#they were assholes but they were so much wittier than the other bullies in this show
lakemichigans · 2 years
so many bullies in season 4 but none of them will ever be tommy and carol </3
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thefadeoutrpg · 8 years
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     DETAILS --
age: twenty seven
affiliation: citizen
occupation: waitress @ the railroad cafe 
pronouns: she/her/hers
bio triggers: abuse ( emotional & physical i
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    Alisa Volkov may have been the youngest of the Volkov children, but she was never the baby. While her older brother was almost eight years older than her, she took care of him. Fragile Illya, little Illya. “Make sure you watch out for your brother,” her mother would say when they went out and played. It was enough to drive anyone out of their mind, but not Alisa. She quickly learned that the children that surrounded them were cruel and that her brother was different from everyone else. Growing up as a first generation American, her English was broken and horrible compared to the children that had grown up in America – with American blood running through their veins. Her parents had decided to come to the United States to give their children the best chance of success, but it seemed their attempts at that may have been futile. The Volkov family may have been small, but they were strong and had well-rounded abilities. Alisa’s father always made sure that there was enough food on the table and that his children had a fighting chance of surviving. Alisa grew being tough. She was unafraid to PUNCH someone to get something she wanted… or to defend her family’s honor. More often than not, the young boys had difficulty keeping up with her, as she ran faster, hid better, and was wittier than anyone else on their street. She grew to be someone no one wanted to mess with or they would face her WRATH. The only people that messed with her family – her brother – were people who were secretive about their bullying. Alisa Volkov became somewhat of a fireball and that was part of what made her different.
    As the young girl began to grow into a woman, she caught the eyes of people all around her. One of the more influential people in her class, people often looked to the Russian beauty for advice. She may have been tough as a child, but in high school she became softer. Even with her sharp mind, school had always been a struggle for her – much less than her brother, but none the less, school was difficult for a child who came from a Russian speaking family. Alisa did her best to keep up with her classes, and many of her teachers would sing praise of the young woman. Although she did decently in school, Alisa focused more on her social life. She wanted to go to college, but part of her realized that it would almost be impossible for someone like her. Neither of her parents had a lot of money to send her off, she was going to have to make do with just a high school education. Therefore, her social life flourished more than her academic career. It was in high school that her relationship with Illya became strained. Her brother, seven years older than her, though tried his best to make his own way through high school, without his sister by his side at every second, was weak and he dropped out. Alisa tried her best to stay close to him, but as the years went on, he began to shut even Alisa out. Much to her dismay, she stopped being able to talk to him. She was at her prime and when a college professor that had read one of her essays offered her a spot at their school for a cut of the tuition, Alisa took the bribe and headed off to college in a different part of the state. It seemed her brother had no intention of having a relationship with her.
    College was too difficult for Alisa, and in her sophomore year, she dropped out and came back to Los Angeles. She tried to make peace with her brother, but when he did not seem to respond to her, she eventually began to give up. He became more and more popular, and Alisa made a scrapbook of the headlines for the cases that he solved. She loved him as much as she could from a distance. Living on her own was difficult, although not impossible. Alisa found job after job, but nothing seemed to stick. It was almost as if she was cursed. The poor young woman had no one to turn to, with her parents both dead and her brother unwilling to help and meet her half way. The young woman began to do whatever she could to keep her head afloat. Eventually, she found a job at a local cafe, where she would be employed when she met her future husband. It was almost funny how Alisa met Salva Petrov. He was walking to meet a potential business partner, when he spotted Alisa. The young woman was crossing the street and she was carrying far too much; the charming young man wondered over to her and helped her carry her mess back to her apartment. She had no idea that Salva changed his entire life for her, but she would suffer the wrath for it later. He swept her off her feet. Only a year after they met, Salva proposed and the two of them married a few months later. Alisa was only twenty one – far too young to know what love was, but she was on her own.
    Married life was supposed to treat her well, but it did no such thing. The first year was great. Salva was charming enough and a wonderful husband, but after the second year, something in Alisa’s husband changed. He became a cruel man – a man filled with hate and disdain. There was something scary about him and although she had once been someone who STOOD up to her bullies, Salva only had to flash a smile and she would forget anything he had done. When she turned twenty four, she became pregnant with her first child; soon after the birth of the first Petrov child, she had a second baby. Alisa had two more mouths to feed, so she picked up more hours at the cafe, spending less and less time at home with her children. One evening she was coming home from work, Alisa angered her husband and he flipped a table, scaring her children that both walked downstairs. While her husband had never beat one of his children, he both abused her and her children verbally. She grew angry, the fire she had in her from when she was younger was reignited and DAMNED if she would let her husband continue to act that way and abuse her. She could have left him, but the woman knew he might possible get the custody of the children and knew she had to get as far away as possible. Too prideful to ask for help from her brother, she turned to someone else, a lawyer that she hired to help her through the legal process of putting her husband in jail and keeping him far away from his children.
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    Only one other person knows the whereabouts of Alisa the night of Alana Sommers’ disappearance and she will go to the grave before she admits aloud that she was meeting with her lawyer. She is so afraid of what Salva might do if he finds out. The young woman has her suspicions that her husband is up to no good, but she has to get proof.  With Vivian Isaacs, she began to build her case against Salva. It was well after midnight when she got home, her husband still out. The dark haired Russian crawled into bed and fell into a deep sleep. The next morning with the news of the actress’s disappearance, and the smug look on her husband’s face, she began to think more into where her husband was that night. Alisa already knows he’s lying about something and he’s an abusive asshole. Putting her brave face on, Alisa went to work the next day, very distracted by everything that was going through her mind. More determined than ever to put her husband behind bars, she’s beginning to grow into the vicious woman she once was, but even more of a fireball than before. She was someone that everyone envied and wanted to be. How she transformed into a sniffling young woman who got bullied rather than the one who inflicted pain and humiliation. Alana Sommers will get her justice and so will she. Alisa Petrova is smart and she knows that Salva has something to do with the woman’s disappearance – just another reason that she wants to put him behind bars. She’s in for a world of trouble, especially because she has no idea just what kind of EMPIRE she is trying to bring crashing down.
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     ALEXANDER PORTER. co-worker Although Alexander is much younger than Alisa, she has developed a soft spot for the boy. He really does seem like the sort of boy that she’d get along with. Alexander only wants to help her get what she deserves. Out of all the people Alisa knows, Alexander is probably the only one that knows everything about her. Her relationship with him is one of her most cherished out of everyone she talks to on a daily basis. Alisa loves Alexander’s friendly and attentive attitude. She knows he’s going to make an amazing person one day, as long as he doesn’t give up on his dreams. 
     REMY ISAACS. friend An odd choice in a friend, but Alisa knows that Remy is more than they seem. Although Alisa does not know everything about the young adult, she does know that Remy has a truly winning personality. Alisa does know that Remy tries to hide from their mother their involvement in the protests going on in Los Angeles. The young adult has high hopes and dreams -- reminding Alisa of herself at that age -- and Alisa will do whatever she can to help Remy along the way. Although they make an odd pair of friends, Alisa loves Remy almost as much as she would a sister.
     VALERYIA & ODETTE PETROVA. sister in laws Both Valeryia and Odette are people that Alisa is very close to. Despite coming from the same blood as her husband, they are nothing like the man. Valeryia is going to become a beautiful dance one day. Alisa has no doubt that Odette will make a wonderful painter. The Petrova family has at least two good seeds in their book, as far as Alisa knows. She spends as much time as she can -- whenever she isn’t working or taking care of her children -- with her sister in laws and tries to go to all of Valeryia’s performances and Odette’s art shows as she can.   
     ILLYA VOLKOV. estranged older brother If there is anything Alisa misses most in the world it’s her brother. She does her best to keep up with what he is doing. Alisa almost wonders if he’s lonely in his life -- as she knows his entire life is about his career, but he has yet to reach back out to her. Maybe one day they can be as close as they were as children, but for now, Alisa does all her admiring from afar. She keeps a scrapbook of some of his major cases, hoping that one day she’ll be able to present him with the scrapbook, as Alisa is and will always be proud of her brother’s accomplishments. 
Additional Connections: Vivian Isaacs, Salva Petrov
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ALISA PETROVA is portrayed by Alicia Vikander
She is currently OPEN
Her faceclaim is SEMI-NEGOTIABLE 
Approved faceclaim choices: TBD 
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