#they have disconnected and reconnected to my laptop at least 6 times in the last 10 minutes
lit-in-thy-heart · 1 year
i am one more 'disconnected...connected' away from snapping and turning to the dark side
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youdecode · 4 years
21 Things to do to be Productive | what to do when bored at night at home?
Wondering Things to Do to Be Productive at night? Who said that only mornings are made to be productive?
You can take most out of night.
Many times, with the sinking of the sun, people will be lethargic.
They repeatedly question what they should do until sleep overtakes.
If you are looking for some things to do to be productive then this blogpost has got you covered.
Also Here Are Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources You Will Ever Need.
How to Wake up Early & How to get up Early?
How to Manage Time Effectively?
How to create a Powerful Action Plan?
  PS : Don’t forget to grab the freebie at the end of post, specially crafted for you  !
 21 Things To Do To Be Productive
Let’s dig into 21 things to do to be productive:
#1 Think about a side hustle
One of the best Things to Do to Be Productive is jotting down the ideas of side hustle.
Most of the creative ideas hit us all at night. Why?
Because our subconscious mind is most active.
If you ask about me then I have this separate spreadsheet where I type in all the business ideas that strike.
You can start a profitable blog too.
So, you might not be in the best position of working at night but you can surely plan for business ventures ahead.
 #2 Design your inspiration board
 Have you tried crafting an inspiration board yet as a productive thing to do?
If not then now is the time!
You need to realize that visualization is a strong tool.
Yes, it will never go in waste.
By making an inspiration board , you will become more successful, driven, and focused. 
#3 Try a productive online course
 My favorite thing to do to be productive!
Now girl, let me reinforce a fact.
This world has gotten a lot more competitive.
Yes, more than you think, so you need to run with the rat race.
Invest in yourself and boost your skills so that you have a competitive edge over someone who shares the same degree as you.
There are several platforms like udemy, coursera.
If you are not interested in the course which will boost your resume then choose the other fun courses.
Girls there do several paintings , calligraphy, coding and other courses.
Excuse me for including coding in the fun section but indeed it is a productive thing to do.
 #4 Find a volunteering gig.
 This is one of the fun things to do to be productive before dozing off!
Find yourself a volunteering gig.
Let me tap my tale, I was randomly finding volunteering gigs two years ago.
And guess what?
I found one near my locality. One random browsing activity enabled me to help some awesome people.
I made great friends while feeling the utmost satisfaction.
So browse the internet for good. 
#5 Craft your five year plan
 This is such a helpful way of decluttering your mind. And yet a productive thing to do when bored.
Sometimes thoughts related to the future do not let you sleep.
The best way in this regard is to make your mind exercise for clarity.
Yes, design a clarity plan of five year.
Where do you see yourself?
 #6 Reconnect with an old friend
 If you will be reconnecting with an old friend then i will term it as a productive act.
So what to do when bored at night?
Make this heartwarming gesture and relive the old times.
Cherish the memories before it gets late.
 #7 Write a letter to your future self
 I remember writing a letter to my future self in the beginning of my freshmen year.
Ah. . . have not read it yet!
The thought alone is exciting to me.
If you are wondering what to fill in the letter to your future self then just fill it with emotions, random questions and advice.
Most important thing is to seal and hide it.
My letter is still with my university!
 #8 Maximise your planner
 Question yourself: are you making use of your planner to its full potential?
This without doubt is one of the effective things to do to feel productive.
This is the everyday planner for making your product productive.
 #9 Scrap booking?
 It might seem outdated but it is one of the great ways of creating wonderful memories.
Next time when you question yourself that what to do when bored at night in your room then answer “scrap-booking”!
 #10 Learn Vocabulary for productivity
 I am fond of creating cards . . . vocabulary cards.
Yes, I do not know why. Now I realize that those phrases have made my academic writing a lot better.
So what’s the drill for you to feel productive?
Learn at least five words each night! Or three to begin with.
 #11 Learn a new language
 You clearly know that learning a new language takes time.
You would not be able to learn another language in a day or two.
So why not incorporate such an act in a daily night routine as one of the things to do to be productive?
Because consistency will thrive results. Learn a few phrases every night.
Just expand your vocabulary.
 #12 Watch a TED talk
 It is fulfilling to sleep each day with full motivation.
TED talks provide great wisdom.
You can get rid of the tiredness of the whole day by consuming the content of the ted talk.
Take 15 minutes out to get super inspired & to feel productive.
 #13 Clean up your Laptop to feel productive
 When was the last time you got time for cleaning your laptop?
Don’t remember it right? Same pinch!
Well, it is time for tidying your laptop. I enjoy the title of owning the most disorganized laptop.
Do you too? Well, now is the time to get rid of the crazy cluttered.
Take a few minutes out and try organizing the folders. Let’s do it !
 #14 Backup Everything and I mean everything
 Another productive thing which you can do apart from organizing your laptop is creating backup of every device you possess.
I cannot cry enough!
I have lost my phone’s data thrice . . .
I have learnt the very hard way but it is vital for higher productivity.
Backup your college files and other vital stuff.
 #15 Go for a homemade face mask when bored
 Another productive thing you can try right now is the application of a homemade face mask.
Utilize your time girl by treating your skin in the best possible way.
If you do not have time for preparing homemade masks then then shop online.
 #16 Dump electronics to be productive
 The best gift which you can give yourself is unplugging and disconnecting. What?
All the electronics. Keep all the electronics away, else you will be mindlessly scrolling for hours.
I never check my emails at night as they have the potential of boosting my stress levels.
 #17 Read a book/listen an audiobook
 I love reading books at night. For me, the book has to be of self-development and this can surely vary.
I never watch tv at night because the word productivity keeps swinging in my head.
Or simply because I do not have a habit of it! I re-read the book and grow rich until I doze off!
You can find a favorite book and make the night more productive.
 #18 Update your resume for productivity
 It is a great time for updating your resume.
Throughout the day just work on gaining new skills and by the time night strikes: just fill up your resume.
Yes, update your resume so you could keep track of what is yet to accomplish and has been accomplished.
 #19 Apply to jobs/internships
 Night time is generally a great time for advancing your career.
Even if you have just started college, make it a habit of applying to different places.
You can land up into a great internship or a permanent job.
Just think, you are applying to two places each night . . . this adds up to 14*4= jobs application in a month.
Super productive tactic. It is a great way to check what is hot in the market.
 #20 Carry a Manifestation Journal
 I am here talking about journaling for manifestation. You do not have a manifestation journal yet?
Missing a lot on then girl. What is it?.
Well, what if i tell you that whatever you script within has the potential of becoming true? Amazing isn’t it?
Learn more about it here. 
#21 Start a Bullet journal
 Are you that creative artist who wants to maximize productivity?
Bullet journal is for you.
Establish this activity in your night routine and you will not look back.
You can track your moods . . . habits and what not girl.
  Final Words For Things To Do To Be Productive . . .
Before you go know these resources to Supercharge Your Productivity.
Girl do you have big goals to accomplish?
Big dreams?
It is time to manage time better.
Do not overwhelm yourself and rather learn from the experts.
This Ultimate Productivity Bundle is for you if you have ever wished to get more than 24 hours in a day.
What is in it there for you?
73 e-Books, e-Courses, printables, workbooks, access to membership sites, and more.
Girl, you’ll have a ton of resources at your disposal.
If you are goal oriented one then avail these necessary strategies to conquer your to-do list, crush your goals, & free up more time for activities that you actually enjoy!
Are you wondering if it’s a HUGE number of resources eisha! (Well, the bundle is valued at $2,837.06 after all!), but here’s the thing…
Out of this massive bundle if only 4 products could make a difference in your life then it is worth the investment.
Time is money and you are just paying for time.
You will have lifetime access to these resources.
Some of the amazing content within the bundle includes:
Productivity Powerhouse – e-Course Valued At $200
Exact roadmap to improve focus & to do more in less time by maximizing your energy
The Smart Focus Method: Be Productive Not Busy – e-Course Valued At $37
Right method (focused daily action) for stop being busy to accomplish goals Work by Design School – e-Course Valued At $462
Complete productivity system on how to work smarter & earn more
PLAN4 2020 – e-Course Valued At $67
4 simple steps on how to plan your business to reach your goals and fit your life
Inspired Riser – e-Course Valued At $197
Develop a unique, energizing, sustainable and successful morning routine in just 6 weeks
Overcoming Procrastination: How To Stop Procrastinating So You Can Achieve Your Goals – eBook Valued At $25
Productive by Design: Use Brain Science to Get More Done – e-Course Valued At $197
Brain-based strategies to supercharge your focus and dominate distraction
Get organized now and supercharge your productivity this year with The Ultimate Productivity Bundle now! 
  My favorite FREEBIES for you 
 3 Epic PDFS For Instant Energy - Boost Your Productivity To An Insane Level
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 Grab 1100+ Journal Prompts To Tap Hidden Answers Of Your Life
 Grab 8+ Special Printables For Unstoppable Vision - Your Future May Depend On This
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The post 21 Things to do to be Productive | what to do when bored at night at home? appeared first on You Decode.
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therecoveryspace · 7 years
I wish I lost it (but it’s still here)
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I thought I lost the water bottle you gave me for my birthday in 2015.
I use it every day and it does its job really well, keeping the temperature of whatever beverage it holds consistent, whether it be hot or cold. The great quality is not surprising -- you’ve always been a stickler for getting the very best of anything, of course, falling within the realm of practicality and value for money.
I use it every day, bringing it to the office with me and since I started doing Crossfit, I would bring it there as well. And I mention the latter because this is where I thought I lost the perfect water bottle, one of the only few remaining reminders that you set foot on my track and I on yours.
So as I was trying hard not to die to participate, I left the water bottle on the floor as I normally would. When I went back for it, it wasn’t there anymore. Of course, I didn’t panic. Maybe I just forgot where I left it so I circled around the box, looking for that black cylinder with sticker that says “The Weekend Movement.”
There wasn’t much space to really look around in, and after doing a double take, I just gave up and hoped that someone would see it and return it to the receptionist, just like any normal do-gooder would. I alerted the receptionist, letting her know how it looked like, and hoped that after everything gets cleaned up, they’ll find my missing water bottle.
That was Thursday night.
I went back on Friday because I just wanted to know if it was there. If it was there, someone would have surrendered it by then. If it wasn’t, then I thought, someone must have stolen or grabbed it by mistake, or I don’t know, it could also be one of the mysterious disappearances that we all know so well.
It wasn’t there. So I ordered a new one on Amazon. The exact same bottle, exact same specs, except this one wasn’t from you.
This new one wouldn’t bear the weight of our year-long relationship that blossomed in the prettiest colors of Spring, but unfortunately surrendered to the inevitable harshness of winter. The new one would be something that wasn’t from you; I thought, this was my sign to really just let it go.
Because I read into signs like that, taking every mundane coincidence and thinking maybe, just maybe, this is showing me something I wanna see.
Monday came, and Amazon informed me my order was set to be delivered around 8:30pm. I’m a little excited; I’m finally not devoid of a water bottle and I can help save mother nature by lessening the usage of disposable cups. Also, I just wanted to go back to normal, and normal for me meant having the water bottle within a close radius most of the time.
After work, I went to Crossfit, telling myself that this was the last day I’ll have to drink from the fountain instead of filling out a water bottle. And alas, it was but for a reason different from my expectations.
Because as I looked over the front desk, there it was. Everything was intact, in all its metallic glory. I grabbed it, knowingly showing a little too much excitement as I got something back that I thought was lost forever. The receptionist didn’t even remember that I told her to look out for it, but whatever. Nothing else mattered.
I got my water bottle back. And when I walked out of the Crossfit box with it, I realized, I suddenly wished I didn’t. Because I knew how my head worked; I knew my head would tell me that this is a symbolism, that this is reaffirming me about something I really should stop wrapping my head around.
It’s been roughly four months, and within that timeframe, I’ve travelled to four countries, including going back home to the Philippines, and been through two different jobs after my long break.
I’ve reconnected and disconnected with friends, spent precious time with my family, and I really focused on discovering who I am without anyone by my side.
And now, I feel great most of the time. 
I went from bawling my eyes out every day and idealizing the afterlife to finding jobs in recognized signature brands in the fashion industry, and starting to really focus on myself and my goals.
I went from crazy ex-boyfriend begging for another chance to just about being able to control my emotions. Most of the time, at least.
I used to hate routine, but I’ve developed an addiction for it now. 
Wake up at 6:15, take care of business in the bathroom, get dressed, cook my breakfast of 5 egg whites and a yolk, concoct my protein smoothie in the blender, eat, clean up, and leave the apartment around 7:45. 
Get to work earlier than is required, drink coffee, work, work, work, eat my healthy lunch, work, work, work, walk to Crossfit gym, try not to die, shower, and get home around 8:30pm. 
Have dinner, put stuff on my face, drink fishoil and collagen supplements, and call it a day.
Repeat the next day.
I feel like a well-oiled machine when I’m able to carry out this unwritten manual in my head, and when something pops up that messes with it, I tend to feel a little discomfort. I even started to hate weekends a little because I wouldn’t know what to do, and the spontaneity would give me a bit of anxiety.
It’s been good, really.
I try to tell myself that, and that’s because, there is some truth to it.
I’ve picked myself from the ground where I was once too weak to stand up from. I’ve started to go back to a steady pace of setting goals and creeping up to slowly achieving them. And I’ve new friends to keep me company in this country that tries hard to be my home.
I’ve distanced myself from conversations that harness negativity, going so far as blocking people or avoiding social media altogether to sort of cleanse myself from the hustle and bustle of the digital age. Until now, I only keep Facebook messenger on my phone. If I wanted to use Facebook, I’m gonna have to be on my laptop. It’s good practice, and it’s one way of decluttering your thoughts and getting to really know what matters to you.
I’ve taken a meditation class in a Buddhist temple somewhere in Jersey. Drove to DC with friends, and had a blast. Went to a concert alone, and planning to go to a music festival alone -- the latter could change depending on my friend’s decision.
But anyway, I’ve gone over and beyond the textbook definition of moving on. Except maybe, I’ve skipped a very important chapter: TIME.
I had a mini panic attack when I saw your dating profile somewhere. I mean, yes, we’ve broken up. And slowly, I felt the chains that linked us slowly disintegrate until there is nothing left but a subtle, thin thread. I’ve lived a life without you, and I know it is possible. 
But every time I see something that blatantly reminds me of that fact, of the fact that I will live in a world where there is no longer you and I, where there is only I and there is you, but never on the same spectrum, I still cannot help but feel a void.
It’s not as strong as before. It’s more like a gentle tug now. But it’s still here.
And I know it will be here for a while. 
And for now, I guess I’ll just have to keep making myself feel accomplished by being a well-oiled machine, until I start getting back the wholeness of my humanity.
Until I learn to fully love myself again.
Every wound heals differently. And I don’t know about you, but mine takes a while. And I have to constantly tell myself that it’s okay.
Really though, I wish I lost it. 
But it’s still here.
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
Bring Back Date Night: Fun & Unusual Date Ideas on a Budget
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/bring-back-date-night-fun-unusual-date-ideas-on-a-budget/
Bring Back Date Night: Fun & Unusual Date Ideas on a Budget
When my husband and I were newly married, we didn’t have much money, but it didn’t matter because our favorite thing to do was just spend time together. Of course, life and kids happened and while it is wonderful, it does make it a little tougher to spend quality time alone.
We’ve been working on ways to rekindle that early dating spontaneity and find fun, creative, and even unusual date ideas to try (and not just on Valentine’s Day or other special occasions!).
Experts say that weekly date nights help couples have more intimate and lasting relationships. I’m lucky to have a romantic and adventurous husband (he’s Italian) who helps break the “dinner and a movie” routine and try new things.
Maybe one of these ideas will sound like something you’d like to try!
Date Nights: Then vs. Now
Pre-kids, when we wanted to go on a date, we would just go. Usually it was something free or very inexpensive because we were on such a tight budget, but even a walk at the park or a picnic was great.
As any parent of young children can probably appreciate, these days, going on a date is more of a ten-step process:
Decide to actually go on a date and have enough time to ask the other person if they want to go
Call 3-5 people until you finally find a babysitter
On day of date, pre-make food for whichever meal you’ll be missing at home so the kids are well fed (I don’t do this anymore since I found this shortcut)
If the date is at night, also pre-bathe children so the babysitter doesn’t have to
Remind kids to clean rooms, do chores, etc.
Find something to wear … if you’re an overachiever, maybe even put on makeup
Make list of all instructions and emergency contacts for babysitter
Finally make it out the door to go on the date
Almost fall asleep during dinner/movie/etc. because you have small children and aren’t used to staying awake after 9:30 PM
Come home to find all the kids are still awake, and drive babysitter home
This of course isn’t to say that it isn’t worth it to get out kid-free once in a while, but if staying in for a date is more practical, the good news is there are still ways to make it special (and without doing the same old thing).
Date Cost: Then vs. Now
The cost to go on a date has changed a lot too over the years!
It used to cost $0-$10 to go out with my husband because we would go for a walk or hike, or to a free event at a local outdoor theater. If we were really splurging, we would go to a bar for drinks, dinner, and a movie.
Now, a babysitter usually costs at least $40+ for an evening, a nice-ish dinner is easily $50+, and if we went to a movie that is another $22. $112 for a basic dinner and a movie seems like a lot, especially since it can be hard to find healthy, real food options and my husband prefers to watch movies at home.
Fun Date Ideas (At Home or Out!)
We decided long ago that we would make weekly date nights a priority, but also that many of these date nights would happen at home after the kids were in bed (cheaper, easier, and not a problem if we fall asleep by 10 PM).
Over the years, I’ve developed a list of some of our favorite at-home date ideas. We’ve found that even if we are just spending uninterrupted time together after the kids go to bed but are intentionally not on our phones or laptops, we have a great time and can rekindle some of that fun, quality time spontaneity and romance of our early dating and married years.
1. Massage (My Favorite)
The whole lots-of-babies-in-8-years has made me a big fan of getting a massage. Pregnancy, nursing, and now carrying around toddlers are a big demand on the body and every mom could use a good massage. Unfortunately, a good 60-minute massage can cost at least $80 in most locations.
While there are some great massage devices to use at home (this is my favorite), a much more romantic way is to try an at-home massage course.
This Melt Massage for Couples course is taught by a husband and wife team in a really easy-to-learn format. It’s the gift that keeps on giving, now that we both actually know how to give a good massage!
2. Sports (His Favorite)
You might think my husband would have to con me into this one, but watching a sporting event is one date night we both enjoy equally. We share favorite baseball and football teams and have weekly dates to watch games.
For big anniversaries or birthdays, I’ll try to work out getting actual tickets to a game so we can go together.
3. Chess
If you don’t already have a chessboard and set, you can pick up an inexpensive one and learn to play together. It’s fun and great for your mind, and also a great game to teach your kids!
4. Rekindle the Fire (Literally)
We built a fire pit in our backyard and some of our favorite at-home dates involve sitting by the fire, sipping wine, and just talking. Lights aren’t just for Christmas … hang a string or make these homemade tiki-torches to create a romantic and cozy backyard atmosphere.
5. Documentary Date
We enjoy watching documentaries together and often this leads to good conversation about a controversial topic. Some great documentaries that are available on Netflix or Amazon to stream online are:
Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Fed Up
The Business of Being Born (my fave, definitely not his)
Man on Wire
Microbirth (another one I liked)
Free Solo
There are literally hundreds of options depending on what type of documentaries you like.
6. Personality Quizzes
Sitting on the couch tonight? Try one of these free personality tests you can take online, either just for fun, or to learn something about each other:
7. Go for a Hike
These require a babysitter or leaving home unless you happen to live on a lot of land, but spending time outdoors and disconnected from technology is a great way to reconnect. Look up local parks and try a new spot you haven’t explored!
8. Watch a New Show
Not a groundbreaking date idea, but still relaxing and cheap! We don’t watch much TV, but over the years there have been a few series that we’ve really enjoyed and that gave us an excuse for regular date nights at home. We definitely pair this idea with a nice glass of our favorite wine.
9. Cook Together
Another activity that I probably enjoy more than my husband does, but cooking together can be a lot of fun, especially when trying new recipes (I might know where you can find some…) or cuisines. Pick a recipe to make together. If you have the time, pick a movie that corresponds to the cuisines and enjoy dinner and a movie. Make an Italian meal and watch an Italian movie together, or try your hand at sushi-making and watch Jiro Dreams of Sushi.
10. Breakfast Date
Dinner is the typical date meal, but no need to leave out the others! Breakfast is a healthier (and cheaper) meal to eat out. Head to a diner or local restaurant for an early morning date, and reserve the rest of the day for some good couple time. It can also be easier to get babysitters on a Saturday morning or let your kids play at a friend’s house.
11. Embark on an Adventure
This is my husband’s favorite type of date, and it fits well with our decision to stick to experiences instead of material gifts. I’ve enjoyed getting out of my comfort zone on some of our more adventurous dates. One memorable year we went scuba diving, but there are tons of possibilities! Visit an indoor rock climbing gym, go kayaking (another one of ours), race go-karts, try ice skating (not my favorite!), or if you are really brave … try karaoke!
12. Around the World at Home
This is a recurring date theme for us. Going out can be difficult with little ones, so plan a fun date themed around ethnic foods and enjoy it at home once the kids are in bed. Make your own sushi and eat on the floor. Make healthy Mexican food and watch a movie in Spanish. Make fondue and eat by candlelight. Whatever you choose, set the mood with music and decorations to make it fun! Even if you don’t go for ethnic foods, enjoy a late-night date at home and cook for each other! This is also a budget-friendly way to keep the romance alive.
13. Go Camping
This certainly isn’t for everyone, but it usually promises to be a bonding experience and is really healthy for you too. Always fun as a family, but if you can sneak away for a night, go camping as a couple. The alone time around the campfire will give you a chance to really catch up, and the potential for unforeseen circumstances (wild animals, rain, etc.) makes it an adventure.
14. Volunteer
This is a great way to get closer as a couple. Once we tried it, I wished we’d started right away as a newly married couple. Focus on a cause you both believe in and volunteer together. This is something great to do with kids too. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, raise money for a cause, or pick a service project at your church. It might make you grateful for what you have and will certainly be some quality time with your love! Another advantage … spreading the love doesn’t cost a thing!
15. Visit a Local Attraction
We often forget about the things that others come to our town to see. Go to a play at the community theater or check out the comedy club. Find an arboretum or botanical garden and walk around. Hit the batting cages or mini golf or even just browse the bookstore together and talk over a cup of coffee. If it is in season, visit an orchard or pick-your-own farm or take a tour of a local brewery or vineyard.
16. Exercise or Do an Activity Together
Exercise can be fun as a couple! Pick a new sport to learn: tennis, racquetball, basketball, or swimming… just pick something you enjoy. For an activity, go miniature golfing, paint pottery together, take dance or painting lessons, or go bike riding or canoeing. These are often the best times to talk and you get the chance to develop a new hobby or skill.
17. Paint Each Other’s Portrait
Feel a little funny staring into each other’s eyes? Painting a portrait is the perfect excuse! Reconnect in an unusual way by reviving or learning a new skill. Lots of laughs will be had, I promise! It’s ok to just have fun with it, but I also recommend an online class from Udemy if you really want to learn some new skills.
18. Just Do Nothing!
Seriously … all parents know it’s harder than it sounds! Once the kids are in bed (and repeatedly threatened asked to return to bed), choose to de-stress by ignoring everything else that needs to be done. (Ignore electronics, too… hide them if you have to!)
Dim the lights, light some beeswax candles, turn on some relaxing music, and just hang out together. Talk, sleep, cuddle, laugh… just like the old days!
Most Importantly: Turn Date Ideas into Reality
Making time to spend as a couple can be much more challenging than it should be, especially with kids. Make the decision to make your relationship a priority. Take the time to brainstorm new date ideas and make them happen… no need to wait for a time like Valentine’s Day to have an excuse to spend time together!
What was your best (or worst) date ever? Would you try any of the date ideas above?
Source: https://wellnessmama.com/1601/date-ideas/
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youdecode · 4 years
21 Things to do to be Productive | what to do when bored at night at home?
Wondering Things to Do to Be Productive at night? Who said that only mornings are made to be productive?
You can take most out of night.
Many times, with the sinking of the sun, people will be lethargic.
They repeatedly question what they should do until sleep overtakes.
If you are looking for some things to do to be productive then this blogpost has got you covered.
Also Here Are Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources You Will Ever Need.
How to Wake up Early & How to get up Early?
How to Manage Time Effectively?
How to create a Powerful Action Plan?
  PS : Don’t forget to grab the freebie at the end of post, specially crafted for you  !
 21 Things To Do To Be Productive
Let’s dig into 21 things to do to be productive:
#1 Think about a side hustle
One of the best Things to Do to Be Productive is jotting down the ideas of side hustle.
Most of the creative ideas hit us all at night. Why?
Because our subconscious mind is most active.
If you ask about me then I have this separate spreadsheet where I type in all the business ideas that strike.
You can start a profitable blog too.
So, you might not be in the best position of working at night but you can surely plan for business ventures ahead.
 #2 Design your inspiration board
 Have you tried crafting an inspiration board yet as a productive thing to do?
If not then now is the time!
You need to realize that visualization is a strong tool.
Yes, it will never go in waste.
By making an inspiration board , you will become more successful, driven, and focused. 
#3 Try a productive online course
 My favorite thing to do to be productive!
Now girl, let me reinforce a fact.
This world has gotten a lot more competitive.
Yes, more than you think, so you need to run with the rat race.
Invest in yourself and boost your skills so that you have a competitive edge over someone who shares the same degree as you.
There are several platforms like udemy, coursera.
If you are not interested in the course which will boost your resume then choose the other fun courses.
Girls there do several paintings , calligraphy, coding and other courses.
Excuse me for including coding in the fun section but indeed it is a productive thing to do.
 #4 Find a volunteering gig.
 This is one of the fun things to do to be productive before dozing off!
Find yourself a volunteering gig.
Let me tap my tale, I was randomly finding volunteering gigs two years ago.
And guess what?
I found one near my locality. One random browsing activity enabled me to help some awesome people.
I made great friends while feeling the utmost satisfaction.
So browse the internet for good. 
#5 Craft your five year plan
 This is such a helpful way of decluttering your mind. And yet a productive thing to do when bored.
Sometimes thoughts related to the future do not let you sleep.
The best way in this regard is to make your mind exercise for clarity.
Yes, design a clarity plan of five year.
Where do you see yourself?
 #6 Reconnect with an old friend
 If you will be reconnecting with an old friend then i will term it as a productive act.
So what to do when bored at night?
Make this heartwarming gesture and relive the old times.
Cherish the memories before it gets late.
 #7 Write a letter to your future self
 I remember writing a letter to my future self in the beginning of my freshmen year.
Ah. . . have not read it yet!
The thought alone is exciting to me.
If you are wondering what to fill in the letter to your future self then just fill it with emotions, random questions and advice.
Most important thing is to seal and hide it.
My letter is still with my university!
 #8 Maximise your planner
 Question yourself: are you making use of your planner to its full potential?
This without doubt is one of the effective things to do to feel productive.
This is the everyday planner for making your product productive.
 #9 Scrap booking?
 It might seem outdated but it is one of the great ways of creating wonderful memories.
Next time when you question yourself that what to do when bored at night in your room then answer “scrap-booking”!
 #10 Learn Vocabulary for productivity
 I am fond of creating cards . . . vocabulary cards.
Yes, I do not know why. Now I realize that those phrases have made my academic writing a lot better.
So what’s the drill for you to feel productive?
Learn at least five words each night! Or three to begin with.
 #11 Learn a new language
 You clearly know that learning a new language takes time.
You would not be able to learn another language in a day or two.
So why not incorporate such an act in a daily night routine as one of the things to do to be productive?
Because consistency will thrive results. Learn a few phrases every night.
Just expand your vocabulary.
 #12 Watch a TED talk
 It is fulfilling to sleep each day with full motivation.
TED talks provide great wisdom.
You can get rid of the tiredness of the whole day by consuming the content of the ted talk.
Take 15 minutes out to get super inspired & to feel productive.
 #13 Clean up your Laptop to feel productive
 When was the last time you got time for cleaning your laptop?
Don’t remember it right? Same pinch!
Well, it is time for tidying your laptop. I enjoy the title of owning the most disorganized laptop.
Do you too? Well, now is the time to get rid of the crazy cluttered.
Take a few minutes out and try organizing the folders. Let’s do it !
 #14 Backup Everything and I mean everything
 Another productive thing which you can do apart from organizing your laptop is creating backup of every device you possess.
I cannot cry enough!
I have lost my phone’s data thrice . . .
I have learnt the very hard way but it is vital for higher productivity.
Backup your college files and other vital stuff.
 #15 Go for a homemade face mask when bored
 Another productive thing you can try right now is the application of a homemade face mask.
Utilize your time girl by treating your skin in the best possible way.
If you do not have time for preparing homemade masks then then shop online.
 #16 Dump electronics to be productive
 The best gift which you can give yourself is unplugging and disconnecting. What?
All the electronics. Keep all the electronics away, else you will be mindlessly scrolling for hours.
I never check my emails at night as they have the potential of boosting my stress levels.
 #17 Read a book/listen an audiobook
 I love reading books at night. For me, the book has to be of self-development and this can surely vary.
I never watch tv at night because the word productivity keeps swinging in my head.
Or simply because I do not have a habit of it! I re-read the book and grow rich until I doze off!
You can find a favorite book and make the night more productive.
 #18 Update your resume for productivity
 It is a great time for updating your resume.
Throughout the day just work on gaining new skills and by the time night strikes: just fill up your resume.
Yes, update your resume so you could keep track of what is yet to accomplish and has been accomplished.
 #19 Apply to jobs/internships
 Night time is generally a great time for advancing your career.
Even if you have just started college, make it a habit of applying to different places.
You can land up into a great internship or a permanent job.
Just think, you are applying to two places each night . . . this adds up to 14*4= jobs application in a month.
Super productive tactic. It is a great way to check what is hot in the market.
 #20 Carry a Manifestation Journal
 I am here talking about journaling for manifestation. You do not have a manifestation journal yet?
Missing a lot on then girl. What is it?.
Well, what if i tell you that whatever you script within has the potential of becoming true? Amazing isn’t it?
Learn more about it here. 
#21 Start a Bullet journal
 Are you that creative artist who wants to maximize productivity?
Bullet journal is for you.
Establish this activity in your night routine and you will not look back.
You can track your moods . . . habits and what not girl.
  Final Words For Things To Do To Be Productive . . .
Before you go know these resources to Supercharge Your Productivity.
Girl do you have big goals to accomplish?
Big dreams?
It is time to manage time better.
Do not overwhelm yourself and rather learn from the experts.
This Ultimate Productivity Bundle is for you if you have ever wished to get more than 24 hours in a day.
What is in it there for you?
73 e-Books, e-Courses, printables, workbooks, access to membership sites, and more.
Girl, you’ll have a ton of resources at your disposal.
If you are goal oriented one then avail these necessary strategies to conquer your to-do list, crush your goals, & free up more time for activities that you actually enjoy!
Are you wondering if it’s a HUGE number of resources eisha! (Well, the bundle is valued at $2,837.06 after all!), but here’s the thing…
Out of this massive bundle if only 4 products could make a difference in your life then it is worth the investment.
Time is money and you are just paying for time.
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Some of the amazing content within the bundle includes:
Productivity Powerhouse – e-Course Valued At $200
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Complete productivity system on how to work smarter & earn more
PLAN4 2020 – e-Course Valued At $67
4 simple steps on how to plan your business to reach your goals and fit your life
Inspired Riser – e-Course Valued At $197
Develop a unique, energizing, sustainable and successful morning routine in just 6 weeks
Overcoming Procrastination: How To Stop Procrastinating So You Can Achieve Your Goals – eBook Valued At $25
Productive by Design: Use Brain Science to Get More Done – e-Course Valued At $197
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