#they buy Eddie a new amp for Christmas
catharusustulatus · 10 months
Steddie Drabble, sequel to this post.
TW: child abuse.
Steve doesn’t have much. Eddie had made them a list of things to grab before they’d headed over to the Harrington house, a list of clothes, toiletries, basics and such, with “shampoo” underlined and “bowling pin” circled. They’d borrowed an extra duffel from Marianne across the way, since they didn’t know if trash bags would be enough, and thank god they had, kid sure had a polo collection. But moving it all out of that place - nice car parked yet nobody home, they found, blood still on the carpet - and seeing it stacked up next to Eddie’s exploding menagerie were two different things. And it just seemed to Wayne, well, when Steve was up for it, maybe they’d go to the thrifty mart together.
Steve is quiet, on account of the pain he felt moving his face and the shyness he had shrunken into, having been quickly and sharply beaten and disowned and then thrust into a new life, a new space. Wayne knew it was different, going from a frequent guest who got to put on the charm to a hurting ball of need. To feel like a burden. He saw the same thing happen to Eddie, when he was a child; he changed from an energetic ragamuffin who’d visit Wayne once every couple months to a sad, angry teen who he had to figure out how to live with. But it had worked out. And seeing how gently Eddie cleans Steve’s bruised face, how he changes his whole schedule to take care of Steve, how he cuts fruit for Steve, hearing Eddie whisper Steve to sleep, he thinks it will work out again.
Wayne learns a lot about Steve over the next couple of weeks. He learns how good a cook Steve is, how good he is at making scrambled eggs, tuna melts. How his hair is a source of pride but also seems to show off how he’s doing, like it’s connected to his mood. Some days it’s sky-high and some days it’s flat until Eddie starts whistling up the walk. Wayne loves watching Steve’s hair puff up, his smile grow, and Eddie seems to do the trick. Wayne learns just about every shirt he has is striped, that he can’t hear that well on his left side, that he likes his toast burnt to a crisp.
One morning, a couple weeks after Steve becomes his second duckling, they’re both up early in the kitchen waiting for Eddie to rise. Steve is making bacon and pork sausage, shuffling the meat around and shuffling himself around, like he’s scared to say something. Finally Wayne says “what is it, son?” And Steve starts to cry, one slow beautiful tear down each cheek. He’s been looking better, lately, seeming brighter, but he’s still been holding his breath. It’s time to exhale.
“Thank you. For saving me,” Steve moves the pan to the back burner, meat cooked, looking away. Wayne turns the stove off, and folds Steve into his arms, chuckling. Steve smells like Eddie. Steve smells like Wayne’s tobacco.
“Ain’t no thing about it, boy,” Wayne whispers to Steve, trembling and clutching the spatula. “You’re safe. You’re family.” And he pulls away before he goes softer himself, coughs, turns the stove back on for Steve’s eggs. A small little smile creeps up on Steve’s lips, still shy but an agreement nonetheless. He’s home, making breakfast for those that love him. And later, they’ll go thrifting, get Steve a thicker winter coat, more kitchen tools, some striped pajamas.
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steddieas-shegoes · 10 months
love confessions in line
Another stupid little thing because I’m in the car and bored. It’s not edited or really anything much beyond just putting these boys in love in situations.
Rated t | tags: love confessions, established relationship, robin being so fed up with them
“Why do we have to be here so early? My dinner hasn’t even digested properly yet,” Robin complained.
And, okay. It was cold and there were a lot of people standing in line outside of the only Walmart carrying the very specific guitar amp Eddie wanted. He’d called every Walmart in Indiana. Multiple times.
But he had to go all out for Christmas this year. Eddie had already said he’d gotten Steve something he’ll never outdo, never even believe. Obviously, that meant Steve had to do better than the Metallica hoodie that was stashed in his closet for the last four months.
“It’ll be worth it. There’s hardly anyone in line ahead of us and if we go straight to the electronics in the back—“
“You mean where everyone is going?” Robin interrupted, folding her arms across her chest.
Steve sighed.
“Yeah, well. I’ll run. It’ll be fine. I doubt anyone else here is interested in a guitar amp.”
As if the words ‘guitar amp’ were magic, someone who looked a lot like Eddie walked up to one of the security officers standing by the front doors.
Robin noticed at the same time as him.
“Is that…?”
“It can’t be. He said he was going fishing with Wayne in the morning and didn’t wanna end up stuck in crowds shopping,” Steve said.
But then the man turned back to the line.
“Steve?” Eddie yelled, eyes going wide when he realized Steve and Robin were there.
“I thought you guys were going to Indy for this!” Eddie smiled as he walked up to them. “I don’t think this store will have what you’re lookin’ for.”
Steve panicked. There’s only one thing Eddie could be here for. He could go anywhere else. He could have stayed in Hawkins for that matter.
“Uh. Just wanted a change of scenery.”
Eddie’s brows furrowed as his smile fell slightly.
“O…kay. Well, I’ve got an amp to buy so I guess we’re all in this together now.”
Steve ignored Robin’s snort and mumbling.
Eddie glanced over at her with a questioning face.
“You two are unbelievable. Truly.”
“What? Why?” Eddie asked, genuinely curious.
His finger traced along the back of Steve’s hand subtly, out of sight of the people behind them in line.
“I.” Steve sighed.
Oh well. Maybe he could just try to get concert tickets the next time Ozzy came to Chicago.
“I was gonna get the amp for you for Christmas. I’ve been planning it for weeks,” Steve said, looking down at the ground.
Eddie was surprisingly quiet.
Absolutely no response.
After a full minute, Steve made eye contact with him.
He had tears building in his eyes and Steve felt himself start to tear up, too.
“You were?” Eddie choked out. “But this is-“
“The only place selling it on sale in the state, yeah.”
Robin was grumbling to herself again, but neither of them were paying attention anymore.
“How did you even know?” Eddie asked after a deep, calming breath.
“You mentioned it last month after a gig. Said you needed a new one anyways and this was top of the line or something. That a lot of the bands you like were switching to this kind for studio recording or whatever because of the…crisp? Sound? And then when no one else was selling it at all, I had to call around the Walmarts to see who had it on sale because $300 is a lot of money, Eds, and I wish I could afford that, but I don’t really have that lying around after paying for school and rent so when this place finally said they’d have it for $100, I made Robin promise to come with me since you’d be busy. And I guess you’re not that busy, but. I needed to do my best to get it.”
Eddie’s smile grew the longer Steve rambled. Robin was already walking away, probably back to Steve’s car, halfway through his speech.
“I love you.”
Steve’s jaw dropped in shock.
They’d been saying it in every way except this way for months, nearly a year, really.
It started as Steve taking care of Eddie when everyone else was busy taking care of the Upside Down.
It kept going as Steve was the one listening to Eddie slowly pick the guitar back up, working through the crying about his fingers not working right or his arm getting tired too quickly.
And then five months ago, Steve kissed him.
Took the plunge and kissed him.
They’d done everything together since. They’d become boyfriends. They came out to their group, together, always together.
And now, in a Walmart parking lot during the busiest shopping day of the year, Eddie was telling Steve he loved him.
“Because of the amp?” Steve asked, hesitant.
Eddie knew what he was really asking.
Because I’m buying you something nice?
“No, sweetheart. Because you listen to me. You know what makes me happy. You’re doing something for me that no one else would have even bothered to try to do.” Eddie laughed. “I have never wanted to kiss you as much as I want to right now.”
“Not even that time I wore a crop top and your boxers?”
Eddie groaned. “That was an outlier. You know how that affected me.”
“Oh, I sure do,” Steve smirked. ���Too bad we’re in public.”
“The doors open in an hour right?” Eddie asked, checking his watch.
“And then you have to take Robin to her parent’s house?”
“Probably should.”
“And then what?” Eddie asked, already knowing exactly what.
“And then I’ll come to the trailer and I’ll walk right to your room and hopefully-“ Steve cut himself off to whisper the next part. “You’ll be naked.”
Eddie’s brows raised. “You want me naked? What about Wayne being home?”
“Wayne’s been sleeping with ear plugs for months now. Can’t hear a thing,” Steve pats Eddie’s blushing cheek. “Said he didn’t need to hear what his nephew got up to.”
“We really should just move my stuff into your new place,” Eddie suggested for the fifth time in as many days.
Steve wasn’t opposed at all.
In fact, he’d planned on asking him to move in once he got more settled.
“Wayne wanted another Christmas with you at home, baby. He won’t say it, but when I brought up you moving in with me, I thought he was actually gonna cry.”
“Yeah, yeah. With this new amp, he’ll change his mind.”
“What makes you think you get this amp before Christmas?” Steve put his hands on his hips.
“Because now I know you’re getting it!”
“Uh-huh. And it’s getting wrapped with your other gift to be opened on Christmas morning. No early gifts on my watch.”
“Steeeeeeve. Please! I could use it at our show next week!”
Steve shook his head. “Your amp works fine. Christmas is only a month from now.”
“You’re getting revenge on me,” Eddie pouted.
“Revenge for what?” Steve snorted.
“You know what.”
Steve did. He felt his cheeks and neck heat up with a blush.
“Fine. Yes. Maybe it’s a little bit revenge.”
Eddie huffed, but didn’t argue further.
“You know I love you, too, right?” Steve whispered.
And Eddie forgot about everything else except the way Steve was looking at him, like he needed Eddie to understand how much he loved him.
“Yeah, sweetheart. I do.”
Three days later, Steve set the amp up in the second bedroom of his rented house.
When Eddie came over, he pushed him into the room and wrapped his arms around his waist.
“You can play it here, but I’m still wrapping it up for Christmas and you aren’t allowed to bring it to shows until after. Okay?”
Eddie was bouncing on his toes and squeezing Steve’s hands so hard he was losing feeling.
“Okay! Thank you, thank you! I love you! Thank you!”
Eddie smacked a kiss on Steve’s cheek before pulling away and running to the amp.
“You need your guitar, honey,” Steve laughed.
“Right!” Eddie ran from the room to grab his guitar from his van.
Steve shook his head, but couldn’t help his fond smile as the front door banged open.
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It’s 1998 and Steve Harrington is waiting in line at a local department store’s Black Friday sale. The new gameboy color was just released a few days earlier - he figures it’ll be the perfect Christmas gift for all of his little dweebie friends.
Eddie Munson is standing directly behind Steve in line. He’s waiting to buy a new guitar amp - been saving his tip money for months and still can’t afford one at full price; he desperately needs any discount he can get.
After about the first hour of waiting, Steve notices Eddie mumbling to himself. Counting, then re-counting the money in his wallet. Steve Harrington has never re-counted money in his life. Never had to worry about not having enough. Especially not like this guy.
They spark up a conversation in the third hour of waiting. Steve compliments Eddie’s industrial bar piercing in his left ear. Eddie compliments Steve’s beaded hemp bracelet. Steve explains that his best friend made it for him after their first summer apart from one another.
By the final hour, they’re both tipsy. Eddie brought a thermos of spiked hot chocolate and offers to share it with Steve. Both of them tell stories about their worst hangovers and reminisce about their most memorable Christmas mornings as kids. They’re both buzzing and giggling at the stupidest shit. Buzzing so much that they don’t even comment on the fact that they’re huddled close together under the wool blanket that Steve supplied. Thighs touching. Arms overlapping.
Steve has finally worked up the courage to loop his pinky finger around Eddie’s when the line begins to move. He’s more than a little disappointed, but they both gather their things and enter the store.
Luckily, Steve is able to snag enough gameboys for his entire crew of nerdlings. As he gets in line, he watches Eddie studying the price on the amp he has been saving for. He re-counts his cash once more, before hanging his head and walking away without his item.
Not wasting a goddamn second, Steve jumps out of line and grabs the amp box off the shelf. Eddie looks back at him, shaking his head.
“Hey man, you don’t have to do that.” Eddie pleads with him.
But Steve has never had to worry about not having enough. Not even once.
“I know I don’t have to.” Steve shrugs, lugging all of his items to the checkout counter. “But it’s the season of giving, or whatever hallmark shit they say.”
Eddie protests a few more times, but Steve is adamant on doing this. It feels right.
As they walk out of the store, Eddie digs in his back pocket, pulling out a wrinkled neon flyer.
“You should come see my band next Friday.” Eddie hands the paper to Steve, then motions to the amp. “You know, to see this beauty in action.”
Steve nods. “Yeah, okay. I’ll be there.”
The sun is starting to rise as they both load up their cars. Steve is about to turn the key in the ignition when he acts on his impulses. He runs up to Eddie, who is closing the trunk of his van.
“Here.” Steve grabs Eddie’s wrist and pulls out a black ink pen. He scribbles his phone number there, only legible enough for Eddie to read it.
“Just in case you want to see me before next Friday.”
Steve walks away before he can see Eddie’s reaction, good or bad. He’s brave, but not that brave.
“Hey, Steve!” Eddie calls back.
“Yeah?” Steve takes a deep breath, then turns around. Can’t avoid his reaction now.
"Thank you for this." Eddie winks. "All of this."
He waves his wrist, the one with Steve's phone number sprawled all over it.
"Anytime." Steve answers back. He heads back to his car full of gifts. Smiling the whole ride home.
Eddie calls Steve that Sunday night and they spend their evening just like they had on Black Friday: talking until the sun comes up.
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mixsethaddams · 2 years
Steddie Christmas headcannon/minific for the upcoming season.
(Also posted on ao3 titled Love The Giver, u/n MixAddams
Eddie never really celebrated beyond a string of lights around the trailer window and buying a new pair of work gloves for Wayne. His uncle had raised him to appreciate the sentiment of the season rather than anything else because of their financial situation. Whenever the little string of multicoloured lights went up, Eddie felt a surge of happiness knowing they’d be soon be spending more time together on Wayne’s nights off watching their favourite festive movies.
Steve had everything he ever wanted for Christmas, but could never really muster any emotional attachment to the holidays. His parents were always too detached for it to ever really mean anything. It was a purely transactional time of year in the Harrington house. Steve would haul decorations out of the attic and dread having to pit on the yearly Happy Family act, for the sake of visitors and Christmas cards.
Their first Christmas together, Steve doesn’t know how to react when, early in December, Eddie asks him if they should plan out the movies they’ll watch in the run up to the 25th or just play it by ear and watch whatever they feel like on a particular day.
“Why would we…plan that?”
“So just decide as we go? Sounds good, but we’ll need a system if we disagree,”
Steve was still lost.
The week before Christmas he was still panicking about buying a gift for Eddie. It had to be perfect, obviously. Years of buying ‘perfect’ gifts that ended up being criticised for being too big or too small or the wrong colour or Why Would I Want Something Like This, Steven? had skewed his confidence. He was driving himself to a near panjc attack with worry that Eddie would sneer at whatever he bought him, despite knowing that realistically he wouldn’t. Probably. Fuck.
“What do you want for Christmas?” Steve blurted out one night.
They were watching a festive movie that had The Muppets in it, Eddie snuggled in under Steve’s arm as the lay on the couch. It was a new one that Eddie hadn’t seen yet and he had a dumb smile on his face the whole time, and kept saying how he couldn’t wait to show Wayne.
Eddie twisted to look up at Steve.
“Just you,” he mumbled, leaning up to plant a kiss on the corner of his worried mouth.
Steve followed him back down for another, proper kiss.
“Seriously though,” he said. “I’m at a loss, man”
Eddie just snuggled deeper under his arm and turned back towards their movie.
“I am serious,” he told him. “I’ve got you, got The Muppets, got a case of beer on the porch, I’m all set.”
“But what if…” Steve bit his lip. “What if I get you something and you hate it?”
Eddie paused the movie and looked back to Steve.
“Is this really worrying you?” asked Eddie.
Steve nodded.
“So don’t buy anything,” said Eddie with a shrug. “Problem solved. It’s not like I need anything,”
“I can’t get you *nothing*,” snorted Steve.
Eddie’s brow furrowed as he thought.
“Remember I said I could do with a new cable for my amp?” he said simply. “That. You can buy that.”
“And what else?” asked Steve, his mind already firing off to all the extras he could buy. A new pedal. A whole new amp. Another guitar.
Eddie kissed him again.
“Just you,” he repeated. “All I need is you,”
Steve tried to protest again but Eddie cut him off.
“Stop, come on, listen to me,” he said, stroking Steve’s cheek. “I don’t need gifts. I need this, what we’re doing now. Just spending time together,”
Steve relented.
“Will you write down the type of cable you need?” he squeaked. “So I don’t mess it up?”
Eddie nodded and told Steve to shush now so they could watch the movie.
Christmas morning came and they exchanged gifts in bed before heading to Wayne’s place. Steve nervously handed over a small package wrapped as nicely as he could, containing the cable that Eddie said he had needed. He had sworn a promise to buy ONLY they cable and his guts were twisting at the thoughts of not having several follow ups.
Eddie tore the corner and pulled the cable out, before smiling at Steve and telling him how perfect it was.
“Now open yours,” said Eddie, waving a hand towards the haphazardly wrapped box on Steve’s knees.
It was a set of three blank photo albums.
“You said you wanted to start getting all your pictures together,” Eddie told him.
Steve looked down at the albums. He had mentioned it in passing, months ago, that he was afraid that the pictures of them and the kids would get damaged just sitting around, and he should started putting them in a collection. There was a page at the start of each album for the date range of the contents, and even a section to name the people who might appear in it.
Steve started to cry.
“Oh god,” said Eddie, worried. He hadn’t expected this reaction.
“This is so thoughtful,” Steve sobbed out.
Thoughtful gifts were never something he had any experience with. It was all about the cost when he was growing up. It was only a good gift if it cost too much money and even that wasn’t a guarantee that it would be well-received. Eddie bundled him up into a hug and held him tight as he spluttered out a million thank you’s and held the albums to his chest.
When they arrived at the trailer that afternoon, Wayne greeted them both warmly and pushed a small gift bag into Steve’s hands. Steve panicked. He had nothing for Wayne.
“This is from both of us, by the way,” he heard Eddie say.
Steve looked up to see Wayne holding a brand new coat, the type with fleece-lining and a large collar.
“You boys are too good to me, this is perfect,” said Wayne, who had told them during the summer that his existing coat probably only had one good winter left in it.
Eddie grinned as his uncle kissed his forehead.
Steve peered into the gift bag that he was holding and his stomach flipped. Socks and boxers. He looked up and seen Eddie celebrating over receiving the same things.
Something slid into place in Steve’s brain.
Eddie told him he needed the cable for his amp. Wayne had told them about his coat. He had told Wayne (jokingly, after having some drinks together one night) that Eddie was stealing all his good underwear. And he had mentioned wanting to get started on photo albums.
Gifts in this family weren’t about one-upping each other. They were about paying attention. Listening to the people around you and assessing their needs. Their was no need to buy anything flashy that would sit in a corner gathering dust, not when you could buy something practical that would get used every single day.
Steve stood clutching his little bag and fighting off tears. Wayne went to hang his new coat in his closet and Eddie winked at Steve.
“Happy?” asked Eddie.
Steve smiled.
“More than ever,” he said.
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notablog42 · 2 years
Stranger Things College AU HC 24
Everyone decorates Steve and Dustin’s place for Christmas the day after Halloween. Nancy and Max have some small decorations in their apartment and Chrissy and Robin have a tiny tree that lives in the corner of their living room, but Steve and Dustin’s is the best decorated.
They spend hours putting up a ridiculous amount of tinsel and garland and nutcracker statues. They have too many ornaments for the tree, but every year they get more ornaments. Eddie insists on putting mistletoe in as many places as he can and Nancy drags Robin under each and every one of them. Chrissy and Dustin make a gingerbread house together every year. Nancy and Chrissy both love Christmas shopping and will get new decorations every year, even though they're running out of space to put them all up.
Max and Steve are the best gift givers and Nancy and Dustin are the best gift wrappers. Robin has been prohibited from trying to wrap things.
Eddie has a playlist of everyone’s favorite Christmas songs that is constantly playing in the background. Randomly throughout the season he'll set up his amp and guitar and will play his own metal arrangements of his friends' favorite carols. 
Robin buys everyone matching Christmas shirts every year. At one point (many years in the future) they all decide for the entire month of December that they're going to wear nothing but the cheesy matching t shirts Robin has bought them over the years (she's not crying, her eyes are just sweating).
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dameronology · 2 years
Hey! Could you please do an Eddie Munson X reader where Jason tries to hit on the reader and ask her on a date. She doesn’t want to and keeps saying that she has a boyfriend (Eddie) but he says “he’s not here now.” Maybe he gets annoyed and grabs your wrist or something but Eddie turns up and protects you from him
overprotective eddie fuck yeah (even tho this situation it's a v normal reaction so...regular protective eddie fuck yeah!)
you don't see jason for like a year after you graduate. mostly because you have no reason to because he's just genuinely just an all around asshole but also because he went off to some fancy ass university on a sports scholarship in illinois
you cross paths for the first time again over a year after you've all graduated; it's christmas time and he's home for the holidays
you're staying with eddie in the trailer; his uncle's away seeing family & all of your annoying relatives are over. it's just you and him and it's pure fucking bliss
that is until he accidentally blows the power w his guitar amp and you're left in the fucking cold
so he sends you packing down to goodwill one tuesday evening with 20 bucks in hand to buy whatever blankets you can find
eddie waits in the car because "he doesn't do well in the cold"
he's a terrible liar
anyways - you're crossing the street from his van when jason spots you. he's loitering outside family video; he looks the same as ever, just with slightly longer hair and a half-arsed attempt at a beard
he calls your name and it takes you a second to realise who it is. you give him a small smile and wave but the way he moves towards you implies he's about to make small talk
it's fine for the first two minutes. jason asks about work, your mum, the usual bullshit. it's not until he makes the suggestion of meeting for dinner the next day that you realise where the conversation is going
you know what he's getting at - according to his friends around hawkins, he has very little success with women
"my dad is friends with the owner of that new italian place down the street. we can get a few drinks and-"
"- i still have a boyfriend, jason. thanks for the offer though."
that's what jason's face falls: he had a crush on you for most of high school and it killed you a little bit inside when you started dating eddie in senior year
"c'mon, take a break from the trailer park trash-"
(that was when he took your wrist in his hand. hell fucking nO)
"- and spend the night with a proper guy. i'll treat you right."
it's at that point that you hear the door to the van slam and within seconds, a denim jacket and mass of curly hair is making its way across the road
"hey, man - didn't you hear them? back the hell off!"
eddie isn't overprotective by nature; he's chill as fuck 99% of the time but jason carver is the exception to the rule
he has an arm around your waist in seconds, chest puffed out as he pushes you behind him a little in an attempt to shield you from what he has deemed to be the worst man alive
"calm down, munson. i was just putting the offer out there"
and honestly it sort of boils eddie's blood a bit?? because he cares very little about how successful his classmates were, even less about what they think about him, but he has constantly thought about the possibility you might one day wake up and realise you can do better than a washed up musician
a guy like jason for example, who for all of his shortcomings, has a rich family, goes to a great university and will probably be in the nfl one day or some shit
but it's bullshit!! btw. because you literally would never even give another person a single thought. eddie is your whole life.
"you should go"
and surprisingly, jason does. he admits defeat, holds his hand up in defense and begins his walk home
which is when you press a kiss to eddie's lips and turn around to face your new enemy
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samuaint · 2 years
Steddie Headcannons
Eddie's love language is Acts of Service, Steve's is physical touch. This is an issue at first because Eddie keeps refusing to sit still because he is trying to do things for Steve until he figures out that he will be providing for him by sitting the fuck down and giving him cuddles.
Eddie was not cared for enough as a child, as such he is a soft service dom because he wants to give people care he never got. Steve is neglected and is a sub who seeks out the care and attention he needs.
Steve thinks DnD is nerdy and dumb, but adores watching how Eddie interacts with the kids™ and gets engrossed by how amazing of a story teller he is so he goes to every session and pretends to read a magazine while he is really watching Eddie. The kids ™ know exactly what is up and get Steve a Hellfire Tshirt as a gift. He acts nonchalant about it but he loves it and wears it to bed most nights.
Eddie does not mind that Steve has so much more money than him, but does not like him spending it on him. So whenever there is a reason for Steve to get Eddie a gift he always makes it something expensive, but also something he knows Eddie needs so he can't argue. For his birthday, new guitar strings and amps for the band. For Christmas a new leather jacket he has been eyeing every time they take the kids to the mall.
Eleven, Robin, and Eddie all have a special connection and understand each other the best because they are all neurodivergent. Eddie and Robin buy El her first set of ear plugs and explain to her where they get the soft feeling t-shirts they always wear.
When they go to Rocky Horror in person no one tells Steve and Nancy not to admit it is there first time and Robin and Eddie have a blast watching them be initiated in on stage.
Steve finds a red bandana like Eddie's black one and puts it in his back pocket because he thinks it will be cool. Eddie loses it when he sees it and decides to educate him, and this also leads to a fun limits and planning discussion for them.
Steve loves praise and Eddie loves to give it. But Eddies cheeky grin when he is lightly teasing Steve about anything makes him weak at the knees.
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avshop-blog · 7 years
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The change can be legislative, laws do not assign a fiduciary duty on mortgage brokers to act in best interests of their customers. Some mortgage consultants, processors and executives of to help. They have the ability to shop numerous lenders at once in the mortgage market because they provide a unique service that large banks and credit unions can’t imitate. They usually work with dozens or even hundreds of both options before proceeding. Mortgage Brokers Can Shop Your Rate for You After all the paperwork is taken care of, the mortgage Accredited Mortgage Professional AMP designation - the national designation for professionals in Canada’s mortgage industry. So asks the broker for multiple quotes is currently not considered regulated business; by 2016, such borrowers will be considered consumers. Mortgage brokers can often find a lender who will make loans and must comply with many rules to conduct business.  For example, if a credit provider doesn't pay commissions, the broker to find other rates that are available. But the big banks were the ones that created the loan programs and up front commission that is on average 0.66% of the loan amount and an ongoing trail commission that is on average 0.165% of the loan amount per annum paid monthly. The work undertaken by the broker will depend on the result in different Comparison Rates.
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Tarneit lies within the City of Wyndham. "KelemenCommercialis pleased to advise that it acted for the Central Equity Group for the off-market acquisition of a 184-hectare site in Tarneit," said managing Mortgage broker Oak Laurel Yarraville, 4 Beverley St, Yarraville VIC 3013 directorRudyKelemen. Related Quotes View all announcements Mr Kelemen said planning waswell advanced with Central Equity expecting to release the project towards the middle of this year, with about 100 lots in the first stage. At around, $1 million a hectare the deal highlightsthe premium developers are willing to pay for well-locatedlarge Melbourne land parcels zoned for residential development. Prior to the global financial crisis, land in the west was available at about $250,000 a hectare. In September last year, Chinese developer New Sky snapped up a 64-hectare housing project in Tarneit with approval for 800 lots for about $60 million. Privately-owned Central Equity, founded 30 years ago by Eddie Kutner, John Bourke and Dennis Wilson, is one of Melbourne's biggest residential developers, with projects spanning high-rise CBD towers and masterplanned land estates onthe city fringe. The acquisition of the Tarneit site will substantially restock Central Equity's land business, which is selling lots at estates inPoint Cook,Truganina and Mernda. Central Equity hasfour high-rise towers under construction in the Melbourne CBD and in Southbank. The company debuted onIBISWorld's 2016 list of Top 1000 companies with $599 million in revenue and record after tax profits of $131 million . Last year, Central Equity appointedJP Morgan to manage either an outright trade sale or partial buy-out ofCentralEquity."This business has taken 30 years to build and it's very profitable," Mr Kutner told the Financial Review. Melbourne's western growth corridor of Wyndham is one of its fastest growing with Tarneit, which has good public transport infrastructure, a sought after location.
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