#they like when it Fry's him up cause it's funny and he shines super bright
p2ii · 5 months
Atlas letting Uran and Denkou take him out during storms to see what happens if he were to get struck by lightning
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-New Addition To The Family- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
   Kody: some fluffy Draco for the soul
   Request: Some cute fluff of Draco Y/n toddler scorp and their new baby @futuremrsmalfoy20
   House: N/A
   Possible Triggers / Warnings: children, fluffy Draco, cursing
   (this story is going is not going to be long at all. Just something short and sweet)
   today was the day you would bring your infant daughter home. You had been in the hospital for two days and were just about tired of the bright fluorescent lights and terrible food. You were standing outside the large wooden door that led you into your home with Draco and Themis in a baby carrier.
   Draco had asked your mutual friend Pansy to watch Scorpius while he went to pick you up from the hospital despite her distaste towards children. Scorpius was her one exception and Themis as well. That’s why she was ‘Auntie Pans’ to Scorpius.
   “Come on, let’s show Themis her home” Draco said from beside you, lifting the baby carrier up a bit so you could see Themis’s grey eyes. They were just like Draco’s. You nod once towards him and he smiles back at you. You reach for the handle and push the door open.
   you are met with the sight of Pansy holding Scorpius in her arms staring back at you- but they weren’t the only ones there. Next to Pans was Theo and Blaise. “Welcome home Themis!” they all exclaimed in unison. You burst into a fit of laughter.
   “I thought you two were busy?” you ask, referring to the couple Blaise and Theo. You had wanted them to meet Themis at the hospital, but they told you they had been behind in work that they needed to catch up on. “Surprise, we lied. Pansy planned for us all to be here on a certain day.” Blaise informs.
   you nod once and turn your E/c eyes toward Pansy. She shrugs nonchalantly and walks over to you “Take this snot rocket” she says in mock disgust while handing you Scorpius who held his arms out wide as soon as he saw your face “Mommy!” 
   scooping him up in your arms, you turn your body towards Draco who was placing the baby carrier on the table so he could undo the buckle around Themis. “Daddy’s here too” you say and Scorpius giggles in response. He had yet to say the word dad, daddy, or any variation of that word. 
   Blaise, Theo, and Pansy both look over Draco’s shoulder “Finally, another girl around. We girls have been surrounded by testerone for years” Pansy comments. Draco shakes his head as he undoes the last buckle “Love you too Pans” he replies. She gives him a half smile.
   “She looks like Y/n more then Draco” Theo points out, gesturing towards her face. Themis did indeed have more of your facial structure then her fathers, while Scorpius was a spitting image of your husband. “I thought they cloned Draco when i first saw Scorpius” Blaise adds, making Theo and Pansy snicker.
   Draco rolls his eyes, lifting Themis from the baby carrier “I did not clone myself” he retorts. Pansy grins widely “Yeah guys. Scorpius is like bright and cheery and you were a little shit when you were a kid” You hold back laughter as you realize what’s coming next.
   “Wait until my father hears about this!” all three of them say before going into laughing fits. Draco seemed unamused to say the least “I hate you all. Also Pansy you can’t curse around Scorpius, he repeats everything he hears. Pansy rolled her eyes “Everything, but Daddy huh?”
   “ha ha ha. So comical, i’m putting Themis in her room” Draco held Themis’s head with his hand before leaving the room and down the hallway. All of you turned to follow Draco as well and into the nursery. Themis’s room was a mix of  green, black, and white. 
   a week later
   you had almost forgotten how newborns love to wake you up in the middle of the night with crying and screaming. Wear protection kids. As you slept peacefully in your shared bed, you heard the wailing of your infant daughter. You shot up instantly. 
   Draco had his arm around you, so he was yanked up as well. Poor dude. “What the fuck- are you alright Y/n?!” he shouts, assuming the worst. You look at his worried expression. His platinum blond hair was a sticking out everywhere, making him look like a goof.
   you held back a laugh “Sorry hun, Themis is crying i have to go check up on her-” as you spoke you then heard the crying of your other child Scorpius. Draco sighs with a small smile “I’ll check on Scorpius then, meet you back here?” he said, like you both were going on a mission. It was sweet.
   you nod once. Draco slithers his hand behind your head to rest on the nape of your neck, pulling your face close to his. He leans in a kisses you sweetly. It only lasted a couple seconds, but you enjoyed it very much. “Alright” you say and both of you crawl out of bed. 
   you walk out the bedroom door and turn to the left while Draco turns to the right. When you get closer you notice that the nursery door is open and you vividly remember closing it so the light from the hallway wouldn’t shine on Themis’s face and wake her up.
   an uneasy feeling invaded your stomach as you approached the door. You push the rest of the door open and spot a strange sight. Scorpius was sitting in Themis’s crib holding her delicate head in his lap. They were both crying. What in the hell?
   “Scorpius?” you say, nearing the crib. He looks up at you and points to Themis “Help” he cried out, making your heart tug. Who would want to see there baby cry- well both babies. You reach into the crib and lift Themis out. As soon as you grab her, you notice that the diaper she was wearing was full.
   before you could even speak to Scorpius Draco comes busting into the room at full speed with his wand “I can’t find Scorpius! I looked around the house and every other room! I know that you told me that if i ever lost one of the kids you would leave me, but i don’t even know how to use that thing in the kitchen!”
   you bought a dishwasher 
   slowly moving to the side, you reveal Scorpius in the crib. Draco’s face that once was distraught was now revealed “Oh thank merlin” he breathed out, practically sinking onto the floor. It was kind of amusing. “Are you okay?” you ask, walking over to the changing station that was in the corner. 
   he stood up slowly “My whole life flashed before my eyes” he spoke, making you snort out a chuckle at the dramatic way of speaking. You lay Themis down and began to remove her onesie. “And?” you question. “Please don’t leave me. I know i was a little shit back in school, but i like to think i’ve grown”
   “You have. I’m not going to leave you, you goof now go console your son please” you say, turning you head to give him a side glance before going back to changing Themis. Draco nods and walks over to the crib “Hey little one” he said as he reached into the crib.
   Scorpius held out his arms, grabbing onto Draco as soon as he picked him up “Now why were you in here Scorp?” Draco questions with a small pout. “I think he was trying to help Themis, but didn’t know how” you said, putting a new diaper onto Themis.
   Draco smiled brightly, poking at Scorpius’s stomach playfully “I’m glad he’s already trying to help his sister like a good big brother” he praises. Scorpius’s frown turned into a bright smile and giggles cutely. Super adorable. “Just like you, super protective” you say, lifting Themis from the table.
   Draco rolls his eyes “I’m not super protective” he snaps back. You raise a brow at what he just said “You punched Harry in the face when he was wiping dust off my robe” you say and watch as Draco begins to sputter “I thought he was grabbing your ass okay? what was is supposed to do?”
   “Not punch him?”
   “Well-” He closed his mouth, unable to come up with anything to say “Whatever” he mumbles. You smile and walk towards the loveseat in the corner of the room “Alright i need to feed her. Can you take Scorpius back to bed for me?” you ask.
   Draco shrugged “It’s not like i haven’t seen those before” He said, referring to your breast. You narrow your eyes, something that scared Draco. “Okay okay. Scorpius say goodnight to mommy” he crouched down next you. Scorpius grabs your face with his tiny hands and kisses your cheek “Mwah!”
   you chuckle at his super cute behaviour. He gives you a toothy grin “G’night mommy!” he speaks and your heart just melts “Goodnight Scorpius”
   the next morning
   you awoke to the sound of children's laughter, which was pretty sweet to wake up to in hindsight. You sit up in your bed and turn to face Draco, but he wasn’t there. Strange sense it was a weekend and Draco was usual the one to sleep in on these days. 
   deciding to investigate you pull the black duvet off of your body and push yourself to sit up. As soon as your straightened your back you smelt something- delicious. You couldn’t decipher what, but it smells wonderful. So wonderful that your stomach began to rumble. 
   you throw your legs over the side of the bed. You stand up, the air nipping at your skin and causing goosebumps. You look around and spot your light grey hoodie you had gotten from Pansy and slip it over your sports bra and black and white flannel pants.
    you let out a yawn as you walk across the cold hard wood floor that lined the hallway. it was definitely too early considering there were no signs of Narcissa. She usually stayed over on weekends to watch the kids so you and Draco could go do something together- but you both ended up just sleeping in. 
   children tire you out like that 
   as you made your way to the stairs the children's laughter got louder and closer. Was everybody downstairs? You start to walk down the steps, rubbing the tired feeling away from your eyes. Once you reach the last step you turn the corner to see a very- funny view.
   Scorpius was sat in his booster seat munching on food while Themis was in her cradle, shaking around a toy hippogriff that Pansy had gotten her as a joke. You named it ‘Chicken’. It is just as funny as Scorpius’s stuffed white ferret that she also got him. His name is ‘Dray’
   Pansy is a great aunt
   After looking at that you see Draco at your kitchen stove frying up what looked like sausages. “Draco?” you spoke and watched your platinum blond husband almost trip over his own feet in shock. Once he turned around you noticed he was wearing a apron that had a floral pattern on it. It was Narcissa’s.
   he musters up a smile as he leans against the counter, spatula in hand “Hey there darling. How did you sleep?” he asked and you shrug, smiling “Just fine- um, what’s all this?” you question, making your way around the table. He smiles and turns back to the pan. 
   “Breakfast” he states confidently. You look at the table and notice all the food, eggs, toast, jam, hash browns. It was impressive, but suspicious “Since when can you cook? You almost burnt the house down when i asked you to boil noodles”
   he rolls his eyes as he plates the sausages on a plate “Mother has been coming over early to teach me so i could be a ‘proper husband’ as she says. Plus you cook for us all the time and with the new baby i felt you needed a break” he explains. 
   Draco grabs your hand and lifts it to his mouth. He kisses your knuckles lightly which made you smile “Thank you Draco” you say. He sends you a wink before placing the plate with all the other food “Now eat before it gets cold” he adds. You nod and go over to sit down next to Scorpius’s booster seat.
   you look at what he was eating and notice he was chewing on french toast. You look up at him and grab his tiny pale hand “Now who made you that delicious food?” you ask in a playful manner. Scorpius gets visibly excited and points his other hand at Draco.
   you and Draco both freeze. The one word Scorpius refused to say was just spoken. You look over at Draco and notice his expression falter before a big smile came to his face “Yes! Pansy owes me galleons!” he shouts excitedly. You shake your head considering he was already insanely wealthy.
   but he probably just wanted to prove Pansy wrong. “That’s what your thinking about?” you ask. Draco looks at you and shakes his head, walking over “Not just that. I’m very happy. I’m happy that Scopius said dad and I’m happy that i have a healthy children” he spoke before crouching down beside you.
   “and i’m happy that i have a beautiful wife that stuck around for so long. Even with all my family issues and shitty attitude” Draco looks up at you with a loving smile. What a cheesy dork you thought. You lean down and he follows along as you both kiss. It was short and sweet, but you cherished it nonetheless. 
   “Now sit in a seat so we can eat” you spoke, pulling back from him
   he stands up and takes a seat next to you and Themis’s cradle “Yes ma’am”
   Taglist: @the--queen-of-hell @sonbelleame @dracosathenaeum @pxroxide-prinxcesss 
   Kody: I hope you enjoyed this short Draco fluff, it was fun to write. My requests are open as well as my taglist. Anyways, peace. 
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