#they had their reunion and they huggged!!!!!!!!
a-dime-a-day · 7 months
I was invited to come see my old school's annual musical and I had absolutely 0 idea what it was or anything about it but of course I went right? and
I'm losing my mind rn omggggg what are the odds??
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thebirdandthebee · 2 years
Easy As
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A Carmen Berzatto Universe
A/N: This is almost a follow up to the ‘jealous Vanessa/Carmen’ request, but plays more off of insecurity than jealousy. Also a little soft/domestic/daddy Carm if you squint. There is one more request I’m working on in my inbox - feel free to chime in!
Vanessa Monaghan is the breath of fresh air that Carmen had been gasping for.
Page 15: Bleachers
Carmen had a lot more insecurities than Vanessa. Both raised in Chicago, they grew up in different cities. At the beginning of their relationship, he felt like was reminded of it all the time. Now, he barely noticed. Due in part to the fact that he had since traveled all over the US, conquered the most competitive restaurant scene in the world and truly made a name for himself.
However, it didn’t change the fact that he made his way into that echelon, instead of being born into it. That, and he didn’t have that natural confidence.  He wasn’t insecure about much, but he wasn’t tall, he still got adult acne, he knew he didn’t carry himself in the best way possible and he spoke with a deeper lilt than many.
Tonight, he was accompanying Vanessa to her 10-year high school reunion at Roycemore – a $35,000 per year private school in Evanston.
Vanessa wasn’t too hung up on going, but Gina was attending with her baby and Vanessa missed the five-year, so she thought she’d give it a shot. That, and her father was a top donor to the school, so it was good for her to show her face from time to time. Carmen was a casualty of proximity and she “wanted to show him off.”
He couldn’t help but think she’d be showing off the fact that she settled.
They’d ordered a car for the night so they could indulge – whether that be at the reunion or a bar afterward.
“Ness, baby, the driver should be here any minute,” Carmen called from the kitchen where he was finishing up a rusty nail.
“Coming!” She called, and he could hear her heels clacking soundly down the hall. Dressed in a pair of fitted jeans, an ivory cashmere sweater and the sapphire earrings he’d gifted her for their one-year anniversary, she’d never looked more beautiful to him. “Am I wearing too much perfume?” She asked, stepping into his personal space.
“You look and smell amazing,” he said, catching her about her hips and tugging her closer to him.
“I wish we didn’t have to go to this,” Vanessa said, pressing her hips into his.
“It could be fun,” Carm tried to be the cheerleader. “If nothing else, Gina and Rosie will be there,” he reminded.
“Ro,” Vanessa sighed, thrilled to see her best friend’s baby and goddaughter. Vanessa was deeply and completely in love with Rosie and though she and Carmen weren’t even living together yet, and had already had a pregnancy scare of their own, she couldn’t help but imagine what life would be like with their own babies when she held Rosie in her arms. She grinned as she looked at Carmen conspiratorially.
“Ness,” he warned. “We talked about this,” he couldn’t help the smile that threatened to pull up the corners of his mouth.
“I know,” she whined, grabbing the lapels of his bomber jacket and kissing him soundly. “It’s fun to pretend, though.”
Every once and a while, they’d watch Rosie for Gina and Tony and play house – a glimpse of looking into their future, she was sure of it. There was something seriously sick about the pleasure she got from watching Carmen cradle Rosie over his shoulder, patting her back with a dishtowel tucked under her tiny body.
Carmen always knew when Rosie went home at night he was going to get laid.
Hopping into the car, there was a bottle of wine waiting for them and they each nursed a glass before arriving at the Roycemore School. With conspicuous nametags, Vanessa grabbed Carmen’s hand as they entered the main gym. All at once, Carmen’s usual insecurities came rushing in.
These were Vanessa’s people – and he definitely wasn’t one of them. He had that pinned the moment a man in a five-thousand dollar suit pulled Vanessa into a big hug.
“Van, how are you?” He hugged her tightly and Carmen was realizing just how long of a night this would be.
“I’m great, Ben, how are you?” Vanessa reciprocated, obviously glad to see the 6’3 GQ model. “Ben, meet my boyfriend, Carmen,” she introduced. The man with the chiseled features looked at Carmen with as much disdain as he felt himself. “Carm, this is Benedict, we were on debate team together,” she introduced.
“Great to meet you, Benedict,” Carmen nodded, shaking his hand firmly.
“Is Heath here?” Vanessa asked, referring to Ben’s best friend from when they were in school.
“He’ll be here shortly, - running late, he had a race in Monaco last week,” Ben replied, Carmen doing his best to school his features.
“Wow, that’s amazing! I’m so glad to see you, Ben, you look great – tell your parents I say hello!” She squeezed his shoulder.
“Likewise, I see your Dad sometimes tearing it up at the club,” Ben joked, not giving a single ounce of thought to Carmen.
“I’ll mention we connected,” Vanessa grinned, “I think we’re going to see what we can get to drink,” she nodded over to the bar.
“See you around,” Ben said, gaze lingering on Carmen’s girlfriend for just a beat longer than he would have preferred. Once Carmen had another glass of wine in his hands, it opened up a string of similar actions with Leland, August and Blair. All names that sounded like they were ripped from book at Ellis Island with money just as old.
“I wonder where Gina is,” Carmen said, already forgetting the name of the last suitor to approach Vanessa.
“I don’t know, but she better hurry,” Vanessa commented, stepping into Carmen’s bubble and pecking him softly. “Thank you for coming with me tonight,” she said softly. “I know this is probably not very fun for you, but it means a lot for you to join me.”
“Happy just to spend the time with you,” Carmen replied, kissing her right back. “I’m gonna run and take a leak,” he said, eyeing the bathroom over her shoulder. “Hold my drink?” He asked. Vanessa complied, taking his glass and busying herself with her phone after setting her own malbec down on the table top beside her.
In the men’s room, Carmen had barely stepped in front of the urinal when the door swung open to reveal his new friend, Ben.
He saddled up in front of the basin next to Carmen.
“Hope this isn’t awkward,” Ben laughed, unzipping his pants. Carmen didn’t look over but gave a forced exhale of his own “Y’know with me being Vanessa’s ex and all,” he added. That was news to the shorter man.
“Can’t say she mentioned it,” Carmen replied, willing himself to pee faster.
“No hard feelings, though,” Ben carried on. “Always knew she’d find someone great…” he trailed. So what’s she doing with you? Was the unspoken second half of that like.
“Yeah,” Carmen zipped up his trousers, “she did.” He said it, even though he didn’t feel it. Vanessa dated a guy named Benedict who golfed at the club and wore a $100,000 Rolex in high school. He couldn’t say he was shocked but it was one thing to know about these facts and another to have them approach him at the urinal.
When he spotted his girlfriend again, she was carefully holding Rosie to her chest, Gina nearby sipping on her own cocktail.
“Hi, G,” he greeted warmly, giving Vanessa’s best friend a hug.
“Hi Carmy!” She squeezed him tightly. “God isn’t this just the most heinous gathering of people?” She asked, making him grin. He always liked Gina.
“I just ran into Vanessa’s ex in the bathroom, nearly peed on my shoes,” Carmen said, reaching over and grabbing his glass of wine before leaning down to place a big hand on Rosie’s back.
“Hi baby girl,” he greeted, smoothing his hand over her hair.
“Oh god, Benedict?” Gina asked. Vanessa shook her head as she bounced slightly in her heels, pressing a kiss to the top of Rosie’s bald head. “Our taste at 16 was… questionable.” She added.
“Questionable?” Vanessa laughed, “you married your high school boyfriend.” Vanessa laughed.
“Okay keep it down, I don’t need everyone here knowing that,” Gina hissed jokingly.
“Thankfully, I evolved over time,” Vanessa winked, stepping into Carmen’s side. She cradled Rosie carefully, dropping a few more kisses to the crown of her head.
“Well I’m very glad that Carm’s going to be her Uncle when you get married and not that dweeb,” Gina said, rolling her eyes. “Remember when he stole his Dad’s Aston Martin and drove through the gate to the soccer field?” Gina asked, sending the two women into a flurry of laughter and anecdotes. Carmen simply enjoyed their presence, the rush of blood in his ears louder than his thoughts when he weighted what Gina mentioned – being Rosie’s Uncle alongside Vanessa.
Not a single schmuck in the place stood a chance against what they had because they’d never get the chance.
Joining back into their plain of consciousness, he wiggled his fingers at Vanessa.
“Gimme the baby,” he insisted. He grabbed the burp cloth first before holding her gently.
“She’s a little milk drunk,” Gina advised, “nursed on the way over here so I could have beverage.”
“Where’s Tony tonight? Shouldn’t he be here?” Carmen asked.
“He should be, but he got called out to Rockford for some kind of work emergency,” Gina explained. “I want to believe he’s telling the truth, but I also think he just didn’t want to come to this,” she laughed. Carm nuzzled his face down into the downy wisps of blonde that were just a shade lighter than translucent on Rosie’s head.
“Be right back, I’m going to grab some snacks while the table’s abandoned,” Gina said, hoofing her way across the gym to the hors d’oeuvres. Vanessa boxed Carmen in, Rosie sleeping gently between the two of them as she slid her free hand down Carmen’s side to rest on his hip.
“I swear to God, Carmen,” she sighed. There was something about the way he was holding her, his biceps flexed just right and in that Italian-collared top she got him a few months ago.
“Remind me when we get home,” he said seriously with a promise that set her skin on fire.
She opened her mouth to tell him just how she felt about that when another pair of high heels approached.
“Vanessa, hi!” Short, readhead, botoxed.
“Loren, hello, it’s so great to see you,” Vanessa immediately snapped into socialite. “This is Carmen,” she introduced.
“Loren Grammar,” the redhead introduced.
“I’d shake your hand, but,” Carmen trailed, shrugging his shoulders softly as he visibly had his hands full with a baby.
“And what’s this angel’s name?” Loren asked.
“This is Rosie, she’s nearly three months,” Vanessa introduced. Carmen was waiting for the footnote that this was not in fact their child, but Gina and Tony’s.
“Just darling,” Loren replied. “Ness, I saw you’re still at Olson Group, Carmen, what do you do for work?”
“Carmen is a restaurateur and chef,” Vanessa replied, placing her opposite hand on his chest. “He was just named Chicago Mag’s Top Chef last month,” She bragged whole-heartedly.
“Well aren’t you lucky?” Loren smiled tightly, “a handsome, successful husband and beautiful baby – time has been good to you!” She laughed in a way that invited Vanessa to laugh along with her.
“So good to see you, Loren,” there was almost a dismissive tone, which the redhead caught on to.
After making a swift exit, Vanessa took a long drink of her wine.
“She was so awful to G and I in high school,” Vanessa laughed, “she spread a rumor in eighth grade that Gina lost her virginity to a tampon.”
Carmen was grateful he didn’t honk out a laugh right into Rosie’s ear.
“God it was so good to see her jealous,” she grinned, pressing her body against this again and lacing her fingers with his on Rosie’s small back.
“Jealous?” Carmen asked with a laugh.
“Of course, she was practically turning green in front of my eyes,” Vanessa laughed. “Just like she said, hot, successful man, cute baby…” she shrugged. “What’s not to like?”
Carmen shook his head in disbelief, but figured he’d go along with anyway.  
Another half hour of schmoozing before Vanessa decided they’d paid their dues. She crawled into the back of the car, shooting a text off to her father, before turning her attention to her boyfriend.
“Was it awful?” She pouted, crossing her leg over the other and leaning into his side entirely.
“No, but it would have been a lot less fun without G and Ro,” he justified.
“Agreed,” she nodded.
“So you and Benedict,” Carmen said, his blue eyes pinning her to the spot with a rakish grin.
“Oh don’t even start,” she laughed with a shake of her head. “My first high school boyfriend,” she laughed.
“Was he your first…” Carmen raised a brow.
“Thank God, no,” Vanessa laughed. “Though he did once dry hump me in his parent’s pool house,” she explained, making Carmen laugh. “His mother desperately wanted us to get married, it was super weird.”
“She saw a good opportunity when it presented itself,” Carmen annotated.
“Something like that,” Vanessa shook her head, “but it was even more odd when you factored in how much she used to hit on my Dad.” Carmen cringed. A beat passed. “I think if I’d had met you in high school I’d still fall for you the same,” she smiled, sliding a hand up his chest.
“Trust me, the only way you would have met me in high school is if you fell off the back of the bleachers,” Carmen laughed.
“Carm, were you a bad boy?” Vanessa gasped.
“I definitely cut more classes than I attended,” he began, “but I assure you, you wouldn’t have looked twice at me.”
“I’ve seen pictures of high school Carmy from Nat,” Vanessa began, “you were just as cute then as you are now.”
“Yeah, and high school Vanessa could have stepped on my neck and I’d thank her,” he countered, watching the brunette burst into laughter. “You were like a seventeen-year-old Victoria’s Secret angel,” He gestured wildly with his arms.  She slid a hand up the back of his neck, tangling her fingers in his tight curls.
“I assure you,” she used his words against him, “I would have been just as crazy about you then as I am now.” Carmen kissed her gently. “And if it makes you feel better, I think I still have the school uniform in the back of my closet somewhere…”
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Hey, Alfred is back but I am really curious about why is he back?
I missed him a lot but also, I am really worried about that state too.
Like, yei! He is back but how is he back? Maybe if the whole situation is well-written I could feel better about it.
But I can't avoid to feel that Damian's whole motivation to not resurrected is being ignored and I think it's sad because that dialogue was actually so good in the series.
I mean, the whole Robin series was about getting over grief and growing and that dialogue on his grave was a bittersweet but also great interpretation of Damian's character.
Damian loves Alfred so much, Alfred was the first one to actually accept Damian since the beginning, no Bruce, no Dick, Alfred was.
Alfred was the one who actually gave him the mantle of Robin and support him too.
Damian was the last one to see Alfred alive and the one who probably impact a little bit more because the trauma.
Damian hallucinated Alfred during an entire arc, he literally had conversations with him because the grief and even in Dark crisis he still mentioned him with love.
So, the least that I could expected is a big and a LOT of hugges and tears.
I need Damian to completely fall on his arms in a hugged and show all of his doubt and insecurities.
I need a great reunion to convince me.
Otherwise I don't know.
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lordavanti · 7 years
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Request 1:  Pleeeease write and imagine where reader and Alex are in a relationship and she makes him come with her because she is getting a new tattoo (on her ribs) and is scared so he takes the pain away... 😏 Request 2:  You should really do an imagine with Alex based on the song Sex For Breakfast from Christina Aguilera, that would be 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Note: Extra long, don’t know if that means it’s extra good. Sorry in advance, I’m not that good in smut but still hope you both liked it, I certainly did writing it. Let me know what you thought about it!  Words: 3623
You pulled your hair up in a high ponytail, looking at yourself in the mirror, studying your own expressions before that little grinn came up and your hair felt back over your shoulders. You pulled your hand throught in, possible making it even messier than it already was. You took your keys and ran outside to your filthy jeep that stood awaiting. Inside work was nothing for you, you couldn't sit still after a desk and always wanted to take some adventure or travel. So you were just away for two weeks, on a working assignment into the wild. For two weeks outside was your home, being inside now felt as a luxury. You stepped into the jeep and putted your sunglasses on, turning on the music while you drove the street out. Your favorit number turned on and you turned the music a little higher, tapping your steering wheel while you sang along with the music, driving to not only one of your favorit places, but also to your favorit men. 
The whole set was kind of secured, you saw those diehard fans sitting in the grass, eager to get a glimp of there favorit actor in this amazing series. You pushed your window open when you got with the security man and smiled to him, pulling your glasses off so he had a clear look at you. 'Y/n.' You said. He got over the list, you almost got concerned because it took him so long. 'You are not on it madam.' He said with a polite voice, looking at your with a confused look. 'I can call Alex.' 'You are his girlfriend, I thought I recognized that face from somewhere.' He started with a smile, opening the gate for you. 'I'm sorry, we get so much people over.' He appolagized immidiatly. 'No problem, thank you.' You smiled to him before pressing on the gas and riding over to the parking. The strong wind blow your hair to all sides, but the warmth of today caused that you didn't bother. You walked between the trailers, the storagerooms, following the noises of filming and laughing. They were filming inside, in a large building where they maked the different rooms and settings. You looked around the corner, the laughing went back to the serious action. You smiled softly to one of the filmsguys and looked at the set, king Ecbert hanging in a cage while the brothers sat around. You eyes fell on Alex and the smile got even bigger. God, you had missed that face! You being away two weeks and he being away since two weeks before that you didn't see each other for little more than a month now. You told him you would arrive over two days, so this was kind of a surprice. The silence hang around a little. 'And action.' The camera's started rolling and you heared the different voices from the actors. Acting ... it was something you considered as a child but the fact you couldn't stay still threw that away a little. If you heared the long times Alex had to stay still, you were glad to travel so much around. Don't seeing each other for more than a month was the longest you were seperated, and you missed him like hell. Your eyes kept fixed on Alex who looked so ruthless, so damn sexy. You bited your lip, hiding behind all the crew, leaning against the doorway to not distract him from his work. After little less than half an hour they got the break they deserved. Alex jumped up from his seat, laughing about some joke Marco told. The people past you, some nodded, recognizing you as his girlfriend while others didn't. 'Look at that!' Alexander slapped Alex so hard on the shoulder he lost his balance, pointing towards you. 'What?' Alex turned around and frooze when he saw you standing. 'Surprice.' You smiled, that big most happy smile spreading over your face. 'Y/n, I thought you didn't came home for two more days.' 'Does it matter?' You asked him, walking carefully over the equipment to the set. 'Yes, I didn't clean the appartment.' 'I don't think you will have to do any cleaning tonight bro.' Jordan laughed. You rolled your eyes and looked over his outfit and make up. 'Please tell me that I can hugg you.' 'Come here.' He pulled you in his arms and you wrapped your arms tight around his neck, snuggling your nose against his neck. 'God I missed you.' He said while pulling back. You looked over his face, his lips before his hand stroke your cheek, strangled through your messy hair before he kissed you. You pushed your body closer against his, trying not to mess with his hair while you got already turned upside down by being back with him. You felt his so reassuring hand travel over your body and you smiled in the kiss. 'Not on set guys, please.' Marco wasn't sencere about it, he was joking, like usual. You pulled back and he licked his lips. You maked a mess from his face, or at least the make up. 'They will repare all the damage you do to me.' He reacted on your look over his face. 'And that is just half the damage that I can do to you.' 'Oh really?' He reacted with that boyish glare, pulling you with him to some place it was a little quiet. You strangled your hands through his, he pushed them against your upper body, leaning in on you again. 'Nice trip? You look good, got a tan?' He asked. 'I will tell you all about the trip when we have time. When are you done with filming?' You asked, trying to get your hands loose from his grip but he held them ferm on their place against your chest. 'Couple of hours.' You reaction maked him laugh. 'You can waith another couple of hours right?' 'Yes, I missed you, we need some catching up to do.' You didn't gave him any time to answer, kissing him in a slower version of earlier. He let go of your wrists and your fingers stroke the short side of his head. He pulled you closer to the wall and that kiss suddenly wasn't the only thing you felt. 'Not so boneless after all, are you.' You said with a promesing look downwards. He smiled, his nose traveling over you cheek, leaving a kiss under you ear, he knew how sensitive you where to that spot. Finally he pulled back, before it got to intensive and neither one of you would hold back. 'I'm going home, make something to eat and waith for you to come home.' 'You know I go straight to dessert, right.' He tickled you while pussing you back to the setroom. You started laughing, catching his hands in the act and wrapping them after your body while you still walked backwards on his lead. 'Dessert is good.' You approved. 'Good.' He placed a fast kiss against your lips and you smiled. 'I missed you.' 'You said that already.' 'I will say it a hunderd time over, I missed my girl.' He placed another fast kiss against your lips before he let go of you. 'Alex.' Someone out of the setroom called. Alex looked inside before he turned back to you. 'See you tonight babe.' You winking. You were watching some of your work on your laptop that night, leaning on the kitchen, when Alex came home. You eyes whent to the clock on your screen before you looked over your shoulder to him, that instant smile got on your lips again. He throw his things in the hallway and walked over to you, laying his hand on the small of your back, placing his lips against your temple in a kiss. You turned your head, placing your lips on his. 'Hmm.' He pulled back, all satisfied by your return. 'Will take a shower first.' 'Are you hungry?' 'No, not really.' He said, winking while walking into the bathroom. You turned back to your screen, scrolling through your work while you heared the shower turning open. You looked over your shoulder to the bathroomdoor before you closed your laptop and pulled your shirt out. You slipped into the bathroom, the steam of the hot water filling the air. You pulled the rest of your clothes off, leaving a trail from the door to the shower. He didn't even noticed you when you stepped in behind him. The water running from the muscles over his back was a reason enough to just stand there and watch. Your fingers stroke his back, he didn't really startled but you felt his body react immidiatly. You place your lips against his shoulderblad, feeling the hot water running over you head and naked body. You fingers runned over his shoulder to his chest while he turned around to you. He cupped your face, you eyes blinked the water away that poured down over your bodies before he placed his lips on yours. You didn't had to hold back now, it was only you, him and the shower walls. You wrapped your arms around his neck, contacting your skin with his while you let his tongue in. Your one hand strangled through his dark hair while his hands wrapped together on your back, feeling every bit of skin there was to feel. The warmth of the shower, the warmth that builded up in your body, it felt like the reunion you hoped for. He pushed you out from underneath the water against the wall of the shower. You arched your back and looked up to him while his hand traveled over your stomach up, almost counting your ribs and you closed your eyes under his soft precious touch. You moaned against his lips when he caressed your breast before his hands traveled down, lifting you up against the wall. You wrapped your hands tight around his neck while your legs did the same but not before something of him got inside of you. You let your head rest against the wall, closing your eyes, opening your mouth a little by the feeling while his lips roamed your throat before he slowly started to move his hips. It was the most sensational feeling you felt in days, in weeks. It was the kind of feeling, among others, you missed without him. And normally he would tease you with his slow pace but now he just missed you as hard as you missed him. It didn't took the both of you much time, he whispered your name in that kind of a moan you almost wanted to do it all over. You pulled his hair and kissed him tenderly out of breath. 'Welcome back babe.' You panted against his lips. He smiled, putting you down after pulling back, your legs needed some time to adjust on standing again. 'I can eat something right now.' He smiled, still leaning into you. 'I knew I had to make dinner for some reason.' You pulled your hand through his hair, peking his lips before pushing him out of the shower. 'Are you free tomorrow?' You asked, turning away from the kitchen to him. He only wore a short, what gave you the most generous sight on his bare chest. And for him it was the same, knowing you were naked underneath that long shirt of his. 'In the morning, why?' 'Because maybe I missed you and I don't have enough with only taking a shower with you.' You offered him a plate but instead he pulled you onto his lap. 'And I'm maybe placing a tattoo.' You announched in between, wrapping an arm over his shoulder. 'You, a tattoo?' He asked surpriced. You shrugged and took a bite of his dinner. You always wanted one since you started travel. Aside him, traveling was the most important thing in you live, you loved it and you wanted something nice inked on your body about it. 'But I need you to come.' You bited your lip and he started laughing, amused by the little uncertainty hinting your eyes. 'So I can hold your hand if you get scared?' 'So you can comfort me over the pain.' You corrected him, placing your lips on his. 'Please Alex.' You whispered, roaming his chest with your fingers. 'If you think you will have to much pain you shouldn't do it.' He grinned, snuggeling his nose under you ear. You started laughing, getting away from his lips of that sencetive spot. 'I will come. What will you get?' 'Your name.' You kissed him again before you started laughing about his surpriced reaction. 'Wouldn't you love that?' 'If I can get yours than yes.' He replied in an instant. You looked up to his hair, pulling it a little into model. 'It's something else. You will see.' You smiled down to him. He wrapped his arms tight around your back and you rested you head onto his shoulder, enjoying his attention. 'We should take a long nice vacation with bleu waters and moutains to climb.' He suggested. You didn't saw each other that often, except for here in the appartement our on a occasion or two going out. 'That's sounds nice.' 'Some place to recommend?' He asked. You pulled your head away from his shoulder and looked at him. 'More than one. When can I book a flight?' You asked curious. Going on a vacation with Alex was always fun and challenging. You fitted together quite perfect on that level. He stroke your cheek and smiled on a loving voice. 'When filming is done I guess.' 'Let me know when that is and I arrange something.' You kissed him and got from his lap. 'Eat.' You commanded to his dinner he still left untouched. He looked over your body before he shook his head and started to eat. The jet lag kicked in hard, you felt asleep like nothing and didn’t waked up your energetic self in the morning. It was a little adjustement, from living in the wild for two weeks to being back in bed with Alex. Your body needed to get just again, to the soft sheets, the silence, the fingers roaming your naked back. You squeezed your eyes together a little, still to tired to get up. You felled those fingers roam from your back over your ass to your legs. You squeezed your eyes more together, ignoring his touch for a little while longer. But he didn’t gave up, you felt his lips press against your neck and you moved a little against it, wrapping your hands around your pillow. ‘Wake up.’ He teased you. You murmured something he wouldn’t probarbly understand, he chuckled. Your shirt slipped up through the night, leaving you vunareble to his eyes. You slapped his hand away when he squeezed your ass, giving in by turning on your back and opening your eyes. ‘Alex,’ You wanted to be moody but he didn’t gave you a change, placing his lips on yours so you had to shut up. Being just awake and getting this kind of attention was a little confusing. ‘You slept well.’ You smiled when he gave you a litte breathingspace. ‘Not really,’ his lips left your face, pressing it’s softness over your stomach. ‘Looked at you all night.’ His warm breath tickled your skin. You squeezed your legs togehter when you noticed the way he was going. ‘Why?’ ‘Because I missed you and like you said yesterday, that shower together wasn’t enough.’ He answered you honestly, placing a soft bite in your side. You wrapped your fingers through his hair and pulled him back towards you. ‘We should have breakfast first.’ ‘Who needs breakfast if you can live from love.’ He suggested with that playfull look in his eyes. ‘You are laying here all night like this, tossing and turning and I’m just supposed to lay here aside you after missing you for more than a month?’ He asked. He placed his strong arms on each side of you head and you looked from his arms to his bare chest and back up to him. ‘You could have waked me.’ ‘I know how a jet lag feels. And it is morning now so really nothing that can stop me.’ He smiled with that boyish grinn on his face. You shifted a little on the bed, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him closer by his hair. He kissed you again, on that slow sweet peace that maked you long for more. He knew his tactics around you, he centainly know how to get you in the mood. Your nailes left some marks in his shoulderblades, feeling the shivering of enjoyment running through his body. In the shower yesterday, it was all about seeing and feeling each other again. Not it was that sweet love in the early morning. No water running through your bodies, only that love that pushed you every thrust higher and maked him call out your name with every feeling more often. Hearing his heavy breathing, feeling your own exhaustion maked it complete. Maybe sex as breakfast wasn’t that bad after all. ‘You can back out if you want.’ Alex advised you with a smile while you laid there, shirt curcled up so the man placing the tattoo had a clear shot over your ribs. You were axcious, a little afraid maybe. You heared so much stories over the first time placing a tattoo and it all involved a lot of pain and getting used to. You ingnored Alex, after his morning enjoyment he was way to cheerfull, taunting you half of the time while you were getting nervous for the tattoo. ‘You ready?’ The man asked. You looked at him, swallowed all your fear away and nodded. When you looked back to Alex his smile maked place for some encouragment. He wrapped his hands around yours when the tattoo guy placed the needle on your print. And then he started, you squeezed your eyes together and bited your own tongue. God, that hurted. ‘You know the five reasons I love you?’ Alex began, sitting on a seat aside your head. You give him a quick look before staring back to the ceiling, trying to get some happy thoughts. ‘You’re gorgeous for starters, you love a good challenge, you are just as adventurous as I am, you are all tough and brave on the outside but we all know your inside and I love your cooking skills …’ he felt silence for a moment. ‘especially breakfast.’ You chuckled, the man placing the tattoo gave you a short look. You looked aside to Alex and smiled softly. You didn’t dare to speak because of the tattoo that was placed. ‘You know what I thought when I saw you on set first time?’ He asked. You remembered that day, you was with your boss who gave a great deal on inside on the viking history. Alex and Marco were hunting each other with water, he aimed wrong, causing you to get all wet and snap about it against him because he was laughing about it. ‘I thought you were one of those spoiled research people, getting all angry over some water.’ ‘I did.’ You breathed very softly out. ‘Yes, but you got back at me, with a whole bucket.’ He went further, causing you to smile. You revenge was pretty sweet indeed. ‘And I chased you ever since.’ His eyes got something bright and loving. You squeezed his hand, thankfull for the distraction he offered. And he did that the whole  time that you laid there. ‘I will take very good care of her.’ He said to the tattoo guy after he gave you a whole speech on how to handle that tattoo the first few days. You slapped Alex against his chest, grinning from ear to ear because you make dit out alive. When you walked outside the shot you turned to him. ‘I got a tattoo.’ You cheered excited. He started laughing and you embraced his face with your both hands. ‘My man, thank you.’ You thanked him with a kiss and a whole lot of love. ‘You know,’ Alex began when the both of you walked over the street. He wrapped his arm over your shoulder and you locked your hand in his back pocket. The spot on your ribs felt soar, painfull, like it was burning. ‘What?’ ‘If you tattoo the whole world on to that pretty body of yours than I won’t have to do use google anymore to locate our next vacationspot. I can just do it on you, will be a whole lot more fun. What do you think?’ He asked, pulling his eyebrows up in misschief. ‘I think I was brave enough for one and let uss keep it with that. My next amount of money will go all to you and me, with a blue ocean and some mountains to climb?’ You asked with an innocent voice, hoping he would have some free days soon enough. ‘You know you are never getting on top of that mountain as first.’ ‘You know that I travel far more often than you, imagine what I practice on those free moments.’ You challenged him. His placed a kiss against your temple and  grabbed his care kees. ‘How much time have we left?’ You asked curious. Alex looked down over his watch before he looked back to you. ‘Enough time for lunch.’ And the way on what he said that wasn’t really reassuring. But who cares, you had to miss him for over a month, lot’s of catching up to do, in as many ways as possible.
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