#they ignore days of content with Lando and Oscar
inchidentally · 6 months
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propertyofwicked · 2 months
warnings: smut !! MDNI !! semi public sex, fingering, oral (fem!receiving), withholding orgasms, overstim, light choking, unprotected sex, implied aftercare
3.4k words (sorry i had a LOT to say) (not proof read)
thank u for 1k!! lemme know if u want more fluff/smut content in the comments - my inbox is also open for requests! <3
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“you wanna fix that attitude before i fuck it out of you?” lando whispered harshly in her ear, his hands resting on her hips as he stood behind her. to anyone looking at them, the exchange looked nothing more than a romantic moment between the young couple, but y/n knew better.
she had barely seen him for 3 weeks, with him travelling for races, and then training and meetings when he was home, her behaviour was a cry for help.
she’d tried everything. brushing past his crotch when she walked past him, bending over in front of her vanity to apply her lipstick, even hiking her dress up dangerously high when she sat in the passenger seat of his car, dragging her fingers up his veiny arms when his hand came to rest on her thigh. but still, he didn’t react, he simply smiled at her like she was an angel, softly stroking the top of her thigh without even a second glance in her direction.
she didn’t want to be treated like an angel, she didn’t want soft. she wanted to be fucked from every angle, covered in their sweat. she wanted him to use her until she was sore, legs shaking, clawing at his bare skin for anything to ground her in reality.
so, y/n got to work. complimenting oscar on his suit, smiling a little much and for a little too long at any man that approached her, twirling the ends of her hair around her fingers throughout entire conversations, all whilst ignoring lando, only acknowledging him when she wanted another drink.
he wasn’t stupid, he caught on quickly, but he let her continue. she’d get what she wanted, but he wanted her to work for it. he was jealous, sure, but he trusted her to not take it too far, and god did he find it amusing watching her try so hard to provoke a reaction from him.
“you wanna fix that attitude before i fuck it out of you?”
the unwavering grip on her hip, sure to leave bruises - even through the layers of her dress - lando’s glares and tensed jaw. was she scared? no. was this exactly the reaction she was hoping for? well, she hadn’t worn that short black dress that dropped a little too low on her chest for lando to simply open the door for her and hold her hand like a gentleman. she wanted him, and she wanted him bad. she was desperate for any ounce of his attention.
“i’d love to see you try,” she whispered in response, tilting her head back to rest on his shoulder, so her words could only be heard by him, her back arching as she did. he pulled her waist in roughly, rolling his hips into her slightly.
“you think anyone here could have you writhing underneath them like i do? you think they could make you feel so good you forget your own name? i’d love to see them try,” he added, sending shivers down her spine and straight to the base of her stomach. he said no more, instead, he moved to stand beside her, taking her hand in his and guiding them to sit in a nearby booth. oscar sat opposite them, glancing up in concern at the red flush rising on y/n’s face.
“y/n? you good?” he asked.
“she doesn’t feel too good,” lando answered for her, his hand resting on her thigh, “combination of a long day and too much socialising, i think,” he adds, his eyebrows raising at her when he mentioned socialising.
“you know me,” she interjects, taking the chance to speak for herself, “social situations without a drink in my hand don’t mix.”
the men chuckled lightly at her response, before discussing an upcoming meeting that oscar had forgotten about, all the while, lando’s fingers toyed with the base of her dress, pushing the material further and further up her legs. she was thankful that the large table and dim lighting hid the way her hips rolled into his hand as his fingers came to stroke over the lace of her underwear. he pulled his hand away quickly, moving to grab his drink as she whimpered quietly at the loss of contact.
“you ok, angel?” lando asked her, feigning innocence, as he held the back of his hand up to her forehead, “y/n, you’re burning up,” he added, biting back a smirk.
“there’s an outside area, through that door there,” oscar told them, pointing to his left, “get some fresh air, it might help.”
“thanks, mate,” lando said, pulling the girl up to stand, her hands tugging her dress back down as he did, “ill see you later, yeah?”
the boys nodded a quick bye at each other as the couple walked in the direction of the door, the fresh air engulfing the two of them as the door closed behind them.
“you need to learn to behave yourself,” lando started, glancing around at the empty patio before pushing her roughly against a nearby wall, “whimpering like that when i barely touched you.”
“im sorry,” she replied, kissing his jaw lightly.
“you’re sorry? no, you wanted this. acting up all night like a desperate little whore,” he spat, before pressing a harsh kiss to her lips, his tongue moving into her mouth as their teeth clashed slightly from the force. the kiss was messy and heated, one hand resting on her jaw, the other on her waist as his rolled his hips into hers. she moaned into his mouth, tugging lightly at his curls as he pulled her leg up, his hardening bulge grazing her lace panties, exposed as her dressed rolled further up her thighs.
“not here,” he groaned in her ear, pulling back and letting her leg drop for her to stand.
“you didn’t care before,” she retorted, her hands grabbing at his jaw to kiss him again, “playing with me in front of oscar like that.”
“not risking someone walking out and seeing what’s mine,” he said again, grabbing her hand before walking around to the valet. y/n trailed behind him, taking large steps in a bid to keep up with his pace with only his arm to leverage the distance he put between them.
the car ride was tense, the silence heavy as she waited for lando to do something, anything. instead, both hands gripped the steering wheel, knuckles turning white. the anticipation had her clit pulsing, blood running hard and fast through her body as she sought for any friction to relieve her. y/n wriggled in her seat, repositioning herself over and over again with no such luck.
“is my pretty girl so desperate she can’t even sit still?” lando taunted, glancing to his side to watch as she sat fully upright, shoes abandoned in the footwell. she brought one leg up on the seat, her head resting on her knee as her free hand moved over the grab his from the steering wheel.
“please, lan,” she begged, guiding his hand to rest on her thigh.
“we’re almost there,” he countered, yet his hand still gripped at the flesh of her thigh, releasing only to stroke his fingers along the skin, closer to her heat.
“just do something, please lan. i’ll do anything you want, just need you now please,” she said, pleading with him again. his fingers grazed her panties finally, pulling the fabric to the side as his fingers slid through her folds softly, coating his fingertips in the wetness she’d built up throughout the evening.
“so desperate, so wet for me,” he said, rubbing small circles into her clit as he patronised her, “couldn’t just behave for one night could you? just had to try and rile me up to get your way, huh?”
“just missed you is all,” she panted out, head rolling back as he pinched at her clit, she was getting close, “wanted you all night, just you.”
“too late for you to act cute, y/n,” he warned, “you wanted this. you’ll get what you want, you just need to be taught a lesson.”
he pulled his hand away, resting it on the back of her head rest as he turned to reverse into the parking spot. she whimpered at the loss of contact, having her climax snatched away from her, her sounds sending blood rushing back to his cock.
this was a game they played, he was never truly mad at her, he knew her bids to make him jealous were just that - bids. he’d do anything to see her smile, anything to be close to her, anything to show his gratitude for every little thing she does for him. if she wanted it rough, she’d get it rough. if she wanted gentle, he’d be gentle.
and right now, she wanted him between her legs.
lando pushed her down on their bed, wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her heat closer to him. he pulls at the sides of her panties, toying with the fabric before slowly pulling them down her legs when she moans at him to hurry up. she’s resting on her forearms, staring down at him as he rolls the sleeves of his white shirt up, her hair falling down her back as she rolls her hips up, desperate for him.
“patience, angel. taking my time with you,” he says, breaking the silence. he wraps an arm around her leg, pulling it over his shoulder as he rests his forearm over her stomach, stopping her wriggling. his finger returns to her folds, still slick from earlier, as he pushes a digit inside her, feeling the stretch around him. he pumps into her a few times, before adding a second finger, twisting them into her, feeling the way her walls contracted around them.
“more, please,” she moaned out. he simply chuckled at her.
he ignored her, fingers never faltering as he curled them up in her, hitting a spot that had her struggling to arch her back as he pinned her down into the mattress. he moved his head closer to her heat, dropping it to the side to rest on her leg, lightly kissing at her inner thigh and nipping at the skin. his eyes flittering from looking into hers before moving back to watch as his fingers disappeared inside her. she tightened around him, her breathing heavier as she got closer to finishing.
lando retracted his fingers, pushing her leg from his shoulder as he stood to look down at her.
“what the fuck?” she stated as her orgasm slipped away from her for the second time this evening.
“i told you. good girls get to cum. whores get taught a lesson,” he replied, hovering over her as he pushed the same two fingers into her mouth. she whined at him, muffled as her tongue ran along them, tasting herself.
he moved back, eyes dropping to her chest as he pulled her dress down. he stopped at her breasts, thankful for the lack of bra, as the tight material pushed the flesh upwards, her nipples hardening as he leant down to blow softly on them. one hand propped himself up, the other moved to grasp at the flesh, squeezing it roughly. his head dropped, taking her other nipple in his mouth, tongue swirling around them, teeth nipping at the surrounding skin. he dropped his grip on her other breast, fingers moving to tug at her, her back arching, chest rising into his touch.
“love these,” lando groaned, pulling away to look down at her again. her hair fanned around her head, chest rising and falling with hesitant breaths. he dropped to his knees again, face to face with her heat. with no warning, his face dove into her folds, licking a stripe from her hole, nose nudging at her clit.
“taste so good,” he mumbled, though he doubted she heard him, as he moved back to circle his tongue around her clit. his hands pawed at her thigh again, gripping the flesh as she pulled her legs up, wrapping them over his shoulders. lando’s free hand reached up, gripping her breast again, fingers flicking at her nipple. he could hear her moaning out his name, almost like a chant, his trousers growing unbearably tight.
“lan- fuck, so good.”
he groaned in response, sending vibrations through her heat. her legs tightened around his head, desperate for more, trying to hold on to her orgasm.
“im gonn-”
“hold it.” he said, slapping at her thigh lightly.
“i can-” she started, words halted as her climax washed over her. she tried to hold it, but the overstimulation from the previous assaults took over, pushing her to her finish, legs tightening further around his head as her hips rolled up. his nose brushing her clit again as she rode out her high, using his face.
when she caught her breath, her legs relaxed. lando crawled up her body, his crotch pressing against her heat as he did. he held back a moan.
“i told you to hold it,” he said, hand coming to squeeze lightly at the base of her throat.
“i know, im sorry, i tried, im sorry,” she rambled, panting in between each statement.
“i know you tried,” he cooed at her, mocking, as her hands came to undo the buttons of his shirt, pushing the material away from him. his sat back on his knees, taking the shirt off and launching it across the room as she sat back up, resting on her forearms.
she glanced down at his crotch, noticing the way his bulge strained against his suit trousers, the pressure enough that the zip was starting to roll down by itself. y/n’s hand reached out, palming him through the material before fiddling to unzip them fully, tugging the button out from the loop.
“let me make it up to you,” she begged, eyes blown wide as she stared up into his. he nearly folded at the sight, a groan getting caught in the back of his throat. he didn’t respond, he simply leaned forward, laying her back down on the bed as he pressed a heated kiss to her lips, his tongue grazing her bottom lip before pulling back to press kisses along her jaw, his hand returning to squeeze the base of her neck, harder this time.
“not tonight,” he groaned in her ear, rolling his hips over hers slightly.
lando tried to keep up the poker face but she pouted at him, turning her face, as her eyes questioned him. his head dropped to her neck again, sucking lightly at the skin.
“if i even think about you with my cock rammed down your throat, ill cum - and i’d quite like to feel that tight pussy around my dick,” he laughed softly, as did she, her smile sending warmth spreading through his stomach.
her legs raised around his back rolling the two over so that she straddled his waist, his hips jutting upwards at the weight of her sat on his clothed cock. he wriggled the two of them up the bed, so that he sat upright against the headboard, his trousers shuffling down in the processes, his boxers soon after.
his cock sprang up, hitting his stomach. y/n isn’t sure he’s ever been this hard. hell, lando isn’t sure he’s ever been this hard.
her hand moved to him, thumb running over his tip spreading pre cum down his shaft, his sensitivity causing him to momentarily forget who was supposed to be in charge. lando’s hands moved to grab hers, pulling them up to rest on his shoulders, before dropping them back to her waist to raise her hips up above his cock.
“you cum when i say you can,” he stated, eyes staring directly into hers, her eyelids fluttering from exhaustion. she nodded at him. his free hand lined his tip at her entrance, running it through her folds a few times to use her slick to prepare himself. she began lowering her hips, assuming she was taking the lead. however, when she had taken only half of his shaft, his hands gripped her hips, pushing her roughly down, filling her completely.
“fuck,” she whined, as he continued to pull at her hips, the two of them working together to maintain the pace he set as she slid up and back down his cock. his moans filled the room, his head rolling back slightly at the feeling of her tight walls clamping around him every time he bottomed out. one of her hands gripped the headboard, the other playing with the curls at the back of his head as he leant back forwards to take her nipple in his mouth, a free hand helping to grip at her flesh.
“lan, fuck. too big,” y/n whimpered again, as his hips moved to thrust up into her, taking back control of the situation.
“too big?” he laughed, “never complained before,” he added before pressing a kiss on her jaw.
his hand moved back up to her neck, finger stroking the small bruises forming on her skin.
“you think anyone else could fuck you like this?” he asked, his grip around her neck tightening, her eyes shutting at the overwhelming pleasure racking her whole body.
“eyes open,” he told her, and she pried her eyes open to stare into his. her pupils were blown, and he imagined his looked the same, noises escaped her open mouth, no longer able to form words.
“good girl, taking me so well,” he praised her, noticing the way her body began to slump, her walls tightening around his cock as he continued his brutal thrusts into her, “who else could make you feel this good?” he asked her, but she simply whimpered in response, words caught in the back of her throat.
his hand left her neck, slapping softly as her cheek as her eyes closed again.
“who else?” he asked again, tone harsh.
“no one,” she stuttered, “only you.”
“good girl. you gonna come for me?”
she nodded desperately, no longer sure if she was asking him or telling him.
“can you hold it for a little longer?” he asked, eyes looking softly into hers despite the intensity of the pace he set, “wanna come with you.”
“please, lan. i need t-”
“i know,” he leveraged with her, “im almost there baby,” he added, fingers dropping to toy with her overstimulated clit, her body arching forwards so that her head rested on his shoulder, arms tightly wrapping around his back.
she felt his thrusts falter, his pace slowing as his jutted up into her inconsistently.
“that’s it, baby. come with me, come for me.”
she felt herself let go, waves of climax washing over her again as her entire body shook around him. the walls of her heat, tightening and relaxing as she finished, the feeling pulling lando to his own finishes, each contraction milking his cock as ropes of cum shot into her.
the couple fell silent, lando remained inside of her as she curled into him further, both panting, trying to catch their breaths.
“fuck me that was -” she started, unable to find the words to finish her sentence. she didn’t need to though, he knew what she wanted to say as he hummed in agreement. he rolled the two over, pulling slowly out of her as her face scrunched up from the sting. he looked between the two of them, looking at the mixture of both climaxes coating his own shaft and the top of her thighs, leaking onto her dress slightly.
“you wanna shower?” he asked her, resuming domestic conversation between the two.
“i don’t think i can walk,” she said, smiling, as she rolled onto her back and throwing her arms to either side of her body. she was a sight to behold, fucked out, hair messy and the dress they never took off sat scrunched up around her stomach leaving her mostly exposed. he laughed at the sight, not in jest, but admiration for the woman before him.
“come on,” lando said softly, moving round to her side of the bed, “let’s get you cleaned up and into some clean clothes.”
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loonylupinblack3 · 11 days
A Bad Race
Pairing: Max Verstappen x Reader
Summary: You comfort Max after a bad race
Warnings: grinding, dry humping, suggestive content
A/N: this was supposed to be just a fluffy fic i swear idk what happened
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It was a bad race. Max’s car hadn’t been performing to its usual capacity, and it was giving the other cars a chance to win. You watched anxiously from the Red Bull garage, eyes glued to the screen as you compared times. At this rate Lando was going to overtake him in a few laps, which would be good for the Mclaren driver, gaining another well deserved win, but it wouldn’t be good for your boyfriend who had been eager to get more wins. 
As the race continued you could feel Max’s bad mood as the Mclaren car outperformed the Red Bull, pushing Max to second place. Usually still a good position, but for Max who held such high and imposing expectations of himself, you knew it would hit him hard. You waited with baited breath for the race to finish, some part of you hoping Max would gain p1 back. Unfortunately he only managed to cling onto second, Oscar Piastri less than a second behind him as the race ended.
You stayed in the garage, watching Max on the podium from the screens inside, knowing he’d come to the garage to find you afterwards and would rather have you there waiting when he was ready than going through the hassle of going in and out of the crowd and having him be finished before you were.
And just like you’d assumed, as soon as he got off the podium Max was making his way to the Red Bull garage, his steps determined. As soon as he entered his gaze zeroed in on you and he walked forwards until he had his head pressed into the crook of your neck, arms wrapped tightly around your waist pulling you to him.
You sighed and leaned into his touch, hands moving up to stroke his hair gently, over and over again in a routine you knew he liked.
“Hey,” you whispered softly. “How are you feeling?”
Max let out a muffled grunt in response, keeping his face firmly hidden in your neck, breathing in your comforting scent. You pressed a kiss to his neck, continuing brushing your fingers through his hair as he liked it, calming him down.
It was a few minutes later before he eventually pulled his face away from your neck, the cameras flashing as he did so. They always enjoyed getting pictures of you two as a couple, and Max was too obsessed with touching and being with you to try and hide your relationship from the public, so you’d gotten used to the constant cameras.
He pressed his forehead against yours, taking a deep breath. Your hand moved to cup his cheek, brushing your thumb against his skin. He leant into your touch, eyes opening to look at you, his gaze tracing your face.
“You wanna leave?” you asked him quietly.
He nodded immediately. “Just want to be with you. Hate these fucking cameras.”
You pulled back, interlacing Max’s hands with yours. “Let’s go then. We can spend the rest of the day in the hotel, relaxing.”
Max nodded gratefully, relieved you seemed to know exactly what he wanted. You ignored the cameras and the press as you left the circuit, arriving at the hotel in record time. It was quick work arriving to your room, Max sitting down on the edge of the bed with a sigh.
You moved forward until you were standing between his legs, Max’s arms wrapping around your waist and tugging you closer. He pressed his face into your stomach, breathing deeply, mumbling your name over and over. You brushed his hair again, smiling slightly at him. Whenever he was in a bad mood he was angry with others, yet quiet and small with you, craving comfort. You gladly gave it to him.
He pulled back and tugged you down so you were straddling his waist, your arms resting lazily over his shoulders. He leant forward, capturing your lips in a kiss you gladly returned. It was soft, innocent, yet you could feel the bulge forming in Max’s pants and you couldn’t help but rock slightly against it.
Max groaned into your mouth, hands tightening around your waist, pushing you down harder on his lap. You repeated the motion, grinding lightly against his cock, your kisses sloppy as you both started panting. He pulled you closer, jerking his hips up sharply against you. You let out a startled moan, starting to pull away but he kept an iron grip on you, keeping you firmly in place, hands on your hips and rocking you back and forth.
The friction made your head go fuzzy, light gasps escaping from your lips. Max’s lips left yours to find your neck, giving it open mouthed kisses, sucking and biting wherever he could. He moved you along his cock, taking full control as he increased your pace. His jeans against yours made delicious pleasure, though you couldn’t help but wish there were no layers in between you.
“Feel so good,” Max mumbled against your lips.
You sighed in response, eyes closed as you grinded against his cock, straining in his pants. You knew Max didn’t want to go further though, knew he hated fucking you when he was in a bad mood, so you didn’t push for more.
Max was grateful, bucking his hips up into you with more fevor. You whined, feeling your stomach tighten, and the sound made Max’s cock twitch. You were both close, and even though coming from dry humping like a couple of teenagers hadn’t been on your to-do list, you didn’t mind as long as you were both enjoying yourselves. 
When Max started pulling you down on his lap while he jerked his hips up, sending jolts down your body, you let out a moan, getting closer to the edge. Max was groaning in your ear, whispering your name over and over, your stomach tightening with every breathless whisper.
“Fuck Y/n, please,” Max whimpered, chasing that sweet relief.
You moved your hands to his hair and tugged, knowing that set him off. And so it did, Max coming undone with a deep groan, hands on your hips to grind your clothed cunt on his cock through his orgasm.
His voice of pleasure led to your own orgasm, and Max rode you through it, rocking your hips on his lap, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. When you were done you sagged onto him, feeling satisfied. 
You pulled back, noticing the wet patch on Max’s jeans. You smirked at him. “You should probably get that cleaned up. Have a shower.”
Max brought you into a kiss, his mood officially lifted. “Will you join me?”
“Of course.”
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not-magdi · 4 months
"Be my Valentine?"
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Warnings: none :)
Summary: Lando surprises you on Valentine's Day.
Word Count: 1k
Reading Time: 4min 12sec
I am so sorry for not updating again, but life has been really stressful lately. I sadly can't promise you that it is going to be better a school is about to start again but I'll try.
Love y'all Magdi <3
February 13th, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and you just ended a call with Lando, who was currently in Barcelona testing the new car. When he first told you he would be away for the 14th, disappointment and sadness were the only emotions you felt.   
Valentine's has been your favourite holiday since you were a little girl. It didn't matter if you had somebody or not. The pink hearts everywhere, the smell of roses in the air, and people all around being in love made it so special for you. 
And for two years, you got to spend Valentine's with the love of your life, Lando Norris. Although every day was special with Lando, he always made extra efforts for the 14th, such as preparing breakfast in bed, presenting flowers in a rainbow of colours, and gifting sparkling jewellery.
So, him not being here home with you this year crushed your spirits for tomorrow completely. Lando felt incredibly bad when he found out when the tests were, but nothing prepared him for how the spark in your eyes disappeared when he told you. 
Guilt was eating him up the entire trip to Barcelona. Even Oscar noticed and asked what was up. 
After you hung up with Lando, you decided to cuddle yourself up on your couch and do some self-care while watching some nineties rom-com. 
You knew it wasn't Lando's fault he didn't have a say in when the testing was going to be, but you were still really disappointed he couldn't be with you. 
Your stiff back and sore neck were the result of you falling asleep on the couch yesterday. The TV was still running when you decided to get up and make yourself breakfast. 
The second you unlock your phone, you are bombarded with posts of couples enjoying Valentine's Day together.  
Letting out an annoyed huff, you throw your phone on the couch and decide to take a shower, wanting to escape all that valentines crap for a bit. 
Afterwards, you felt way more refreshed and optimistic for the day. So you decided to throw on some of your favourite jeans and your most flattering top and head outside to the centre of Monaco. 
You spend your whole day wandering through Monaco, strolling through a few shops and taking a few breaks in some cafes. And even though you were still a bit mad at Lando, an addition to Lando's Valentine's present made its way into your bag. 
Your mood improved gradually throughout the day, but not hearing anything from Lando made it hard to stay positive. You texted him, "goodmorning ❤️" to show him you were not ignoring or mad at him. 
He reacted to your message, but it has been complete silence since then. You thought that maybe he was too busy, as he told you that today would be the media day, but not hearing anything from him hurt you were not going to lie.
And you were indeed correct in your assumption. Lando was incredibly busy today but not giving interviews and making content. No, he tried to convince Zak to let him fly home earlier today so he could spend some more time with you. 
"Oh, come on. Please Zak, I'm done with all my stuff, for what do you even need me here?" Lando begged his boss, quite desperate to let him fly home. 
Zak looked at him with a slightly tired expression. "Do you really have to fly home. I mean it's just Valentine's day."
Lando tried to put on his best puppy dog eyes. "It's really important for Y/N. I can't do that to her." 
That seemed to do the trick, as Lando is currently on a plane home to Monaco. He spent the whole flight on his phone, trying to make the time go by faster. A smile made its way onto his face when he saw you posted a photo of you sitting in one of your favourite cafes, enjoying the sun.
He felt so incredibly guilty after your call yesterday, already forming a plan for how he can make it up to you.
The second he touched the ground again, he immediately rushed to your favourite florist to get you the biggest bouquet of sunflowers he could find. 
The friendly old lady who runs the shop smiles as she sees Lando entering. You also visited her today, telling her your dilemma while buying a bouquet of pink tulips. 
So seeing Lando buying your favourite flowers made her happy for you, knowing you weren't spending the day alone anymore. 
You just came home from your trip, putting the flowers you bought in a vase and starting to make yourself some dinner. 
You were about to start eating when you heard the doorbell ring. Confused, you make your way to the front door. Looking through your peephole, you rip the door open in excitement.  
You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw your boyfriend standing before you. Well, you could barely see him between all those sunflowers. But what you could see. Was his adorable smile while he held a pink sign saying, "Be my valentine?" 
Rushing over to him, you tackled him in the biggest teddybear-hug, burying your face in his neck. 
"Hi baby." Kissing your head, Lando wraps one arm around you, squeezing you tight. 
"How-when, why are you here?" 
Chuckling slightly at your confusion, Lando answers, "Well I couldn't leave my girl alone on Valentine's now, can I? Besides, Zak couldn't withstand my puppy-dog-eyes." 
Laughing, you tilt your head, giving Lando a loving kiss while murmuring a sincere "I love you" against his lips.
"Mhm, I love you too, baby."  
After standing in your hallway like two teenagers, you ushered Lando inside, not letting go of his hand, wanting to have him near you all the time.  
You were now cuddling on the couch, your wrist decorated with a new bracelet, a sparkling "L" adorning its front. 
Lando broke the comfortable silence you two were basking in, "You didn't answer my question from earlier." 
You look up at him, confused. "What do you mean?" 
Wrapping his arms tighter around you, he says, "Will you be my Valentine?" 
Laughing, you take his face to kiss him, "Yes, Lando, I'd love to be your Valentine." 
Don't forget to leave a note if you enjoyed it, feedback is always welcome !!❤️
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verstappen-cult · 5 months
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here you’ll find all of my works for: 16 - 4 - 81 - 33/1 - 23 - 47 - 3 - 2—in the form of scenarios/headcanons with the link to the respective work! masterlist constantly being updated.
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lando probably gets sick while taking care of you, charles tries to cook without burning the whole kitchen down, oscar reads to you until you fall asleep, max goes crazy, alex and daniel get angry and mick wants to cry.
lando goes up to santa at the mall, charles drives you around town and helps you decorate the tree, oscar and you wear ugly matching sweaters, max goes all out and might try making a gingerbread house, key word try. alex takes you to an ice rink only to bump into people, daniel and christmas in australia, mick and his pajama-photoshoot on christmas day.
lando wearing matching outfits with you, charles tries not to show how excited he is, oscar might like reputation a lot, max will buy the most expensive tickets, alex is definitely a swiftie thanks to you, daniel definitely cries during all too well and mick might do something during love story.
lando loves the cat more than you, charles and you adopting a little one after moving in, oscar surprising you, max and you definitely didn’t plan on adopting another cat, alex and the zoo you have at home, daniel almost crying and bringing home a guinea pig, mick and cuddling. with a dog.
lando doesn’t want to know anything about the new guy you are seeing, charles is seconds away from killing your friend, oscar bottles everything up until you’re alone, max confesses something while drunk, alex doesn’t know he’s jealous, daniel ignores you and mick finds some courage.
lando defends you during one of his streams, charles makes a statement about what your relationship means to him, oscar posts a controversial tweet, again. max replies to every hate comment he sees, alex is obsessed with you and he shows it, daniel just needs a song, a phone and his guitar, and mick writes some beautiful poetry.
lando and you have a little bit of fun in his driver’s room, an innocent task turns heated between charles and you, being in oscar’s childhood bedroom makes you feel and do things, max can’t keep his hands off of you at the FIA gala, alex sneaks inside the changing room, daniel and you hide in the airplane bathroom, mick can’t get enough of you even at the club, you spend seven minutes in the closet with logan thanks to a dare and lance makes sure you’re alone in his parent’s house.
lando doesn’t really likes to go shopping but for you he’ll do anything, charles is always asking if you need anything when you go out shopping together, oscar will follow you anywhere, max would give you the world if he could, alex and you have a monthly date to go shopping, daniel likes spoiling you, mick knows your favorite brand, you don’t even have to ask him and logan doesn’t know anything but he’s willing to learn.
lando looks like he’s about to meet his death while charles is about to have a panic attack, oscar is a natural, max goes all out, alex doesn’t know what to do, daniel is your mom’s favorite, mick prepares with flashcards and logan is a mess.
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© VERSTAPPEN-CULT ⎯ do not repost, translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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blue1amory · 8 months
You are the soul that fits into mine || OP81
Pairing: oscar piastri x Räikkönen!reader
Summary: The fans call you the “it” couple, and you have 3 moment where you fell even more in love.
Request: yes
Formula 1 Masterlist
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Liked by oscarpiastri, f1, landonorris and 834,830 others
yourusername: ask me where home is and I will say with you. Because I’ve always felt more at home in your embrace, than I did in any house
Tagged: oscarpiastri
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oscarpiastri: my love, you gave my heart a home
yourusername: you make me feel butterflies in my stomach
user1: someone call Kimi, mom and dad are at it again
user2: aww 🥺😭 I feel single again
user3: I want this kind of love, the way they have their cute interaction on live tv, or the cute quotes they right when they talk about each other on insta. They way they look at each other.
landonorris: I don’t get it why people love your relationship. I swear to god, one day in the same room and they will go nuts by being the third wheel.
yourusername: we try to do it less in front of you
landonorris: yeah but you forgot the walls are not thin in the motorhome
oscarpiastri: I hear 👂 jealousy, mate
landonorris: nah, only trying to prevent more traumas
user4: if there is a person with the same attitude as y/n, 💳 take everything
kimimatiasraikkonen: when are you two coming to stay over at our place again, Robin and Rianna miss you
yourusername: soon, very soon
oscarpiastri: Tell them that if I manage to get on the podium at least two times before summer break, I will do everything they say for 3 days
User5: are we going to ignore what Lando said????
The jovial atmosphere was palpable as the young couple engaged in a delightful evening of games. At present, the focus of their attention was directed towards the classic party game, twister. Emanating from their joyous expressions were rays of genuine amusement, as they exchanged playful glances. The objective was simple: they had to contort their bodies to place their limbs on specific colored dots on the twister mat. Amidst the cheerful chaos, their blissful harmony was evident.
A momentary pause ensued, as it was Oscar's turn to make his move. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he tentatively positioned his right hand on the crimson-colored circle, in a valiant attempt to maintain his balance.
However, much to his dismay, gravity had other plans in store. A wry smirk formed on his face as he succumbed to the forces of nature, toppling onto the game mat with a gentle thud. In this inadvertent spectacle, he inadvertently caught hold of your body, causing you to experience an unexpected descent as well. Astonished, both parties found themselves momentarily in a state of bewilderment. Yet, the perplexity swiftly transformed into unbridled amusement, as laughter escaped from your lips and you proclaimed victory.
Oscar and you rose from the floor, exchanging smiles that conveyed a shared sense of contentment. Subsequently, you made your way to the kitchen with the intention of brewing a comforting cup of tea for both yourself and Oscar. As you initiated the process by switching on the teakettle, Oscar tenderly encircled his arm around you, aligning his chest with your back. In a gentle, heartfelt murmur, he expressed his profound affection, saying, "My love, the depth of my adoration for you knows no bounds. If only we could remain in this embrace indefinitely."
In response, you turned your body to face him, acknowledging the significance of his words. "I share that sentiment, but you have your racing career to pursue. It's only the beginning of your rookie year, and you can't afford to halt your progress. Furthermore, I rely on your unwavering strength when it comes to engaging with my father, for he holds you in high regard," you whispered, emphasizing the importance of his resolute demeanor in your familial interactions.
As Oscar was poised to utter a response, the resonant sound of the teakettle reaching its boiling point interrupted the silence. Reacting to the audible cue, you gently disengaged yourself from Oscar's embrace, attending to the task at hand. Retrieving the teakettle, you carefully poured the steaming water into the waiting mugs that housed the tea bags.
Once the kettle was safely returned to its original position, you sought solace once more in the comforting embrace of Oscar. Nestling your face into the cradle of his neck, you experienced a profound sense of warmth permeating your heart. In that fleeting moment, a profound realization washed over you, confirming that Oscar was not just a person, but rather a place of refuge and belonging—a true embodiment of home.
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Liked by oscarpiastri, colbybrock and 834,830 others
yourusername: when your boyfriend ups his game. You got to let him have his way 😉😏🫦
tagged: oscarpiastri
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oscarpiastri: got to satisfy you somehow
yourusername: you always do
User6: damn both are hot
User7: they are making me question my sexuality
User8: yeah mom and dad are HOT 🥵
Colbybrock: let me guess he loves to be dominant just like me
Liked by yourusername
User9: hey Google, search how to be like your name
User10: I’m jealous of her, how did she manage to catch Oscar
User11: more like how did Oscar catch your name
F1: Oscar piastri leads the race with how much of a simp are you for your girlfriend. 30 second behind Oscar we have number two in this race Alex Albon and on number three we have George Russel.
User12: I- did you guys see your name like Colby’s comment
kimimatiasraikkonen: I know you two are adults but please tell me your using protection
User13: Kimi I- you did not
User15: not Kimi exposing Oscar and your name
yourusername: Im not having this conversation here
kimimatiasraikkonen: fine, call me
yourusername: NO 😭
User16: Slut
User17: shut tf up
User18: leave
Seated comfortably upon your father's couch, your gaze remained fixed upon your boyfriend, Oscar, engrossed in playtime with your younger siblings, Robin and Rianna. The sheer delight that emanated from their interactions never failed to captivate you. In a heartwarming moment, your father, Kimi, entered the room, bearing a cup of tea which he graciously extended to you before taking his place beside you. As his eyes followed the animated exchanges between his children and your boyfriend, a subtle smile played upon his lips.
Amidst the collective giggles and hushed conversations, a soft utterance reached your ears, carrying the weight of your father's approval. "You've chosen well," he observed, prompting you to shift your gaze to him. Meeting his steady gaze, his words lingered in the air, suffused with a depth of meaning that resonated deeply within you.
"He brings you joy, kulta , casting a radiance upon you that evokes the brilliance of stars," he continued, his voice gentle and sincere. In the ensuing pause, the significance of his sentiments rippled through the room. "He treats you with a reverence that befits a queen, an embodiment of prioritization that is truly rare," he articulated, each word carrying an unwavering weight of truth.
The unspoken rarity of such unwavering devotion hung in the air, punctuated by your father's contemplative pause. "Such qualities are a rarity," Kimi concluded, the assertion carrying a sense of finality. The intensity of the moment swelled within you, your emotions teetering at the precipice of overflowing.
With a heartfelt whisper, you found your voice, expressing gratitude that seemed to transcend words. "Thank you, Dad. Your words hold a significance beyond measure," you conveyed, your words a testament to the profound resonance of his observation. His comforting touch upon your leg conveyed an unspoken connection, grounding you in the midst of emotions that threatened to overwhelm.
As your gaze returned to Oscar, you were infused with a renewed appreciation for the depth of the bond you shared. The room seemed to brim with an indescribable warmth, a testament to the power of familial support and the beauty of love that transcends ordinary boundaries.
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Liked by oscarpiastri, mackenyu and 103,021,472 others
yourusername: i am proudly to announce that I will be in cast of ‘one piece’. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.
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User19: my momma is finally getting her dream job
oscarpiastri: ‘m proud of you, my love ❤️
landonorris: yeah yeah congrats yourname
Yourusername: thank you boys
User20: I absolutely love her dress
mackenyu: don’t worry oscarpiastri, i will only have her in the serie, no need to get jealous because she is in my arms sometimes and kissing my lips😉
User21: he did not
User23: zoro my man you’re iconic
oscarpiastri: i dont have to be jealous i am the only one who makes her scream
kimimatiasraikkonen: you are making me grandchildren, well yourname, your mom will be delighted
User24: not oscar getting jealous and kimi just simply saying that yourname mom want grand children
colbybrock: my man, oscarpiastri, can you ask when yourname will come and join one of mine video’s
Oscarpiastri: over my dead body colbybrock, then she will come back and be like omg Colby did this, colby did that, omg he is so hot, so no-uh
Yourusername: oscarpiastri you did not just out me
User25: oscar run
In the embrace of his arms, you experienced an overwhelming sensation of love and security. It was an emotion you had never anticipated, the profound knowledge that you had found your soulmate, the one destined for you. Astonishingly, here you were.
Oscar, with his gentle strokes and whispered endearments, devoted his attention to the tiny life growing within your womb. He shared tales of anticipation and dreams of the day when your child would join your world.
These fleeting instances were your sanctuary, moments untouched by external disruptions, the kind you yearned for relentlessly. Nothing could sever the bond that united you both during these precious times. The journey had been arduous, spanning five years to reach this juncture, three of which were spent in matrimonial bliss. Yet, you wouldn't alter a single detail of this extraordinary path.
Your love for this man transcended everything else in your world, second only to the imminent arrival of your child, and it was unassailable, impervious to any external influence.
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ham1lton · 11 days
list of upcoming works! ♡
any requested works have a ♥︎ besides them <3
— author’s note: i may be changing my list of drivers i am writing for but i will honour any requests made prior. so keep an eye on my guidelines for when i open requests again! also i’m posting these so i actually do them. let me know which one you’re feeling the most! and i’ll push it to the top of the list.
welcome to miami - maneater post.
-> after the miami grand prix, you and some of your fellow drivers go out for karaoke and drinks for ‘bonding’ according to a certain lando norris.
good old fashioned lover boy! - lando norris smau ♥︎
faceclaim: woo da-vi.
-> lando is in love. his girlfriend is the perfect girl in every way possible, except for one thing: she’s a pescatarian, and lando hates fish.
diet mountain dew - aka wet dreamz 2.0 ♥︎ (might be split into two parts)
-> older just men do it better.
kiss it better baby - lewis hamilton smau ♥︎
faceclaim: rihanna
-> the two of you have known each for almost two decades now, and the rumour mill has been working overtime about your alleged relationship. after years of denial, your relationship is exposed after lewis’ grand prix win.
don’t trust the bitch in apt 33! - max verstappen smau ♥︎
-> your new monaco apartment is amazing. it’s close to your friends, family and work, it has incredible amenities and your neighbours for the most part seem kind. the only issue is your upstairs neighbour, who games all night and sleeps all day, and is insufferably loud while doing it.
if we were a movie - charles leclerc smau ♥︎
faceclaim: zendaya.
-> need for speed, out in cinemas feb 31st 2026, follows emma, a coffee shop owner, who falls in love with christopher, a formula one driver. the film’s marketing manager decides to take you and your co-stars to the next f1 race where you meet the original inspiration for christopher and maybe, find a love story of your own.
just a normal girl - charles leclerc smau
-> just a normal girl is a stand-up netflix comedy special performed by actress and comedienne y/n l/n in which she discusses her childhood, her horrible first meeting with her boyfriend and being a twenty something in london.
she became a victim to my busy schedule - oscar piastri angst.
-> all your life, you’ve been known as oscar’s girlfriend and for a while, you were content with that. yet for him, it's hard juggling a girlfriend and a burgeoning racing career. unbeknownst to you, he’s already made his choice.
the princess diaries - charles leclerc smau.
-> it’s one thing finding out you’re the crown princess of a small country and it’s another thing to figure it all out while ignoring the totally hot monegasque ambassador. — based on this drabble.
— then i’m finally going to finish the 500 followers celebration at some point. i promise!!! 😭
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luviemax · 5 months
bookstore girl- ln4 oneshot
a/n: inspo from this song :D
-> lando norris x female!reader (no physical descriptions)
warnings: none really, just lando being super whipped tbh NOT PROOFREAD :(
word count: 809 words
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He doesn't read.
Pratically everyone in the paddock knows that for a hard and solid fact, Lando Norris' many hobbies does not include reading.
He plays golf. He occasionally streams on Twitch. When he's really desperate, which doesn't really happen with his full plate, he bothers Max. Plus, most of the time, he's occupied with organising and planning for more Quadrant content.
But Lando's never found himself with this much free time. He's so free that he has practically no clue as to what he should do. He's travelled back home to the UK for Christmas. Now that the festive season has slowly come to its end, the streets are more dreary, lacking all the festive decorations and the cheer which once veiled the streets. Lando notices that everything is significantly less empty now, and supposes that everyone's gone back to work.
Carlos thinks that Lando is a hothead.
Lando doesn't agree. In fact, he was in such intense opposition of this opinion that he refused to speak to Carlos for two days. However, this argument is long forgotten; it did happen at least 2 years back anyway, when they were still teammates at McLaren. But Lando still remembers how Carlos recommended for him to start reading more often to hopefully get a grip of himself. He never really considered it, up until now, simply because he has the opportunity, but also because he's just come across a quaint little bookstore.
When he opens the front door, the first thing he notices is how warm it is.
Not hot, like how the Qatar Grand Prix was, but warm, like a hug from his dad. Like coming home from a 3 week long stint. He'd never been a big reader, but immediately he'd felt at home in that bookstore. He smiled back at the elderly man behind the counter, and began to browse the selection of books available.
By the time he was done, he'd decided that he would buy a few books. Just testing the waters, Lando thinks to himself. That's when he sees you for the first time. You're talking to the man at the counter.
You're postively gorgeous.
Your hair angelically frames your face. A wide grin crosses your face, but Lando swears that even with a scowl, he swears you could still look gorgeous.
He thinks that you're the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, and it takes every ounce of his attention to ensure that he doesn't drop the stack of books in his arms, simply stunned by your presence.
But before he can catch you, you're in wind.
The chime of the bell rings behind you as you close the door, and Lando swears that he's never been more devastated in his entire life.
He walks home, and he feels down the entire day. He didn't even manage to get your name. And yet, something as mundane as your name feels like a sacred artifact to behold. If he's even able to get your name, he swears that he'll protect it. Hold it in his hands like a fragile piece of porcelain. Shield it from the prying eyes on the public and the screaming voices of the paddock.
But no.
That isn't possible, because he doesn't even know your name.
He sleeps like a baby that night, dreaming of your face, what he'd think your voice would sound like, what he thinks that you would feel like safe in his arms, and it feels like a douse of cold water when he finally wakes up from his slumber.
His friends, Max, Carlos, Oscar... they hear of you. Non-stop. In fact, they're kind of tired of Lando, and have taken to ignoring him, because he won't stop going on and on about the beautiful girl he saw in the bookstore. They don't hear the end of it for a few hours.
By chance, 2 days later, he sees you in the cafe.
It was purely coincidental.
You'd never left Lando's mind. He did stop nagging his friends about you, mostly because they got annoyed at him, but he came back to reality with a rude awakening.
Really, how likely was it for the two of you to cross paths again? Especially in these few golden days back home, before Lando would return to Monaco.
But hey, always dream of the unthinkable, right?
You're working on your laptop, eyebrows knitted together in intense concentration. He thinks it's cute.
Lando delibrately sits to the table next to yours, and whips out one of the books he'd bought the other day from the quaint little bookstore. You briefly glance at him through your peripheral vision, before you're making a delighted expression and excitedly chatting to him about his book.
By the end of your impromptu coffee session with Lando, he's pretty sure that you were made for him.
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smicksstuff · 1 year
welcome to the land down under. home to the poisonous snakes and many creepy crawlies. piping hot tea has been spilt, its brown liquid staining everything it touches. can yn wash the stain away or has become part of who she is ?
The Pitbox Crew Series
read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 here
Upside Down, Inside Out
(f1drivers x yngasly)
⚠️ warnings: alcohol consumption, fighting, swearing, cyber bullying.
a/n: this is a work of fiction. i do not encourage this behaviour. also i apologise for the google translate french and spanish. please ignore the typos, i will edit them soon.
meanwhile on twitter .....
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liked by pierregasly, paulgasly, isahernaez and 739, 728 others.
ynusername im speechless. i have no idea what race i have just watched 😭😭😭
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scuderiapedrogaseoso i hope pierre is okay !!
yngaslyfans that race was a nightmare but you are still slaying in the paddock
gaslyfc can’t believe i woke up for this race !! all my guys are out 😫😭
formula1girls can we take a moment to appreciate the content provided by yn. girl gave us so many bts to cure our broken heats 💔🥺
formulauno her and danny ric !! we need more of them !!!
spicychilli i mean can we appreciate her and carlos too!!
piastrigirls miss gurl giving love to all the boys!! she and oscar is an unexpected duo. 🧡
oscarpiastri matey you need to learn how to send the photos 😐
yngasly i’ll send it now ! i promise 🤞🏼
oscarpiastri ill believe when i get it 😑
mickschumacher you post all this but not you surfing 🤔
yngasly you promised not to talk about it 🥺
mickschumacher just you wait till your birthday 😁
yngasly thats a threat !!! @pierregasly micky is threatening me with the surf pics 😠
pierregasly @mickschumacher i have more embarrassing ones, i will bring them to the next race for you 😝
yngasly HEY!!!! STOPPP
mickschumacher thats awesome! cant wait!!
pierregasly what are big bros for ❤️
f1fans i like how she is ignoring the obvious! why haven’t you acknowledged the tweets yet!!!!
username7 girl you already did all the shit why are you scared to admit it ?
yngaslyfc omg i made it! You made my year! can't believe I got to meet you.
liked by yngasly and 67 others
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liked by f1fans, username8, f1fanatics and 6,789 others
f1tea Pierre arrived in the paddock at 8.30am this morning. Melbourne walk was booming with fans having 1 last chance to get their merch signed by their favourite racers.
In non-driver news, the Gasly Princess - Yn Gasly arrived to the paddock at 9.00am alongside Joris Trouche and Charles Leclerc. As they walked through the Melbourne Walk, loud jeering and boos could be heard from the fans. Many were telling her to stay away from Formula 1 and its drivers.
Upon hearing the jeering and boos, Charles Leclerc alongside other drivers Alex Albon, George Russell and Lando Norris who were present at Melbourne Walk proceeded to try and defend their friend yn however their efforts were not enough.
Joris Trouche then took Yn tight in his grip and entered the paddock quick. Sources from inside the paddock say that Yn was in tears and Joris proceeded to walk with her to the Alpine Motorhome. Throughout the Race Day, Yn was not seen as much in the paddock.
What are your thoughts ? Does Yn deserve the backing of the drivers? Let me know in the comments
view 789 comments
f1fans She had this coming.
username8 hate to break it to you but after what she did, how could they not boo her.
username7 she is a bad influence in the paddock. she should be removed.
lordperceval Yall HAVE TO STOP !! this is cyber bullying.
chillichicas i agree! she doesn’t deserve this. yall dont have to like her but at least acknowledge she is human too
spicylovers she isnt your human punching bag
quadrantmania for petes sake. she is just a kid trying to support her big brother at races and yall are coming at her like she committed a huge crime.
landounited lando should ditch her! he doesnt need friends like her
landino and who are you to decide who lando can be friends with
pedromyman what she did was to herself. It does not affect anyone of yall. You dont like it, dont follow her. I for one do not want her to disappear from the paddock again.
vroomvroom why are the drivers even trying to defend her. im sure their teams will not support it.
estiebestie she should just leave. she is not that important anyways.
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liked by isahernaez, pierregasly, landonorris and 567, 903 others
yngasly i thought i would come here and address the information circulating online about me.
view 893 comments
pierregasly ❤️❤️❤️
charles_leclerc Ma petite sœur toujours ❤️ (translation: My little sister always)
lancestroll always gonna be here for you 💚
isahernaez ¡Mi mejor amigo! Estoy muy orgulloso de lo lejos que has llegado. ¡Siempre estaré aquí para ti! Te quiero. ❤️ (translation: My best friend! I am very proud of how far you have come. I will always be here for you! I love you.)
chloestroll love you baby ❤️
landonorris you can try to get rid of me but you will fail 🙃🧡
yngaslyfans i may not know you personally but im always gonna stand up for you. we all make mistakes in life. its what we do after that- the learning from it that matters the most.
paulgasly ❤️
arthur_leclerc Si heureux que tu sois de retour ! Tu m'as toujours eu ! ❤️ (translation: So happy that you're back! You will always have me!)
carlossainz55 Estoy muy feliz de llamarte mi familia ❤️ (translation: I'm very happy to call you my family)
estebanocon so proud of you 😃
alpinef1team we are proud of you Yn ! you will always have our love and support 💙💙💙
scuderiaferrari one of the strong ones ❤️
lewishamilton so proud of you kid! like i told you in the paddock “dont let the noise discourage you. they dont know who you really are!” ❤️
fernandoalo_official my kid 💚
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liked by yngasly, charles_leclerc, f1, alpinef1team and 1,465,010 others
pierregasly Yn Julianna Gasly. My relationship with my baby sister is one of the most important in my life.
From all the pizza parties to celebrate karting wins and her football school team wins, to fighting over the PS3 controllers, to not talking to each other for months, we have gone through it all.
Yn has always been on my side through the thick and thin. At every race she be at the garage or along the fence cheering me on! (charles and anthoine too but thats beside the point) Good day or Bad Day she always made sure she was there for me. She even ditched playdates to travel with Maman to watch me race.
Anthoine’s Passing affected all of us differently. We handled our grieve separately. My biggest regret was pushing Yn away forgetting that she too was grieving the lost of her bestfriend. When I look back, i feel that the road she went down was partly my fault. But with an immense amount of help for her and the family, we got through it together. I hated that my sister was barely with us for those 4 months. But at that time i thought that was best. Looking back, I should have done more. But mistakes were made. Like I told Yn, “Mistakes are OKAY only if they happen once and you learn, and dont repeat it again.”
My sister made a mistake. It is something she cannot ignore. It happened. But she learned from it. We learned from it. Her past does not define who she is now. My Sister is my number 1 Supporter. She is my Person, My Best Friend, My Twin. What has been said online the past few weeks about her the jeering when she is out in public is simply unacceptable. It has to stop. Losing someone you love can make you do incredibly stupid things. But I know my sister, those 4 months was not her.
So please I am hoping that you can understand. The mistakes my sister made in the past is not who she was or is now. Please stop circulating the pictures and videos.
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taglist: @fangirlika @threedalla @sticksdoesart @ophcelia @gothicwidowsworld @nmw-am @h0e-xoxo @inthestars-underthesun @tyna-19 @champomiel @pitconfirmbutton @clcspeonies @67-angelofthelordme-67 @xcharlottemikaelsonx @fulla02 @mehrmonga
credits: all pictures are found from pinterest and instagram
a/n: thank you for reading this far !! If you have any suggestions send them to me!! I would love to hear them ◡̈
if you would like to be tagged when new parts are released, drop your usernames in the comments!! 😁
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inchidentally · 6 months
Even though I only ship characters from books and movies, it's really hard not to ship Lando and Oscar looking at the many gifs that appear on Tumblr every day. The chemistry between them also rubbed off on me, and it really is quite a challenge, so congratulations to them, they captured my icy heart.
Yes, I miss them. I hope there will be new content with them soon :)
"captured my icy heart" omg anon I'm so glad they could be the ones to thaw you <3
fr without even getting into rpf or ignoring reality at all I think we can all see in Oscar and Lando that feeling you get about some people where they just... warm you from the inside and make your brain feel fuzzy. it doesn't even need to go beyond that it's just the way Oscar looks at Lando like he stepped out of an enchanted doorway and the way Lando looks at Oscar like Oscar was made just for him. it's like how people describe a place or a city as being inherently romantic. that's what real life landoscar feels like for a lot of us.
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httpiastri · 9 months
can i try something? – op81
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oscar has the best hands.
genre: does it really count as just suggestive if it's this dirty? i think not? this probs counts as smut, idk... either way, 18+
pairing: female reader x oscar piastri
warnings: .....smutty things.....
requested?: yes! thank you for requesting, requests are still open<3
author's note: the description 😶 don’t mention it 😶 i have so many requests that i’ve written and that are just waiting for me to post in my drafts but i have tiny things i want to add or change, sorry it’s taking long but i also don’t have a lot of time to write these days :( anyway…. hope you have a lovely day!
f1 masterlist
18+ content below, minors dni!
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oscar is sitting on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through some social media on his phone when you enter the living room. he doesn't look up at first, too focused on reading one of lando's latest instagram posts. you break his trance when you step closer to him, letting your legs brush against his knees. his eyes move up to you, and his mouth instantly drops at the sight of what you're wearing.
or, how little you're wearing.
one of his white button-ups is draped over your shoulders, the material reaching all the way down to your thighs. only a few random buttons are done, the shirt revealing most of the white, lacey lingerie you're wearing.
one of his hands instinctively reaches up to your hip, urging you to come closer. you happily oblige, easily slipping down to straddle him. "to what do i owe this pleasure?" oscar asks, eyes blinking at you as his other hand drops his phone onto the couch before also landing on your side.
you shrug as an innocent smile spreads across your lips. "i just felt like trying on a new set i bought," you start, looking down at your outfit. you undo one of the top buttons, leaving him with an even better view of your breasts. the thin material of your bra doesn't leave much to imagination. "do you like it?"
oscar is nodding before he can even realize you've asked a question, all other thoughts gone as his vision zones in on your boobs. "y-yeah," he tries to look up at your face, but his eyes move back down again a second later. "a lot."
"can i try something?"
his throat is dry but he manages to get out a croaky "yes", feeling unsure of what he's getting himself into – but sure he's going to enjoy it. your hands reach down to grab one of his, bringing it right up to your face. you pause for a moment, keeping up the innocent play with a sweet smile, before pushing his hand forward and letting two of his fingers slip past your glossy lips. you let your tongue swirl around them once and you let out a content hum as you slowly pull them out again. oscar's eyes would flutter closed from the feeling, but the sight in front of him is too beautiful to ignore.
his fingers hit the back of your throat once you push them back in again, making sure to suck on them in a way that makes his pants grow uncomfortably tight. oscar can't stop imagining your lips and tongue working on his cock instead of just his fingers, and the anticipation makes him grow harder and harder every time you pump him in and out of you. the grip of his other hand tightens and he pulls you further onto his lap, needing you as close as he possibly can.
after you pull his fingers out for the last time, you instead start placing open-mouthed kisses to the back of his hand. your lips trace his skin to his wrist and along the muscles of his arm, stopping when you reach the sleeve of his t-shirt. you move your kisses up to his thick neck, pressing against the base of it and traveling up to his jaw. after pressing one last kiss to his cheek, you wrap your arms around his neck and look him straight into his eyes.
"was that okay?" you ask, your gaze following the way his adams apple bobs in his throat. he’s quick to nod, feeling way more than just 'okay' about the situation.
his hand reaches up to cup your cheek and he pulls you in to seal your lips against his. the kiss is slow yet messy, and oscar's hand moves lower to caress the side of your neck. the kiss has your head spinning but you still need more, so you shuffle slightly in his lap so you're positioned over just one of his legs. his shorts have ridden up, and the friction of his bare thigh against your panties is just perfect. you let out a whine into his mouth as you push yourself down on him, his flexing muscles making you grow increasingly aroused by the second.
his thumb starts stroking up and down your throat, lightly pressing down on it as it moves. it's all getting too much, so you pull apart from the kiss, letting your head fall back as your eyes flutter closed. your hands move to his shoulders for more stability as you continue riding his thigh, every brush against his skin sending shivers through your spine.
oscar could stay like this forever. the view in front of him is so good he thinks it should be framed and put in the louvre; the pretty lingerie showing off your breasts, your bruised lips gasping for air, your neck on full display and his big hand wrapped around it. he's never seen anything as beautiful before.
it takes you all you have to halt your movements and look back at him. his stare is filled with confusion as he watches you pull your body off him and slip out of his grip, standing up right by the couch again. trying to continue acting as pure as you can – ignoring the fact that just a moment ago, you were quite literally getting off on his thigh – you blink down at him. "i think i'd like to try something else," you hum, taking a step back. "only if you want to, of course." you turn on your heel, making your way towards your bedroom. "meet me in there if you're interested."
he makes it onto the bed before you can even enter the room.
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inchidentally · 2 months
god I wish xkit still had the inbox features - but I'm gonna screencap all the stuff under tricky asks and save them for later so I can see the fun asks and not have them get buried <3
gonna do a few of the more recent ones now and then from there bundle them every couple weeks!
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I've mostly just fallen out of interest w the ship apart from the way I enjoy it (which isn't popular lol) for a few reasons but mostly the misogyny toward real life gfs. I still enjoy it for myself and I'm even writing it rn but I'm just not motivated to go crazy over it anymore <3
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oh babe I'm a massive complainer about McLaren's new media approach meaning we don't get the fun, regular teammate content that we used to but truly there's no motive for actually keeping them apart! the carlando challenge was F1TV and I actually can't tell who pushed for the Oscar/Esteban RC car challenge but it makes sense bc they've chatted a fair amount during down time since Bahrain. I think there's a casual friendliness there.
but also this kind of cross-team content isn't unusual at all and tbh it's a coincidence that feels annoying mainly bc it coincides with McLaren sm deciding to go all slick edits rather than spontaneous and fun content.
and first anon if anything it felt like Oscar put himself in time out for well, actually slightly stalking Lando in the preseason and Bahrain kasgfkaflsagfslja I'm... mostly joking
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oh listen, Carlos and Lando absolutely are friends - and I don't wanna jump down your throat if you're not saying they aren't - but don't get me wrong, I enjoy carlando for what it actually is and not the 'secretly in love/fucking/relationship/actually gay for each other' version. ironically the reality is a lot sweeter and more real than desperately ignoring everything about Carlos to pretend he's gay or to pretend that Lando and Carlos rank even in the top 100 of people closest to them. sorry but to me the reality of baby Lando latching onto Carlos for support in F1 and Carlos quite liking this funny little dude fluttering around him even when they have nothing but driving, golf and beautiful women in common - like, that's sweet to me!! sorry ?? it's the whole imprinted on each other but we wouldn't normally be friends thing that happens in these little brother/big brother scenarios.
the fact is tho that carlando is indeed a major popularity and engagement spinner for everyone from F1 official to sponsors to Lando and Carlos themselves, and they both know that hanging out and documenting it can serve two purposes at once. the Australia stuff was all probably a bit too cynical but they wouldn't do any of it if they didn't actually enjoy spending time together! plenty of these sports bromances do similar things it's just that of the F1 bromances, carlando caught on with the 1D rpf conspiracy theorist pipeline by ticking every box. you'd think they'd catch on that it's all the ones they're convinced are RealTM that end up flopping butttt
but yea I remember the ask linking to ppl saying that landoscar and charlos are PR and to this day it's like did they just want to face a deluge of constantly being proven wrong or ??? esp the fact that Charles and Carlos get absolutely zilch out of their dynamic this season (and forever after that) - especially Carlos who could easily decide to just be blandly polite to Charles and focus on buddying up to a hopeful new teammate if charlos was purely PR. even when they play it up, it's not cynical and they make it clear. but the way they've chosen to deal with this whole circus in a joint way is like damn. they're not besties or anything but they respect the fuck out of each other and talk a lot about how to deal with being friends and also teammates.
and landoscar literally has no bromance content, no fake gay, not even excessive touching or physical proximity, Oscar isn't remotely interested in being camera friendly, they don't document any of their time together when it's not official media, and they don't remotely play up to the cameras together. the ship literally exists bc two guys like to watch each other with sweet dopey smiles, they are on a freakishly similar wavelength, have immense respect for each other, Oscar has observed and learned Lando to almost worrying degrees, and Lando has no filter so when he keeps having horny verbal burps about Oscar's body that make the people around them uncomfortable or awkward - and that Oscar just blushes and giggles through. it's absolutely not planned or strategic bc what a horrible strategy to try and convince fans to ship them like carlando and dando askflgsajlgflaf.
like, everything about Lando and Oscar's real life dynamic and friendship is one of the few cases where they're categorically known to not cynically try to promote it for fans and they don't play up to the cameras for engagement. literally they like each other and get on well and it's just. like that !!
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