#they might as well hold hands already 🗣️
tariah23 · 8 months
The goiji fic updated too fast, I just read the last chapter last night-
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gatorbites-imagines · 9 months
Kinktober day 12
Roronoa Zoro + Cumplay (Snowballing)
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Hello One Piece fandom 🗣️, it is i, Gator. I have come to invade your fandom and hopefully start writing for it when kinktober is over.
I remember swearing id never get into one piece, but here I am. I’m not that far into the manga, but I am balls deep in the fics anyways, so.
What can I say, I see a man with huge pecs (Zoro) and I’m in love.
Kinktober 2023 masterlist.
Zoro grunted where he was laying, slumped against the floor of the crows nest, the place the two of you would sneak off too to “keep an eye out”. Or that’s what you told the other members of your crew, but you were pretty sure at least half had figured out the two of you sneaked off here to have some so-called alone time.
It was later in the evening, and the weather had been quite pleasant, maybe bordering on a little too warm during the day. There had been no threats as of late, allowing everyone to just relax. It had led to the two of you crawling up into the crows nest, multiple bottles of booze tucked under arms and into pockets to be shared between you.
It was nowhere near enough to get either of you blackout drunk, dating Zoro for as long as you had, had upped your own tolerance enough to need more than just a couple of bottles. But it was enough to get a good buzz going, and Zoro had started looking more and more attractive with his normal outfit replaced by some flimsy excuse of a robe.
You called it a sorry excuse, as it only came about halfway down his thighs, and there was no way to truly pull it shut around his chest. He had gotten it a long time ago, back before you guys split up for a few years to train, so it didn’t really fit his bulk anymore, but he never threw it out. Not that you were complaining, as the fabric hugged his form nicely, and the bottom stretched across the strong muscle of his thighs.
You had both been laying on the floor, buzzed in the best way, when you just couldn’t stop yourself anymore. With some work, you were able to roll over and flatten your tongue between his pecs, the robe not able to fully close across them leaving exposed skin, that you now used to your advantage.
Zoro had grunted in a slightly questioning way, but his strong hand soon found its way into your hair and held on as you sucked hickeys across the muscle of his pecs. Another part you enjoyed about this robe was how easily you could open it up, just needing to pull at the knot holding it closed, and bam, your boyfriend’s torso.
As you started kissing down his torso, you couldn’t help but appreciate how his stomach flexed under your lips, or how his thighs tensed when you groped at them. Another thing you enjoyed about the robe, was how Zoro always insisted on wearing shorts under them, you almost dared to call them compression shorts with how tight they sat on him at times. You had a bet going with Nami that he was doing it on purpose to get you riled up, it might be counterproductive to make bets on yourself, but oh well.
He was already hard as you nuzzled into his crotch, rubbing your face against his hard length. You could feel it twitch through the tight fabric Zoro had chosen to wear, and you found yourself licking your lips. You pressed your lips against the hot shaft as you looked up at Zoros one eye, his pupil blown wide as he chewed on the inside of his lip.
He huffed out his nose, and you were sure if he was a dragon smoke would have shot out. He knew what you wanted, you wanted him to ask, or even beg for it, but even in his buzzed state he found his face heating up as he turned it the other way to stare at the wall. “…please” he grumbled, his voice rougher than usual, his strong hands clenched into fists by his sides.
You couldn’t help but chuckle softly, and before Zoro could snap at you for laughing at him, you’d pulled down his shorts enough to tuck his dick and balls out, letting the waistband snap against his thighs. “Its not fair how big this thing is” you mumble as you wrap both your hands around him, and still have a good part free. It shouldn’t have surprised you how hung the swordsman was, it just made sense in some way.
Cutting Zoro off from speaking once more, you swallow the tip and take it as far into your mouth as you can. His size made it impossible to deepthroat all of him, it was hard to even get half, so instead you used your hands on what couldn’t fit in your mouth.
Going down on your boyfriend had become a science for you at this point, mouth and tongue teasing the top half, one hand jerking and touching what didn’t fit in your mouth, and your other hand fondling his heavy balls, because of course those were big too. You were half convinced it was because he was so focused on anything but getting off, so it all got backed up until you showed up and started giving him a regular outlet.
Zoro wasn’t a loud person, moaning grunting and groaning as he placed a hand on the back of your head again, though he wasn’t pulling or pushing at your head like you might have wanted some days. It was only when he was drunker he got loud, if you hadn’t seen each other in a while, or if you had decided you needed to bully his prostate for an hour or two.
You could tell he was getting close as his other hand grabbed onto the back of your head, his strong fingers gripping onto your hair as he started pushing his hips up, forcing his cock deeper into your mouth and down your throat. If you hadn’t done this so many times, you might have choked or even passed out, but you were used too it, and found enjoyment in seeing the normally mostly collected swordsman lose it for a bit.
You dig gag when he came, shooting a big thick load down your throat and into your mouth, if you had flexed your throat wrong you were sure it was gonna shoot out your nose. Zoro held you there for a moment before he let go, flopping down onto the floor with a sigh as you pulled your mouth off his length with a wet noise.
Zoro had his eye shut as you crawled your way up his body, your mouth full of his own spend. It was only when you were right above him that he looked up at you, and he seemed to lick his lip as he saw that your mouth was full. As you leaned in to kiss him, he stuck his tongue out as if to catch the cum in your mouth before your lips even met.
Your green haired lover groaned at the thick spend that spread from your mouth to his, the taste spreading across tastebuds and filling mouths. You had no idea when you guys discovered that Zoro loved to taste his own cum if it came from your mouth, but after discovering it, it almost became part of the process.
A loud slurp-like noise could be heard as Zoro sucked your tongue clean of his spend, letting his strong tongue flick across the roof of your mouth before pulling apart. You hovered over him for a while, a cocky grin pulling onto your lip as he panted, somehow looked more debauched than you did, even when you had been the one who had gone down on him.
You felt his shoulders square before he grabbed your waist, flipping you onto your back and hovering about you with that hungry animalistic look in his eye. A glance down confirmed that he was hard again, his refractory period being something you could only dream off. The robe did absolutely nothing to hide that monstrous length of his as it dribbled thick drops of white onto your leg. With a smile you laid back, happy to go along with whatever was going through your swordmans mind.
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masterof-blabber · 2 months
Dragons Rising S2P2 predictions because I can keep them to myself no longer 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
Ok this is going to be mostly Arin/Sora centric because HOOOO BOY do I sense trouble in the air for these two
First of all, Arin is DEFINITELY going to find out about Sora helping him out with the object spinjitzu thing and I think he’s going to be really really hurt. They spent so much time this season building up his feelings of insecurity and finding this out is going to bring them back in a HUGE way.
Another thing the writers spent a long time building up was Arin’s innate goodness/kindness/naivety. Call me crazy but I think he’s going to learn shatterspin in part 2 - the one thing that literally requires destroying the goodness in your soul. I don’t think he’ll use it much but I think he will learn it and be irreversibly changed
I can envision the lead-up to it so vividly and I think finding out what Sora did is going to be the tipping point. I think the rough timeline would go something like this:
Things are going well-ish. Arin’s confidence is restored and he’s back to training with a new enthusiasm. I don’t think he’ll master object spinjitzu at this point but he’ll be seeing more success and feeling better about himself
Something will happen - my guess some sort of pivotal battle where they’re relying on Arin’s object spinjitzu to save the day and it won’t work and Sora will have to come clean.
Arin - betrayed and insecure - lashes out towards Sora, and then towards Lloyd and the others when they try to comfort/calm him down. He says he needs some time to himself and runs off somewhere
While he’s alone, he’s approached by some force of evil (maybe Ras, or Ras’ master, or someone different entirely) and they use his insecurity to convince him that the ninja are holding him back - think like his conversation with Ras in part 1 - and because he’s feeling so awful about it he’ll agree to join them
Training under this new person, they’ll encourage him to work with all this insecurity and build up a ton of anger towards the ninja - especially Sora and Lloyd - and I think they’ll get him to use that to learn shatterspin
Also pretty sure Sora will learn spinjitzu & rising dragon in p2. Thematically this makes a lot of sense as Sora has been very intertwined with dragons since her introduction (she literally NAMED herself after one), and her element is all about creating new things and pushing the limits of what she can do.
Meanwhile Arin doesn’t have an element (as far as we’re aware, and I really hope it stays that way), and a parts his design speak to oni imagery - the horns especially. I don’t think it’s far-fetched so assume that under the right circumstances he may turn to destruction
Creation and Destruction never ever show up without each other in ninjago. They are completely linked and a recurring theme in the show and I think this will become WAY more evident as dragons rising progresses
Other small things:
Someone will find Jay, probably. (Hopefully!!!!) I’m hopeful for an angsty arc but in all honesty it seems like it’ll resolve quite quickly once they do find him. Tbh im happy either way I just miss my wife
Cole/Geo won’t become explicitly canon but they will continue being delightfully queercoded
I think Wyldfyre and Nya are both going to struggle without Kai,, he’s sort of been a father figure to both of them and knowing he’s stuck somewhere he might never escape from is gonna be really hard on them (esp for Nya who’s already sort of lost one of the most important people in her life)
More Wu info??? (Hoping for this! Hes present in at least one of the new sets (dragon stone shrine, linked below) so im hopeful we’ll find out what happened that silly old guy
PIXAL return???? (I’m begging on my hands and knees)
Arin Sora and Wyldfyre will meet Fritz and Spitz idk I just think that would be cute
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“I’m not pretending to care about you, I really do care about you. I know it doesn’t always seem like it, but I do. We’re having a baby together, it would be really shitty of me to not care about you.” Jack said. You have a really shitty way of showing people you care about them 😐
“I didn’t mean to hurt her, I don’t know what I can do to prove that to her.” Jack said. For one YOU CAN STOP APOLOGIZING AND DOING DUMB SHIT!! AND SHOW TO HER U CHANGED 🗣️ just a lil suggestion 🤷🏽‍♀️
“You might not have meant to, but you did. All you have to do is simply show her that you care about her, and not hurt her anymore.” Urban said, looking over at Jack. TAKE HIS ADVICE YOU FUCKING DUMBASS
“She doesn’t see you as anything but a friend.” Jack said, instantly getting defensive. And how tf would u know that?? 🤔 yo ass js asked why she left 😑 WHEN U KNEW THE FUCKING ANSWER!! You obviously don’t know her well enough, to say she doesn’t like urban 🙂
You glanced over at Jack for a second and you saw his eyes water, which of course, made your own eyes water. You reached over with your hand that wasn’t holding Jack’s to wipe the tear off his cheek that he didn’t even realize fell. Yea I’m crying, MIND YA BUSINESS 🥹
“It’s for the baby, but you’re the closest to the baby I can get right now, so I figured I’d give it to you. I actually bought two. I know we aren’t together, and it will probably be a while until the baby will be staying at my place over night, but I just thought we could both have one. I still want to have everything set up at my place too, just so we have it.” Jack said, handing you the small teddy bear. I’m supposed to be upset, WHAT IS THIS CUTE SWEETNESS?!? 😭
“I still need to tell my family.” Jack admitted. Is he Fr rn?? YOU HAVENT TOLD THEM JACKMAN?? 🤦🏽‍♀️
You felt that overall, being with Jack, even though it was just for a doctor’s appointment, went well. You were happy that you two managed to not fight for the first time. Though you weren’t happy that he hadn’t told his family about the pregnancy, you felt like he might have started to take the situation seriously. Why do I have a feeling things are abt to go to shit 😭 like they somehow already know or js somethin bad?? And they’re finally moving in a good direction 😩
You have a really shitty way of showing people you care about them 😐 he really does, sleeping with other people doesn’t let them know that you care about them 🤷‍♀️
For one YOU CAN STOP APOLOGIZING AND DOING DUMB SHIT!! AND SHOW TO HER U CHANGED 🗣️ just a lil suggestion 🤷🏽‍♀️ YES!!!! Words mean nothing unless your actions back them up!
TAKE HIS ADVICE YOU FUCKING DUMBASS Urban knows her better then Jack 🤷‍♀️
And how tf would u know that?? 🤔 yo ass js asked why she left 😑 WHEN U KNEW THE FUCKING ANSWER!! You obviously don’t know her well enough, to say she doesn’t like urban 🙂 and Urban liked her when they all first met I have a decent amount of backstory for this series that I want to eventually release, I just don’t know when
Yea I’m crying, MIND YA BUSINESS 🥹 nervous/emotional Jack really does something to me 😭 and even though she’s mad at him she’s still comforting him 😭😭
I’m supposed to be upset, WHAT IS THIS CUTE SWEETNESS?!? 😭 he’s showing her he does care, in the right way this time 😭
Is he Fr rn?? YOU HAVENT TOLD THEM JACKMAN?? 🤦🏽‍♀️ nope, and he’s had over a month to tell them
Why do I have a feeling things are abt to go to shit 😭 like they somehow already know or js somethin bad?? And they’re finally moving in a good direction 😩 no comment on this 🫣🫣
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sasster · 2 years
🗣 hmm Aderae and Thanat……
Send me a (🗣️) + two muses on my blog, and I’ll make them have a conversation whether they know each other or not!
Fancy a trip to the past?
“You did what?” Anger so rarely enters your tone, it makes the sound of your own voice ring out in your ears. It feels foreign. Are you even angry?
Thanat doesn’t seem to react to your anger. He hardly registers that the two of you are even having a conversation. He has his back to you, focused squarely on the notes in his hands. “I threw her out. Sent her home.” His answer was so simple, not a care in the world beyond his nonsensical cure. You just might be the only person on Alternia that didn’t go starting fights with forces outside of anyones hands. The simplicity of his answer shakes something loose in your chest, and a growl begins to take its place. 
“Nehali took leave to spend time with him, Thanat.” You say, indignance mounting. “He wants to see her.”
“She was stressing him out, Aderae.” His response is chastising, he means to admonish you. He casts a glance over his shoulder to gauge your reaction, and your expression must betray you because he shrugs his shoulders before turning away again. “Do I need to throw you out until you’ve calmed down?”
“Do you suppose that you can?”
At your words, Thanat finallys sets the pages he was looking at to the side and stands, he is about a head taller than you. The distance never feels so significant than when the two of you argued.
When he turns to face you, the grimace he holds could get a man to jump out of his skin. Well, if the man was anyone other than you.
You blink back at him.
“You seem tired, Thanat. Have you slept?”
He pauses for a moment to get a real good look at you, you guess. The silence lingers for a while, he had such a way of making silences feel so uncomfortable. Heavy, even.
Your irritation continues to mount, but you’ve found a way to level your tone. Somehow.
He does not answer your question.
“You should take a break.”
Silence again.
“Thanat, this isn’t healthy.”
“Are we going to have a problem, Aderae?”
You roll your eyes as you take a step back, taking an opportunity to stare at him in a disapproving manner. But.. The anger never comes when you set your eyes on him. He’s disheveled, and sad, and scared. Aren’t you? You are. God, you are.
You take a deep breath as you move toward him again. Thanat Lycaon is a pain in your ass.
You wrap your arms around him and, before he gets the opportunity to protest, pull him into a tight embrace.
Very briefly Thanat goes rigid, then he relaxes against you.
“Oh,Than, we have so many already.”
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