#they could be scolded by rhysie boi
famouscyclenerd · 2 months
"Elain and Azriel will have a forbidden romance"
Who will they hide their romance from?
"Their closest friends and family"
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Ya'll do realize that what set up the "forbidden romance" was the bonus chapter, right? The one that doesn't matter since cAsUaL rEaDeRs haven't read it..🤪
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Where’s the Baby?
So I finally posted a part 2 to Coming Home. I have linked it, if you missed it. Though you probably did as I posted it a while ago.
I might work on more parts to this if you like it or if there’s something you’d like to see.☺️
Stepping through the door to the townhouse brought Azriel a different sense of comfort and happiness than walking through the door of his and Elain’s cottage, despite that though, he still had to pay certain people a lesson in the training room. He had Luka in his arms as they rounded the corner to the sitting room. It was difficult to let his baby go ever since he’d returned home. Feyre and Rhys, were snuggled together on the sofa listening to whatever nonsense Cassian was spouting from where he was perched on the arm of Nesta’s chair while she read, unbothered by her mate’s bullshit. Mor was drinking a glass of wine, no surprise there, on the floor as she annoyed Amren, who was trying to put together yet another puzzle.
Mor squealed when she saw them in the doorway, even though Azriel knew she had scented them the minute they got within a few feet of the house, and was instantly making a grabby motion for Luka. He reluctantly handed him over after placing a quick kiss to the boy’s cheek, listening to his delighted giggles. Turning to his High Lord and Lady he gave a small nod and moved to stand behind them.
Cassian was clearly ecstatic to have him home, grinning from ear to ear as he asked “Care for a drink, dear brother. Rhysie just got a new batch in and I can vouch that it tastes wonderful.”
Nesta, without taking her eyes off of her book, reached over to pat Cass’ thigh. “That my love, is because you’ve drunk a whole bottle every night since he bought it. If you do so again tonight, you’ll be sleeping outside.”
His brother quickly shut his mouth, pouting as he stared wistfully at his nearly empty glass of liquor. Azriel couldn’t help the roll of his eyes.
“I’ll do a taster in a moment Cass, but first, there’s just one thing I need to do.” As soon as the last word left his mouth he banged the High Lord and Lady’s head together.
“Azriel!” his wife shouted. She’d gone slightly red in the cheeks and was looking at him sternly. He would deal with that scolding later, she was beautiful when she was angry and could always be soothed by his clever hands and tongue, before she was begging for something bigger.
Cassian was howling with laughter and nearly fell off of the chair, Mor had an astonished look on her face, Amren was smirking and Nesta had finally put down her book. It was difficult for Nes to be interested in much, so he felt quite proud in grabbing her attention. Meanwhile there were two sets of eyes glaring up at him.
Rhys was the first to recover, healing Feyre before himself as he said, “What the fuck was that for Az?”
“That was for sending me away on a ridiculously long mission and making me miss my son’s first steps.” His High Lord turned sheepish and guilty then, as if he had known already what he had caused and had most likely been punishing himself since. “As for you,” he pointed an accusing finger at Feyre “you know exactly what you did.” He said it with a blush, trying to push away the thoughts of how sinful Elain had looked in those leggings.
The High Lady of the Night Court just gave him a coy smile, and turned back to watch as her nephew pulled on Auntie Mor’s hair.
“You both owe me a few hours in the training room as payment, no holds barred.” He wouldn’t ever use even half of his full power against his family, but he felt some kind of sick satisfaction to watch as they gulped. He turned away from them then and began walking back over to his wife, but just before he got to her side, there was a quiet beat of tiny wings and Azriel turned in time to see his son disappear into shadows.
It took a few seconds to register what had happened but then Elain let out a small sob, calling out to Luka, and kicking everyone into action. Feyre began winnowing through each room of the townhouse, Rhys reached out with a tendril of power searching for any little thing and Az had stepped into his own shadows to search, while the rest searched all of the little nooks and crannies. When he stepped back out, everyone was back in the same room and he pulled Elain into his chest as Mor gravely shook her head at him.
“His shadows must be different to mine, I can’t see him anywhere.” Elain sobbed harder at that and so he just squeezed her tighter.
Rhys held a pained look on his face as the girls gathered their coats, planning on checking the gardens. “I can scent him but there’s no specific place, and I can hear muddled thoughts that don’t make any sense at all. It’s almost like he’s masking himself.”
Nesta spoke to her sister now, but he wasn’t totally sure his wife was paying any attention. “You’ve taken him to the gardens since he was born El, he might have gone somewhere he knew best and felt most comfortable. We’ll find him.”
Just before anyone could make it even three steps to the door, there was snap in the air and there were vague shadows gathering before Cassian was yelling out in pain. They all turned to the commander abruptly, stunned silently at what they saw. Luka was now sat atop his brother’s shoulders, pulling on fistfuls of long dark locks as he squealed “go’choo ass!” followed by a fit of giggles as Cassian held onto his chubby little legs. Elain let out a relieved breath, much like the rest of them, and proceed to translate baby talk at their confused faces.
“He says ‘got you, Cass!’ I think someone has been in the room too much while you boys have been discussing sneak attacks and strategy.”
Cassian finally mastered his astonishment at being bested by a child and pulled his nephew down from his shoulders and held the boy up in front of him. “Got me huh? That was quite a clever trick, little one, so much like your daddy.” And then he threw him up in the air, before taking him off to the kitchen, finding him his favourite soft biscuits no doubt. Cassian missed the awed look Nesta gave him as he left.
Azriel turned to Elain as the rest soon followed the sound of blabbering, baby and soldier alike, and cupped her face in his palms.
“Thank you my love, for blessing me with such a mischievous little boy. There’s never a dull moment with you, dearest.”
If he’d been drinking during her next words, he surely would have choked.
“I want another one.” She said it as if she’d been thinking on it for a while, and with a hint of nervousness, like she was scared he would say no.
“Are you sure? Luka is only just nearing a year old Ellie.”
“But girls are much easier. A sister may calm him down, and even give him a sense of responsibility as he grows older.” His wife smirked slyly at him before continuing, “Besides Feyre said they’d watch him tonight, to give us some alone time since you were gone so long.”
He leaned in and nipped at the point of her ear and whispered, “Naughty little temptress.”
He felt the shivers wrack through her body as he grabbed her hips and winnowed them home faster than he ever thought he had.
Want more parts of there’s something you wan to see? Just let me know and I’ll do my best to get them out:))
ags: @starlitfangirl @starsauroras @drunken-starz @myfriendscallmeraba  @thesirenwashere @empress-sei @elrielllll  @stars-falling @cirieael @verifiefangirl  @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn @fancyclodpaintercookie @acourtofterrasenandvelaris @silver-flames @queen-of-glass @bamchickawowow @empress-ofbloodshed @sleeping-and-books @b00kworm @kvi-arts @rhysandhlcor @tswaney17 @awkward-avocado-s @judexcardanxgreenbriar @junkiejosten10 @mu-si-ca-l @agem10 @harmonyindark245 @slightly-sane-fangirl @tanaquilpriscilla  @bryaxisthefaceofnightmares
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acourtofredqueens · 6 years
The Couple of Stars and Shadows Chapter 1
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I’m so sorry for the wait but here it is! The first chapter!
Tags: @runesandfaes @foxboylucien @havilliardandgalathynius @paperbacktrash
Aria, daughter to the High Lord of the Night Court, was profoundly glad for the icy, cold wind that tore its way through her clothes, that ripped her hair out of the braid she had hastily plaited that morning. Glad that she was free to feel the sunlight on her face after spending months buried beneath the mountain. The place her father held Court. 
She had been looking forward to this trip for months - ever since the High Lord had deemed it a suitable time to visit his wife and son, who had made their home in the Illyrian mountains, to see how his training was progressing. 
She had been waiting months to visit her brother. Such a small pinch of time for the fae but for someone so early in her immortal life, it felt like a lifetime. 
No matter who Aria’s father was, Rhys had always been her rock. Sometimes a pain in her ass, but he had always been there for her - except for the past three years when their mother had taken him to live up in the mountains to learn the traditions of her people. Aria rarely saw either of them. She never blamed her mother, not once but… it hurt she couldn’t just winnow to her brother’s room and gossip about boring court intrigue or play games during long, sufferable meetings to pass the time - that she was stuck under a mountain isolated from the world. 
When the time had come three years ago, when they had packed their bags, the High Lord requested Aria stay in the Court of Nightmares (the name her and Rhys liked to call their father’s court) and learn the basics of typical court life while her brother trained to be a warrior. So that was where she had been stuck. Alone. For three years.
Of course there had been times Aria had skilfully sneaked out and visited the Illyrian camp home to her family but there was never enough time to stay long. Never enough time to do the things she wanted. 
But, this time was different. The High Lord was coming too. 
Aria had chosen to fly alone rather than winnow with her father, so she could enjoy the wind on her face as she used the wings she utterly adored. She loved her blue-streaked wings more than anything other than her family; she could fly all day if she was allowed. 
Pushing away the memories, Aria could see the snow-covered camp in the distance. The tents and buildings like tiny ants on the hillside that shone as the sun caught the glistening snow. Flapping her wings hard, Aria sped up not wanting to miss a second with her brother and mother. Soon. She would see her family soon… 
Smoothly landing outside the house, Aria combed through her knotted hair as she walked up to the wooden door. It took all of one knock before the door was thrown open and her mother enveloped her in a hug so hard she could barely breath. 
“I missed you so much” Aria managed to get out as she felt tears swim in her eyes. Her mother was the kindest female she knew. She never once complained about her life no matter how much sorrow she felt. She even took in two other Illyrian boys, who Aria had yet to met as they were always away training when she did manage to visit, as her own children.
“And I you, darling,” her mother replied, finally pulling away to shut the front door. “Where is the High Lord, will he be joining us?” Aria always wondered what was so special about mates when her parents clearly were not meant for each other – her mother was gentle while her father was a man of steel. The lies spun that souls were bonded, made for each other were so beyond her, she doubted she would ever find love like that. 
“He’s gone straight to the training rings, I doubt he will be finished any time soon.” With the threat of war looming overhead, the High Lord had made it his mission to rekindle the tenuous relationship the Court had with the Illyrians. In case they did indeed need help should a war arise. The daughter of the Night Court had never been so worried when she first heard her father speak the concerns out loud, knowing Rhys would be sent to fight. 
No, she didn’t want to think about that. Not now.
Aria caught the scent of herbs and spices coming from the kitchen and smiled. Her mother also made the best food. 
“Come, help me cook dinner,” her mother said as she led her into the kitchen which was empty except from the few cooking pots that held various dishes. Her brother was nowhere in sight. Catching her daughter sigh, her mother supplied “He will be home soon, he’s still training with his brothers.” Aria just picked up a knife and started to chop the vegetables lined on the counter.
“I miss him,” 
“I know you do,” was the only response from her mother. Most people knew how close the siblings were especially as both of their powers exceeded any known limit. They understood each other more than anyone else could.
Aria had just finished chopping the vegetables and loading them into the pan when she heard the door open.  Aria sprinted out of the room not giving her brother a chance to shut the door as she leapt into Rhys’ arms, hugging him tight. 
“You came,” Rhys said pulling away, admiring Aria up and down.
“Of course, where else would I be?” replied Aria, returning the look by surveying her brother up and down; the hard, toned muscle hid beneath Illyrian leathers. 
It was only just then she realised the other large body next to her in the hallway. A male roughly the same age as Rhys with shoulder length hair and hazel eyes, whom she instantly liked, smirked as Rhys said, “I don’t think you’ve ever met. Aria meet Cassian, the brute that finds amusement in stealing my food and challenging me to a fight the same day”. Cassian only laughed and clapped Rhys on the back, “Aw is little Rhysie upset he didn’t get to eat his cut up, no crust sandwich?” with which her brother seemed very inclined to argue but Cassian merely nudged him saying, “Oh you are too easy to wind up brother”. 
“Will you two stop acting like 5 year olds and come here!” came from the kitchen where their mother was still cooking. The three of them wisely obeyed and waltzed into the kitchen; Rhys joining Aria as she sat at the table while Cassian grabbed an apple and jumped up to sit on the counter. Aria couldn’t hold back her laugh as her mother not so sternly scolded Cassian for eating before dinner.
“Wait until Azriel is here,” her mother reminded the already full-mouthed Illyrian, not taking her eyes off the simmering pots, “And don’t think I can’t see you Rhys eating the dessert”. Rhys’ hand paused just as he was about to swipe another chocolate decoration from the cake. His face, to Aria’s delight, turning a shade of scarlet as he mumbled a quick apology. 
Cassian, on the other hand, just whined and took another bite of apple, “But Az will take forever, the High Lord cornered him as soon as we began to leave and we’re growing boys… we need food!” 
Aria smiled and stood, beginning to lay the table. Reaching her mother’s side to grab the glasses, she covered her mouth and fake whispered, “Do they always act like such babies?”. Rhys and Cassian’s combined squawk of horror was drowned out by the two females’ soft giggling. 
Setting the table, making sure to leave enough room for the large wings everyone had, Aria began to get more nervous. It was as if she had an inner feeling this meeting was going to be important. As if her racing heart was one thud away from being ripped out her chest as it was called to someone. She would ring her hands, busy herself straightening cutlery, even going so far as to play the small piano in the dining room. 
Why was meeting Azriel so different to meeting Cassian?
Ten minutes later, the missing brother still hadn’t arrived and Aria couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor Illyrian stuck with her father talking war no doubt.  The only thing she knew was that Azriel was the famed shadowsinger that her father couldn’t wait to begin giving orders to. She was painfully aware that should a war occur he would be stationed close to the High Lord, as his spymaster. 
Halfway through playing an old Illyrian lullaby the front door opened and a deep melodic voice called from the hall. “Rhys the High Lord wants to speak with you. Something about-” The voice cut off as the young male rounded the corner and stopped, looking directly at Aria. Hazel eyes met violet. Aria didn’t realise she was standing frozen by the piano and almost jumped when she saw her darkness swirling around her tinted with bright starts. 
Shadows she realised. 
It wasn’t her darkness. It was his shadows – mixing with her stars. 
In that moment it felt like she couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. In that moment there was no one else in the room apart from the two of them as they met each other’s gaze. 
In that moment the daughter born of the Night Court’s fate changed.  
Aria blinked, coming out of her trance, snapping her magic back into herself. A slight blush tinted her cheeks. She didn’t know what happened, but she took a step towards Azriel who also seemed to be blinking, coming back to reality. She was only vaguely aware of Rhys and Cassian sharing a devilish look in the corner, but she didn’t care, not as she said, “You must be Azriel?”
After a few awkward introductions that just proved Azriel’s shyness, that Aria never really wanted to talk about again but knew she would be subject to Rhys and Cassian’s amusement for eternity, dinner was served. Mor, who was Aria’s only friend in the Court of Nightmares, had surprised Aria’s Mother by arriving just as the family sat down to eat. She had apologised if she was interrupting but her Mother only scoffed and dished some dinner on to a plate and told her to sit down; she was one of the family after all.  
“You should have seen the High Lord’s face when Aria refused to travel with the snobby nosed court, saying she would rather fly alone… it was priceless!” Mor exclaimed to the group. Aria tried not to laugh around her full mouth of seasoned chicken (her Mother’s cooking really was the best) as Rhys chuckled, “Oh you do like to wind up our Father, don’t you?” 
“You would do the same thing if you were stuck in the dark with those miserable old men all day everyday”. Mor nodded her agreement but the faint smile that had previously adorned Azriel’s face vanished as something unreadable flashed in his hazel eyes at the mention of the dark. 
What was that about? 
He quickly recovered, politely taking more chicken and asked Aria, “You like to fly?”
“Yes, I don’t get to do it often, we”, Aria gestured to Mor and herself, “don’t go out of the city much but when we do, it’s my favourite thing to do” Azriel glanced at her cobalt streaked wings, nodding in approval. 
Rhys, meanwhile looked seriously at her, “Ria, you need to see the sun more, you look so pale stuck under that mountain. We can use training as an excuse for you to visit more often. You’ll need it if a war comes,” 
Indeed her golden skin was taking a pale complexion. Aria tried but failed to hide the quiver in her voice as she dared ask, “Do you think a war will start?” The three brothers shared a look which cemented what Aria already knew.
War was coming.
“Our relations are questionable at best with the humans so with the added threat of Hybern who knows what could happen,” Everyone looked down and avoided eye contact, no doubt thinking about the costs war could bring. Lives that could be lost. Aria couldn’t even think about the chance that Rhys might die… or the two Illyrians sat next to him no matter how little she knew of them. Mor took a sip of drink and Aria sensed she was thinking about her own family in these times.
“Come let’s not let this ruin our night,” Aria’s mother said as she squeezed both the young girls’ hands. Dinner resumed after that with everyone tucking into the food and chatting about small things like how the boys’ training was going. The dessert was faultless. The cake lasted less than a few minutes as the five younger fae sighed at the delightful chocolate filling. 
When everyone was truly stuffed, Aria not sure if she could move, Cassian thanked their mother for a gorgeous meal. The table was cleared quickly with each person helping and the family retired to the living room for drinks apart from Aria who sat down at the piano again. She loved playing, she could get absorbed in the music and forget about all the worry in the world; she didn’t have to stress about her court, the war, anything, while she delicately touched the chords that composed a story.  The notes fell from her fingers as if they were born for that purpose as she played her favourite Illyrian lullaby that despite not being full Illyrian, always reminded her of home. 
She forgot anyone else was in the house as the music flowed out of her.
She succumbed to the place she went when she played. 
The only noise she could hear was the melody escaping from the piano in front of her. 
She finally lost herself in the song as - 
“You play that excellently,” Azriel observed as he came to stand behind her stool. Aria physically jumped when she heard his voice and missed a note as her hand slipped, leaving an awful clanging noise to fill the room. “Sorry to interrupt, again,” the shadowsinger added shakily as he brushed his hair back from his face. A nervous habit he seemed to have that Aria couldn’t get enough of. 
She couldn’t have already developed a crush on one of Rhys’ brothers, could she? 
“It’s okay, thank you though,” Aria said as she slid along the bench leaving enough room for Azriel to sit next to her. 
“How did you learn that?” Azriel asked, “My mother used to sing that to me when I was little.” Up close, she could see his eyes were glassy, his eyes revealing that it was a sensitive topic.
“My mother taught me when I was a youngling and I fell in love, I guess I’ve just never forgotten. It reminds me of home for some reason.” Aria looked through her long eye lashes as he met her eyes. They were so close. So close that she could smell his mist and cedar scent which wrapped around him in his shadows. She breathed it in happily. As her emotions went haywire in the presence of the shadowsinger, she accidently let loose on her magic and the night reached out to merge with the shadows once more.
“I would like to hear you play again sometime,” Azriel sighed. No words would leave Aria’s mouth so instead of embarrassing herself appearing like a gobsmacked fish she nodded her acceptance which seemed enough for Azriel as he smiled and looked away from her.  Not for the first time that night did Aria feel a blush rise on her cheeks due to the shadowsinger who was currently pressed up against her. 
A comfortable silence followed until they heard an “ow!” come from the doorway where Rhys and Cassian heads peered around the corner as they not so inconspicuously spied on the couple.  Aria snapped her darkness back into the well of magic she contained and pulled away from Azriel. Azriel just rolled his eyes and said dryly, “No wonder you two never got enlisted for spy duties.”
“No that’s especially for you, little brother,” Rhys remarked as he leaned against the doorway rubbing his head. Aria’s fae ears perked up at that. 
Cassian came over and ruffled Azriel’s hair which caused the Illyrian to glare up at his brother as he tried to smooth the disturbed hair as Rhys added, “Azriel is our baby brother, he’s a year older than you”
Wait- he was eighteen? 
Aria looked at his beautifully elegant face and before she could attempt to make a joke there was a loud bang as the front door opened. Aria quickly followed her brother and Cassian and Azriel out of the dining room and saw the High Lord stood in the hall with Mor and their Mother. 
“Father,” Rhys greeted their Father, “Did you accomplish what you came for?” 
The High Lord, radiating power, replied “The Illyrian camp lords are as difficult as ever, but we eventually agreed on an alliance in case of a war.” He focused his attention on Azriel, “I will need to use your skill set soon.”
Aria gulped and shot a look at Cassian who seemed to be eyeing up the High Lord as Azriel turned stiff and said, “Yes Sir, whenever you want me.” It couldn’t be real. It shouldn’t be real. An alliance between the high fae and the Illyrians surely meant the Illyrians in training would be called to fight. 
Aria wouldn’t stand for it. 
“Now that is settled, I’m sorry we can’t stay long. We must get back home,” Home. Aria was filled with disgust. That mountain was not her home. Her home was with her family – here on the mountains, where the wind and shadows called her name. Her Father’s next words made tears collect in her eyes. 
“Aria let’s go... You too Morrigan.”
No. No. No. No. 
She had only been here for a few hours. She couldn’t leave. She had only laughed with her brother for hours. She had only just met two people who so clearly would change her life. But, to spare Rhys pleading or her Mother getting involved, Aria grabbed hold of Rhys in a tight hug. Rhys gripped her waist and whispered into her hair, “I’ll see you soon.” Their dark power embraced in it’s entrancing way as if they were connected by the same star. 
In the corner of her eye she saw Mor saying goodbye to everyone. Having already visited the camps, she had met Cassian and Azriel before so gave them a quick hug telling them she would be back training soon enough, so they better watch out. Aria’s mother’s hug was in competition with Rhys’ solid embrace and when she pulled away, her mother ran her hand through Aria’s hair and gave her a tenderly kiss on the cheek. 
It was Aria’s turn to swap with Mor as she approached the two illyrians who seemed as much as her brothers as Rhys’. Aria wasn’t even sick of hugging when Cassian surprised her by pulling her in; she came up to his chin he was so tall. “It was good meeting you finally,”
“Likewise,” he huffed heartily as he rustled her hair too.
Then she turned to Azriel who was waiting in the shadows as if he belonged there. She nervously curled her hair behind her eye. Why did she not want to leave him most of all? It suddenly hit her that if a war did occur she may never see any of them again. Apparently, Azriel could sense her panic and took her hand, “You’ll have to come back so you can play for me again,” he tried to joke. Aria nodded and folded herself in his arms. She marvelled at how perfectly they fitted together. 
After a slight cough from her father, she released herself from their joint position and joined the High Lord by the door with Mor to be winnowed out. She looked back once more to see her family as the world turned to dust around her, as she returned to the Court of Nightmares. 
And with that, the bright star- filled daughter of the Night Court wondered if she would ever see the quiet boy of shadows again.
I hope you enjoyed it!
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