#they should decorate themselves!!! they love beauty cmon guys
bookwyrminspiration · 6 months
How would you change elvin fashion/or how do you think elvin fashion should be?
First order of business: leggings are OUT! yes this entirely personal, but they (or at least the girls) wear leggings with EVERYTHING and I simply could not and will not. And it's also incredibly plain and boring, and they can do better.
The main thing is just that practically none of what we hear described makes an impression. The only thing they do is some undescribed embroidery and added jewels (usually described as "jewel encrusted" or simialr, no further detail), and Sophie keeps saying it looks super fancy and wealthy, but I'm unconvinced. I will grant that the capes are more distinctly elven and memorable, but I think they can be improved upon as well
What, exactly, the distinct thing "should" be depends on preference. And it's difficult to make it universal since elves are around the world, and a group's clothing tends to reflect their environment. One option is since they're a light-based society, to have a lot of skin showing to better absorb the sunlight--yes, this is also partially personal because that's what I like, but since not all elves are in a warm environment this doesn't work great for all areas. Another route is to incorporate a lot of gold--thread and jewelry--into their dress to reflect that sunlight, though we do run the risk of overlapping to heavily with goblins.
We could also bring back the trick with Jolie's lumenite dress, expanding that more broadly to making glowing garments. Perhaps with other glowing materials as well, though I'm not sure what specifically. That might be the best option actually, as it can be incorporated into a variety of fabrics and styles for the various weather conditions.
Another idea would be, instead of the clothes specifically, to focus on the culture surrounding clothes. They have an overabundance of clothes, what if they frequently switched outfits throughout the day? Something for a brisk morning, then they switch to something else when it warms up, and back into something else for the evening then night, etc. We could get more specific for positions of power--e.g. what if the councillors, who are supposed to be the best of the best, change clothes to reflect the colors of the sun/sky throughout the day? To reflect their enlightenment and atonement to the world?
Like I said, a variety of ways to go about it even beyond this, but the main thing is right now they feel like human clothes with the words "embroidery" and "jewel" stuck on. We can improve upon this :)
(also would love to see clothing not tied to gender. more ubiquitous styles and choices across all sexes and genders. why hold on to human socially constructed separation?)
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dakotafinely · 3 years
Thank you for writing my request!! I enjoyed the twist you put on it!
But like....now I’m curious about when April’s parents finally DO meet splinter and the bois- would she recognize Raph? I assume she’d recognize splinter bc I mean cmon rat man but Raph has gotten so much bigger than when she first saw him
Would you be willing to write that too? 🥺
Also, before we get into it. April has two mom’s and I don't take criticism on that. The one that met Raph & Splinter will be referred to as Mama/Ma while the other will be referred to as Mom/Mother.
Most of the time, it was just April and her mama. Her mom with a job that caused her to travel often. Sometimes unexpectedly.
“But, the guys really want to meet you!” April begged, despite knowing her mother couldn’t get out of it if she wanted to. Her mother lightly kissed her forehead, before returning to pack her suitcase.
“I know honey, and I’d love to meet them too,” She stops to focus and folding a shirt and putting in the suitcase “but I have to go, they need me down in Texas for the week. I promise if I can make it back before Sunday I’ll try to with all my might.” She turns to her daughter. Placing both hands on her face with a gentle smile on her own.
“You know I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t have to,” she says and April sighs. Knowing she was right.
“Just... try and make it back as soon as possible,” It was April’s last plea. To which her mother turned back to the suitcase to zip it up. Putting it with the other one and looking to April. Her eyes shining with honesty.
“You know I always do,” she responded. Leaving about ten minutes later.
Saturday came, and April knew her mother wasn’t coming in time. Still, the guys at least meeting one of her mom’s oughta satisfy their curiosity just a bit.
Sunday came and April’s mama was running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Trying to prepare the house as much as possible before they came. April tried to calm her down. The speed reminiscent of a freight train.
“Mama please, trust me when I say they’re not going to care if it’s not perfect,” April said with a slight whine. Still, in a flurry she went. Tidying up things the boy’s wouldn’t have even seen to begin with. Like closets and bedrooms.
“Well I’ll care,” her mama retorted. Slowly running out of steam as it become one hour before they would arrive. Hair tied up and fizzled, clothes stained with deep cleaning messes. She huffed as she looked at herself.
“I’m taking a shower,” she told April “put the chicken in the oven when the-”
“When the timer goes off, I know.”
“I still don’t know why we have to wear clothes,” Raph spoke up as Donnie and Leo admired themselves in a shared mirror. Lightly pushing each other to get a better view. Raph huffed and smoothed out the red cardigan he put on for the 50th time “we never wear clothes any other time!” he said.
“Yeah, but,” Mikey slid up next to him, adjusting the snappers tie “it’s to make a good impression! We’re mutants, we gotta do something to make her feel at ease.”
“Her?” Raph asked.
“Oh yeah, I forgot you weren’t in the room,” Donnie spoke up, finally leaving the mirror before the pushing got to violent between the twins. Leo falling over with a yelp at the unexpected movement of the soft-shell “April’s other mom couldn’t make it back home in time. We’re only meeting one of her parents,” Donnie explained, looking relaxed in the suit, as if he could wear it all the time.
“But still!” Leo spoke up, popping up next to his twin as though he hadn’t just fallen “It’ll be nice to meet at least one of her parents,” he said “for a hot second there I thought we’d never meet either of ‘em!” Leo crossed his arms and sat with a happy smile. Also looking comfortable in his clothes.
“I’m just glad we finally have a reason to use these cardigans!” Mikey said, gesturing to his orange one. Raph looked back to the mirror, looking down at the red cardigan. Mikey had taken time to tailor it to Raph’s measurements, it would’ve been a true shame to let it go unused.
“Alright my sons!” Splinter emerged from his room. The boys stared at him, his suit looking dapper, a sight unusual for the boys. He held a brightly wrapped gift in his hands. Clearly spending most of his time on it as the bow on top was complex and beautiful. He grinned “Let’s go!”
As the hours had become mere minutes. A dread filled April’s stomach. She’d yet to tell her mom’s the truth about her friends. But she knew if she didn’t do it now she’d be asking for disaster later.
“Mama,” April said, mouth dry as she didn’t really look at her. April’s mama looked from the table she was decorating. Concern following her features as she saw the way her daughter was standing.
“What’s wrong baby?” She moved, stopping her task and put a hand on April’s shoulder. Using the other to move April’s face gently to make April face her. April looked nervous, with a mixture of fear. The type of fear you feel when you believe you’re about to be rejected.
“There’s... something I gotta tell you about my friends.” April said “Before they get here, so you can be ready.” She continued, studying her mama’s facial expression. It was mainly confused.
“What is it? What-” A lightbulb went over her head “Oh! Are they gang members? Is that why you’ve been out all hours of the night because April-”
“No!” April spoke a laugh of disbelief, relaxing a bit. Mama relaxed a bit as well, that was her worst fear. The last thing she would ever wish on her daughter is to be swept in something as dangerous as a gang. Especially with some of the very...  bizarre ones in New York.
“Well, then whatever it is will be alright with me,” Mama said letting go of her daughter. Despite the concern on April’s face, as if there could be something worse in her mind then gang members. Mama smiled reassuringly “You can tell me, I promise it won’t make me think any less of your friends,” she added, wanting to let her daughter have open space to talk about anything.
April opened her mouth, when the doorbell rang.
“Oh! Well speak of the devil’s then,” Mama spoke with a small chuckle, already moving to open the door.
“Wa- wait! Maybe I should get it!” April began to protest. To which Mama simply shook her head as she placed her hand on the doorknob.
“Nonsense April,” Mama said, already opening the door, “I’d love to-” She stopped as her eyes landed on the five mutants in front of her. Recognizing one almost immediately. Eyes wide and mouth agape as she stared at him again for the first time in years.
Splinter couldn’t help but have the same expression. Feeling as though he’d been thrown into the past. Recognizing the woman, her long thick curls draped down her shoulders had light grey hair’s decorated inside them. She didn’t seem as slim as she was all those years ago. But the gentleness was still evident in creases around her eyes.
Her eyes flicked up. Four, there were four turtles. And despite the fact she hadn’t used the information for years. She still was able to identify each one of them with a glance.
A red-eared slider, a box turtle, a soft-shell, and-
“You!” Splinter and Mama said almost at the same time. Mama taking a step back as she pointed to the Snapper.
April finally snapped out of her horror as she had awaited her mama’s response. Becoming confused by the reaction.
“Wait, you know Raph?” She asked walking behind her mama. April’s mama put a hand over her mouth.
“Pop’s... you know her?” Raph asked leaning down, not-so-subtly whispering behind his hand. Having been to young to truly remember the trauma he’d gone through.
“Well, uh, can we at least come inside?” Leo finally said after a beat of silence. Earning an elbow from Donnie “What? She knows Raph! Or pop’s at least...” Leo trailed before realizing something.
“Wait, is she the one you meet when getting Raph back!?” Is what Leo would’ve said, if Mikey hadn’t said it first. April’s eyes went wide with the realization as well. And Donnie and Raph seemed a bit flabbergasted.
“I- uh, come in!” Mama finally snapped, swinging the door right open. There was a lot of explaining to do...
Eventually, everyone had settled. Sitting at the table as the last of the food cooked.
April looked to her mama, awaiting an explanation.
“It was... before you were born. I’d joined this sort of hunting group as a way to make quick cash. They’d needed a turtle and tortoise expert. And I was it.” April’s mama began. Hands on her lap as everyone leaned into the story.
“I didn’t go on many trips. Just a couple, I didn’t know what they did with the animals they caught. I always thought it was a capture and release type of thing. Since I only was really there to examine the capture and take notes before just, being on my way. But..” She took a deep breath “during one mission, they’d actually decided to let me stay from start to finish and...” Mama looked up to Raph with a small smile “that’s where I met you,” she said.
“Look what I caught!” A hunter said holding up a small turtle by it’s tail. The group gathered round to get a better look at the creature. But she was the only one who truly took notice of weird things about it. How it held it’s claw like a hand, whimpering in pain as it looked around. With eyes that shone of a bright mind, curious about the world. And unusual, toddler like form.
“Well O’Neil?” A hunter asked, lightly knocking her shoulder. Snapping her out of her study. They lightly gestured with their head to the turtle “what kind is it?”
“Uh,” O’Neil shook her head and took a closer look. Holding the turtle with care, making the other hunters snicker at her compassion. She ignored it as she flipped the turtle on it’s stomach, feeling the sharp edges of it’s shell. She turned it back and opened it’s mouth. Tiny hands pawing at the unwanted intrusion, but she saw the sharp curve of it’s beak. Clearly made for tougher meats. Of course, this one was easy, she probably could’ve guessed if she really wanted to “Ah, Alligator Snapper Turtle... which is unusual for this area.” She said.
It took everything in her not to take it back as a hunter ripped it from her arms like a lifeless doll. Laughing a bit as they put him close to their face, slightly sneering at it.
“Really now? Why don’t we cage this lil’ fella and sell ‘em?” They said lightly tossing him from arm to arm. The snapper letting out whines and distressed whimpers. O’Neil was in to much shock at the action to move to action as the others around her laughed.
Until the hunter let out a pained scream. Dropping the snapper with a slur of curses. Backing away as bit. The snapper had begun to get up and try and run. O’Neil noted, that it was on two feet and not all four, before someone else crushed him under their foot.
“That- that fucker bit off my finger!” The hunter screamed in horror as another went to grab the med kit from one of the tents. O’Neil’s eyes widened as she saw the little turtle spit it from his mouth, clearly in distaste.
It was after that O’Neil still had to watch them throw him in cage. But, he drew blood, heck he almost at a whole finger. They couldn’t release him back into the wild. Not with the taste of human blood now his system.
It took two more days for O’Neil to properly realize that it was simply self-defense. With no more incidents occurring, and the snapper unable to eat anything raw without immediately spitting it back out. The poor sucker was starving.
“Maybe he’ll eat the jerky,” O’Neil made the mistake of commenting it aloud as she watched poor turtle suffer in his cage. Whimpering out in hunger, sitting in the corner every time another human would walk by.
“Aww, what’s the matter little guy? Ya hungry?” The hunter he’d bit a few days ago spit out. Clearly begin sarcastic as he threw a piece of jerky out of the cages reach. Still, the naive snapper had went after it. Trying to paw at it from inside the cage.
The laughter surrounding her was sickening. It made her want to cover her ears and shout at them to stop. But she couldn’t. Instead she used her foot to nudge the jerky within reach.
Waiting a few minutes before dumping her bag inside the cage. She didn’t like the jerky that much anyways. She couldn’t help but watch with a smile as the snapper filled his stomach. A satisfied churr coming from him as he smiled back up at her.
That was it, she had to get him out of here.
Under the cover of the evening. She’d volunteered to do night patrols, in case something or someone tried to invade the camp. A shudder crawled through her spine at the idea. What could they’ve been doing to make other people come after them?
Still, once she was sure everyone was asleep. She went to the cage, crouching down in front of it. Relieved to see the Snapper crawl towards her instead of away. This would make it much easier. And despite the darkness, she could see his eyes. Shining with child-like joy and wonder.
“You’re not like the others are you little guy?” She cooed, trying to be as gentle as possible to not startle him. The snapper churred in response, curious but cautious. He understood her. She couldn’t help but smile wider.
“Yeah, I didn’t think so. I’ve seen snappers before and you don’t really look it,” She continued, before letting out an awkward chuckle. He did sort of look like a snapper, that’s why she was able to identify him in the first place “I mean,” she corrected herself “you do kinda, but not really if you get what I mean.”
A confused churr, but he leaned against the door of the cage. Silently asking to be let out.
“Yeah... sorry,” she said, opening the cage door. The snapper immediately went into her arms. Snuggling into the warmth and safety of them. The moon finally coming out from behind the clouds for her to see him properly.
Perfect, now was the time to-
As she’d turned to run off, she saw a rat. A large rat, wearing a worn down robe and looking as though he hadn’t slept in days. She couldn’t do much of anything beside stare. And the creature stared back.
The Snapper began to chrip happily, seeming to recognize the thing in front of her. She kept him balanced, still afraid of handing him off to someone. Within four days, it seemed she’d adopted the snapper.
But when the rat gently lifted his arms. Staring at the snapper with adoration and worry and hope. Hands shaking just a bit as though he could will him into his arms. O’Neil knew she was defeated.
She relented the child. With slow movements as to not scare either of them. The rat took him quickly and carefully. Hugging him like his own son, quietly sobbing with shoulder shaking violently. Oh dear, how long had he been looking for the kid?
“Go,” her voice was much hoarser then she would’ve liked, but there was no time for her to care. The rat looked to her, as if he completely forgot he was there to begin with. She couldn’t help but glance at the tents, afraid of waking up the others was lighting in her skin “if you want to get out of here with him now. You need to go,” she whispered. The rat nodded and with no words. Rushed off, leaves in the up kick at his unexpected speed.
She relaxed, until she heard a branch snap.
“O’Neil?” A hunter spoke up, clearly groggy from begin so easily awakened “Is that you making a racket?”
“Yeah, yeah,” she tried to sound as confident as possible. Not wanting to raise suspicion and make them aware of their escapee sooner then necessary “just go back to sleep, thought I heard something but I was wrong.”
She stood frozen in place. Waiting for a response. Before relaxing after a beat or so.
“Wait! What happened after!?” Mikey asked excitedly, immersed in the story. She couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at his enthusiasm.
“Oh, I quit. A month later we got you,” She booped her daughters noise. Making April giggle a bit and shy away. Mama sighed and leaned back against her chair. More at ease with the story out there.
“I always thought you guys ran far away from here,” she commented looking to Splinter “I’m surprised to see you’ve stayed, and gained three more turtles in the process.”
With that, the timer beeped. And everyone helped move the food for them to dig into.
I hope this one’s good! I feel kinda iffy about the ending but it seems like a good place to end it. I had fun playing more with this concept! I’d like to think the guys and April’s history went deeper then even they realized. (I kinda like doing that with ALL my characters, it’s so much fun to interweave them!)
This was a lot of fun! Thank you for sending me the ask!!
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catsandstrawberries · 5 years
Real Family: 4
Pairings: BTS x female reader, platonic love
Warnings: Language, domestic abuse (future), neglect
A/N: Thanks for all the positive feedback so far guys!
Summary: It’s not blood that makes a family. It’s love.
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When I ran out of the room, the first place I went to was the attic. Meeting with the boys had made me realize how stupid I was. I was sixteen years old and still living in the orphanage, it was stupid to think I could rely on Katie, it was stupid to think I could be adopted before I became an adult, it was stupid to think I could have a family. I shook my head as if the action itself could get rid of my thoughts, grabbing an old black backpack that still smelled of weed and cigarette smoke from the last home I had been in. Throwing my clothes, toothbrush, some other necessities I found on the floor, and a blanket into the bag, I quickly zipped it up rushing to open the door only to find Katie on the other side.
 “Katie?” I asked as she gave me an annoyed look then spotted the bag on my back. Her gaze softened and she leads me towards my bed, 
“(Y/N), honey I know it's frustrating living here, but you can't lash out on your potential adopters. Or run away from your problems.” She attempted to put a hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off, 
“why would they even choose me? What if they do and James starts to hate me because he thought he was going to get adopted?” James was one of my only friends here and to think he would hate me made my heart clench. 
“He won't hate you if anything he’ll be happy for you.”
“But if they choose me I'll hate myself” 
    I sat on the couch in the living room, backpack thrown on the ground and Uno cards in my hand as I played with James. Katie was busy talking to the seven boys so to try and calm my nerves we decided to play the stupid card game,
“I won,” James yelled throwing down his last yellow card, jumping up and running around the room with his arms thrown in the air. Katie then appeared in the corner of the room, a smile on her face as she watched our interaction. “James why don't you go give (Y/N) a hug goodbye,” I froze at her words, waiting for the punch line of the joke to come, but it never did. James ran up to me jumping into my arms, 
“(Y/N) that's so exciting!” he gave me a bright smile that slowly started to fade as he squeezed me tighter, “don't forget about me.” My eyes widened at his word as I wrapped my arms around his waist, “never.”   
Katie and I walked side by side into her office, the seven boys immediately stopped chatting as they saw us enter. Katie ducked behind her desk, pulling out a stack of paperwork and handing it to Namjoon. “You just need to fill these out and we've already done a background check so you'll be free to go.” I watched as he winced at the large packet in front of him, distributing the papers between the seven of them. 
“Who knew kids came with so much paperwork?” He nervously chuckled, some of the boys joining in. But when he noticed that Katie and I weren't laughing he stopped then cleared his throat. I gripped my backpack strap tighter questions running through my mind, why would they choose me? The only thing that kept me sane was knowing that they would sooner or later bring me back, no one wanted a teenager. Because there were so many of them they were able to finish the paperwork in under ten minutes. They all stood up from there seats glancing at me, "don't you need to go pack?" The younger looking one, Jungkook I think, asked. Shaking my head I replied, "I have all my stuff." Their eyes widened slightly as if they couldn't believe I could fit all my belongings in the small backpack. Thankfully they dropped the subject and Katie led us towards the door, I slipped on my torn black and white sneakers then turned towards Katie as she enveloped me in a hug. 
"Hey, don't give up on them so easily. Give them a chance maybe you'll like it." I nodded at her words, but deep down I knew it would never work. 
"We should probably get going" Namjoon spoke, glancing down at his phone and typing something before tucking it in his pocket. "I'll be driving so there's enough room for us." I turned to Katie one last time, giving her a small wave just as Tae opened the door. Screams suddenly filled my ears, high pitched cries of 'I love you', and flashes of bright cameras blinded me as the boys had stepped outside. But as soon as they saw me, everything seemed to go quiet. I stood fixed in my spot staring at the large men, who I assumed were security guards, groups of fans on the sidelines and press with cameras and writing pads. Then, everyone seemed to start yelling at once, louder than before, and if it wasn't for someone's hand grabbing mine and leading me towards a large black ford I wouldn't have been able to move. I looked down spotting Jin's hand, and before I could pull away he was opening the car door. I jumped in quickly just as another flash went off, and voices of reporters screamed out questions. Shuffling into the backseat of the car I clenched my backpack to my chest, breathing became a struggle as my eyes started to blink rapidly as if the bright flashes were still there. The slam of the car door caused me to jump as all the boys filled in.  Taehyung sitting closest to me, and Jungkook next to him while Jin, Jimin, and Hoseok sat in the middle, Namjoon driving, and Yoongi sitting in the passenger seat. 
“Sorry, we probably should have warned you about them,” Jin spoke from the row in front of me, “we love our fans but they can get really overwhelming,” Tae spoke giving me a gentle smile while Yoongi hissed out from the front, “especially the press.” I cleared my throat, licking my lips before speaking, “so, um, where are we going?” Namjoon locked eyes with me in the rear view mirror, “were actually heading towards our apartment in Seoul, that's where you'll be living.” 
   The trip to their house was long, especially considering that Seoul was only an hour away, but the car ride felt like hours. I had pressed my body as tight to the window as possible, discreetly trying not to touch Tae. “We don't bite (Y/N).” I nervously looked at the two who had bright smiles on their faces, and instead of being put at ease I only tensed further. “So you guys are a band,” wow way to state the obvious (Y/N), “you must be pretty famous, what type of music do you guys produce?” “Have you never heard of us before?” Jungkook asked while I shook my head no. “Were a Kpop group so are songs are a combination of English and Korean lyrics.” Jhope spoke up from the seat in front of me. “That's cool,” I added, sinking in my chair when no one tried to continue the conversation. Jimin then let out a sigh of relief mumbling a ‘thank God, we're here,’ which only slightly stung. I was the last one out of the car, struggling to hop over the seats and not trip over my own two feet. But as soon as I was stable on the concrete, a surprised gasp was leaving my lips at the house, scratch that mansion in front of me. Ivy and ferns grew through the crevices of the old winding stone path, which led directly to the colossal structure. Thick, lushes trees, swaying gently in the chilly winter wind. At its threshold stood the delicate marble fountain, the soft gurgling of the clear water melodic as it resonated in the surrounding silence. “Seriously?” I asked, turning to the boys only to find that I was standing alone in front of the house, whipping my head around I found most of them already walking inside. “Cmon (Y/N), we'll show you your room.” I hesitantly nodded, jogging over to him and into the building. The inside of the mansion was even more awe-striking then the outside. Pieces of abstract art hung from the white walls that contrasted to the wooden flooring. 
“Why don't we take you up to your room then we can give you a house tour?” Tae started leading me towards the stairs rushing up a flight as I awkwardly tried to keep pace with him. Once I reached the top of the stairs, the floor opened up to a large living room like area, plasma tv, and leather couches placed in the middle of the room, dividing to a small hallway that connected to four rooms. “Your room is the second one on the left,” He leads me far down the corridor and opened a door to reveal a gorgeous room, complete with a restroom, queen bed, desk, ottoman, and closet. Gasping as I walked in I softly sit on the bed, dropping my backpack and running my hands over the soft blankets, marveling at the beautiful room. The room itself was bigger than the living room at the orphanage. I had never had my own room before. 
“Sorry it's not much, we didn't want to decorate it in case you didn't like it. But maybe we can get some room stuff this weekend.” 
 Tae purposely left out the part that the boys didn't want to be decorating a room for a child that none of them wanted. 
“I'll leave you to get settled, come downstairs when you're done.” Tae left the room, leaving me sitting alone in one of the biggest bedrooms I had ever been in. Everything seemed so nice here, the house, and some of the boys, maybe the rest would start to like me too. I quickly pinched myself at my thoughts, why would anyone want to keep you when all you are is a problem. I stood up from my sitting position on the bed, exciting my room and walking down the staircase, fingers trailing down the black railing. The boys all sat at a large island mumbling to themselves and as I got closer five heads turned to me. I then took notice of how two were missing, Yoongi and Jimin. “Are you hungry (Y/N)?” Jin asked pulling out a set of pans while I shook my head. “No, but the-,” as if on cue a rumbling erupted from my stomach causing me to wrap my arms tightly around my waist. Most of the boys started to laugh while an embarrassed flush spread over my checks. “I'm sorry-” Hoseok interrupted me a chuckle laced into his words. “There's nothing to be sorry about, what would you like to eat?” “Could I have ramen?” One of the boys, the youngest, Jungkook started to laugh at my words. “Seriously (Y/N), not to brag or anything but, we're kind of rich.” I looked down at the white marble island that matched the countertops, a shiny chandelier hanging from the ceiling, black-lined cabinets, fridge, and stovetops lining the kitchen area. I doubted that they were just-’kind of rich’. “Do you really just want ramen?” I nodded, my stomach started to gurgle once again just as Taehyung stood up from his seat, “I'll throw it in the microwave.”
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multsicorn · 6 years
yuri on ice liveblogging ep 10
Oooh Victor's POV!  Do I get insight into him now!?
Okayy Victor re: offering to take those naked pictures of Christophe, aren't you with Yuuri now?  Isn't that a thing?  If that means we have 'I'm not gonna stop being a flirty playboy it doesn't Mean Anything' fight coming up I'm excited for it tbh, but I hope something happens.
And is Victor's phone case a closeup of a costume of his?  LOL Victor.
"Now he oozes sexuality, but when I first met him he was like a pure little boy" is not making the subtext of Chris being Victor's maybe ex something be LESS, I'm just saying.  It sounds a whole lot like Yuuri's arc too.
LOL Yuriy is such a brat.  Checking in's not that hard… and he gets what he deserves with the horde of catgirls, I guess :D.  Gotta say, his furious faces all the time crack me up.
"Jetlagged Sleeping Beauty"!!!!  I wondered if the Sleeping Beauty references would come back but here I don't think it's a fairy tale thing, just literal.  (And aww it's sweet that Victor calls him beautiful in his narration.)  And… I guess… Victor has ~awakened~ him, arguably, so there's that, even if it's an abstract big-picture thing.
SO WHY ARE VICTORS CLOTHES ON A SEPARATE BED?  Surely they're sleeping together now??  Or maybe not, who knows!
"Yuuri's life and love have opened up a brand new world for me" - okay, after all the professional-level narration that's really fucking touching.  Yuuri's love!!!  But also PLS EXPAND PLS EXPLAIN Victor okay??
Ahhh man Victor posting sexy selfies with another guy while your boyfriend's sleeping in bed!  Let's see how he reacts to that.  *chinhands, gets popcorn*…. apparently NOT AT ALL?  Cmon Yuuri!  I guess he's confident or whatever but I wanna see conflict.
And the beds look like they're pushed right together!  I don't think they did in the earlier shot…?
"Love's changed me" HMM tell me about it.  Oh well of course he's ~stronger.~  And he misses Victor!!!  Awww!!!  Only not when Victor actually comes in lol…. again I would like the Conflict!
"Nobody had ever asked Yuriy if he wanted to be friends with them before" possibly cause he spits venom at everyone but I guess that's why Yuriy/Otabek is a thing!
"Fine then I'm tired" aw <3 lol it's very managey which Victor tends to be but it's what Yuuri needs right now so it's good.
Huhhh I wonder what Victor's meant to be talking about re: Christmas!  e.g. does he mean they still celebrate New Year's instead of Christmas, which is a pretty big thing (what my family does, and huge celebrations on TV) (I would say though like for any big holiday, the decorations and food-making definitely start before the day of!), or is he talking about Orthodox Christmas being in January, or..?  This has nothing to do with anything but I'm curious.
A lucky charm and a gift for Victor, okay, this is the rings!  And he puts it on Victor's finger in a church…… honestly, I'm going with Symbolic Wedding Rings (but actually technically just rings) for whatever money we wanna put on it.
"Thank you Victor, for everything you've done.  I wanted to get you something and this was the best thing I could think of.  Anyway, I, um, I'll do my best from tomorrow on.  So, tell me something?"
"Okay.  I'll tell you something that you won't even have to think about.  Tomorrow, skate in a way that's true to yourself.  Show me a program that makes you proud.  There's only one way to a gold medal that I know, and that's it."
"this was the best thing I could think of" kinda kills me A LOT.  Cause it's obviously not about the appropriateness or quality, physically, of the ring as a simple gift.  It's "the best thing I could think of to give you wasn't a THING, it's this symbol of me/our relationship," it's… giving myself to you symbolically in this way, giving this symbol of seriousness and committment, (which is what the rings are - I don't think they're literally either engaged or married? cause that scene looks like a marriage, not an egagement), is… better than anything, right?  Yuuri has the confidence to say that believing that Victor thinks it's so, but, also, I believe, wants confirmation.
Cause all the thanks and all the doing his best and so forth are real, and are important, as well as being what he's allowed to say by the show, but shhh.
And Victor going with "I'll tell you something you won't even have to think about" is actually wonderful!?  Cause it might sound not so romantic, why's he talking about Yuuri's performance rather than about how much he loves Yuuri, etc., but the fact is… Yuuri, right now, is incredibly worked up about this upcoming performance.  Victor knows it, Victor gets it, and what Yuuri needs from him right now, more than anything, is something that'll calm his nerves.  Something that he won't have to think about cause thinking distracts him - and Victor, presumably, knows that.  So making his response this gentle pep talk is Victor showing Yuuri how he loves him, rather than telling him.
"At the banquet you got wasted on champagne and started dancing."  Yuuri's dirty moves!  Again, so this is where this came from!
Yuri says "it's a good luck charm!  And, you know, there are layers!"  Then Victor says "it's an engagement ring!"  AND HERE I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST FANDOM DISAGREEING LOLOLOL.  And for once I'm not even saying 'er maybe you guys should talk to each other and like FIGURE IT OUT!'  I'm going with what I said earlier, that it's a committment ring, a promise ring, y'know, something like that; symbolic and meaningful and certainly relationshippy, but not too specific within that area.  Not what I'd call an engagement ring per se cause there was no proposal AFAIK.  Meaning the actual truth lies somewhere in between what the two of them said - and it makes total sense how both of them are bending it, not for themselves or for each other but for the audience.
Yuuri doesn't want everyone to know what he's doing/thinking/feeling, he's a pretty private person.  He may not be hiding his relationship with Victor per se but I feel pretty safe saying he'd rather not make a big public thing out of it, either, unless that happens spontaneously in some moment.
Whereas Victor the shameless flirt is like, it's an engagment ring!  Whether he expects anyone to take him seriously or not, he's a show-off.  Like we also know.  And these things aren't just about Victor's or Yuuri's relationship and how they present it, but how they are, generally.
And will they actually get married when/if Yuuri wins the gold?  I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if they get married sometime before next season starts, regardless.  They seem to be moving things pretty fast!  So Victor's not just making shit up in that regard, even if they haven't promised or discussed it.
Also lol JJ is SUCH AN ASS.
Hotel room with two beds pushed together again!  And Victor absent.  Is there some Hays code like rule that we can't see them sharing a bed??
It's, uh, interesting I guess that Victor doesn't feel the need to defend Yuuri in absentia from Yuriy's insults.  I guess he doesn't take them seriously enough.  (I feel like his default actually when it comes to things that aren't skating or love but just, like, general interaction, is neither to take things seriously nor to be serious himself.  Which is an interesting contrast with Yuuri, who's pretty much all serious all the time.)
OKAY WELLLLLLLLL that was an interesting ending sequence, all right!  WITH THE POLE DANCING AND EVERYTHING, and so I guess Yuuri both kinda hit on Victor and asked him to come to Hasetsu and coach him before the season started which um.  Maybe says some things about how weird-seeming Victor was acting when he came out there?  He thought Yuuri wanted him, WOW AMNESIA TROPE, but… he thought Yuuri had just thought better of it, I guess, over time?  Without them ever talking about it apparently, TALKING COULD BE A THING.
Anyway wow yeah yep that's a lot; I'm not in love with any of it myself, but tropey as hell.
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