ears convinced himself that he had heard it incorrectly, but the way your fingers tugged on your T-shirt, and your thighs rubbed together, he knew he was not mistaken. A new rush of pleasure ran through his veins and he pumped his hand faster. Unable to form coherent sentences, he mumbled something along the lines of ‘please’ and nodded vehemently.
In the blink of an eye, both of your bodies were unclothed and both of you played with your intimacies. George’s right hand applied all the pressure that could possibly resemble your tight cunt wrapped around his cock, and your fingers helped the squelching sounds coming from your wetness to echo in the bathroom. You had never thought that so many lustful sensations could occupy your body all at once and, yet, there you were: masturbating at the sight of your boyfriend doing the exact same.
By now, you also had problems breathing and the tight knot inside your body screamed for a break. You pulled your hand away from your dripping cunt, but you remained connect to your womanhood by a very thin and almost invisible string of your juices.
George obviously noticed that tiny detail and it was too much for him. He announced he was close and, soon enough, his skin was stained by the pleasure you had given him. His eyes were closed as he felt his heartbeat increasing and the images of you still haunting his mind.
The way he accepted and let his orgasm work on his body made you move your hand against your clit faster and you followed him in a matter of seconds. Your body trembled and you could not stop whining.
You had never experienced something so astonishingly sensational.
Your pants filled the bathroom for a little while before his body finally slipped into the still warm water. The comfort offered by the setting relaxed his existence and he weakly called and asked you to join him, which you happily agreed with.
He touched your hips and pulled you closer, placing your body against his chest. With his lips pressed against your temple, he whispered a series of ‘thank you’ and ‘you are the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen’.
However, his final words changed the mood completely and you hated him for it.
“That’s a nice pair of panties, by the way.”
Tag list! ❤️  @efyra​ @writingsomewrongs​ @kellsslut​ @pineapplesandpinas​ @fiction-is-the-new-reality​ @hufflepuff5972​ @amourtentiaa​ @emmaev​ @asthmax​ @anchoeritic​ @eunoia-kth​
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ascendance - 01
PAIRING: mob!bucky barnes x reader
WARNINGS: violence, dark themes, age gap (reader is 23, bucky is 37)
SUMMARY: she was at the wrong place at the wrong time and a misunderstanding dooms her to a life as an ascendance card under the watch of the executer.
A/N: i’m so excited to go back to my mob writing roots with this one. there’s a bit of a few twists and changes to the traditional mob writing i’ve done before and i am really excited to be sharing chapter one with you. hope you enjoy it xx
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The ambience was dark, badly lit by the yellow flickering lights in the halls with echoes of the buzzing of the hot old light bulbs. There was no sound but that buzz and the heavy sound of his boots hitting the rotting wood floor boards. The scent in the air was putrid, a mix of what seemed like life meeting its end stage, cheap cider and weed. It was definitely different and he didn’t trust it. 
At the end of the corridor there it was. 107. The 107th flat in purgatory with the door slightly opened. He pushed the door open, the smell getting more intense and his boots sticky with the liquor spilled on the floor. 
     - What did you do? - each word was punctuated with intense disbelief, as if this was all a nightmare. 
     - Bucky, help me!
The wind brushed and pulled her hair into different directions as she stepped off the train’s step. She rushed through the streets of New York, hair pin stuck in the middle of her teeth as she fought the winds to try and set her hair into an appropriate hair do while running down the street at the same time. The chattering people and the sun peaking through the clouds was hopeful as she grabbed her coffee from the same vendor off the side street as her eyes gazed upon the Metropolitan Opera House which had been gracing the New York landscape for longer than she had been on this earth and now she was part of it, she was a small speck in an almost 60 year long history. 
Her smiled widened as her sneakers hit the pavement, eyes gazing over the fountain and the flags of the production coming down from the opera house’s arches. The same production she was part off. Sure, she was a chorus girl but the mere thought of singing on that stage, of watching that public in those red velvet seats under the chandelier just made it all more exciting. She walked inside the theatre through the stage door, meeting the manager at the door. 
     - Hi. - she leaned her hands against the desk where the manager was surrounded by attendance and cast sheets as well as a big laptop shining a blue light onto her face. The woman didn’t even look up, instead putting up a board with the names of all people in the production in front of her. - Do you need to see my ID? 
     - Just sign in front of your name. 
Y/N giddily looked at the list of names, hers closer to the bottom but there, written in bold Arial font. She signed her name in front of her printed one with the barely working pen, before pinning it over the board and handing it over to the manager who pointed inside the opera theatre. She held onto her gym bag harshly, padding the sublime floors and looking around with such wonder one would believe she’d never been here. She’d been here before, she was here every month to watch a performance but now she was not guest, she was not just another person walking in with a ticket, she was part of it, she was part of the show. After years of doing community plays, workshops and failed auditions, she had gotten here and suddenly all those days spent in bed feeling miserable in bed after getting rejected yet again didn’t matter anymore she was here.
Her eyes glanced at every tiny little ornament in the opera house until she entered the theatre room. Her heart filled with joy and happy nostalgia as the red and golden tones of the room involved her. There wasn’t anyone in the theatre yet except for a few musicians from the instrumental pit and some cleaners so she was free to roam around. Her fingers traced the suede velvet of the red seats, finding a few missing binoculars on the grounds but not really caring. 
     - You! - she whipped her head towards the voice which came from a woman, probably in her mid 40s all dressed in black with a gold name tag slightly above her left breast. 
     - Hi. - Y/N smiled, extending her hand towards the woman. - I’m Y/N, I’m the new ...
    - I don’t care, we need silk ribbons, now. 
    - Oh, I ... I’m new, I don’t know where I’d get silk ribbons, m’am.
    - The costume room? Go, stop looking at me as if you were Bambi and go.
    - Oh, okay. 
She made her way hastily out of the theatre room wondering how she was going to find silk ribbons, where she was going to find them and why she had to find them. Maybe it was a hazing ritual for new people, after all, she had been into various hazings during her career, including downing a whole bottle of honey which she couldn’t even finish, only eating one fourth of it before becoming nauseous. 
She stopped in the middle of the hall, wondering where the costume room could be. It couldn’t be on the top floor, that was usually where the bars and common rooms were so if the building followed regular construction protocols for opera houses, it was probably on the underground section of the house where the dressing rooms used to be. Y/N ventured into the lift, pressing the lowest number on the number chart of the panel until she reached the underground floor. Y/N looked around, people running in and out yet no one stopped whenever she tried to question where the costume room was. She had managed to find the costume shop but no luck finding the costume room until she was pretty much pressed against a dark door with those exact words by the passing crowd. 
She twisted the knob of the costume room door, tumbling onto the dark room as a result. The room was filled to the brim with costumes on each side of the room, a plexiglass divider between the two sides which stopped every meter or so and also appeared to be divided onto female and male costumes with the ensemble costumes at the back. She padded across the concrete floors, looking through dresses and accessories for ribbons but no successful attempt. The ruffling from the other side of the room had her turning around, forehead furrowed as she walked towards the plexiglass divider. 
     - Hello? - she questioned, wondering if there was someone in this room who could help her find silk ribbons. Great, she had barely joined the company and was already screwing up. Great, Y/N. Way to go, Y/N. 
She saw someone all dressed in black just like the women before, yet there seemed to be something which didn’t match up; black jeans, black shirt and black leathe jacket as well as a pair of also black boots, scruffed and probably entirely too old to still be holding up together. Her eyes caught his which despite the low almost non existent light of the costume room, were light, a sort of greyish blue like the calm sea before of storm. His gaze pulled hers in, like gravity and she couldn’t help but clutch the jacket next to her as a bad feeling along with something she’d never felt before settled in her stomach. 
His hair was mostly pushed back yet the ones which framed his face fell like dominos. She moved along the side where she was to one of the plexiglass gaps and he did the same still maintaining eye contact with her, until the two reached the gap. She didn’t notice she was holding her breathe in until she breathed out.
    - Hi. - her own hand gripped her wrist, shoe grinding against the floors. - Uhm, I’m new here and this lady sent me down to find some silk ribbons but I can’t find any. Do you ...
    - I... uh ... I don’t know where they are. - he faltered for a few seconds before regaining his posture.
    - Oh, I thought since you were here, you might be one of the stage managers. 
    - I’m not. - his tone was monotonous, almost as if he had the answer to her question before she even made it. 
    - Oh ... - she rubbed her neck. - Are you also looking for silk ribbons?
    - I’m looking for the dressing rooms, actually.
    - They’re down the hall. -  she pointed at the door as if it was the “down the hall”. - Hum ... Are you new here too?
    - Yeah. Thanks. - he walked towards the door, opening it and stepping out before catching her gaze once again. 
Y/N remained in the middle of the room as if she were in a transe and maybe she was. It felt like she was falling yet she was firm on her feet and she did not like that feeling. She did not like that feeling of falling, it wasn’t feeling, it was hopeless falling and she wondered why looking at a man who looked like an 80′s glam rock reject made her feel like that, so lost. Maybe it was the respect he appeared to command by merely looking at her or maybe it was the nerves about being new and not being able to find some goddamn silk ribbons. Damn it. 
    - Call for 30 minutes before dress rehearsal. - the voice came from the intercom and immediately her mind dropped the idea of finding silk ribbons and moved to finding the ensemble dressing room and get dressed and ready. Damn it, this was going well. 
She rushed down the hall, bag almost slipping off her shoulder until she saw the door with the ensemble plaque on it. The young woman peaked inside the room where pretty much everyone with a role on the ensemble were already sat down. She shyly walked in the middle row until she found her own little corner, her name written on a sticker on the mirror along with photos of how the makeup should be done as well as how to get the costume in correctly. The same goofy smile returned as she sat down and saw her name above her. It was fine, she was here, she was part of a company.
    - Hey you’re new. - the girl next to her twirled her chair to face her. She already had her makeup on and hair pinned curled up and ready to put a wig cap on. - I’m Elliot but people call me Elle.
    - Y/N, I’m the new chorus girl. First day. 
    - Aw, welcome. - she had a bright smile, inviting and almost as exciting as the whole experience of being there. - Do you want help pincurling your hair? I can get it done while you do your makeup. 
    - Yes, please. - she pulled out a big box from her bag which had all her makeup and pins. 
Elle started pin curling her hair up while she put an inappropriate amount of blush on which was just appropriate to get on stage under the bright yellow lights. Turns out half the practice for opera is learning to do your makeup under bright yellow lights and then learning to sing. 10 minutes to rehearsal start, she was along with Elle going down and up to the main stage where most dancers were warming up. Elle left her to do so, leaving Y/N once again to just stand there, looking around like a little sheep in the middle of wolves. 
    - I’ve never seen you around. - her shoulders almost went up as he turned to see one of the principal sopranos, if not the principal soprano. She had seen all of her shows ever since she was a teenager and she had even wrote an essay for university on her for a module. Catherine Vargas, the best New York could offer, if not the best the world could offer. - I didn’t know they were still casting dancers.
    - Oh, I’m a chorus girl, Mrs Vargas. 
    - A chorus girl? - she furrowed her brows at her, looking her up and down. - What type?
    - The type who ... is in the back with the ensemble. - her voice lowered at least a few volumes down, back curved as if she were bowing. 
    - I know what chorus girls do. I asked what vocal type. 
    - Lyric soprano, m’am.
    - A lyric soprano in the chorus. Interesting. Where did you train?
    - Julliard, m’am.
    - Julliard? - she looked her up and down again. - That is a great school. What is a Julliard graduate doing in the chorus line?
    - Everyone starts somewhere. - she laughed nervously, scratching her arm as she did so.
    - Not a lyric soprano from Julliard. Composers sure do love an ingenue, don’t they? Don’t worry, a few months with me and you’ll be supporting. 
    - That’s ... that’s really kind, Mrs. Vargas. Thank you.
    - Don’t thank me. Could you get me some honey from my dressing room? I’m feeling a bit strained. 
    - It’s 5 minutes until rehearsal starts.
    - It’s okay, chorus normally doesn’t do much during rehearsal. Can you get it?
    - Yeah, I think so.
She straightened her crinkled skirt, looking behind her back before going down the stairs which led down to the dressing rooms. This was good, right? Getting into one of the main star’s good graces besides she was right, the chorus didn’t really get much attention during rehearsals, at least not as much as the main characters. It’s easier to get away with screwing up in the back than in the front, her teacher would tell her which would always earn a few laughs from her colleagues. Yet, Y/N hated to make any mistakes. She would stay up all night in front of a cheap piano she had bought from a charity shop, playing and singing the same 5 note progression until her flatmate yelled at her to shut up. For her, if it wasn’t perfect and if she didn’t get any criticism while performing it, she hadn’t done it right. It didn’t matter at the end of the day but what did matter was to climb up the ladder. She didn’t want to be a star, all she wanted was to be able to be on that stage forever with the spotlight shining on her and she knew there was only one way to climb up. Actually there were two, extreme luck and connections. Now, she didn’t have the best of luck so her major choice was to make connections and reach that status. 
She made her way into the principal dressing room. It was probably one of the biggest she had ever seen, with expensive decor and various flowers covering it. She wondered how many flowers she received on opening nights if that was the number she had on regular days. Y/N made her way to the desk, opening drawers and more drawers to find honey until she found it on the lowest drawn. She went down on her knees to grab it, mindless and careless to everything that was happening until she felt a sharp pain on the side of her her.
Then everything went dark. 
TAGLIST: @lookiamtrying @buckyswillows @blossomslibrary @juliesland @iloveshawnieboi @unmagically​ 
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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love in their own way || albedo, childe, xiao, zhongli
masterlist characters: albedo, childe, xiao, zhongli genre: fluff summary: in which their s/o's aren't as forward about their emotions, but still manage to have their little tells that express their love. notes: i hope this meets the request! i had a lot of fun writing this! i just want the boys to be happy :)
albedo -
i like to think albedo is secretly clingy but doesn't allow himself to show it to anyone.
naturally, it's just because he's always holed up with his work.
when he consciously does it... it's because he's nervous.
remember the end of his quest when he's talking to himself at dragonspine?
that's why he's nervous.
he's not too bothered by the fact that you're more reserved.
he has a lot of work so he can't really dwell on the idea for too long.
just you being there when he's working is good enough for him :D
as we all know, this boy is very into experimentation and learning.
so trying to decipher your minuscule facial changes is actually really interesting to him!
he has a bunch of notes just on the little details he can find about you.
and since he's so observant, it doesn't take him long to realize that there are certain signs that only appear around him.
he'll notice them when he's painting you.
whenever he's waiting for results, he'll use the time to draw you <3
because he's done this, he practically has you memorized.
so imagine his surprise when he sees your expression change whenever he leaves your sight.
it takes him a while to actually be able to see this, but i'm sure it's because of timaeus and sucrose.
after all, they're around you a lot whenever albedo is busy.
they probably take a picture to show him something they did while he was gone and that's when he notices.
he doesn't even have to look at a different picture of you.
he can just tell you look different.
the little crinkle next to your eyes was gone.
your lips were more pursed than usual.
you now had a crease in between your brows you didn't have before.
the next time he sees you, he'll hold up the picture next to your face to confirm they're different.
he wants to ask why there's a "clear" difference in your appearance but he already knows why.
he'll ask you just to be sure, though--
your cheeks get a tiny tiny bit darker when you answer wholeheartedly.
it does make him chuckle when he hears that you're so smitten for him in your monotonous voice.
the picture sucrose and timaeus took isn't his favorite of you, so he ends up taking a new one when you two are both exploring dragonspine.
it's a reminder of how much you really love him <3
childe -
out of the four boys here, he's definitely (in my opinion) the most affectionate.
like, this boy will take whatever he can get to just hold you for a second.
especially if you're also from snezhnaya but came all the way to liyue to keep him company.
he's very family-oriented as we've seen, so he treasures these relationships.
now, with an unaffectionate s/o?
honestly, i don't think he'd be too upset about it.
like i said, he really treasures these familial relationships.
because of this, it's his top priority to make sure you feel comfortable in the relationship.
he won't necessarily keep his distance, but he won't be too clingy either.
he'll stand right beside you, enough to where you can almost feel his skin touching yours.
as for your expressionlessness...
it'll take him a bit to really understand how you're feeling.
it's a lot of communication because he doesn't want to mess anything up.
near the beginning of the relationship, he'd ask how you're feeling and if there's anything bothering you.
but once he finally notices the subtle differences in your face, such as a slight eyebrow raise or a tilt of the head, he'll be able to read you easier.
nothing too complex, but just enough for him to tell your emotions.
there is one subtle change that he always looks for, however.
he's realized, with the help of zhongli of course, that there is a specific characteristic that only happens when he's in your line of sight.
your lips are normally pressed in a fine line.
however, around him, the corners lift up ever-so-slightly.
the only reason he's able to see it is that he'll catch himself staring at your lips because he wants a kiss :)
once he sees that, he starts noticing your little quirks whenever you're around him.
you'll lean closer to him as you're walking through liyue harbor.
your eyes start to soften as he talks on and on about his day (and complains about scaramouche--).
he loves the idea that all of these little details about you only happen around him,
it makes him feel... important.
and loved.
even if he holds back from touching you, he'll settle for seeing your cold exterior melt around him.
xiao -
he's not too well versed in affection...
i mean, he's the vigilant yaksha that is known for being stoic just like you are.
you two are basically carbon copies of each other.
no affection and no clear expressions of love.
people (who know both you and xiao) often forget that you two are actually together.
like, they just think you two sit in silence when you're both tired of dealing with people.
they... aren't necessarily wrong.
the two of you are often found sitting at the balcony looking over liyue.
sometimes you bring him almond tofu to share :)
it's very rare for the two of you to actively show your love for each other, mainly because you both know your feelings.
although... xiao does have those moments.
it's not like he's completely oblivious to the whispers about you two.
and on the days where his karma acts up, he gets insecure.
he's... really scared that one day you'll leave just like the others.
it doesn't matter if you're a mortal or an adeptus, he's scared that one day he'll wake up and you'll be gone.
and if that ever comes, he's scared you'll pass on either doubting your feelings or his.
it doesn't help when he notices the difference in your attitude and appearance when he's around.
his first instinct is that he's doing something bad.
either you're angry or upset at his mere existence...
verr goldet's the one who has to explain why you seem different.
she's quite observant on her own, especially because you're the first person that xiao actively enjoys being around.
she'll be the one to tell him that it isn't because you're mad at him.
you have minuscule changes because that's how xiao makes you feel.
you're so soft around him and she can tell just from the small interactions she's seen of you.
for example, when you're talking to the chef downstairs, you have the same expression that xiao has when he's talking to people.
you're annoyed but you know how to handle it.
but when you're around xiao, it's like everything that bothers you disappears.
it's like you're in your own domain whenever he's around.
nothing else matters except for him.
and even if she's relying on small observations and pure intuition, she can tell that the changes are good.
your eyes that seem to look anywhere besides the person you are talking to are completely different from the ones that seem to only focus on xiao.
your normally stiff body relaxes every time you summon xiao at the balcony.
the tiny smile that graces your lips when you disappear to the top of the inn for hours on end.
verr goldet's explanation calms his heart.
his worries seem to disappear and the next time he sees you...
this is the one thing his karma can't take away. he'll be sure of it.
zhongli -
zhongli is also another person who isn't well versed in relationships.
although he isn't as inexperienced as xiao, it'll take some time for him to figure it out.
he's not someone who craves affection like it's the only thing keeping him alive.
he definitely would appreciate it but he completely understands that it isn't something you tend to give.
so instead, he'll show his love in the smaller things.
such as telling you stories, sharing tea, going out on walks, etc.
he's another person who is very observant, especially in people close to him.
his storytelling friends often ask him about your relationship with one another.
they try to bring it to his attention that you may not be as interested as he thinks you are.
of course, he'll simply laugh them off and tell them that they should listen to the person who knows you best.
he'll turn those questions into a big story and explain how they're mistaken about you.
he's never actively told anyone this, save for hu tao who tries to bug him into telling her, but he'll tell them about all of the tiny details that tell him your feelings.
when you're feeling upset, you puff out your cheeks a small bit.
when you're angry, your glare hardens at whatever is making you mad.
when you're happy, your lips part slightly.
when you're in love... well, that's a detail he'll keep for himself.
he's quick to say goodbye to his peers, practically rushing back to your shared home.
he's greeted by you as soon as he opens the door.
your stoic expressions... would be exactly the same to anyone else.
but to him, it's like you've lit up like a small puppy seeing their human parents come home after years.
you don't run up to him, but you turn to look at him and away from the book on the table.
he'll greet you with a quiet nod, pulling out the chair and sitting next to you.
he'll take the book from you, taking in your appearance for a moment.
your shoulders relax by a hair and you move your chair an inch closer to his.
you don't lean your head on his shoulder but you lean towards him as if you were about to.
it's these moments that make everything worth it to zhongli.
here, in your home and in your life, he's simply zhongli.
the man you fell in love with and allowed your reserved self to open up to.
and he would trade anything just to have these moments with you.
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Bad Dreams - Bucky Barnes x Avenger (f)reader
Summary: You and Bucky are adjusting to civilian life after the Blip, some nights he needs you more then he realizes.
Warning: bit o angst, soft Bucky, fluff
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It had been a long fucking five years alone, sure you had Nat and Steve around at the Avengers Facility. But no matter how much time you spent with them doing whatever to keep your mind busy, at the end of the day, you were undoubtedly alone. You liked it that way at one point in your complicated life as an Avenger, but after the blip, you absolutely despised it. 
No one had expected what would have happened to be so terrible and tragic, or it to even go the way that it did. You had never even heard of Thanos or what the fuck kind of weirdass monsters could exist from other parts of the galaxy until they showed up knocking. How rude huh.
Life was peaceful before hand, well for the most part; you were an Avenger, someone who was part of the team. A conjurer of flame and ash, a Phoenix held within that was not afraid to use your power, and you used it well.
Then as per usual, shit went down and low and behold you met the one and only James Buchanan Barnes, Steve’s old friend with the metal arm and troubling history. Not to mention a face to die for, or at least one that would cause a bit of a chaotic scuffle between your two friends. They clearly had other priorities apart from yours at the time which was keep Steve out of jail, don’t burn anyone, and refrain from flirting with his 90 something year old friend. You tried your best in most of those areas. Most of them. 
Nonetheless, you fell hard and fast for the blue eyed man, and him the same for you, his feisty little firecracker with a heart as big and bright as a dragons. So when he went to Wakanda to lie low and get some much needed help. You followed.
With a heartfelt goodbye and a lasting kiss, he went under for a couple long weeks until Shuri and her expert team of scientists were able to fix what those bastards at Hydra had done to him.
For a short yet blessedly peaceful amount of time did you and your dark haired lover live safely within the Wakandan borders. In a small and beautiful little village by a lake, a hut all your own to shelter you from the heat and rain that poured hard onto the earth, and most wonderfully of all you had Bucky.
Life was simple for the first time in a long time, you spent the days helping out the locals and teaching the children how to properly swing a stick in defense, you know completely normal leisure activities. Spending the evenings making a big fire to tell stories under and cook the best food in Wakanda.
And the nights? You spent those wrapped up in Bucky’s arm, although most times you would be the big spoon which he loved more then anything in the whole world. Telling you it’s not just because you’re naturally warm, but that he’s been admittedly a bit touch starved from the years alone and lost. And for that you would always hold him closer.
Then that fateful day came crashing into your lives like a waterfall against rock, your friends had shown up claiming some being called Thanos was coming to take a stone out of Vision’s head. Yeah that was a new one.
The battle wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t great either, you were able to save many lives by scorching the beasts that pursed onward. Letting whips of flame slash hard against the enemy with great skill and force from your bending. Then the world seemed to still, and the wind swayed the trees oddly.
Then HE came, the Titan from another world, he threw down all in his path without an ounce of mercy or remorse. You and Wanda were so close, so damn close to stopping him, but then he threw you back with the whole force of the gauntlet and a moment later Vision was dead.
Your head was bleeding and a fresh scar had marked your jaw in a bloody red slash from the impact. Though your mind didn’t have time to register nor care as Thanos abruptly disappeared into oblivion, leaving a confused Thor in his wake. Much like the rest of the Avengers.
Then to your horror, one by one, your friends began to turn to ash and dust. Gone. You raced for Bucky nearby, praying to who’d ever listen to spare him or you for that matter. You just needed ten more seconds and then you could have held him one last time, touched his precious skin, ran your fingers through his long dark locks.
Looked into his ocean blue eyes, but no, the universe laughed as you gasped in panic, then it snickered as you screamed. Cheering you on as you sobbed in a cyclone of your own fire until the ground was scorched to shriveled dry earth. And no more tears could fall, your throat raw and heart broken in two.
Your world was gone, a memory forever kept locked inside your heart and soul. He was gone, he was your world, Bucky made your life better and you his.
For the coming months you were a mess, an angry and frustrated wreck of a person. Functioning by sheer will power and Natasha to keep you afloat in your new dreary little world of nothingness. You envied Steve for his ability to keep most of his shit together, and where almost enraged by Tony who had everything still intact. Pepper and a child on the way, how cruel the universe appeared.
You would wake up in the middle of the night sweating, your heart racing a mile a minute and usually part of the wall behind you would be burnt and blackened. You never set fire to anything thank god, but fuck, your heart hurt so much.
You wanted to scream most days, but as one year rolled into two and then three, the dull dreary ache in your body subdued to a tiny flicker of sadness. It became almost nonexistent during the day as you went about Avenger business, only to burn hot and angry at night.
You wanted to move on and forget, but you couldn’t, he was too important. They all didn’t deserve to go like that, none of them. And so another year passed, then it was year five since the blip, more months passed on. Until out of nowhere something or perhaps someone miraculous lit the way into a new sense of hope.
Resulting in the return of everyone who had been lost before, including your Bucky. And from that moment after the battle, when at long last you had finally found him, you knew life would never be the same.
Rain pours relentlessly from outside your apartment window, a rhythmic pitter patter near your bedside that aids in keeping you asleep and unbothered for the time being. No sooner do you reach the climax of your dream that consists of you being chased by a giant monarch butterfly with no weapon but a sandbox plastic shovel, do you wake. Strange dream.
All your senses flooding back into you as you feel for your lover in the darkness, your eyes still closed as you do so. Your hand slides across the crinkled bedsheets to no avail, the spot next to you is undeniably empty and rather cold.
oh, Bucky.
Cracking one eye open you glance at the alarm clock where it reads 1:10am in big red letters, illuminating the nightstand that it sits on. You take in a deep breath and roll onto your back to stare up at the ceiling, this has become a reoccurring event with Bucky in the following months since his return.
In Wakanda things were different, it was like a nice prolonged vacation away from all your problems and responsibilities of the world. Now, you two have an apartment somewhere in New York City all your own. Bucky goes to therapy and does his best to integrate back into his new role as a civilian while you work as an Avenger part time. The other half used for being a supporting loving girlfriend to Bucky and a hacker on the side for extra cash in the bank.
You get it though, he’s adjusting the best he’s able to manage right now, and even when he swears the nightmares are gone for good. You know him too well to believe that shit, you can see it in his eyes, he may have been a master assassin at one point. Now he’s with a skilled and almost equally as weathered Avenger who’s seen her share of people really going through it.
It’s not like you were doing any better, you’d wake up screaming in the dead of night from another nightmare involving losing Bucky again. That only lasted for a month or so, but still, it sucked and hurt every damn time. So you get it, nightmares can be a bitch.
Blinking the bleariness out of your eyes, you yawn into the darkness and take a moment to listen to the sound of the rain. It’s peaceful and calm, and though you’d like nothing more then to roll over and fall back into the dark comfortable void of sleep. You long to see Bucky again, even if you saw him not even two hours ago.
Pulling the blanket off of your body, you slowly sit up and face the blurry window that overlooks the glowing city, well more so the park close by. Pushing some hair out of your face, you stand and take a brief moment to stretch before letting your right hand emit a beautiful blue flame.
It proptly lights up the dark room into a shadowed yet still visible one, with a lazy proud smile, you move for the opened bedroom door. Your flame lights the way down the hall until you wander past the tiny kitchen and stop in your living room to the sound of heavy breathing coming from the far end.
You give a lopsided smirk to no one in particular as you pad over to the man who’s sweaty and shirtless on the wooden apartment floor in nothing but his boxers and a single blanket that’s not covering much. Well he sure looks like a hot mess, your hot mess that is.
He gives you an apologetic glance before staring tiredly back at the nearby wall. You extinguish your flame and gently nudge his leg with your sock, “How’s the floor?” You ask with a tinge of humor to lighten the mood.
He lets out a breathy laugh before looking back up at you, “Solid.” Quips Bucky in reference to the hard floor and perhaps his take on the makeshift bed, always one for a bit of humor huh.
Chuckling you crouch down to better meet his shadowed gaze, “I guess so,” You mutter with a shrug, “....afraid I might burn you in my sleep?”
Shaking his head, he gifts you the flash of a smile, “No. Not this time Y/N.”
You smile back before sitting down next to him, you look down at his hand before reaching out to take it without any resistance, “I know it’s the nightmares Bucky.” You whisper softly, your eyes sincere and true, “You don’t have to hold it all in okay, I don’t.....I don’t want you to do that.”
Letting out a reluctant sigh, Bucky frowns, “I know Y/N....I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, I just love you too much to see you hurting. I’ve missed you for what feels like a hundred goddamn years and I don’t want you to slip away from me..” You add with a sad smile, “Never again.”
Squeezing your hand gently, Bucky nods, “You’re not going to lose me okay. I promise you that much alright. I love you Y/N.” And he means every word.
“That’s good then. Can you at least tell me something to ease your mind from what’s bothering you?” You ask with a hopeful smile, “Please. Remember what the therapist talked about with speaking your thoughts and feelings....it’s like emptying a treasure chest or some shit.”
“Right.” Laughs Bucky, “Can’t say you’re going to find any gold in here.”
“Shut up I don’t care.” You muse with a shrug, “I’m here to listen.”
“As the lady wishes.” Retorts Bucky with a half-assed bow that caused you to break out into a small smile at his cheekiness.
“Wait.” You pause.
“Can we sit on the couch for this I wanna lay next to you.”
Rolling his eyes, Bucky fakes his annoyance as you patiently await his answer, “Fine.” He confirms, quickly standing up and taking you with him, “But you gotta lay on me I’m kinda cold now.”
Bucky falls onto the large comfortable couch with a dramatic huff as he pulls you onto his shirtless body, “Weren’t you just all sweaty?” You wonder with a raised brow as he quickly wraps his arms around your waist.
Bucky chuckles, “Well you’re making me talk about my feelings.”
“That’s because you won’t talk about them with your actual therapist.” You sass back.
“I hate it when you’re right.” Mutters Bucky into your cheek as you snicker at his adorably dramatic self.
“I think your brain short circuited and misplaced the word hate for absolutely love and adore.”
“Maybe.” Adds Bucky as he steals a sweet kiss, “I’m still working through things you know.”
“Okay smartass. Now tell me what’s on your mind.”
His chest rises as he takes a deep heavy sigh, he stares out the nearby window that keeps the rainy city from being bothersome. You can’t completely see his face due to the darkened room, but you’re close enough to see the way his face turns into a frown.
Suddenly you think maybe you shouldn’t have bugged him to speak about his nightmares. Until he purses his lips together and glances those big beautiful blue eyes down at you, the flash of a smile revealing itself in a split second.
To give him a bit more confidence and perhaps to calm his nerves, do you reach a hand up to gently caress his stubbled cheek, “Was it the Starks again?” You whisper softly in question, knowing how much it still haunts him. Among all the others.
Closing his eyes, he leans into your touch, “Not this time.” Mutters Bucky before taking that hand in his as he rests his head against the couches puffy arm. “Someone else.....Someone who got in the way. Wrong place wrong time.”
“oh.” Slips from your mouth quietly, you’re not sure what else to say, but you’re still hoping he’ll speak a little more about it. “Do they have anything to do with your list?”
It’s a shot in the dark, but you’re well aware of Bucky’s goal to make amends with his past and the people tied with it, maybe someone might be linked to it by chance.
Bucky takes another weighted breath, you can just sense how terrible he feels about this person. “Bucky take your time, it’s okay I’m right here.”
Looking for a positive sign you watch as he closes his eyes once again before moving his head a little bit so that it rests against yours, “I know....it’s just, difficult.”
“Always is.”
Kissing your forehead, his flesh arm wraps around your waist as he makes himself more comfortable before continuing, “I was in some government building at night.....tasked with eliminating some special high end target. I finished the mission in under a minute, but uh....there was a civilian who saw everything.”
“Oh shit.”
“Yeah.” Mumbles Bucky against your skin as he takes a moment to gather himself, soon he shifts underneath you once more before letting out a soft breath, “I shot him.”
A bang of sadness washes over you in that brief second and then a sparking anger for what Hydra had forced him to do. You keep silent and wait for Bucky to continue on with his story.
“That guy I killed. He um....he uh, he didn’t deserve that....but I had to.” Bucky’s voice is shaky as he puts his words together, “And you know what’s the worst about this?”
“I’d like not to imagine it but I know you should tell me.”
“You remember Yori?”
“Of course, he takes us to that great sushi place sometimes.”
Bucky squeezes his eyes shut as he hugs you tighter against his bare chest for some kind of comfort, his voice nothing but a regretful whisper, “I killed his son.”
Your eyes soften as he reveals who this mystery civilian was, “Damn.”
“Out of all the people in this world and I meet the man who’s son I murdered for Hydra.”
“That’s almost a sick joke.”
“I know. God I’m so fucked up.”
“No.” You protest softly while he hides his face in your neck, “I know you’ve heard this a thousand times but that wasn’t you. It wasn’t the real James Buchanan Barnes alright, you didn’t have a choice. Those fuckers took that away from you.”
“I know Y/N, but I still did it.”
“Bucky look at me.” You ask kindly, to your genuine surprise he lifts his head from your neck to look into your determined gaze, “You’re not the only one here who was manipulated and had their freedom taken from them by Hydra. I’ve done terrible things too, but you know what? We were never truly ourselves then, they molded us into their weapons and now.....they can never touch us again. You understand me?”
Tears whell up in Bucky’s shimmering eyes at your truthfully honest words, he had temporarily forgotten that you were once an unwilling participant in Hydra’s mind stone experimentations many years ago.
“I understand....” Mutters Bucky as he swallows hard, “what would I be without you?”
Giving him a small tearful smile, you gently wipe away a stray tear from his cheek, “A little bit more alone I’d say.”
“You’re a hundred times braver then me you know that? I couldn’t image five years without you and these fucking nightmares.” Admits Bucky as he moves to rest his head in the crook of your neck, “I’d go insane.”
Appreciating this close proximity and his heartfelt confession, you smile into the darkness, “I think I did. Thing is about shitty situations like that....life moves on and finds a way. I have you now, I thought I would lose you forever.”
“I’m glad you didn’t.”
“Me too.”
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