#they have had me in the most ridiculous chokehold for the last 2 years and without idkhow i feel half of me is gone
acaesic · 9 months
i dont think im capable of being as enthralled with anything else in the world as i am with idkhow. i think this is just who i am now. forever
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magicalforcesau · 3 years
Dancing With Ghosts in Your Garden~ Chapter 12 - Year 2: Summer
(ao3 link)
He was coming.
Dressed all in black and poised as a knight in glimmering darkness would be. His power was overwhelming: unforeseen before this day and age and nearly unstoppable. Nothing in his path would be saved. 
Friends, foes, strangers… All of them dead and not to the passion of yellow eyes of hatred, but hopeless and never-ending black lenses.
He would be their undoing. 
“If you are not with me… You are my enemy.” 
He snapped into full consciousness.
Other screams echoed down the hall from him, residual aftershocks from a recent admin to the highest security level of Azkaban. It was here that only the most vile prisoners existed- those that committed such atrocities that deemed them unworthy of ever seeing light ever again- not even by the means of a small window.
This, he concluded, was wise, because no space would be too small for him to worm his way through.
The dementors were coming.
What could they take from someone who never had anything?
Glowing yellow eyes bore into the wall across his cell, finding their focal point in a small newspaper cutout that billowed slightly in the ever-present wind that consistently raged through the prison. Over the ticking years of his capture, he learned that it was wise to always maintain focus- lest the physicality of the drains become too consuming. That was never to say it was pleasant, but he prided himself in never requiring positivity or happiness to thrive. 
Unlike many of the bottom-dwellers that filled the triangular structure in the middle of the North Sea, he knew he had a purpose. 
And that purpose had always been to stay hungry; so mind-numbingly starved that it was impossible to satisfy his appetite. He thrived in the sort of lust that was always searching, but never fulfilled in true. That was the mind of the hunter.
The impenetrable gate to his cell swung open, yet he remained seated patiently with crossed legs on the floor- back to his enemies- as he always did. He used to fight, because that’s what the hunter did: they fought. However, extended torture offered him something convenient: it offered him the perspective of the prey. 
He never had anything to give the dementors- no happiness or positivity of his own, leaving them often dry and unsatisfied from their routine visits to his block. This time, as the writhing flow of darkness and despair filled the space of his soul, finding corners and pockets once inhabited, he had to fight back a smile.
His imprisoners would call him crazy- driven to the brink at their own hand- and would laugh merrily at the mere thought of it, because he deserved what he got. But he knew above all else that they were fools for not killing him dead in the first place. Instead, they allowed his search of purpose to fester in the obscurity until grasping it with unyielding fingers. 
He dropped to the ground unceremoniously, gasping for breath and keeping his head down. He could get up. He could fight, but he learned something about hunger over his capture and that was the control of keeping it at bay. 
Their time would come.
His skin itched at the blissful thought of ripping them apart. 
After the shrouded floating embodiments of torture drifted down the hall to a more promising victim, he lifted his head to gaze up at that singular picture on his wall.
A boy smiled widely with a fluttering owl on his shoulder- full of life… hope… destiny. It was the picturesque sort of Daily Prophet image that foolish readers ate up in efforts to forget about the perils of their world. 
This boy was the one to fulfil the great ambitions of the Sith, to bring Salazar Slytherin’s true vision into place with complete superiority. It seemed impossible to see in such youth, but he didn’t doubt his master’s foresight for one moment. Sidious was always operating several steps ahead of everyone else. He had once believed that he was to be a crucial part of Sidious’ plans, but was cast aside like a worthless sea urchin. 
His stomach growled and he rose to his feet. 
“You should have killed me, master.” He said softly, never taking his eyes off the picture, feeling that pleasant swell of burning hatred coursing through his veins. It was so overwhelming that he almost laughed, but such a display would draw attention that he could not risk. 
He never had his own happiness, but was always ravenous for someone else’s. And with that, his purpose was renewed. 
He would take and take until there was nothing left of his master’s plan- until there was nothing left of this boy. 
Anakin Skywalker would soon find that Maul was not unlike a dementor. 
It was an uncharacteristically sunny day as young Anakin Skywalker raced across the street. Several paces back was his mother who managed to grab his arm and pull him back just in time to save him from an oncoming bicycle.
“Anakin, be careful,” She chided, guiding him rather purposely onto the sidewalk.
“I had it under control!” Anakin declared although his heart was still beating a little too fast. After all, Anakin and his mother weren’t normal pedestrians, they were wizards. What’s the worst that could happen to someone like them? Anakin may not know many spells yet, as he was only about to begin his second year. However, when he looked up at the faded sign dangling haphazardly above them, he knew where he could find much more skilled magic users if something were to happen.
“I’m beginning to wonder if I should accompany you after all,” His mother was looking down at him with concern.
“No, no! I’m old enough!” He stood a little straighter, maybe leaned forward on the tips of his toes a bit, “I’m already 12! All I have to get is a bunch of new books anyways, not like last time,” He bounced a little bit, eager at just the thought of what other sorts of wizard things he might get a chance to look at unsupervised, “And if anyone knows where to buy books, Obi-Wan does.”
“Well alright dear,” Shmi smiled as he staggered a little. She ran her fingers through his hair, likely trying to flatten it down as it was always rather unruly, “I suppose when I was your age I was allowed to traverse Diagon Alley by myself,” Anakin gazed up at her with curious eyes. His mother still never spoke much of her own time in the wizarding world, “I hope this doesn’t mean you’re too old for your dear mother,” He shook his head frantically, hugging her tightly around the waist.
“I’ll never be too old for you!” He admonished and she laughed, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.
“Off you go, Ani,” His mother sighed, but when he pulled away, she was giving him a firm look, “It would hardly be proper for you to be late,” He nodded in excitement before pulling open the door to the pub, but not without one last wave back.
The inside of the Leaky Cauldron was just as dim as last time. However, this time he felt a few pairs of eyes flicker towards him, whispers he couldn’t quite make out hung in the air. He wasn’t sure if they would be talking about how he was part of the group of students to oust Dooku, or about his status as the chosen one.
Either way he puffed his chest a little bit and walked through the room like he’d been there hundreds of times before. He tapped into the bricks in the back just as he’d practiced a dozen times before in his room and the wall melted before him. Bricks turned and fell until there was a good-sized hole in the wall. His mum had insisted they walk there, as Floo Powder was a luxury and she said she only kept some for emergencies. It didn’t bother Anakin as he was completely fine with reliving the charming experience that he’d first witnessed last year.
Not much had changed about Diagon Alley and he doubted it ever really did, like a time capsule. Older witches and wizards still walked around in ridiculous outfits while the young wore muggle clothes to seem more inconspicuous or school robes to break them in. Anakin had grown a little bit and was probably due to exchange his old robe for one of a bigger size, though his mother was sure he’d grow out of it again by the end of the year. Perhaps he could learn a spell to make clothes bigger, that would surely impress her.
“Anakin!” He turned and saw Rex Fett waving at him from in front of a little red shop on the right.
“Rex!” He ran over quickly and found himself in a chokehold alongside his best friend.
“There’s my star beater,” Cody greeted him before dropping the both of them, “I hope you’ve still got it because I’ve spent all summer planning the perfect comeback for Gryffindor!”
“That and running me ragged,” Rex complained, but he was grinning as he turned to Anakin in excitement, “Dad gave me money for my own broom!”
“That’s great!” Anakin, though happy for his friend, felt a little green with envy as he thought about the dusty old brooms at Hogwarts.
“I can’t wait to try out for the team, then we can beat the other houses together!”
“Sounds great!” Anakin nodded, “Do you-”
Before he could continue the wall to Diagon Alley opened again. Satine tucked her wand in her hair when her eyes landed on their little trio.
“Satine!” Cody pushed past the younger boys to crush his friend in a hug.
“Already visited the Quidditch store I see?” She smiled glancing around, “Ben’s not here yet?”
“Gotta make sure I’m up to date on all the new gear,” Cody stated as if he ever wouldn’t be, “Not yet, but I’m sure he’s just caught in Floo Powder traffic or something,” Anakin opened his mouth to ask about how such a thing would work anyways when something caught his eye. Turning, he watched as a shopkeeper pulled down the old broom displayed in the window.
“Oh no way,” Rex’s eyes lit up, “They weren’t supposed to come out with a new model until spring!”
“What’s this one?” Anakin followed Rex up to the window.
“Oh!” Cody pressed close to the glass, “This handle shape can really only mean it’s a Randolph Spudmore!” Rex nodded and Anakin looked at them in exasperation.
“Am I supposed to know what that means?” He gazed down the length of the broom, it certainly looked impressive either way, but just what sort of differences could there really be between brooms.
“It has to be the Firebolt Supreme,” Cody gushed, “Rumored to fly up to 200 miles per hour, much faster than its predecessor, non-slip grip and impressive ironwork!”
“The Bulgarian Quidditch team already stated they wanted some before they were even announced,” Rex told him, “It’s supposed to be the smoothest broom experience ever, a potential game changer.”
“Wow,” Anakin felt like he was seeing the thing in an all new light, if this broom was that impressive it definitely felt like something he would love to ride, “Rex you should get this one!” Rex gave a startled laugh and looked at him like he’d grown antlers.
“This broom is going to cost an arm and a leg,” Rex shook his head, “No way that’s affordable for a school-aged kid.”
“I wish,” Cody said longingly, “Still, we’ll get ya something worth riding, Rexy. Maybe last year's Cleansweep model, or a Starsweeper. I’m quite partial to the Thunderbolt line myself.”
“Cody, you have a Comet 295,” Rex crossed his arms.
“Obsolete!” Cody waved a dismissive hand, “We gotta get you a broom that’ll last mate, they don’t grow on trees after all.”
“Well, they are made of wood,” Anakin pointed out and Rex laughed.
“Maybe we should make our own,” He suggested much to Cody’s look of annoyance, “It could be revolutionary.”
“Yeah ‘cause the next best broom is really gonna come from a couple 2nd years who barely know how to charm a teacup,” Cody huffed, “Broom making is an art-”
“We could call it the Skywalker,” Anakin continued for Rex, “Who knows, I am supposed to be all powerful, that might include making my own super broom.”
“Right mate,” Rex rolled his eyes.
“Where’s Obi-Wan when you need him,” Anakin gazed back at the Firebolt Supreme, “He’s rich, maybe he’s taking requests for Christmas presents.”
“Yeah, your Christmas present for the rest of your life maybe,” Cody crossed his arms, “In case you’ve forgotten he already had to get a new broom himself last year.”
“What’d he pick anyways?” Anakin asked.
“Nimbus line, 2005” Cody answered with a shrug, “He’s always had a Nimbus, figured he wouldn’t want to try anything else.”
They turned back to oogle the broom once more before sighing.
“I suppose we should save the fun shopping for last,” Rex lamented pulling the same list Anakin had received in the mail out of his pocket.
“Boo,” Cody complained, “But alright, why don’t you two run along and I’ll go hunt down my missing friends,” Anakin looked up to see that Satine was nowhere in sight. Perhaps she’d gone off in search of Obi-Wan in lieu of talking brooms. Anakin couldn’t really bring himself to care much about it, they’d surely all run into each other again.
“Diagon Alley,” Obi-Wan spoke in a firm, clear voice. Loud enough for the green flames before him to teleport him to his location, but soft enough that they wouldn’t echo throughout Kenobi mansion. His parents wouldn’t be too pleased if he interrupted them with his departure. The Floo network was second nature to him at this point in his life, although Satine, who had only gotten to try it once or twice, claimed it to be an odd out of body experience.
Obi-Wan deftly stepped out from the fireplace. Peering around, it seemed he had landed himself in the robes shop. Nodding towards the wizards measuring students for their new robes, he dusted himself off and stepped out on the cobblestone street. Despite what many would assume, he didn’t spend a great deal of time in Diagon Alley. There were other wizarding areas his mother used to take him shopping at, and it was really only once or twice a year he was able to come to Diagon Alley on his own account. It was such a great coincidence that he managed to plan such a trip when his friends would be there. Though he supposed his parents would be interested to hear that he met Anakin on his day out.
“There you are,” His heart leapt in his chest as he turned. It was Satine as expected, but there was something a little bit more elegant about her. Gone was any lankiness or lingering awkwardness, instead she looked exceptionally radiant in a way he hadn’t seen prior. It was rare indeed that he saw her dressed down to a casual muggle look and he tried desperately not to stare.
“Satine, it’s-”
“You’ve got a little something there,” She leaned into his personal bubble with practiced ease and scrubbed at his nose with her thumb, “Really now,” She stepped back as if admiring her work, “I’m disappointed that even someone as prim as you can’t manage the Floo Network without getting soot stained.”
“Prim? I think not,” He crossed his arms, “At least I know it’s best not to store my wand so haphazardly.”
“Really you don’t think it suits me?” She tipped her head to the side and he frowned.
“What suits you best is your head still attached to your shoulders,” Though the light brown shade of her wand did look rather beautiful in contrast to her blonde waves.
“Have you no faith of my magical control?” She countered.
“Even the most talented witch could accidentally cast a spell,” He chastised.
“Good to see you again too,” She rolled her eyes and tugged him gently by the arm as they started moving further down Diagon Alley.
“How’s your summer been?” He asked her, eager to hear what sorts of fun muggle activities she’d been privy to.
“Bo was off to camp again,” She shrugged when he winced, “Left a lot of time for me to catch up on my readings I suppose.”
“Did we not finish the summer’s readings prior to leaving Hogwarts?” He asked and she nodded.
“I’m talking about muggle readings,” She explained, “You know our dusty old wizard school can only teach us so much. I want to keep track of a little science knowledge, biology, and a little chemistry at least,” Such things Obi-Wan wasn’t privy to knowing about, but he committed to memory to ask her a million questions about it on the train.
“Surely you did more than just read over the summer?” Obi-Wan prompted and she glanced at him.
“That’s rather rich coming from you,” And he knew this would be the most she referenced his own summer vacation.
“I’m only curious,” He grinned innocently, “If you’d rather tell me about biology, I’m all ears,” Her cheeks had gone a little red for some reason.  He hoped they weren’t walking too fast.
“I did go on a short holiday with my mum,” She shrugged, “Nothing fancy just down to Brighton for the beaches,” She studied him a moment before nodding and continuing, “You would have liked it I’m sure, there were lots of quaint, little stores.”
“I’d love to see such a sight,” He was sure of it, even if he had no real visual to what Satine was talking about.
“There was this tall observation tower,” She tried to explain, “You ride an elevator up and can see 360 degrees. It feels like you can see for miles,” He nodded trying to figure out what such a structure would look like.
“Fascinating!” She looked at him with a small smile.
“Perhaps one day we could go together?” She suggested and Obi-Wan grinned at the thought.
“That would be rather wonderful. I’d love to travel.”
“But you’ve travelled,” Satine easily put him under scrutiny.
“A few times yes, but never anywhere really new,” He shrugged, “Wizarding towns are very similar, you know,” She nodded slowly, before looking into a shop window with not very well disguised disgust.
“What the bloody hell do wizards need an entire store revolving around jellied eels for?” She wrinkled her nose and he couldn’t help but laugh at her expression.
“An eel can be a delicacy, my dear,” Obi-Wan gestured towards a rather offending pie in the window, “Surely you’ve had a meat pie?”
“I’m not so sheltered,” Though she looked a little green as she stared into the beady dead eyes of the eels, “Though I’m pretty sure this is a crime against food.”
“You could say that,” A newcomer came up behind them and Obi-Wan turned with a smile.
“I thought you’d eat near anything, Cody,” He greeted and Cody shook his head.
“I don’t like the way they’re looking at me,” He grimaced, “Have you ever eaten them?”
“I have,” He admitted and both of his friends took a step away from him, “Hey! No need to act like I’ve committed some crime.”
“I dunno mate,” Cody looked towards Satine.
“It should be,” Satine looked at him like he was some poor ill cat, “We’ll get you some real food one day.”
“I believe I’ve had plenty of real food,” He crossed his arms and Cody and Satine both shook their heads much to his chagrin.
“Eating the Great Hall out of sweets doesn’t really count.”
“Alright now we just have to find copies of the Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2,” Rex read off his list as Anakin juggled two stacks of books.
“We’re going to spend all this money on books we won’t even want to read,” Anakin complained as he tripped over his own feet and the books went sliding across the floor.
“Bloody hell,” Rex sighed, bending down to help Anakin pick them up.
“Hey what’s this?” Anakin picked up a faded and incredibly yellowed journal-styled book. Rex took it from him and inspected the front and back and then flipped through the pages.
“Doesn’t look like much, mate,” He shrugged, “It’s likely a magilingist’s journal,” At Anakin’s confused look he clarified as he tucked the book back into a shelf at random, “They travel around studying other languages of magic. There’s not much of a market for it, but there are usually a few copies created.”
“So there are different types of magic?” Anakin asked as he stood again, this time letting Rex carry his own stack.
“Yes and no,” Rex clarified, “There are debates about it, but all magic seems to connect at its core. There are different ways to use magic however. England sure isn’t the only country with magic.”
“So are there other magic schools?” Anakin asked as Rex beelined towards the charm’s textbooks.
“Yeah, Hogwarts has been known to do events with some of the European schools like Beauxbaton, which is in France,” Rex answered as he dropped the rather heavy grade 2 textbook into Anakin’s unexpecting arms.
“Oof!” Anakin wavered, but managed not to drop the books again, “Does the French school learn different spells then? Are they all in French?”
“I think they're Latin based like us,” Rex shrugged around his books, “If you’re so interested maybe you should buy that journal.”
“More reading? No thanks!” Anakin laughed, “I want to save any extra sickles for some sweets from Sugarplum’s.”
“Maybe save it for the trolley witch,” Rex suggested, “It’s a long train ride.”
“Ben, is this any good?” Satine held up what she could only assume to be some sort of Wizard romance novel.
“Do you really expect me to have read all these books already?” He asked her exasperated, but still he looked at the cover and cringed, “Get this one instead,” He pulled a different book from above his head and handed it down to her. It seemed to be a romance between a wizard and a mermaid if the cover art was to be trusted.
“It’s bad enough we have to buy textbooks,” Cody complained as he leaned against the shelf between them, “But why must we shop for additional books?”
“Because-” Satine began, but Cody didn’t even let her finish before groaning dramatically and sinking to the floor.
“Ok, ok! I know! But why am I here?” Satine looked down at him and tapped him lightly on the head with the novel.
“Because, we need someone who can reach the top shelf and it certainly isn’t going to be Ben.”
“Excuse me, I can reach!” Ben was looking at her with a rather offended expression, but there was something about his disposition that made her laugh. Maybe it was because he looked like the youngest professor ever with his sweater vest and slacks combo.
“You’re hardly going to be as tall as Qui-Gon,” She shrugged.
“Maybe I will!” He yanked out a book with more force than was necessary and almost stumbled backwards, “I’m certainly taller than you!”
“Yes, and?” Satine raised an eyebrow, “You’re still shorter than Cody.”
“Magic!” Ben spat out suddenly, “We’re wizards, we can use magic to reach the top shelf.”
“That’s a fair point actually,” Cody perked up, “So I’ll just leave and-”
“Don’t you dare,” Satine pointed a finger at him, “We’re almost done here. I don’t want to hunt you down again.”
“Hunt me down? You’re the one who left me to find him,” Cody jabbed a thumb at Ben.
“I didn’t want him to get lost!” Satine tried, her cheeks felt a little too warm so she turned swiftly and pulled another book at random.
“I’m certain, Mr. Pureblood here, is not about to get lost in Diagon Alley,” Cody teased.
“Certainly not,” Ben sided with Cody.
“Ok we’re done here,” Satine set off towards the register, “I’m in need of a butterbeer before we meet up with Anakin and Rex.”
“Why on earth would she think I’d be lost?” She overheard Ben murmur to Cody and she felt her cheeks practically glow as Cody responded.
“She didn’t, she just missed you,” Cody chuckled.
It took little time to check out and then books were deposited in their respective bags, all enchanted to hold many things and weigh almost nothing. The sun was edging towards late afternoon, but still shone brightly off the silver barrel of the butterbeer store.
“Oh, Satine look,” Ben pointed out with a smile, “I’ve never really noticed that it’s referencing the Fountain of Fair Fortune, just like our Halloween ensemble,” Satine was caught up in his expression and the sound of her rapidly beating heart. She found herself unable to respond for a couple seconds.
“Ah, yes, I- I’ve not noticed that before either,” She hid the stumble in her speech with a cough.
“It’s a much better connotation now,” Ben said and she felt Cody’s eyes flick between the two of them, “Since I know the real story.”
“Yes, no muggle murder here,” Satine tried to give him a smile rather than choke on her memories of that night.
“Quite excellent,” He pondered the sign once more, “Let’s go in shall we?”
“You got Butterbeer without us?” Rex was much more offended than Anakin, though he craved trying the famed drink.
“You weren’t around,” Cody shrugged as he drank the last bit of his before Rex could yank it from his hands.
“It’s still a little sweeter than I expect,” Satine commented, “I’m surprised every time.”
“It’s wonderful,” Obi-Wan looked extremely pleased at the thought, his own glass sat empty in front of him.
“That’s because of your incessant sweet tooth,” Satine complained though she slid the last bit of hers over to him anyways.
“There’s still time don’t you think?” Rex pleaded, “Can’t I get one to go?”
“Sorry little bro,” Cody shrugged, “Hevy expects us back in about 5 minutes and if we’re not there you know he’ll come searching. Plus we gotta stop by Quality Quidditch Supplies on the way out.”
“I must be off too,” Obi-Wan lamented. He finished off Satine’s drink as she watched him just a little too closely, “My parents do expect me to be home for dinner.”
“Don’t worry, Rex,” Anakin whispered, though maybe a little too loudly, “We’ll find a way when we get to school.”
“I rather hope you’re not planning to sneak into Hogsmeade in front of two prefects,” Obi-Wan frowned. Yes, he’d definitely whispered too loudly.
“Of course not, Obi-Wan,” Anakin gave him a very serious look, “I’d never break the rules.”
“That’s the worst lie I’ve ever heard,” Cody laughed before standing up, “Well, Kenobi, Satine, I’ll see you lot on the train.”
“Likewise,” Obi-Wan stood nodding to Cody and Satine, before sticking Anakin with a stare, “Do be on time.”
“I’m not going to miss the train Obi-Wan,” Anakin rolled his eyes.
“See ya, Anakin!” Rex waved as they departed leaving Anakin alone with Satine.
“I suppose we should head out as well,” Satine nodded towards the wall as she stood.
“This place is so cool,” Anakin took one last look around, “I almost never want to leave!”
“I had the same feeling coming here the first few times,” A nostalgic look fell across her face, “I suppose in a way that feeling never leaves. It’s not the same way of seeing things as Ben or the Clones.”
Even if Anakin had grown up with such sights, he wasn’t sure he’d ever run out of things to look at. Still he watched the wall fall closed behind him with a sigh and followed Satine through the Leaky Cauldron. The customer base seemed to be growing as it reached sundown, but they paid him little mind, more interested in their drinks this go around.
“Ani,” His mum waved at him from the street corner just outside of the door. He ran to her with a smile, “Did you get all your things?” He nodded.
“Yep, I’m ready to go!” Grabbing his mum’s hand they set off.
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Yeah, I Would Part 2/Final Peter Mills x reader
written by @anotheronechicagobog​
warnings: swearing, mention of corruption, slightly Erin bashing, canon compliant bombing/accident
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You arrived at the diner, taking a deep breath. You spotted Peter working the grill and talking to a man who was sitting at the counter, the detective Peter had told you about presumably. “What’s up buttercup?”
“Not much hummingbird. Gumbo and a milkshake?”
“What kind?”
“Surprise me, I trust you.”
“Ha, good to know. Before I get started on that, this is Antonio Dawson, the detective. He’s good, you can trust him, okay? I’ll be back with your food in a sec okay?” He kissed your hair, gave you an encouraging dimpled smile, and then left you with Dawson. “Hi, it’s good to meet you. So you’re the guy investigating my dad?”
“Yes, Ms. Voight and I-”
“It’s Y/L/N, actually. I took my mom’s name when I turned eighteen.”
“Alright, Ms. Y/L/N, I don’t know exactly what Mills told you, but I have been investigating your dad and I need to talk to you about that, and you can’t tell him.”
“My dad is corrupt. Dirty. There’s not enough time in the day to talk about it. But still, I was raised by a cop and a social studies teacher, so one thing I learned very early on in life is that evidence is key. So, here,” you handed him a Hello Kitty flashdrive that you’d kept in your bra, he took it very gingerly, clearly uncomfortable with where it was placed, “I started collecting evidence on my dad once I figured out what he was doing. And every piece of it is on that drive. It’s not the original, and I have multiple other spares, but there’s years of photo and video evidence as well as scanned copies of documents and written statements from me on there. If you need stuff in hard copy I can give it to you before the trial, if it even gets there, because I want to make sure this sticks.”
“Okay, thank you for your time. I’ll leave you with your food. Here’s my card, I’ll be in contact.”
“Of course, have a good night.”
“Here you go, let’s move to this booth over here.” Peter unloaded a tray of Gumbo and milkshakes onto the table on the booth behind you. “You ready to dig in?”
“Oh absolutely.” He held off on asking until you’d gotten a few bites of food and slurps of milkshake in because he knew you got drained just thinking about your family. “How’d it go?”
“Good. At least I think it went well.”
“And how’s the food.”
“Incredible, but it always is.”
“Only the best for you hummingbird.”
A few days later you walked behind Mills over to the rest of 51. You were a bit skeptical, you didn’t think that a picnic was cause for wearing celebratory blues, but hey, you weren’t a firefighter. You were, however, proven right when you walked over to a picnic table with about six guys laughing their asses off. “I can’t believe you actually did it candidate!” 
“You look ridiculous!”
“Really? Cause I don’t think so.” The men you’d had yet to be introduced to watched as you pulled your boyfriend down into a full-on liplock. You bit your lip as Peter coughed, a little dazed, and you marvelled that you had that effect on him. “Uh, well, hi. I uh. My name is Brian Zvonecek but everyone calls me Otis. And who are you, exactly?”
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N, Peter’s girlfriend.”
“Peter did not tell you about us, we would remember if he had- uh, Joe Cruz by the way. No nickname, just Joe.”
“Well, hi, everyone. It’s nice to meet all of you. Sorry that didn’t happen sooner, but I thought it might be best if Peter found his footing with you guys first and then I had to work out of the country for a bit.”
“Well, it’s nice to finally meet you. You should introduce her to the chief Mills.”
And so he did. Along with Mouch and Hermann, the chief teased him for the blues before congratulating him on snagging a great girl. Cindy was lovely, just as sweet as her brownies. The day was going really well, even with the tension Gabby was creating with just about everyone. She was basically drooling over Matt and literally everyone was noticing, and for some reason, she was acting particularly cold towards you. But all in all, the day was a success, especially since it ended with the arrest of your dad, brother, and sister.
Erin was glaring at you so hard that you were thankful Antonio had gotten a freelance security detail hired for you. As it turned out, since a lot of the evidence you had was about your dad covering up the shit your siblings did, that they were in violation of the law as well. Part of you felt bad for Erin, she had worked really hard to get where she was. Yes, she made some mistakes when she was younger, but most of that was due to her mother’s neglect or influence, which you made sure to tell the court, but she still looked like she was planning your murder. “Be grateful detective Lindsay, you’d be going to prison and losing your badge if it wasn’t for Ms. Y/L/N.” She hmphed at the judge and you shrunk into your seat. Peter rubbed your arms, everything about him calming you.
“I hereby sentence Justin Voight to five years in prison with the chance of parole on charges of theft, DUI, neglectful driving, and conspiracy to commit corruption.”
“I hereby sentence Hank Voight to forty years in prison with no chance of parole on charges of corruption, money laundering, stalking, property damage, witness intimidation, and drug conspiracy.”
You left the courtroom feeling much lighter. You obviously didn’t feel good about sending your only remaining biological family to prison, but what other option did you have? They weren’t going to stop or pay reparations to the people they’d wronged. Just threaten and scare everyone who got in their way. And while you knew that Erin agreed with you on some level, you knew that she believed they shouldn’t go to prison. She would cover for them too, she had actually. And it was because of that that she was demoted to officer and barred from taking the detectives exam for five years. She stormed up to you, resembling a raging bull, after both trials had finished. “How could you, they are your family-”
“They have cost people their livelihoods, Justin actually paralyzed someone! I couldn’t stand by and do nothing, if they weren’t going to stop they had to be stopped. You have to realize that.”
“I just can’t believe-”
“Erin, you’re not joining them, and the only reason you’re not getting arrested for any of the shit you’ve done is because I spoke up and said it wasn’t your fault. All of it would have come out eventually, you know that. Now you don’t have to worry about when that happens. Don’t you get that?”
“You just betrayed your family-”
“Nope, you don’t get it. Goodbye Erin, I’ll talk to you when you pull your head out of my dad’s ass and apologize to me.”
You woke up but it was difficult to see and breathe. You could feel dust entering your mouth and throat whenever you tried to get some air, there were some beams of light coming in but you could still see very little, only the shapes of concrete and metal.  You didn’t feel good. Nauseous, light-headed, pounding in your head, ringing i your ears, and your thoughts were moving so muddled and slowly.
You remembered Kim, the CFD logo, and something about the nurses’ station? None of it made any sense to you, and thinking only hurt your head more. You were so heavy, and so tired, so you just let your eyes close.
The sunbeams were gone when you woke up, you heard sounds instead. Machines and ‘whooping’ mostly. But there were some people, you could not for the life of you hear what they were saying. And then you realized, ‘for the life of you’, Kim, CFD booth, charity race sign-up at the nurses’ station, three steps away, boom, nothing, rubble, rebar, dust, minimal light, minal air. The hospital exploded and you were underneath who knows how much of said hospital in pieces! Panic built up quickly, and suddenly you noticed metallic smelling liquid, aches, pains all over your body, something on top of your right leg. You didn’t think, you just acted. You screamed. Loud. In terror. In pain.
Peter, pizza, apartment, cat, Netflix, Cruz, Otis, pancakes, Molly’s, Hermann, Dawsons, coffee, doughnuts, Platt, Al, Justin, Erin, dad. Images, memories, flooded your mind, panic still securing you in its chokehold. You found an engagement ring in Peter’s nightstand last week. You were going to die. You were going to die. You were going to die. You were going to die. You hoadn’t been aware that you’d spent the entire time screaming as much as your lungs could bear until you vaguely recognized someone yelling at you. “Hey! Hello! Are you okay?”
“No! Help me- please!”
Everything was a blur, whether from your tears or your memory you weren’t sure. But in what felt like minutes you were out from and above the rubble, the night’s sky and a group of firefighters meeting your eyes. Their voices were muffled as you felt hands over you and you let yourself fall asleep again. 
Crying, someone was crying. It wasn’t you but you could hear sobs coming from right next to you. The room was dark, the only light in the room coming from the cracks in the door and the machines attached to you. You were still in a lot of pain. Your head was throbbing, but not as much as earlier, your lower right leg was in a cast, you could feel bandages on various parts of your body, gauze wrapped around your chest, and there was a plastic lining around your nose in mouth and stale air making its way into your lungs. Your body didn’t feel as weighed down as before, but you could still feel the exhaustion throughout your body. “Peter?”
“Y/N? Oh, thank God. Dr. Rhodes? She’s awake!”
After a flurry of nurses and doctors and tests, Peter was let back in. Dr. Rhodes followed, giving a tentative smile. “Well, Y/N, you are lucky. After being unconscious for five days you have a severe concussion, four broken ribs that we might have to perform surgery on to make sure they don’t pierce your lungs or heart, a broken ankle with three torn ligaments, numerous lacerations, and your oxygen levels were low when you came in. You were initially on a breathing tube but your levels improved so we took it out and put on the mask instead. Is there anything you want me to go into further detail about?”
“My ribs; how close am I to needing surgery?”
“Very, we’ve done our best to secure and monitor them but we really think that surgery would be best, it’s just that your next of kin are arguing about the best course of action.”
“What? But Peter is my next of kin, my only next of kin. Who has been coming to you thinking they have any power here?”
“Uh, it’s your dad, Y/N. They went to the hospital board and argued that they should be considered next of kin. The board agreed. I tried to fight it, but you know how many strings your dad can pull.”
“What? Are you kidding me? Well, I’m awake now, and I can make medical decisions for myself now, right?”
“Yes, I have been told by the hospital’s lead attorney that once you completely woke up you could make all the decisions necessary. We’ve actually been hoping for that because your family has been causing a lot of trouble over this.”
“Do you recommend surgery?”
“Yes. Based on our observations surgery is inevitable. And the fact that your family opposed Peter and your doctors has actually added a significant amount of risks for you.”
“Alright, do the surgery.”
“A nurse will be in to prep you shortly.” 
You looked at Peter’s tear-streaked face. “I thought you were dead.”
“I thought that I was going to die, I hadn’t even been aware of where I was or what had happened for most of the time I was down there. I was so scared that I would never make it back to you.”
“When I found out that you were in that building before the bomb went off, I just lost my mind. I was digging through rubble screaming your name, Casey and Severide had to pull me away and restrain me from searching for you. When you weren’t found after eight hours, and all that crews were finding dead bodies, I... The look that Boden and the lieutenants had with each other... It was without a doubt the worst day of my life. I love you, so much.” He was stroking your face, looking at you as if you were a gift from the sun. “I found the ring, almost two weeks ago now.”
He smiled and pulled the black box out of his coat pocket which was draped over the back of his chair. “You mean this one?”
“I had a much more romantic proposal plan, but I don’t want to wait until it’s too late. I do not want a life without you. I want to spend the rest of my existence with you. Will you please marry me?”
“Yes. I love you so much, Peter. So, so much.”
Your moment with Peter was broken by Doris entering the room “... I hate to break up this moment, I really, really, do, seriously you guys are adorable, but I have to prep Y/N for surgery.”
The firehouse took turns visiting you and Leslie in the hospital, celebrating the fact that you were both alive and well and that you and Peter got engagement. Eliza, Peter’s kid sister, showed up with balloons and flowers. Peter spent the rest of your time in the hospital holding your hand and looking at you like you put the sun in the sky. And you looked at him like he hung the stars just for you. Everything finally felt like it was falling into place, and everyone, including your guilt-ridden dad, couldn’t be more happy for you two.
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sooibian · 5 years
Stranger Things (2)
Pairing: Baekhyun x fem!Reader ft. Kyungsoo, Mark Lee, Jongdae (if you squint)
Description: You met an obnoxious lawyer at the airport and fell stupidly in “love” but little did you know, his heart belonged to someone else.
Themes: Fluff, crack, stupid OC, Mark Lee’s debut with a law firm, organic cucumbers, cowsheds, corgis, farmer!Soo, lawyer!Baek
A/N: This was not supposed to happen but four people asked for it and that’s really all it takes to get me to do something. I was SO tempted to title this - Of Cowsheds and Corgis!! This fic is ridiculous and very predictable but I gave up on the angst I was writing for this because ridiculous is just what I need right now. I truly hope you’re all safe and healthy!
Word Count: ~ 1.6k
Chapters:  One | Two | Three | Four (Final)
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Groaning, you put down your second ‘fruit platter’ with a deliberate clang on Kyungsoo’s bedside table. Nothing. “Yah! Did you catch narcolepsy in that ridiculously mind numbing hamlet?” The skinny end of your chopstick slowly made its way to the sole of his left foot. Still nothing. Panic swelled within you and you crawled over to his side to check his breathing. He was breathing, alright.
“Eomma!” You bellowed. Maybe it was time for the third medley of diced apples and bananas.
Still nothing.
“Sloth.” You took a jibe at a barely awake Kyungsoo.
“You were watching me sleep!”
“I was waiting for you to wake up! There’s a difference, Snorlax.”
“Patience - -”, his mouth fell open in a huge yawn.
“Isn’t my greatest virtue. Yeah, I know. You’ve said it a million times. It’s etched in my heart. I’ll get it tattooed across my forehead. Now spill.”
For a moment Kyungsoo looked confused before diving into his fruit platter with a half-suppressed snicker. 
“What?” You attacked his stupid bespectacled face with a pillow. When was the last time he got a change of glasses? He’s worn this thick-rimmed atrocity forever. Although the man was optically challenged, his hearing was more than just fine. He was quick to spot the hint of defensiveness in your tone and his heart shaped smile had a reputation of showing up only when you were in deep trouble. “Ahhhhh….my case? The bank is entitled to a lien on the adjoining cowshed - ”
You cut in with a long impatient sigh. “Kyungsoo, sweetie, can we talk about corgis for now?”
“Chubs”, you undid your messy bun at the sound of that horrendous nickname, “you’ve got a bad case of --- honestly whatever this is. You spent two hours with him. Two.”
“Squishy, I’m not three anymore. I am a woman now.” His face contorted into an expression of disgust. “Stop. Calling me. Chubs.” Interjecting every word by striking his shoulder with your feeble wrist, you noticed how ‘un-Squishy’ he’d gotten over the past one year. “And I know all there is to know...about your 174 cm tall friend who struts around like he’s no less than 185. But that’s not him...that’s Handsome Mr. Park, his partner.”
“Stalker!” Kyungsoo’s eyes grew wide in horror and he flicked your forehead very, very hard.
Swallowing your cry of pain, you pinched his ear with all your might, making him wince. “It’s called content curation. If you ever happen to meet a lovelorn village belle ….let me know, yeah? I’m willing to put up my skills to offer. For a fee, of course.”
“YAH!” He freed himself from your grasp. “Behave! You’re not three anymore, right? Tell me...how much do you know about Baekhyun?” He was curious. Slightly panic-struck, even. But you couldn’t tell why.
“I will tell you but I need to know something before that. Has he - Doh Kyungsoo I swear to God I will bury you alive if you so much as smile - has he mentioned me at all?” You felt your face flame and a part of you really did not want to know the answer to that.
Kyungsoo sucked the insides of his cheeks in and said, “He thinks you’re interesting.”
You knew 'interesting', almost always, was nothing but a euphemism for weird. Ignoring the tender ache in your chest you said, "Well, I think he looks a lot like his corgi Mongryong. Mum has invited you to dinner tomorrow. Later, Squish." You pulled him in a bear hug, picked up the two, now polished, plates and walked out of Kyungsoo's room, slowly closing the door behind you.
"Eomma, Kyungsoo will be joining us for dinner -"  
"Chubs, wait!" He hurried out of his room and handed you a rather heavy C4 size envelope. "My dentist appointment has been moved to today and I had to drop these documents off at Byun Park's", after a small pause he hesitantly continued, "he won't be there."
"Who won't be there?" Kyungsoo’s mother eyed the both of you suspiciously.
You couldn’t say no to the illustrious prince of a family who fed you a whole carton of organic fruits a while ago. At least not in front of the matriarch.
"It's nothing Eomma… it's Kyungsoo's friend Byun Baekhyun. Yah! Doh Kyungsoo! Stop acting like he's my ex boyfriend."
Your heart raced as you stepped into the elevator of the swanky commercial building. Pushing the button for the 27th floor, you turned around to examine yourself in the mirror feeling frumpy and underdressed in your faded yellow sweater and mom-jeans. The ding of the elevator jolted your heart and your mouth went dry as you lay your eyes on the blond haired man standing in front of you. You wanted nothing more than to snake your arm around Doh Kyungsoo’s neck and put him in a tight chokehold until he begged for mercy -- at this point you weren’t very keen on letting go of the imaginary, gasping for breath, blue in the face, Doh Kyungsoo. He won’t be there??
“Hi”, you said stepping out of the elevator but what you really wanted to say was ‘I want to delete myself’.
“Airport Girl!” He jested. You didn’t feel very apologetic anymore or even underdressed for that matter since the partner of a snooty law firm thought that a long sleeved jersey with bib shorts were an acceptable choice of clothing. Nevertheless, you properly introduced yourself and did what was long overdue.
“I am sorry about the other day and -- ” You briefly waited for him to cut you off with a ‘Don’t worry about it’ or even dismiss it with loud ‘hahaha’ but instead his little eyebrow raise insisted you complete your apology. “And I shouldn’t have - -”
“Airport Girl, I notice you have a problem completing your sentences.” Resting his hands on his hips he cocked his head to the side. That vaguely familiar annoying smirk made your skin crawl.
“Byun Baekhyun-ssi, I am here to see Lee Min Hyung. I am supposed to hand over Kyungsoo’s documents to him. I hope you’re working hard on my friend’s case. He really needs that cowshed back, he’s paid the broker’s fee in full for it. I hope this was coherent enough for you.” His smirk stretched into a genuine smile as he inched closer to you. Uncomfortable as you were standing in an enclosed space and conversing with a man in bib shorts, the diminished distance from his two small strides made you squirm. You could practically smell his cologne.
“I’ll forgive you if you agree to come cycling with me. Right now.”
“Absolutely not. Can I go see Lee Min Hyung now?”
“MARK LEE!” Baekhyun bellowed. The unsparing luminous smile on his face wasn’t doing any favours to the health of your heart. Within seconds, a bespectacled young lad who looked like he hadn’t slept a wink for days came rushing to his side. So Byun Baekhyun worked his employees to the bone while he himself took hiking trips in absurd outfits.
He put an arm around the frail boy and introduced the fresh law graduate to you, “This is my main man Mark Lee from Canada.” Violently thumping Mark’s back he continued, “Madam’s here with Doh Kyungsoo’s documents. Take her inside and go over the file. Check if anything’s missing and most importantly, offer her something cold to drink.” Letting go of Mark, he said to you with a wink, “I’ll be waiting in the lobby, Airport Girl. Or you’re never losing the nickname.”
Mark Lee’s involuntary metamorphosis from scaredy cat to ferocious lion cub in the conference room took you by surprise. While going over Kyungsoo’s documents like a hawk focused on its prey, he dutifully put a glass of ice water in front of you just as instructed by Byun Baekhyun. It was nothing more than a courtesy call. “Doh Kyungso-ssi’s personal documents all look okay -- ID card, bank statements, transaction information, realtors invoice, property possession documents.” You lost him at ‘realtor’s invoice’. “Seems to me, the realtor tricked him - - why did he not get due diligence done before investing in property? How could he not notice that the title deed does not extend to the cowshed?” Mark Lee was furious….at you.
“He’s just a simple man with simple dreams who wanted to trade his city existence for a quiet rural homestead and grow organic cucumbers, I guess? Why don’t you give him a call and --”
Mark Lee’s paw met the desk in a loud smack, startling you. “A simple due diligence would’ve saved him the hassle - -”
You weren’t exactly sure of the reason Byun Baekhyun thought you’d need a cold drink but he was so right, everything else seemed wrong. You took a rather large gulp of water, snatched Mark Lee’s notepad from his firm grasp and scribbled Kyungsoo’s number in it. “Here’s Doh Kyungsoo’s number. Call him if you need anything further.” You rose from your chair and eyed him sympathetically. “Take care, Mark Lee and please don’t skip meals.”
He waited for you, just as he’d promised. He somehow managed to look just as stunning in that funny costume as he did when you saw him at the airport. “Let’s go. Half an hour with that enthu cutlet Mark Lee and I need to feel the wind in my hair. How do you manage?”
“Yah! Airport Girl. He’s my best and brightest.” Sounding like a proud parent he guided you to the parking lot. The guilt weighing your heart down compelled you to ask, “What about Yoona?”
“She’ll be joining us.” Baekhyun quipped nonchalantly, opening the door to his Audi for you.
It was at that exact moment you said a silent prayer to a certain 3rd generation male idol to strike you with lightning and put you out of your misery.
Tagging: @hirumixoxo @majesticsnow @dreamingofdreamydream @juncottonluvbot
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blouisparadise · 5 years
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It’s finally time for us to add a second part to our sub bottom Louis rec list! If you’re interested in checking out part one, you can find it here. Happy reading!
1) Give and Take | Explicit | 1837 words
Sometimes Louis just needs.
2) There's No Place I'd Rather Be | Explicit | 2281 words
Harry comes home an hour early and he's in rut. 
3) Blue Eyes, Black Jeans, Lighters, Candy | Explicit | 3629 words
Harry is in Madrid and Louis had a hard week.
4) You Drive Me Wild (You Know You Do) | Explicit | 6632 words
Louis flirts with the Australian interviewers and Harry gets possessive.
5) Call Me Shallow But I’m Only Getting Deeper | Explicit | 7367 words
The one where Louis is a brat so Harry spanks him with a riding crop.
6) Shackles (I Just Want to Praise You) | Explicit | 7562 words
Louis is an extra for a low-budget gladiator movie. His day takes a turn when his shackles turn out to be more than just a film prop, and the production assistant turns out to be helpful in more ways than one.
7) Focal Point | Mature | 8935 words
By the time you read this, I’ll be gone, so don’t bother looking.
Last night was lovely, Harry, I’m sure you agree. Sorry to run, but that’s just how life works sometimes, I’m sure you understand.
Don’t forget about me. xx
P.S. Thanks for the money
8) Let The Beating Waves Come Drag Me Down | Explicit | 9447 words
“Just try it, the worst thing that could ever happen it’s that you won’t like it” Niall had told him. And there he was, on the way to one of these pubs created for perverts, willing to break up the routine to try something new, something that terrified as much as excited him.
One night to get swept up in passion, one night to let the devil get in.
"Tonight, I’m going to make you scream of ecstasy Louis,” he said with a raspy voice full of control, making him tremble with anticipation.
9) Night Out | Mature | 9741 words | Sequel
Symphony hall was the first place Louis had felt at home in this city, and he always had the box to himself. Until tonight.
10) I’m What You Need, What You Need | Explicit | 9829 words
Overworked, under-rested, and a little sex happy, Louis accidentally sends his boss a rather explicit photo of himself. Being a personal assistant was never supposed to be this high risk.
11) Symptoms Of The Culture | Explicit | 14672 words
Harry's fraternity has become obsessed with the newest online game, and they'd like to think they're getting pretty good at it. Only, they keep getting killed by The Rogue, an online player who has no connection to the Frat, but seems to have a vendetta against them.
12) The Seed Inside You, Baby, Do You Feel It Growing | Explicit | 14796 words
Louis really wants Harry to get him pregnant.
13) Damn Your Love, Damn Your Lies | Explicit | 14860 words
“Of course you’d use your free time to go to the gym.”
“Your idea of the best way to spend your free time is annoying your neighbors,” he laughs, dimples carved into his cheeks like marble.
No, Louis likes to annoy Harry. Everyone else on this floor is just an unfortunate casualty.
“No one has complained except for you,” Louis informs him smartly. Which is actually a good thing. If someone other than Harry had complained to him long ago, he would have unfortunately had to stop.
14) Dreams Can’t Take The Place Of Loving You | Explicit | 15496 words
in which Liam is the go-to ring guy, Niall's relentless, Zayn is family, and Harry and Louis are disgusting.
15) Middle Ground | Explicit | 23561 words
Harry moves to a new town for work where he meets the enigma that is Louis Tomlinson.
16) Etched In Salt (Is A Cathedral Of The World) | Explicit | 24416 words
Louis asks for very few things in life, and they are: to solve cases, to keep bad people from doing their bad things, to get good coffee, to go home to a spacious apartment with nobody else in it, and to manage his stupid telempathy powers with minimal interference. And now he's stuck in a tiny cabin in a snowstorm in the middle of god-awful-nowhere with Harry Styles. Because of course he is.
17) Like A Siren In The Night | Explicit | 24868 words
“There is an infestation in my home,” Louis hisses, righting himself quickly and pushing his way past Harry, heading directly for the kitchen. He’s rather haphazardly dressed himself, a coat thrown on over a loose flannel shirt and black pants, slippers on his feet.
Harry resists the urge to sigh, closing the door and trailing behind him slowly. “What kind of infestation?”
For all he knows, Louis is going to claim that there’s a ghost infestation. Harry has no idea what the end game is here – all he knows is that Louis has found at least three complaints a week to bring up since he’s been living on Harry’s property, and he’s been living here for six months.
It’s way too many fucking complaints, is what Harry is saying. Especially when most of them are ridiculous to start with.
18) Can’t Fool Me | Explicit | 30162 words
AU where Louis hates fraternities and would never be into a frat boy. And one of these things is definitely not a lie.
19) If Ignorance Be Bliss | Mature | 30429 words
Uni AU: Harry is too experienced, and Louis just wants to get to experience him.
20) Cupid’s Chokehold | Explicit | 35526 words
Louis is a Cupid who tries to match up Niall and Harry. It doesn't work out as planned.
21) And Touch Me Like You | Explicit | 35971 words
The one where Harry and Louis agree to be each other's New Year's kiss and it ends up being a lot more than they bargained for.
22) Falling Into Place | Explicit | 40757 words
Louis and Harry spend nine years apart but inevitably find their way back to each other.
23) Tangled Up In You | Explicit | 45152 words
Harry blinks once. And blinks again. And says, his voice dangerous: “Niall, did you get me a mail-order bride?”
Because what the actual fuck. It kind of looks like Niall’s just purchased a person. For Harry.
Niall blinks back at him for a few moments, before throwing his head back and howling with laughter. Harry throws a pillow at him. Hard. “No, what the fuck, Harry.”
“A prostitute then?” Harry also doesn't want a prostitute.
“Of course not!”
“A stripper?”
Damn, he’s running out of ideas. He settles for launching another pillow at Niall’s head. Niall bats it away easily, still laughing. “Stop!”
“What did you get me, then?!” Niall must hear the tinge of hysteria in his voice, because he’s pulling himself together, trying to stop himself from laughing.
There’s still a big grin on his face, though, when he says, “I got you a professional cuddler.”
A professional…what. “What?”
24) It’s A Long Way Down | Explicit | 52658 words
It’s June 2013, and the legalization of gay marriage is the most discussed political issue in the country. As a member of parliament Louis Tomlinson has decided to do everything under his power to keep marriage between a man and a woman. Little does he know a boy with green eyes and pink lips from his past is on a mission to change his mind.
25) Apples Always Fall (As I Do For You) | Mature | 54609 words
Louis is staying at his Aunt's farm in a small town in Minnesota for four months. To deal with the boredom that sets in a week into his stay, he starts working at the local apple orchard, owned by twenty six year old Harry Styles.
Louis quickly finds himself falling in love with the orchard, and he finds a family in Harry's friends Niall, Liam, and Zayn.
He also starts to fall in love with Harry.
Falling in love with him turns out to be the easy part.
26) Nobody Does It Like You | Not Rated | 58520 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis isn't looking for a home, but he finds one in Harry.
27) This Feeling | Explicit | 58875 words
A Larry Duet AU.
28) Into The Midnight Sun | Explicit | 63253 words
It's 1983, Harry embarks on his first world tour and Louis is a budding actor in LA. Life spent apart isn't easily adjustable, but somehow they make it work.
29) Why Can’t It Be Like That | Explicit | 63567 words
A fashion AU with a royal twist, where Louis doesn't need a stylist, Harry's thrilled to have a real life Barbie doll, and they're both very wrong about each other.
30) Waiting On You | Explicit | 76584 words
“Vampires,” Louis says with disgust, glaring over at the vampire who is noisily slurping from the woman’s neck nearby.
Zayn gives the neat fang marks on Louis’ neck a meaningful look.
“Can’t live with them, can’t live without them,” Louis finishes, ignoring Zayn when he rolls his eyes.
Louis takes a long sip of his milkshake, presses his fingers against the marks on his neck, and definitely doesn’t think about the vampire who left them there.
31) Cold Little Heart | Teen & Up | 194780 words
Louis is a soft omega with an abusive past and an alpha child.
A few months after getting a divorce, Louis meets Harry, an ex-military alpha wolf that offers him something -odd.
In exchange for teaching him how to cook, Harry will babysit his son, Abraham. Louis really could use the help.
32) Only You Can Be My Alpha | Mature | 196073 words
The one where Louis is banished from his tribe, and lands himself in Harry's instead. The alluring Pack Alpha makes Louis question his nature and he doesn't know how he feels about that. But you can't fight destiny.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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tarteausuga · 4 years
killing boys
Jaehyun (NCT) x Reader [x Chaeyoung (Twice)] angst, implied wlw cw: cheating, strong language, sexual content word count: 2.1k Inspired by killing boys by Halsey
"You're killing people." “No, I'm killing boys. Boys are just placeholders, they come and they go." "You're my best friend, and I wanna help you. But I won't let you kill again, that's a lose-lose."
You could only describe it as the worst pain you've ever felt in your life. Even worse than that time your older brother body slammed you while you were "playing WWE" with him and you ended up breaking your arm in 2 spots and a broken collar bone. It was even worse than the period pains that felt like someone was jamming a blunt knife into your abdomen. The only thing was that it wasn't a physical pain or something your body was actually experiencing physiologically. It was the strongest emotional pain ever and it threw your life for a loop.
Eating was the last thing you wanted to do and you had run out of people to vent to about the current worst thing that's ever happened to you. But your childhood best friend always had a way of making her way into your life at the best/worst times. 
Chaeyoung was always a free spirit compared to your more grounded personality. She was usually always out doing something while you were at home watching Netflix. She would occasionally show up at random times, knocking on your window when she needed a place to sleep for the night. But she always had a keen sense of how you were feeling because her visits, despite his chaotic she was at times, calmed you from whatever was going on in your life.
"Hey Charlie Brown, what's up?" She says the moment you open the front door of your house. She had arrived with two bags full of convenience store food: three of each of your favourite chocolates, drinks, chips and anything else you could want in the moment.
"When are you going to stop calling me that?" You form a weak smile as she drops the bags onto the floor before pulling you into one of her signature chokeholds that are her version of hugs.
"Never. You're my lovable loser. Bedroom, I brought your favourite foods and your favourite movies." She doesn't even wait for you to say yes. You quickly rustle up the bags before peddling up after her.
She's greeted by the mess that was your room. Normally fairly neat and tidy, it looked like a hurricane had ripped through as you attempted to erase any memory or any chance of an object conjuring up an unwanted memory that would cause you that unbearable pain again. Chaeyoung glanced at you empathetically as she waded through the waste and jumped onto your bed. She pulled the laptop out from the bag and turned it on before patting the space next to her for you to join her.
The two of you watched the movie without speaking much to each other. The only noises were from the movie and the crinkling of wrappers as you satiated your hunger with the junk food - exactly what you needed.
"So what did the jerk do?" Chaeyoung finally said when she felt that you had a full enough belly to not collapse into a ball of misery and self-pity.
"He was caught with another girl. My friends saw him around town with a girl on his arm. He tried to play it off like she was his cousin but you don't kiss your cousins." You say glumly. You had told this story to so many people that it didn't even hurt anymore. 
"What an idiot. Haven't I told you? Jung Jaehyun was and always will be an ass hat." She chuckles as she leans back on her hands.
"I guess but I've had a crush on him for so long..." You say while playing with the candy wrapper in your hands.
"Right when he completely ignored you in high school and let those dumbass basketball guys make fun of you. Ass hat." She chuckled but this time, out of spite. Chaeyoung was quite known around your old high school of being the tough girl despite her small size. She called out anyone and everyone when they needed to be put in line and every guy was terrified of her as she was known to air out their dirty laundry if they humiliated a girl they dated. She's stood up for you on countless occasions but when you drifted apart in high school, you fell out of her protection as your new friends were unsavoury people to Chaeyoung. "He only started dating you when you became hot."
"Shut up." You threw the wrapper at her but she was right. 
You had graduated a little over 2 years ago and that's when you started becoming more confident in yourself. You carried yourself better and that's when he started to take notice of you. He had made up this elaborate story that he had liked you since high school but deep inside, you knew that wasn't true. You just lied to yourself because you were finally getting the boy of your dreams. 
He was just that. He was everything you wanted until he wasn't. You were convinced that he was the love of your life until he wasn't. Everything was an illusion because apparently, this was not the first time he has cheated on you or any other girl. Despite the warnings, you wanted to believe that he wouldn't hurt you… Until he did.
"I thought he was the one, Chae." You say glumly again.
"It can feel like that but I don't believe in it. There are plenty of people out there who would treat you like the peach that you are. Cheer up, Charlie Brown." She nudged you with her elbow with a wink.
She started calling you Charlie Brown when you two became obsessed with the Peanuts comics in middle school. Chaeyoung loved that he was a lovable loser and said that he reminded her of you. She proclaimed that she was Peppermint Patty and you agreed because Chaeyoung was always out there with the most absurd thoughts and ideas.
You had moved on to the second movie and you were now cuddled up with your best friend on your bed. You were about to fall asleep when she suddenly sat up, shocking you out of the sleepy state and said, "let's ruin Jung Jaehyun," with a smile.
"What?" You rub your eyes, "Chaeyoung, no. It's not that big of a deal. I'll get over it." 
"Not a big deal my ass. C'mon, ___, we need to teach him a lesson. Show him that he can't just go around sticking his dick in random places without consequences. It's our duty to any future woman that he might hurt." Chaeyoung says passionately.
You sigh and think about it before admitting defeat. "What are you planning?" You rub the bridge of your nose knowing she has already come up with an elaborate plan of some sort.
You park your car a block away from Jaehyun's house as instructed by Chaeyoung but you start having second thoughts. "This is a bad idea, Chae. Let's just go back to my place and finish that movie."
"Don't back out on me now! We're here, let's get it done." She almost hisses at you and you start wondering why she holds so much hate for Jaehyun all of a sudden.
Chaeyoung had always been protective of you from the day you two met in kindergarten. A bully had tried to take the chocolate chip cookie your mom had packed for you to help ease your nerves from your first day at school. You just sat there and cried when Chaeyoung came out of nowhere and snatched the cookie back, said some choice words and gave it to you. Though you had drifted away when high school started, you made new friends in high school from your club activities and Chaeyoung joined cheerleading, she always kept an eye on you. But she's never gone to this extreme.
"We've done some crazy things in the past, Chae, but this is literally illegal. We could go to jail for this!" You grab her wrist.
"Only if we get caught!" She yells in a hushed tone. Her eyes had changed into something more menacing than before.
"Why are you doing this?" You hiss back.
"I can't just standby and let that asshole get away with hurting someone I love." She shakes her hand free and gets out of the car before you can stop her.
In the time it took you to unbuckle your seatbelt and get out of the car, she was already at Jaehyun's house. You told her everything. The spare key was under the third flower pot on the right. He was usually at basketball practice at this time, then he would go hang out with the boys. It was Friday night so his parents were out for their weekly date night. This used to be the time where you and Jaehyun would have sex as you had the house to yourselves…
Chaeyoung's plan was simple: key his car. Sneak into his room and spray paint something (she didn't tell you what), sneak out and go home.
It was too late to stop her since you weren't a fast runner and you knew perfectly well that it was impossible to stop your best friend from doing anything once her mind was set. All you could do was wait.
You tapped your foot impatiently, trying to make the time go by faster to no avail when suddenly, you heard yelling from down the block. The next thing you knew, Chaeyoung was sprinting down the road yelling at you to start the car. You fumbled with your keys as you tried to do as she said and finally got the engine to start when she hopped into the passenger seat.
"JUST DRIVE" She yelled breathlessly.
You instantly stepped on the gas and look in the rearview mirror to see Jaehyun standing there, furious.
"What the hell happened?" You demand from Chaeyoung.
"That fucker." She laughed as she sunk into the leather of the car seat.
"Chaeyoung!" You glare at her, your knuckles going white from gripping the steering wheel so tight.
"So I keyed that ridiculous car of his and went into the house, no problem right? I mean I took a little longer on the car than I wanted but that was great penmanship considering I was using a damn key but anyway!" She continues, "fuck man, I go in and I just hear shit. It kind of freaked me out because you said the house would be empty right? But I'm like okay whatever, I go to his room and there he was balls deep in some girl." She can't help but laugh and even though you want to cry, you join her. "I'm so sorry Charlie Brown but you deserve so much better."
"Yeah, I know." You stop the car at a red light. You take her hand in yours and kiss it, "Thanks for that, Chae. I needed it."
"Anything for you." She smiles and pulls you in for a kiss.
You pull away with a gasp and look at her with wide eyes before diverting your attention to the road and continuing driving in silence. Your focus was solely on the road as you attempted to try and avoid the feelings you could possibly be feeling. While you were doing this, you failed to notice that Chaeyoung’s energy was dwindling, something she rarely lets other people see. All you could do was drive.
The car pulled up to the curb of Chaeyoung’s house and you put it into park. You finally turned to your best friend and saw how small she truly was for the first time in your life. You easily had a head of height on her but her energy was always so strong and exuberant that her physical size wasn’t even on your mind. But in that moment, she looked so small and vulnerable. The one who was always standing up for you and protecting you has a weakness: you.
“Chaeyoung…” You say quietly but she cuts you off.
“It’s okay, Charlie Brown. It was the heat of a moment thing. Something Bonnie and Clyde would do, you know?” she pasted a smile on but you could’ve sworn you saw her wipe a tear from her eye.
“You’re my best friend, Chaeyoung. We shouldn’t complicate that.” 
“You’re right, we shouldn’t do anything. Really, ___. It’s fine. I’ll be fine. Like always.” She patted your hand that was gripping the gear shift with white knuckles. “Until next time.” Once again, she slipped out of the car before you could react and disappeared into the house by the time you got out to try and talk to her.
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peteerrpaarkerr · 5 years
Day and Night (Peter Parker Soulmate AU) pt. 2
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Summary: When Tony Stark first saw his newborn daughter’s soulmate marking, he was thrilled to know that she would get to experience a love like his and Pepper’s. However, 17 years later when Tony sees an identical tattoo on his daughter’s best friend/superhero protégé, Peter Parker, he vows to keep y/n safe by not allowing them to realize that their futures are intertwined.
Pairings: Peter Parker x y/n, Pepper x Tony (slight)
Warnings: None :)
Author’s Note: Wow, guys, I am overwhelmed by the response I’ve received from this fic! I can’t thank you enough for the nice messages and notes that y’all have left me! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the next part!
Also, as I was writing this next chapter, I decided to change the focus up a bit. It will mainly be a Peter Parker x y/n fic, but I’m also going to add some development for Tony and Pepper. I hope you guys enjoy this!!
If you want to be tagged for this story, please message me!
Part One: https://peteerrpaarkerr.tumblr.com/post/185697917739/day-and-night-peter-parker-soulmate-au-pt-1
“Uh, Mr. Stark? Is something wrong?” Peter asked, referring to Tony’s blank stare towards his upper back. Peter turned his head over shoulder to see Tony’s eyes trained on his soulmate tattoo: a dark grey, full moon. 
“Mr. Stark,” Peter said, his mouth turning upwards into a soft smile, “that’s just my soulmate tattoo. I think most everyone has one.” 
Tony’s eyes blinked rapidly as he focused in on Peter’s words, snapping back into reality. “Huh, interesting.” Tony mumbled quietly, stepping back from Peter and turning around to walk back to his computer station. 
Peter cocked his head to the left in confusion. Sure, his soulmate marking was in an odd spot, but the mark itself was normal. It couldn’t have been that weird to become speechless over. Then, a thought occurred to Peter. 
“Mr. Stark, have you seen someone with the same tattoo I have?” Peter questioned excitedly. Tony froze in his spot, thankful that he was facing the other direction, not where Peter could discern his fear. 
“No, I haven’t,” Tony deadpanned, “I just thought it looked unique, that’s all.” 
Peter’s shoulders slumped. He hadn’t had any luck in finding his soulmate like Ned and MJ had. MJ met her soulmate at the library while she was debating a topic with the librarian. She had (not so subtly) slammed her fist on the counter in protest, and her soulmate walked by and happened to see an identical bird on her wrist. Ned and Betty were sitting together on a flight to Venice when he noticed a small marking on her collarbone of a computer monitor, and the rest was history. 
Peter yearned to find his significant other like they had. However, at the same time, he was scared to let down his soulmate. He wasn’t sure if he would always be able to protect them with him being Spider-Man and all. He constantly had a target on his back, so he chose not to pursue seeking them out. To him, ignorance was bliss... at least, an impatient, terrifying bliss. 
A heavy silence controlled the room, the tension obvious between the two. Both were lost in their own thoughts regarding Peter’s soulmate marking. After a few painful minutes, Tony cleared his throat. “Alright, kid, I’ve got everything I need for now. You can go,” Tony stated, still not making eye contact with Peter. 
Peter slipped back on his shirt and walked out, hunched over in thought. Something was odd about the situation, but he couldn’t place what was different. 
Maybe Tony is just concerned about me meeting my soulmate, Peter thought. It’s a challenge to protect them with being Spider-Man and all. 
As soon as Peter left the room, Tony collapsed into his chair. 
He couldn’t process the fact that his only child, his y/n, had Peter Parker as her soulmate. The fact that Peter had been so close to y/n the past four years and that he had not bothered to check began to haunt him. 
He knew from the moment he met Peter that there was something special, something different about him, and now he was starting to realize it wasn’t just the spider bite. 
“And then Thor ripped the pancake out of Clint’s hand, but he looked ridiculous because he was wearing that pink apron you made me when I was 8!” 
Your mother’s laughter rang like church bells as you told her what went on in the kitchen that morning. You could picture her clutching her stomach while her head fell forward, shaking from each giggle. Her eyes would be sparkling and a smile would be plastered on her face. 
“I remember making that! We had a matching set… why didn’t he just wear the one that fit me?” Your mother inquired joyfully. 
“I don’t know, mom… he’s quite the character.” You sighed, lightly biting your lip, thrilled to be able to talk to her for the first time in 5 months. 
An awkward silence fixed itself into your conversation. You knew that it was painful for your mother to talk to you after all that had happened, but you couldn’t help yourself. It was your birthday after all and you missed her more than anything in the world. 
“Mom,” you mumbled, pausing for a second from uncertainty, “do you.. are you planning on coming home anytime soon?”
You could hear your mother take in a sharp breath, mumbling something incoherent. Your heart dropped when she didn’t answer immediately. 
“Sweetheart… you know the situation. I can’t come back right now. It’s not safe for me.” 
You let out a sigh in disappointment even though you already knew the answer would be “no”. This was the seventh time you had asked her to come home. You had begged, bargained, pleaded, cried even, but no form of persuasion worked. You hadn’t seen her in person in two years. 
“Y/n, I need to go, but I love you so much. I hope that I will be able to see you again someday.” Pepper said quietly. 
“I love you too, mom.” You replied, holding back sudden tears that tried to escape. You ended the call and laid back on your bed, recalling the past.
All that you remembered the last time you had seen your mom was when she walked into your room crying. She kneeled down on the floor next to your bed, her throat swollen and bruised, and she clasped your hands in her own. She called you “sweetheart”, something she always did when she discussed something disheartening with you, and she told you that she had fallen out of love with your father and that she had to leave. While you sat there in shock, unable to protest as your mind worked to comprehend what she had said, she gave you a firm hug, kissed you on the cheek, and walked out of the door. 
Over the course of the following months, you and Tony both were struggling to cope with the absence of your mom. Tony spent his days in the lab, making unnecessary adjustments to already perfect software and suits. Night after night you could find Tony in the Avengers Tower bar refusing to talk to anyone, until Bruce and Steve confronted him about his unhealthy habits. Slowly, the team began to bring back your dad through pep talks, bargains, and, in one case, a slap to the face (given by Natasha of course). He finally began to laugh again, and put his focus into you and the team. He was doing well. 
You, on the other hand, were not doing so well. You were terrified and confused about why your mom left. Luckily, however, Peter was there to comfort you. You spent days sulking around the Tower and school, and nights sobbing yourself to sleep. But Peter was there for all of it. He helped you with your classes, walked with you as you aimlessly do everything, and held you as you cried. It took you a few weeks to properly come back, but Peter told you how proud he was of you for being so strong every day. 
When you finally were back to as normal as you could be given your situation, you found yourself having dinner with the team and your dad, laughing because Bucky finally called out Steve on hypocritically saying “language” despite just having let out a string of cuss words. Steve’s faced was flush as he tried to utter out an excuse but everyone was howling with laughter. As everyone began to finish their dinner, F.R.I.D.A.Y. spoke up, alerting Tony that there had been a security threat trying to penetrate the Tower. The team immediately jumped up from their seats and raced to put on their gear, and you ran into the lab to act as “the girl in the chair”.
You put on your headset, cracked your knuckles, and began relaying information to the team about the attacker’s whereabouts. After a short amount of time, the threat was 96% diminished, with only one more intruder running around the building. You checked the Tower map and saw that the last figure was near where Steve was stationed, so you began to alert him over the headset when all of a sudden, you were put in a chokehold and pulled out of your seat. 
You gasped and tugged at the attacker’s arms, realizing that you had made the mistake of not checking your own location. You couldn’t fight back as well as the other Avengers because even though you were trained, you didn’t have powers nor a suit to combat the attacker’s strength and weaponry. You just operated the systems. 
“Listen, lady,” a gruff voice yelled in your ear, “tell us where the plans are and we’ll let Stark, your dad, live.” He ripped off your fake intern lanyard, having known that it was a fake.
You let out a strangled cry, realizing that he knew your identity. Pepper and Tony had agreed when you were born to not let you be seen in public with them until you were old enough to pass as an intern or lab worker. This allowed for you to be kept safe and up until now, it had worked flawlessly.
The man holding you back began to threaten you when all of a sudden a gunshot was heard and you were dropped to the floor. You coughed, taking in huge breaths as you tried to make up for the oxygen you had lost. Bucky, who had shot the man, rushed over to you and picked you up onto your feet. You looked behind you at the computer, saw that the threats were 100% eliminated, and fell into his arms, passed out. 
A few days after everything had calmed down, your father sat you down to discuss further precautions. You told him how the agent knew you were his daughter and Tony immediately recoiled. You knew he had done everything in his power to keep you (and Pepper when she was there) safe, but it wasn’t always perfect. You immediately hugged your father and reassured him that the agent had probably made a lucky assumption, that no one else knew you were his daughter besides the team. 
However, as Tony hugged you back, you didn’t know that what he was most terrified of is that he was afraid he would lose you the same way he lost Pepper. 
But he wasn’t going to tell you how he actually lost her.
Your bedroom door opening brought you back to reality when an excited Peter walked in. “Y/n, do you want to go eat some thai food with Tony and I?” 
You smiled and nodded, heading out with Peter and forgetting your conversation with your mother. 
You, Peter, and Tony sat around a table at your favorite Thai shop, quietly enjoying your dinner. The sounds of utensils clinking on dishware, light conversation from other customers, and the news station playing on the TV in the background added to the calm experience. 
“Thank you guys, this has been a pretty great birthday, and I just want to let you know that I appreciate this a lot! I know you both have been busy.” You exclaimed, subconsciously tugging at the fake intern lanyard around your neck.
“Of course, y/n! We wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Your dad replied, winking at you and nodding at Peter.
Your concentration on your food broke when you overheard the word “soulmate” being spoken by one of the newscasters. 
“-the rise of soulmate tattoos has increased with the new population of children being born. Rather than only four out of five people being born with a marking, we are now seeing that every nine out of ten people are lucky enough to share a tattoo with someone else out there.” 
You sat there watching the screen as the reporter presented numerical data over the story. They showed images of couples with matching tattoos and followed it up with the reporter showing their personal tattoo on their wrist and a wedding ring on their finger. You sighed, wishing that you had already found yours.
“I honestly thought I would’ve found my soulmate by now.” You stated, continuing to look at the TV screen. 
Tony choked on his water with wide eyes and dropped his fork onto the plate. Peter began patting Tony’s back as he tried to regain his composure, attempting to take in normal breaths. 
“You alright, dad?” You asked after Tony took a proper sip of his water. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m alright,” he replied hesitantly, leaving you to think nothing of the situation as you continued to pay attention to the news.
Peter, on the other hand, sensed something odd about the encounter, putting two-and-two together with the choking and “soulmate” mention. He noticed how Tony had reacted so strangely to seeing his soulmate tattoo earlier, and now his daughter mentioned the word and Tony flips out again. 
Not wanting to cause any trouble on your birthday, Peter kept his mouth shut. But he mentally told himself he would get to the bottom of it later.
Peter and you walked along the streets of New York, reminiscing over your high school years and thinking about the future ahead. You were on your way to fill out your final forms for Empire State University since classes began in a few days. Peter and you, enrolling in similar majors, had the same 12 of 17 hours you both had elected to take your first semester. 
“Well, I’m going to be the professors’ favorite!” You exclaimed, smirking as you walked alongside Peter. “I’ll actually show up to class and be able to keep up my Avenger’s tasks.” 
Peter turned his head towards you, scoffing as he continued to walk. “Pfft, while I am doing actual Avengers work, and not just sitting in a chair taking orders, I’ll mentally prepare myself for studying for all of the classes that I’ll attend.” 
You swatted at Peter as he cheekily grinned. You both continued your banter back and forth as you got closer to campus before you heard a faint, yet familiar beep. 
Peter pulled you quickly to the side as your bracelets began beeping louder, signaling that an emergency was occurring. A hologram of Tony appeared and spoke out of the device. “Underoos, report back to Avenger’s tower immediately. Sunny Girl, keep walking to ESU and start Pete’s paperwork. There’s a quick H.Y.D.R.A. mess we’ve got to eliminate. He’ll be back before you finish yours.” 
“Alrighty, dad,” you replied, turning off the watch and looking at Peter. “Here, get in the alley. I’ll take your backpack when you leave.” 
Peter nodded quickly and you both walked to the closest alley. Peter handed his backpack to you and practically jumped into his suit. “I’ll see you in a few, y/n.” He said, touching the spider on the front of his suit to secure it. He gave you a fist bump and shot a web into the air, pulling himself into the New York skyline.
You continued walking towards campus alone, lost in thought as you wondered who Peter had to stop and thinking in depth about some of the tech you would develop when you arrived back at the tower. Unfortunately, you weren’t aware of the masked people lining the alley you were going to pass and the words whispered into the walkie talkie. 
“Spider-boy is out of the picture, continue with the deal. Get the Stark kid.” 
As you made your way past a few more streets, the ESU campus came into view and you grinned as you looked out. This was going to be you and Peter’s next adventure, and you could hardly contain your excitement for the opportunities that lay ahead. 
Before you crossed the last street heading into campus, a thick piece of cloth was shoved into your mouth and you were pulled by strong arms into the nearest alley. You tried to kick and scream, but before you realized what had occurred, a needle was jabbed into your arm and you quickly began to sink to the ground, darkness clouding your vision. 
taglist: @eridanuswave @fandomfan315 @lcveyou3000 @cubedtriangle @asianravenpuff @adventurousbooknerd @ixchel-9275 @spidey-spooked
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heedra · 8 years
OOOO #2, #13, #17, #4, #19
2.) When did you start role playing? How old were you?My first experience with tabletop was in fifth grade, when I was ten years old. I’d just skipped the fourth grade, and my parents had encouraged me to join the after-school game club for fifth-graders so I might be able to make some friends in my new grade. I was too shy and knew too little about the game at the time to do more than play one session and stop going, but the realization that a game existed where I could make my character attempt to do anything I could think of rocked my world. I dabbled several more times with the game throughout my childhood but it wasn’t until freshman year of college that I finally had the chance to really see what it was like, and to get hooked.13.) Your most ridiculous character.I once convinced a dm to let me play a rotund little bard lady with a ukelele who was secretly a glamoured tyrannosaurus rex. Not an anthro t-rex, mind you- an actual full-sized sentient dinosaur from a race of other full-sized sentient (and occasionally psionic) dinosaurs. It was Very Silly and i look back on it with a bit of regret because I realize now that some of the other players in that campaign were really hoping to play a serious game.17.) Something that shouldn’t have worked, but did. Ok, this one is a little more on the ST’s head than mine but, in my most recent exalted game, my abyssal fella Phoenix ended up, on top of his already-existing slow decay into a horrid ghoul man, getting pretty dang wyld-mutated due to poor life choices. My ST thought that a funny mutation to give him would be a frog tongue. It sounded pretty harmless in theory, but he made the innocent mistake of basically making it a tool with which one could make grapple checks at short range. In the hands (or mouth, as it were) of a character that had so many strength and brawl dots that they were spilling out of his pockets this turned into not so much a funny gimmick as a buff third arm that just happened to be in his mouth and could also chokehold people from a couple yards away. My ST was subsequently horrified at what he’d created for pretty much every session afterwards, because I think he’d assumed that my character would be embarrassed enough about it to use it infrequently but unfortunately its not like a man who’d already stopped caring about his physical self image the moment his nose rotted off is going to suddenly get self-conscious about the idea of using his Horrible Mouth Arm at every pertinent opportunity. It was a menace.4.) Describe the first game you ever ran or played in.It was a DnD 3.5 game where we were all playing irreputable jackasses. It only lasted like two and a half sessions. We stole the title deed to an inn and sold it on the black market. That was all we did. (Still, it got me interested in and excited about the game!)19.) Your most memorable in-character moment.HOOOOBOY, this one is pretty damn hard to nail down because i’ve played in enough really good games that I have a large collection of quality tabletop moments. I think that if I HAD to pick, it would probably be the moment in the zombie-survival game i was in freshman-sophomore year where I was playing the doctor/primary tank of a small group of survivors. At one point, we ended up getting threatened by the remnants of the local mafia and my character got so indignant that she angrily hailed them on the radio and delivered a passionate and enraged Navy Seal Copypasta speech which she then later made good on against all possible odds, until the mafia was literally fucking disbanded entirely. It makes the top because I think it’s the most ‘into the role’ I ever managed to get playing any character ever.
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