#they really wanted the movie to bomb
Tbh the weirdest thing about Elemental is they had a gay couple in it and Disney didn’t even brag about it
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giantkillerjack · 11 months
Me: hm, I want something to put on the TV as background noise... Huh. Looks like YouTube is recommending something called The Last Unicorn. That's perfect, it's probably some old shitty animation that has aged poorly! I can watch it ironically!
Me, 2 hours later as the credits roll: *crying, cheering, buying the book, composing the songs*
Me, 2 weeks later: So I have compiled all of the quotes from the book that I think could make good tattoos, and also, HOW HAVE I NEVER LEARNED ABOUT HOW THE LAST UNICORN FUCKING SLAPS??? This gay-ass little fairytale fed my soul! Watered my crops! Transed my gender! Can't believe I heard of this story from youtube recommendations, of all places!!
#original#the last unicorn#tlu#peter s beagle#molly gru#schmendrick#schmendrick the magician#two of my favorite characters in anything right there in the center of the story! and I'm glad I saw the film first!#my reading ability has diminished due to trauma disability etc. but it seems like having a visual reference actually really helped!#no wonder i only ever want to read fan fic! turns out reading is not actually Superior to other types of Storytelling. it's just different.#to say otherwise is snobbishness I have been eminently guilty of in my life!#but like it is easier for me to consume tv and movies and that is fine actually. also that's why I'm doing a graphic novel lol#because i wanted to make something i would actually be able to read if i found it at a library. altho the audio book IS gonna be bomb#the audiobook is for visually impaired readers and anyone who wants or needs it! accessible stories for everyone! yeah!!#my gender was already transed but now I've gained an ADDITIONAL gender! which one? I'll never tell 😘#i am so powerful i have so much fuckin gender. my wife has no gender. and she is equally as powerful.#and also she has STUDIED THE BLADE#mostly zoro's blades from One Piece#normally YouTube recommends me shit movies like idiocracy or smth this is like if every day ur cat brought you a piece of rotten food and#then one day it brings you a BEAUTIFULLY ANIMATED TALE FEATURING MY BELOVED TWINK FUCK-UP WIZARD FRIEND AND MY ALL-TIME HOMEGIRL MOLLY GRU#and also it's soft and beautiful and funny and fucking weird!! i wrote melodies to the songs in the books on my ukulele
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farosdaughter · 7 months
Welp, here is TBOSAS’ lead editor admitting that they cut down a lot of the romance (including a pre games kiss) while editing the movie🥴
Apparently they thought the love story worked too well in the first 2/3 and made Coryo’s turn in the third part of the movie seem too sudden. After all, it’s not like the romance between Coryo and Lucy Gray being believable and 100% true was at the heart of the story, right?? It definitely didn’t make Coryo’s eventual betrayal heartbreaking and tragic.
The theatrical version of this movie absolutely doesn’t look like Frankenstein’s monster as a result of too many cuts and edits. I’m sure the book wouldn’t have benefited from being adapted in two movies instead of being condensed into a single overlong one.
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theology101 · 2 months
I love how the villains motivation in GvK is that ‘Humanity needs to be on top! We need a way to kill Godzilla!’ as if the US Military didnt get a good way there in the immediately proceeding movie
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Literally just double tap and don’t give him a steroid boost (nuclear bomb) and they probably already have a way to kill him
But no, Big Robot
this isnt a criticism of the movie - its great, I fulky belief that Simmons would do that because he’s the type of fucker to say ‘i like crazy ideas, they made me rich’
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random-ideas-artblog · 5 months
Just finished watching the first detective Conan movie!
So I just finished it, and I was taking notes as I went through. I’m just going to post them below. It’s pretty rough because I typed while watching so these are real time thoughts. Overall I enjoyed it though.
Conan’s adorable when he gets the letter (blushing is cute)
Can’t believe the dork forgot his own birthday but remembered some Holmes trivia instead lol 
Ran is a such a sweetheart omg 
Mori really read through the dudes whole Wikipedia page lmao
Never mind I mean biography I forgot this was like 1997
Does this dude have OCD is that supposed to be the implication 
Garden party is cool but where are the bombs and skyscrapers what I sup 
Damn he can cook wow
I feel like the do everything myself is going to be Important
Ok he’s kind of sinister know idk why  
Yo why is he so interested in this teenage girls love life??? 
Conan you are so screwed 
Oh ok I see where the bomb and skyscraper are coming into play now 
Grudge against the architect maybe 
Wow that was a big explosion
Ok this whole situation is very weird why is he helping Conan 
What is the cat the fucking bomb???
There better not be any cat death in this movie I will cry 
How did the old woman not notice the bomb???
That old woman and driver are having very tame reactions to this insane kid 
Oops and he’s passed out. In the hospital too uh oh
Aw that cute Kogoro is by his bedside 
Wow Conan without the glasses really looks like a  shinichi copy  how has no one noticed 
You can’t use phones in hospitals what is this common knowledge I never learned 
Ok this looks really bad for Shinichi I pity him a bit lol now Kogoro things he’s scum 
Ok I have a theory: For whatever reason  architect is bombing stuff for an unknown reason. The guy shown has a beard but that’s probably just a disguise, architect said he likes to do things himself so that’s why I think it’s him. He doesn’t what there to be casualties or just wants someone to stop him.That’s why Shinichi was contacted he’s a well known detective. The password thing was a test for Mori to see if he can replace shinichi, but Conan figured it out and got a tour of the gallery. Which, COINCIDENTALLY, has buildings that have been bombed before (the mansion) and will be bombed (presumably the skyscraper based on info so far). It’s a deliberate clue. That’s also why the bomber is accepting Conan as a legitimate detective because he passed the test, but also giving hints because this js a kid he doesn’t want to kill him. It’s also just occurred to me that the architect was implied to have severe OCD or perfectionism. He could be bombing past builds because he thinks there’s some thing wrong with them and can’t stand to have their design be under his name. Something like that idk. I’m only 36 minutes in so we’ll see
Wait a minute maybe the reason architect was interested in the birthday date was because he wanted to know when and where Shinichi would be so he could plan the bombing around his schedule! Ran provided practically all the details too 
That’s cute the kids drew a picture (I know it’s a suspect but still)
He’s happy with it??? Damn Conan can’t draw at all 
That was a lot of damage to the car wow 
Rare Kudo shinichi appearance I missed you!!! Conan’s cute but shinichi as himself looks pretty cool haha 
Damn that’s a strong father son bond 
Laughing then hating that’s kinda of funny
Genta is going to shout out the word bombs isn’t he
…I knew it 
Wait no ones noticed these kids screaming bomb on the train?
I am so confused by the motivation pretty sure this means my theories are wrong damn 
Sick burn Ran lol 
Wow this whole diverting sequence is seriously dramatic and I love it 
Poor Ran she’s getting stood up 
The bridge! The architect doesn’t want to blow up that bridge because he’s actually happy with that work! That would fit with my previous theory 
Ok shiratori is being kind of suspicious. Kinda confirms my theory tho 
Conan dude that suggestion was not subtle at all  
Ok now what Mori has said it’s someone else I’m more convinced than ever it’s the architect 
Ok there’s a lot of emphasis being placed on him lighting the pipe same as the beginning 
Ok did the dad steal his kids designs or did he steal his dad’s?? Probably the latter 
Was I actually on to something with the pipe????
Uh new theory he’d bombing all the architecture that doesn’t fit the New Tama symmetrical city to try and get the building approved after the Mayors arrest 
Just saw the architect has a painting of a horse above the fireplace I don’t know why that’s amusing to me 
Mori you are so wrong it’s funny as hell 
That reaction was funny as hell 
It’s kind of creepy how the architect is just standing and staring down 
Go after him Shiratori hell yeah 
So the skyscraper in the tile only shows up in the last 20 minutes 
I was actually right with my theory?? Kind of. I got the reason he wanted Kudo to take the case wrong(it was revenge) but the motivation behind the bombing and who was bombing them was correct. 
Ok but now that it’s been proven it had nothing to do with the case, why was he so interested in the date it’s a little bit creepy ngl 
Oh damn the bombs actually went off that’s a lot of power 
Ok wow this dude is an asshole 
Wait he wanted to know about the date so he could plant a huge bomb that would kill Ran and Shinichi wtf 
Ok Ran is taking this very well wow she’s cool 
I wonder what everyone else in the lobby is thinking right now 
Wait did they do it wrong. Wait nvm that’s someplace else 
Seeing Kogoro so worried about Ran is kind of heartwarming, although the circumstances aren’t great 
Oh god it’s the classic red wire blue wire 
My bet is on red wire. It’s Ran’s favorite color and the couples lucky color for the month 
Bruh wtf is with this edgy commentary from the architect about love you’re such a loser Christ.I’m getting a bit heated haha 😅
Not the happy Birthday this is really sad 
We’ll be together when we die??? What the hell this is depressing but kinda sweet 
I just realized I started off a bunch of my comments with ok so. It’s not important or anything I just noticed that while reading through. I’d give this movie a 7/10. There were some interesting parts and it was fun theorizing but there are still some things I’m confused about. Why did he accept Conan as a detective? Why did he provide clues to the bombs??? If the motive was revenge wouldn’t it be better to have Shinichi fail? Maybe I missed something idk.
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un-pearable · 2 months
Civil War (2024) is a mechanically good film but the commitment to not stoking real world political tensions in a movie about the potential consequences of those tensions leaves a gaping hole in its worldbuilding and reduces its impact to just. a series of melodramatic images of “what if the bad war happened here”. completely declawing any potential impact it could have had for the sake of not being controversial
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lovilego · 2 months
Lmao also, in the dream I watched a review of the movie (cuz I am poor and can't afford going to the theater) And the video's thumbnail was EXACTLY LIKE THIS, WITH THE SAME BABY SOREN PHOTO
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Now I am going to cry in my room, bye
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wowifinallywatched · 3 months
Wow I Finally Watched Sunshine
What happens when you put Cillian Murphy and Chris Evans in close confinement on their way to send a bomb into the sun?
Did I mention the incredible Michelle Yeoh and Benedict Wong are apart of these space shenanigans?
Have I gotten your attention of this very underrated movie yet?
Sunshine came out in 2007 and I had never once heard or seen anything of this movie until a few days ago, While I was innocently scrolling through Disney+, This movie appeared.
Now, Being a huge fan of Chris Evans for many years and recently diving into the work of Cillian Murphy, I was already hooked.
But then you tell me this is a Sc-fi Psychological Thriller set in space?
But this isn't just a 'For the scares and spooks' of space travel that film often portrays, This is a film ahead of it's time. A story that could be told in any year, Because this will always be relevant.
This movie makes you think.
What is beyond the stars? What would you do in these humanity-testing scenarios? What would you do when you've come face to face with not only the surface of the sun, but also your own heart?
A movie that questions your own humanity, A movie that has made you feel something so real that it makes your chest feel tight as if you're in that scenario, As if you're apart of a team with these people by your side day in and day out - That is a job well done.
While this movie did take a little bit to get into, it builds the suspence of what's really going on here. But everytime you think you'll look away, you reach for your phone - The movie does something that makes you need to rewind and go "Did they really just say that?"
And when you reach that moment.
There's no going back.
This movie was so incredibly different than anything I've experience for a while and As a thorough enjoyer of the Sci-fi genre in all different forms, This was a truly pleasant surprise.
***Please be cautious minor spoilers in the tags***
***Please read the content warnings of this movie before watching, it can depict scenes that may trigger some individuals***
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grahamcore · 11 months
truly don’t understand anyone of the opinion that oppenheimer is u.s. military propaganda the whole fucking point was that the international arms race has had, and will continue to have, dire consequences for humanity… oppenheimer and all the other scientists at los alamos were explicitly shown to be grappling with insurmountable feelings of remorse because of what they had done… i’m sorry where are we seeing war propaganda? just because a movie is ABOUT war does not mean that it PROMOTES war jfc
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youssefguedira · 10 months
oppenheimer really wants to present oppenheimer himself as a complex person responsible for bad things but really doesn't. make much reference at all to said bad things. the impact of the bombings is reduced to a single montage (that isn't even showing what happened: it's showing oppenheimer imagining it happening to a room full of americans) and a moment where they mention the number of people dead + the effects. when the images of the aftermath are shown the camera instead focuses on oppenheimer looking away, which i understand, but the audience doesn't see any tangible impact either. the effects of the test on the surrounding area aren't mentioned at all. like i understand that some things won't be shown in a film but if you're trying to present someone as responsible for bad things then i think it weakens what you're going for if you don't really show said things. anyway
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sorairoknife · 9 months
It's incredibly gross how so many of these "guy from the usa goes to war" movies will have a character that boils down to "kid that exists to justify why usamerican soldiers killing literal children overseas is actually a necessary act"
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rascheln · 6 months
Hilariously awkward moment that has repeated multiple times now that I've visited my dad and his partner regularly is watching a movie together and there's a dad on screen going "I won't abandon you" or a dad has been absent from the child's life and the movie ends with him promising to be a better dad. Meanwhile we're just sitting there and I'm trying real hard not to even look in his direction😂
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garaktime · 6 days
So just got back from Furiosa and it was uhhh, yeah? Yeah....
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slaythespire · 4 months
i cant see relationship posts on this site i start seething and coping
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carcarrot · 11 months
sparks set too tragically short. but thank you director of this film for giving us that wonderful glimpse of them
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thunderheadfred · 4 months
Finally saw Oppenheimer and… 🫤
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