#they puffey
linkedin-offficial · 8 months
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orchua · 2 years
This Puffey The queen of the Golden
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And also can you draw Puffey really likes to high five to you <3333 Plz
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of cure
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pizzaboat · 4 years
I kinda wrote a mom eda fic, cause I wanted to try writing. This is like the first fic I've ever writen so keep in mind it's not gonna be perfect.. but I'm happy how it turned out.. so here!
Some honesty before breakfast
To say Eda had noticed something off with her apprentice, would be an understatement. 
Luz's cheery attitude had all but disappeared for the past two days, and instead had been replaced with a quite sadness that followed the girl wherever she went in the house. Her smiles seemed forced, never quite reaching her eye's, lacking the warmth and joy they usually had.
Eda knew she should have seen this coming, the slow change in luz's demeanour. The portal had been destroyed a month ago, but she'd been too caught up in mourning the loss of her magic, processing the cluster fuck that had been the last few months and adjusting to her older sister taking up residency in her shed, she hadn't noticed.
She should have acted sooner.
Because Eda now watched Luz half heartedly engage in her and King's infamous and dreaded "comedy hour" with all the enthusiasm of Lilith on hooty's cleaning day. 
"Luz, you're not paying attention!" King whined, "my food puns are genius, and not even a smirk!
"Come on, this is some of my best material!" The tiny demon added, dropping what was left of his toast onto his plate.
"Sorry king, I was paying attention" Luz assured pushing her untouched breakfast away "I was just thinking as well, that's all.."
"Sounds like not paying attention to me" He grumbled.
Sounds like a terrible cover up.
Eda finished the last of her Appleblood, pushed away from the counter she was leaning on and picked King up earning a "nyee" from him as she placed him on the floor.
"why don't you go play with your army of dolls or something?" Eda told him.
"They're my army of darkness!" He corrected "and its not playing, it's scheming. machinating if you will"
"Whatever, go do that. I need to talk to Luz" She sighed.
Luz shifted in her seat, and went to leave.
"Actually,  I have a ton of homework so-"
"Nope" Eda cut the girl off "you stay, king go" she ordered 
King muttered something about world domination as he scurried off, and Luz and Eda were left alone of the kitchen.
"So.. is this about potions delivery's?" Luz asked "because I know I haven't been doing the deliveries alot lately and-"
"Kid, what?-no, that isn't what this is about"
Luz fidgeted with the string of her hoody "then, what is this about?" 
"You tell me, you've been acting weird lately- well weirder than usual" Eda said, taking Kings seat at the table and pushing his leftovers aside.
"Its not that big a deal, really" Luz said, but the waver in her voice betrayed her.
Titan help her.
Eda sighed and rubbed her eyes "Look, I'm not an idiot kid, I know somethings up, and I know the past month has been rough. For everyone"
And here comes the emotional mush..
"I know it can't be easy" Eda continued, trying to choose her next words carefully.
"Living under the same roof as Lilith after what's happened, or adjusting to all this crap,  the portal door being destroyed.."
Titan she had no clue what she was doing. How do you comfort people?
"But I want you to know that whatever the problem is, I'm here to help. it matters if it upsets you" Eda told her "and I'll be hexed if I'll let my kid suffer in silence"
"So what's bothering you?"
They sat there for a moment. Eda wasn't sure if her lackluster attempt at reassurance had helped the girl, she searched Luz's face for any signs of what she might be thinking.
Finally, Luz let out in a shakey breath "I miss my mom"
Ah, shit. Of course, the poor kid missed her mother. She really should have guessed that.
"I destroyed the door, to stop belos and- and to save you" Luz's voice cracked " but I miss her.. y'know? .. when things would go wrong back home, she was always there, she knew what to do..." Tears started well in her eyes and spill out onto her cheeks.
Luz sucked in a breath of air " I don't know what to do..the doors gone, and it's my fault and she's probably really worried about me, and its MY fault.
"Im scared I'll never see her again. Eda, I miss my home. I miss my mom"
Of course. None of this was Luz's fault though. Not really. It was Eda's. She was the adult and should have sent her home that first day. But she was selfish and now Luz was paying the price.
"I don't regret saving you though" She continued,  and Eda blinked in surprise.
"Leaving you guys behind was never an option. being here with you and King.. its kinda like home here too" Another shakey breath.
"I know I shouldn't complain 'cause I did this to my self but-" Luz's voice cut off and gave way to sobbing.
Eda didn't know how it happened but she found herself at the other side of the table, wrapping Luz up in one of those "parallel arm" things.
She scooped the girl up easily and sat her on her lap, holding her close as Luz continued to cry. This poor kid, who'd brought so much light into Eda's life, Changed it for the better, magic be damned, was suffering and there was no way in hell Eda was going to stand back and watch her blame herself.
Luz had given up everything. 
In one of the few times where Eda felt compeled to do the right thing, Eda vowed to herself she'd make this right.
"Luz" The witch said with a softness that surprised herself "None of this is your fault, it's OK to be upset"
"it's my fault not yours, I want- no. need you to know that. I'm gonna fix this. I'll find a way to get you back home, and you'll be able to see your mom again" she said, stroking her hair.
"I promise"
Luz looked up from where she had her head buried in Eda's sweater, her eyes were red rimmed and puffey. Luz rubbed at her eyes, and sniffed.
"You promise?" Luz asked, voice horse.
Eda nodded, brushing some of luz's hair back, fixing it.
"I promise, and that's a promise from the most powerful witch on the boiling Isles, kiddo. it's a big deal, infact you should feel kinda honoured"
Luz laughed. And there it was. That smile that had been missing for so long. Eda wasn't going to let anything happen to it again.
"I kind of ruined your sweater" Luz said apologetically as she pulled away.
Eda looked down at her sweater. yep. Human snot. Gross as all hell.
"Don't worry about it, I didn't like the sweater anyway"
Yes she did.
Luz jumped off of Eda's lap "how do you feel now?" Eda asked
"better" Luz smiled, rubbing her eyes still.
"Good, I can't have my apprentice's in emotional distress" eda smirked "it'd be bad for business"
"I'm your only apprentice" Luz shot back grinning.
"details" Eda waved her hand dismissively.
Eda looked at her now. She wasn't crying anymore, which was good. Eda could still see residual tears, but Luz was smiling, no matter how small it was, she was actually smiling again, and that was what mattered.
A loud definitive gurgle sounded through out the room.
"I never ate breakfast" Luz whispered sheepishly.
Luz turned back to her breakfast cereal to see it had long since turned to disgusting mush in the bowl.
"i'll eat something else.." She decided heading towards the cupboards.
Eda had an idea.
"We could make something"
Luz perked up.
"I mean, yeah why not?" Eda shrugged " I haven't eaten yet and-"
"Can we make pancakes?!" The girl asked with barely contained excitement "I can dress King up in a little chefs outfit, and we could have pancakes!"
"I have so much prep work to do!" Luz exclaimed as she dashed out the door.
"Kid!" Eda called
"Yeah?" Luz popped her head back in the door.
"Don't forget that if your ever worried about anything at all, you can talk to me. I meant what I said, I'm here to help"
"I know, thanks Eda. I love you" and she was gone.
Eda blinked.
"I love you too, Luz"
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awritingtree · 4 years
Hi! Congrats on 400 followers!! Okay so this is for the ⚓️ thing, my pronouns are she/her. I’m an ENFJ hufflepuff, I’m very kind and enthusiastic and I try to make friends everywhere I go. My hobbies include reading and photography. I know 3 languages (working on my 4th) and my favorite color is dark green. I’m 5’9 with blue/gray eyes and extremely curly dark brown hair (but I straighten it occasionally). I wear glasses when I read and I have a nose ring. Thank you!! :)
Thank you! 💙 sdfhsi I’m sorry for the ending but I didn't know how to end it without making it super duper long 😂
I ship you with Draco Malfoy!
It was a beautiful sunny morning as you sat down in the grass in the Hogwarts grounds. “Hey Puffey, may I borrow your ink?” You looked up from the book you were currently reading, pushing your reading glasses up your nose, to the silver-blonde haired boy in front of you. “Of course Dray. It should be in my bag, you can grab it,” you said, shooting him a sweet smile before turning back to your book. From the lack of questions or comments, you assumed he’d found the bottle of ink in your bag. That was until he spoke up, “I didn’t know you were into photography.” Your head shot up in panic, your eyes falling on the photographs in his hands as he went through them. “Give them back Draco,” you said firmly, trying to snatch the photographs out of his hands. Draco moved away from you, continuing to peruse through them, “Why? These are bloody brilliant!” You got up after him, trying to find a way to get the photographs, that were so dear and personal to you, back from him. “I’m serious Draco. Give them back.” Draco abruptly stopped attempting to move away from you, his shocked eyes staring at the photograph in his hand. In his shocked state, he began to slowly look through the next few pictures, each similar to the other in the case of the object on focus. Taking the opportunity granted to you, you quickly grabbed the photographs from him. “I told you to give them back,” you said. Draco looked at you astonished. You shook your head attempting to keep your tears at bay and stuffed your belongings into your bag, leaving in a haste. You had not walked five feet away from where you originally sat with Draco when a hand gently stopped you from going further and spun you around. You gulped as you noticed the distance, or lack of, between the two of you. “I didn’t know. If I had...” he spoke softly. You laughed feeling completely and utterly pathetic, “Of course you didn't. Why would you? And even if you did, then what Draco? The Slytherin Prince liking a spineless Hufflepuff!? Don’t kid yourself.” Draco shook his head, “No. I- I would’ve asked you out.” You looked at him, stunned. “I would’ve brought you your favourite flowers and asked you on a date. I would’ve told you that I felt the same, that I’ve felt the same since fourth year.” You stared into his grey eyes for a moment before regaining your sense. A teasing smile took over your face, “Well then what are you waiting for?” Draco chuckled lowly, pulling away slightly to grab his wand to conjure your favourite flowers. Handing the flowers to you he asked, “Will you do me the honour of accompanying me on a date this Saturday, my dear Puffey?” You held the flowers, your hand lingering on his as you took them from his grasp, “It would be my pleasure.”
400 followers celebration
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crowleylesbian · 5 years
aziraphale in Puffey Jacket....
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sybil999-blog · 7 years
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I created this using a stencil I got at hobby lobby. It’s on a hard flat canvas. I used watercolor paints on the background. The dreamcatcher is made using sparkle puffed paint. I also sprinkled glitter on regular puffed paint if I didn’t have the color in glitter. I like it. It’s kinda cool.
#dreams # dream catcher #art #puffey paint #watercolor #painting #glitter
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