#they don't hate amber for giving worse than she got they hate her because she's a Stupid Ugly Crazy Bitch
yourladystar · 2 years
Star's Engage Catalogue Day 7 (part 1)
I really should have done this sooner (blame my forgetfulness), but I got my code for the orders set, so now I can have my crew using Alfonse' weapon and ring. I might give his ring to Alcryst, they do have a lot in common; blue hair, precious, anxiety, desperate need of therapy.
Anyway, I did another skirmish to play around with some new things. Amber might be a fun addition (I already love how he's a massive dweeb), I gave Leif's ring to Boucheron and the carnage is just splendid, and I utilized the silver corrupted to give the experience for my units who need it.
I've also decided to keep Chloé around for longer since weapon forging has really helped and her two level-ups in the map gave her strength. So if she keeps it up, she can stay.
Unfortunately, I'm probably gonna be ditching Framme and Etie, which really sucks. I really like Framme, but her damage output has been worse than Chloé's and she's been mostly regulated to a staff bot. Plus, Jean has just been kicking her a** in every way possible. Etie hurts because I really like archers and she hits like a truck, but she is just way too slow and I hate archers that can't double. Actually, just to drive it home how bad it is, do you remember how I mentioned that my Boucheron has gotten a lot of speed level-ups? He and Etie are the same level, and his speed is nearly double hers!
Man, I feel bad. All the characters I've benched so far have the girls. Yeah, I'm not using Vander either, but the Jagens don't exactly stick around long.
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antidisneyinc · 2 years
the truly hilarious (sickening) thing about this is that it harms male victims of abuse just the same. the megamillionaire's publicity machine triumphing does nothing to ease the stigma against male victims because depp's supporters are misogynists very invested in the patriarchal dichotomy. the next time someone who isn't one of their fucklust faves comes forward it'll be back to business as usual
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ofgravitation-moved · 2 years
❝  i’m going to tell you this, because i think you need to hear it.  you deserve more.  you should be able to expect more from the world than what it’s given you.  ❞ slightly edited conversational starter from dk to toga!
for the first time, in a long time, toga doesn't have anything to say.
speechless, it's all she can do: stare at the mud caking deku's large black boots through blurred and bloody vision. their spar had meant nothing to her now.
he's right there, just an arm lengths away-- being his genuine and kind self, while toga's heart shatters in her chest with each sentence that leaves his lips. she's stuck in moment of choice: she should use this to her advantage, gain the upper hand in battle, and show deku that his play on her psyche wouldn't work-- but that's the problem: it did.
she doesn't want to fight him anymore, he's almost.. too strong. especially now that he's basically a pro. she won't last against him, not with her injuries from earlier. besides, who is she compared to him? she'd never win against him.
she should be doing her job: taking him in, calling for backup. but again, she doesn't want too. curse him for his cute freckled face and honesty. she loves and hates the man in front of her, but the way he looks at her when he says each word-- it does something to her she cannot explain and that makes it all worse.
toga shut her eyes tight and gripped the black hilt of her knife. fuck. she'd give anything to have had that life: a more deserving one. one where she might've gotten the chance to stand at his side. instead, she sulks in the shadows with other people's blood on her face.
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tired, and hurt amber eyes finally find deku's, " you're right. you're alwaaaaays right, deku! " she admits with an exasperated sigh, flicking blood from her blade. " but because of who i am, i don't get to ever be right or deserve more from the world-- even if do deserve it! i never got the chances you did, and i never will in the future. " her eyes find his again, and they've hardened. " have you forgotten who i am? what i've done? " she shook her head, waving a cut finger at him with a tsk. " hmmm. that's not very pro hero-like of you, deku! you don't even know your fans! rude. "
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indigobackfire · 3 years
HPHM OC Profile ✧
Phoenix Nobleworth
" You're like a poisonous flower, Phoenix. Beautiful and inviting with all your colors and aromas and deadly force. "
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Full Name: Phoenix Lazar Nobleworth Silverwood
Nicknames: Pheny. Birdy (by some of his Hufflepuff friends). Nobleworth. Silverwood (by Snape out of spite).
Gender: Male.
Birthday: 12th of May, 1973.
Born: Deva, Transylvania, Romania.
Mother: Biological: Antonia Lazar, full Veela. Adoptive: Clarin (née Tramer) Silverwood.
Father: Biological: Emilian Nobleworth, Scottish, Half-Veela, Gryffindor. Adoptive: Palmer Silverwood.
Siblings: Jacob Silverwood (b. 1968), Indigo Silverwood (b. 1973).
Ethnicity: Romanian, Scottish.
Species: Veela.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
MBTI Type: IN(TorF)P-T (I can't decide, so he's both).
Blood Status: Half-blood (I think.)
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff.
Eyes: His eyes are a shade between green and blue with very light tones of lilac depending on the light. But due to his Veela powers he can change them into an shape or color he likes.
Hair: A light shade of golden blonde, wavy, usually grown below his chin. (At some point, he dyed a strand turquoise to impress his crush, I know, wild.)
Height: He's reasonably tall usually towering by little other boys, with long legs.
• He's got those handsome looks expected from a full Veela, structural face but round features give him a soft look. He's very strong despite his slim figure. His skin is pretty fair but he has a myriad of scars from past transformations.
• He's told he's a perfect mixture of his parents which gives him a friendly and suave look that easily turns authoritative and seductive when he uses his Veela powers of seduction.
Veela Form: Different from what's described in canon, I like to imagine Veelas having feathers that differ from people to people. Phoenix's feathers are fair golden with the inner side of his wing in shades of red, the feathers go up to the knees and elbows while hands and feet become bird-like with long black talons. His features and ears become sharper, and his teeth, fangs. His eyes turn silver-white when he turns by his will and bright yellow when forced to turn.
Transformation is hardly ever painless and he often hurts himself and takes longer to heal because of the Veela blood. Both spells and potions don't work as effectively, which is why he fights to control his temper, beyond the fact he can end up hurting somebody else.
Transformation occurs when he's either angry, instigated or when someone pulls out a string of his hair. Unless for the latter, he has partial control over his transformation/consciousness (nevertheless requiring practice and focus).
Magical Aspects
Wand: Pearwood with Veela hair core and an amber stone for stability, 14'' and flexibility. "Pearwood produces wands of splendid magical powers, which give of their best in the hands of the warm-hearted, the generous, and the wise, also among the most resilient." Veela's hair core is known to be temperamental — which is why Olivander had trouble making Phoenix's wand, having to insert molten amber to the torn wand for stability. The hair came from one shed by his mother which they used to keep stored for such use.
Patronus: Thunderbird. The Thunderbird is a large, magical avian beast native to North America. A close relative of the Phoenix. They can create storms as it flies and is highly sensitive to danger. They possess three pairs of powerful wings and have feathers that shimmer with cloud-like patterns.
Patronus memory: The day his wizard powers started presenting themselves — he stopped a sculpture from falling on his dad's head within a beat of his heart — and they had a real feast that night.
Veela Abilities: Beyond the popular ability to seduce - which really began when he turned 14 -, Veelas can also dwell and create fire from their hands in human form but requires training to control.
Penny (in specific because he hates to see her cry) holding his dead sister, hurt and bleeding, and hearing Penny say how could he have done that, because he's terribly afraid of losing his control and hurting Indigo.
Riddikulus: Penny tuns into Tonks and Indigo wakes up saying it was ketchup and makeup all along.
Amortentia: Regular burning candles, purple passionfruit, the smell of the house/apartment he lives in with his family, Peppermint tea, and the smell of fresh clay.
Once he gets over the fear of losing control somewhere around the end of his 4th year, his boggart in year 5 turns into Inferius versions of his parents after he learns about them in DADA, but even worse than described in the textbooks, with bugs crawling out of their mouths, a half-rotten dragon head on their lap and clothes stained with nearly black blood.
He has a hard time using Riddikulus on that one.
Pets: A Flama Squirrel (I made up from a real one), a magical squirrel that sets itself on fire when threatened, mostly predated by smaller breeds of dragons and Chimeras. The Flama's liver is commonly used in Erumpent potion with the intention of increasing its property but its lack doesn't spoil the potion, and their glands used to be common in perfumes for aphrodisiac fragrances until they started going extinct from excessive hunting.
Things he always carries with him: His wand, a chocolate bar, his favorite quill, a flask of water, and his class schedule cause he forgets them very often.
Lucky Amulets: A feather from his mom and another from his dad that he can wear on his hair and does on special occasions.
Best Friends
His sister, but as I did for her, I want to write their relationship in another post.
Aspen: Not only his cousin but also one of his best friends. Their personalities clash, her being outspoken and feral, and him being softer and more collected, yet they can't live without each other. He considers himself her protector, but from how savvy she is, it's her who ends up protecting him most times.
Boy!Rowan: His first Hufflepuff friend having met at the Hogwarts Express on their first ride. Rowan is his best friend and partner in crime. They usually spend time reading, walking open fields, and helping his sister with her plans of finding the cursed vault. Rowan supports him with tests and homework when his personal life gets overwhelming.
Chiara: They easily bond after he finds out her secret about being a werewolf, and they share support and help in times of instability. They like going out on picnics and to watch the creatures in the reserve. They actually enjoy dueling each other for fun, it's cute.
Penny: His first crush while still a boy in Hogwarts, he enjoys her company from her confidence and overall bright personality. Despite growing out of his affection for her, they're still good friends and enjoy each other's company. He offers a comforting shoulder when her relationship with her sister gets tricky.
Diego: He and Diego take a long time until they officially hit it off. Diego's personality being too grandiose and extroverted for Phoenix's taste. But as soon as he discovers that Aspen has a mad crush on him, goes out of his way to find out more about him, not trusting him to be a proper suitor for her. Despite his opinions, with time, their relationship evolves into a sincere friendship from Diego's good humor and adventurous heart.
Badeea: The one person he never thought he'd be friends with considering her intellectual (Ravenclaw-like) demeanor and collected attitude. But one day, when she gathers the courage to call him to pose for one of her paintings, he finds out she shared the exact same thoughts about him. Their friendship is quiet-like and profound, they share their thoughts about recent reads and go stargazing.
Orion: He first interacts with Orion when his sister joins the Gryffindor quidditch team and never he would've guessed how much Orion would mean to him. But with time he learns that Orion's presence is a suave and soothing one, and when he confronts Orion about how he can be that way, he decides to guide him into spiritual and mental balance. They meditate, chill and bond over shared experiences -- both being orphans, cool-headed, and deeply compassionate people.
Dormmates: It's him, Rowan, Diego, and two muggle-born boys, Lance and Edward, through which they learn a lot from the muggle world.
Favorite Classes:
History of Magic (when his friends are teaching)
Ancient Runes*
Least Favorite:
Favorite Professor: Minerva McGonagall. She's just so thoughtful and poise, the coolest animagus and the most powerful witch he knows.
Least Favorite: Snape for obvious reasons. He doesn't hate Snape but he also rather not be in his presence in potions class.
Quidditch: He cheers for Gryffindor when his sister is playing against the other houses, but his allegiance is to Hufflepuff. Imagine his excitement when Cedric Diggory joined the team and came down slaying with his abilities.
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Yum,yum my Hufflepuffy boy, I love him. Can't wait to get into more detail about his past and romantic relationships.
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I've only just discovered your blog and I'm already in love with your writing. If you want to, could you do 30) “Just remember, if we get in trouble, you're deaf and I don't speak English.” from your prompts list for sterek?
Aww, you’re fantastic! I had fun with this one <3
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“Just remember, if we get in trouble, you're deaf and I don't speak English.”
“Stiles,” another voice said, sounding nervous. “That’s a terrible idea. You don’t know anything other than English.”
“Yes, Scotty, but if we get into trouble, nobody needs to know that, do they?”
Derek heard the sound of a sigh and curiously moved across the bar, picking up an already clean glass and rubbing at it like he was actually doing his job. Two kids sat on the stools with their backs to him; one with dark floppy hair and one with shorter brown hair and nervous fingers tapping against the bar counter. 
Moving behind them, Derek cleared his throat. They both spun around and the paler one startled with a squawk, nearly tumbling off of his seat. His friend reached out and steadied him at the last moment.
“Can I get you two anything?” Derek said, studying both their faces. The paler one leaned forward with a small grin, amber eyes dancing.
“Two rum and cokes, please.”
The boy with the floppy hair made a sharp noise in the back of his throat. The other kid elbowed him and grinned at Derek again, before pulling out his wallet. Derek took the ID handed to him and studied it, before raising a brow.
“What the hell kind of name is that?”
“Hey, dude!” The kid protested, looking offended. “You can’t go around saying things like that. So not cool!”
“It’s Stiles,” the other boy said, nervously slipping his ID over the counter too. “We call him Stiles.”
“What the hell kind of name is Stiles?”
“It’s my name, asshole,” Stiles said, glaring. Derek huffed and looked from his ID to his friend’s— Scott McCall— and then pushed them both back. 
“There’s no way you two are twenty-one.”
“Excuse me!” Stiles said, flailing a little. “The ID says it, does it not?”
“Clearly, it’s a fake.”
“I’ll have you know I am only a few months away from being twenty-one,” Stiles said, with a whiny note in his voice. “And it doesn’t make sense that I’m old enough to vote and live on my own, but not drink. Can’t you be a pal and overlook things just this once?”
“Two cokes,” Derek said, undeterred. “Coming right up.”
“You’re a terrible person.”
Derek ignored him and turned away, grabbing two glasses and two cans of soda. He couldn’t deny that he’d been half-tempted to give the kid a break, but if Laura found out she would have his hide. And that’s the last thing Derek needed.
Scott wasn’t paying any attention when Derek slid the two drinks over, but Stiles was watching his face. The kid had a mischievous glint in his eyes that made Derek nervous, and an uptick to his lips that made his stomach flip. Stiles leaned forward, ignoring his drink, and rested his chin on his palms.
“So, what’s a fine gentleman like you doing in a place like this?”
“I work here.”
“Well, clearly,” Stiles said, snorting. “But come on, dude, you’re too pretty to be working in a club like this. Those eyebrows were made for the billboards.”
“My eyebrows.”
“Very sexy,” Stiles said, nodding. “Ten out of ten. You kind of look like you could tear me apart with your bare hands and I don’t think that should be such a turn on.”
Derek rolled his eyes, unable to help it. This guy was something else. “You’re ridiculous.”
“No, I’m Stiles. And you are?”
Derek stared at him for a moment. Then he grunted and turned away, and Stiles made a noise like a dying cat. 
“Wait, dude, I’m sorry! No more dad jokes, I swear. I’ll be good.”
Slowly, Derek turned back around. The mischievous gleam had left Stiles’s eyes and he offered out a hand, fingers wiggling through the air. 
“My full name is Mieczysław. But most people call me Stiles because that’s all they can really manage.”
“Mie— whatever— sounds nothing like Stiles.”
“Yes, but Stiles is fun to say, right?”
Derek sighed and took his hand, feeling a little ridiculous. “I’m Derek.”
“Derek Hale?”
“Yes,” Derek said, narrowing his eyes. “What of it?”
“Dude, your sister owns this palace! I basically just called it a dump, how have you not kicked me out already?”
“I’m tempted,” Derek said. “Would you like me to?”
“You know, I’m gonna pass, thanks.”
Derek smothered the urge to chuckle. For some reason, he didn’t feel the urge to give the kid the boot. Instead, he was kind of hoping Erica or Boyd would come relieve him of his shift already so he could sit down and have an actual conversation.
Which was stupid. Of course.
“So, Derek,” Stiles said, putting extra emphasis on his name. “I have no doubts you have people hitting on you twenty-four-seven due to the—” Stiles gestured through the air and then pointed at his face. “Eyebrows. But if I went on a limb out here and asked for a number, would I be successful?”
“Probably not, but you could try anyway.”
“Playing hard to get,” Stiles said, grinning. He was confident in a way that made Derek feel impressed instead of annoyed. It was… annoying. Or something. “I like that. Should I use a cliche pickup line or just flat out ask?”
Derek only smirked. Stiles’s grin widened and he thought for a moment.
“I bet my number sounds nicer than yours,” he said after a few seconds. “Want to hear it?”
“That was terrible.”
“Okay, then. Give me your number, so we can rant to each other during GOT.”
“If you give me your number,” Stiles said with a wink. “I promise to spam you with pictures of cute puppies on a daily basis.”
“That was a little better,” Derek said. “But still terrible.”
“Yeah, well if you think I’m terrible at flirting now, just wait until you flirt with me over the phone.”
He was relentless, Derek had to give him that. He nearly considered making Stiles come up with some stupid pickup lines a little more, simply because he was enjoying him trying, when a hand touched him on the shoulder. Derek jumped and spun around.
“Oh shit,” Laura said, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. “I don’t think I’ve ever snuck up on you before, Der. Having a nice conversation?”
“Der?” Stiles said, his eyes lighting up. “Oh my god, that’s adorable!”
“Shut up,” Derek said, glaring at his sister. “Laura, what are you doing? Aren’t Erica and Boyd on shift tonight?”
“I could tell you were having fun,” Laura said. “So I gave them an extra thirty minutes. You know what they like to get down to in thirty minutes.”
“That’s so gross, please never speak to me again.”
“Hm,” Laura said, looking over at Stiles. She offered a hand, which he took with a bright smile. “You’re cute, kid. But clearly not twenty-one.”
“Why does everyone keep saying that? I could be!”
“Not dressed like that, you’re not.”
Stiles looked down at himself; his plaid t-shirt and baggy jeans. His face colored red and he shrugged, looking back up. “I’m getting there.”
“Then maybe I’ll second guess kicking you out.”
“That would be very much appreciated,” Stiles said with a grin. “Though Der here tried that line too.”
“Oh,” Laura said, turning back around. “Did he?”
Derek rolled his eyes. Before he could say a word, though, Stiles’s phone was blaring and the kid cursed, fishing it out of his pocket. He looked at the screen, then sighed, flipping it off. 
“I’ve gotta go,” he said, turning to his friend. “Scotty, you still with me?”
Scott looked like he’d spent the entire time staring across the club. Derek followed his gaze to see a brown-haired girl dancing with a red-haired girl, completely oblivious to her admirer. Scott’s face was colored pink when he nodded. “We leaving?”
“Dad gets home in fifteen and if I’m not around to make dinner, you know he’ll order a pizza. Or worse, two.”
Derek was surprised to feel a sudden rush of disappointment at hearing that. He couldn’t believe he actually enjoyed talking to Stiles. The guy was annoying as hell, but amusing too. And Derek didn’t actually hate all of his pickup lines.
Stiles thought his eyebrows were sexy.
Shaking his head, Derek turned around and busied himself in cleaning the opposite counter. He could feel Stiles’s eyes on him and for a second, he thought the guy would say something. But then Scott said something Derek didn’t catch and Stiles started away.
Derek glared at the floor.
“Nice,” Laura said, patting him on the shoulder. “You almost had him there, little bro.”
“Shut up,” Derek said, shrugging her off. “Tell Boyd and Erica it’s my turn for a break, would you? And I’m not going into the break room until it’s been thoroughly sanitized.”
Laura only chuckled and started away. Derek glared at nothing for a second longer, before turning around to clean up the glasses Scott and Stiles had left.
Except, there was a napkin left too. One with the worst handwriting Derek had ever seen, reading; “I like your face, Sourpuss. Text me?”
Underneath was a number. Derek shook his head and huffed, but tucked the napkin into his pocket. No one would ever know if he was smiling slightly at that, or if he searched the club one more time looking for an idiot in plaid.
So maybe Stiles was the stupidest name Derek had ever heard. But the kid was a good flirt.
And he thought Derek’s eyebrows were sexy.
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I don’t usually do one-shots as AU’s, but this one started writing itself and I decided to just roll with it. Thanks for the prompt, my friend, I had fun!
(Support your overcaffinated (so much so) student writer? Seriously, I’d adore you guys so much). https://ko-fi.com/rh27writer
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Sorry in advance for my ignorance, but I just really want to understand and that's why I'm reaching out since the reactions and attitudes in the fandom confuse me. As absurd as it sounds, but it seems like some types of discrimination are worse than others? Is being islamophobic worse than being a rasist? That sounds wrong, I'm aware so I'll explain where I'm coming from with this particular question. I simply can't grasp why Kato and Vilda characters are treated so differently within the skam fandom. Don't get we wrong, I'm full on against Kato's behavior, she's a rasist, should be called out for it and, whatever sob story and redemption arc the production comes up with, there's no excuse for rasism. So my question is why Vilda characters' islamophobia is not met with the same resentment and unforgiveness? I know that at some point when skam only started Vilda's islamophobia was discussed as problematic even though I didn't witness it. However, we're here in the present now and we have Kato and Amber (if we're talking about wtfock). Amber was and still is islamophobic and expressed not once hurtful attitudes. However, people in the fandom sympathize with her, take her body image and home situation into consideration, people got defensive when Kato's actions hurt Amber. Why is it though? shouldn't we hate on Amber as much as we (rightfully) do on Kato? should we dismiss her background story because the only thing she is is islamophobic and offensive? shouldn't it be fair? Shouldn't people cheer on when a rasist hurts and puts down an islamophobic person the same way they wish all the worst to Kato? Again, I'm not saying this in Kato's defense, fuck never. I just wonder why doesn't Amber get the same treatment, why her islamophobia seems to be more excusable than Kato's racism? I'm sorry if I said something offensive, that was not my intention.
Hello, anon :) thanks for reaching out.
Alright so, imo the most simple answer I can give you is because this is (regrettably) K*to season and we fortunately don’t get to see Amber being ignorant by throwing Islamophobic comment in each clips, unlike that RACIST white girl. We see from day one that this Fransen girl is being irky and an apparent racist, so it’s natural for the fandom to throwing hates at her; which I do every single day because there’s no room for any kind of racism here, duh. Sure, what any Vilde’s characters do is wrong BUT again, her bad behaviour isn’t appearing everyday and she doesn’t make her Eating Disorder as an excuse for her Islamophobic remarks. Unlike K*ato; she used her bro as an excuse for her racism and judgments against Moyo and that’s NOT okay. Having a trauma or any kind of mental illness doesn’t give you a free pass ticket to be an asshole. She even told the girls that Moyo is a fucking dealer. I mean.. couldn’t she be any more stupid? Bet my ass she could, sooner than later. I think the fandom isn’t sympathizing with Amber regarding that but like I said, she doesn’t use her disorder for her Islamophobic behaviour; she has her own problem, and I assumed it’s bigger than her bad behaviour and people actually relate to that and for me, her disorder isn’t her redemption. My answer’s messy, I know but I hope you get what I mean
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roswelldetails · 4 years
RNM 2x11 - Linger
Quick note: I am SO sorry at how painfully late this is. I wasn't able to watch on Monday night because the police helicopter decided to sit over my apartment yelling loud threats to peaceful protesters when the episode aired politics. And then I had late meetings for work Wed and Thurs. And weekend things. Excuses, excuses though. I will try to do better next week this week.
SECRETS AND LIES -- Driven by the prospects of her scientific research, Liz (Jeanine Mason) opens up to Diego (guest star Cleo Anthony) about all the good her findings could do. Meanwhile, Max (Nathan Dean) enlists Kyle's (Michael Trevino) help getting to the bottom of the recent abductions, while Michael (Michael Vlamis) does his own investigating into Alex's disappearance. Elsewhere, after learning more about her mother Louise, Isobel (Lily Cowles) pays a visit to Rosa (Amber Midthunder), in hopes that Rosa could help her begin to heal. Franklin Vallette directed the episode written by Ariana Quiñónez & Deirdre Mangan.
Liz and Diego flashback from Denver the night he proposed. The science:
"Administering a lethal dose of radiation to observe a particular neoblast… It's a regenerative master cell. The only one with this protein. I mean, this particular cell was able to multiply, diversify, and reanimate my worm."
"Wait, so observing the master gets you the underlying mechanisms of tissue regeneration."
"Then I apply the mechanism to human tissue, and irreversible injury and degradation become distant memory. I know this isn't going to happen in our lifetime, but this could be a step to help."
Diego proposed to Liz in the lab at nearly midnight. She didn't seem to see the proposal coming, but she also didn't hesitate to say yes.
A neoblast is a part of a worm. I was so disappointed. I thought it sounded like some badass science thing.
Um...everything Liz is talking about is REAL. Check this out!
Present time, both Max and Liz waking up by alarm after falling asleep working.  Liz's lab work we know a fair amount about and there's nothing specifically revealing about her wake up, but Max's is more interesting.  Max fell asleep, while writing alien symbols in his journal.  There's two empty vials of antidote in the box we saw last week (though we know he took one at the end of last week's episode.  There's also an empty bottle of acetone.
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Max, Liz, and Isobel at the Crashdown. Isobel used her powers to get in and apparently immediately put on antennae and made coffee. 
Max immediately reacted when Liz said she was with Maria. Which, note that it is a little odd that Maria is out of town with Crash Con starting, given her pitch last episode and the relevance to her business. 
Now Liz is saying I love you to Isobel too. Once the floodgates open they really really open with her 
"Non-binary intimate companion" 😆
Butyricol has apparently only been used in one highly classified military trial.  What's interesting about that detail to me is that if it's highly classified, how do we know that? All Diego told us last week was that it was only approved for military use.  In order to know that it was only used in one military trial, you'd have to know the details of the military use which, if it's highly classified, would be nearly impossible to get your hands on - even for a senator's son.  IMO, this is probably a bit of a plot screw up/narrative leap.
Liz references Charlie's bioweaponry expertise. Which we, the audience, know about from 2x04, but we didn't actually see Charlie explain any of that to Max and Liz...all she said in 2x08 was "a lot of people want to know what I know."
We are reminded that Alex is out of town, hence why no one is worried about not hearing back from him.
Michael tells Sanders everything they learned about Louise last week & then finds Alex's napkin from Jesse stuck to his boot, with blood on it, and immediately reacts.
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Isobel mentions Rosa's sketchbooks in front of Diego, which was risky.  Diego didn't seem to react either, which is weird.
Diego and Liz in the Crashdown.
"Ah, doing some molecular gastronomy."
"Oh, got to stay on top of trends these days. Everything needs to be Instagrammable."
"Look, I was thinking...I bet butyricol uses inducible diphtheria toxins to stun the memory expression neurons into paralysis. See, of we can counteract that, we can get your friend her memories back."
"Would it boost GABA in DLPFC?"
"See, no, you're thinking working memory, not recovery. Think traumatic memory."
I am not smart enough to explain the science in this scene so:
Michael finds Jesse Manes in Alex's house.  Jesse pulls his gun, but Michael uses his powers to disarm him and throw him to the ground.
"You told Alex Tripp gave you this in 1987. That's before the Crashdown ever used this logo."
Accurate, based off of the flashbacks we saw in 2x09. However, how would Michael know that? Unless he has studied the history of the Crashdown Cafe, he wasn't even born yet in 1987.  Unless they changed the logo much later. It would be way more plausible to me for Alex to know that detail than Michael, as someone who spent his childhood hanging out with Liz.  Michael didn't even live in Roswell until 2001.
"I just found out that Alex never made it to Andrews Air Force Base last week.  He's disabled. He has PTSD. So I'm concerned about him."
Isobel tells Rosa that Arturo is lying low.  Which explains why he's not working during Crash Con.
Isobel explains to Rosa why she came. Love that Rosa knew it had to be about Isobel wanting something.
"I am curious about what's in your journals...I didn't really read anything.  I'm trying this new thing where I don't follow every selfish impulse."
"But you still looked.  What are you looking for?"
"Myself.  So to speak. I'm curious about what might be in there from the whole Noah thing."
"You can look.  And if you see something that you want to know about just ask. I'm probably going to tell you to mind your own beeswax, but, you know, shoot your shot."
Kyle and Max in the Wild Pony:
"I was suspended from work today. Craziest thing. I was accused of stealing hospital resources for personal use. There might even be a criminal investigation."
"Look… you're a good person. You probably deserve for me to leave you the hell alone, which is why I wish I didn't have to ask you, but I'm concerned that Project Shepherd might be tied to these abductions."
"You can't ask Alex?"
"He's out of town… Look, I'm just trying to find out who's hurting people."
"I hate having a conscience."
Diego & Liz in the Crashdown kitchen:
"Oh come on, you know damn well no one uses eggshells on purpose in any kind of cooking. You met my meemaw. Don't insult me. You're making calcium carbonate. Is this about regenerating worms?"
"Kind of. I'm testing out a theory. I know I have to recreate it in a sterile environment later, but with my dad laying low in peak tourist season, I haven't been able to spend as much time in the lab."
"The lab that made you sign an NDA. Which is where again?"
"Nice try."
Diego and Liz Flashback #2, celebrating her research grant and study publication:
"The groundbreaking research led by Elizabeth Ortecho is the future of biomedical engineering."
"This grant changes everything. I mean, there is so much more that we can do now. We are really gonna save lives."
"I'm so proud of you. Oh...my God. Are you okay?"
"I'm okay. I'm fine. It's just...when I was a kid, I felt trapped in my life. I was just thinking about what this would have meant to me then. To know that the person I am existed. This isn't what the world teaches girls like me to dream."
"What would you do… if you could do anything?"
"I want a Nobel Prize."
"Strong start. Okay what next?"
"Citizenship for my dad.  I want him to not always have to be so scared. And I want to be less angry. I'm angry so much of the time."
"Anger's not so bad. It reminds us that something's not right. And then we change it. And you are gonna change everything. I'm so glad I get to stand beside you while you do."
Back to present:
"Wait, I don't think that's fully…"
"Why are you helping me? I mean my dad, but me."
"You sound like my girlfriend. Naomi was also surprised that I would rush to Roswell to help someone who bulldozed my life."
"I really wish I would have handled things differently."
"But if you had, I wouldn't have Naomi. I mean, I have a good life, Elizabeth. I'm happy. I do miss you at work though. There's really...there's no replacing you there."
"Yeah I get the feeling."
"So wouldn't it feel really good if you would just tell me what your secret experiment is?"
"Hypothetically, let's say there's this rare blood disorder that affects one in four million people. No research, no treatments...Do you remember my planarian neoblasts with the regenerative proteins? So I…" fades off.
Max & Kyle in the bunker
"Searching for the term butyricol. What makes you think it's got a connection to Project Shepherd?"
"The drug was developed by the military. And the only other clue we have is a fractal burn pattern, which is an alien thing."
"And Project Shepherd is in the middle of your alien-military Venn diagram."
"I know. It's a long shot, but it's all I have right now."
"I'm surprised you haven't asked to see this sooner."
"Yeah, I'm still figuring out how much information I want to know. I mean, you ever wake up from a night of drinking and not want to know what happened the night before in case it's worse than you imagined?"
"Like if I don't remember Taylor Swift drag night at Planet 7, then it didn't happen?"
"...When this is done, why don't you let me give you a lift over to Liz's lab? We can load up the stolen equipment so you can return it. She's not using it."
"Nah, we don't have to do that."
"I mean, your handprint gives you access to their security system, right? So, you know, just get in there and return their stuff. Maybe they'll go easier on you if they have it."
Jesse and Flint (in front of Michael)
"Flint, what did you do with your brother?"
"Drop the gun...you can't pull intel from a dead soldier."
"I'd be careful kid. I taught you everything you know, but I didn't teach you everything I know. You wouldn't have showed up unless you wanted my attention. Well here I am. Where is Alex."
"He's safe and sound. I know how concerned you are about his safety. That why you had him locked in the basement? You kidnapped him first, Pops. What do you want from him anyway?"
"You hand him over to me right now."
"No. This time I outrank you, and I haven't granted clearance."
"You outrank me."
"You went soft. My entire life has been about destroying the aliens. That's all I've done.  Develop weapons, develop strategy. Fighting for our species, 'cause you told me."
"I was wrong."
"You can't do that. I don't need you for this, old man."
My question: how much of that was real and how much of that was staged? It seems like it was staged at the beginning, but then it also sort of seemed to go off the rails. It's really unclear to me just how involved Jesse is with Flint and Helena's plan. I'd like to believe a lot. But who knows? One thing I'm fairly confident about though is that Jesse is NOT who initially took Alex from the junkyard. The figure is all wrong for Jesse at the end of 2x10.
Michael uses his powers to steal Jesse's cane and whacks him over the head with it.
"You had him in your basement? What, you took him last week after you got that piece of alien tech from me? He's a loose end. If we got him back from Flint, you were gonna kill him. You are barely human! When I was a kid, I thought maybe because of my high IQ, my species was superior to your. Then I fell in love with your son. And I didn't feel superior anymore.  I am angry. And smashing things, it's easy. Alex has evolved past that. He's past you! And he's past me. Despite you slapping him around, shoving that Manes Man crap down his throat, he still loves. He even loves you. You don't deserve to call him your son."
Max and Kyle trying to get into the lab.
"I was deceased when they made the guest list."
Gah plot issues.  How did Max manage to sneak up on Liz in the lab at the beginning of 2x08 if he doesn't actually have access? 
"Maybe Liz was still pissed about the pollen in my mom's perfume, had Alex revoke my access?"
Yet another plot issue.  Why would Alex do that, even if Liz asked? He and Kyle were teaming up before he even knew that Liz knew about aliens. It makes zero sense that Alex would do that. It would have to be a spite thing from Liz because of her argument with Kyle in 2x09 and there's no guarantee she even has control over the security access for the lab. 
"If Diego was able to find out about this butyricol through his fancy connections, maybe it wasn't a Project Shepherd or Caulfield trial. Maybe it was legit military."
"Military would have some use for something that would erase state secrets from people's minds. They can't spill to the enemy."
"Or you could erase bad memories from soldiers coming home. Or it could be a weapon."
"Erase an army's memories...they don't know what they're fighting for anymore."
"Project Shepherd hasn't been legit in years, so what does Flint Manes do, officially, for the military?"
"He's a weapons specialist. He could have access to biomedical trials."
"Let's go. Find out what he's up to." 
Liz and Diego
"My team at my research facility, we found a rare protein. A mutated gene. You know what? I've said too much. You probably think I'm delusional anyway."
"No, you're not delusional. Elizabeth Holmes was delusional."
"Yeah, well, at least Elizabeth Holmes had funding."
"You can get funding."
HBO recently did a whole documentary on Elizabeth Holmes. I haven't watched it yet, but she seemed craaaazy in the trailer.
Flashback 3, Liz finding out that she lost her funding.
"The second we move from worms to human cells, they pull our funding and that isn't fair."
"I think you should reconsider the Genoryx grant."
"What difference does it make? Every research facility in this country answers to the same uber-conservative Department of Health and Human Services."
"Well, whoever's funding Genoryx isn't super concerned about FDA guidelines. They're above the red tape.  Look, you can start saving the world now."
"I can't do anything shady or secret. I have too much to lose."
"My God, Elizabeth. You don't always have to be this perfect daughter of a perfect immigrant!"
"Yes I do. Because the imperfect daughter is in a box at Frontier Valley Cemetery."
Back to present:
"Genoryx has more money than they know what to do with."
"Just because your office has ping-pong tables and hyperbaric napping chambers, does not mean that Genoryx isn't unethical."
Note: up until this last line it was implied that Diego and Liz were actually working together in the lab.  This line implies that wasn't the case, that Diego actually works for this Genoryx. Which sounds sketchy.  Related to Deep Sky maybe?
Graham Green's interruption, which is certainly going to be relevant to one of the final episodes:
"Greetings, Graham Crackers! Today, a private citizen pledged a donation to the museum that will change the course of human history. At closing night, 7:00 p.m., main stage, I will unveil the most astonishing alien artifact I've seen in all my years of collecting."
Michael chases down Flint Manes, uses his powers to puncture his tire, disarm him, and toss him to the ground.
Isobel and Rosa discussing Helena:
"This is the post-high school chapter, which is really just a big burn book on my mom. Finding out my dad wasn't my dad was bad. It was Liz's senior year when I dumped my drug dealer boyfriend, and I went to this NA meeting. I think that was the first time that I ever actually wanted to get better. But still, I wore a hoodie, I sat in the back, I made myself really invisible. I was...high at the meeting. You can see it if you want to. Jump in."
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What Helena says in Rosa's flashback:
"The drinking started when the man I loved left me. That was almost 20 years ago. And I still see him every day. I see him in the street, in my business, but I can handle that. What I can't handle is when I see him in our daughter's eyes. Sometimes I think if we didn't have a child together, I might not hurt so much all these years later. I might not still love him, but I do today. So I drink, and I take pills. And I try not to look my daughter in the eye."
Back to present: 
"Why did you want to show me that?"
"I cannot relate to marrying a body-stealing alien sociopath. You're kind of on your own for that one. But I know that you're feeling messed up over not knowing your real mom. And I guess I just feel like it's worth saying that I wish I knew mine a little bit less."
Note: Again, how does Rosa know any of Isobel's identity issues? I guess we're supposed to assume that either Liz told her about it all, or that she and Isobel are having long, deep, phone conversations on the side?  Because everything that happened with Isobel trying to learn about Louise happened while Rosa was in rehab. 
The Spanish:
"Javi, la migra. Cuídate. Te llamo mas tarde."
Javi, immigration. Beware. I'll call you later.
The ICE officer from 2x10 comes into the Crashdown, threatens, and insults Liz. Liz first tries to get them to leave by offering them free coffee to go, and then the floodgates open and she starts fighting them.  Diego finally convinces them to leave by telling them that the Acting Director of U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement is a personal friend. At least the jackass learned how to pronounce her name properly since last episode!  I don't really want to transcribe their insults so I'm gonna leave it at that summary, though if you need me to, just send me an ask.
Kyle and Max search Flint's house. Key points:
Inconsistency! Max's hands are bare when he picks the lock to break into the house, but then he puts gloves on (off camera) when he's searching. But if the point was to avoid fingerprints he just left them all over the door!
Kyle finds a thumb drive that catches his attention for some reason. It's labeled Yucca Blooms LTD. Just as a side point, the Yucca flower is the state flower of New Mexico.
Max finds something in the trash that catches his attention, but we don't see what it is until the end of the episode. 
They get interrupted by a car pulling up and hide in the closet (paralleling Liz and Kyle hiding in the closet in 2x04).
Max finds the sniper rifle in the closet, which was shooting at him and Charlie when they rescued Cam in 2x08. (But Max shot the sniper...just a point.)
Kyle says Max smells like rain.
Kyle spots the hunting van pulling away from Flint's house.
I lied, you can see Max pull the box from the trash can.
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Rosa calls Helena's house to hear her mom's voice.  Dirk answers & says:
"Helena? Helena is that you baby? Oh if it is please come home. We've been so worried. I love you so much. If this is the bastard that took her, I hope you rot in hell, you son of a bitch."
Note: why would Rosa have Helena's phone number? That is such a silly plot point. They wouldn't let her see Helena in 2x07 so why would they let her have her phone number? Why would she WANT it? This one kind of bugs me.
In the car driving back to Roswell, Rosa speculates that Helena was abducted leaving town.  Either that or she bailed on her family.
Rosa says she's not done with rehab and wants to go back once they know her mom is ok. Isobel actually seems concerned and asks if she wants to stay longer. Rosa wants to stay until she's better.
Isobel on money, answering one of fandom's oldest questions:
"Listen, Noah was a treacherous, serial-killing alien, but he did have a happy knack for day trading. And… I've been trying to figure out what to do with all that money he left behind...I want to be better too. The more that I learn about Louise, the more I want to be like her. She was a good person and she made a difference. Someone told me recently that they saw a lot of her in me. I really want that to be true."
They stop at the junkyard since Michael is not responding to Isobel. Which...doesn't seem all that out of character for him?
Michael and Flint chatting while Michael violently tortures him:
"So this is the perk of being a weapons specialist, huh?"
"If this is your attempt to convince me that you aren't a horde of violent invaders here to colonize a planet that isn't yours, I mean, you're doing a really bang-up job."
"You know, I was a good kid. I wanted to be an agricultural engineer. Maybe have a couple kids, start a dad band. But then I was provoked. And now I'm this. Maybe there's still hope for you. Your brother Gregory's living a peaceful life teaching kids, staying jacked on the res. And Alex…"
"Alex is a traitor. He'll be court-martialed when this is over."
"So he's still alive?"
"You were early."
"What are you talking about?"
"You know, my father demanded a meeting. I had just left Sanders' Auto."
"If you hurt that old man!"
"I wouldn't touch him. Okay? He's a hard-working American. I was just leaving you a note. And I took Alex because I knew it was the best way to get you to cooperate. Alex will be fine as long as you do what I say. If you disobey,  make my day any worse, Alex will die knowing you are the reason. So why don't you untie me and apologize. We'll go from there."
Note that this scene is where we learn the source of the fractal burns.
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Diego's last pitch to Liz:
"Listen, Genoryx invests in their people. You are valuable. I'm sure they'll sponsor Arturo's path to citizenship if you just sign on. In the meantime, you can work in a sanctuary city."
Max and Liz's fight:
"Kyle and I connected butyricol to Flint Manes. So I called Alex's other brother Greg, and he said that Flint has this property outside of town. He drives a massive hunting van, Liz. He was the sniper the night we found Cameron."
"Have you called Alex?"
"No, Kyle's on it, but there's something else. I found this in Flint's trash."
"This is the box my dad kept my abuelita's ring in until my mom stole it."
"I got the ring back, but she kept the box."
"Rosa called earlier. She was worried about Mom. I said that she probably just bailed like she always does. Okay, if Flint used Jenna to get to Charlie because Charlie builds bioweapons, what does he want with my mom?"
"Maybe he's trying to get to another bioengineering genius."
"Well, that's not gonna work. I don't care about her… Max, what's going on? You're being cold."
"This is a serious conversation."
"No, don't do that. What's going on?"
"I know Maria left yesterday. I saw her and Mimi off from the Wild Pony. So I know you didn't spend last night helping her process. And you certainly didn't spend last night here. I didn't push it this morning because I trust you, and everyone's entitled to their secrets."
"If this is about Diego you're way off base."
"I wish this was about Diego. Why is Kyle locked out of your lab? Why did you tell me that no one's accepting your applications when you've turned down two research grant offers? I found the papers in my trash."
"Because I don't want to go back to that. Okay? I brought you back to life and now I don't want to go back to worms and mice and rats and hoping maybe my work will help some other scientist revolutionize medicine decades from now."
"What kind of work are you doing, exactly?"
"I'm developing a rapid treatment for a rare blood disease. Kyle's girlfriend is sick and I want to help repay him for what he's done for us."
"So this is just about Kyle's girlfriend and then it's over?"
"If I can cure her, the possibilities are endless. I can adjust it for other illnesses.
"Adjust what exactly? Alien DNA? Liz, my God. Like, let's say you're right and you find some miracle cure-all in alien spinal fluid and then that information falls into the wrong hands?"
"It won't because it's in my hands. Max, I love you, I love your family. I am asking you to trust me with this."
"No you're not asking me anything. You haven't asked me about any of this. You just got caught in a string of lies."
"I guess it sucks, huh? When your partner doesn't include you in major, life-altering decisions?"
"Are you angry at me for bringing your sister back?"
Not gonna lie, I laughed out loud when Rosa walks in at this moment.  When, literally, another alien brings Rosa back." Rosa & Isobel's reveal:
"Well, there is new information."
"We found this on Michael's trailer."
"Flint didn't abduct my mother. This is Helena's handwriting. They're working together."
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Just one more little detail about the note... It's the same Roswell postcard that Cam's fake note from Charlie came on in 2x04. Different handwriting though.
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Kyle and Steph:
"Is it true? Have you been stealing from the hospital?"
"Yeah. #nofilter. I can't get my hands to work lately, which makes getting the top off my makeup kind of hard. But we can talk about eye shadow after you answer me. Have you been siphoning hospital resources for God knows what?"
"It's not that simple. Yes, I've gone against hospital policy to treat people who can't get health care."
"Yeah well, this isn't a victimless crime, Kyle. My dad. He's been getting so much heat about supply shortages. His personal genome machine getting stolen out from under his nose. Do you know how much it's costing him to keep me alive right now? How much it would cost if he lost his fancy insurance?"
"I hadn't thought about that. I'm gonna return everything. That's why I'm here right now. To apologize. And to say goodbye. I am definitely going to lose my job, and after I confess to everything they're definitely gonna press criminal charges."
"Yeah well, your mom's the sheriff."
"And if you'd met her you'd know that means I'm really screwed. I wish you'd met her. She'd really love you. Goodbye Steph."
"Show up for your shift tomorrow...Yeah the thing about dying? Your dad's willing to do whatever it takes to make you happy. And I don't want you to lose your job, so."
"I don't know what to say."
"Don't. I'm still mad at you. Close the door on your way out."
Helena and Michael after she injects him:
"It's a special drug developed at Caulfield. It won't harm you at all, but you won't be able to use any telekinesis until it wears off. It'll keep you honest."
"I want to see Alex."
"Oh, you will. After you build me this bomb."
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Note, normally I get my music list straight from the source - the show's music supervisor shares it on Twitter @cmollere. But he didn't share this week because politics. So this week I pulled it from here:
Pasado Es Pasado - LMS
Makeup Counter Girl - Powerslide
Summer's Over - Pillbox
Just a Human, Being Human - Joey Sykes
The Last Man in Tujunga - I See Hawks in L.A.
Matter of Fact - BUVA
Take Me Someplace - Joey Sykes
Fade Out - Vicious Kiss
It's Easier to Run Away - Joey Sykes
14 notes · View notes
frozenartscapes · 5 years
Do you have any Frozen Superhero AU ideas? I don't think I've seen any on your blog but you seem good at AUs and I was curious what you might have.
I actually started a Superhero AU like, years ago but I hit a dead end with it. Looking back, it’s kinda your typical cliche superhero origin story. I don’t think I’ll ever finish it.
But what I did enjoy about it was that Elsa, the one who becomes a superhero, didn’t start with her powers. She was normal, working as an environmental scientist, who comes in contact with a supernatural comet made completely out of ice that doesn’t melt. She studies it for a few years, and then one day it just kinda...explodes. And very much like what happened to Captain Marvel, Elsa absorbs all that energy and gains her icy powers.
It starts with her feeling progressively colder, like she’s stuck in a freezer she can’t get out of. Then she changes. Appearance-wise. I had her originally with her non-magic look with brown hair, hazel eyes, etc. But then as the powers slowly settle in, they start to change her appearance to the Elsa we all know and love with that near-white blonde hair and blue eyes. And needless to say, she kinda freaks out about it. Anna also doesn’t really help the situation, largely because she’s too much of a nerd freaking out about getting a superhero for a sister.
I’d be happy to share that scene. I still don’t think I’ll ever post the full story but honestly this scene was why I started writing it in the first place. So here it is, under the cut:
When Elsa reached her bedroom, she wasted no time changing into more comfortable clothes before flopping face-first onto her bed. She had suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion, and the bed felt so nice and soft underneath her that she began to drift off right away.
Then she shivered. It was a little cold in her room, seeing as Anna liked to blast the A/C in the summer months. With a small groan, she shifted so that she was partially covered by her sheets and comforter.
Just as she was about to fall asleep again, another much more violent shiver tore through her body. This time she buried herself in her bed, but she still felt uncomfortably cold. She reluctantly got up and staggered over to her closet, where there were a few spare blankets. She chose a thin knitted one, believing it would be enough seeing as it was summer and being cold now of all times was a bit ridiculous.
The blanket was not enough, and with an annoyed grumble she got up again and grabbed another blanket. This ritual continued for about twenty minutes. At one point she paused to throw on a thick wool sweater and socks, along with her warmest sweatpants. She curled up in a tight ball under a mountain of soft, warm fabric but still found herself shivering as if she was trapped outside in a blizzard.
Eventually, she rolled out of bed, temporarily giving up on sleep, and decided to go in search of the thermostat. She selected the softest, biggest and thickest blanket she owned and wrapped it around herself before heading out the door.
Downstairs, Gerda was busy making dinner for the girls while Anna was watching television. She left during commercials and walked into the kitchen to grab a soda from the fridge. “So she really wants to go back to work so soon after that incident?” Gerda wondered.
“Yeah, she’s kind of nuts,” Anna sighed with a shrug, “She has a terrible fear of ice because of one stupid accident that happened years ago, but she nearly gets herself blown up and it doesn’t even faze her. Go figure.”
They then heard someone coming down the stairs, and since Kai was in another room on the main floor, they knew who it was. Anna, still with her head in the fridge, could hear her sister coming, so she greeted, “Hey, Sleeping Beauty! How was your–”
She straightened up and closed the fridge door, revealing a very cold looking Elsa. “…nap? Um, you ok?” she asked uncertainly.
Elsa glared at her. “It’s f…freezing in here,” she stated coolly.
Anna quickly glanced down at what she was wearing herself: shorts and a tank top. She felt perfectly comfortable in it, too. “I think that’s a problem only you seem to be having, Els,” she told her shivering sister.
“Great,” Elsa said sarcastically. She then shuffled into the family room and flicked on the gas fireplace before plunking down in the chair closest to it. Anna and Gerda both watched in confusion as she wrapped herself up even more in her blanket and continued shivering.
“I’ll make her some tea,” Gerda suggested in a whisper. She then quickly went on to her task.
Anna slowly made her way back to her spot on the couch, and sat down. She no longer focused on the T.V., but instead stared at her sister. Elsa did not seem to notice, and if she had, she did not care. She was too busy trying to get warm again.
Anna was in deep thought. Her eyes then flicked down at one of her notebooks resting on the table, and suddenly an idea came to her. She discreetly reached for it and a pencil, and flipped it open to a page where she had drawn a rather complex flowchart.
“Hey, Elsa?” she asked carefully, “I was just wondering if, you know, you ever thought about superheroes?”
“Wh…what kind of qu…question is that?” Elsa shot back through chattering teeth.
“Well, I don’t know…” Anna said slowly, wincing slightly as she put forth the possibility, “Maybe because you’re about to become one?”
At this, Elsa cast her a look. “Anna, s…superheroes and superp…powers, don’t exist,” she stated dryly, “You w…watch too many m…movies.”
“Yeah, I do, and I read a lot of comic books, and here’s the thing: I made a flowchart a while back that is basically the formula, like, every superhero story uses as an origin for their heroes. And I hate to break it to you, but you’ve pretty much struck every nail on the head so far.”
“Oh r…really?” Elsa questioned with an eyebrow raised.
“Yep. Here, I’ll prove it,” Anna said confidently before looking down at her book, “Let’s see… You weren’t born with your power, which means you had to gain it. And so out of the different ways you could have gained it… Ah, here we go: lab accident.”
“Anna, just because I–”
“Ah! No interrupting! Now, in the lab, were you working with any of the following: something from space? Yes. Something radioactive? Yes. Something with strange properties that don’t normally exist in the physical world? Yes. See my point so far?”
“Superpowers aren’t real,” Elsa repeated in annoyance.
Anna continued, choosing to ignore that comment. “And when the accident happened, it did so in a way that left people wondering how you were even able to survive in the first place… Interesting, isn’t it, sis?”
Elsa rolled her eyes. “I’m not getting superpowers, Anna,” she stated firmly, “If anything, I’ve probably got some sort of radiation poisoning…” She paused for a moment before the full weight of that statement struck her. “Oh God, I probably have some sort of radiation poisoning!”
“Relax, Elsa, this is just the stage when your powers begin to manifest. Every superhero goes through this. You’ll be fine,” Anna said nonchalantly.
“Fine?” Elsa demanded, “I’m not going to be fine! Look at me! I’m freezing in the middle of June! This has to have something to do with being exposed to the energy that comet released when it exploded!”
“Well, duh! That’s part of the chart, too! ‘Are the powers related to whatever it was one was working with in the lab?’ You were working with weird space ice, and now you’re suddenly really cold. Coincidence, I think not!”
“Anna, this isn’t a game!”
“Of course it’s not, this is awesome! Now, are you experiencing any physical changes to appearance?” Anna studied her increasingly worried-looking sister. “You’re paler than normal.”
“Wh– Of course I am!” Elsa sputtered, “I’m about to have a panic attack here and you keep going on about superheroes? Besides, my complexion should be the least of my worries!”
Anna’s eyes suddenly widened. “Uh, yeah, you’re right,” she said blankly, “Worry about your hair instead.”
Elsa gave her another confused and annoyed glare. “I don’t really care so much about how I look at this moment, Anna!”
“Oh, I think you should.”
With an eye roll, Elsa reached for her long braid and brought it over her shoulder to see what her sister was going on about. Her eyes suddenly bulged and her jaw dropped open in shock as she stared at what should be pure, dark brown hair, which was now dark brown with white-blonde streaks running through it. She even had the luck of watching another chunk of hair suddenly turn white – from root to tip as if the platinum was a dye flowing out of her head.
“What?” she gasped.
“Um, I hate to alarm you, but your eyes are doing it, too,” Anna said nervously.
“What?” Elsa exclaimed. She leapt out of the chair and raced to the nearest bathroom. She got there just in time to watch the last of the brown be consumed by the off-white colour. Then her hazel eyes, which suddenly seemed more green than amber, changed hues completely and became a striking, sapphire blue.
“Anna!” she called in a strangled voice, “G…get in the car, now! We…we have to go to the hospital.”
“Whoa, Elsa! Look at you!” Anna gasped when she spotted her sister, “You look good as a blonde.”
“Just stop talking,” Elsa commanded as she staggered out of the bathroom and headed for the front foyer.
“Just what are you two going on about?” Gerda sighed as she came into view, “Oh my word… Elsa, what…happened, dear?”
Elsa wrapped her arms around herself. “I…I don’t know, but I think I should go to Emerge…now.”
“Alright, dear, alright,” the maid said as calmly as she could, “I’ll get Kai to take you. Kai!” The butler appeared and gasped when he saw his young charge’s new appearance. “We need to take Elsa to the hospital,” Gerda ordered.
He nodded, but before he could head off, Anna said loudly, “Would everyone calm down! There’s no need to take her to the hospital! Besides, comic book history sort of shows that doctors are normally worse than useless when it comes to superpowers.”
“Enough, Anna…” Elsa muttered as a warning as she made her way to the door.
“What on earth are you talking about?” Gerda demanded Anna.
Anna took a deep breath, and explained as quickly as she could, “Elsa doesn’t believe me, but I’m convinced that she’s getting superpowers because she meets all the requirements to do so. She just had a lab accident with something weird and radioactive from outer space, she survived something that would normally kill a person, she has been developing weird symptoms all relating back to the thing she was studying in the lab–”
Elsa, at this point, was done hearing Anna’s ramblings about nonsense. She was scared, and annoyed, and cold, and feeling something really weird swirling around in her head, heart and gut. “I said enough!” she yelled angrily. She whipped around and swung one arm out in a finalizing action, hoping that it would shut her sister up.
It did much more than that. She barely registered what was happening when something flew out of her hand when she swung it in front of her. There were audible gasps from Gerda, Kai, and Anna, along with a sound that reminded her of ice crackling and glass breaking. And suddenly she was staring at a strange, very sharp-looking formation of glowing ice just feet in front of her.
The silence that followed was broken by Anna: “…And that. She can also do that.”
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tumblunni · 7 years
I have a question that I hope is ok. I have had a suspicion that I might have some form of autism for quite a while now and when you reblog posts that say something along the line of just autism things like the one you just did I have to do a double take because I do all of those things + have them happen to me and am shocked when I see I'm not the only one who does these things especially the really abstract. I don't ever bring it up though in fear that people get upset that I'm "faking"
Oh man, mystery person, that’s pretty heavy!! I know the feeling, it took me a LONG time of self-examination to work out whether I might have autism, and I actually did have to deal with a less-than-optimal response when I tried to talk to someone about it. My doctor outright said ‘but you seem too smart for that’, like.. what the fuck?? So seriously, you need to be prepared to be PERSISTANT. Don’t lose confidence in your decision! Make sure you get to see an actual diagnosis, don’t let them lock you out of it based on dumb stereotypes. Cos seriously, general practitioners going ‘hey this person probably doesnt have this thing that’s completely out of my division, and I wont even let them talk to that division’.. thats just.. GOD I really get frustrated and scared thinking how much more messed up my life would be right now if I’d listened to him and not ever got help for my condition!
So my advice is basically.. even if you don’t want to ‘self-diagnose’, please do ‘self-diagnose’.You need to be abnormally prepared for this, you need to have a list of all your symptoms, you need to learn the terms and have reference to point to in the event of them denying you the ability to talk to an actual psychologist. And you need to be prepared for them even treating you like you cant be autistic if you were capable of doing this!You need to hand-hold your general practitioner through explaining what autism even is, and do whatever the fuck you can so you can get transferred over to someone who actually knows who they’re talking about.Oh and common ‘self-diagnosis’ type stuff can also help a lot in the meantime, because doing research on the subject can lead you to finding new coping methods, finding other people to ask about the subject, and just generally tiding you over until you’re able to get a professional diagnosis and (hopefully) access to things like therapy and local autism community groups.Also, just, in some countries medical care is way less accessable, so I know not eveyrone is even able to get a professional diagnosis at all.
Oh, and an important thing is that autism is a spectrum and there are many different symptoms you can have. it can even be hard to discover your own symptoms, you might find that they manifest in a weird way because you’ve been subconciously trying to hide them or using some form of unhealthy coping method for years. Going undiagnosed into your adult years is really like.. one of the primary causes for autism being REALLY disabling! Dear god my stage of treatment right now is just learning to untangle a bunch of bullshit I’ve done to myself over the years, and re-learn basic life skills and self confidence. I think if i’d been born into an environment with people who actually would have recognised it and cared about getting me help as a kid, i could have grown up without most of my anxiety issues!Another important fact is that adult autism is often co-morbid with anxiety issues, due to the circumstances of being left completely alone to deal with this thing for your entire life with no support. There’s also just a lot of ways certain anxiety disorders (as well as ADHD) can have overlapping symptoms with autism spectrum disorders. A lot of the ‘that feel when’ meme stuff can be relateable to all three of these otherwise quite different disorders. So I’d reccommend looking up info on ADHD, PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder, and related conditions too, and maybe seeing which disorder seems most similar to what you’re experiencing. And don’t be scared if it seems like you might have multiple of them! In real life being ‘all the tokens at once’ is VERY MUCH not ‘unrealistic’, man I really hate those people who’re like ‘hwaaa someone who’s black AND gay AND in a wheelchair? political correctness gone maaaad!’ Seriously, its very VERY possible to have more than one mental illness, especially ones that might have a knock-on effect causing another one. Going undiagnosed and untreated for ANYTHING can lead to developing anxiety and depression, but going undiagnosed for a social disability makes it especially likely to get specifically social anxiety.oh, and randomly for an example I happen to also have prosopagnosia, which means I can’t tell the difference between people’s faces. I literally cannot recognise my best friend if she changes her hairstyle or glasses. This is kinda Double Hell combined with autism, cos its already a challenge for me to judge people’s emotions, lol!
Oh man I’m kinda going offtopic and just rambling every damn fact I know, but I’m just hoping maybe something will be helpful??I really am not an expert on autism, I dont even know any good informative blogs to link you to. I’m just a regular person who happens to have the condition, and I don’t know how to give good advice when i’m still quite often suffering from denial and self hate myself...But I dunno, I just hope it could help to hear my personal experience, and know that you’re not alone.Though now I’m worrying maybe this post is a little intimidating so it might make you feel worse?? Seriously, this is just a worst case scenario thing, hopefully your doctor won’t be as casually gatekeepy as mine was. And I mean, he seemed like a good man who wasnt exactly rude about it and wasnt doing it on purpose. If anything that worries me more, tho, cos he was just politely saying ‘haha no you’re wrong’ to a patient, about a subject he wasnt remotely qualified in, and wouldnt have ever considered reccommending me to a professional if i hadnt kept nagging him about it and come back with a bunch of research and stuff. It felt SO damn cathartic to get that ‘YES, AUTISM’ in the end! Shame I couldnt show it to him and I probably would have had my entire healthcare cut forever if I boasted XDAlso, I was lucky that I had my charity support worker to help me through the stress of the assessment interviews. I hope you have at least one person who’d be able to be there for you and believe you, in times like these. Or, even if you’re like me and you dont’ have any family and stuff, I hope you end up meeting a surprisingly awesome governent worker lady who wears a cool hat and helps you out. Seriously, Amber, you’re a godsend!
So umm.. yeah.. i am REALLY sleep deprived and I am not good at words but i hope some of this helped?? I hope you’re okay, anon!And honestly, reading ‘lol relateable jokes’ type posts on people’s blogs was how I first started suspecting I was autistic, too. I’d grown up buried in so many stereotypes of mentally ill people, I never thought I was one of them until I actually got to read blogs from their perspective. Joke posts obviously aren’t a substitute for a diagnosis, but I think they kinda serve a valuable role in the self acceptance process, yknow? Thank you, joke posts!
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princeabernathy · 8 years
i feel this on a deeper level because I remember not wanting to grow boobs? and thinking having a penis would be a lot easier because of no periods no childbirth and actually knowing when you orgasm like? and i honestly don't know all i know is that i'm ace, which makes it more confusing because i basically just don't have a sexdrive unless i'm in a really close relationship and even then it's 89% eh just fuck yourself or smth? and kissing girls is fine? but then being in a relationship 1/2
2/2 like the thought of being in a relationship with a girl is kinda scary? but namely for the sex-part but i'm not really interested in sex anyway? and i'm actually kinda scared to fall in love with friends because i'm pretty sure i'm demi-ace but i've never fallen in love with close friends? and ??? i don't know my ideal relationship is basically friendship+ and while i do know a lot of het couples I ??? don't know??
My ideal relationship is the same though: “frienship+” to me is perfect. 
I get you about not growing boobs. I almost don’t have any and I know I’m lucky about it but still I wish I was just flat, plain flat. I don’t know about having a penis cause, as a woman, I luckily I don’t have any problems during intercourse, in terms of having orgasms and all that. I hate periods of course but I got used to it and other girls have it way worse than me. I’ve recently learned how to feel more confortable and get shit done during my period, which of course I don’t need to explain to you cause you already know, but for me... it was a nightmare. I would cry if I had to go outside during my period cause the emotional stress was just too much for me. About kids, I’m terrified of giving birth, I don’t want kids and it’s not just cause I’m terrified about giving birth, it’s complex, so if I ever wanted a child I’ve already decided I want to adopt. The things is I think I need to sourt out my gender first and my sexuality after. Cos dealing with what I am, dealing with myself,  might help me to sort out also what I want from other people? I hope? I don’t know how yet. I need to figure out.
Still I’m gona try to hit that path at least and I hope you feel less alone knowing that I’m here too in the same path. 
This is a plus... but I have a very specific idea in my mind of how I wanna look and I always go back to this girl, Amber Liu. She is a famous ex-kpop singer in South Korea and she has pretty androgynous traits and likes to dress “as a boy”. That alone is kind of an unaceptable paradox for korean culture and the industry she is in. Amber gets so many shit about this stuff frequently, she often talked about how she got bullied in bathrooms for this. She’s the only person I have ever ever been able to relate when it comes to body image and how she puts herself out there. She’s the only one out there I can see as a role model, because I’m just so obsessed about people that you can’t quite figure out if they are girls or boys. And I want that for me. I’ve always seen boys looking androgynous but never girls so I got fond of her. Recently she even started singing about it, something she didn’t had the chance to do before, and I don’t even like the melody I don’t like the genre, her voice is not my cup of tea I think, but the video and the message... I remember clicking on the video and being what the fuck why am I so emotionally invested in this song I don’t even like?
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coalessscence · 7 years
○ {{shit tho man. you don't have to do this and it's up to you. I just want to traumatize one of you children. Who it is is up to you}}
(send the above symbol for my muse to pass out in your muses’ arms)
herb was not having a good day. he hadn’t had one in months, to be entirely frank, but for an entirely different reason than this one.
becoming an alcoholic was still a blur to him. it started out with the pressures of his job, his crippling anxiety about needing to do better, the one that was hidden so far back inside of his mind that even he was at least partially unaware that he had it.
he’d always taken clients out for drinks, because that’s how you conned someone- you got them drunk. he never really got them drunk, he just bought them a drink or two to loosen them up, and sipped at the same one he ordered upon arrival the entire time.
but then- then the idea of taking the edge off of himself began to sound more and more appealing, so he just … did it. he drank two drinks. the consequences were surprisingly few. sure, it had an effect on him, but he held his liquor better than some, at least, and no one else around the station really seemed to notice. so then he started having three drinks.
pretty soon, and he still wasn’t really sure how, it had become a daily thing- he had become known for his three martini lunches. every single day, it was a new client, a new bar, and six martinis- three for him, three for the client. for a little while, it went well. the edge that he’d felt scraping on his life was easily removed with just three small glasses of vodka and an olive to match, and he got so many new clients and accounts and praise for his efforts, because now he was going after a new account almost every day. everything was working perfectly. he was finally moving up and getting better.
but then- then it had started to spiral out of control. he honestly didn’t remember the majority of it, and even if he had, he couldn’t pin point when it began. it just- was. all at once he’d gone too far. all at once he kept a bottle of scotch in his desk, all at once he drank more at home, more when he was on lunch, he was going out for drinks with ‘clients’ at any odd time of the day, several times a day. he stayed out most weekends, he was never home, he was at the station as little as need be. andy and mr. carlson told him that he was messing up too much, that he needed to curb his hobbies to his personal time. bailey kept shooting him looks from under her bangs and jennifer gave him worried looks and caused water and aspirin to mysteriously appear on his desk every time he came in after a long night out. venus and johnny gave him knowing looks, and piper….
she hadn’t noticed. had she? he didn’t remember having a confrontation about it with her. that didn’t mean anything. he didn’t remember much at all over the past month or two. what if she had? did she know? he didn’t want her to know.
he didn’t know why he didn’t want her to know. he didn’t know why it bothered him so much. it bothered him that anyone knew; it bothered him that mr. carlson was disappointed in him and that andy acted like he was worried about him, it bothered him that bailey was actually being n i c e to him and that johnny kept giving him i understand but i wish you didn’t looks when they passed each other getting coffee. but those were all reactions, and reactions he remembered. piper-non reaction or reaction he forgot scared him, but he wasn’t sure just why.
but maybe she didn’t know. he hoped she didn’t know. then everything came to a point, and he had to face the facts. mr. carlson was right. he was headed for a problem- maybe he’d already become one. “maybe andy’s right- maybe i am messing up. maybe i am a drunk.” the words he’d said exactly seventy-two hours ago still rung in his own ears. he couldn’t believe he’d let it happen, that he’d let it get away from him. he’d disappointed even himself and he’d thought he couldn’t do that anymore.
he STOPPED, right then- he put down the glass of cheap scotch that had been in his hand, and he’d stared at it, seeing all of his problems and a dreary future swirling in the amber liquid, and he’d said that’s it. no more. he hated a loss of control, and the rare moments of sobriety that had followed that particular evening were haunted by the realization that he’d allowed this to go much, much too far. 
but he didn’t want piper to know. if she hadn’t noticed his absence and constant state of inebriation, hopefully she would remain oblivious to his state of current withdraw. he was tired all of the time, his head pounded constantly- an endless hang over that seemed only to build with every moment. he had the shakes perpetually, he always felt sick, and usually at the most inconvenient times possible. he couldn’t sleep anymore, and when he did, it was unpleasant and unrestful. he was either exhausted or mad, all of the time, and sometimes both. it was quite possibly the worst he’d ever felt, and it only seemed to be getting worse. every time he went to bed and got up again the next day it had doubled. he didn’t trust himself to drive, so he found other creative ways of transport. he dropped things, tripped on things, said things that he instantaneously regretted, and generally just hated every moment of living. but at least he was sober.
he did his best to hide his symptoms of withdraw from piper, because if she didn’t know he wanted to keep it that way. he clenched the handle of his coffee cup harder when she was around to keep it from shaking. he concentrated hard on what his hands were doing so he wouldn’t drop stuff in front of her. he counted mentally to three before he spoke to her because he didn’t want another episode of saying something suddenly harsh and cutting, and then sighing and apologizing in a hesitant tone before starting all over again, and he definitely didn’t want it to be with her.
this time though. he didn’t know if he could handle it this time. today it had been much, much worse than usual. it was just them in the bullpen, and he’d been on edge trying to appear normal for what seemed like an eternity, but he’d stood up to hand her something- something about a new advertising client- and all at once time seemed to stop. he saw several of everything and he realized with curious surprise that he wasn’t sure which way was up. little black dots blotted out her face, and he knew that he was not alright, but couldn’t seem to say a word or do anything about it, and he thought he felt himself f a l l i n g -
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