#they wanna be a dom so bad (hence the name) but that bitch is SUCH a sub
nat-20s · 7 months
I think I could deal with Master way easier than the Doctor does because unlike them I started taking Prozac and stopped being repressed so I'm fully able to recognize it's easy as hell to manipulate horny people
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Ruinenlust, 1/2 (Max/Violet) - Puppy
A/N: Oh, wow it’s been a while since I posted. It’s good to be back. First of all, I’d like to thank @artificialpuddle for beta'ing; your comments are much appreciated. Second of all, I hope you enjoy this.
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Ruinenlust - German. To take pleasure in ruin.
A few weeks after the events of “Peripeteia”, Violet and Max try again at another escapade with a little more preparation this time.
“If only you knew what you looked like right now…” The mistress smirked, putting one of her vinyl-booted feet on her kneeling, blindfolded submissive’s shoulder. The other was placed between her submissive’s feet, the top of the boot growing slick with arousal. The room was nearly quiet, only the sounds of heavy breathing filled the silence.  
Laura kept as still as possible; her mind focused on keeping still, not letting any more of her neediness show. The ambiance alone could push her past her limits; the combination of the slow, sensual music and the nearly degrading naughts being directed towards her nearly made her burst. If only she could get some more friction against her goddess’s boot. She only stopped as she felt her love’s breath go hot against her.
Her Goddess, her Mistress, her Everything leaned towards her, bit a hickey into her neck and then whispered into her ear,
“Max, did you get in my smut stash?”
The grey haired girl, startled by the shift in volume, quickly clapped the paperback shut as she nearly fell out of the loveseat. A copy of  Tainted by the Chains of Love ended up at the shorter girl’s feet. It was originally found in a thrift store as something to fill the bottom shelf of Violet’s pin-up magazines and other pulp novels.
She could have lightened the conversation, but they both knew she was never one to sugar coat things. There was no use lying to her either, especially over something so trivial as a book. “Do forgive me. I was under the impression the bookshelves were communal?”
“You’re good. Just tell me before you’re gonna borrow anything from that shelf, kay? I was worried I lost it.” Violet bent over and picked up the novel, recognizing the bookmarked page. “Oh, you’re at a  spicy part too.”
Max’s lips pursed into an awkward smile as her girlfriend further through the pages. She half expected her to read an excerpt aloud. “That is… definitely a word I would use to describe it.”
“Didn’t realize you were into this dime store stuff. I figured this was too  raunchy and  dirty for your tastes.” She scrunched her nose in fake disgust.  
Max didn’t respond as she slumped back onto the loveseat. “I… I figured I’d try something different?”
“And that’s completely valid. I guess I should ask what you think of it so far.” Violet stared into her girlfriend’s eyes that waited for a response. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, baby.”
“Well… um…” Max flexed her finger repeatedly, as if she was reaching for the right thing to say. This type of literature wasn’t in her radar; hence it was harder for her to review. Most of the time she veered away from  those types of books, but there was something about this one that made her want to keep reading. Was it the fact that the woman she loved so dearly had read it?
Nevertheless, she decided to humor her and still give her opinions. “I think it’s good so far…”
“Maxie, you’re a good chunk into it. Surely you have more to say… About the plot, how much of that there is.” She slightly raised the pitch of her voice, clearly getting some satisfaction from the secondhand embarrassment.
Max nodded her head, swimming through her thoughts to find coherent sentences, as she straightened her posture. “The writer seems to definitely know what they are talking about. The dynamic between Laura and Rachel isn’t just a thinly-veiled excuse for abuse, unlike some novels I can name. There is open communication and safe words and Rachel listens when her sub says no or when she wants to stop and… Yes, I know it’s basic human decency, but it’s just so…” She squealed with excitement. “And the dynamic… it’s just perfect and-”
“By god, you’re a nerd.” Violet couldn’t help but let out a laugh. There wasn’t a response this time. “Is something the matter, booboo? I’d normally get, like, a slap on the wrist for that.” There was still no answer. “Come on, I don’t hate it as much as I used to. I’m a masochist now, remember?” She shimmied closer towards Max, the pink silk from her robe brushing against her love’s skin and her breasts nearly at eye level.  
She sighed, holding her head in her hands. The embarrassment crept from her face into every fiber of her being. The reminder of the last time they did something of this sort, plus Violet’s remark about her infodumping, rubbed her slightly the wrong way. “Yes. About that. I’ve still been thinking about the other week, and-”
“While we’re on the subject of that, I’m still surprised at how well you did for your first time domming. I’ve been thinking, and-”
“Do you want me to do it again?”
“If I was that bad, you can just tell me. Honesty and all…”
“Far from it. You were great!” Violet complimented earnestly, or as earnestly as she would allow herself to get. Apologizing, nor vulnerability for that manner, was never really her strongest suit; it was still too early in the relationship for that sort of thing. “I want to thank you for that… I’m sorry if that whole experience made you uncomfy and… I want to make it up to you.”
“Really?” The silver-haired girl blinked at her girlfriend, staring as if she had grown an extra head. Was she being serious? After all of the things she had said and done, Violet was still proud of her. “But… I hurt you!”
“But you didn’t harm me, and that’s what mattered. Also wasn’t topping that one time your idea? All because of those goddamn cat ears.” She chuckled, thinking about the situation in hindsight.
“And I kept spritzing you with that bottle,” She ignored the compliment and got slightly more defensive.“that must’ve been annoying.”
“Isn’t that the point? What matters is I liked it, you hear me? You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for. Now shut up and let me return the favor, okay?”
Max nodded her head, suddenly growing timid at her girlfriend’s demeanor. “What is it you want to do?”
Violet’s face grew a mischievous smirk; she’d been planning her strategy the moment she saw Max reading on the loveseat. She leaned into her girlfriend’s ear and whispered, “How about we recreate one of those scenes from this book? Would you like me to ruin you, Miss Maxine.  I bet you’ve wanted to be in Laura’s position from the moment you picked up that.”
“Yes…” Max blushed even more scarlet. She stopped herself as the logical and modest parts of her brain took over. “No, wait… shouldn’t we go over safe words and limits first?”
“We’ll get to that! I just wanna confirm if that sounds like a good idea. Granted it’s one of mine, so it’s good by default.”
“Violet!” Her lover chastised.
“Okay, I deserved that. Do you want me to do those things to you? We don’t have to do it exactly by the book.” Max nodded her head. “Perfect, let’s get playing! But first, have you eaten anything today?”
There was silence.
Violet sighed as she cupped her girlfriend’s face. “Max. My darling. Love of my life and-”  
“I’ll be fine…” Max interrupted, slightly whining as she slowly got out of the loveseat. “Please don’t worry about me. Besides, I’m not hungry.” She lied through her teeth.
It was still quite early in the afternoon and she had been too engrossed in the literature to think about bare necessities. At least she remembered to shower; that’s always a good start.
“For all the times you fuss at me about not eating, you should take better care of yourself. I don’t want you passing out.” Violet pulled Max close, then sat her down at the kitchen table. “I’ll fix something real quick and then we’ll get to it. I promise.”
The two further negotiated as they had their meal. They set limits and safe words, and it seemed as if nothing had changed since last time. Max was a little unsure about hickeys since she had a presentation the next day, but Violet calmed her down. When in doubt, there were always clean turtlenecks on standby.
���Now, last thing. Do you want me to be kind or cruel?”
Max took a bite of her salad and contemplated, as if her partner had asked a trick question. One could easily be disguised as the other given certain circumstances. “Kind,” she swallowed, unsure of her answer. “But also cruel. Possibly both? I’m sorry; I still don’t understand.”
“Let me rephrase that. How far do you want me to go? I mean, there’s a big difference between calling you a cumslut and calling you stupid.” The black-haired woman clarified, drumming her fingers on the table as she waited for an answer.
It wasn’t hard to tease Max; there were many things about her that were practically a bullseye for bullying. She was the kind of girl who would take too long to get ready, yet look like she barely had any makeup on. The kind who’d talk during a movie she’d seen ten times before just to spout trivia, quietly going on until shushed. She was practically a grandmother when it came to social media and she was just so… rigid out in public. It was too easy to make fun of the things bullies had told Max for years (her hair, her height, and the way she spoke to name a few), plus it was wrong.  
Yes, Violet was a bitch, but she still had standards.
“As far as you want.” Max continued, starting to protest yet not sure of what. “I swear… I can take it.” A hush fell over the kitchen. “I’ll safeword when I feel uncomfortable. I promise.”
Violet swallowed a mouthful of spinach and sighed, “I know you will. I trust you, but will you remember when the time comes?” A hush fell over the kitchen. “It’s just- in the past it was hard for you to come out of your subspace and I don’t wanna make you cry. Well, at least in a bad way. We should have discussed this earlier, but I got distracted by other things and-”
“Now look who’s being fussy.” The grey-haired lady teased as she finished up the rest of her meal. With a small grunt of protest from her partner, she continued. “Well… calling me stupid or worthless is a hard no, and other things in that vein. Nothing negative about my body. And… I think that’s it.”
“Perfect.” Violet shot up and took her and Max’s bowls. “I’ve got to get ready, but remember. As soon as I see you next, your ass is mine. Give me about thirty-ish minutes and I’ll be ready for you. I have some research to do.” She strode towards the door, flipping through the pulp novel’s pages for emphasis.
“Sounds good to me, darling.”
“Then it’s a date!” As she pulled herself into the bedroom, the newly appointed mistress quickly stuck out her head and winked before closing the door.
Max could only imagine the preparations at hand.
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#iZombie Season Three Episode Five “Spanking the Zombie”
Major is on a hard-core combat training mission and bullets are flying everywhere. He sexy jumps from building to building until getting stabbed 35 times. But he’s a zombie so he’s fine…
Ravi and Liv are at the lab discussing what we found out last week that the serum did not work on Blaine so soon major will have to take the cure and forget everything.
Clive has a case from two weeks ago….Roxanne a domanatrix hence, Liv is reluctant to eat her brains. But she cooks it up nice anyway.
Clive and Liv investigate the crime scene at Roxanne’s lair and Liv gets friendly with her whips. She tries to get Clive to play along but he’s not havin’ it. They hit the motherload when they find a camera in the room but the memory card is missing. Clive thinks maybe the killer learned his session was being taped got mad and strangled the victim. No Clive, that would be way to simple for this show!
Liv finds a leather mask and suddenly-VISION!
She gets a good look at the last man who wore the leather mask and what he looks like without it. Apparently, it’s DA Baracus, the zombie running for mayor of Seattle that we found out about a few episodes ago but haven’t heard much about since. Seems even zombie politicians are into the freaky stuff!
Not only that, whatever Ravi soaked the brains of Roxanne it made Liv’s vision stronger and longer. Vision Viagra!
Back at zombie army training, Major is feeling the pain. Fortunately, Ravi has supplied him with the cure to take if things get bad. I will admit it would be interesting to see Major lose his memory the way Blaine did. Or did he?
Clive and Liv are on the hunt to talk to find Baracus and they spot him at his favorite diner.
“The man of the people when he’s no spread eagle on a bondage bed wearing a gimp suit.” -Liv
Liv explains to Clive that the Viagra Vision juice kept her up all night with visions so she is chock full of information on this case. Baracus spills hot sauce on Liv’s boot and she tells him to lick it up. This little scene makes Baracus decide to take their meeting to the back room. He does look like he wants to a little.
Since he is a zombie, Liv doesn’t have to explain how she knows things. She can simply tell him she ate her brain and saw him at the scene. He has an alibi so they move on.
Liv had so many visions she’s keeping the sketch artist quite busy!
“Be a good little sketch bitch and pick up that pad!” -Liv.
While the “sketch bitch” stops for a snack Liv gets yet another vision. They bring the good old Johnny the weatherman, now anchorman, in for questioning! I love him! He too, has an alibi so moving on again…
Clive’s colleague tells him to stay away from the Wally murder case, personal connection or not! Clive realizes they cannot question Harley from the gun range anymore but he does have an idea to get him to talk to their now connections at Fillmore Graves.
Off to FG where Vivian has Liv tell the story of Wally’s murder and Harley’s connection, especially how he likes to preach zombie hate on the internet. She starts to tell her plan and we finally get a look at one of Liv’s long vision just from the people watching her.
Back to the sketch artist…
Where she sees a lawyer in the hallway which prompts another vision of said lawyer getting punished by Roxanne. Lucky for us Veronica Mars fans it’s Ken Marino! She runs after him to get his alibi. Since his alibi seems good, Liv gets bossy with him and they show him all the sketches of clients from Liv’s vision. He mentions a peeping tom giving Roxanne a hard time and is able to pick him out. Good job Vinnie! Or whatever your name is on this show.
We head to Blaine’s dad’s new zombie bar where things seem to be close to being in business. Blaine’s old lackey, baldy (have to call him that don’t remember his name), takes a trip down drug dealing memory lane with a local dealer sliggin’ the U. Baldy brings him back to the bar to party and to of course ask him, “You wanna be a zombie? It’s rad!”
Back at the station, Liv is bored so Johnny shows up to shake things up. Double whammy! Johnny and Vinnie, okay his name is Brandt, the defense attorney have teamed up. Well he arrives as Johnny’s lawyer. Johnny has information. He had been being blackmailed by someone who had video of him and Roxanne’s sessions. They planned to release the tapes unless he paid them 10 grand. He paid but now they want more. This puts Clive in a situation to catch the blackmailer.
Back at FG, Harley the zombie hater arrives for a meeting. Vivian has brought him in under the guise he is receiving a settlement for his brother’s death a Max Rager.  They pepper him with questions about his knowledge of zombies. While he spews his information, and spreads his zombie hate, FG men in berets (I don’t know why but it looks cool) install surveillance equipment in his truck. Now with eyes and ears on his truck they can find out exactly how much he knows and what he plans to do. (Also, if he killed Wally’s family). One important thing they do discover is that Harley knows the Chaos Killer victims are zombies and they need protection.
Meanwhile…at the Johnny blackmail drop, Johnny, Liv and Ravi play their parts. They easily apprehend the suspect and bring him in. Liv begs to interrogate him and Clive has his doubts on her intimidation skills. He forgot she was on dom brains I guess! She easily pulls a confession from the guy.
Back at zombie army training, Major is still looking worse for the wear. But good news for some of us, he does seem to take his shirt off often! He chats with his fellow trainee about a freezer full of heads he saw back at the base. The guy explains that they all have to eat and there aren’t often enough brains to go around. Suddenly, Major gets violently ill but he makes it back to the lab.
Ravi insists on giving him the cure. Liv argues if they give it to him the wounds he received in battle will kill him. Liv puts on her doctor hat immediately and starts treating his stab wounds with hopes to buy some time for his wounds to heal.
Back at the zombie bar aka, The Scratching Post, things are getting lively at the grand opening complete with specialty brains from Bangladesh.
Liv and Ravi keeps vigil by Major’s side until Liv sends Ravi to bed. He wakes up and she has to give him the bad news, the memory serum didn’t work on Blaine. I don’t know if I actually believe that but okay.
“Once I’m new me, will you remind me of what we meant to each other?” -Major to Liv.
Here come the waterworks…they reminiscence as I cry. They make love one last time…I cry.
Morning arrives and Ravi goes in with the syringe and explains what is going to occur. That’s all of the old Major.
Episode grade: 10-One of the best I have ever seen!
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