#uncle cass gives me feels
incorrectbatfam · 3 months
Bruce goes to meet the other fathers? Have a barbecue with Clark, Oliver, Berry and talk about their kids?
"Damian told me that I was cool, it's been a while since one of my kids told me that" or "Mia is doing so well at school these days"
those moments when they are all (old men) father proud of the mess the kids are?
The dads: *lounging on beach chairs*
Clark: It's nice to finally get a day off. I think Jon needed it more than me. He's still reeling from growing up and suddenly turning back into a kid again.
Ollie: How'd that happen, anyway?
Duke, walking by: That's just this blog.
Clark: What?
Duke: Nothing. Hey, B, can we use the jacuzzi?
Bruce: Sure, go ahead.
Duke: *gives Emiko a thumbs up*
Emiko: *drains the jacuzzi*
Harper and Cullen: *start cleaning the pipes*
Ollie: I know how you feel, Clark. Roy's the happiest I've seen him with Lian back but it's still a big change. We're working on getting her enrolled in school this fall so she can catch up on what she's missed.
Roy: *sprays the tub with disinfectant*
Jason: *dries it with a leaf blower*
Hal: Speaking of changes, Jaime graduated with honors. I know he's not my kid but I can't help but feel like a proud uncle. Kyle got a new concept artist job, by the way, and I think he really likes it.
Jaime: *turns the jacuzzi back on*
Kyle: *sets up folding tables*
Barry, chuckling: Bart tried to enter a marathon the other day.
Clark: Kon wanted to pay money to go skydiving. I don't get it.
Aquaman: I remember when Kaldur joined an amateur scuba class at that age. Perhaps it's an attempt to feel more human.
Bruce: It's easy for us to forget sometimes too.
Kon, carrying a giant pot: Boiling hot soup, coming through!
Kon: *pours it into the jacuzzi*
Cass: *adds spices*
Tim, with a clipboard: One down, eleven more to go. Bart, stop eating the ingredients.
Bart: It's just tofu.
Tim: That's for Damian. What's he gonna do now, starve?
Bruce: Dick's been coming home more often lately. I can tell Alfred's really happy when he sees us all together.
Dick: *drapes tablecloths over the tables*
Wally: *sets up plates*
Steve, walking in: Mind if I join? Diana's running a little late so she sent me and the girls ahead.
Clark: Of course, feel free.
Donna, holding a basket: Where do these vegetables go?
Barbara: I'll take them. Could one of you get some spoons from the kitchen?
Cassie: On it.
Steve: So where are all the ladies?
Bruce: They're in the living room. Selina's showing off her latest... um... collection. Alfred has tea in the kitchen if you want some.
Steve: Don't mind if I do.
Yara: Should I put the meat in now?
Jon: One sec.
Jon: *scoops some soup aside*
Jon: You're good now. I just needed a vegetarian portion for Dami.
Ollie: Honestly, I'm surprised everyone's doing fairly well given the industry we're in.
Steph, leading a crowd into the yard: And here's where our main event will be.
Bette: *checking names off a guest list*
Bette: That's almost everyone. Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter are gonna be a little late. Avery's on a mission in Shanghai so she can't make it. Beast Boy and Raven stopped to buy desserts. And the We Are Robin kids just got stuck on a stalled subway train but they should be here pretty soon.
Clark: I think it's a matter of good mentorship and giving them plenty of time and space to get acclimated to the superhero lifestyle.
Jesse: *making lemonade*
Ace: *fills the coolers with ice*
Garth and Kaldur: *handing out drinks*
Barry: And giving them plenty of room to grow at their own pace.
Hal: Very true.
Bruce, sighing contently: You can't help but be proud of them.
The kids, chanting: HOT POT! HOT POT!
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teainthesnow · 1 year
Once again the Cass Apocalyptic series by @somerandomdudelmao is giving me emotions so time for angst
- - -
Dying isn’t quite what he expected it to be, not that he has any idea what he thought death would be like.
Maybe he thought he’d be greeted by the welcoming faces of his ancestors, of his dear papa, and gram gram. Or maybe even some higher being, or maybe even nothing at all. Maybe just empty space and a long deserved rest.
But this... this is the last thing he would have ever thought possible.
This unbearable agony, the burning pain as his soul, his very essence, begins to drip...
... drip...
... drip...
...drip away.
And there’s nothing that he can do to stop it.
He tries, really truly tries, to keep going. To do something, anything, to stop it from happening.
The pain is unending as he drags his faltering and weakening body away from his mourning family – and that’s a thought he pushes deep, deep, down because they’ll be okay, he made sure of that, at least – and tries to do something, anything to save himself.
But there’s nothing.
Just pain and fear and the looming dread that this is really, truly it.
But at least his family is safe. Or as safe as they can be. And that’s a reassurance to him, something that soothes the agony just a little bit.
And then he hears a noise.
A voice.
Closer and clearer than the soft murmuring voices of his brothers.
Shouting words he never thought would be directed at him again.
Shouting “Uncle Tello!”
He looks up.
Casey is running towards him... but he’s different. His mind, too riddled with pain and fog, cannot comprehend just what it is. Only briefly registering that he should not be here just yet. He opens his mouth, but no sound comes out, just more purple, more of his life.
“Uncle Tello!” Casey yells again, voice fear filled and desperate.
He tries to push himself up on weak and disappearing limbs. He’s surprised and confused and he doesn’t know what to do but reach his hand out towards Casey... towards... well, he doesn’t really know what.
But the remaining strength in his limbs give out, and he drops back down to the floor, wincing as the harsh motion sends threads of shooting pain throughout his body.
He suddenly becomes aware that he doesn’t have long left.
He doesn’t want Casey to see this.
But perhaps, he thinks, maybe it’s nice to not be alone as he goes.
Casey is still running towards him, golden orange sparks, like the sun itself, like his little brothers magic, dance along Casey’s arms and mix with the sickly purple of his own essence.
He screws his eyes shut through the torture that is his body
Then, somehow, he opens his eyes again.
And he is still here.
He’s not gone.
It takes a second to really process that, and the another to realise the situation that he’s in.
He’s possessing Casey... Like April and gram gram all those years ago.
Okay, okay, he can work with that.
There’s still a lingering burning pain, he can still feel himself slowly slipping away but it’s not as bad. His situation isn’t too dire right now. If he tries, and concentrates with everything he has, he can stop it, or slow it down.
And then, because the situation isn’t already confusing enough, he finds out that Casey has time travelled.
How, he doesn’t know.
Nor does he know why.
And he refuses to think about it, why it was necessary.
And vehemently refuses to think about what that means for his brothers. For April. For the resistance and all it’s members.
Because they are all fine, it was just some... accident... or weird supply run... they were fine...
They had to be.
They were alive, happy, eating honey and living in a Krang free world.
...And he definitely wasn’t in denial.
He has more important things to worry about.
He coughs, wincing through the pain, just barely keeping himself together as he talks.
But he knows that, by himself, there’s nothing he can do right now.
He’s too weak to do anything.
Too busy keeping himself together.
(And maybe he briefly wonders if it would just be easier on them both if he just lets go.)
But then Casey is begging him to hold on.
That he’ll fix it.
That he’ll make it better.
“Please.” He begs and that seals it.
He thinks of the time travel, of his brothers, of all the things and people that he left behind, of all the promises that he’s already broken.
Of the birthday he never made it to.
“Alright.” He says, with a smile on his face and agony coursing through his veins. “I can do that.”
He concentrates on keeping himself together, on staying alive for as long as he can.
‘For you, Casey Junior, I’ll keep fighting for as long as I can.’
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
‘Because what kind of uncle would I be if I keep breaking my promises.’
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jiminieeangel · 11 months
I have the funniest AU, okay so
Tim realizes he’s stuck in a cheesy 80s sitcom like Full house. Every single person in his family is acting weird. When he tries to convince the other members in the family they straight up ignore him or will be like “what are you talking about Tim” and carry on with their conversation. The only person who Tim can convince is Duke. Duke is the only person that believes Tim after Tim uses Back to the Future as his reference.
Jason is the bad boy/ kind of like uncle Jessie vibe. That rides a motorcycle.
Steph is madly in love with Tim and Tim is like wtf get off me and spends all his time trying to avoid her.
Every time someone says something corny an audience will applaud. Especially when Tim does something that is unintentionally funny and his loud outburst would just make the crowd laugh.
Acid denim wash and funky jumpers and Dick’s horrid mullet.
Bruce’s character freaks Tim out because he’s the dad that gives advice and also hugs at the end of every life lesson/ speech.
Cass, Alfred, and Damian are obviously there as well but I can’t think of anything so feel free to add. I just think this AU is hilarious. Honestly Tim is too tired to be dealing with this.
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kayhi808 · 5 months
They Met in Delacroix
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You had followed a man down to New Orleans, thinking he'd be the love of your life and you'd have a future together, only to have him break up with you. You didn't have family to turn to, so now you're by yourself trying to make someplace feel like home.
You met Sarah through the restaurant you worked at. Sarah owned a commercial fishing boat, so she'd sell fresh seafood to the restaurant. You didn't have many friends. Your ex was very possessive & controlling. He kept you isolated, so when he dumped you, you were really set adrift with nothing & no one.
Stopping off at the table you were folding napkins at, "Are you working this Saturday?"
Shaking your head, "No, I'm on Sunday this week."
"Good, my big brother will be in town for a couple weeks and I'm having a cookout. Come by the house."
"Oh, I don't kn..."
"I'm not taking 'no' for an answer. What else do you have planned?" Standing there with her hands on her hips but with the sweetest & most understanding smile. "Come early & spend the day. The boys miss you." She squeezes your arm on the way out.
And that is how you find yourself in Delacroix, driving down the road to a house by the river. The wind blowing through your hair from the open window of your truck that has seen better days. You really need to get your air condition fixed, but that's another expense you can't afford right now. As you pull up to the house, your nerves get the better of you. You wipe your sweaty palms on your skirt. You didn't quite know what to wear. You picked a long boho dress. You felt cute in it. You grab your dessert and slam the door to the truck.
"Y/N!!" Sarah's youngest, AJ, runs towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist. Quickly followed by Cass, the oldest. You wrap your free arm around the both of them the best you can, dropping kisses on them. Her boys were the sweetest. "What did you bring us?"
"AJ, where are your manners?" Sarah materializes, taking the box from your hands, giving it to AJ to put it the house. "I told you to just bring yourself," wrapping you in a big hug.
"I made cheesecake. It's needs the fridge." Sarah tells AJ to put it in the fridge & he nods while running back to the house. Returning her hug, "Thank you so much for inviting me."
"Of course! Come, let me introduce you to my brother." You turn the corner of the house, "Sam, this is Y/N. My brother Sam & his friend, Bucky over there." You give a small wave.
"So you're the one I've heard so much about lately," before engulfing you in a warm hug that makes you blush. This was such an affectionate family. "I think my nephews are fighting over who gets to marry you."
"Uncle Sam! Stop! Don't...God!" Cass & AJ scream immediately. Cass tries to bean him with a football which Sam easily catches, but that didn't stop Bucky from going to your side with his hand out protecting in case the ball came your way. He looks down at you with eyes as blue as the Louisiana sky, "I'm Bucky."
"Hi, Y/N." The tall handsome brunette leaves you breathless. "I...I'm going to see if Sarah needs my help." You walk towards Sarah who's trying to stop a fight between the boys & their Uncle. You look over your shoulder at Bucky & he gives you a smile when he catches you.
The morning flew by in a whirlwind of activity. By the looks of it, the entire town of Delacroix will be there. All 116 townspeople. I mean, Captain America & the Winter Soldier are HERE. Who wouldn't want to meet them?
When people started to arrive it got overwhelming. Not in a bad way. Everyone was having a great time. People were so warm & welcoming towards you. It was a lot though. The loud music, laughter, kids yelling & chasing each other around. It was a great party. It just left you out of sorts.
Thinking to escape for a bit, you went to your truck only to find it blocked in by a couple dozen other vehicles. You end up dropping the tailgate to sit on. You needed a little bit of solitude to recharge your social battery. You lay back in the truck bed, legs swinging over the side, listening to the music from a distance.
"Are you alright?" You hear his soft baritone & you prop yourself up on your elbows. It's Bucky.
"I'm fine. Just needed a lil break."
"Mind if I join you? It gets to be...A LOT, " nodding back at the house. You shake your head and shrug as he hops up onto the tailgate & lays back on the other side of the truck, closing his eyes. You go back to doing the same. "This is nice." There's a peaceful silence. You were in the in-between of falling asleep and being awake. "When should we be heading back?"
You turn to him, "When we feel recharged or when we smell food."
He opens his eyes and smiles at you, "Food?"
"I'm hungry. They've got such good food there. I'm still not used to the amazing food down here."
"You're not Louisiana, born & raised?"
"No sir, I'm from all the way out West, California."
"How'd you end up here?"
You turn away & close your eyes, "Bad life choices."
"We've all made a few of those."
You look at him, "I'm sorry."
He gives you a sad smile, 'I'm sorry, too."
"I think I smell ribs." Bucky chuckles. "I'm positive I smell ribs." You sit up & hop off the truck. "Ready to head back?" You hold out your hand to help pull him up. He groans but hops off the truck & closes the tailgate for you. You run around to the front to grab a sweater from the front seat.
You head back to the party when you hear, "And where have you two been??" You gasp as Sam walks over frowning, looking all parental.
"Shut up, man."
"I...Bucky just walked me back to the truck so I could get my sweater." Holding up your cardigan.
"You don't need to explain yourself to him." Sam starts laughing as you hurry yourself away. "Why do you have to be such a jackass?"
"AJ & Cass are going to beat you up! You got some stiff competition for her."
"All I did was walk her to her truck."
After dinner, the guys moved the tables to make way for dancing. You had a blanket spread out on the side where you sat and watched everyone. Even the little kids paired up and we're dancing. They were so entertaining. You haven't laughed this hard in a long time.
A slower song started up and you see Bucky headed your way. Butterflies started circling your belly. He has such a sweet smile on his face.
"Hey, Y/N?" Cass comes running up to you, cutting Bucky off. "Would you dance with me?" Your eyes quickly dart to Bucky and you see his glare which makes you giggle. "Cass, I'd love to dance with you." You take his hand and he practically jerks you off the blanket which makes you laugh harder. With your hand in his Cass runs you out onto the dance floor. You hurry past Bucky and you swear you heard him growl.
Since you danced with Cass you had to dance with AJ next, but he got distracted and left you on the dancefloor to run off with his friends. "The nerve of some people." You spin around at the sound of Bucky's voice. You look up at his smiling face. He steps up to you, taking your hand in his, his other hand, lightly at the small of your back. "Finally, my dance." And every dance after that was his.
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lidiasloca · 19 days
can i please request a drabble with cassian where he gets reader pregnant when they’re young, like in their 20’s and she wants to keep it a secret from everyone else except rhys and az, they’re all raising the kid together in their little group and they move to velaris later when rhys becomes the HL and cass becomes his general🥰
you and cassian are young parents
cassian x reader
“You take the cake!” you yell whisper to Cassian, both of you filled with nervousness and excitement for your little girl’s birthday. “Hurry, she’s coming!”
“Okay, okay,” he says as he takes the colorful cake from your hands. But when he does, something in your face makes him stop and lean to give you a peck on the cheek. “It’s alright, love. Everything is perfect. She’ll love it.” 
You sigh in relief. Cassian, no matter how juvenile and stupid might be most of the time, especially if he is with the youngsters of his brothers, is a very patient and wise male. You appreciate that at every single turn. 
“And, do not smile at me like that,” he adds with his teasing tone, acting flustered. “It’s our daughter’s birthday. Behave.”
“Oh - shut up, you!”
But there is no time to put him in his place. Uncle Az is carrying your daughter Mirella into the room. Her eyes held such excitement and joy, your heart swells with happiness. 
Cassian caresses your back before walking to Mirella and placing the cake in front of her. “Happy Birthday, dove.”
You walk to them then, seeing Rhys sneaking in from behind, a big present in his hands. You cannot stop smiling. Seeing this, your family. Everything so simple. So perfect. 
It hadn’t always been this easy. You remember when you first found out you were pregnant. You were so young and felt so alone and lost. But Cassian had been there for you. Every single moment. 
He held your hand, he listened to you, to your heart and your feelings. And he supported you, no matter what you chose. 
And you felt like the bravest and most fearless girl in the world next to him. 
Hadn’t been for the support of Cassian, Rhys and Azriel, your life would have turned out very differently.
Life, you think, is very odd. The male you were scared to tell you were pregnant is now singing happy birthday to your daughter with overjoy in his face. The friends you though would judge you and see you differently, are now looking down at your daughter like if she was their own daughter. 
How could you have ever doubted them? 
Azriel, who begged you time with Mircella to play swords. Who loved to make her giggle with his shadows. Who defended her from imaginary monsters she would only confess to him she was afraid of. Only because she somehow knew he would understand, he wouldn’t judge.
Rhys, who, even after becoming a busy High Lord, tried to spend with her some time every day. Telling her stories of amazing heroes, such as him and his brothers. He spent nights telling how brave both her father and mother.
And Cassian, who felled in love again the moment he set his eyes on his baby daughter’s for the first time. Who looked at your daughter as if she was the solemn motive to his existence. Like he would burn the world to make her safe. Who would give her the world to make her smile. 
And here you are now. 
“Blow, Mirella,” you say tenderly. She gives you a wide smile before turning to the candles and blowing. “Happy birthday, dove,” you whisper. 
-Characters by Sarah J Maas
anon, hope it is sort of what you asked for, even if i took the story into my own hands a bit. i loved the ideaa. cassian would make such good father. and azriel and ryhs would be the funniest uncles in all the courts. emmm this aint proof read, as usually, so sorry if there are any typos. thanku for reading loves :))
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gffa · 1 year
Guess who fell right smack back into BATFAMILY feelings hell?  Who has two thumbs and really thought they were truly out of the DC game, that it had been like ten years since they’d read a single comic, that they were finally safe from crying about stupid bats and birds?  Yeah, that’s right, this nerd.  And now I’m waking up and choosing violence on the rest of you by throwing every I’m Having Dick Grayson Feelings Fic at you that I can find, because this fandom is fantastic for it.   This list will skew towards my fave, but I hope there will be some good Jason, Tim, Damian, Cass, and Steph fic for anyone who wanders by for them!  You just have to scroll for a second first. I probably tend towards a slighty softer view than canon always provides (I will grab hold of Nightwing #100 with both hands and a death grip, though, and you can’t take Dick & Bruce hugs away from me now) but that’s what fic is for!  All the emotional resolution the source material cannot give us itself and I am GOING to inhale all of it like it’s oxygen and I’m on a run.  And then shove it at everyone I can while crying on them, too. BATFAM FIC RECS - BABY DICK IS THE CUTEST FERAL ROBIN I’M NOT HEARING ANY ARGUMENTS: ✦ Stay a Child by ijustwanttodestroy, dick & bruce & alfred, 2.2k      “Redo it,” Bruce orders. “Aw, come on!” Dick dares to pout — a thing that he uses often, and would work on anyone but Bruce and Alfred. Sometimes. Bruce gives him a look. “I’m not going to do it for you.” “I’m going to misdo it until you do,” Dick threatens. ✦ Sweater Weather by MashpotatoeQueen, dick & bruce, 2.2k      Dick Grayson is eight, Bruce Wayne is trying, and there’s a walk home in the rain. ✦ Hay Is for Horses by lurkinglurkerwholurks, dick & clark & cast, 2.7k      The sleepover had been Dick’s idea. In which Clark is a good but very overwhelmed uncle who is Trying His Best. ✦ Eye of the Storm by Janie__loops, dick & bruce & cast, de-aged!dick, 2.5k      Dick Grayson becomes once again a traumatized volatile murderous eight year old, and the only thing more surprising is how adept Bruce is at handling him. ✦ A Blur of Spinning Wheels by chinuplilpup, dick & bruce & alfred, 10.1k      Dick is on the chandelier. An eight year old. A genius gymnast, to be sure, but a child, small for his age and under Bruce’s legal care. On the chandelier. Twenty five feet above the ground, surrounded by glass and kept up by a single fifty-year-old chain bolted to the ceiling. Bruce is going to have to check his blood pressure after Dick is safe on the ground. ✦ The Flame and the Night: A Bedtime Story by WingFeathers, dick & clark, 1.8k      Dick’s thrilled to stay with the Kents, but they go to bed far too early for him to sleep. It turns out to be a job for Superman, who shows Dick the Kansas night sky and tells him a story from Krypton––a story about two gods, called Nightwing and Flamebird. ✦ (T)his Child by shanahane, dick & bruce & alfred, 2.1k      ”I’m here for the elephant,” Bruce says bluntly. ”Elephant?” Haly says. ”We haven’t had elephants in over two decades, what…?” ”The toy. That Dick left on his bed.” OR What wouldn’t Bruce do for… this child? ✦ 5 Times Dick Grayson was in the Newspaper Because of Bruce Wayne by Engineerd, dick & bruce & alfred & clark & cast, 4.7k      Batman and Robin are Gotham’s urban legends, and Bruce wants to keep it that way. “I know that,” Clark said. “But when Robin eventually goes officially public, I want to be the one that does the interview.” ✦ we don’t allow monsters in these walls. by thychesters, dick & bruce, 1.8k     New dad Bruce is still trying to figure things out with Dick. He’s not his dad, not his brother, he’s just … he’s B, the guy Dick runs around with at night fighting crime. He’s worried, and he’s scared, and he’s too protective. Tonight the protective side just won out. ✦ shades of monochrome by renecdote, dick & bruce & clark, 6.1k      He can’t even think, let alone think how to act. His brain is like a broken record, stuck on a loop of blood and ringing gunshots and Bruce is going to die. “It’s going to be okay,“ Alfred says. But it isn’t. How can it be? Dick takes a deep breath and screams for Clark as loud as he can. (The one where Bruce gets shot and Dick cries a lot.) BATFAM FIC RECS - ADULT BATSON AND BATDAD ARE MY KRYPTONITE, I FOLD LIKE WET CARDBOARD FOR THEM: ✦ Ghosts by fanfictiongreenirises, dick & bruce & batfam, 2.5k      “Nights like this, when everything was balanced on the edge of a knife, when Bruce could feel Gotham clawing at them with her claws, he could feel their gazes scraping his back.” Bruce waits for backup with an unconscious Nightwing tucked in his cape. ✦ When I Touch the Water by audreycritter, dick & bruce, 2.7k      Bruce is trying to deal with an old injury alone, and alone is exactly the opposite of how Dick Grayson is willing to let him handle it. But Bruce can’t really complain because it’s nice to see his son again and not fight for once. ✦ Making Time by CaptainOzone, dick & bruce & cast, 6.5k      Bruce does not remember anything leading up to this moment. He does not remember teaming up with Superman recently, nor does he remember being anywhere but Gotham proper. He does remember having Robin at his side. Robin, it turns out, is not there any longer. God does he hate magic. ✦ to love is not to leave by daringyounggrayson, dick & bruce, 1k      Dick called Alfred for a medical consult last night, so when he hears someone at his door, he’s not exactly surprised. What does surprise him is that the man who came to check in on him isn’t Alfred: it’s Bruce. ✦ Olive by Ptelea, dick & bruce, 1.5k      In which Dick and Bruce catch up in the kitchen sometime after episode 11, “Not It,” Dick peppers his speech with condiment-related puns, and Bruce is sort of amazed by his life sometimes. ✦ too lost and hurting to carry my load by daringyounggrayson, dick & bruce, 1.8k      Dick is sick and feverish, and those two things are forcing him to face some previously-stifled fears and insecurities. He really just needs someone to take care of him. �� No Other Songbird Like You by SilverSkiesAtMidnight, dick & bruce & damian, 8.5k      The difference between grappling off a building and free-falling off a building is actually a very small difference. Really, it’s just the difference between firing your gun before you jump, like Bruce always insisted on according to safety protocols, and firing after you jump, when it’s more fun. The fun way, ninety-nine times out of a hundred, is totally fine and has absolutely no consequences. ✦ mid-May’s eldest child by one_step_closer_to_death, dick & bruce, 1.2k      Dick’s sick and Bruce takes care of him. BATFAM FIC RECS - EVERYBODY LOVES DICK: ✦ Handle with Care by takadainmate, dick & bruce & damian, 3.4k      Dick is sick. Alfred isn’t around. Bruce and Damian do their best. Damian had known something was wrong. ✦ Off The Record by amathela, dick/donna, NSFW, 1.2k      Dick and Donna work off the aftereffects of a mission. ✦ Rejoice in Youth by FlashThroughLight, dick & bruce & tim & damian & jason & alfred, 6.1k      Dick has been regressed to the age of four, now Bruce and the rest of the family has to look after him until he returns to his rightful age. If Bruce thought teenage Dick Grayson was unruly, nothing could prepare for the storm that is Dickie Grayson. AKA Dick cons his family into giving him hugs. ✦ The Real in Funereal by lowflyingfruit, dick & damian & alfred & tim & jason & barbara & selina & cass & cast, 9.3k wip      Batman is dead. So is Bruce Wayne. And the Bat-family is struggling to cope, both publicly and privately. But crime in Gotham waits for no Bat, and like it or not, new grievances and old, the family must pick themselves up. Gotham needs its defenders, before their grief tears them apart. (Battle for the Cowl AU) ✦ Visions of Sugarplums by CamsthiSky, dick & bruce & damian, 3.7k      See, it happens like this. Everything’s normal for them all—or, well. As normal as a family full of vigilantes can get. But things are running smoothly. He keeps his head up and his ears open, though, because he may be able to move forward, but he isn’t stupid enough to think that he’s not going to hit a bump in the road. He always hits a bump in the road. He just hadn’t expected this. ✦ Safety First by SuperWhoLockianFangirl, bruce & dick/babs & dick/roy & dick/wally, 2.6k      Bruce Wayne can handle lunatics like the Joker without even flinching, but the hurtles of raising a teenage boy prove more daunting. When it comes time to give Dick the “Talk”, he has absolutely no idea what he’s doing. And unfortunately for him, he finds himself repeating the experience multiple times over the years. BATFAM FIC RECS - BATKIDS ALL HAVE MANY SIBLINGS AND THEY’RE ALL PETTY ASSHOLES AND/OR WONDERFUL BABIES AND I LOVE THEM WITH MY WHOLE BEING: ✦ Catch by Ptelea, dick & jason & tim & damian & bruce & cass & steph, 13.7k     Five times Dick caught one of the younger Bats, and one time he wasn’t the one to do so ✦ Stubborn by audreycritter, dick & jason & tim & damian & cast, 20.3k     Dick is usually the one taking care of everyone else and he’s bad at asking for help. So bad, in fact, that he never even actually asks– but Jason shows up anyway. And then Dick returns the favor. And then they both do for Tim. And it’s just going to keep going from there. It’s probably Alfred’s fault. When your butler mom calls and says, "Go check on your brother,” you don’t argue. You just do it. ✦ Without Question by lowflyingfruit, dick & jason & tim & damian & bruce, 6.2k     There is something very wrong with Dick at the moment. He’s doing everything Bruce says without a hint of protest. Tim’s going to get to the bottom of this. ✦ Ranking Robins by Beauty_In_Her_Darkness, dick & jason & tim & damian & bruce, 5k     Buzzfeed has been cranking out quiz after quiz about Gotham’s Bat-themed superheroes. When Jason shows them to his family, him and his brothers decide that not only should their adoring fans get to rank the Robins: Bruce should too. ✦ Carry by Ptelea, dick & jason, 4.9k     Whoever said, “He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother,” didn’t have to haul you around. ✦ a pointless resistance by emavee, bruce & dick & jason & alfred, time loop, 26.7k     It starts with a news report running in the background of a greasy little diner, but it ends with Dick dead. Except, it doesn’t stop there. It keeps on ending, over and over. Bruce’s son keeps dying, and nothing he does seems to make any sort of difference. ✦ while you see it your way by irnan, bruce & dick/babs & tim & cass & damian & alfred, 4.5k     Wherein Damian acts his age for once, and - to the astonishment of absolutely no one - it’s all Bruce’s fault. ✦ Manor-Dad lets me drive the Batmobile by loosingletters, bruce & dick & jason & tim & cass & steph & damian & duke & cast, 21.2k wip     Bruce had two options when Dick found the Cave. 1) Tell him the truth. 2) Go along with Dick’s excited “You’re dating Batman!” until he figured out the truth. Several children later Bruce wished he’d gone with option 1) or he wouldn’t have to deal with all his kids believing he and Batman were separate people. ✦ Bomb Sing Se by Cephalogod, dick & jason & tim & cass & steph & damian, 2.2k     The thing was…it wasn’t actually the worst idea. (The bombs in the gauntlets part; Jason had vocally disapproved of every aesthetic decision Dick had ever made since they were teenagers, Dick wasn’t going to start listening to him about that now.) ✦ Above Any Price by centreoftheselights, dick & jason & tim & damian, 1.6k     Dick gets the news that Jason has been taken hostage. This time, he’s going to save his brother. ✦ Upside Down by withthekeyisking, dick & jason, de-aged!dick, 2.1k     Something that was not on Jason agenda for the night, but somehow now is: take care of the de-aged version of his big brother, who is—in his tiny mind—apparently running away from juvie. Because, sure. Why the fuck not. ✦ straight up, what did you hope to learn about here by irnan, bruce & dick & damian & barbara & jason (background dick/babs), 3.8k     (or: Three Conversations Dick Grayson Has About Jason Todd, That One Time A Couple Years Ago When Jay Was Dead, And How Talia Al Ghul Is Why Dick Can’t Have Nice Things.) ✦ Now Comes Good Sailing by geminus_17, dick & jason, 2.3k     Dick and Jason escape to Walden Pond and have a healing talk about the meaning of life and death, and insult Henry David Thoreau. ✦ on the other side by MermaidMarie, dick & jason & tim, 3.6k     In which Tim and Jason are staying up all night in the hallway, after Dick gets his memories back. ✦ Control Alt Delete by audreycritter, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & stephanie & riddler, 1.9k     Sometimes the only way to solve an impossible riddle is to give up. ✦ Extension by smilebackwards, tim/kon & dick & jason & bruce, 5.9k     Tim’s going to need to learn to be less conspicuous about this hopeless crush he’s developed; he lives with an entire family of detectives. Or: Tim has a crush on Conner and everyone has something to say about it. BATFAM FIC RECS - JASON TODD IS AN ASSHOLE CAT, I’M GONNA THROW HIM AT DICK BECAUSE IT’S FUNNY (AND MAYBE SOME OF HIS OTHER SIBLINGS TOO): ✦ The 70 Days After Groundhog Day by Ptelea, dick & jason & batfam, time loop, 43.9k      There’s a time loop that only Jason remembers. It acts as a catalyst for changes within the family. Some arguments, some misunderstandings, some bonding, some healing, and quite a lot of conversations that mostly take place over food. Dick POV, focused on Dick and Jason but with the other Bats around and very present. ✦ Fair is Fowl by Lysical, dick & jason & batfam, 4.3k      Dick Grayson is visiting the Manor. Jason Todd has the chickenpox. They might not be brothers, but maybe they can get along for one evening. ✦ Ensemble Performance by lowflyingfruit, jason & damian & batfam, 4.8k      Damian has a deep, dark secret he needs kept from Grayson, his father, and most of all Drake, at all costs: he has, quite unwillingly, been volunteered for a part in his school’s annual musical. As a grouchy dinosaur. This is now Jason’s problem. Or his blackmail opportunity. Whichever. ✦ Home Intrusion by daedalusdavinci, dick & jason & cast, 7.2k      There are moments when the… everything of Dick’s life catches up with him, and exhaustion sinks deep into his skin. However, when he goes dark on everyone else, Jason doesn’t quite get the memo. Rules never seem to apply to little brothers. After two weeks of little more than clipped texts, Jason shoves his way into Dick’s life and gets him up and moving again. BATFAM FIC RECS - DICK AND DAMIAN WERE THE BEST BATMAN & ROBIN, I’M NOT HEARING ARGUMENTS ABOUT THAT EITHER: ✦ 3:16 by partingxshot, dick & damian & alfred & stephanie & cast, 70.7k      The knife pushes thin along Dick’s carotid artery, cupping the indent between neck and jawline—forcing him to angle his chin. The metal is warm, pulled with execution speed from under Damian’s pillow. “Okay,” Dick says quietly, tracking the intricacies of his own heartbeat—counting the space between breaths. “Guess I did need a shave.” (With faltering steps, Dick and Damian become Batman and Robin.) ✦ The R Stands for – by Cirth, dick & damian & bruce & talia, 5.8k      Damian pretends to focus on lacing up his boots as his father tugs Drake to his side, plants a gruff, casual kiss in his hair. Drake’s lips curl into a pleased smile, and Damian yanks the strings so hard his palms burn. ✦ The Rule Stands by Engineerd, dick & damian & bruce & tim & alfred, time travel, 11k      Damian meets a 10-year-old Dick Grayson, and they become best friends. ✦ this tiny little space by Alienu, dick & damian, 2.1k      The landing on his fire escape is nearly silent. Nearly. ✦ waiting for the tides to meet by partingxshot, dick & damian, 2k      Grayson behaves like this sometimes: like Damian needs to be protected. It twists his stomach in sharp and unfamiliar ways. “You leave, then!“ Damian spits. "I’ll—I’ll track Clayface on my own.” Another shudder takes him. The pain floods him all over again. It doesn’t matter: he won’t cry out. The rain pelts the dumpster behind him. It pools in cracks in the concrete. ✦ the city without stars in its skies by Alienu, dick & damian & batfam, 18.5k      (Or, in a world where he was never sent to live with his father, Damian al Ghul is contracted to assassinate one Dick Grayson.) ✦ Catch Me (All Records Indicate) by Engineerd, dick & damian & batfam, 9.5k      Damian had studied each of his father’s prior proteges briefly before he’d left the League of Assassins. Somehow, Grayson in person is nothing like Grayson on paper. OR “Are you sure you can catch me?” Grayson asked. Damian could hear his heart beating. He wasn’t sure. “Yes,” he answered anyways. ✦ Even in the Midst of Grief by Ellegrine, dick & damian, 4.3k      Richard Grayson has never hurt Damian. It’s unforgivable that anyone should believe otherwise. BATFAM FIC RECS - TAKE THE ANGST DIAL, TURN IT UP TO ELEVEN, AND BREAK THE KNOB OFF, MAKE ME CRY ABOUT BATS AND BIRDS, THAT’S WHAT I’M HERE FOR: ✦ Second Generation by lowflyingfruit, dick & bruce & tim & barbara & jason & alfred & cass & cast, aftermath of rape + depression, 108.9k      Nine months after the ‘Blockbuster Incident’, a call from Lockhaven Penitentiary regarding Catalina Flores brings all Dick Grayson’s plans for his future in Bludhaven crashing down. Thrust suddenly into parenthood and hiding what happened to make him a parent in the first place, Dick must decide, adjust, and accept - and no matter what, the family has to pull together to help him. ✦ Savior Complex by Arwriter, dick & bruce & barbara & tim & jason & damian & alfred & cast, 11.6k      “All I did was disappoint you.” He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t catch his breath. “I just wanted to do good. I just wanted to be better and all I did was make everyone angry.” Or: When Bruce comes back from the dead, Dick goes nonverbal. Nobody seems to have the time to notice. ✦ Essential Actions by CKBookish, dick & clark & bruce & wally & cast, 8.8k      Clark shifted his weight making the floorboards creak and groan under his feet. “Dick I hate to see you–” He paused searching for the right word. Dick snorted. “Wallow?” Clark sighed. “That’s not what I was going to say.” “I know. I can go to the barn and hang out there if I’m bothering you and Lois.” Dick pushed himself up. Of course he should have thought of that. Lois didn’t want some random teen laying around her home on Christmas Eve. Dick’s first Christmas without Bruce after he’s fired. ✦ The Night It All Came Crashing Down by chibi_nightowl, dick & jason, rape aftermath/read the tags, 4k      After a difficult night on patrol, memories Dick would much rather forget come to the surface. Thankfully, Jason’s there to catch him before he falls. ✦ The Winter of Our Discontent by BloodFromTheThorn, dick & bruce & jason & tim & alfred, 10.2k      Why did criminals always think that the best time to make a disturbance was in the middle of winter? Between the snow, Clayface and Scarecrow, Dick’s having a really bad day. It really doesn’t help that Batman’s late. ✦ The Universe Doesn’t Get to Take This by fishfingersandjellybabies, dick & bruce & damian, 1.9k      “And they’re so important that you don’t come home to check on your recently un-amnesiac brother? And here, I thought I was your favorite.” BATFAM FIC RECS - THROW BABY DICK AT BATTISON, C'MON DO IT, IT’LL BE HILARIOUS: ✦ In This or Any Other Universe by wildsofmarch, dick & bruce & alfred, 33.4k      Dick Grayson (DCU) accidentally lands himself in Battinson’s Gotham. ✦ I’m a Good Pretender by shipNslash, dick & bruce & alfred, 40.4k      Dick’s mother raised her son to be a star. Dick’s father raised his son to be an athlete. Bruce’s new ward is charming (manipulative), dedicated (obsessive), and way, way too smart for either of their own good. ✦ take these broken wings and learn to fly by fishingclocks, dick & bruce & alfred & cast, 45.5k wip      or, How Dick Grayson Burrowed His Way Inextricably into the Heart of Bruce Wayne ✦ i turned around, there was nothing there by lwbones123, dick & bruce & alfred, 3.1k      the batman got me thinking about battinson with a robin. this is that. ✦ Robin’s Light by iammadeofmemories, dick & bruce, ~1k      ‘Lies still’. Murder weapon still missing, Why riddles? Why leave a code? And why— “B! Whatcha working on?” or, in which I throw nine-year-old Dick Grayson at Battinson.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 10 months
Can Jay read me to sleep pls? Family holidays mean I need comfort
Same. This fucking blows. Here's not that, but some Jason anyway.
"Stephanie," Dick said taking a head count of the assembled ladies in the party, "where is Y/N? We seem to be missing one particularly charming beauty-"
"Is she not-" Stephanie looked around the crush and bit her lip, "Oh dear."
Dick traded looks with Tim as Cass glanced at Jason who's Jaw had tensed as he scanned the crowd. "What happened?"
"She must have stepped away for a moment. She said she wasn't feeling well and Miss Vivian and Mr. Graham- you know how very proud they are of their library-"
Jason felt his heart kick up a notch. The Library. Right next to the room where a bunch of lecherous old fools and idiotic young dandies would be drowning their common sense and their manners at the gaming tables with appalling amounts of alcohol. And you were by yourself?
That would never do. Before he could think, or even grab one of his sisters to drag with him, he's gone. Not entirely sure how or why he feels like you need to be protected but. Hell if he's going to let some old codger ruin you and then make you out to be a scheming little harlot.
He wound his way up the stairs and through the hall, forcing himself not to run. But the relief that washed over him when he realized you were still alone- it was short-lived.
"Y/N?" he called softly. The room was dim but for a the moon and the streetlamp's light coming through the window. "Are you-"
"I'm quite alright, I just- I'm sorry, Mr. Todd. I'll rejoin the party in a moment."
Jason edged closer the the sound of your voice, leaving the door ajar and took a deep breath. You didn't sound alright. You sounded desperately unhappy. And it needled. "Jason," he corrected, gently.
"I-I don't think-"
"I think," he said, forcing himself to keep his tone light as he worked toward your voice, "That my sisters will never stop scolding me if I don't give you permission to just call me Jason." You'd tucked yourself in a dark little corner, obviously intending to have a little cry, a sulk, or maybe just... a moment's peace but. He couldn't feel bad about interrupting you.
Not when you looked so much like a painting. Three weeks since he'd seen you. And all he could think about was how lovely you would look with a garnet necklace. And some less gentlemanly part of his brain added 'and nothing else'. Making him grateful for the darkness in the room so you couldn't see him blush.
"If you're sure-"
"Quite sure," he said, kneeling in front of your chair and offering a fresh handkerchief. "Don't cry, wildflower," he said, "Whatever it is-"
"It seems like every time we talk all I do is cry or faint," you murmur.
"Sometimes you make very funny jokes," he said. "Did someone ruin your slippers? Do I need to send Stephanie after them?"
"No I-" You break off and shake your head, "It's not serious. I shouldn't trouble you with it I just. I guess I'm being foolish-"
Before he could stop himself Jason gripped your free hand and bent his head to kiss it, "If you were being foolish you'd be crying in front of everyone and causing a scene," he said. He didn't add that you were foolish to be alone. Not now. Not when he was so close and the room was so quiet you hardly needed to do more than whisper. "Tell me?"
"I-it's going to sound so terrible."
"I promise it won't." Last night he'd tracked a murder suspect. And the night before he'd had to question a grieving widow.
"I- my Aunt and Uncle have decided that I'm to pay them back for my room and board. Which means that at the end of this Season I'll have no money and I just- what else is there?"
And when you start to cry in earnest, hiding your face in your hands, trying to make yourself smaller for comfort, Jason feels his heart twist. "Don't cry," he pleaded. "What else is there? Wildflower-" He stopped and pulled your hands from your face, tilting your chin up carefully and as he wiped your face, he couldn;t help it.
The air was thick. So heavy and full of the scent of your perfume that if he didn't do something- anything- Before he knew it his lips were claiming yours.
Not as tenderly as he wanted. Or as chastely. But when you squeak in surprise and then... melt. He can't stop. He just can't. You taste exactly as good as you smell. And your lips- like ripe, sweet fruit. All he can do is keep going.
And it's not untl he hears a crash that anything else registers at all.
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ninyard · 3 months
please can you explain what kevins part of the deal wth andrew is because ive never really understood it and i feel like you probably get it
Okay. So. (tw; brief sh/suicide mention)
My understanding of Kevin and Andrew’s deal in the best way i can possibly explain it and HOPEFULLY i saw what i mean and it makes sense:
TLDR: Kevin promised to give him purpose, and Andrew’s waiting to see if that’s even possible.
There’s this part in TRK where Kevin tells Neil about their deal -
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I’ve seen a few posts about Andrew’s mental health recently - about how Andrew wanted to recover, how he wanted to survive.
I think it’s hard to imagine Kevin and Andrew’s relationship sometimes because we see so little of it aside from Kevin keeping his pills, but there’s this;
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I think it was Andrew who told him this. Andrew told Kevin that without his drugs he was destructive and joyless, in whatever context it was mentioned in. He told Kevin he had no ambition for life. (or because Neil says he tried to “remember her exact words” he talked to her? Read the files? But what are the chances of that?) I like to think that early on before they’d made their deal, Kevin asked him about his meds and Andrew told him. I think he’s quoting Andrew, who quoted his counsellor.
We know Andrew was struggling with self-harm. I know when Neil described Andrew’s scars as “up and down” his arm, it most likely means in a literal sense - from the top to the bottom of his forearm, but coupled with this;
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I wonder if Andrew’s depression led him to have a closer relationship with suicide than we think. He had 12 psychiatrists before Bee. What are the chances that all of them are from after Cass? (ie Andrew’s mental health journey started before her)
Regardless of who told him what, I think a part of Kevin saw that Andrew having no purpose was dangerous. I think Andrew himself worried that without his meds he’d fall back into this rabbit hole of having nothing to live for, having no purpose, having no point to continue living. And Andrew wanted to survive. Any excuse to live was worth it. Even if he didn’t believe in it himself, even if he saw it was pointless - leaving us with:
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Going back to that first quote “he’s waiting to see if I can keep it.” If it’s even possible. It’s like finding tiny reasons to stay alive when you’re suicidal - I can’t kill myself because my favourite band might release new music. I can’t kill myself because my favourite tv show was cancelled, but there’s a chance it might come back. I’ll never hear my favourite person laugh again, I’ll never see the sunset again, there a chance that I’ll miss being an uncle, or I might miss my brothers wedding, or I might miss the invention of something life changing. My favourite band that broke up might get back together again - it’s unlikely, but I have to stay alive just in case.
Exy might be my purpose, and even if I don’t believe it, I still need something to live for.
So Kevin gave him something to live for. He believes in him.
Kevin was the first person to see any worth in Andrew - maybe since Cass, maybe ever - and Andrew knew that.
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So Andrew gave Kevin his game; even if he won’t play with Kevin because he thinks it’s funny or whatever.
When Kevin came to PSU, he needed a reason to stay, something that would make transferring to the team worth it. And he knew Andrew was worth it. He knew how Andrew could play, how he should be court. Sure, David was there, but Kevin stayed because of Andrew. Andrew offered him protection, and then gave Kevin a reason to believe in the foxes. Every other player might’ve been dog shit and not worth a second of Kevin’s time, not worth his talent, not worth investing in.
But Andrew was.
Andrew could be court.
If Andrew promised Kevin he would allow him to give him purpose in Exy, then that gave Kevin reason to stay. Does that make sense? Kevin wouldn’t have stayed infthe Foxes were actually the worst team in the league. But with Andrew there, they weren’t, and that was reason enough to stay.
Kevin sees Andrew’s worth - he sees what he can do to keep Andrew going, so when Kevin says “he’s waiting to see if I can keep it,” I think it’s Andrew waiting to see if he’s right. Can he actually give me a career out of this? A life out of this? Maybe it’s a lack of self worth on Andrew’s part. He clearly doesn’t care about how good he is. But does he know? Does he even believe it?
So he’s waiting for Kevin to keep his promise. To prove that he’s good enough. To prove that Exy can realistically actually be his purpose.
But Andrew both believes and doesn’t believe that that’ll ever happen. He’s a walking contradiction. On the one hand he says out loud, “im waiting for Kevin to give up,” but I don’t think he means: im fucking with him and don’t believe him. I think he means: im waiting for him to finally see in me what I see in me, which is somebody who isn’t worth it. It comes from a place of self doubt/lack of self worth. It comes from a place of not believing he actually has anything to live for. It comes from that self destructive instinct that he has.
Andrew wants to survive, but he doesn’t believe that he can.
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Andrew’s deal with Kevin: I’ll keep you safe and give you a reason to stay*
Kevin’s deal with Andrew: I’ll give you purpose and something to live for*
*but neither of these things can exist without the other. Kevin won’t stay if Andrew doesn’t see that he’s good enough for Exy to be his purpose, if he doesn’t let Kevin prove he was right by believing in him. If he doesn’t, then Kevin can’t give him something to live for.
Kevin promised to give him purpose, and Andrew’s waiting to see if that’s even possible.
Does uh. That make sense?
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Hello! Can you please write a story where the reader cleans up and slips on the wet floor? What would Azriel's reaction be? Thank you!
I love all your stories and I am delighted every time you post.
Azriel x f!reader
A/n: Hi anon! Thank you, that’s so sweet of you to say. I hope you enjoy this❤️
Warnings: injuries then some fluff
Making your way to the kitchen you hear Cassian and Nyx playing. Correction, you heard them screaming and running around. As you walked down the hall Nyx comes barreling out of the kitchen, laughing and screaming at his Uncle Cassian chasing him.
He’s holding an almost empty sippy cup with no lid in his little hands. He screeches out a ‘hi auntie y/n’ as he disappears around the corner. Cassian follows shortly laughing like a maniac. “I’m gonna get you Nyx! Hi y/n.” You laugh at the boys and their shenanigans.
Walking into the kitchen your smile fades. The two left a mess! Cookies all over the island, bowls of snacks left out, and some sticky candy that you were sure Nyx couldn’t have was stuck to the marble counter top. Rubbing your eyes you knew you couldn’t leave the kitchen like this. You had to clean it or it would drive you crazy, and if not you definitely Rhys or Az.
As you bustled about the kitchen wiping down the counter tops and putting dishes in the sink, Azriel walks in. His face lights up when he sees you. “Hi baby,” he saunters over to you, pulling you in by your waist and giving you a quick kiss.
“Hi Azzie.” You continue cleaning the other side of the island. Azriel looks over the mess that’s still left, “Cass and Nyx?” “Yup,” you emphasize by popping the ‘p’. Az chuckles, shaking his head. He spots the sticky candy still on the counter, “Cauldron save me, Feyre told us he couldn’t have those before dinner.”
You kept walking and wiping down the counter listening to Az rant about Cassian giving Nyx candy until you slip. Letting out a squeak, you try to grab the ledge of the island but your fingers slip. Letting go, the back of your head hits the floor.
You hear Az yell your name as he rushes to kneel beside you. You blink owlishly as you start to feel the pain in your back, head, and fingers. “Baby? Y/n, are you ok?” “Yeah I’m fine,” you groan out. You start to sit up and Az helps you. He holds the back of your neck as his one of his shadows swarms you, checking for injuries. It lingers by the back of your head alerting Azriel to the bump forming there.
Staring at the floor you notice a puddle of juice. Then you remembered Nyx’s almost empty sippy cup and figured Cassian forgot to clean it up.
Azriel touches the back of your tender head, you suck in a harsh breath and wince. “Sorry, I’m sorry. Come on let’s get you some ice.” Az scoops you up into his arms, sitting you on one of the bar stools. He grabs an ice pack from the freezer.
He comes back over to you and holds the ice pack to the back of your head. “You ok?” “Uh-huh, thank you Azzie.” He hums, “Can I get you anything else, my love?” Letting out a dramatic sigh Az leans his face in front of you. His eyes shining and a playful smile graces his lips.
“Hhmm…I think a kiss would make me feel better.” Az lifts the ice pack and kisses your head. “Better yet?” “One more, I think,” you pucker your lips, tilting your head slightly. Az’s shoulders shake from silent laughter and kisses your lips.
You get lost in each other for a while until you hear two voices, “Eewwww.” You and Az break apart, shooting Cassian and Nyx dirty looks. “Gross Uncle Az.” “Yeah, gross Uncle Az.” Cassian mimics. Az juts out his hip, placing his free hand on it, giving them a stern look.
“You two should be apologizing to Auntie y/n. You spilled your juice and didn’t clean it up, she slipped and hit her head.” Cassian pursed his lips as if to say ‘oh’. Nyx’s eyes go wide as he leaves Cassian’s side and runs over to you. He lifts his arms up and Az picks him up to sit in your lap. He gives you a big hug, tucking his face in your neck. “I’m sorry auntie.”
You stroke Nyx’s hair, “It’s ok buddy. Just gotta be careful next time ok.” “Ok. And really it’s Uncle Cass’ fault. He didn’t put the top on my cup.” Cassians mouth opens and his brows furrow together. Az laughs at the accusation. “Yeah Cass, your fault.”
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane
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lilac-witch · 7 months
Ebullience - Cassian x Reader
Summary: Y/n tells Cassian they're expecting. (Eudaemonia - Part 2) Meaning: "an intense feeling of excitement and enthusiasm" Word Count: 702 Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy.
They hadn't been trying. But at the same time, they hadn't done anything to prevent it either.
Having only been mated to Cassian for over five years, the topic of children hadn't been so much as touched. Both Y/n and Cassian had been more than content to take the role of doting uncle and aunt in Nyx's life.
And yet now, Y/n found herself lying on a table in Madja's shop, trying to come to terms with it all.
A baby...
They were having a baby...
A squeeze to Y/n's hand brought her out of her thoughts, and she turned to see Madja's gentle, knowing smile.
"Everything happens for a reason dear, remember that."
The words resonated through Y/n's head the entire way home. So distracted by this new information, that she didn't hear the beating of powerful wings before a body landed beside hers.
Y/n jumped, hands circling around her stomach out of instinct.
"Mother above Az, are you trying to give me a heart attack?"
Azriel's brows furrowed in confusion.
"You didn't hear me coming?"
Y/n blushed. She was hardly ever caught off guard. Cassian had trained her well, and Azriel knew this for a fact.
Suddenly, Azriel sniffed the air, and his confusion quickly melted into pure excitement.
"Are you really?" he asked, a bright smile lighting up his tanned face.
Y/n sighed. She'd been hoping Cassian would be the first to know, but Cauldron knew that this family wasn't known for secrets being kept secret. News always travelled amongst them.
"Yes, but you can't tell anyone. Cassian doesn't know yet."
Azriel nodded in understanding before offering her his arm.
"I'll walk you home."
"Overprotective, Illyrian bastards," Y/n said, rolling her eyes playfully.
Azriel's grin simply widened as they walked through the streets of Velaris.
"Is it true? Are you pregnant?"
Y/n almost fell off the kitchen stool when Rhysand suddenly appeared before her, having winnowed from Cauldron knows where.
"Azriel told you didn't he?" she asked, pinching the skin between her brows in irritation.
The shield she had erected would be useless if her family couldn't keep their mouths shut.
Rhysand's smile only grew.
"So it is true! Congratulations sister!" he said, embracing her.
It brought Y/n great comfort, to know that this babe would be loved unconditionally.
"I don't suppose this means you'll let Cass come home early from his mission, will you?" she asked as they separated.
"As a matter of fact, your mate is on his way now."
Y/n beamed.
He was coming home. He was coming home to her. He was coming home to them.
Y/n watched Rhysand walk towards the kitchen door.
"Oh, I've also had a few warriors placed at the front door. For safety you know," Rhysand said, narrowly missing the shoe Y/n flung at him.
"Overprotective, Illyrian bastards..." she muttered to herself.
It was late into the evening when Cassian returned to their home. Y/n had been sitting on the couch when their front door opened, revealing the massive form of her mate.
"Hello, my love," she said as she stood up from her spot, walking over to embrace the large male.
Cassian gladly took her in his arms, breathing in her citrus scent. Not even a moment later, he froze.
With her head buried in his shoulder, Y/n could barely hold back her grin. She'd dropped the shield seconds after he'd returned home, allowing him to identify the difference in her scent.
Gently, Cassian manoeuvred them so that they were looking each other in the eye.
The sight of him was beautiful. Tan skin flushed with joy. Hazel eyes watering slightly but overflowing with love. And his smile...
His smile was simply breathtaking.
"I'm going to be a dad?" he managed to choke out, the tears now openly flowing down his face.
Y/n felt her own tears begin to soak her cheeks.
"You're going to be a dad, Cassian," she said, a palm coming up to brush the tears from his face.
He let out a breathy laugh, wrapping her in his muscled arms.
"Thank you... You've made me the happiest male alive."
Second post complete :) I just want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for all the love given to Aesthete. I could have only imagined so many of you loving it, and it brings me so much joy to see. Just a reminder, my inbox is open, so please feel free to send through your requests :)
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gildedlead · 8 months
All of the Wayne kids’ favorite Leaguers: True and Real and Accurate
Dick: Wonder Woman! Bear with me. Please. I think Superman was his favorite BEFORE he met Clark. Once he learned how big of a dork he was, the magic was sort of lost, doubly so when Clark became his unofficial stepdad. Diana? She stayed cool. Not to mention that in his Robin days, she often humored whatever hare-brained impulses he’d get. Please picture Batman’s bewildered expression when he finds Dick dangling from the Watchtower light fixture he specifically designed to be impossible for him to reach. Diana just, -shrug- “He said please.” You threw him Diana. You threw that child. She’d probably still throw him if he asked nicely, hell, she’d probably do it even before he has to ask. It’s ‘Boy Wonder’, not ‘Boy Bat’.
Jason: Black Canary. ‘Wonder Woman is Jason’s fav’ believers PLEASE hear me out. I think that Diana is Jason’s favorite in a ‘celebrity crush’ way, but Dinah is Jason’s favorite in a ‘cool aunt’ way. He met her unofficially at the Watchtower, but actually started hanging out with her thanks to Roy. They both like motorcycles and kicking ass, plus Young Justice having Canary as a therapist melds well with my vision of her helping Jason heal. And I think she’s used to yelling at Bruce on Oliver’s behalf, so it’s no big to do it on Jason’s too.
Tim: The Flash! If Dinah is the cool aunt, Barry is the cool uncle. Guy that shows up at the function with all the best snacks. He might eat half of them himself but damn if he didn’t bring them. In all seriousness, Tim saw pretty great merit in knowing a forensics guy that he can basically talk to anytime he’s stumped with a case without having to go through the “sorry to wake you” song and dance. Barry occasionally gets unhinged texts that are in the vein of “hey can you go about ten minutes back in time and tell past me about _____”. They’re usually pretty low stakes but sometimes there’s just a “got stabbed, do-over?” jumpscare sprinkled in. Bruce will never ever get shit from Barry about kid troubles. That man is a saint in Flash’s eyes.
Cass: Captain Marvel. She didn’t like him at all during their first meeting. For a person that’s good at reading body language, I imagine that seeing genuinely childish behavior on a grown man would be giving some crazy mixed signals. Once she learns that his powers are magic in origin rather than being alien or meta, her mind opens up a little more to the possibility that his exterior appearance might not be indicative of his actual identity. Cass guesses his age by their next proper meeting and makes it her business to keep an eye on him, always asking Bruce about him after he returns from League missions. Your honor, that 7’5” brick wall Champion of Magic is actually just Cass’ little buddy. She’s gonna get him some ice cream or something.
Steph: Green Lantern. Hal and Barry are like uncles, except if Barry is the cool one, Hal is the cringe one. Lucky for Hal, being a boyfailure is a good way to amuse Steph. Those two are gonna spend hours arguing with Bruce just for the hell of it, backing each other up on completely incorrect claims (Steph does it because it’s funny, Hal does it because he believes her). He does get bonus points for bringing her cool space snacks whenever he comes back from trips off-world. One of her favorite foods is a sort of hi-chew/gum thing from some other planet in Sector 2418 that doesn’t dissolve or lose its flavor, even after chewing it for days on end.
Damian: Aquaman. He’s a king. Like, an actual king. And he can communicate with fish. Arthur heard about Damian’s temper from the rest of the Leaguers and straight up does not believe it because every time he’s spoken to Damian, it’s been “hello your majesty can you introduce me to an octopus I have a few questions for it”. This one’s short. But I feel it speaks for itself.
Duke: Superman. Clark was NOT told about Signal taking up the day shift in Gotham until he was flying in to compare notes (read: flirt), with Bruce and met Duke when they both went to intercept a carjacking. Clark tries to be responsible like “I feel obligated to let you know that Batman doesn’t take kindly to metas in his city”, only for Duke to point at the big ol bat on his chest. After that, Duke usually intercepts Big Blue’s flight path anytime he comes into Gotham and the two just kind of hang out and shoot the shit while he does his patrol. Duke is also a little bit stoked to be regularly hanging out with The Superman, but even after the awe wears off, he can’t help but still think of Clark as just a cool, friendly guy. He gets someone to share the airspace with, Clark gets a bat he can stay in the sun with, it’s a win/win all around. Congrats Clark, you got one.
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shaking at a frequency that could shatter glass I know I've been here not too long ago, but. please.
h—headcanons..,, maybe...?? f-for.
Peepaw/Dad!Leo with an adopted child!reader...,, please...,... i-i need some Dad fluff with this tortuga. this overgrown hard-shell melon. this- this. (gestures vaguely) y'get me?
he's so Dad shaped. he's so fond and just radiates safety and warmth and affection and ugghhhghhh i just KNOW he'd be the best dad EVER. nay, he IS the best dad. (pseudo) sibling Casey attests to it.
(⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠˙̫̮⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠) i think i'm actually going to lose my mind . the Clan as uncles/godparents/aunties. grandpa splinter. sweet brother Casey. it takes a village to raise a kid, they say.
do you see my vision here mate? as always, only if you want to ☜⁠ ⁠(⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠) & if you do? just .. go ham. if anything strikes you, PUT IT IN THERE. I NEED TO HEAR IT FROM OTHER PEOPLE TOO . (/lh)
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This seems appropriate to celebrate me finishing the Rise movie (I am still emotionally unwell this is me coping) I shall grant you headcanons my dearest darling /p
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Let me start this off by saying that this man-
This man is best dad.
He finds a lost child?
'Tis his child now.
You are his child now.
He's ecstatic.
Especially since you're younger than him,
(Not by much, maybe afew months)
Casey makes it his life mission to protect you at all costs.
His favorite thing to do is hold your hand and lead you around.
Leo is so so good at being a dad.
I mean look as CJ,
He's got this ok?
Feeling clingy?
He'll hold you until you want him to put you down.
That's ok kiddo, come curl up next to Papa, he'll keep all those monsters away.
When you get older, you are not going anywhere without him, Casey, or anyone else.
It's not safe, and the same rule applies to CJ.
So you guys go on lots of scouting missions together.
You two may as well be twins, you never go anywhere without the other.
Sometimes, you and Casey will be sent to scout really last minute,
And Leo won't be notified until you two are gone.
Whenever this happens he gets super pissed off and worried because those are his kids,
He should be the one to give them clearence to leave,
Not some random officer who decided to send you two out.
If one of you ever comes back hurt,
God speed to whomever sent the two of you out.
Leo is mad.
Like, mad-mad.
So are April, Mikey, and Donnie.
Leo would literally fall apart if he lost you or Casey.
He swore to Cass that he'd protect Casey, and he promised himself he would keep you safe.
If he lost either of you he just might completely fall apart.
Leo's busy, he's running a resistance afterall,
So he can't keep eyes on you all the time.
That's why the Hamato's take turns.
Leo's in a meeting?
Let's meditate with Master Michelangelo.
Oh he's busy too?
Time to visit Uncle Tello's lab.
Can't find him?
Well where's Commander O'neil?
Can't find her either?
Welp, enjoy the meeting, cause you're stuck there now.
Play rock paper scissors or somethin idk.
If you're around before Splinter passes, he spends alot of time around you.
He's always wanted grandchildren, and he's going to cherish you,
Especially with the world in anarchy.
When you start losing people, it get's hard.
First it was Grandpa Splints,
Then it was Uncle Tello,
Then Auntie April...
Through it all Leo made sure you were ok.
You're just a kid, and you have to grow up in this hellscape?
You've never seen the blue sky, or normal rain,
And everyone you hold close is being ripped away.
That's not fair.
So he does everything he can to make sure you grow up safe and happy.
One of his favorite things to do was tell you and Casey stories of what the world used to be like.
Your favorite is when he describes the stars.
It sounds so amazingly beautiful, shimming lights like glitter sitting up in a blackish blue abyss.
After the events of the movie, (you knew it was coming goddammit)
Your first request is to see the stars.
Which is pretty hard since New York is really bright like all the time.
So they took you and Casey to the docks where you would be able to see them best.
You looked up at the sky in absolute awe,
Papa's words would never do the stars justice.
After a minute, you broke down in tears.
It hurt, he promised to be the one to point out the constellations and his younger self doing it just wasn't the same.
Griefing is going to be a really big thing post movie.
In the future, you never really had the chance.
Everything happened so quickly and anytime wasted on griefing could have been a death sentence.
But now, you don't have to watch every corner, you don't have to wake up in fear you'll be alone.
So you grief.
You grief your family, and Casey does too.
Sure, technically they're right outside your room.
But it's not them.
They didn't raise you.
When Leo sends you and Casey back in time,
You took it much worse than Casey, who was focused on completeing the mission.
Sure, you wanted to stop the Kraang too,
But you missed your dad...
So when you find your family's past selves,
And Leo is being so...
You're angry.
Really angry.
Never in your life had your father acted this way, and Casey needlessly boosting his ego 30 seconds into knowing him wasn't helping.
Through out the movie, Casey needs to remind himself that this Leo isn't your Leo.
You have absolutely no trouble with that.
You come across as cold and angry, which worries your brother since you've never been like this before.
The others just assume you're always that way.
But you're not,
And acting like this makes you hate yourself.
You're grappling with the loss of your dad, and the fact that you might fail to do what you were sent here to in the first place.
Casey pulls you aside and gives you a talk.
He understands that your hurting,
He is too,
But this isn't about the two of you.
This is about saving the world and stopping the Kraang.
After that, you can hurt all you want.
That talk ended with you sobbing into Casey's shoulder, practically collapsing to the ground while you clinged to him and begged him not to leave you too.
Aight imma hit ya with the sandwich technique.
Fluff, angst, fluff.
When you were a kid,
You had a habit of collecting anything shiny.
Old coins, jewelry, even just shiny rocks.
If it glimmered, you wanted it.
So whenever Leo had to leave the base, he always came back with something shiny for you to add to your hoarde.
He liked to compare you to a crow, and you asked what a crow was.
Right, raised in the apocolypse.
Sure there were plenty of birds around,
But they weren't.... normal.
So Leo explained what a crow was, and that they liked to collect shiny things.
You understood, but you wanted to know what one looked like,
So you went to Uncle Tello and asked if he could show you what a crow looks like.
He showed you, and immediatly you took to the comparison proudly.
You were like a crow!
Mikey liked to put on little shows for you and all the other children that lived in the base.
Making animals and such out of his ninpo.
Your favorite were the birds, the rabbits too.
But the best was the butterflies, which he also used to help you and Casey fall asleep.
They'd flutter around you room kinda like a nightlight.
I also like to imagine that when you and Casey start scouting, you get in trouble for fucking around.
Mostly making stupid bets for your shiny things.
Casey would collect shiny things just to make these bets.
Usually it was simple stuff, like who can throw a rock the farthest,
But even stuff like that could get both of you killed.
Neither of you really listened until one day,
You're making your bet like usual,
And the building you were scouting out wasn't as empty as you thought.
The two of you nearly fell to your deaths, luckily Casey managed to grapple the two of you to safety.
But after that, you had a major fear of heights, and Leo didn't let the two of you out of his sight for a while.
He made sure to scold the two of you when you returned that day,
Before hugging you and telling you how scared he was for a second.
Leo has no problem with you and Casey being included in meetings,
Honestly he prefers it.
If you two are gonna go running around scouting, you should know what's going on.
You'll have the occasional adult who thinks you and Casey are incompitent because of your age,
And that you shouldn't participate in meetings.
But Leo puts that to rest pretty quickly.
"If they can go out, and risk their lives on missions, they can attend the meetings." He'd say.
Leo loves you with his heart and soul.
If anything happened to you, he'd fall apart.
Sometimes he just needs you to have little sleepovers with him, that way he knows you're safe and sound.
He just wants to protect you.
You're his kid,
And he loves you
I wrote this while listening to anarchy by egg, and damn that song fits.
This one is LONG that's my bad, I got alittle carried away :^
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👑The girl in the silver dress👑New version
Aemond x reader
Tags: Fluffish, royalty, modernroyalty, theselection
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Cool devider credits: firefly graphics
🔷Summary: You are invited to become a selected girl for Prince Jacaerys's selection. You never thought you would fall for his uncle, prince Aemond instead.
🔷Author's note: Based on the books by Kiera Cass, but reading them is not required.
🔷Wordcount :5393
🔷Warnings: It is not a very dark or triggering fic. If you found something that upsets you, however let me know ill change the warnings
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The life you had before the palace was as a child’s coloring book before growing up. You didn't bother about crossing over the lines, no one told you to stop adding hats to the animals you coloured in, or to stop using so much pink and glitters. There was no line you could cross, no scissors wrapped in papers who could cut you open without you realizing.
All of that changed for better or worse when you were selected for the Selection of Prince Jacaerys Velaryon or as he would soon be known under his ruling name, King Jacaerys Velyaron. 
You never thought you would be selected. There are strict laws that only noble ladies from the minor houses can join the month-to-a-year-long competition where the Seven Kingdoms are introduced to his future bride. 
It is more than a beauty pageant. The skills of each bride are tested. The selection does not require mere Valyrian blood or beauty alone anymore. It has become a deadly game full of manipulation, lies, tricks, schemes and plots. Things you know nothing of.
Your house is not as grand as Baratheon, or as rich as Lannister, your house…It has always been decent. Your parents sheltered you from court life and tried giving you a normal life, as normal as one could have with your titles. And now, it all would change
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You sit in the dining room of the royal castle, known as the Red Keep. The castle has survived multiple wars, sieges, treasons and deaths long before any of its current inhabitants graced this world, and many more would follow before you all are bones.
In front of you is a silver plate with a spoon, a fork, a knife and a glass. You never knew you cutted your food wrong or that you lean that much with your elbows on a table until your princess training began. 
It is all so terribly confusing. There are 35 girls here, and they want the same as you do. They want to be the one for Prince Jacaerys. They want to sit next to him at official functions and parties, they want one day to be his love, to continue his legacy and perhaps more than Jace, they want this glamorous life. 
You tell yourself that this uneasy feeling, that you don’t quite belong here, will fade. It has to. These girls are all from higher noble houses and used to courtly manners and training. Of course you will be a bit out of place at first. 
A gorgeous black-haired girl with a clear stag necklace with diamonds speaks up, rising from her chair as if she is already proclaimed queen. She turns to the woman who is tasked with guiding and teaching you all how to behave accordingly as the consort of the king. That lady is called Lady Aemma Arryn, yet you may refer to her as Lady Aemma or Lady Arryn. 
The girl’s voice has a slight accent from the Stormlands. ‘’When will we meet the royal family?’’ You believe her name is Floris, but you are not sure. You become slightly worried by her question, as you are in no state of preparation to meet anyone or anything royal at all.
Your teacher sighs, annoyed by this question. ‘’Patience, girls. I won’t introduce you to any royal. Some of you can curtsy but others would fall flat on their faces.’’ She doesn't even glance in your direction. So why do you feel as if she speaks directly about you?
Floris nods to that with a sweet smile, her eyes blinking rapidly. ‘’That would be embarrassing.’’ She says, eying the girls around the table, including you. You pretend to be too busy with your glass to notice.
Lady Aemma smiles. ‘’Yes it would.’’ She says, with a thinly veiled laugh. ‘’For you it would be.’’ She adds with a charming smile.
A few girls giggle delighted by this spectacle and amazing comeback. Floris becomes furious and you fear that for now, Lady Aemma has made an enemy. ‘’Ladies, focus. Remember: You are always one step away from a scandal.’’ The grand doors of the dining room open.
35 heads turn at the same time, taking in the mysterious visitors. It is two young adult males, both dressed in black, with each a motorcycle helmet under their arms. One is slightly taller yet the smaller one stands out the most thanks to his cheekish, boyish and almost taunting grin. 
Nervous chatter erupts among most girls, as they already seem to know who these two men are. You wonder if one of these two men is Jacaerys. The smaller one speaks, and despite the distance between you and him he speaks as if he is sitting right next to you, almost purring in your ear and sending shivers down your spine. ‘’I didn’t know the royal harem had been invited already.’’ 
You are offended by his comment and frown. The selection is not a harem. One girl will be chosen. One. This is nothing like a harem. The taller man remains silent, his expression unreadable as a book in a foreign language you only heard in a dream.
Lady Aemma smiles and for a moment you believe her. You believe she is happy to see both. Until the corners of her mouth slightly begin to hang in displeasure or perhaps pure disgust when she greets the man.
‘’Prince Aegon.’’ You slowly lift your elbows again from the table, quickly sitting straight. ‘’Forgive me, you nor your brother were expected back so quickly.’’ Aegon, or rather prince Aegon approaches the long table with 35 young women that stare at him as if he is a statue that has come to life.
Aegon takes no offense. ‘’It is no matter, Lady Aemma.’’ He makes sure to put a little extra effort on the lady word. ‘’You are getting old, after all.’’ Lady Aemma turns her head so he can’t see her scowl, very subtly before looking at the selected girls again.
She speaks to you all. ‘’Girls, this is Prince Aegon, and Prince Aemond. Please stand up for them, and make a curtsy as is custom.’’ You all stand up before following her orders, making a curtsy or a bow.
Aegon seems to enjoy the attention when his brother remains in the background, unaware of your gaze slowly shifting from Aegon's eyes to his own. When he finally notices your gaze, he scowls. Your smile dies and you turn your gaze to the glass in front of you. Aemond and Aegon leave soon after that, having caused quite the uproar among the selected.
The girl a few chairs away from you speaks, her blue and gorgeous dress reveals she is from either the Arryn, or perhaps a Velyaron. ‘’Is Jace just as pretty as them?’’ She wonders, her voice a little sigh of a girl slowly falling in love.
Lady Aemma scowls at her, before insulting the girl. ‘’Prince Jacaerys to you, and have some self-respect and decorum.’’ A few girls giggle, but you don’t join this time as you take in the sad smile of the girl, clearly embarrassed. 
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Two months in the selection and you feel less like a failure every passing day. One day, when you are busy practicing the dance of the dragons, Lady Aemma returns from her walk. Several girls who have been practicing break up their dances, but you and your partner keep engaged in the dance. The girl was shy at first, keeping her movements stiff and ungracious, but after your encouraging smile and jokes about how you look like a parrot when you dance, she has loosened up and dances as if she is the most free and spirited girl out there. Her name is Maris. You and Maris smoothly glide over the dance floor, leaving jealous eyes behind. Not jealousy aimed at you, but at Maris or the bond you two have. Lady Aemma quietly walks over, her hands folded in front of her blue dress when she takes in the movements you and Maris make, faithful to the waltz.
She smiles, nodding in slight approval. You are shocked and you can tell that Maris is too. ‘’Good, especially you, Lady Baratheon. You are a natural.’’ To you, she does not utter a word but gives you a warning glare before turning her head to the other girls. You and Maris finally break up your dance so you can listen to what Lady Aemma has to say.
She sighs, deeply and very unbecoming of a lady, before speaking. ‘’Ladies, it is with great displeasure and my greatest fear that I must admit to myself, and you all, as adults, that you are finally ready to meet what could become your future family in law, as well his royal highness, prince Jacaerys Velyaron.’’ You hear Maris gasp, as well as other girls who giggle and mutter excitedly. Lady Aemma glares at one girl who lets out an excited cheer. ‘’Do not make me regret this.’’ She warns the girl in particular. 
That evening, you are prepared to meet the royal family. You are put in a silver coloured dress with transparent sleeves,  befitting your house colors. The other girls are dressed as well, each in another dress with a different model. When the selection started you all were giving a tailor, a handmaiden, a team of make-up artists and dressmakers. 
You would be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t nervous to meet the royal family. They have a reputation for being intense people. They dislike outsiders joining their royal private circle, and for centuries banned people for even joining theirs. Now the rules have changed, and you are prepared for your meeting, hearing other girls talk with their teams.
Lady Floris Baratheon wears a dark black with gold gown, sleeveless with a huge diamond choker. Again, it would be a lie if you wouldn’t admit she wears it very well. She orders her maids to tighten her corset even more, before her small feet glide into her dark black heels.
You hear sniffs beside you, and turn your head to a gorgeous blonde crying girl in a red gown. Her make-up artist sighs. ‘’I can’t work like this. The girl keeps crying and it ruins the eyeliner I put on her.’’ Is he heartless? You feel conflicted as you take in her big puffy red eyes. She is upset.
The dressmaker does her best to comfort the girl, but fails miserably because of her annoyed glare and her tight pressed lips. ‘’You are ruining everything we worked so hard for with your tears.’’ She warns the girl. 
That only makes the girl feel even more terrible. ‘’I don’t know. What if he hates this? What if he hates me?’’  Your chest tightens as you become worried about that too.
A woman with her gorgeous silver locks high up on a knot in the Valyrian style, approaches the girl, gently taking her hands into her own. ‘’He doesn’t know you, he can’t hate you yet.’’ She tells the girl, who slowly calms down because of this act of sincere genuine kindness. That is all she needed.
The girl continues giving her advice as you listen in on them, feeling terrible that you do so. ‘’Jacaerys is very kind, and takes his role and the selection very seriously. He will have a small talk with all of us. Just be yourself, Jace likes that the most.’’ She finally notices you listening in. Instead of glaring or snapping at you, she smiles. ‘’You look beautiful. Silver is your color.’’
You are speechless. The girl she helped, is not. ‘’Thank you, Lady Baela. You’re always very kind to me.’’ She sniffs. ‘’If my face wasn’t full of snot and ruined make-up, I’d hug you.’’ 
Lady Baela smiles, yet beams at the compliment before taking the girl’s hand. After Baela has cleaned her face for her, and put on a fresh layer of much less expressive make-up, she takes the girl by her hand. ‘’I’m simply speaking my truth, lady Dyana. Come, we’ll go in together. I met the royal family before. They are actually very nice.’’
Floris snaps her head to Baela, taking in her dark blue puffy gown as she scoffs, clearly hating the seahorses that are embroidered on it. ‘’Where the hell would a girl like you met the royals before?’’ She asks, her voice clearly jealous.
Baela smiles, sweetly. ‘’Be careful, Lady Floris. Green clashes with black.’’ She walks with Dyana to the people by the doors, to let them know they are ready. You smile, faintly until you notice Floris approaching you.
She takes in your plain silver dress. ‘’You’re the nameless girl.’’ That is one way to greet you.
You shrug. ‘’What if I am?’’
Floris sighs, deeply as if you are just stupid before giving you some friendly advice meant as a threat. ‘’Just don’t bother, dear. A prince like Jace wants a girl with a house, banners, and good men to fight his wars.’’
You might suck at dancing, at court manners, public speaking, but the history and the books? That is something you excel at. You turn your head. ‘’Lady Floris. Perhaps if you spent as much time with your nose in a book as you did making others feel miserable, you would know that the last time the Seven Kingdoms had a war was hundreds of years ago. I suggest you spent more time reading, no man likes a girl that can’t keep up with him.’’ A few girls overhear and giggle among themselves, as Floris becomes a dark shade of red. You let her be, before telling the crew you are ready as well.
You are let in at the same time as Dyana. You take a moment to take in the grand chandelier, dangling from the ceiling, the polished marble tiles and the buffet tables with delicious sweets and glasses of champagne. The curtains that cover the tall windows are in a red color with dark black details, and you hear a faint orchestra play an upbeat tune as the selected are paraded to the royal family. 
You feel like you don’t belong here at all, suddenly. You and Dyana both approach the royal family. You will curtsy to every member, and when he has the time, Prince Jacaerys will formally meet his selected, making a conversation of about 3 minutes with every girl. You feel nervous, so you wonder how Lady Dyana  is feeling. She must feel even worse. She is close to crying again. You wait for her to catch your glance. She finally looks at you, a little nervous and worried.
You wink at her, causing her to giggle loudly. The royals snap their heads in her direction, but Jace’s lips curl into an approving smile, before grinning back. Dyana makes a deep, beautiful curtsy for Jacaerys. He speaks to her, smiling as well, before likely asking what she was laughing about. Dyana nods to your direction and Jace follows her gaze to you. Jace nods as if he thanks you, before taking off with Dyana.
Your hand is grabbed and you are tugged out of the line by Lady Aemma. You smell her intense parfum as you are dragged to the side. ‘’I had hoped you learned by now.’’ She sighs, almost disappointed in you. She turns her body so she can look at you.
You blink, confused. ‘’Had learned what, Lady Aemma?’’ You ask, your voice soft. ‘’Dyana seemed nervous-’’
She grabs your shoulders, breaking protocol. ‘’These girls are not your friends, Y/N. They would throw you from the towers so they can hold Jace’s hand when he takes in your corpse. Every girl is here for herself. You should be too.’’ She warns you, but you are not angry. Just upset.  Deep down, you know very well she is right. ‘’You are a sweet, genuine girl with a kind, gentle heart. It won’t lead you anywhere with this family. Take it from me. Kind girls, finish last.’’ She looks at King Viserys when speaking. ‘’If they reach the finish at all, that is.’’ You heard Floris once tell a story that Lady Aemma was a Queen once, but that Viserys degraded her because she could not deliver him a healthy child. Others say that Alicent used her dark magic on the king, breaking their relationship. So you don’t really know if there is truth to those rumors, and if so, how much truth.
‘’Come, Jacaerys is occupied, but the other members of the family must be greeted.’’ She takes you with her, walking you to the other members of the very well dressed royal family. ‘’May I present, Lady Y/N?’’ Princess Regent Rhaenyra is the first to address you.
Her dress takes your breath away, it is a dark black gown with red and golden details, but on her back are dragon wings. You drop in a low respectful curtsy before lowering your gaze. The princess smiles, approvingly before telling you to rise with a nod. ‘’My. Your dress is by far the simplest, but still the most beautiful out here. You must share your tailor with me.’’ She rambles excitedly. ‘’I love the little sparkles.’’ She seems like a sweet kind woman. You don’t understand why the media calls her cruel. ‘’And I saw what you did for your fellow selected. You have taken my interest, I don’t doubt you’ll hold Jacaerys soon as well.’’
You are brought before the king next, King Viserys. Aemma does not speak a single word, but you drop into another curtsy. The king speaks, and you worry for madness coming out. But it is far from madness. It is plain, true, as clear as a piece of well forged glass. ‘’It is a wonderful day, seeing a common girl grace the halls with the posture and decorum of a true born royal. Your kindness with the girl did not go unnoticed.’’ He speaks very kindly and you almost feel as if you are back at home again. He nods to Dyana who is now dancing with Jacaerys, in the waltz you practiced, not a care in the world. ‘’A ruler must have a kind heart, that beats for her people.’’
You are shocked and honored by his compliments. ‘’Y-your majesty, King Viserys. Your words honor me.’’ You speak, your voice touched by his kindness. 
A sharp but elegant voice cuts in, interrupting you, protocol and the reality is brought back in. ‘’May I cut in?’’ A beautiful red haired woman in a dark green gown with sharp spikes smiles at you, and you know she is Queen Alicent.
Viserys nods, smiling as you gulp silently. ‘’Of course, dear. This is her majesty, Queen Alicent Hightower.’’ You make another deep curtsy, and you can’t understand why she is called a witch or worse in the media sometimes.
Alicent smiles at Aemma. Aemma smiles back, unchallenged. You can read rivalry and hatred in both their eyes. Until Alicent speaks. ‘’Surely your flock needs help? I’ll take over for you. She only needs to meet my sons and the little princes.’’ The flock, being selected girls. You feel insulted and a little frightened when Alicent takes you with her, not giving Aemma a chance to save you. She walks you to the two young adult men, no longer in leather and jeans, but in suit and tie. They look extraordinarily handsome, for sure. But you are not here for them.
Prince Aegon sighs, muttering to his brother how bored he is. Prince Aemond does not even respond, having his hands folded on the back of his suit jacket, and his good eye is aimed at you, and you alone as a bee in trance of a blooming flower. Aegon even waves his hand in front of Aemond’s good working eye, before Aemond snaps at him, likely telling him to behave. You find it wondrous how he is the youngest, yet act as the eldest.
Alicent presents you to her sons. ‘’Aemond, Aegon…’’ She glares at the latter, warning him with that. ‘’This is Lady Y/n.’’ You dip in another curtsy, smiling at both royals who do nothing to even acknowledge your existence. 
The silence is painfully awkward as Alicent leaves. You speak, your voice soft and sincere. ‘’I am honored.’’
The eldest prince scoffs, putting his hands in the pockets of his pants. ‘’I imagine you would be.’’ You try to find your tongue, to say something sharp and witty but all that comes out is a very soft:
Aegon laughs, gesturing around him. ‘’We are royalty, you are like a peasant. We are the lions, you are our gazelle.’’ You feel nauseous at that description, as if he can rip you to shreds. 
You turn your head to the other prince who remains silent. The prince follows your gaze. ‘’Don’t talk to my brother, he is not very talkative. Unless you like to talk about ancient Dornish statues, or banter on endless debates about historic battles.’’ You would much rather be getting a drink, then to be in the crossfire between those two.
Aemond hisses, clearly a bit embarrassed in his rough voice. ‘’Aegon.’’
You see an opening. And so you take it. ‘’I quite like Dornish statues. My father is the patron of art conversionship in Sunspear.’’ Aegon bristles, scoffing when sipping his drink when Aemond looks at you as if he only sees you now for the first time. He sees the real you, for the first time.  ‘’You do? You don’t…’’ He clears his throat. ‘’Find it boring?’’
Your father has been patron of persevering Dornish and other foreign cultural works, protecting it from greedy graverobbers and folks who think other people’s cultures belong in their own house. He makes sure the local museums display it, earn money from it and profit from it but most of all: That Dornish aritfacts remain in Dorne. Your dad does admirable work, some would call it boring, perhaps. But how else can you learn from history, if you don’t cherish and protect it?
Your words come blurting out, before you can stop them, quoting your father. ‘’Only a soul with little imagination would find history boring.’’ Aegon stops sipping his drink, looking at you with newfound interest. But Aemond has become absolutely silent, a smile on his pink soft lips.
You forgot yourself for a brief moment. These men are above you. ‘’I-..’’
The younger prince talks, his rough but soft voice leaving his mouth. ‘’I concur.’’ He nods, even. ‘’What is your favorite piece?’’ He brings his champagne glass to his lips before taking a sip.
You watch, before answering the question. ‘’It’s a cliche, but Nymeria’s statues, the ones that have been constructed by her family.’’ You tell him, with a dismissive little laugh.
The prince does not agree with you. ‘’Is it a cliche, or is it a classic?’’ You are dumbstruck at that comment, feeling all your wit leave your body. He smiles, reassuring that he does not find your interests stupid. And that is something no one else did before. He in fact, takes the bait and asks you things. ‘’The one’s at Sunspear or the one’s at Dornegarden? Of course, a lot of smaller statues have been build all over Dorne to honor her.’’ You are impressed by his knowledge.
You nod. Dornegarden is on your bucket list. ‘’Dornegarden’s are my favorite. The statues are so immensely huge, as if she is a goddess looking down at you.’’ You describe it the way your father described it to you.
Beyond his shyness you can see a small smile appearing, gentle as a first snowflake in november. ‘’Ah, I can see why you like her. She was clever, fierce and beautiful too.’’ You blush, unintended. 
You know it is polite to ask, but part of you is dying to know. ‘’And yours?’’ Aemond opens his mouth but sadly, the pig that is his brother interrupts, ruining this precious moment and shutting Aemond up.
Aegon grins. ‘’He has a fascination for everything depressing, doomed and disastrous.’’ You try to think of a specific name that comes to mind. Isn’t all history depressing, dooming and disastrous, in certain ways? 
‘’Oryn.’’ Aemond mumbles, quietly.
You hear it perfectly. If he were in a crowd of thousand screaming men, you would hear it just as clear. ‘’Oryn?’’ You find that an interesting intriguing choice.
Aemond nods, his silver hair going up and down.‘’Yeah.’’
‘’I like his statues.’’ You tell him. His temple was destroyed by his usurper, the king’s brother, when Oryn was cut in pieces. The foul king took Oryn’s wife as well.
The prince takes a bigger sip of his champagne, his body language suddenly tense and clearly distressed. ‘’You don’t have to lie to me. I know no one really gives a fuck about him.’’ He mutters as if he hates himself for caring as much as he does.
You step closer to the prince before speaking your truth. ‘’I’m not lying, his story is a tragedy but it doesn’t mean that the story isn’t worth telling. It has betrayal, brotherly love, devotion and romance. How can you not love it?’’ You bring out your smartphone from your handbag, showing Aemond a few photo’s your father sent on his recent travels. ‘’They found his grave recently. My dad was there when they cut the rock open.’’ Aemond’s mood changes back from sullen to excited, to impressed, yet still reserved.
‘’No way.’’ He murmurs, looking at the little screen as if it’s a diamond. ‘’Your father leads the expedition?’’ He sounds impressed, and you blush.
You know the Dornish would never. Too long, Westerosi grave robbers from the Crownlands have taken Dornish artifacts. ‘’No, the Dornish lead it themselves. Father simply is invited, because he protects the art faithfully. The Dornish have closed him in their hearts.’’ 
Aemond understands that, still his eyes are glued to your phone, taking in every detail on the dark photo. ‘’Oh, yes, of course.’’
He mutters to himself.‘’Where did they even find this?’’
You tell what your father told you. ‘’A farmer found it. Apparently his son was playing and saw a crack in a rock. They rolled the rock away, revealing a cave. Inside the cave, there was his tomb.’’ The rest of the world seems to fade when you and Aemond talk, the worries and fears of not fitting in miles away.
He grins, smiling, letting out a little chuckle. ‘’I love that. I doubt his brother knew of it. His supporters must have made it, after Oryn was slain.’’ His brother would be Prince Razar, the brother of Prince Oryn, and Princess Farya.
He is an Oryn supporter, so perhaps he likes to hear this as well. ‘’Dad says they found traces of Queen Farya. Flowers were left. They withered, but they are testing the remains. They think they already know it are Dornish daisies.’’ You tell him.
The simple grin he lets out does something to your heart. ‘’Her favorite, according to many poems out of that time.’’ 
You nod. ‘’Yes, exactly.’’
Aemond becomes a little more serious, still rambling on, happy to finally have found someone, anyone that listens. ‘’Do you think that she was even allowed to visit her brother’s grave? Or out of the palace?’’
You think deeply before speaking. You avoid his gaze. ‘’Perhaps in secret? When people are meant to be together…’’
He answers without missing a moment. ‘’They will find a way.’’ You smile at one another, both lost in each other’s eyes.
He breaks eye-contact, nodding to the phone. ‘’This is certainly amazing. Thank you for showing me this.’’
You take back your phone, putting it in the handbag. ‘’Have you ever been in Dorne, my Prince?’’ You wonder. Aemond seems to slightly blush.
He nods. ‘’Yes, many times. I go as often as my duties allow me.’’ You inwardly sigh, delighted. That must be so wonderful.
The prince then turns to look at you. ‘’And you?’’
You shrug, a little playing with your handbag.‘’It’s a heartwish of mine.’’ You confess.
Aegon makes a strange sound, startling you as if he is about to puke any moment. ‘’Give me a fucking bucket.’’ he comments, grumpily you both ignored him for so long. You feel embarrassed and mocked.
Aemond’s smile dies and he is back to hiding his emotions. ‘’Aegon, perhaps you can go get a drink?’’ He suggest, sweetly. Aegon nods, taking off. Once Aegon is gone, he turns to you. ‘’I apologize for him. We had such a lovely conversation and now its ruined.’’ You nod, but part of you is worried the conversation isn’t allowed. 
You try to give him some advice, though. ‘’Don’t be. He is your brother, but you don’t control him.’’
He seems dumbstruck by those words, staring at his empty champagne glass. ‘’Hm. I’ve been apologizing for his behavior before I was old enough to walk.’’ He mutters.
You smile, faking a bit of a stern glare causing him to chuckle. ‘’Well, maybe you should stop apologizing.’’ You mean it. He is not responsible for Aegon.
The prince nods, as if you have given him a lot to think about. ‘’Maybe I should.’’
You notice the Prince, Jacaerys has joined you, listening in with his hands folded on his back. You notice the seahorse pin on his chest.‘’Ahum.’’
You dip in a curtsy. ‘’Your highness.’’
Jacaerys ignores you, staring at prince Aemond. ‘’Uncle.’’
You notice another rivalry, unfolding right before your eyes. You wish to leave, right now.
Jacaerys speaks, his voice taunting but soft. ‘’Thank you for keeping Lady Y/n occupied when I spoke to the other ladies. It is her turn now, however.’’ Aemond lifts his chin as if he wants to speak, but changes his mind.
‘’Of course.’’ And with that, he lets you go. You turn on your heel, walking back to Aemond. ‘’It is always nice to talk with someone about history.’’ You thank him with that and smile. He doesn't smile. He does not even glance at you, anymore.
All you get is a vague, disinterested ‘’Hm.’’
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The prince takes you with him, walking to the buffet before offering you a glass of champagne. ‘’Did he hurt you?’’
He casually asks between filling the glasses. 
You are confused. ‘’Who?’’
He shrugs, as if it's obvious. ‘’Aemond?’’
You become even more confused. ‘’No?’’
Jace leans in a little closer. ‘’You must know, it is inappropriate for any selected to have another lover. It can lead to disqualification or worse, punishment.’’ He warns you, kindly of that. You know he does not mean to harm or threaten you.
You nod, thankful but you do want to clear things up.‘’I didn’t know that. But Prince Aemond and me only talked about Dornish statues.’’ Not very romantic, so why does your heart beat so fast?
Jacaerys scoff. ‘’Statues?’’ You can see that Aemond is likely the only history buff in his family. That must be lonely.
You smile, telling him the same thing you told Aemond. ‘’Yes, in Sunspear-’’
But this time, you get a deep sigh before Jace even rolls his eyes. ‘’Don’t you want to talk about something more exciting?’’ He suggests. 
You feel as if you have been hit in the face. You feel rejected and foolish. ‘’Like what?’’
He shrugs. ‘’Most girls tell me of their house, or their horses.’’ Their horses? You hear yourself think, and its not a pleasant thought. How…dull? And all of them? You bet that Floris told them to bring it up.
You repeat after him. ‘’Horses?’’
‘’You don’t like horses?’’ He asks. Horses terrify you.
‘’I don’t dislike them.’’ You say and it's the truth. Horses are beautiful from a distance. You just don't want to ride them. Or talk about them. ‘’I don’t like talking about horses. I don’t want to have dull meaningless conversation with you.’’
Jace straightens his back. ‘’That is part of your job, should you become my queen.’’ You feel your lips hang in a sorrowful line and for the first time you wonder if this is what you really want.
Jace notices your mood change quickly. ‘’But it's alright. We can talk about something else too. What is your favorite sweet?’’
You nod, accepting his attempts at winning your heart.  ‘’I like cupcakes.’’ Jacaerys takes a chocolate cupcake for you from the impressive cake stand, looking at it very briefly, inspecting it before handing it to you. ‘’These are my favorites. I have yet to taste anything else that taste as good as these.’’ That sounds promising. You clumsily bite the cupcake off, tasting the surprisingly good white chocolate filling. It tastes as good as he said it would, and your argument from earlier vanishes as snow that is basked in sunrays. ‘’It is really good.’’ You say, licking your fingers off when you think no one is watching. Jacaerys is amused by your actions, before slyly doing the same. 
Jacaerys seems a bit nervous, before he sighs after you both have finished your cupcakes. ‘’I’m sorry for being a little mean about Aemond earlier. I’ve been hearing disturbing news about him and his brother. I don’t see you girls as my cattle or my livestock, but I do feel responsible. You are here under my roof, for me. You put up with etiquette and court rules for me, the very least I can do, is protect you from men that want to harm you.’’ You notice your gaze swift between Jace and Aemond, who is now talking with an unknown silver-haired woman in a luscious green gown. That must be Helaena.
You feel foolish you even entertained the prince that long, or talked with them. ‘’Do you think Aemond is that malicious?’’You wonder.
Jace does not need long to answer that question. ‘’I know he is. They both are. If you are important to me, he wants to destroy you.’’ You find that a little extreme but Jace’s stern glare tells you there is nothing funny about this. ‘’Just be careful, Y/N. That’s all I ask.’’ And you nod, obedient as a good girl would. But your gaze kept stealing peaks at the forbidden prince, however.
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This is part one, for now.
I hope you all liked it
Its different than what i usually write.
Reblogs/comments are welcome!:))
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lokisprettygirl · 10 months
Close Ties (Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Modern AU) (Non canon) (18+)
Read Chapter 8 // Series Masterlist
Chapter 9
Summary : Trip to Japan with Uncle Daemon doesn't go as planned but that could be a blessing in disguise.
Warning: 18+, dad's best friend trope, canon (we don't know her..don't like don't read), feeling of hopelessness, slight uncle kink if you squint, familial uncle niece sort of relationship but he's not really her uncle, there will be more smut later, significant age gap but reader is in her mid twenties, mention of infidelity, divorce, smoking and alcohol drinking, physical violence implied
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You were in your room at your parent's house packing for your trip to Japan, sure you had a place of your own but since you frequented here often you made sure to keep the majority of your belongings here as well, besides you had your flight with Daemon in three hours and didn't have much time to spare.
“Lingerie ..yup ..keep the lingeries..he may not touch you yet but he sure can look”
Daemon had told you to go see him in his room before heading downstairs. Was he going to kiss you? You had no idea, he was such a tease and very unpredictable.
You were excited to go see him when out of nowhere Cassandra came rushing into your room..
“Babee auntie just told me you're leaving for Japan”
You heard her voice so you gave her a fake smile, like a coward you still had not confronted her, but it's been two weeks since you had seen her last so that was good progress right?
“Yeah it's a work thingy with ummm Uncle Daemon” you told her so she smiled,
“Mmm how's your Uncle daemon doing anyway?” you gulped as she questioned you, if she knew what was going on with you and him she'd lose her mind completely. It was weird because she probably would have been the first person you would have gone to if things were normal between you two or if she hadn't slept with Daemon or gone on secret vacations with your ex..
“He's alright..” you mumbled so she sighed.
“How long is this trip for?”
“4-5 days?” You told her so she looked at you with a full smile.
“Good I'll have to pack accordingly” she jumped up and down as if it was a pleasant surprise for you that she wanted to join you.
“What do you mean?” You asked her as you crossed your arms in nervousness,
“Aren't you excited..we are going to have so much fun babe..i have never been to Japan” she giggled but it didn't amuse you at all.
“Cass I'm not going there for fun, it's a work trip and I'm pretty sure I'll have to be with Daemon to all the meetings, that's the whole point of this trip” her smile faltered as you said that,
“Did you just call him Daemon?” She asked you as she crossed her arms like a petulant child so you sighed again.
“Sir..Daemon.. whatever..he's my boss as well now Cass and things have been weird since you two had that fling ..I don't want weirdness on this trip..i need to focus on work”
And on your relationship with him. You needed privacy.
“Wow are you really not taking me with you now that you have a big girl's job? God you have changed” She said to you, she seemed genuinely upset and offended.
As she turned around to storm out of your room you called her once or twice but you didn't make much effort, a part of you did feel guilty but you shoved it aside. You really thought she'd just leave but she went downstairs instead and it must have been your misfortune that your father was home for once. After a few minutes your dad called you and told you that you didn't have to worry about the trip, her ticket was taken care of and that you could take Cassandra with you, and he would make sure all of you have a good time there and not just drown yourselves in work.
Gee thanks dad. Daemon was going to be pissed for sure.
When you didn't go see him like he had told you, Daemon went to your room first but it was all empty so he went downstairs and he saw Cassandra giving him a sly smile, there was luggage right next to her.
He glared at you and you were avoiding his gaze, probably due to embarrassment.
“Mate forget about the past and you both should move on, we are like family and that's how it should be..take this trip as an opportunity to resolve your differences” your dad said to him as he pointed towards Cassandra, she was exceptionally giddy ofcourse, she got her way like always.
Jackson was going to drive the three of you to the airport, there was an awkward silence in the car, you could see him looking at you through the rear view mirror and then you heard your phone ping,
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He didn't respond to you after that, he wasn't even looking at you or talking to you, he was upset and rightly so.
As you all took your seats in the plane she swapped her seat with you because she wanted to “apologize to daemon and make things normal” but you knew it was just another excuse to stay close to him.
She wasn't even acknowledging that she had gone against your wishes and joined this trip despite your clear resistance.
You had to sit on the right side of the business class row while they were on the left, it was going to be a very long, very lonely and very tense flight for you..you wanted to spend these 12 hours just talking to him but that won't happen now.
After a few hours as Cassandra went to the bathroom you quickly got up from your seat and sat down next to him. He had his airpods in, his sunglasses down, and he appeared to be lost in thought. You gently tapped him on the shoulder and he looked up, visibly annoyed at first, thinking it was Cassandra who had woken him up. As he spotted you, his expression softened, but he still seemed unhappy about the whole situation.
“I know you're cross with me.. extremely cross”
He sighed as you said that,
“I told you to confront her, i have said it a million times in the past month” his voice was firm and strict like a school teacher,
“I know i should have –”
“Yeah you should have..she wouldn't be here right now if you had done so”
Your eyes teared up as he said that, you didn't like making him upset.
“I'm sorry..it's just not easy..we have been friends for years” you mumbled meekly and he was about to turn to you to comfort you but Cassandra returned so you quickly got up and went back to your seat.
His anger was misdirected he knew, he was pissed at Cassandra but as he didn't want to pay any attention to her he didn't even let his anger out on her because it didn't really matter to her what sort of attention she was receiving..
He knew he had to comfort you soon because he understood your plight. He stayed in a broken relationship for more than a decade, he understood how hard it was to let go of things you wanted to keep forever. You had always struggled to make genuine friends, so you had put a lot of effort into building a relationship with Cassandra but he could tell what kind of a person she was. She just wanted to use you.
He also wanted to discuss the work presentation with you so he asked Cassandra to swap seats with you which she did after rolling her eyes and whining for a minute.
“Daemon–” he interrupted you as you took his name because he could feel Cassandra's eyes on you and she was eavesdropping as well.
“Let's just focus on work alright…it's a work trip” he said to you so you swallowed the rest of your words, this wasn't going well, your relationship had just started like last night and this wasn't supposed to happen this way.
However as you helped him with the presentation you felt the tension melting slightly, he seemed in a better mood as he was smiling often and he was trying to cheer you up as well.
“Are you guys done ..like ..this seat is a bit uncomfortable not gonna lie” Cassandra threw her words in the air so Daemon glared at her,
“Then jump off the bloody plane” your eyes widened as he said that to her and she just scoffed in response. Now that had managed to bring a huge smile to your face.
As you all finally reached Tokyo and made your way to your respective rooms you couldn't help but stress about Cassandra, when you were at dinner together there was a pin drop silence between you three and it was the weirdest and most uncomfortable situation.
When you returned to your room you quickly showered and changed into a night dress. As you heard your phone vibrate at first you thought it must be Daemon but it was Cassandra instead. She wanted you to go visit a local nightclub with her that she had read rave reviews about. Did she realize that you were there for work and had a meeting in the morning?
You didn't respond but texted Daemon instead because you wanted to see him and clear the tension between you both however you didn't receive a response for a good fifteen minutes and you couldn't wait even a second longer so you put on a robe and stepped out of your room.
All three of you had rooms right next to each so you had to pass by Cassandra's room to reach Daemon's.
You knocked on his door and he opened soon after, he still had the laptop on his arm and he was on a call so he stepped aside and gestured for you to get in. You sat down on his bed so he smiled as he looked at you even though he was still deeply engrossed in that call.
“Hai! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu Mr Hayashi…Oyasumi” you crossed your arms as he spoke something in Japanese, as he hung up he took the airpods out and walked towards his desk to put his laptop down.
“You speak Japanese?” You asked him so he chuckled.
“Of Course not..i Googled it right before the call”
You smiled as he said that and reached closer to you.
“I texted you and you ignored me” he smiled and leaned down to kiss your forehead, sure he was upset with Cassandra's lack of boundaries and manners but he wasn't going to ruin this trip or hurt you because of that.
“I was working sweetheart”
“Mmm you're upset i know”
“I'm not upset ..i worry”
“She won't trouble you, you just have to ignore her” he sighed as you said that and sat down next to you.
“It's not me that I worry about”
“I tried to make her not come with us, i really did” your eyes teared up so he pulled you closer to him and hugged you, he hadn't done that since he had seen you last in his cabin which to be Frank was barely 24 hours ago.
“I know but did you try to confront her about the doubts you had regarding Dylan?”
“No” you shook your head and he placed his forehead down on yours,
“You know you need to do that, she's not a good friend you must know that now don't you?” he asked you softly and you nodded in response, you knew everything but you had a hard time accepting it..
“It's just..I don't have many friends..I have lost friends before but at least i knew that they just wanted to get close to me because of my dad..with Cassandra I just..what does she want?” your voice was laced with a mix of sadness and frustration as you spoke.
“Same thing but even worse i fear, first of all she's so annoying I don't know how you tolerate her”
“Well the same way you were able to tolerate her while you were fucking her”
There was a silence before you felt his fingers clutching around your hair and he pulled on it slightly. You had trouble breathing as soon as he kissed the corner of your mouth and trailed his lips down your chin,
“What have I said about swearing?”
“Mmm that i should do it more often?” he smiled as you said that.
Lord he found you absolutely adorable when you got all sassy with him.
“Your mouth is going to bring you trouble sweetheart, I'm asking again so this time think carefully before you speak”
Oh god. A part of you really wanted to defy him again just to see what he'd do to you but then your need to be his good girl weighted heavier.
“Mm that it doesn't suit me?”
“Mmm that being said, i fucked her because I was a lonely single man and she was available and quite eager to throw herself at me, her personality isn't what attracted me to her, but you can't say the same now can you?”
He caressed your scalp before he kissed your cheek, he could tell you were thinking about what he had said.
“She wasn't always like this..or maybe I just ..maybe I like to live in denial” your voice sounded defeated and he absolutely abhorred seeing you in this situation.
“I don't want you to lose a friend..but i need you to be careful before letting a person into your life like this. She has been going on free trips with you since she met you, she's using your name and your dad's wealth to get what she wants from you ..but that's not enough for her and you know that” Daemon's voice was filled with concern and your eyes teared up again as you knew he was looking out for you.
He might have just become your boyfriend of sorts like two days ago but he has always been someone who had your best interests at heart, you knew he'd never give you bad advice.
“In college ..during our last year, there was this guy Seth..he ummm..I liked him and i thought he did too because he used to look at me when I wasn't looking at him and he'd try to talk to me at times ..but on New years bunch of us went to New York City together and they kissed there as the ball dropped, I never confronted her because she didn't know that i liked him” he kissed your forehead softly as your innocent words clenched his heart. She always had her eyes on whatever you wanted.
“Or perhaps she did, ever thought about that?”
“Now am I'm thinking about that and..I just thought she had changed with time..it's hard to accept that maybe she has always been this way and I was so dumb that i couldn't see her real self” he cupped your cheeks as you said that. There's no way he'd ever want you to feel bad about keeping your heart kind and open for others..
“You're not dumb ..no my sweetheart, not at all, you're my sweetest pixie.. a bit naive yes but you'll learn and grow from such errors in judgement” he mumbled softly so you smiled as you hugged him before you climbed on his lap.
He quickly wrapped his arms around your waist and rocked you back n forth gently to comfort you.
“Besides.. every time you feel dumb, just remember that i spent eleven years with a woman that couldn't stop cheating on our marriage”
You pulled away and cupped his cheeks as he said that.
“Well you learned too Mister, now you have me and I'd never ever put you through that pain” a smile crept on his lips at your sweet words.
“Me neither, you for me ..as long as you want me”
“Mmmm as long as I want?” you spoke in a childish voice and it made his smile even wider.
“I got 30 years max..not making it past 70 so yeah it's as long as you want”
“Don't say that..”
“Mmmhm what are you gonna do about it?" His tone was challenging,
“I might kiss you”
“Ooohh is that a threat?” he let out a playful gasp,
“I am threatening you”
He laid down on the bed with you still on top of him and then he flipped you under him. He kissed your forehead and then kissed the tip of your nose, grabbing his chin between his thumb and forefinger he made you look at him. Not that you had your eyes off him.
“I have thought about this so many times” you mumbled as you caressed his chin with your fingertips.
“Mmm so have i..but only in the last four months”
“I know..you don't have to justify yourself to me of all people” he sighed and nodded as you said that.
“It's just strange at times. We have photos of us together when you were just a kid, on several occasions i had my arms around your shoulders or was hugging you, things can be misconstrued. I always feel like i should watch my words when I speak”
“Not with me”
You felt that he was finally going to kiss you but then you both heard a knock on the door and you quickly got up as you had a feeling it was Cassandra. Of course it was.
“What do I do?” You asked him so he chuckled,
“Hide in the closet? I'd suggest we pretend to work but I don't trust her to not fabricate things and snitch on us to your parents”
Could she really do that you wondered?
“Okay hiding in the closet it is then”
He had left the door of the closet slightly open, lights were dimmed in the room so she won't be able to see you anyways he figured. You stood inside with bated breaths as you heard his footsteps fade away from you.
“Have you seen y/n? She's not answering the door or her calls” she asked him as she entered the room on her own accord even though he hadn't invited her in.
“Look Cassandra..you nobhead.. I'm busy so just fuck off yess?”
He glared at her so she smiled. She was just shameless like that.
“Awn i thought you'd be more worried about her, isn't she like your niece?” her voice was so shrill it really pierced his ears in the worst possible manner.
“I reckon she's in her room”
“Mmmm or she's out with a bloke or something, it's not that she hasn't done it before” she sighed as she sat down on his bed.
Now you had a clear view of her from the closet that he had left ajar, your phone was on his bedside table and he was just hoping it won't start ringing , also what she had just said about you had pissed him off more, he knew you weren't the type to do something so careless even if you both weren't in this new relationship.
“uhhhuh that seems like something you'd do”
He clapped back at her so she smiled again. She wasn't done just yet.
“You know you have no idea how careless she can be with men in these new places..i mean i get the appeal of course but safety is important don't you think? She can't even defend herself in such situations as I have had to do so for her countless times before. I just worry too much, I think that's why she has been avoiding me lately” she made a sad face but he wasn't falling for that, he hoped you had heard the way she was talking about you behind your back, if she said all that your supposed uncle he couldn't imagine how she has been portraying you in front of strangers.
“She has really changed since she met Rhaenyra” his brows furrowed as she said that. He knew you had befriended Rhae since your birthday party.
“My niece?”
“Mhhm she's definitely a bad influence on y/n”
“Rhaenyra is a decent girl and so is y/n”
“Mmmmhm really because I saw your niece in a club a few days ago giggling in the arms of a man who seemed much older than her, i couldn't help but wonder where I had seen him before and then i realized I met him at your birthday party” he turned to look at her as she said that, sure he didn't want to believe a single word that came out of her attention seeking whore mouth but his protectiveness towards his actual niece weighed in. Rhaneyra was the same age as you so he knew she could make her own decisions like you but he was still worried.
“What man?” He asked her so she smiled,
“Mmm, your brother's business partner? I don't remember his name to be honest as I don't really care about her” she shrugged and she had that infuriating smile on her face so he smiled at her finally
“Well perhaps you'd have remembered his name if you had fucked him”
She glared at him as he said that she had been trying so hard to make him see her differently but she didn't know why he was so unaffected by her, usually guys often caved in eventually.
“Now fuck off i have a meeting tomorrow” he grabbed her arm and walked her towards the door, when he reached he shoved her out with a little force, he then watched her huff and make her way to the elevator instead of going to your room to check on you again. She was so deeply worried about you but didn't want to see if you were alright or not?
As you heard the door closing you stepped out of the closet and he immediately noticed that there was a dejected look on your face, not only has she bitched about you behind your back but had also tried to malign Rhaenyra's image in front of her uncle.
You snapped out of your thoughts as you felt him wrap his arms around you and you immediately pressed your chest against his broad comfy chest, he truly was your safe haven. Now that he had returned you couldn't imagine going years without never hearing from again.
As you looked up eventually he cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead before he kissed your cheek.
“You alright?” He asked you so you nodded,
“Now i know what I have to do with her, maybe this was the push i needed”
“Good girl” your face flushed as his soft voice infiltrated your senses but there was a look of confusion on his face “Do you know anything about Rhaenyra and Harwin?” He asked as he stepped a little away from you, making you gulp in nervousness, his hand combed through his hair.
“You know you can't believe anything she says” you chuckled but he could see right through you.
"I find it unusually precise for her to invent such a story. She's not particularly astute. And you, my love?" He paused for a moment, gazing at you intently, before resuming, "Don't even consider attempting to deceive me like that." You let out a small sound of frustration before letting out a long breath, weighing his words carefully.
“Daemon she's a big girl, I'm sure she knows what she's doing..you can't go all uncle on her.. it would make you seem like a hypocrite” he scowled as you said that.
“It's not hypocrisy to look out for your loved ones”
“I know..but it's not a mindless affair …she's in love with him” you mumbled hurriedly and his eyes widened.
“I don't even know what sort of bloke he is.. didn't even get to talk to him at the party..isn't he like forty?”
Instead of answering you just tilted your head at the irony of the situation. “Oh pipe it down love..not every older man has good intentions.. consensus would say that majority of them are just predators..just sharks waiting to pounce on younger flesh” you walked closer to him as he said that and wrapped your arms around him, he was kind of cute with his feathers all ruffled.
“Mmm so you have good intentions for me hmm?”
“Of Course I do”
“I know mister, just calm down okay, besides if you want to know him better you just have to reach out to her, she has missed her uncle as well in these years, in a pure innocent way ofcourse unlike me” he chuckled as you said that, you caressed his cheek with your thumb and it made him smile, you weren't wrong though, you always had something wise to say to him.
“We all loved you so much even as kids, you had no idea how comforting it was to have you around me especially during festivals and vacations, you didn't alienate me like other adults, you spent time with me and made me laugh with your funny jokes…and I'm sure you did the same with Rhaneyra and Aemond when you were with your family..they'd love to have their old uncle back”
His eyes were teary by the time you were done speaking so you cupped his cheeks and curled your arms around him.
The decision to leave his family and you wasn't a well thought one, he left on an impulse, he was angry and raged, nothing else made sense to him at the time, he just knew he couldn't have stayed here.
However the way your relationship with him has changed so drastically now, for once he didn't regret leaving because watching you grow up into this fine young woman and then developing an attraction towards you later in life would have been way worse than what it was now and he probably never would have acted on it if that was the case so maybe everything happened the way they did for a reason.. that's to say he hadn't forgotten why he had to leave. He'd never forget.
“Do I get to cuddle you tonight?” You asked him so he shook his head,
“That won't be a wise course of action if we are trying to take the slow approach”
“Ummm hello? You are”
“Well you deserve that sweetheart”
You grinned from ear to ear as he said that. Yeah you deserved to be treated tenderly and with utmost care, he'd never do anything that would ruin the bond he shared with you, even if you both part ways someday in romantic sense he hoped that you'd still think of him fondly.
Next day you watched him at the meeting and your mind was blown, you were trying to focus on the work but you couldn't just turn off that part of your brain that made you tick and so devastatingly aroused for him, he was confident and fierce, he knew how to manipulate and get those people to like him, and he was so charming. He was a businessman through and through.
And he was a great mentor to you, you were actually going to learn plenty from him if you wanted to stay in the family business, no wonder your father trusted him to teach you the tricks of the business , everything seemed fine between them now but you often thought about him fleeing the country once and you still didn't know the reason for that.
As you reached the hotel again, you found Cassandra in the lobby and she walked towards you. Daemon then looked at you and he gave you a knowing look. It was now or never for you, she'd continue to remain toxic if you don't confront her just now.
As you neared her you were going to say something but she opened her mouth first.
“I have a confession to make, i slept with Dylan”
@serving-targaryen-realness @annoyingsweetsstranger @anukulee @mcufan72 @insertsomethingsillyhereple-blog @silentf @ajthefujoshi @stupidthoughtsinwriting @ammo23 @shuichiakainx @daddylokisqueen @ipostwhtifeel @anehkael @madlyinlovewmattmurd0ck @dixie-elocin
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4i3sun · 9 months
You have no idea how much I love the idea that Varian really wants to protect his friends from making the same mistakes.
Imagine at Varian's uncle's house, Hugo feels left out, frustrated by all the feelings he has, I'm not just talking about liking Varian, no, no, no, but also about the feeling of belonging he has on the team, seeing Yong as his little brother, Nuru as his friend, the feeling of guilt for being a double agent.
Frustrated, he takes the diary of Varian's mother, wants to escape with it and put an end to all those Frustrated, he takes the diary of Varian's mother, wants to escape with it and put an end to all those feelings, Back to the normal of working alone and with no one but a mechanical rat, he tries to run away one night but.... Oh, Hugo underestimated Varian, the fandom underestimates Varian, he's smart and he finds out.
Maybe just an excuse for me to put out a song like 'The history has its eyes on you' that is actually a reprise to ready as I'll never be, but without a big villain to face, the melody is quieter, it's just Varian and his past regrets, he is angry with Hugo, yes, after all he is about to steal his mother's diary but he gives Hugo a second chance at redemption, in the song he reveals him to be the alchemist of Corona, an ex-criminal, an ex-Traitor... But why did I mention a Hamilton song?...
These lyrics:
'I made every mistake and felt the shame rise in me
And even now I lie awake, knowing history has its eyes on me'
Let's imagine that Varian says something similar to it, as happened with cass.
A way to say Don't be a villain, don't be me, don't make my same mistakes.
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader x Son : Instagram AU
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Liked by jackharlow, yourusername, cassiewyatt, claybornharlow, and 6,888,356 others
ezharlow Boston 📍 anything fun to do here?
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jackharlow We’re here for work, what do you mean fun????
ezharlow No, you’re here for work. I just came for the free ride.
yourusername Ezequiel 🤦🏻‍♀️
alizemiaharlow You’re ugly.
ezharlow Your father!
alizemiaharlow 😳
cassiewyatt LMAAAOOOO tio Jack is going to slap him upside the head.
ezharlow He already did 🙄 thanks
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Liked by yourusername, alizemiaharlow, urbanwyatt, cozane, and 7,986,345 others
ezharlow Someone come get this old man, he doesn’t know how to act at his old age!!!!!
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yourusername He’s not old, deja a tu papá, stop making fun of my husband!!!!!
ezharlow Mom, why are you always defending him?
yourusername Because he’s my man and I’m gonna stick besides him 🫶🏼🤞🏼
jackharlow That’s right!!!!!!! Ez, is time to give up, she’ll never leave me!!!!
ezharlow Yeah, I’m starting to realize that!!!!
user Im wondering if this is their regular bickering father-son thing or Ez grew up hating Jack 🤔
user Right? He’s always coming for his neck in the comments.
ezharlow I’m sorry you can’t joke around with your dad. Leave your daddy issues away from my dad and me.
cassiewyatt *cries in daddy issues*
urbanwyatt Come again?
cassiewyatt No not me, them!!!!!
alizemiaharlow 😭😭😭😭😭
user Cass you sure you don’t have daddy issues? Since your parents divorced at a young age and Urban left you?
cassiewyatt Lmaooo, no I don’t have daddy issues. I’m well aware of my parents history, since I lived it. My dad never left me, nor my mom, what you failed to see was that I was always with both of them unless they had to work. They both were very hands on during my childhood, so don’t worry about me and my issues, because I might have a lot of them, but daddy issues or mommy issues aren’t one or two of them 😘
ezharlow What you’re not about to do is come for my family under my posts. This is why I barley even do social media. You “fans” feel entitled to my parents and to my uncle, it’s annoying. So consider yourself blocked.
jackharlow added to their story
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ezharlow added to their story
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Liked by jackharlow, yourusername, alizemiaharlow, cassiewyatt, yourbestiename, and 7,567,456 others
ezharlow My best friend for life 😊🤞🏼 throwback with momma ❤️
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yourusername My baby boy 🥺 extraño cuando estabas así de chiquito 😩 te amo.
ezharlow Te amo momma ❤️
alizemiaharlow Mommy’s boy at it’s finest 😂
ezharlow Sure am and what about it?
yourbestiename I took these 😩 you were the cutest little boy ever!!!!!!! Always wanting to be next to your mom.
jackharlow He still does with his annoying ass
yourusername 😭😭😭😭😭
ezharlow Why are you whining? We’ve come to a realization that she will always pick you over me 🙄
jackharlow You finally get it 😂🤭
yourusername Aht aht 👎🏼 I take no sides
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Liked by urbanwyatt, jackharlow, newbalance, yourusername, alizemiaharlow, and 6,976,387 others
ezharlow Fit of the day 🤞🏼
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cassiewyatt I need to get you in the bedroom fits page asap!!!
urbanwyatt Uhhh nooo. I handed that over to you for YOUR fits, not his!!!
ezharlow You’re so jealous
urbanwyatt Of you kid? Never!!!!!!
alizemiaharlow 🔥 🔥
jackharlow You’re welcome 🙄
ezharlow For what exactly?
jackharlow You got good style because of me.
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Liked by jackharlow, yourusername, alizemiaharlow, yourbestiename, and 7,567,887 others
ezharlow They’re apart for a week and my mom somehow can’t find a chair to sit on 🙄. Side note, the little demon spawns are growing and I know I joke a lot, but I’m excited to be a big brother!
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yourusername What do you mean? Your father is my chair, my favorite chair at that 🤭
jackharlow 😋 😋
ezharlow Oh come on 😡 keep the nasty off my page.
alizemiaharlow You’re finally able to say you’re a big brother 🙌🏼 😭
ezharlow Now can you stop calling me little brother all the time? It’s annoying.
alizemiaharlow No because that’s what you are tonto.
cassiewyatt They’re the cutest 🥺 excited for the twins to get here 😭
druski They’ve always been annoying, I would’ve of thought after many years they would’ve gotten sick of each other 🙄 🤮
ezharlow I’m only allowed to come for them and make fun of them, you? Not so much so leave them alone.
jackharlow 😂🙌🏼
allabouttheharlows You’ve been really active on social media this week. Love that.
ezharlow You’ll have to thank my dad for that. For someone who hated being on social media himself, he’s schooling me about being active.
allabouttheharlows Thank you dad jackharlow 🤭🤭🤭🤭😊😊😊😊
jackharlow Lmao
user so is Ez single????
jackharlow Good question….. he did get lots of girls numbers while on our trip.
selenosunni left and right talking about “call me sometime sexy”
cozane When a girl handed Jack a paper and he didn’t want to get it but once she said it was for EZ 😭😭😭😭😭 Jacks entire face changed Lmaoo
shloob EZ SHOW ME YOUR WAYS!!!!!
ezharlow It’s that Harlow blood
jackharlow So which girl are you going to call?
yourusername JACKMAN!!!!!!!
jackharlow I’m curious that’s all, don’t you want to know who your future daughter in law would be? Get to know her? Or are you going to scare every girl away?
yourusername He’s not allowed to go to work trips with any of you anymore.
yourusername Bye, don’t make me out to be a toxic mom, I’m more than excited to see who my babies end up with, but all in good timing. NO RUSH YOU HEAR ME KIDS!!!!!!?????
ezharlow LMAAAOOO
alizemiaharlow Welcome to my world!!!!!!!!!!
ezharlow I don’t like your world!!!!!
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter
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