#they havee annabeth and grover to tell percy stuff he doesn't already know and we know annabeth knows all sort of things
sainzstorms · 8 months
everyone that says 'percy is not stupid he just thinks he is' is actually so right, that's like borderline self-sabotage and sometimes adhd-ers does that. it's just that this time the show isn't fully from percy's pov. the boy can think when he wants and needs too, he's just slow sometimes.
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hepaidattention · 6 months
I'm v curious to see how the pjo show will portray Percabeth and Percy's feelings for her throughout the show.
cause imo, in the books Percy straight up doesn't even realize he has feelings for her until much muuuuuch later (whether it be oblivion or denial), but in like book 3 he's so worried for her he's starting fights with god's. she's literally all he thinks about in the Titans Curse, but never in a romantic way. Percy never thinks about her in a romantic way till probably book 4, when she kisses him, and even then it's a rare occurrence until book 5.
we just knew he had feelings cause he'd think stuff like "wow she's beautiful," or prints out a picture of her and keeps it with him, or constantly thinks about her when Rachel was around, or think Aphrodite looked like her. ACTIONS wise I know exactly why Annabeth was yelling at him by book 5. he never showed romantic feelings for her outwardly except for rare occasions that could be interupted as friends, even when she kissed him. not until, again, book 5 when he asks for a good luck kiss and literally screams at everyone not to touch her when she's injured.
anyway, so I'm interested to see how they're going to display it for the viewers on the screen when we won't have Percy's narration telling us obvious things that show us he loves her. I'm wondering if they're going to be more straight forward with it. in the books you knew Percy liked her but again only because of his thoughts, and not until book 3 tbh. but in the show s1 already had so much implied Percabeth. like Percy looked at her so many times like he wanted to marry her right then and there that is was shocking to me (not complaining) cause Percy really only acted like he saw her as a friend by that point in the books.
SO I wonder if they're going to continue this trend of just having Percy look at Annabeth longingly a lot and hope those who haven't read the books catch on, or will they go a step further and having him talk to people about his feelings? will Percy talk to Grover about her? in the books they would never, Percy didn't even know Grover had a girlfriend at one point. they weren't the type of bromance to talk about their feelings. however TV show Grover and Percy would easily talk about their feelings. they're more open and vulnerable around each other in the show.
and if they do that, then are they going to make it canon (canon to me is if Percy knew he had feelings for Annabeth before book 4 of 5 and said it himself. he never says he has feelings, and even talks about his feelings for other characters like Calypso and Rachel, so to me its not canon that he did know unless he said those words himself) that Percy is aware of his feelings before book 5?? or are they just gonna have scenes like in s1 with Luke where he calls them an old married couple and Percy and Annabeth ignore it. I could also see Grover just teasing him about her and Percy just acts like he never even thought about it
idk I'm really interested on how they're going to show us in TV form. half of me wants it to stay canon, but the other part of me wants to see a Percy verbally attest that he likes her but she'd never like him like that - or say something like Annabeth was too good for him (which I always got the feelings was half the reason why Percy didn't pursue anything till much later). even after Annabeth kisses him he's like "as friends???? hmmm???" and I truly do no think until she yells at him for being a coward that it occurs to Percy that "Oh, that WASN'T a good luck kiss then." like he WANTED to kiss her but he didn't think she liked him like that EVEN AFTER SHE KISSED HIM. sigh. sweet, dumn Percy. how I love thee.
but show Percy really isn't as a dumb as book Percy was in the first book, so there's a huge possibility they'll make it more obvious. I feel like for the sake of wanting fans invested in the ship, they'll make him more aware of his feelings imo. they already did so in s1, and book 1 truly was just Annabeth and Percy learning to be friends.
no matter what, I cannot wait for s3, because I would do anything to see Walker act out Percy worried about Annabeth. PERCY TRYING TO FIGHT MR. D CAUSE HES NOT WORRIED ENOUGH FOR ANNABETH???? I literally cannot wait.
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tossawary · 9 months
I've only seen 3 episodes of the new "Percy Jackson" show so far and my main complaint with the first two episodes was pacing. I thought the pacing in the third episode was much improved and overall very good, but a lot about the first two episodes felt rushed to me.
I think episodes 1 and 2 both could have been two episodes each to slowly introduce us to Percy, Grover, Sally, Mr. Brunner, Mrs. Dodds and the Minotaur, and then to the Camp, to Annabeth, Luke, Clarisse, the satyrs and the different cabins, etc.. I mean, I think what was there was pretty solid! I like the actors! I don't think it's badly written (I think making Luke show Percy around the camp was a good choice to make later things hit harder, since we will have more time with Annabeth on the quest itself later), but I would have liked more breathing room scenes, like when Percy burned the blue jellybeans, for things to settle in, and I blame the studio for not giving this show a longer season to work with.
As it stands now, the first two episodes felt more intended for existing fans, rather than for onboarding new fans. I feel like a frog being thrown into boiling water instead of the water coming up to a boil around me. If you're not familiar with this religion & lore already, if you don't know who the Twelve Olympians are, the introduction to the Camp doesn't give you much of a foothold, which is quite unfortunate when PJO was many people's introduction to this stuff.
The blue food is not really explained. The tension of the mystery with Mrs. Dodds kind of gets thrown out because it all happens so fast. There's no time to slowly build a feeling of normalcy and then wrongness. Percy's relationship with Chiron is undermined by how little time they get together. Percy finding out who his father is happens SO QUICKLY that we don't have a proper understanding of what's wrong about his claiming when it happens. The camp looks cool and I want to see more of it! How it functions is barely explained! We barely get to meet anyone! It feels like Percy is there for less than 48 hours before he's leaving on a quest again, so there's very little time to build up his attachment to it. I have less emotional investment in Percy's conflict with Clarisse because we barely get to understand what daily life at Camp Half-blood might be like (although I understand putting less focus on Clarisse now knowing that you'll be able to play catch-up during future storylines).
I think the show is making pretty good choices with the time that they have, I just wish they had MORE time. I don't think that they have to include every little detail and scene and character from the books. I like a lot of the changes they've made just fine. I just feel like the writing and acting is being undermined by the fact that there's very little time to set things up so that you can knock them down, and that it takes more time to show something visually than it does to read a sentence. Everything in episodes 1 and 2 is moving so quickly that some of the magical aspects feel... less magical to me because there's less time to develop contrast. And the show doesn't have as much time to potentially develop cool NEW things, to slide in more new funny character interactions, because it's all so smushed down. I want more time to see these actors shine together.
(Although, admittedly, it is VERY funny to feel like Percy is stuck in some sort of speedrun version of the story. Every day is a new rollercoaster of Percy not knowing what the fuck is going on and going with it because he's not given the time to ask questions. Sure! This might as well happen next! His life sucks already. That part feels very true to the books, although I think the feeling could still be preserved if the show was given more time.)
I'm tired of 8 episode seasons. I don't know if I think that PJO needs a full 20+ episodes to tell the story of the first book, probably not, but being constrained to only 8 instead of at least 10-16 feels disappointing.
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PERCY JACKSON EPISODE 7 SPOILERS!!! (and also for the book if you haven't read it!!)
So, as always, FANTASTIC episode.... But..
There were soo many things that I waited the week to see, that they either changed, or completely left out.
A lot of the changes they did in the series are not changes that bother me or they're changes I really liked, but this time they did me dirty.
The struggle in crusty's??? The waiting room filled with dead people??? The whole oh no cerberus is after us what are we gonna do omg wait cerberus is just a big puppy that wants to have some fun???
I know they did still technically have that last one but it was very different from the book.
Now see, I don't mind that it's different from the books, this is Rick's chance to rewrite the book but with the knowledge he has of what happens in the whole book series.. But some things I think affected the episode a bit on the negative side.
Another thing that does annoys me at times, but truly isn't the end of the world, is that too often the characters just. Know. They meet a new monster and they immediately know who it is and what they do. Where as in the book they find out the hard way. Knowing that they've reached medusas lair before they see the statues to prove it, knowing how to defeat crusty before even walking into his shop (otherwise Annabeth wouldn't already be wearing her cap, fight me) etc. I think the overall show would be slightly improved, had they just added maybe 10 minutes to every episode, and used those extra minutes to show our heroes actually in trouble. Percy doesn't know how to properly fight yet, show him learning. They do that, but I think they could do it more.
I don't mind the telling, not showing, because the entire first book is just a huge infodump. The people that are mad at that, needs to read the book (again)
Also, that is EXACTLY how I envisioned hades to be. Not so somber, not the hadestown version of hades (tho I really do love hadestown hades) but the dorky, clever little bastard that was in episode 7. Thank you! I immensely enjoyed every second of those few minutes of screen time he had. But I do think some scenes were too short. Don't come for me, I know a lot of the "fights" from TLT are way shorter than some people might remember, but they did almost die in crusty's shop and I wanted persassy talking to charon and sailing the Styx.
I did like that they kept the shoes dragging grover to tartarus, that gives a lot of info to non readers about who the traitor is.. One thing about tartarus though... I clearly remember it as a cave with a huge bottomless pit? I could be wrong, and honestly, it being in a cave or the middle of a desert is not something that is too important to me, I just thought the cave set the whole mood. Ykno, with Artemis being trapped in there in TTC and all that. But again, not That important to me.
The only thing that has legitimately bothered me about this show, has been the lighting. As someone who is incredibly passionate about lighting, and wants to become a professional in the field, watching (or struggling to) some of the scenes, were so annoying. They could do better than giving Pjo the DC treatment. I watch the show on my computer, in a dark room, with the screen light on max, and still couldn't see certain scenes in the show (like the amusement park, the minotaur, fields of asphodel etc)
There's many ways to show the audience that it's so dark the characters might have trouble seeing, without the audience feeling the same way.
I'm so sorry about the length of this, I had stuff to say. But no one will ever get me to dislike this show. I love it, so so soo much, sometimes there are just things I'm insanely excited to see, as a book reader, that doesn't happen and I'm a bit sad about that, no matter how good bad or neutral the changes are.
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witchhazelevesque · 2 years
Heroes of Olympus college AU where they have a 24hr dance-a-thon fundraiser
Everyone asks Leo to be their partner because he's def going to be the last one standing- this guy never sleeps. But Leo already has plans to be the DJ so everyone's out of luck.
Leo plans on playing increasingly awful music that no one could fall asleep to, so that everyone stays awake and wins. There is a 60% chance that everyone just leaves but he's willing to take that risk.
Annabeth and Piper partner up from there. The fundraiser works by having the participants get people to pledge a certain amount of money for each hour they last. These two end up with the highest number of pledges, because Piper's charming and people take one look at Annabeth and can't deny that she's a clear winner.
Hazel and Nico decide to do the sibling thing, but with their not blood related siblings. Percy is absolutely jazzed to partner with Hazel and Reyna tells Nico that she has a Plan(tm) to win, and he's game.
Frank and Jason are both like, "Alright, look at me, are you looking at me? We can do this, we are disciplined athletes, we've got this!"
The event starts at 5 in the morning, and most of them are not happy, but Annabeth, Jason, Frank and Reyna are rearing to go.
Piper and Nico are asleep against their partners, and Percy and Hazel are holding each other up and yawning. Leo, who hadn't slept at all the night before, is already inside and getting set up. The other crew members have a pool for when he's going to pass out.
Most of them don't know Leo well, and Harley, who doesn't even go to college yet and just came to help, takes advantage to hustle them all.
Someone also let Leo be the MC, and he takes the duty very seriously. Grover ends up taking over for him about two minutes in and plays keep away with the mic until the dancing starts and Leo has to focus on the music.
It starts out well enough.
But Annabeth's pride is going to be her down fall and she's got it in her mind that they have to be impressive in their dancing as well as lasting the longest, which Piper tries to talk her out of, but it doesn't work. So they're doing a lot of flashy stuff and get tired fast.
Percy and Hazel are having a grand old time, with Percy twirling Hazel around the dance floor. They can both be competitive, but decided beforehand to just have fun. They got Hazel's dad to make a donation to the cause the day before, so the pledges aren't super important.
Frank and Jason are, uh, not good at dancing. They resort to TikTok dances and Leo and Harley get a spotlight on them and everyone in the general area joins in, and it turns out really fun
Nico's kind of self-conscious at first and won't do much more than swaying in place, but eventually he loosens up when he realizes his friends are all clustered together and- for the most part- just having a good time. He and Reyna take a page from Hazel and Percy's book and just swing each other around and laugh.
Leo has some event songs planned to keep things lively, some as generic as the electric slide, and some as baffling as the dance battle song from every single possible disney channel movie. He jumps into the crowd and leads one side of the dancers in these and coaxes Grover to do the same on the other team. He didn't really expect these to work, but everyone gets like, unsettlingly into it. He thought there might be a fist fight at one point.
There is an injury after all. Annabeth, who had just gotten her second wind and was trying to give it her all, sprains her ankle during 'I Don't Dance' and tries to keep going, but Piper makes her go to the medical tent and they're officially out of the game.
Leo sings their praises as they head out, and one of the other disqualified couples sitting on the sideline to watch ask why no one else got a send off.
"Dude, I don't even know you, what was I supposed to say' Leo says back into the mic.
After that, Grover and Leo decide it's best not to have any more battle songs, so instead they come up with other things to keep things interesting.
They have a partner switch number, and Hazel and Nico immediately latch on to each other and spin each other around. Reyna goes with Jason, and Frank and Percy shrug and follow the shorties' lead. Percy enjoys being the shorter one who gets to spin around under someone's arm this time.
Reyna tries to show Jason a simple waltz, but it doesn't get very far. "Jason, you're on the fencing team, how is this so hard for you?"
After that, they do an hour of requests, which is the only reason Hedge doesn't fire Leo right then, because aside from the event songs, everything he's playing is esoteric, to say the least. Or just plain bad.
"It's not my fault you have no taste, Coach!'
"Play some Wham! or I swear to god-"
Leo plays 'Last Christmas' to spite him. It's March.
This is a pick-me-up, but people are starting to flag. It's nearing the halfway point, and despite having a few breaks for food, drink and restroom, everyone's slumping. Percy and Hazel bowed out a few hours ago, and are now napping against each other with the remnants of a pizza they had delivered in their laps. Grover and Leo thought about waking them and telling them to go home, but they look so cute, it'd be cruel to wake them.
Like his sister, Nico is straight up asleep against Reyna, who's just holding him and swaying with no strain.
Frank and Jason are doing a very sluggish Macarena, and Leo feels bad for them and puts on the song to inspire them.
They hardly notice.
Leo experiments with everyone's level of awareness now, playing what's just a mix of random noises he edited together. He's not completely sure that he hasn't just innoculated them all with his awful music, or if they really are that dead on their feet, but no one does anything as the sounds of his blender and car alarm blare from the speakers. Not even Hedge.
He just puts on his regular playlist then and sits back to enjoy the rest of the event.
At the 20 hour mark, Jason, Frank, Reyna and Nico are the only contestants left.
Nico's clinging to Reyna like a backpack now, and she's doing a little sidestep to keep moving. Frank and Jason are leaning their weights against each other to stand up right, swaying side to side like a couple of drunks
"Does that even count as moving?" Frank asks, gesturing half-heartedly to Nico, more incredulously than actually wanting to get him disqualified.
"I'll allow it," Leo says into his mic, because he too is impressed at how Nico is holding himself up while asleep. His ruling stands because he's the only one on stage still awake.
The dancers glance at him in horror, because he seems completely unaffected by his sleeplessness. Jason mutters about taking him to the med tent after the contest ends.
Frank collapses at hour 23 and Jason eases him to the floor and is too tired to care that they lost.
He gestures to a newly revived Piper and Percy to get Frank to the med tent to make sure he's alright.
Reyna marches up to the stage and accepts the giant trophy Leo presents to her. When he asks her how she did it and points the mic to her, she says, "My plan was simple. Nico is tiny, I am strong. We won."
She then turns and heads over to where Hazel is sitting and tucks Nico between them before falling asleep. Hazel takes a selfie of them all and lays her jacket over the two sleeping dancers.
Leo starts to deliver a closing speech, but is cut off when Jason hops on stage, lifts Leo up and tosses him over his shoulder to take him to the med tent for a nap. He forgot to take the mic away though, and Leo narrates, "Seems Nico di Angelo isn't the only one treated like a bag among these dancers, I am now being taken against my will only god knows where-"
Hazel grabs the mic from him as Jason walks past and turns it off.
Leo, Reyna and Frank all sleep for about 18 hours.
But the real winner of the night is Harley, who wins the betting pool and cleans out all the crew members.
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angloie · 3 years
End Result
“Lets keep this relationship a secret. Or at least, try to, anyways.”
↳ In which Percy and Annabeth keep their relationship a secret. Four of the times they nearly get caught, and how they finally do. 
↳ featuring sally, grover, katie, connor, drew, will.
genre: fluff! (a little angst)
warnings: none!
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The very first time Percy and Annabeth nearly get caught, it's at dinner.
“Isn’t this wonderful timing!” Sally beams, picking up her fork. “How coincidental that you're visiting this area, Annabeth.” 
Coincidental? Not in any way.
“Yeah,” She gives a small smile. Percy snickers, and she kicks Percy's shin from where he’s sitting beside her. He coughs and goes back to munching on his pasta.
“So, Annabeth,” Percy says mockingly. “What brings you here anyways?”
That insufferable brat, She thinks bitterly.
“Yes! It's been a while since I've seen you two together.” Sally chides.
What she doesn't know, is that Percy and her know exactly why she visited. What they know is that Annabeth wanted to visit her dear boyfriend of a couple months- but with the expense of keeping it secret.
 Putting on a forced smile, she clears her throat.
“Its just nice to visit, you know? I just couldn’t miss seeing my best friend.” Annabeth drawls out the words best friend. As if.
Percy grits his teeth with a fake smile of his own. “Yes, best friend. That's what we are.” Best friends who go on dates together, call each other petnames, hold hands. Best friends who kiss, and are more than just friends.
Theres tension in the air as they eat. Thick and heavy; with something Sally can't describe. Percy makes a weird face at Annabeth, a one which she returns. But then they go back to eating.
It takes one look under the table to understand what's going on.
Annabeth bumps her hands to Percy's.
“Hm?” he whispers, looking at her. She looks right back. Nudging her hand towards him once more, she intertwines his fingers with hers.
Percy grips her hand gladly.
Holding hands under the table means no one can see you, right? So what's the harm in doing this?
Sally immediately notices that Annabeth isn't using her right hand to eat anymore- it's her left. And Percy's eating with his right, instead of holding a fork in his left.
Again, odd.
It's pure bliss for them as they eat, the warm feeling of the other's hand. they’re soft. Familiar. Comforting.
“Whoops!” Sally gasps as her fork falls to the carpeted ground. “I’ll just get that,” She leans downward, getting a clear view of the scene going on underneath the table.
What she sees isn't exactly a sight you see everyday.
Are those two... Holding hands?
“Are you two-"
Before she can ask, they have already pulled away from the other's grasp and looked away.
Annabeth blushes and beat red, her cheeks glowing. Percy coughs violently as his own face flushes with heat. Both of their hearts are beating out of their chests.
Please tell me she didn't see that. Please tell me she didn't see that. Please tell me she didn't see that. Please tell me she didn't see-
When Sally doesn't say anything else, they both let out a shared sigh of relief.
Did she just see that correctly? She sure did. It was clear as day- their hands were intertwined, and they were smiling. Smiling brightly, too brightly, to just be eating some pasta.
“T-this pasta sure is nice,” Annabeth stammers.
Percy takes a sip of his water. “Mm hmm.”
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The second time Percy and Annabeth get caught, it's at the campfire at camp.
Kids sing and laughs around them as they stuff their faces full with s'mores. the leftovers of marshmallows stain their cheeks as they joke around with friends, the fire glowing a vibrant orange.
All these people-- but Percy can only see Annabeth.
She sits all the way across from him at the other side of the camp fire (a much too far distance if you ask him) smiling with her own friends. 
Gods, this light just looks so good on her, and her smiling face just looks so kissable.
He tries not to stare. He really does.
But how, when Annabeth's blonde curls bounce as she laughs? How, when her eyes shimmer with joy? How- when Percy is forbidden to stare? 
That makes him want to stare even more. But some others must notice it, because that’s what someone says to him.
“Dude, why're you staring at Annabeth like that?” Grover asks. A tin can shifts in his mouth as he chews. 
“I-Im not staring!” He insists, tearing his gaze away from her. “And like what?”
“Like...” Grover struggles for a good answer. “Like you're under a love potion one of the Aphrodite or hectate kids made. You look all lovey-dovey.”
“Oh.” Percy grumbles.
he's not under some sort of love potion. Not any concoction whipped up could even compare to the love he harbours for Annabeth. It seemed like a insult that Grover could even say that.
'What? Can't I stare at my beautiful girlfriend?’ He wants to say, to shout.
But... He didn't know. Not yet.
So he keeps the retort in his thoughts.
“You’re staring again.”
a/n: this little part was inspired by @/pjo_fangirl_13, who gave me this idea!! <33
Annabeth hears their conversation and laughs to herself.
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The third time they nearly get caught, it's after the Titan war.
It's over. It's over, and they won. Victory runs through their viens, but not without the grin reminder of how many lives were lost.
But they still won.
And that's enough for everyone.
“Happy birthday, Seaweed brain,” Annabeth and Percy share the blue cupcake between them. Right, it's his birthday. Percy isn't sure whether that's a good or bad thing.
Then she's smiling. Smiling like he's never seen her do- not since months ago.
the two talk about some unmemorable things (Percy can't remember what through his haze), and all he can see are her lips. Pink and soft looking in the late afternoon sun.
And maybe, just maybe, he can kiss her just this once.
Gods, she's missed this.
The war. The monsters. The stress; it all seemed to take a toll on her, but Percy seemed to melt it all away in a single kiss. If Annabeth could freeze time forever, this would be the moment she would.
When they pull away, they're rudely interrupted.
“Hey! Percy! Annabeth!” Clarrisse roars, a grin plastered on her face. A few other campers stand by her side, looking for the pair.
The dock-- it's empty.
“Oh.” Connor looks around. “They’re not here.”
“Dang it, I wanted to prank them!” Travis groans, shaking his head.
Grover frowns. “So where are they, even?”
Oh, they are there. just under, sharing a secret kiss. It's rushed and messy, but holy crap, does it feel good. Rushed hands coming to cup his face, to grab on her clothes, to hold them together.
Annabeth pulls away again, a smile forming. “Nice move, Jackson.” She’s talking about how he pulled her into the water, forming a bubble in a matter of seconds. She laughs below him.
He smirks. “You know, that wasn't the best kiss.” Percy says rather cockily.
She raises a eyebrow. “Oh yeah? Are you saying my kisses aren't good?”
Nah,” He leans forward. “So why don't we try that again?”
Annabeth scoffs and rolls her eyes, but leans right forward. “You could've just asked, dork.”
So they kiss.
and again, 
The fourth time they nearly get caught, it's when they're in the rec room in the big house.
and again.
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All the cabins counselors are there- Annabeth, Percy, Drew, Connor- and all the others. A part of their secret relationship included bickering with each other nonstop all for show; a thing that was normal before they started dating.
"Oh my gods," Annabeth grumbles, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Do you ever stop talking, Percy?"
He rolls his eyes. "And do you ever listen to a plan other than yours, Annabeth?" Everyone looks back and forth at the two.
"Guys, stop it." Katie Gardner says. "We cant-"
Annabeth interrupts her. "There you go again! Blabbing your mouth," She scoffs, "You're insufferable."
"And you're annoying."
"Your voice sounds like nails screeching on a chalk board!"
"You sound like a knife scratching on a plate!"
"Stuck up!"
"Oh, shut u-"
Will Solace clears his throat. "Okay, okay, why don't you two stop bickering?"
Drew yawns. "Chiron's sure to scold the two of you," She drawls, stretching her manicured nails in front of her. Her eyes roll comically.
Annabeth stands up from her spot, chair clattering behind her. "Im out."
Connor jolts awake from his nap. Cheer whiz stains his cheek, the orange ugly on his skin. "Huh? What?"
Immediately, Percy stands up with her, heading to the door where Annabeth just had exited. "Whatever. Me too."
Her hair flies behind her as she walks furiously. Then she slows, the breath becoming normal, and she finally comes to a stop. Was that believing enough? Was that good? Most of all, did they buy it.
A arm pulls her into a spare room and Annabeth gasps. "Wha-" She starts to scream, but it's muffled by a hand.
Percy pins her against a wall, arms bracketing her cage-like. He smirks. "That was pretty convincing, wise girl."
She grins up at him. "Mm, really?"
"So I'm a jerk, huh?" He pulls her closer. "And a bastard. That's new."
Annabeth rolls her eyes, leaning in. “I didn't mean that.” She murmurs, her lips against his now.
“Oh, don't I know,” Percy smiles against her lips. The kiss is slow. Warm. Time seems to stop in that very moment, lips against lip, cupping the other's face as they smile into the kiss. It's more reverent as they nearly run out of breath, her strawberry lip gloss marking his own, and then--
“Percy! Annabeth! You two in here?” Connor's voice calls out, the couple freezing like a deer caught in headlights. The blonde is the first to pull away; gasping and panting and stumbling back. Percy quick to react as well when he looks away with a frazed look in his eyes.
“Oh. Why're you two gasping?” Will Solace pops in the room with a few others. 
“...I thought you two were leaving,” Drew looks back at the two of them. Her eyes are sharp with her gaze. “Not to mention you guys are basically turning red.”
“W-We were! I just- uh- needed to get something!” Annabeth says. Her hands fly in all sorts of directions, the gestures showing she's nervous. No, not nervous. Embarassed. Or is it relief?
“Me too!” Percy nearly tells when he answers. “This-” He grabs the nearest thing he can grab, a potted plant. “this plant right here.”
Katie tilts her head. “You wanted... A plant?”
He nods furiously as he lies through his teeth. “Yep!”
“So you're interested in gardening!” She squeals, jumping up and down. “Yes! Come take a look at the Demeter cabin, we have-"
Annabeth looks at Percy. You messed up.
He looks back at her remorsefully. I certainly have.
“-This cool tree we found at the back at the forest, that has all these weird branches! It's so cool!”
The time they finally get caught, it's at camp half blood.
Maybe that's the most embarrassing story the two have.
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To say the least- they're tired.
People have been flirting with Percy left and right, and he couldn't do anything but brush it off or say he wasn't interested.
You see; Annabeth understood the situation. He was 'single', and people wanted to take advantage of that. yes, they didn't know. And yes, they had every right to do that. But it really grates on one's nerves.
Percy kind of understood the situation. She was 'available’, so people could supposedly flirt with her. 
Could they, though?
The looks. The unecessary flirting. It made him jealous, as much as he would hate to admit. Pull the other away, make an excuse, ignore. A endless cycle every day.
You know, Annabeth isn't the most patient person. It's only a matter of time before she snaps. Like today.
Usualy, people were respectful when the two said that they were uninterested. They backed off, apologized, or anything else that wasn't rude in the slightest way.
Except for her.
“Oh come on,” The girl says, pestering Percy nonstop. What is it- the third time that day? “You can't be really be serious.”
Jealousy burns in Annabeth's stomach. It's not a good feeling.
“Actually, I can.” Percy says, uninterested in his tone. 
“No you can't!" The girl screeches, catching the attention of everyone in the dining hall.
“What do you mean, 'I can't'?” He repeats, turning to look at her.
“You must be lying,” The girl insists, eyes desperate. “You must be! Now stop playing hard to get and admit that!” Chiron's not there to intervene, and not is Mr.D.
What a recipe for disaster.
Annabeth sighs. “Im not playing hard to get,” Percy calmly says, eyes dark. “And I'm not interested. Sorry.”
Most of the time when people did this, they left eventually. Annabeth and Percy used to joke about it a lot after. This wasn't exactly usual.
“Why don't you see what your missing? Then you'll reconsider.” The girl’s tone turns sickly sweet; a massive change from the hysteria a few seconds prior.
All Annabeth can register in a few rushed movements, Percy’s eyes widening in shock, and-
Oh, gods.
They're kissing.
The girl must be a child of Hectate or Aphrodite, because he can't pull away. By the look in his eyes, he wants to pull away. And that's presicely what Percy wants to do. Pull away, move, anything.
Except he's frozen.
Annabeth stands up, fists clenching. Her teeth grinding on each other irritatedly.
What the hell can she even do? Say something? Burst out? Those are things she wants to do, things that she needs to do.
All she can do is watch. 
It's painfully slow, even, and she's taking her sweet time doing it, tasting his lips. Smiling against him.
Being upset about someone not returning your feelings is one thing. Completely forcing the other to kiss is a completely other thing! 
Even the other campers know that. As they kiss, a few campers say words of discouragement. A few others say to stop, that he doesn't want that, and that it's wrong. It's so, so wrong. Disgust piles in her stomach. 
But then she's pulling away, a smug smile tugging on her lips. “So? Are you reconsidering yet?” She says. 
Like she's proud.
Percy, face twisted in both shock and disgust, looks straight at Annabeth.
I didn't want this, he wants to say, Please know that. His mouth runs dry, so that nothing coherent can come out of it.
So he surges forward towards her.
The girl watches in confusion as he makes his way towards the daughter of Athena with a scowl, and a look of determination. With the girl the rest of the campers do too.
Annabeth looks at him as he approaches, eyes darting nervously to his face. Oh, no, that's not a good look.
“Why would I ever reconsider?” He says lowly, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her in.
Are we doing this?
The nights left lonely. The jealousy. They had kept the relationship for so long- What would people say if they officially got together? Even after their parents, Godly, hated each other? We're rivals? Enemies? 
Annabeth had gotten used to this. Percy too. But, gods, they were so afraid. Afraid what would happen to each other if the news came out. What their parents would say. What fate would have in store; and maybe take the other away.
But if you just take the fear away,
Yes. We are.
the results can be even better than you've ever imagine.
Annabeth cups his face with her heart beat ringing through her ears, and kisses him.
And does it feel good.
The fear melts away as they do so, hands grabbing clothing, deepening, and deepening, and deepening the kiss. Some part of the way Percy smiles. and she smiles right back. It's demanding coming from them; I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you, and I don't want it to keep it a secret anymore.
“Why do we have to, anyways?” Percy had asked when they first started dating. He sighed as she shook her head. “I dont want to keep this a secret.”
“No one would ever accept it,” Annabeth sadly replied while holding him in his arms, eyes shining. “Not now. Maybe in the future.”
It hurt him how true she was.
When Percy pulls away, his face is flushed with heat. But, gods, he loves the feeling. “Why would I ever reconsider,” He repeats. “When I already love my girlfriend?”
The girl is rendered speechless. Her arms drop to the sides, mouth agape with shock. What? What just happened?
The dining hall seems to burst alive.
Laughs, shouts, yells- people exchange drachma with friends saying: “I told you so! I knew it!” While they respond with colourful words of surprise. Becuase, holy crap, they’re dating! They're dating, and kept it a secret! 
over the commotion, Annabeth pulls in Percy one last time. 
yes, the results are even better than you could ever imagine. And as she kisses him passionately, it's especially true with him.
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the girl apologized profusely after, saying that she didn't know he was dating her
Annabeth scowled and told her off, saying that you shouldn't do that kind of stuff without consent
Chiron and mr. d also scolded her
consent, people. It's a important thing.
a/n: YOOO GUESS WHO'S FULLY VACCINATED (seriously tho please do your part in helping everyone recover!! getting a vaccine is very important!!)
my arm is sore so I'm gonna touch up this authors note after I take a nap and clean myself up. I hope you guys enjoyed! <33
(also there's probably a load of typos so I'm gonna fix those later)
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