#they brought up the idea of vampire's pancake making going so horribly wrong
vamp-a-day · 6 months
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day 64
@sparkvampweek day 4; Sparkling's birthday
"Happy birfday I made you brekast :] Don't go in the kitchen"
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
I sat in the kitchen and stared at the food that Sam made for me. Pancakes. Again. It's been three days since we got back to the bunker and four days since Cas showed up out of nowhere and did some angel thing on Dean. I remember after that bright light, I pulled myself from Sam and heard Dean gasp for breath but didn't wake up. Cas had been sitting on the ground next to the impala and told us that Dean should be okay now, that the worst should be gone.
Sam walked back into the kitchen with his laptop. Must be googling some way to get his brother out of angel induced coma I guess. "So, get this," he started to say.
"No," I got up and walked away from him. "I don't want to hear anything that has something to do with getting Dean out of whatever he's in. Not yet at least." I walked out of the kitchen and into the main hallway. I made my way to Deans room.
Once I got there, I just looked at Dean through the doorway. He looked so peaceful as if he was sleeping. But Dean never sleeps on his back though. I walked in an looked at him closer. His face looked like it has never seen the horrors of this world. No vampires. No Djinns. No Werewolves. Nothing. I smiled a little. Everything was going to be alright.
"Hey," Sam's voice comes from the doorway, "I'm going to go out and get some food and drinks. Do you need anything?" I looked at him and could tell that he was hurting too. His brother was in some sort of coma and he couldn't do anything about it. I've been harsh to him the last few days and I couldn't tell him why.
"Yeah, let me make you a small list of what we need," I made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed some paper and a pen and start to make him a list of things. "Look, Sam," I looked at him and saw him staring at me. "I'm sorry. These last few days have been hard on us and we've been taking it out on each other or Cas or whatever." One of the reasons why Cas hadn't bee around lately. Either Sam or I would take out our frustration on him. He didn't deserve it.
Sam walked around the counter and right next to me. "It's okay, I've been trying to distract myself so I don't have to think to much about Dean just laying there helpless."
I laughed a little. A real laugh. "Dean's not really helpless if you think about it."
"Yeah," Sam forced a laugh then he turned to face me. He placed a hand on my cheek.
My heart literally skipped a beat. "Sam," I said.
Before I could say anything else, Sam leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. They we soft but eager and rough. To my surprise, I kissed him back. Sam used his free hand to pick me up and place me on the counter. Sam's hands slowly trailed down my chest and he began to unbutton my shirt. My heart began to race and I knew I had to stop the kiss. I couldn't. My body was craving the attention and need. I haven't had this in so long. I let my hands be the guide. I found myself also un-doing Sam's shirt as well. Then Sam's phone rang, pulling me back to reality.
"Um," I said. I slowly slid off the counter and started to do up my shirt. "I should go and check in on Dean." I turned away to leave but Sam ignored his phone.
"YN," He said. I turned around and he looked different. Pleased? A bit happier? He was shirtless after all. "Um, the list." He picked up the paper and pen but I knew better.
"I'll text it to you," I quickly turned and made my way back to Dean's room. I knew that if I were to walk in his direction and right back to him, more clothes would come off. I didn't want to do that to Sam. No when I didn't feel the same way. How do you tell someone that you're in love with their brother after you full out made out with them?
I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss. There was a lot of passion behind it. I guess I always knew that Sam had something for me and I thought I did too. Back when I first saw him. Sam was always easy to talk to. But the one thing that always got in the way was Lucas. Sam reminded me so much of Lucas that it was like loosing him all over again. I didn't want to be reminded of him all the time. I guess that is why I can't feel the same way that he feels about me. Also, I'm in love with Dean.
I looked into Deans doorway and watched his breathing. What if I loose this man too? He doesn't even know how I feel about him. Not yet anyway. I walked into this room and sat on the foot of his bed.
My life turned around when I was kidnapped by that vampire. The same vampire that killed Lucas and wanted to turn me. Dean and Sam saved me of course and brought me home. It took a month until I found my fathers locked chest of files and cases he worked before he suddenly died.
Dean groaned a bit and I felt him move a little. I turned around and he was still sleeping. But this was a sign. This was good. "Dean," I got up and went to the head of the bed. "Dean, can you hear me?" Dean groaned again and this time he raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. "Dean!"
"Dude," he groaned. His eyes opened and there were those green eyes I loved so much. "How long was I out?" He looked at me and I smiled.
"About a week," I told him and helped him up into a sitting position. "If it weren't for Cas, you would be dead dead. How's your side?"
Dean looks down and un buttons his shirt, I look down at his healing would. It looked ninety time better than when i saw it a week ago. The wound that was once an open gash bleeding everywhere was now a nice little pink line. "How does it feel?" I asked him. I was afraid to touch it.
"Well," Dean went and touched it and i saw the wince in his face. "I'm not dead. That's the good part." Dean smiled. "So I was really out for a week? Must have been that bad."
"You have no idea," I said sitting on the edge of his bed. "After you guys left Cas and I behind, we sat for a bit until Cas got a feeling that something was wrong. Then all of sudden he vanished and the next second, Sam was dragging you. Almost lifeless. I sat in the back seat with you trying to stop the bleeding. Then Cas came back and fixed you up." I stopped because I didn't want to tell Dean that I begged for him to stay because I loved him.
"Where's Cas right now?" Dean asked.
I laughed a little bit. "Well this past week was hell for me and Sam," I started to say.
"Oh please tell me you didn't sleep with him!" Dean looked repulsed at the thought.
"Are you kidding me?!" I asked him. "What makes you think that I slept with your brother?! We fought and yelled a lot, sometimes we took it out on Cas. Cas left and only checks in once a day to see how you're doing." I got up and looked. "Want me to make you something to eat?"
"Dude," He looked at me with a smile on his face and in his eyes. "Hook me up!"
I walk back to the kitchen and look for something other than a sandwich to make. Sam and I ate the last of the bacon and pancakes this morning. I ate the last microwave meal a few hours ago. We are horrible at keeping a stocked kitchen when Dean is in a coma. Not that he is always in a coma. I pull stuff out for Dean favorite sandwich and began to make it. I barely got mayonnaise on the bread when I heard the bunker door open. Sam was back.
Sam entered the kitchen with a few bags on his arms. "Did it all in one trip," he smiled at me. He noticed the sandwich I was making. "Dean woke up?" I nodded as I put the finishing touches on the sandwich. Sam set the bags down and slowly walked around the counter.
I felt Sam's hands on my waist and I instantly pulled away from him. "I'm sorry Sam," I say walking away from him. "I can't do this."
"Why not?" he asked. I could see the love and hunger in his eyes. Part of me needed that but not with Sam.
"Because I don't feel that way about you," I blurted out. "It was just a kiss. It didn't mean anything. In fact, I'm in love with your brother." I began to walk out of the kitchen when Sam sighed.
"How can you love him when you were trying to rip my clothes off?" He asked after me. But I ignored him because I, too, was wondering the same thing. 
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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Kai Parker x Reader word count : 4 809 summary : continues the story from part I / part II … * gif by me _________________________________________
Y/N got out of the car and semi ran towards the front door. Her hands shakily held the keys and she almost dropped them on the ground before finally managing to unlock the door and get inside. For a moment she stood frozen at the door, looking at the emptyness and darkness around her, then shakily she took a step inside. Silence was all around her, even though on the inside she wanted to scream. The door closed with a muffled thud as she rested her back against it and slipped down towards the floor, bringing up her knees to her chest. Tears streamed down her cheeks while her mind played on repeat the events from earlier that same evening. So much had happened and most of it felt like it wasn’t real, like  it was a really really horrible nightmare from which she kept praying to wake up. Only nothing happened because it was real. Her eyes opened and closed but she was still there, alone. Her dress was still covered in blood, his blood and the memory of seeing one of her friends killing the man she loved was right there in the back of her eyelids every time she closed them. Her scream still echoed in her head and the fact she hadn’t been able to do anything to stop this from happening.    “Smile.“ said a male voice from right next to her. “I can’t stand seeing you like this. I get this feeling that it’s my fault and I hate being the one causing you pain. God, feelings are hard.”    “What ?“ she asked confused while someone’s arms wrapped around her, pulling her into a hug.    “You didn’t think I’d leave you alone did you ?” he kissed her forehead softly. “Never. I will always be here with you. Always.”    “Kai ?“ she asked, looking up at him seeing him smile at her. “Y-You are dead.”    “Yeah, I guess I am.“ he laughed under his breath. “Doesn’t mean I am not here or that this isn’t real. Doesn’t mean you won’t have a part of me with you at all times.”    “Is this a dream?“    “You tell me.” he said softly, brushing his palm against her cheek before leaning in to kiss her and a blink of an eye later he had vanished. A sigh left her lips and she wiped away a tear from her cheek. Y/N wasn’t sure why she was crying. Not exactly. Maybe it was the memory that had flashed in her mind, or maybe it was because of the small stick with two red lines she was holding in her hands.
   “I wish you were here –“ she mumbled.    “What ?” asked Kai confused, gently brushing his thumb against her cheek, his lips curling into a small smile. For a moment he almost forgot her memories were gone. Almost. “You still talk in your sleep. So absolutely adorable.” Y/N snuggled closer to him and  he carefully pulled the blanket up covering her shoulders, unable to look away. He wondered what she was dreaming about and fought the urge to sneak into her dream. He didn’t want to risk the second chance he got with her in any way. A quiet sigh left his lips and then he saw it – a tear rolling down her cheek.
As the first sun rays started to seep through the windows, Y/N started to wake up and to her surprise a cup with coffee was already waiting for her on the coffee table. Kai however was nowhere to be seen. Sleepily she made her way upstairs to her son’s bedroom and wake him up, only his room was empty. Instantly she started to freak out when barely a few seconds later she heard laughter coming from her bedroom. Almost running there, semi-spilling her coffee on her way, she opened door and took a peek inside. There they were – her boys, Kai and Peter, semi-cuddling on the bed while he tickled the young boy making him laugh. Both of them looked up at her and she sighed in relief.    “Hi.“ grinned Kai, while Peter jumped up to give his mom a hug and Kai followed shortly after. “Sorry, I um – I couldn’t bring myself to wake you up when I heard he was awake upstairs. Y-you are not mad are you ?”    “Happy birthday, trouble.“ she kissed the young boy’s forehead before ruffling his hair. “No, not mad just … had a small heart attack. That’s all.” Peter laughed and ran off, leaving his parents alone. For a long moment neither of them said a thing, they just gazed into each other’s eyes and then Kai took another step towards her, one hand in his pocket while with the other he scratched his forehead.    “He really is something.“ he smiled. “So charming, and fun to be around. He is umm.. he is absolutely perfect. You know, he um… he said you’ve talked about his father, I mean me. Saying that having him in your life is like having a part of me back.” Y/N took a sip from her coffee realising it was just like she likes it – right sweetness, right spices. “I am sure I have because there is no way I haven’t. Do you um want to stay for breakfast ?”    “Yeah, sure. But after I have a couple of things to do, including getting him four years worth of birthday presents.“ laughed Kai nervously as they headed downstairs. “Hey um, what were you dreaming about last night ? You talked in your sleep.”    “I did ?“ she asked half-scared half-curious just like every time someone mentioned they had heard her talk in her sleep. Y/N was always terrified she might’ve spilled a secret or said something emberrasing or offensive. “Wh-what did I say ?”    “’I wish you were here’.“ he stopped at the end of the stairs, bracing himself against the stair railing. "You don’t remember what you dreamt about, do you ?”    “No. It’s like whatever it was, my memory filters it through that white noise on old TV’s.“ she thought out loud, trying to remember her dream in full but the only thing she could fully recall was the feeling – this sad yet somehow happy feeling. Peter ran right past them laughing, playing with his favourite blue car toy while Kai got to work. "No, no wait –”    “What ?“ he asked confused, almost dropping the pan he was holding. "Y-you remembered something ?”    “No, I just – you can’t make breakfast.“    “Sure I can. Hey, buddy ? What do you want? Waffles ? Pancakes ? Scrambled eggs ? Cupcakes ?” suggested Kai. “It’s your birthday –”    “Pancakes !!“ exclaimed Peter.    “He is the pancake monster.” stated Y/N watching her son make a monster face. “See ?” Kai laughed, tapping his son’s nose. “If it’s pancakes you want, pancakes you shall get.”
*            *           *
   “Fantastic news.“ said Caroline, opening the front door and walking into the living room/kitchen. "Cade is – what is he doing here ?” Y/N left the orange juice on the table and glanced at her friend who had balloons, a wrapped box with a bow and a pink paper box with either donuts or cupcakes in her hands. Caroline’s eyes widened in shock seeing Kai with an apron by the stove while a very excited looking Peter ran around him laughing and making funny faces.    “Oh hey, Clarisse.“ said Kai, waving at her while flipping the dinosaur shaped pancakes in a plate before leaving it on the table and lifting up Peter to sit on one of the chairs. "So, you guys really pulled it off huh? Come here and I’ll totally give you a high five.” Caroline stared at him and pulled Y/N aside. “Why is he here ?”    “He is Peter’s father.“    “Wait. You remember ?”    “Not exactly.“ said Kai, joining them. Caroline stared at him suspiciously. "I told her who I am and –”    “– the truth or half of the truth?“    “He told me enough. Look, Kai has every right to be here. Specially today of all days.” said Y/N, glancing at Peter who was about to pour the entire bottle with maple syrup on the pancakes. “I’ll be right back.” Kai followed her gaze and laughed under his breath.  “Awwh Peter loves maple syrup as much as you do.“    “Shut up.” laughed Y/N, grabbing the bottle from her son’s hands. "I’ll take that.”    “You can’t be here !“ said Caroline in a hushed voice. “What the Hell are you thinking being here?”    “Where else would I be but with my family?“ asked Kai, leaning in towards Caroline who took a step back. "Also be happy I was here other ways you would’ve found Y/N dead. Or worse – Peter would’ve.”    “Wait, back up. What are you talking about?“ she folded her hands on her chest.    “Seline. I think she is still mind controlling her somehow because in the middle of the night Y/N decided it would be a nice time to stab herself with that knife over there. Don’t tell me you can’t smell the blood.” Caroline turned her head sideways for a moment, her vampirism showing, and glanced at him. “Well. Thank you.”    “Yeah. I need you do to something for me.“ started the heretic. "Don’t panic. I just need you to watch her and keep her from doing anything… dangerous while I go … talk to Seline. There is nothing medically wrong with Y/N’s memory. Its magic and with Cade gone maybe I can get Seline to undo what she did –”    “You mean torture her until she does?“ stated Caroline.    “Got any better ideas?” he asked trying hard not to raise his voice. “We can’t keep Y/N under 24 hour surveillance for the rest of her life!” Caroline stared at him, then glanced at Y/N and Peter currently smiling over the chocolate cupcakes she had brought – Peter’s favourite, and then finally turned towards Kai again.  “Do what you gotta do.“    “Thank you.” he said, walking over to his family. He ruffled the boy’s hair and leaned in towards Y/N. “Hey so, I’m going out for a bit to um – Will you be okay here with Peter and Clarisse?”    “Who?“ she asked confused. "Ohh, yeah. W-where are you going?” Kai glanced at Peter then at Caroline.    “Gift shopping.” he stroked her hair and snatched a chocolate cupcake from the box before heading towards the door. Y/N watched him go towards the door, wondering why she feels this pit in her stomach. Like if something happens to him, there won’t be no way for her to recover. Ever. How it was possible to feel like this when you don’t have any memories of the person? When you can’t remember the slightest thing about your shared history even though there is a living breathing proof of it –    “Hey, Kai?“ she called out and ran towards him, catching him at the door. Her arms wrapped around him tightly and a moment later his arms did the same. "Promise me you will come back.”    “I promise. I’ll be back before it’s time for cake.” he smiled at her, gently kissing her forehead. “Don’t worry. What can happen to me ? I am an all powerful heretic now.” Y/N’s lips curled into a smile and she leaned against the door watching him disappear in a split second.    “You have lost your mind, not just your memory.“ said her friend from behind her. "Did he tell you how he –”    “–murdered his siblings after his entire family denied him basic things a kid wants because he was born different? How he made a mistake letting his emotions get in the way and paid for it for 18 years?“ asked Y/N in a hushed voice so Peter doesn’t hear. "Yes. He told me right after saving my life.”    “Did he tell you it’s his fault this happened to you in the first place?“    “It’s not his fault. It’s Seline’s.”    “Yeah but if you hadn’t gone to see him –“    “I never would’ve even been at the Armoury if one of you had called to tell me he was back. I had the right to know.”    “Are you saying this is our fault?!“    “No, it’s no one’s fault, Caroline. That’s the point. It just our crazy messed up supernatural lives.” she sighed, wiping Peter’s chin which was dripping maple syrup. “It’s hard, okay. I know, I have no memories but you should’ve seen him last night. He looked as if his life had been just about to end. As if I die, he’d die. I know he has done awful things but, Care, so have I. So have you and Damon and all our friends. I – I don’t know if ever I will feel the same way I’ve felt for him for four years, apparently, but –”    “You want to give him a chance.“    “I do. I’ve given him a chance before.” smiled Y/N. “There must’ve been a reason. Plus, I owe it to Peter. He deserves to get to know his father.” she finished in a hushed voice. Kai whooshed himself to the nearest entrance to the underground tunnels leading to the Armoury and slipped in them. For a while he walked in human speed, kicking a rock here and there while he tried to calm down his thoughts. He hoped his suspicions would be wrong, that this had been a one time thing but he knew better. Seline hadn’t been able to take her away from him and now not only she had stolen her memories but made sure Kai will lose her. As he stepped into the Armoury, he walked past Doryam who was reading a bunch of books on one of the tables with the pitchfork right before him. Alaric’s intern glanced at the clock and rang the pitchfork. Somewhere from bellow Kai could hear the siren’s reaction and a devilish smile showed on his face as he made his way to the holding cells.    “Kai…“ said Seline, looking up from the cards on her bed. "Thought you might come by. How was your night ? Eventful ?” Kai flicked his wrist ringing the pitchfork with magic and the siren squinted her eyes, groaning in pain.    “God, I just love that sound.“ he smiled innocently. "Ahh … people in pain. I had forgotten what that sounds like.” he tapped his finger on the large glass, not taking his eyes off the siren. “Cade’s dead.”    “Oh is he ?“ said the siren a little amused.    “Yeah, he is. Which means I don’t have to do what he says and neither do you.”    “Awwh…“ said Seline, getting up. "And you are hoping that you can somehow appeal to my ‘humanity’ and get me to undo what I did? That I’ll sing a few notes and fix your girl? I assure you, I have no humanity left. All of it got stripped away centuries ago.”    “Tell me what you did to her and how to fix it.“    “No.” said the siren, folding her hands on her chest. “You can’t undo it. She will keep trying and trying no matter how many times you save her until it gets done. And then she is going to get dragged to Hell, because –” paused the siren, leaning in towards the glass. “– a few years ago, she killed someone. That’s kind of a deal breaker.” Kai clenched his jaw. No one had told him anything about this , but he was sure what had happened had been an accident because the girl he knew wouldn’t hurt a fly.    “You know what it’s like there.“ smirked the siren. "You are on fire all the time and every bad thing you have done in your life, however small and insignificant, comes to haunt you. Cade being gone doesn’t change the way his psychic dimension works. You want to save her ? Leave. It’s the only way to get her to stop.”    “I can’t leave her.“ he said more to himself than to the siren. "I can’t leave Peter –” It was a selfish thing to say, he knew that, but there was the possibility Seline was lying. That him leaving would change nothing and Peter would end up an orphan and he couldn’t let this happen. He knew there was a way to reverse it, and if she didn’t plan on telling him he will have to torture it out of her. A devilish smirk flashed in his eyes and he flick of his wrist, the pitchfork rang again and the siren screamed in pain.    "For the record, I was willing to strike a deal. To let you out of this place if you told me how to undo it. But –“ he laughed, his blood boiling and fire burning in his eyes. ”– now you have upset me in a way I never knew existed. I may not be able to kill you, yet, but I am sure going to enjoy this.“ Kai smirked and flicked his wrist, snapping her neck. Seline dropped to the ground only to get up a few seconds later with a smirk on her face. He used his magic to repeatedly inflict her pain – causing her to bleed, breaking a couple of her bones but no matter what he tried, the siren didn’t cave in and still refused to tell him what he wanted to know.    “Do you really think she will except you and let you raise Peter with her ?” coughed the siren after for perhaps the 5th time he had pulled the air out of her lungs with magic. “Sure, she seems open to the opportunity now but how long before she realises you are not exactly a role model? How long before she gets scared having you around might turn this sweet innocent little boy into a monster, same as his father ? How long before you screw up and come home covered in blood scaring your son –”    “I’d never do that.“ he said, trying to pull at the siren’s heart with magic when suddenly he stumbled backwards, rubbing his forehead and his mind got pulled away.   Kai walked through the front door, rubbing his forehead with his blood covered hands. He took a few steps inside the house into the darkness when he heard footsteps. Turning around he saw Peter standing on the stairs with his favourite toy going down the railing, his eyes wide in shock and quickly filling with tears and fear. The young boy screamed. Y/N ran towards him, freezing on the spot for a few long moments and then ran towards their son, pushing Kai’s hands away. She pulled Peter into her arms trying to calm him down –    “S-stay out of my h-head.” Kai snapped his fingers and the siren’s neck snapped breaking the link long enough for him to recover and get an idea. If he couldn’t torture it out of her, maybe he could find a way to slip inside her mind and find what he needs to end this nightmare the siren had turned Y/N and his life into. Kai’s cold laugh echoed in the Armoury and he flicked his wrist ringing the pitchfork again.    “You have a thing for worst scenarios, huh.“ he said amused. "Let me tell you something. Whatever scenario you can come up with – I’ve already ran in my head. I’ve endured so much pain in my life you would not believe. You would not believe how much pain I’ve inflicted in return either, and I’ve never been more motivated to do so. Either you tell me what I want to know or you will enter a world of hurt even Cade couldn’t create. Choice is yours. Either way, I always win.”    “Not this time.“ smirked the siren, sitting back on her bed. "Have fun saving her tonight and the night after that and the night after that because she is not going to stop. A run in with a knife didn’t work. Who knows, maybe she will get more creative next time.” During the following two weeks Kai spent every night by Y/N’s side watching over her as a guardian angel while she slept, keeping her safe whenever the mind control kicked in. There were a couple really close ones and the siren had been right – Y/N got more creative. After the 8th time he had saved her, the most unexpected thing happened and instead of letting him go sit on the comfy chair near by the bed, she pulled him onto the bed with her. It seemed the longer they spent together the more she warmed up to him and some times he’d see those flashes in her eyes as if for a moment she remembered something – a feeling, an image. Sometimes while she was sleeping she’d say something which somehow seemed indirectly directed to him which made him wonder what exactly was going on inside her head while she dreamed. But he couldn’t bring himself to aswhilr permission to enter her dreams, afraid that would ruin what little they had rebuild together. Kai spent his days either with Peter or at the Armoury with Seline using every chance to find out how exactly to weaken the siren enough for him to sneak into her mind. Ringing the pitchfork disrupted her powers and couldn’t do what he needed but could definitely help. As the days went by he started devising a plan and at the beginning of the third week he already had it laid out in his mind. Only for his plan to work, he’d need the help of his least favourite Salvatore brother, a very reluctant witch and pretty much everyone else in the Mystic Falls gang. Luckily for all of them – Cade was gone and they had found a way to get rid of Katherine and Sybil. But not before Kai had gotten to the siren and had successfully found out how to sneak into Seline’s mind.    “You want us to what??!!“ exclaimed Damon. "Have you lost your mind?!”    “It’s the only way.“    “No. No, no, no. Did I mention?” laughed the vampire for a second. “No!” Kai sighed, glancing at his shoes before catching a glimpse of a picture of Damon and Elena near by the fire place.  "I’ll wake up Elena.“    “Oh sure.” stated Bonnie. “Cuz we haven’t heard that one before.”    “Before the life of the person I – well, one of the people I love the most, wasn’t hanging in the balance.“ said Kai, taking a step towards Damon. "Bonnie will put a spell on the Armoury sealing us in with the siren so she can’t get out. Stephon will be safely tucked away with the pitchfork on the upper floor ringing it every 10 minutes –”    “No. It’s too dangerous.“ protested Damon. "He is human! Vampire blood won’t heal him if something happens to him.”    “Nothing will happen –“ said Kai raising his voice. "Imagine it was Elena. Damon, Seline mind controlled Y/N to kill herself. Do you have any idea how many nights I’ve saved her and how many of those were really close ones ? Y/N is your friend. Isn’t helping your friends like your motto or something ?”    “We don’t have a motto.“ said Caroline.    “Why should we trust you ?” pointed out Bonnie.  "You have crossed us before.“    “Yes. I have.” stated Kai. “I also crossed Katherine not once but twice – warning you about her plan about trying to blow Mystic Falls right off the map and then tricking her into the tunnels where by the way we got rid of Sybil as well, after I crossed her too. Do you have any idea how hard it is to cross a psychic?! Only reason Sybil agreed to tell me how to sneak into Seline’s mind was because she hates her adoptive weird cannibal sister as much as you all apparently hate me.”    “Ahh, you are right. We do hate you –“    “Not the point, Bon Bon.” said Kai, wiping his face. “Point is – I’ve helped you get rid of two of your largest problems. Quite permanently, if I might add. I promise to get Elena back too, for real this time. I do. I just – I can’t watch Y/N like this anymore. The other day when I came home she was curled up in a ball on the couch, crying because of how awful she feels everyone has to take a break from their own life and and ‘babysit’ her as if she were a child. You can’t even imagine how scared she is to go to sleep every night not knowing if she’d wake up and see Peter ever again.”    “We love her, that’s why we do what we do.“ stated Caroline.    “Yeah. I know.” pointed out Kai. “Why do you think I am doing what I am doing?! I love her ! I love her more than I have ever loved anyone in my life. Please ? If not for me me at least do it for Peter. He can’t lose his mother.” Kai glanced at everyone sitting in the Salvatore’s living room looking for support. A second or an hour passed, he wasn’t sure, before Caroline broke the silence.    “Whats the plan?“    “Caroline !”    “I hate to say it —“    “Don’t say what you think you are going to say.” groaned Damon.    “– we have to help him.“ said Caroline. "I remember what I went through when… when my mom died. We can’t let that happen to Peter. But Stefan stays out of your insane plan. I’ll go in his place and ring the pitchfork. I can listen in on whats happening all around the Armoury and –”    “Care –“ started Stefan but almost immediately gave up knowing there was no arguing with his wife. Damon glanced between everyone in the room, gulping his bourbon at once, before finally looking at Kai, who looked more hopeful than ever, and sighed.    “Fine, when do we do this?”    “Tomorrow.“ said Kai.
That night Kai spent by Y/N’s side without taking his eyes away from her for a second. Almost until sunrise nothing happened and he started to think maybe by some miracle that night nothing will happen. Then without any warning signs Y/N pushed her blanket off her, got up from the bed and headed towards the stairs topping right over the railing. Instinctively Kai ran catching her right on time before she had smacked herself onto the floor.    “Hi.” he grinned at her. “Nice of you to drop by.” Y/N looked around, not remembering how she had ended up out of bed and in his hands. “That’s not funny.”    “I know.“ he sighed. Y/N hooked her hands around his neck, both of them gazing into the other’s eyes. It was as if sparks of electricity floated between them and he felt the desire to kiss her stronger than ever. Slowly he leaned in, noticing how her eyes kept darting between his eyes and his lips but stopped himself. Kai cleared his throat. "Oh-kay. Let’s get you back to bed.”    “What are we going to do ?“ she asked just as Kai walked into her bedroom. "This can’t keep happening –”    “It won’t.“ he let her down on the bed. "I have a plan.”    "What plan?“    “Don’t worry about it, cupcake.” he gently brushed his palm against her cheek, kissing her forehead before sitting on the bed next to her. “I’ll take care of it. I promise. This nightmare ends today, one way or another.”    “If something happens to you, I –“ she started, gazing into his smoky blue eyes. During the past few weeks Kai had become her knight in shining armour saving her countless times. He was so caring towards her and Peter, something inside her stirred and every minute they spent together it kept stirring. But there was something else too – the past few nights her dreams were becoming clearer and clearer, giving her flashes of memories they had shared together. At least that’s what she thought those images were, as if the longer they were together the more whatever Seline had done to her was going away. Only it was such a slow process, at this rate, she’d succeed in her night activities before the memories returned. Kai tilted his head slightly looking at her with curious eyes. "You what ?”    “N-nothing.“ she smiled shyly, moving closer to Kai. He wrapped his arms around her and both of them laid on the bed, snuggling together. Y/N placed her head over his heart listening to his heartbeat while lightly playing with his shirt. "I’ll never survive losing you.” she said quietly. _________________________________________ MASTERLIST - SMUT MASTERLIST - FLUFF _________________________________________ NOTE : I don’t know how this happened, but at the moment this is the only story that flows easily while I write. I intended on ending it in this chapter, but somehow I got myself into writing another one (which will quite possibly be the last one). I hope you enjoy reading this story, because it became dear to me in a way I can’t even explain. 
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