#they need to be repainted BAD tho
plutonianplaything2 · 5 months
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everybody say goodnight olive
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butchpeabody · 2 years
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oh my god i need her...she looks so stupid but thats fuckin raeni
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I need all of the adults to actually take action of Steve's living conditions from the moment they realize that he has the shittiest parents ever.
After the first round with the upside down Joyce cannot comprehend when Steve tells her not to call his home since there will be no one there. His mom will certainly not take care of him, she barely even calls for important dates. He is always alone, so he will just drive home with all his injuries and make do. Steve quickly understands why neither of the Byers ever goes against her will. She checks all his injuries and makes him a makeshift bedroom in their living room until he is better. She will not take no for an answer. Steve stays for almost a month there and practically has to get a doctor's note saying he is fine now before she lets him go.
Hopper sits him down eventually and makes him explain his living situation. Steve goes in as little details as possible about it, trying to brush it off but Jim is not happy and surely not believing it. He starts building a case at the station if Steve ever needs their help and you know, prepare in case they somehow get worse. Steve will have all the evidence needed to ruin them with proof of child neglect and other much much worse.
Claudia Henderson immediately starts asking for his help as home as an excuse to have him at their place and feed him. "Steve sweetie? Can you come over and help me get the door unstuck? Can you help with the faucet? Do you think we need to repaint?" And then Steve is at their place more and more and coming back home with too much homemade food. He eventually shared it with the Munsons as he cannot eat all of that by himself before it goes bad. She also insists on teaching him how to cook and they eventually fall into a routine.
Wayne Munson immediately brings him under his wing after being Eddie's personal nurse. He asks him to come over to watch games, he calls him son knowing perfectly well the impact it has on Steve if the tears in his eyes are anything to go by. He teaches him how to maintain his car that he loves so much so he doesnt get taken advantage of for being a Harrington. He gets him his own mug to add to the collection and drinks his coffee in silence pretty much every morning with Wayne while Eddie is still snoozing in his room.
Karen Wheeler starts making 3 sets of lunches. She sends him his lunch with Mike, which kills Mike's soul every day. "First Nancy, then my mom and now Eddie? What is it with you Steve?"
Steve by S4 has a whole routine for his week. - Sundays cooking with the Hendersons. They cook together and Steve and Claudia exchange new recipes and try new ones every week. - Mondays are spent at his own place and Hopper comes by after the end of his shift and they just watch TV and chat about their day with a beer in their hands. - Tuesdays is family dinner at the Byers. Steve always brings desert (that he learned from Claudia) even tho Joyce tells him that only his presence is needed. They usually catch up while doing the dishes. - Wednesdays he has a late shift at Family Video with Robin but he always takes time to chat with her parents before they get on their way. - Thursdays is DnD night, so he brings the little gremlins home. Not without a quick chat with their mothers tho. - Fridays and Saturdays are usually nights spent with Eddie, and by proxy with Wayne as well. They have dinner and if Wayne is still up for it they watch a movie. Most of the time he is asleep halfway, but they dont mind. Wayne brings a homey feeling to the place, his soft snores a background noise to their night.
So then the Harrington's come back after everything and they throw Steve out of the house for being a disappointment and achieving nothing in life. They will not just let him live rent free while he wastes away being nobody in this dead town. He is nothing but a shame to their name.
Imagine their absolute surprise when see 4 adults basically fighting in their frontyard over who will adopt Steve. Claudia is begging Steve to choose her and that way him and Dustin can finally be actual brothers. He would have his own room and they could decorate it together and they would always be just a few meters away. Then Joyce is saying that she basically adopted him since 83 and he IS family already. Putting on paper would just be the last step to it. Hopper is saying that he has been taking care of him since the first "disaster" unlike his own parents. He doesnt insist much since they all live together with Joyce now, so she can do the fighting for him.
And then Steve turns to Wayne, waiting for his arguments to be his official son now, but Wayne just casually shrugs and looks at the others. Steve lets go of a small "oh", his heart breaking a little even tho there are literal adults fighting for him right now, he foolishly expected the same from him. and when Wayne notices this, he is very quick to correct him. "Steve, don't get this wrong son. I am not fighting with them because it would be unfair. They are trying their best to make you one of them, but I have an advantage. You will be a Munson sooner or later, no matter who adopts you. My boy will make an honest man out of you, I raised him right after all" and he squeezes his shoulder. Steve just stares at him, face bright red while his eyes begin to water.
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enigmaart · 2 years
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Decided to call this AU "Equinoctial Harvest" ^^
After the pizzaplex burned down, the bois were found in the rubble by scavengers and sold off at an auction. An old man bought them and took them to his farm, Corona Crops. The old man fixed them up as best he could, repainted them with what he had (which was a LOT of different greens) and basically made them like new in about 2-3 years.
After the first year, Sun and Moon woke up from their long, long power down after the old man fiddled with their wires. They were confused and scared, but the old man was patient and understanding, and when they calmed down, he informed them of the previous events.
The bois are devastated. They had lost their home, their job, their friends too...they fell into a depression for the next month or so. The old man didn't push them. He understood they needed time. While they were in the house's garage thinking about their losses, the old man worked around the barn and in the fields, caring for the animals and tending to his crops. Come the next harvest, he brings in a plate of food into the garage, and eats as he works on the bois.
Then, for the first time in a while, they spoke to him again. Asking what he wanted with them. He told them straight up. He was a lonely old man, only getting older everyday, and needed some help around the place (especially out on the field. His back was starting to get bad).
While the three stayed pretty quiet after that, Sun was the first to reach out to and confide in the old man, who told him finally to just call him "Pa". Sun told him about all of his fears of being useless now that he's not in the daycare anymore, and how he doesn't think he's cut out for anything else. He knew most of his skill came from programming and protocols, so he's worried he won't get better at it. Pa, the ever so sweet and gentle old man, offered to teach him some things while he worked ^^
Moon was the more skeptic, cautious house guest. He wouldn't talk to Pa more than he needed to (like when he asked what particular parts he needed to fix/clean/replace). Eventually tho after a moment that opened his mind a little, he became more willing to carry out conversations and engage for longer. It wasn't long after that Moon was asking Pa how the farm works and what he does. And Pa was a very willing teacher ^^
Now, they spend everyday out in the fields (barefoot, cus they like the feeling of grass ^^) and caring for the farm and helping along Pa's business!
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years
emoji asks without emojis (?): What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)? What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to? Who is your favorite character to write? How do you feel about fan art of your stories? Do you spend much time researching for your stories? What made you start writing? What's the sweetest fic you've created so far? What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
bud thank you for the ask and also thank you for not just sending emojis i would be so confused ;-;
but also dang that's a lot
okay fuck it let's gooooo i'll wash dishes later:
What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
I'm just gonna shorthand here and say 'anything that requires a more complex plot'. Romance is easy, action is easy, horror is easy -- as long as they're short and tight. But doing things that are going to stretch out and need a plotty spine to hook into for more than about 20k? Oof. I don't want to come up with like a murder mystery or something. Why can't all stories just be 'guy has complex feelings he doesn't want to admit about other guy even as they are boning'. That's my wheelhouse.
What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Ooh I'm super bad at this kind of thing. Like, if I didn't mean to do it how will I notice it's in there. My guess is that it's probably something like -- Dean's essential uncertainty plus Sam's essential confidence? Even in fics that aren't about that (or that subvert those things specifically), I have a very solid hc/conception of each of them that I bet I literally can't write against. (But if anyone's got a diff answer let me know. Maybe I'm accidentally including like Hardees references in every fic.)
Who is your favorite character to write?
Dean. He's just so easy. His narrative voice is fun and easy to tweak into cracky or romantic or deep angst. Sam's a lot harder to make sound distinctly Sam, partly bc he doesn't have as many catchphrases or insane verbal constructions, so while it's a good challenge to try to write his voice -- Dean's more satisfying, haha.
How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
Great! It never happens, but. Great in theory! (Except when v nice people named frauke agree to do an exchange. <3) But like, no need for anyone to ever ask permission. Or even tell me, hell. You do you.
Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
mmmm yes and no. I am definitely one of those people who's googling literal map directions and 'when was the war of 1812 oh wait, right' and what professor someone's likely to take Anthro 202 from, but I find that if you don't let yourself get bogged down in those things they're actually helpful -- the restrictions of reality actually serve as a good goad to creativity as you try to work inside those boundaries. But, like, I'm not going to spend 3 hours figuring out how to make moonshine if the character's making moonshine. That's going to be, 'and then he made moonshine' and we're gonna move on. (Top tip tho it is easy to blow up your house if you do that wrong, so don't have the character accidentally blow up his house.)
What made you start writing?
I wanted a story to exist and no one had written it the way I wanted it, so I had to do it myself. That's always it. If someone else could just deliver exactly what I want the way I want it, I don't think I'd be out here in the word processor mines getting the writing equivalent of the black lung. But I want it how I want it, so. Here I am. [cough cough]
What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
ummm [pause while I go check my ao3] -- idk, I guess this is probably recency bias but I'll go with my latest heaven coda, feels like rain. It's sweet the way I like sweet, which is comforting and there's definitely sugar but it doesn't make your teeth ache. They'll repaint. <3
What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
Almost entirely good ol' Microsoft Word. I hate writing inside Google Docs and try to avoid it if at all possible. Dropbox Paper is okay but I prefer it as a note-taking/saving device. I've also used Calmly Writer Online, which has a nice blank-slate vibe (and will auto-generate an m-dash, which is not to be sniffed at), but if I'm remembering right it doesn't save things for you so it's a bit high risk. I have also been known to use pen & paper, but I think faster than that so it's mostly frustrating -- nothing better than literally closing your eyes, setting the music volume to stun, and racing through some sprinty writing in the boring blankness of Word with sans-serif font. :)
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ever-after-bi · 4 years
guys so i bought the catacombs playset/dollhouse awhile ago and.... it’s cute but the coloring is SO ugly. i might repaint it to be less tacky, would anyone be interested in seeing the results?
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biobliterator · 6 years
I rly hope my grandparents give me a lot of Christmas money when I FINALLY see them cuz I rly wanna get this bjd w/o feeling super super guilty abt it
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Ficlet: Bad Day
Had a shitty day yesterday for no reason at all. Had this in mind but didn't have time to write it. Feeling worse today because my day didn't end like in this ficlet? Oh well.
Frankie x you/reader in a dress but no other physical attributes described
No warnings but definitely sexual innuendo and you rubbing up against a smelly sweaty Frankie like a cat basically.
Words: 1,254
”I think I’ll go into the office today,” you announce and go to get dressed. The more you think about it, the better the idea sounds: the office is almost empty due to vacation times, it has AC, and you can get a frappuccino from the coffee chain next door.
It's just one of those mornings. They're far apart, come irregularly, but they're there.
You're feeling like shit for no reason. Tired and moody despite sleeping well, you spill milk as you pour it into your big cup of black tea. When Frankie enters the kitchen, you're buttering your toast with more focus than necessary, just to avoid having to speak to or even look at him. He's wonderful, he doesn't deserve this. You just hope he understands to leave you alone.
"Morning," he greets you with a yawn, bending down to kiss your head as he passes you on his way to the coffeemaker. You mumble a good morning in return, your attention still on the slice of toast. Frankie pours himself coffee and takes his seat on the other side of the table from you.
"You okay?"
He doesn't believe you and you glance at him. "Just tired."
"Is something wrong?"
"Just let me be!" you snap, regretting it immediately. Frankie deserves better. You look up, ashamed, to meet his perplexed stare.
"Sorry," you mutter. "Bad morning."
"Can I help?" he immediately offers. You shake your head and bite into your toast, lowering your gaze again.
"I'd like to help," he insists and you stifle your frustrated sigh.
"I just need to sulk it out."
"But babe..."
He means well. He means so well, always, all the time, just wants to love and protect you around the clock. But you can't take it this morning, you just want silence and to get on with your day. And he should know that, should know you well enough to not keep insisting. So you get up, leaving your breakfast behind.
”You haven’t finished your breakfast!” Frankie calls after you as you disappear into the bedroom.
”I’m not hungry.”
He doesn’t push it, and you feel even worse. You put on a summery dress that you know Frankie loves, throw some chemicals onto your face so you won’t look half dead, then grab your laptop and purse before rushing out the door to get on your bike.
Because Frankie is Frankie, he obviously can’t go a whole day without texting you. When lunchtime is approaching, your phone beeps.
You left without a packed lunch. Want me to bring some for you?
You’re still feeling like shit but sitting in the cool, empty office has helped. Now you feel bad mostly because of how you treated Frankie. And now this text message: you’re touched, reading between the lines that he really wants to write more, to ask you how you’re feeling, offer to come pick you and your bike up, tell you how far he’s come with the repainting of the house. But he just asks you if you need lunch.
You type a reply: I got something from next door. Thanks tho.
He doesn’t reply, which you know is a sign that he’s really trying to give you space. It brings a smile to your face and makes you feel absolutely wretched.
When you come home, leading your bike up to the house, Frankie’s standing there. He’s gazing up at the newly painted walls from under the bill of his hat, a satisfied look on his handsome, unshaved face. He’s turning an old towel over in his hands as if wiping his hands clean which of course is futile without water. The back of his t-shirt is dark with sweat; he has toiled in the hot sunshine all day while you’ve been enjoying a cool office.
He turns around when you park your bike and smiles tentatively at you.
”Hi,” you reply with a little smile in return. You gesture at your house as you walk up to him. ”It looks great. You did so well.”
”Thanks. There are a few splotchy bits over there – ” he raises his hand to point at a spot just below the roof where you can see absolutely no flaws, but you can catch the whiff of manly underarm sweat and swallow hard from what the musky smell stirs up in you ” – but it has to dry now. I’ll fix it tomorrow.”
”It looks fine to me.”
”It would bug me until the end of time if I left it like that.”
You know this, of course. Frankie is a perfectionist when it comes to the things he does with his hands, which includes anything from fixing a hinge to giving you an orgasm.
You just hum and slowly move right next to him, your arms going around him. Frankie tries to keep you away.
”Baby, I’ve got paint all over myself, I don’t want to ruin your nice dress.”
”I don’t care,” you tell him in a low voice as you wrap your arms around him and rest your cheek to his shoulder. He’s sweaty and smelly but you don’t care. He got that way from improving your house, the house where you have been building a life together.
Frankie squirms a little, still not ready to hug you. ”It’s such a lovely dress,” he reminds you, ”let’s not get paint on it in case it doesn’t wash off.”
”Okay,” you sigh and unwrap your arms from around his waist, instead directing your hands to the hem of his t-shirt. ”Take this off.”
”I’m sweaty – ”
”That can be washed off, Francisco, I’m trying to hug my man here!” you bark, but with a smile, and Frankie chuckles as he raises his arms. You pull his stained shirt off and throw it to the side before gluing yourself to him, arms going around him with complete disregard to his sweaty skin. Frankie wraps his arms around you as well and rests his chin on the top of your head. He smells so strongly of sweat and the oleander that blooms right next to the wall. The grass that he cut last night is still sending up whiffs of verdant green, and there’s a hint of fresh paint in the air as well.
”I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch today,” you tell him in a low voice, your face nestled against the golden tan of his neck. ”It’s just one of those days.”
”You feelin’ better now?”
”A little,” you shrug, and Frankie hugs you tighter to him. The sweat on his skin is beginning to seep through your dress.
”You wanna be alone?” he offers. ”I have one last wall to paint, and then I can – ”
”No,” you cut him off, one hand on his chest, over his heart. The hairs there are silvery and tickle your palm. ”I don’t want to be alone. I want you.”
”You got me,” he reassures your with a kiss to your temple. You draw a deep breathe, inhale the smell of his labor, of summer, of him.
”I want you,” you specify. ”Now. Like this.”
You feel his neck muscles move when he swallows, and his hands wander down your sides, under the skirt of your dress, then up to cup your ass.
”You gotta do something for me, though,” he tells you in a low voice that makes your brain drop between your legs.
”Yeah?” you breathe.
”Keep the dress on.”
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emmibouquet · 3 years
Tag Game
Never done one of these :D Thanks @sim4areason for tagging me!
Nicname: Just Emmi Zodiac Sign: Taurus Height: 156cm... 5′1′’??  Last Movie I Watched: The Witcher; Nightmare of the wolf Last Thing I Googled: Stan Lee Favorite Musicians/Artists: Hmmm I guess I’m a still BSB fan.. Elvis, Eminem, CCR, Sia, just to top of my head. Current Song That is Stuck in Your Head: well for some reason Zombie by Cranberries entered my mind and when it does it wont leave for awhile. Lucky Number: 3 Currently Wearing: Blue track pants with white stripes and huge hole in me butt and a pink Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. hoodie. Dream Job: Uhmm is there a job what can be a dream? My dream is to move to a private island, with the fastest internet and the best computers and gadgets money can buy, have an afternoon swim and paint all day. Dream Trip: Tokyo, Japan Languages: Finnish, English, little bit of Norwegian and Swedish. Ocean side or Mountains: I live by the ocean surrounded by mountains, both are very lovely. Do you play any instruments?: Guitar Hero. Current Favorite Song: Tungevaag, Rabaan - Bad Boy One random fact about yourself: I collect dolls and repaint them. Describe yourself as an aesthetic: Pink and juicy.
I Tag @bunsblr @simcelebrity00 @trillyke  No need to do anything about this tho :))
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kraiyan · 3 years
i made my own little headcannons to fit in if michael and jeremy were dating and a bunch of other stuff that i don’t want to spoil so take my headcannons and please don’t pay attention to my overuse of the words ‘so’ and ‘like’
i wrote this headcannons for me in my notes so there are mentions of panic/anxiety attacks, light mentions of an eating disorder, nightmares, and self harm but i’ll just put a trigger warning for when those parts show up and if i missed anything that is triggering please let me know
- michael is trans and gay and jeremy is bisexual
- i think they would’ve been friends since kindergarten so they grew up telling each other EVERYTHING
- i feel like michael was really girly as a kid but in like 6th grade he just completely switched to like tomboy but he didn’t do on purpose it just happened
- then in seventh grade michael told jeremy he wanted to be a boy then after that with help from jeremy he came out to his moms
- michael had a crush in jeremy since 7th grade but i don’t think jeremy was his first crush
- i think since michael was straight when he was a girl he just assumed he was straight as a boy and his sexual awakening was captain sparklez
- michael has two moms and jeremys mom would’ve died in a car accident so it’s just him and his dad
- i imagine they confessed to each other in their second year of high school
- (TW: mentions of abuse) jeremy realized he liked michael in freshman year and it was really bad he could not stop thinking about him so when he got squip squip l would not stop punishing him for it
- so jeremy definitely has some problems with his bisexuality
- after years of pining for each other when they finally kissed jeremy could not stop panicking about it
- like they went to sleep fine but he was internally panicking and he tried to keep it together but the next day he absolutely broke just started sobbing saying over and over again “is this okay, are we okay”
- michael is the type to listen to a vulgar music to help his dysphoria
- so him and jeremy are in his car michael plugs in his phone and just starts singings “hoes want to be seen with me and i like their big thick titties”
- and jeremy can do nothing else but be like michael what the fuck
- they decided to keep their relationship a secret and not tell anyone bc of jeremy still coming to terms with himself and he didn’t think his dad would understand
- but i feel like michael moms had already pieced together that they were dating and jeremy didn’t mind that they knew bc they’re literally lesbians but every time jeremy came over from that point forward they had to keep their door open
-(TW: mention of an eating disorder) in a different angstier au jeremy would struggle with eating as a control thing after squip
- (TW: mention of an eating disorder) in an angstier au michael would have an eating disorder cause dysphoria
- i feel like once he realized he was trans he had really bad dysphoria but like with therapy and stuff he got over it
- so i think michael really liked afycso and had it on a vinyl and now jeremy knows all the words
- they don’t do anything at school because jeremy is still uncomfortable so they just pursuit their relationship between closed doors and michaels car in an empty parking lot
- i feel like they both got really excited when michael got referred to as sir for the first time
- jeremy and michael grew up together but ironically when puberty hit michael started to wear baggy clothes than he wore a binder than he wore super baggy clothes to hide his tits after coming out but during squip he had time to self reflect and work on his dysphoria so when jeremy saw michael outside of school he kinda said TITS and was so caught off guard by them
-(TW: mentions of self harm scars) i think michael has sh scars due to losing his childhood best friend and the whole panic attack in the bathroom thing and jeremys seen them but didn’t bring it up to michael because they’re fading so he obviously doesn’t do it anymore but it was a huge shock for jeremy to find out
- they never brought it up tho and it was never discussed bc who cares it was in the past
- michael pants his nails black and i think on some very rare occasion jeremy would paint his nails too (like the way karl paint his) and michael has lots of nail polish cuz on the rare occasion he paints his nails different colors and he repainted his nails every two weeks
- no matter how many times michael has changed in the same room as jeremy even let jeremy help take off his binder jeremy will never not get shy when he changes and will always ask to go into another room
- jeremy is a coffee person but not hot coffe because he always drinks it too early and burns his tongue
- he originally bought his hoodie™️ in really huge size to battle dysphoria but that just made the hoodie last for years
- jeremys name in michaels phone is something very gay and lovey and shit and michaels name on jeremys phone is just michael :)
- jeremy would come home all suspicious and and red faced after him and michael came from an empty parking lot that his dad would not stop begging him to meet this girlfriend of his
- i don’t think jeremy told his dad him and michael were playing a game or something and they kiss jeremys dad comes in and is like what 😦
-and his dad is shocked that he has been pushing girlfriend but he has a boyfriend and is just soooooo awkward about it and never sees michael the same but never makes any rules about them bc he doesn’t want to be homophobic 😭
- i don’t think he was really not supportive but it took him a bit to get used to it but it was so new to him and he was just so phased he just kinda talked to jeremy about his sexuality then left it at that
- they are like gendebend bubbline (marshal lee and the other one yk)
- michael has a queen vinyl the listen to a lot
- so i think michael would still smoke a bit and one time he convinced jeremy to do it with him and jeremy mainly coughed a lot then they just made out the rest of the time but they didn’t tell their parents they would be staying out after school and they both got in trouble
- michael gets blue raspberry and jeremy gets cherry but he also gets coke sometimes too (slushy flavors)
- at the beginning of their relationship they had to take it really slow so that jeremy would feel coqmfortable
- (TW: mentions of panic attacks) so jeremy has nightmares of squip and he wakes up having panic attacks and it’s really tiring bc he only gets 2 hours of sleep if he has these nightmares
- (TW: mentions of panic attacks) i feel like along with his nightmares he also had panic attacks that squip would punish him for pursuing a relationship with a guy let alone michael
- so after he got over his nightmares he just struggled with sleeping and nighttime in general like just fear around going to sleep
- so he often stayed up alll night to avoid sleeping and would like go to bed at 6 or on a good day 4 or 5
- so i think to get over his fear he had to make a routine first he would make some sort of hot drink or just water (mostly sleepy time tea) then he would text michael that he was going to sleep he also wears the same pajamas every time he goes to sleep just to make sure the routine really works then lastly he reads a comic book then he goes to bed
- i think the reason jeremy couldn’t sleep well after getting over the nightmares is because even if squip doesn’t haunt him enough to show up in his dreams anymore it still haunts him enough to stress him out constantly so he doesn’t sleep well
- to conclude the nightmare and sleeping saga jeremy basically has a night routine and sleeps with a night light
- i feel like they both go to therapy but we’re to scared to tell each other (and they both started going to therapy before they started dating)
- so fast forward they’re dating and are trying to plan a date and jeremys like i’m busy on monday at 1 and my dad needs me to help him with something on tuesday so how about wednesday at 3 and michaels like i have somewhere to be like at 3:30 and jeremys like where do you have to be and michaels like where do YOU have to be and so they count to three and say where they’re going to be and they both say therapy and then they’re like you go to therapy i think that would be so cute
- so michael has really thick glasses like his vision is awful so if jeremy is mad at michael he would wake up early and move his glasses over so michael would have to struggle to get out of bed and look for them with his poor ass vision
- he can see things right in front of his face but as soon as it moves a bit too far it’s blurry
- and speaking of his galsses if they’re really kissing along the way jeremy would take of his glasses so they could get closer to each other’s faces (like how elle and tao do in heartstopper )
- michael and jeremy have been friends way too long to not have practiced kissing with each other
- i think christine was a long time crush for jeremy so he definitely practiced kissing michael a lot since they were in 6th grade and michael was just soaking that shit up
- he’d be like what if she wants to make out we should practice that and jeremys like oh yeah you’re right and michael would be so freaking happy
- but they definitely got caught by jeremys dad and he laughed it off cause what else are you meant to when your 11 year old son and his 12 year old best friend are kissing each other
- they didn’t do it anymore after that cause they were soooooooooo embarrassed
- so i don’t talk about the rest of the characters but i’m about to make a headcannon including them so i’m gonna say my headcannons
- so chole is demisexual and panromantic
- brooke is a lesbian
- rich is bisexual and trans
- jake is pan
- jenna is questioning or straight
- and christine is aro/ace
- so i think jeremy and christine dated for a bit then christine broke up with him cause she was all like i can see the way you look at michael and also because she realized she was feeling intense platonic attraction not romantic
- and also i think they’re all friends so they have a group chat where they send homework answers and stuff
- so i think one time jeremy is doing his nighttime routine but this particular night he’s really tired so he texts michael goodnight bby <3 love u then skips the comic book reading and goes to bed but he sent it to their group chat so as soon as he got situated into bed all he hears is his phone going off so he has to check and it’s just everyone freaking out
- so he like fully sits up is looking at his phone in complete shock then realizes he never said a name so they are like who’s this mystery girl
- so he calls michael tells him about the situation then decides he’s ready to come out
- so the next day they’re more handsy then usual like jeremy wiped something off his face michael saw that he was cold and pulled him real close and their friends are like okayyyyy
- but mind you christine knew that jeremy liked michael so she knew exactly what was happening
- so at the end of the day their friend group is making plans to hang out but everyone was busy so jeremy goes well i’ll see you guys tomorrow waves at everyone kisses michael then starts walking to his house then michaels like yea i’m gonna head home to and like drives away and from that day forward their friends would not stop teasing them and were impressed they could keep there secret for so long
- so i feel like michaels moms both have jobs that run late so mom #1 is an er nurse and mom #2 is an account so this leaves michael a lot of time of being alone in his house so naturally you need to take advantage
- so one time mom #2 gets home and walks in just to see jeremy fully on the counter making out with her son
- i don’t think they got in trouble but his mom was like please not on the counter
- and then there was another time where mom #1 came home on her break cause she doesn’t live far from the er so she like yells to michael that she’s home
- and so naturally you come down to hug your mom so he comes down to greet his mom with a red faced jeremy behind him and his mom thought this was so fucking funny but as soon as she’s done laughing she immediately goes anytime jeremys over the doors open and that was the end of it
- everyone has this one thing that someone does that make them all blushy and stuff
- for jeremy it’s when michael wears fitting clothes cause michael is known to wear hoodies or just baggy clothes in general so when michael does get hot and needs to like put something on he puts on one of those body fitting v necks and jeremy losses his shit like he’s fully blushing and avoiding eye contact and since michael changed cause he was hot he’s sure that jeremy is so hot that his face is turning red and he’s embarrassed to say to take off his cardigan so the entire time jeremy is being full homo for his boyfriend michael is thinking he’s about to pass out from a heat stroke
- so i think jeremy enjoys this so much that for the first week of spring michael will only wear fitted clothes because jeremy loves it
- for michael it’s when he’s kissing jeremys neck and jeremy runs his hand thru his hair and pulls it a little when this happens michael loses all common sense one because jeremys enjoying himself so much that he has to kinda tug on michaels hair and two he’s enjoying it so much he doesn’t have time to think that squip is going to punish him and that makes michael just lose his mind so by the time they’ve pulled apart jeremy as sooooo many hickies and they both look at each other like what the fuck did we just do
- moving right along i feel like when jeremy wakes up at night and is terrified to go back to sleep if him and michael are sleeping together he will like hug him until he gets back to sleep and it works every time
- when they were like 7 jeremy got really sick with the flu and michael was so scared that he was going to die so he kissed him while he was sleeping because if his best friend was gonna die so was he and the next day he got really sick with the flu and jeremy would not stop crying because he thought that since michael refused to leave his side he got him sick…they’re idiots
- jeremy is the type to go to school with the worst fever ever he could throw up in the middle of the school day and still not go to the nurse and if he got sick during junior year forget it you had to strap him down to his bed if you wanted him to take a day off like michael had to sedecue him into staying in bed and taking medication so that he could feel better
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Welcome to Episode 37 of Kamen Rider Revice~! Or as I call it, "Kamen Rider Live Gets His Cheeks Clapped - Episode 7". So uh... Kinoshita, when you gonna give Daiji his due? I'm waiting~!
For now though... Spoilers, I guess...
-They just gave Tamaki a headband, I'm :sob:
-Wow, they're really multiplying.
-We're really
-Oh, Akaishi's alive! Yay~!
-"Have you ever heard of our lord and savior Gifu-sama? He gave me a res and said 'Hide-chan... in times of sadness, at the lowest points in your life, where you could not see my footprints in the sand... it was because I carried you.' Anyways, we're cancelling Kamen Rider Revice and replacing it with me doing cool skateboard tricks in honor of Gifu-sama~!"
-Ah, so it's not like a weird anti-vaxxer thing, it's just like... DNA gathering.
-"We did it, Daiji-kun. We successfully scared all of humanity. :)"
-Ohhhhh, there's a maximum. Thaaaat's concerning.
-Daiji, you really need to go apeshit.
-How was your Weekend~?
-Ehhhhhhhhhhh, like, I'm trying not to read too much into something that could've just as likely been totally unintentional, but Kinoshita's on Twitter and there's an extreme excess of stupid and horrible people on there.
-Ah, yep, Akemi-san's hint.
-"Daiji, you're really jobbing right now."
-Just standing back and letting things play out isn't gonna do a damn thing, Daiji.
-Oh there he is...
-So, George thought his dad was dead his whole time.
-Ohhhhhhhhhh, that's harsh.
-Giffdemos. Our target.
-Ahhhhh, we freezin'?
-Barid Rex? Ohhhhh, we increased its freezy power~! Epic.
-Oh great, demons...
-Yeah, good luck Sakura.
-Daiji... hurts to watch, not gonna lie.
-Ergh... I absolutely do not want creepy-ass Akaishi as my stepbrother.
-Oh yep, there she is. Akemi-san, and the Super Giffterian or whatever it's called.
-Yeah, Sakura's got that guy.
-Ohhhh, regens.
-"Most impressive, George. All we need now is for the Igarashi children to-"
-"Shut up Daddy, it's time for backstory."
-All of George's sinister moments are traced back to his crippling daddy issues.
-...quite relatable, to be honest.
-Ohhhhhh, he's got Shroud face!
-Ohhhhhhhh, Daiji's mad!
-Oh finally, Hikaru has another character trait. It ain't much, but hey, at least his brazen overconfidence is something. Hana's definitely not amused, so at least there's room for debate.
-Ah, fnally,
-Ohhhhh, Gifu's own essence.
-"Heeeeey, Akemi-san, do you wanna come back?"
-Ahhhh, finally, more space.
-Yeah, you're worried, huh Akaishi?
-Yoooo, Ikki, it's about time to Bari-Bari~!
-Ayyyyy! ...I assume Volcano works just the same though, right?
-btw, I saw somebody somewhere complain about Aguilera's knifey thingies being repaints of Ichigo Arms's kunai? And like... yeah? Sure, it might be lazy, but are you really jonesing for Ichigo Arms to come back? They can just make new ones!
-Oh cool, Hikaru can Genomix. Epic.
-And he also can't count! Epic!
-Wow, he's working Daiji to death.
-Oh no, misunderstanding.
-I thought those were suspiciously light in Donbrothers so far.
-Oh shit, Sakura lost!
-"Bye bye, Akemi~!"
-Nooooo... we're losing her!
-Aaaaaand, he's here!
-Be a real man, Dai-chan!
-...please don't misinterpret this in the worst way possible.
-Hiromicchi's here!
-Hiromi-san... things are bad, man.
-I'll probably watch Dear Gaga Part 2 later, on my own time.
-Fuck, dude... I think I'm mostly just getting really sad whenever I watch Revice now lol
-I love the new suits tho, holy fuck.
-This show, i stg
-Uhhh... I guess I'll see you next week.
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chuuulip · 4 years
In My Bones
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader (Vampire AU)
Warning: 18+, Steve being a tease, Oral (female receiving) NSFW, PWP,  
Words: 2043
Summary: You haven't seen your vampire boyfriend for a month, and by that, a night in a club might alleviate your loneliness, even just for a while.
Prompt: This fic used multiple prompts as followed:
I’m gonna rip these panties off and shove my tongue between your sweet lips
I know how this goes. First you buy me a drink, then you tell me how pretty I look, and then at the end of the night, you ask for my number 
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A.N: This is for @the-ce-horniest-book-club​ and @the-mcu-horniest-book-club​  as well as @drabblewithfrannybarnes​. I’m feeling an early Halloweenesque so I pulled back my vampire boyfriend Steve (He might appeared again on Halloween!). This story is kind of a continuation from "In my veins" but I think you don't need to read it to read this. This piece isn’t beta and if there’s a grammar mistake, that will be on me 😉 I just want to do some short smut things, lol happy reading!​
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 You stared down on your reflection in the dim bathroom. Makeup looks bolder than what you used too, but you didn't care. Your cat-eye eyeliner and your hair were on point. Soft lips were repainted with the red shade lipstick that suited you, not to mention extra blush to the cheeks. Tired of the piled up homework and grading you do in the past week. Not to mention the absence of constant skin to skin contact from your boyfriend made you dare yourself to go out with your friends tonight.
Feel satisfied with your look, you smoothened the black silk dress and exited the room. The sound of the music graced your ears when you were back on the dance floor. It's been what? couple hours since you arrived here with four other of your friends, but you can't find them anywhere. Likely either caught some hot guys or been seen by one. You strutted your way to the bar, body swayed lazily to keep up with the beat. When you decided on what drink you would have, a loud baritone voice interrupted you.
Turn your body to the side you were greeted by a tall and muscular man. His wide shoulder felt as if it meddled into your personal space. Flashes of light illuminated his blue eyes. The stubble decorated his face accentuated the strong jaw that God graced him with. Flickered your eyes back to him, you saw his pupils dilated. As if to try to adapt to the low-level light when all the lasers rotated and synchronized with the music.
Try to compose your cool; you tilted your chin up and faced him. "I know how this goes." With all the noise, you close the space between you and bite your lower lips. "First, you buy me a drink, then you tell me how pretty I look, and then, at the end of the night, you ask for my number." Your red painted fingers trailed its way from the collar, down to the lapel's, and ended it in the zipper of his leather jacket.
The man gave you a lopsided grin. You can see his thick long lashes fluttered up as his eyes sparkled with mischief. "First of all, I have your favorite drink in hand." he grabbed the glass of booze that looked like it glowed in the dark and gave it to you.
"Second...how am I not supposed to tell you that you are pretty, because you definitely are." you bring the glass to your lips and drink the liquid inside. "Lastly, before the end of the night, I'm not gonna ask you for your number because I already have it." he grinned at you triumphantly, teeth all white, and canines showed up a little bit.
You pouted at your boyfriends and put the glass back on the table, whine in displeased, "you are no fun, Stevie."
He closed any space between the both of you. His chuckle shifted his fake attempt to flirt as if you were a stranger. "What? You want me to fake it till the end?"
"Hmm… I just missed you so much I can't help but do that when I saw you."
"I missed you too, baby girl." Steve closed his eyes as he rested his forehead down to yours. He inhaled deeply as if the smells of your body vaporized from his senses since last week. "You smell so good tonight, fuck." His big hand was stationed on your hips. He purposely spread his fingers and moved it back on your ass cheeks, kneaded it.
You let out a surprised moan as your fingers instinctively hold on to the lapels of his jacket. You weren't exaggerated things, but since you dated your infamous big, handsome and blonde vampire boyfriend named Steve, you've been experienced the dry spell. In the past three months, he graced you with something tho, mostly, the heavy petting. It's not that you hate it, really. Steve wasn't any regular man you usually met. Men who just want to go do gymnastics in bed after the first date. He's sweet and attentive. But sometimes you need more than just the fake vibration that rushed to your body through the plastic toy that you kept in your nightstand.
"Steve…" you have been pretty needy lately, and Steve's absence didn't help. Although you haven't slept together yet, he's a constant presence in your life these couple of months.
"Hmm...yes?" Steve's right hand ran up to your spine and rested at the base of your neck. His blue-eyed momentarily flashed, turned it into amber color, and switched it back again to blue. He landed his soft lips to you, and you accepted it eagerly. Your hands sneaked at his back to his shoulders, trying to pull him down to meet you. The soft kiss turned into something filthier as Steve demanded access inside your mouth. His left hand still held your ass as he let you know the evidence inside his jeans.
Withdraw yourself from the temptation that's Steve, your hazy eyes meet him. "Stevie…, please don't torture me, would you? Don't make me horny and then just leave me to my vibrator." You pouted at him, but you can't help grinded yourself on his hard-on.
Steve chuckled and led your leaned back temporarily at the bar table. His left fingers sneaked under your dress and crawled up. Your eyes widened in surprise as Steve's fingers played with the lace of your panty. "Steve…," you warned him. Your eyes look around as if you were afraid you get caught in the act of indecency. Though you weren't the only one.
"I'm gonna... " his fingers roamed over your clothed core, making you let out a soft moan. "— rip these panties off and shove my tongue between your sweet lips."
His words made your inner wall clenched involuntarily between nothing. He never expressed that before nor he ever touched you down there beyond the shield of your panty. "St—Steve…,"
"After that, I'm gonna suck your blood and drink that sweet nectar from your inner thigh." Good God why he's extremely hot and possessive today. Not that you hate it, really.
Steve kiss the side of your neck. Lips nipped tentatively at the vein there, made you let out a gasp.
"Hey, both of you get a room." Sam Wilson, the club owner that's also a good friend of Steve, appeared behind the bar.
You were startled in embarrassment. Pat your palms against Steve's back to get his attention.
"Sam!" you answered him a bit breathless, but apparently Steve didn't budge from his neck kissing. You let out a yelp as Steve lifted you up like you weight nothing and carried you over the shoulder. He gave you a smacked over your ass and turned his body to face Sam with a big grin.
"Sorry, Sam, doesn't plan to get carried away down here. See you, man."
"Have fun, you two." the familiar voice replied with a cheerful noise. When Steve turned away and led you further away from Sam, you crane your neck up to see Sam gave you two thumbs up and a big grin.
With a quick stride, Steve opened the VIP room upstairs and locked it. He let your stilettos land on a concrete marble floor gently. Steve looked at you with hunger in his eyes as he slowly backed down to the leather chaise lounge in the room. There's a small stage complete with a metal pole in the center. He's not asked you to do a striptease, wouldn't he?
You never really pay attention to any stripper in the club nor that you're good at dancing, but no harm in trying, right? Steve lifted his left eyebrow as he saw you walk to the mini stage. Awkwardly, you try to move your body to the music outside. Slithered your body to the pole. The colorful light from the disco ball glowed as if it beats. Gave you the upper hand to look more alluring.
As if transfixed with Steve's word earlier, you pulled down your lace thong. You can clearly see the bulge behind Steve's jeans. God, how you wish Steve let you near that crotch of his. You turned your body, so Steve has a good look at your body. Teased him just a little bit with your skin as you hunched your black silk dress up your thigh. You did it again, but now you hunched it up to your hips. You were welcomed by the loud growl from Steve as he has a clear view of your supple ass. God, you're really wet right now. If Steve didn't do anything anytime soon, you wouldn't leave this room until you come.
"Fuck, come here, baby. Sit on my face." You turned your body to find Steve laid his back on the chair. "I want to taste you so bad." His words alone raised goosebumps on your skin. Without thinking any longer, you found your way to the chaise lounge, climbed on it—knees situated on both sides as Steve's head position in between.
Steve nimble fingers rolled your silk dress up to your hips. He traced his tongue over his lips at the sight of your wet core.
You looked down on him in your somewhat awkward position, "Stevie, are you sure? I will not forgive you if y—Ohhh—." You let out a surprised yelp and followed by a loud moan as Steve grabbed your thigh down and flicked his tongue on your wet folds. The coarser of his hair sent extra tingled on your sensitive skin.
He made your wet core sit on his mouth while he gave it a kiss. Not your usual smooches, but the one that's so filthy, saliva involved in it. Whatever he was doing in the past week finally opened the gate of opportunity for you. The prospect that Steve didn't afraid to touch you like a lover should.
"Uhhh—," your hands try to steady your upper body on the wall as Steve's relentless tongue gave you a languid lap. From the center of your folds up to your bundle of nerves. Over and over again, teased you. It easily riled you up as this was the first time Steve did things beyond playing with your tits or traced his fingers on your clothed core.
Your right hand instantly grabbed onto Steve's hair as his tongue entered your pussy. His hands spread your cheeks as he encouraged you to hump your wet core onto his mouth.
Every fiber of your body felt like its burn as his tongue fucked you so good. Steve used his fingers and made a slow but persistent circle on your clit. Heightened something that rapidly built-in your lower belly.
Steve held you still as he changed positions. With a several and insistent flicked and sucked to your clit, your inner wall spasmed uncontrollably in an instant. Your left hand covered your scream as your right one held a balance on Steve's hair. Your body arched like a bow, but Steve didn't stop. He let you ride him while your juices flooded his hungry mouth.
Your upper body rested on the upper head of the chaise lounges while Steve's still down there, lapped every bit of your juices.
Steve slipped off under your body and let you sat properly. He spread your legs and trailed his fingers on your swollen pussy. It excites him when it's quivered under his touch. "Such a sweet pussy you have, baby girl." He bent down and gave your clit a quick suck, made your body tremble, and a loud moan erupted out of you.
"Now for the final meal." Steve's blue eyes switched to his amber color one. You cupped his face and dragged it up so you can kiss him. The remnant of your cum still lingered on Steve's lips, something that you wanted to taste more often.
You withdraw from Steve and trail your fingers on his lips. His fangs showed up as he was ready for another feast. Your beautiful vampire boyfriend. With hazy eyes, you whispered words like the good girlfriend that you are, "my body is ready, Stevie."
As always, comment and reblog are really appreciated ❤️. Let me know what you think about this.
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mollyphoria · 3 years
Moodboard #3
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I was not able to make another moodboard since February because there's not much difference from what I was feeling from back then to now. It was pretty much all the same. Still wanting to get away and have freedom, yk same old shit but it wouldn't be a surprise that some things did change throughout this 5 mos like :
My lovely Calico cat Jimina gave birth to 5 kittens originally. She was pregnant at the start of this year and blessed the world with 5 cute mini jiminas on March 9 (same birthdate of BTS Suga)
3 of the kittens inherited her orange and white fur while the other one inherited the dark, striped fur completely devoid of any white fur. Only one kitten out of 5 got her triple color coated fur.
Sadly only 3 survived. Jimina hid the kittens briefly first and then abruptly one day she brought them up again already grown up, able to walk and with their eyes open but she only had 3 kittens with her. I never got to find out what ever happened with the other 2 babies with one of the missing of the kittens was the one that fully inherited the Calico cat status of Jimina which devastated me the most and I'm still heartbroken to this day that some of her babies didn't get to live like their siblings. I don't want to think that they died, I want to actually believe that they somehow survived without their mother miraculously but it's only the plausible reason why they never showed up at all 😞
The 3 surviving kittens tho is a lot of fun! They were rumbustious and full of energy. They were always playing and running around in my mom's garden. Climbing up a tree or an orchid branch, playing hide and seek through the plethora of plants. It was a treat to see them just having fun and I took lots of videos. I decided to name them after the BTS maknaes nicknames which is Kookie, Mochi and TaeTae. All 3 kittens have a very distinct personality from each other like you could immediately tell that Kookie is more introverted than the other two, his more reserved and prefers to be alone most of the time, TaeTae is more adventurous and playful but he doesn't trust that easily while Mochi on the other hand is the most extroverted and trusting out of all (FYI: I named them first without knowing their personalities believe it or not). Overall they brought so much life and extra joy in me. Now that they are 4 mos old, they don't play that much anymore, I guess it's really part of growing up regardless of what species. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now onto my summer. I was dreading it's arrival. It's not fun when you don't have an AC at your house in the hottest season. But anyways this summer I've been having this strong desire to experience Italian summers. I just wanted to be in Italy soooooo bad. I just want to ride my bicycle anywhere in rural Italy in a summer floral dress and eating a delicious gelato after while listening to Love my way by the Psychedelic furs. Yes this strong desire got even stronger after watching the movie Call me by your name. It envoked so much nostalgia within me which is weird because I've never set foot in Italy before but the feeling of longing that I experience just thinking about spending your summer in Italy is very strong.
Additionally, speaking of bicycles I successfully finished my remodeling or rather repainting of an old bicycle we have here which is perfect for summer aesthetics. I mentioned before on my previous moodboard back in February that I was in the process of painting this bike and I included a picture of a bike that I would like my own bike to look like after I'm finish with it. And I'm very happy and satisfied with the end result overall! And I would love love to ride it around Italy!...... perhaps.
These are 3 of the most impactful things that had rocked my world within the past few months and they are in a form of a documentary, an animated podcast and an anime film!
1. Grey Gardens
I first discovered Grey Gardens when I was actively looking for any good documentary to watch so I went to Reddit recommendations and one user suggested grey gardens. Its description peaked my interest enough to go check it out and luckily the full documentary is uploaded in YouTube for free. And I must say I'm glad that I took the chance to watch this wonderful hidden gem!
Little Edie quickly got my full attention on her. She's one of the most wonderful and fascinating people to exist in our world and her mother big Edie was just as interesting of a character as well. The way they live their life, spending most of their time in a rundown mansion near a beach was truly a sight to behold in a weird, peculiar manner.
What gives me the most profound impact about this documentary is the topic of wasted youth with wasted potential and the ironic part when your very own lifeline equally imprisons you as well. And we see this most evidently with little Edie. There was a part in this doc that stuck with me the most and it's when the mother-daugther duo was sunbathing in the balcony and little Edie mentioned about wanting freedom from her mother and the grey gardens then big Edie answered:
"you can't have freedom when you're being supported"
And this has struck a chord on me so strong because I relate to it so much especially with my current situation. I also crave freedom from where I am right now but I couldn't because I'm not capable of freeing myself.
What's more tragic was little Edies rebuttal to her mother's hotknife realistic take which was you can't have freedom both ways. That you couldn't have freedom when you're not being supported as well. And it's very true. If you decide to go out in the world by yourself you will definitely be freed from the shackles of your former home & life but you will subject yourself to another imprisonment.
Basically We're never truly free in this life.
2. The Midnight Gospel
I think I've heard of TMG when it was about to launch on its release year and I remember i was anticipating for it to come out because i just took one look at the official poster & I knew I would like the animation then I learned Pendleton ward is a part of it & I'm a huge fan of his creations so it's a double treat but I didn't had the opportunity to watch it back then bcoz of my busy shitty life & I actually don't have Netflix. But I remember i downloaded one of its ost first things first.
Now fast forward to this year. I now have the time to watch every content out there that I missed from all the years of slaving my life away for absolutely nothing. one of those is TMG & it was a perfect timing. Ever since i took an hiatus from the rat race I decided to strengthen my spirituality & this time I want to try delving deep to Buddhism and certain philosophies which I don't have the time and energy to learn before and TMG was a great and perfect medium for me to learn further about this subjects as they tackle topics like mindfulness and meditation and much more other significant things, not to mention the superb,epic, psychedelical, full of awesomeness animation on top of equally superb awesome soundtracks is*chefs kiss ( I still have an LSS to the prisoner's song.. 🎵drinking blood from a stump of a prison guard that I just chopped up....🎶)
I felt like the universe intended for me to watch this later than sooner because if I had the opportunity to watch it back then, I think I wouldn't/couldn't appreciate this show as much as I do now. So thanks universe!
TMG is honestly one of the best show to ever grace the planet imho. An easily perfect 10/10 for me.
3. To the Forest of Firefly Lights
Now I've watched a lot of animes last and this year and I can tell in full confidence that this is the best of them all. I'm sure it's subjective but this one checked all the box for the most compelling story & amazing artwork for me.
Maybe I long for something similar with the characters, It was just so fascinating and huntingly beautiful to have someone or something (whatever your preference is) from a different realm to be by your side. Maybe I would also like to look forward for summer season to come for once, to get excited and get rejuvenated on a hot summer that otherwise would make my life hell. Or maybe and most definitely I just needed someone like Gin as a source of my utmost happiness and comfort.
Overall this anime had made me feel so much warmth in my heart with its unadulterated poignancy and I just couldn't get enough of it. What a masterpiece ✨
Ps: I recommend listening to Warning Sign by Coldplay after watching to the Forest of Firefly Lights 🌹Check it out ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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sleepytoycollection · 4 years
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such a weird little dude 
I mean the girls are weird, so that’s not surprising, but unlike the girls, well, he’s kinda ugly 
well lucky for him, I have bad taste. Also I do like the long hair now I’ve got the gel washed out. I still think he needs something tho, so I’ll throw him on the list of dolls I’ll maybe-one-day repaint 
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totopopopo · 3 years
Tagged by @spinalgirl !!!💖🫀
why did you chose your url? - it was a nickname my family had for my old dog, we would say it in a funny voice tripping out the syllables at him haha. he was such a good boy his name was Otis so I guess it went like Otis -> Tito -> Toto -> totopo -> totopopopo etc. Also totopos are a kind of tortilla chip
any side blogs? - no lmao I have no idea what the point of a side blog is. Like just use ur regular blog?
how long have you been on tumblr? - I joined when I was 12 so uhhh 9 years?
do you have a queue tag? - lmao no what the literal fuck is the point of a queue I find them just ridiculously dumb just. reblog the post when u see it ? this blog isn’t catered to other people idc about you fools this is for me to dump 600 posts at once and then dip
why did you start your blog in the first place? - I was uhhhhh into Sherlock. Also I was a nerdy 12 year old in 2012 so the culture appealed to me (rip)
why did you chose your icon? - Tod @alientoastt said I could pick a piece of his art for them to edit for pride so I searched their blog like a catalogue and found this one of Jonny which is INCREDIBLY good and is My Gender which is good for pride and Tod did the rest! Thank you Tod
why did you chose your header? - Mikhail Vrubel’s Six-Winged Seraph (Azrael) !!!! As y’all know for my religion major I have a concentration in religious art and I did a research project last year on angels in Christian artwork and I found this artist from the early 1900s who I really loved who did a LOT of gorgeous angels and he studied old Byzantine icons and repainted them in his youth he’s just a cool guy and I love the color palate of this one a lot!!!! I have a lot to say about it in general
what’s your post with the most notes? - I believe it’s my happy birthday trans people post from tdov?
how many mutuals do you have? - I don’t know???? Are people supposed to know these things?????? How on earth would I know this
how many followers do you have? - 545 but with your help we can get it to 666. Hail Satan
how many people are you following? - 273 but a lot are inactive I think
have you ever made a shitpost? - every post I’ve ever made was shit
how often do you use tumblr each day? - too much :/ I’m always here :// better than Twitter tho
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? - MANY, yeah. Remember when that one dude said I was homophobic , just pretending to be a lesbian, and obviously a TERF because I said Elias Bouchard was a Tory shithead? Lmao. The most recent tumblr fight I got into was about Dante Alighieri
how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? - posts like that give me INCREDIBLY intense anxiety and I resent them immensely. I feel like I have to reblog them or something bad will happen, but the knowledge that my doing that would cause another person to potentially feel that way is how I’m able to circumvent that impulse. I hate them they suck
do you like tag games? - yea I like talking about myself
do you like ask games? - yea I like talking about myself
which of your tumblr mutuals do you think is famous - I dunno tod probably is the most in terms of famous for reasons that he deserves. Although I know he doesn’t think of himself as famous and I don’t really either. Maybe Ruth @thedreadvampy bc she has notoriety as well but again, I know she doesn’t think it herself as famous and I don’t either?? She’s just Ruth my cool cool friend Ruth who I look up to so much like the into the spider verse meme and who is the reason I’m partway through s1 of riverdale (which is Compelling....... it’s a compelling show). Maybe rumi @milfkarlmarx is tumblr famous but idk if famous is the right word I think y’all are just parasocial
do you have a crush on a mutual? - I mean I’m dating Kisaiya @spinalgirl so does that count
Tagging anyone who wants to do this bc I’m abt to eat crepes and I would rather do that than tag people xxx but if u wanna do it please just say I tagged u I don’t care! :)
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aku-jumbi · 3 years
YOUR ART IS INCREDIBLE YOU’RE HONESTLY SO INSANELY TALENTED I AM HONESTLY IN AWE WHENEVER I SEE ONE OF YOUR ART PIECES, THEY’RE ALWAYS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! And pls ignore those haters they’re absolute idiots who seem to think asians only have certain features apparently and can’t seem to realise that there’s something called creative liberty😐
So many capital letters haha ^^ thank you a lot for your appreciation. *bow 😀 I gonna take your comment as opportunity to write down some thoughts I had on this topic.
Of course I am not painting isolated, I love to browse art from other artists, sometimes getting inspiration or just to get more stimulated. And for sure I stumble sometimes over art which technically is maybe not as refined but somehow hits me, then I stumble over art which is technically extremely good but well... I feel nothing but I still awe the beauty and there is even art which slightly disturbs me and fetishizes something I don't really am into... but dammit it's really well painted and I can just accept that the artist did a great job and I don't need to be in the fetish.
Then, there is also art which is technically undeveloped, due to the painters inexperience for example but I appreciate the try since ik myself, painting is work.
I caught myself a couple of times being about technically extremely versatile artists more critical and then thought.. who am I to judge, went into some introspection and realised: that was pure jealousy. Oh yeah, jealousy, nothing more, that yellow eyed monster within me trying to lower down others just to feel better myself. But... I never released that monster officially of course. In fact, before I leave a critical comment, I think twice and when I comment I just comment on the technical side. If the picture isn't violating any real persons or depicting very, very, very controversial topics like religion or politics to ridicule opinions of other people I basically don't care. Let people paint what they want, I don't need uniformity.
If someone wants to paint the earth is flat, just go ahead! First, idk if the person really thinks the earth is flat... or, is it maybe just some fantasy? Is it just for fun, did the artist just try out how the earth would look flat or is it easier for him to paint the earth kind of flat. Is the painter of that pic maybe someone who had no education and just painted what he sees and tries to imagine how it might look like. Or is the artist just painting something that came into his mind without a lot of thinking and it's now me interpreting something in his flat earth picture which he didn't even think of. But the most important thing: the earth won't get flatter just with that one flat earth painting.
Even with 1000 of that flat earth paintings, it won't. Being an individuum that is able to controle my emotions and to recognise what's important and what not I wouldn't even think to rent about that flat earth artist. Let him paint the flat earth, I can mildly smirk about him or shake my head and move on to the round earth painting I like most. There are more important things than to explode about a flat earth painting.
Now... I am not painting reality, I don't believe in my paintings showing reality or anything remotely close to reality. It's impossible that any character I paint is real. And I clearly distinguish between real people I see on the street or documentaries (I don't say media in general cuz... we only see the most beautiful people in movies or social media with all the filter and photoshop and it gives a contorted view on "reality") and painted anime charas. Recently I saw (oh I got actually an education by one of my "critics" in how I should paint!) a lot of realistic anime character fanarts which clearly just were repaints from given photographies of random prototype Asian models... the technical side was extremely good, forgetting the fact that it still was a repaint and repaint is always a bit easier since u don't need to think about the facial features anymore yourself... but the charas... they looked so realistic, so much like real people that again I wasn't able to see the anime chara anymore. For me it was just the random prototype Asian model (perfect as they are, because, well... model) from the photography with slightly changed hair and... blue eyes.
But! And now that's the big difference, I look at that kind of very realistic fanart and although it doesn't even remotely remind me of that anime chara and I feel nothing for it than some portrait photography repaint, it would never, never come into my mind commenting with (insert the vomit emoji here, cuz that's what happened to my art) a disgracing and hurtful comment just because I think my vision, my very private believe of what is a good fanart stands above anything else and I have the right and privilege to lower the artist in any kind of way. Who am I to feel superior?... exactly, I don't have that right, especially on something very subjective as looks of anime charas in fanart.
I realised by a couple of conversations with people who have no issues with my art that a lot of the hate roots from wanting to feel moral-wise superior. It's like a trend to stomp over everything, doesn't even need to be very important or influential, that doesn't meet the standard of what is moralistic acceptable in one owns subjective believe. Some call it being sensitive about what art should show and I guess the haters would call themselves even very sensitive and caring for over people... but want to be frank here, it's not sensitivity, it's being bored by their own lives and having no creative potential themselves. So.. what are we gonna do today? Complaining, cancelling, hating, yeah, that's a good hobby!
Sorry to inform you that your "sensitivity" is hurting me a lot.
I don't aim to call out specifically with my art to a particular group of people or disgracing them, there is clearly no hate inside or anything, I certainly don't try to portrait reality... dammit it's Anime charas! They aren't real in the first place! Gargh... If someone has an issue with the facial looks of how I paint, I am very very fine with a comment like: "hey you know, somehow I see in my mind Miya Osamu looking more like Toshirou Mifune... but, you know, it's ok, you aren't a mind reader. :) I would like to share my fanart of Osamu with u, too then u can see what I have in mind." That's a respectful, a very constructive and even inviting and mature comment. If I sounded a bit rude in the past towards haters it wasn't because I am rude but I got a couple of very humiliating comments that my only way to answer was to give them the same medicine back they forced me to swallow.
Hfff... so long... sorry.
Idk if haters or immature people who come across my paintings are going to read this and understand what I want to say so just for repeat: I don't have anything bad in mind with my art, I don't try to colonialize Asia, I don't see my art as absolute truth and its not a perfect replication of the original anime character. It's fan-ta-sy. If u don't like the style and aesthetic, move on, paint your own interpretation, that's the best way to put my art aside if u want to put it aside.
And for the people who like my art, you are my heroes, not because u are flattering me with comments (yeah also that tho lol) but because u let me see that there are rational thinking people out there, not oversensitive and in constant alarm to sniff around like blood dogs finding another topic to rent about but just enjoying fanart at what it is: fanart. It's you who enjoy their lives and I am enjoying it, too.
Thank you! :)
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