#they love each other SO MUCH but Bianca just had to leave bc the tension was killing her
sick brain makes me think abt orchestra au Bianca and nico and hazel hmmm microwaving them in my mind hmmmmm
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withahappyrefrain · 2 years
ABBY!!! I’m not here with a fic title (bc I can’t even think of titles for things I write💀) but I just had a thought! Imagine existing in this weird limbo place with Jake. Where you’re not just friends, but you aren’t together, but you’re not not together. And neither of you are ready to sit down and have a conversation about what you are. But he keeps doing these things that friends don’t do. It’s mostly small stuff - picking up your favorite fruit when he goes grocery shopping so the two of you can snack when you’re hanging at his place or letting you use the one umbrella he has when it’s raining so he gets soaked but your new outfit stays nice and dry, he even brought you lunch when day when you complained via text that you forgot yours in the fridge - but there’s only thing that is distinctly not friends. At all. Like clockwork, on the first Monday of every month, he stops by the library where you work and hands you a small wad of cash. He kisses your cheek and whispers a color in your ear as he leaves. Winking at all the older ladies in the reading room on his way out, making them blush and giggle like high schoolers. After the doors are locked with all the returns checked in and reshelved, you make your way to the car and then to the nail salon. You spend an hour with your favorite tech, catching up on the salon gossip and how her kids are doing. You come out with your nails exactly how Jake likes them. Not too long, not too short, slightly rounded and painted in a shade of the color he whispered to you. He always gives you enough money for the new nails plus a very generous tip for your girl. (This first started on your birthday when you wanted to get your nails done but we’re hesitant to spend the money on yourself. “I can’t take this!” “Yes, you can. It’s for your birthday. Think of it as part of your present.” “Part?! Jake, that’s way too much!” “Darling, I make plenty of money. I can afford it and I want to treat you on your special day. You do so much for me, especially taking care of this place when I’m deployed. It’s the least I could do.” You put up a fight for another 15 minutes before accepting the money. Letting his sweet words and southern charm work on you like they always do.) When you get to his apartment, he feeds you a favorite of his and compliments the new set the whole time. (“I picked a good color this time, that red looks so fucking good. Bianca did a great job again. Hey! How’s her little one doing? Did he have fun doing the play? What was it… The Wizard of Oz?”) Once the dishes are washed and done (not by you of course, because he doesn’t want to ruin your new nails) he pulls you onto the couch and demands hair and back scratches. The two of you spend the rest of the evening cuddled up watching something mindless on tv, your nails traveling up and down his back, content sighs escaping him every so often. When it’s time to go home it’s hard to break away, knowing that this little bubble of being able to pretend you’re together goes away as soon as you pass the threshold. You spend too much time hugging each other goodbye, he lingers as he helps you put your coat on and like always, he breaks your heart when he grabs your left hand, gives you one last compliment and then gently kisses your ring finger. Right where an engagement ring would sit. If you two could ever get it together to get to that point. The drive home is the worst, the further you get from his place the colder you get, despite it being spring in California. One day, you think out loud, one day I won’t have to leave. One day, he’ll kiss my finger and then we’ll go upstairs together.
Holy shit Elle
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I loved this. The banter? The tension? The chemistry? THE LONGING?! How you fit all of that into one ask?!?!
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roreomarsh-blog · 8 years
RoMarsh || Something Like That
TAGGED→ Rory Marshall
DATE/TIME→ Wednesday, January 19th
LOCATION→ Brittany Hall (Communal Showers)
NOTES→  The one with the cold shower bc of that girl she doesn’t like.  
WARNINGS→ Mild indecency, I suppose. 
The days following the incident at Shadow Island had been some of the longest in her life. Waking up all over Sawyer had been one thing, but missing hours? A body snatched Sayoc? Low body temperatures and a return to Shadow Island? Things had officially gotten weird…. and that was coming from her.
Rory would have loved to forget the whole thing — especially the part where she got herself (and all of her friends) probed by aliens — but tension seemed to be a part of life these days. She couldn’t tell you what she had said or done to Bianca anymore, and Aspen was constantly on her case to leave Eury alone. Worst of all, Griffin was totally whacked. He used to be kind and soft; a little goofy at times, but he was somebody that Rory looked up to and admired. She respected him, but over night, the boy had grown cold and hostile; distant, like he’d never really cared at all, and it didn’t set right with her. Things had gotten so bad between him and Eury that Eury had eventually taken off for a few days, just to be alone.
And then there was Sawyer. The girl she couldn’t quite get out of her head no matter how hard she tried. Griffin had taken a sudden interest in her, and it left Rory feeling both nauseous and irritated at the same time. The fact that Sawyer was going on a date with him drove her crazy, but she suspected, that was his motive all along. For whatever reason, he seemed determined to hurt her, and though she’d never admit it, it was working. She wanted her friend back, not the douchey pod-person that had suddenly replaced him. With any luck, the footage she and Liam had found would give them the missing info they needed to figure it all out. But until then, at least she had her boys. Reese and Liam were practically angels. 
Cracking her neck, Rory wore only a towel as she walked through the halls of Brittany. The light blue material covered just enough to remain decent on her short trek to the communal showers, but she didn’t mind. She was entirely comfortable in her body and paid little attention to those around her. Her only thoughts were of the nice, hot, shower calling her name, and having just finished her three pages on the first five chapters of Sense and Sensibility, she could hardly wait to destress. She earned this.
“Hello, ladies,” Rory grinned, completely ignoring how the two eyed each other and quickly filtered out. She shrugged, wasting no time on entering a stall and dropping the towel to the floor. Shuffling through her playlist, Rory settled on Something Like That by Tim McGraw, grinning as the opening chords echoed obnoxiously off the walls. She tossed her phone onto her towel and stepped into the shower with her caddie. Turning the water on, she hung her things and all but moaned when the heated water splayed against her skin.   
“It was Labor Day weekend I was seventeen, I bought a Coke and some gasoline,” she began to sing, dancing mildly in the water that puddled against her feet. “And I drove out to the county fair. When I saw her for the first time, She was standing there in the ticket line. And it all started right then and there,”  Pulling her hair up, Rory’s eyes closed as the water streamed down her face and her thoughts slowly began to drift. She knew that pull all to well; what it was like to see someone for the first time and find an instant attraction — a connection even.  “Oh, a sailer’s sky made a perfect sunset, And that’s the day I’ll never forget. I had a barbeque stain on my white tee shirt, She was killing me in that miniskirt. Skippin’ rocks on the river by the railroad tracks. She had a suntan line and red lipstick. I worked so hard for that first kiss. And a heart don’t forget something like that,”
“God damnit,” she sighed frustratedly, her words much louder than intended. Images of her first (and only) kiss with Sawyer flooded her mind, and before she could stop it, Sawyer was all she could think about. She wanted to do it again. She wanted to do it a lot. The taste of her lips, the feel of her touch as she ran a hand up and down her leg. What she wouldn’t give to bury her face in her neck and convince her not to go on a date with fucking Griffin Alexander Sayoc. Rory turned and placed a steadying hand on the wall.
Of course she’d get all wound up when she was actually trying to relax. The song wasn’t even that relatable! Still, she flipped the hot water to cold, growing more and more irritated when the temperature change didn’t seem to be helping. At all. Throwing her head back, she pouted at the inconvenience.  
“Stupid shower,” she grumbled, reaching for the shower head. She hoped by adjusting it, the water would somehow get colder. If nothing else, it would open up her pores and take her mind off… things. She fiddled with the direction, but nothing seemed to be doing the trick. “I’m gonna be turned on forever, help a girl out!” Suddenly, the water stopped and what was left of the stream clattered to the ground in tiny pebbles. She blinked and cocked her head to the side as she stared, retracting her hand immediately when she noticed the thin sheet of ice that had covered the surface and frosted over the wall. 
Brows furrowed in confusion, Rory took a step back. Raising a hand, they felt cool and fresh like a cold winter’s morning and it freaked. Her. Out. She whirled around, hoping to bolt out of there, but instead, she tripped over the curtain and yelped as she suddenly moved faster than life, falling to her knees and sliding across the entire length of the bathroom. She tumbled to a stop, stilling only when her back hit the wall with a dull thud. 
A heart don’t forget, something like that.
Heart racing, she looked back to her stall where the music was still playing, a look of awe and wonderment on her face. Trailing back to it, was an ice-like slip n slide frosted to the ground. And with her naked ass sprawled out on the floor, she still didn’t feel cold.
“Those aliens must really like Elsa…”    She muttered, eyes fixed on the sight before her. Maybe Bianca was onto something. It was time to talk to Dr. H.
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