#they were very annoying so i enjoyed being a little hindrance to their peace
chaosandcrimes · 2 years
my best friend made the mistake of asking how spending/saving habits would change if one got suddenly rich and was stuck listening to my rant on routines and sustainability that somehow ended up dipping into some econ stuff then ended with the issue of the idea that women are inherently good with financially managing a household in our society yet terrible at money management when single.
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eydi-andrius · 3 years
Office War | Daisuke Kambe x Reader
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Originally posted by Operation : ugawts
Summary: A one shot about Daisuke tormenting you for making him mad
Warnings: Possible proofreading mishap
Genre: Fluff, Angsty, Childish lol
The beautiful divider came from @firefly-graphics
A/N: I'm back, I guess.... I'll try to upload oneshots or even drabbles since I'm planning to open my ao3 soon. Anyways, Enjoy!
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You don't really know when it started. But the moment you told Daisuke that he is a selfish prick and has no heart for others, he started pissing you off more often.
You were mad. Pissed off at him for offering money to others when he became your partner during Haru's absence. Your best friend can barely walk nor stand up during those times due to high fever. And you even need to force and threaten the guy to rest or you'll break his legs for good.
And so, you have no choice but to babysit Kambe while you do your work. However, his way of working is disgusting and annoyed you to no end during that day. You remember how he just shrugged off your concerns when you told him it was not right to bribe people off for information. Walking around as if he has no partner with him. Working as if he is the only person available on the crime scenes. And taking all of the work for himself as if you were an incompetent fool and you're just a hindrance on his work.
You remember being blinded by rage when you yelled at him. The moment seems to stop and most onlookers were staring at you with curious and shocked looks on why the hell are you yelling in the middle of the street at a peaceful two in the afternoon.
It was too late when you realize how rude that was. Of course you are pissed but it was no excuse to judge a person's character and yelled at him in public. It was just morally wrong. And well, this guy is also very close to your friend. When you realized that you need to apologize, you stopped on your tracks when you saw a frown on his forehead.
You see, Daisuke only has that calm demeanor all the time and seeing his reaction really surprised you. You were in the middle of contemplating whether to say sorry or not when you see the subtle pursed of his lips and then he walked away from you. Giving you no chance to apologize nor explain yourself.
That was 1 week ago so you thought maybe he already forgave you. Also, you really don't have the time to apologize because the moment Haru was back, you barely see the two sitting ducks at the office so you kinda forget about it.
It wasn't obvious at first. It just tiny little pranks that will not kill you but will obviously brew anger as the time goes by.
Sometimes you'll see your favorite pen on different places and blame Teppei for using it on his gambling antics. And the guy will just yell back against your accusations and tells you that he has his own lucky pen for his bets.
The snacks given to you by your friends abroad were gone when you checked your drawers, and you'll ask Mahoro if she saw it, she'll reply no and help you find all of it in exchange for a taste. But you only found the wrapper in the rooftop, laying around empty.
Your computer flickering all the time but when IT check for any issues, they'll found nothing and you're left with a flickering monitor afraid to bother a very busy department to fix your computer that was already deemed as nothing.
So how exactly did you find that it was Daisuke's fault? Well,
It was a Saturday. You three, Daisuke, Haru and you, were doing field work and looking for a place to eat your lunch. You were so busy being hungry to notice that during that time Daisuke is just following you two around looking for seats in empty food places for them to just flat out tell you that their place is already reserved. You don't even remember how many places you've asked that day. You just can see that even though its weekend, it was clear that most places has a space for you three.
Three? Ah yes, Daisuke is with you. That's when you saw it. The smug look and smirk on adorning his face and the events from last week came crushing back in your head.
"You!" You pointed your finger accusingly at him. Earning a raised eyebrow in return as if you didn't see that face looking at you smugly earlier.
"Hey!" You heard Haru in the background but you don't care anymore as you grabbed Daisuke in the collar and stared at him angrily.
You are hungry, tired and annoyed from all the bottled up frustration happening on you during that week. You thought that today would be better with a cold sweet drink and scrumptious lunch but no! This guy just can't be stopped!
"What are you? A child!? Isn't tormenting me during the weekdays enough with you? I'm not even supposed to work today and you know that. But I came here because we're lacking with people but you still continue doing this shitty, childish revenge that you think I deserve after what I said to you last week! Well, I was actually planning to apologize but I didn't get a chance because I was busy being tormented the whole time! And now after what you've done, I really do believe that you're a selfish prick with no heart. And oh! Childish too!" You shoved him backwards and he almost stumbled in the process. You didn't realize it but tears were already falling down your cheeks when you let go of his collar. You saw that Daisuke's eyes widen before you walked away from him and Haru. You heard Haru called you many times but you just don't care anymore. You don't deserve this! Hells! This job is always busy and stressful. And the feeling of being takin' away all the good stuffs, even a little, will make anyone angry and furious!
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Well, that was 2 days ago. It is Tuesday now and Haru is in your kitchen preparing food for you. You winced when he removed the fever aid in your forehead and replace it with a new one. You breathe a sigh of relief as the cool soothing feeling touched your head. Removing the thermometer when it beeped and nods when he saw your temperature haven't change still.
"Well, it seems like you caught my fever from the last time you tended to me." You heard him sighed as he tapped your shoulders.
"I already place anything that you may need beside you. Even though I do want to stay and help you out, we really don't have enough people to help doing the field work. Call me when you need anything." You grumbled a low yes and he looked at you carefully before nodding again and walking at the door.
You sighed when you hear the door shutting softly and drifted off to sleep.
You don't know what time it was when you heard the door opening again. You didn't bother to check who it was because you can barely open your eyes and its probably just Haru. You softly sighed when you feel a soft cool hand touched your head. It is much smoother and less calloused than Haru so you tried to open your eyes vaguely and saw Daisuke's face.
"Daisuke?" you mumbled as you drifted back to sleep.
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You have woken up by the smell of something good and the soft clutter of steel and a careful thud of your table beside you. You grumbled when something warm touched your face and called your name. You slowly open your eyes adjusting to the low light of your room that seems to shine much harsher since all you do is sleep the whole day.
When the person woke you up confirmed that you're already awake, he helped you out to sit up and place your back softly against the wall for support.
"Can you tell me what time is it already, Haru?" You softly asked as you try to open your eyes fully.
"It's already 6 PM and no I'm not Haru." A silky low voice replied beside you which made you gasped in surprise and look at Daisuke who is sitting on the other side of your small table.
"What are you doing here?" You asked in surprised which made you winced and cough at the sudden used of your voice for the whole day of not talking. You gladly accept the water given by Daisuke and sigh when the cool water hits your dry throat. You feel him softly patting and smoothing your back for comfort.
"Before you ask why Haru is not here, he was asked to do overtime but he receives your message about more fever medicine and asked me if I can deliver it to you instead since its my off tomorrow. Yes, I'm just supposed to drop by but since I'm already here I welcomed myself in your kitchen and cook food for you. Haru will be back much later. And I can't just leave a sick person with no food." You just stared at him through the rim of the glass as he tries to explain himself on why he is still in your home.
"Well, thank you for that. I appreciate it a lot." You saw for a brief moment a surprise look on his face which completely vanished the moment you saw it. He probably expects you to argue with him since you do that two a lot.
"And also I'm sorry for yelling last time. I hate that I've said that to you. It was so not me to tell a person something like that. It's technically your fault because you're such an asshole most of the time but I still have no right to say that." You apologize sincerely as you placed down your glass on the table.
Maybe it was the fever but you're sure that you saw a hint of genuine smile on his face as he said, "Its no problem and I'm sorry too." But maybe you're just imagining things.
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It took you a week to fully recover. Even though your job is very stressful, you love it and enjoy working with the force so you can't help the little skip and smile that adorns your face when you opened the door to your department.
Your face was graced with a frown as you see your co-workers hovering over your table.
What is it this time? Is it Daisuke again? I thought we're okay already?
"Hey Mahoro! What are you doing at my table?" The pink haired girl looked up at you with a grin on her face.
"Look at this Y/N! Bunch of snacks from abroad!" She yelled as she practically dragged you on your table where you saw a bunch of snacks stacked on your table that is looking more neatly and very different from the way your table usually looks like.
This one looks more organized and fixed. Just like a home office table you see online. But out of all the things that adorned your desk, a flower vase with orchid caught your eyes. Orchids is your favorite flower. You plucked out the little note on the vase and read it.
I'm glad you're feeling better. Welcome back. - Daisuke
You read out loud.
"This guy! There's only one beautiful lady working on this department but he still trying to steal her! Is love really about money!? C'mon! You already have the money and looks!"
You blushed when you heard Shinnosuke whispering loudly while being consoled by Teppei offering him a scratch card. Beside you Mahoro is checking out all the snacks on your table given by Daisuke asking you if you can share it to her. Through the panic you looked at your boss who only laugh at your panicky reaction. You can't help it but feel the heat on your place getting warmer.
"Daisuke!" You yelled while the chatter around you continues.
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Meanwhile, Daisuke smirks when HEUSC updates him about your reaction to his gifts. Even though you hated it when he teased you last time. Maybe you will welcome this type of teasing. Its just that you're too cute when annoyed and pouting.
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Twin Swords - Act ii - Mors Altaris
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“It’s Dainsleif!” You inform your companion whose eyes widen as she also connects the dots. Paimon begins to nod in agreement with your conclusion on the Medical Captain’s peculiar contact. Your floating companion rubs her head as she processes the information.
“Why would Dainsleif even be close enough to Captain Ohm to contact him about that? He didn’t react to you telling him you’re the honorary knight.” Paimon pointed out and you furrowed your brows. Yes, indeed, it was odd. How or why were they close enough that Dainsleif sent a possible distress message to the captain?
Before you could open your mouth to respond though, somebody ran into you, sending you to the ground. “Oh? Apologies!” A voice chuckled from above you, Paimon putting her fists on her hips and glaring at the tall man. He held out a hand, and you reached out to take it, eyes narrowing momentarily at the white mask filled with gold cracks that covered his face. “I didn’t see you there, my bad.” He bowed his head politely as he helped you stand straight once more.
“You better be sorry!” Paimon huffed, you waved her off though and she circled the man in question, despite the mask covering his face, his head curiously followed her, looking over one shoulder, then the other to follow her movements. Once more she floated beside you, fists on her hips. Sassy today.
The man rubbed the back of his neck with a gloved hand, head tilting to the left. “Where are my manners? My name is Sulien. Please, allow me to treat you to lunch for my hindrance.” He placed his hand against his chest and Paimon immediately lit up, nodding her head with the sort of enthusiasm only she could muster.
~You Join the Strange Man at Wanwen Bookhouse~
“Whoa look at all these books!” Paimon left your side to go examine one of the many bookshelves. Sulien hummed in agreement as he raised his hand, nodding to the shopkeeper who returned the nod with a smile. The masked man made a beeline for one of the bookshelves, apparently already aware of what he needed. “So when do we get lunch?” Paimon inquired as she floated over to the man, floating beside his shoulder.
Sulien seemed momentarily distracted as he scanned the shelf in front of him. “Hm? Oh. Sorry.” His stoic voice trailed off for a few moments before he grabbed a book off of the shelf. “My roommate says I need to cut down on books. I only need to stop by the smithy after this, then we can go get food, promise.” Sulien tilted his head in apology before he hurried off to the shopkeeper.
(He seems to know a lot about Liyue despite definitely not being from here..)
“Why do you need to see the blacksmith?” Paimon inquired as she followed him, you continued to stand by the railing as you watched them interact with one another. Sulien handed mora over to the shopkeeper, the woman happily taking it with a chipper ‘Thank You!’.
“Oh, my claymore is being repaired.” You couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at his relatively stoic statement. How does one even break a claymore? Sulien turned for the stairs, his book tucked under his arm. “Come along, I’ll show you where it is. If you are who I think you are, I’m positive you will need his services.” Noticing your hesitant expression at his words he hummed. “The clothing. It is a little obvious.” (Ah that explains that..)
~You Follow Sulien to the Blacksmith~
Sulien gestured with his arm, the playful action almost made you wonder if he was smiling under the cracked mask. “This is Hanfeng’s Ironmongers!” His voice however fell flat, remaining monotone as he spoke. “And this,” Sulien turned towards the blacksmith, “is Master Zhang.” You watch the blacksmith in question stop his work to speak with the masked man.
“I’m sure you’ve been too busy to really look around Liyue Harbour, he’d make a good guide.” Master Zhang nodded to your masked companion who merely put a hand to his chest and bowed his head politely. “Or just Liyue in general, have you brought more ore locations?” The two exchanged a piece of paper. “And your weapon, be careful with it next time. I still don’t know how you managed.”
“Yeah how do you break a sword that big?”
Sulien hummed at Paimon’s question, the claymore dematerialising once he touched it. “I threw it too hard. Thank you.” Sulien once more nodded to the man before he took a step away, arms crossing over his chest as he surveyed the street ahead of him. “Very well, I promised you lunch. Let us go.” Sulien nodded and Paimon giggled in glee, clapping her hands. (How does he plan on eating with the mask on? Will he take it off?) He turned away and you snapped from your thoughts to follow him.
~Head to Xinyue Kiosk~
You very quickly learned he was not going to take off the mask, instead opting to sit aside and read the book he bought from Wanwen. He was quiet, allowing Paimon to make idle chatter with you instead. A small hum escaped him as he flipped the page and you considered your conversational options.
>Doesn’t the mask get annoying?
>Do you ever take the mask off?
Sulien looked up from his book, the soulless eyes of the mask boring into you, but his shoulders remained relaxed. “No.” He responded simply, turning his head back to his book. (Seems like the mask is a sensitive topic.) Sulien flipped to the next page and you looked down at your plate of food.
You cleared your throat and judging by the slight tilt of his head, he was listening to you. As if sensing your intention it was Paimon who spoke up for you. “You don’t look like you’re from Liyue, where are you from?” She questioned, eyes gleaming as she watched the relatively expressionless man ponder the question quietly.
Sulien’s head tilted to the other side and he hummed. (Paimon wonders why he does that so often..) “With how long I have been in Liyue for work, it has become a home to me. It is why Master Zhang recommends me for sightseeing.” Sulien’s chuckle was slight as he answered quietly. “I am afraid I am far less interesting than I seem. Tell me, Traveler, why is it you travel?”
“He/She is looking for his/her sibling!”
“Oh? Is that so?”
“Yeah! We’re looking for this unknown-” You shushed Paimon with a look and she let out a small ‘eek!’ Sulien was once more staring at you, at least, you think so. The mask makes it hard to tell and his body language almost never changes. The entire day spent with him, you were beginning to realise, he’s not once changed his tone of voice or his relaxed stance.
Sulien tilted his head to the side, the action almost robotic with how he went about doing it. You quickly looked back down to your food. Was he judging you? Was he- “I hope you find him/her. To lose one’s kin must be tragic and to lose one’s only kin? Hm.. Devastating.” He closed his book and stood from the chair.
“Are you leaving, Lien?”
Sulien paused, looking away from the two of you for a moment. “Yes, unfortunately I have other matters to attend to. Your meal is already paid for, please enjoy it. I apologise for my abrupt departure.” Sulien looked back to the two of you, pressing his free hand to his chest and bowing his head respectfully. Paimon flailed her arm good bye and he nodded, straightening out and leaving the room.
~Connect with Paimon just outside of Liyue Harbour~
You settled down on one of the rocks overlooking the harbour, the setting sun added to the atmosphere. With everything happening after Mondstadt and the Rite of Descension, the peaceful day you had was welcomed, perhaps even needed. The harbour was gorgeous with the orange and pink sky above, reflecting off of the crystal waters below. But something felt off, something felt wrong.
Paimon seemed to feel it too as she floated around you in a circle, stopping on your left. Before she could say anything though a net flew by, successfully trapping your traveling companion despite her shriek and desperate flailing attempts. Quickly you summoned your sword, moving to push yourself off of the rock and face your attackers. Before you could do so however the familiar sound of a bow string being pulled back graced your ears.
And pain flourished in your sword arm as the arrow found purchase in your shoulder. The force sent you off the rock, sword falling out of your grip. “Capture them!” A voice called and you struggled to crawl for your sword with your good arm. Your fingers brushed the hilt of your sword before your world went dark, a bag pulled over your head.
And then nothing...
~An Undetermined Amount of Time Has Passed~
You struggle against the binds around your wrists despite your injured shoulder, the rope not budging despite your best attempts. You glare when the bag is pulled off of your head, revealing none other than Treasure Hoarders. Of course they’d be behind this, it was them or the Fatui anyway. The one dressed slightly different from the rest bent down, making a point to look you over.
“This is the famed hero of Mondstadt? Really?” The treasure hoarder that seemed to be the leader taunted. You narrowed your eyes up at him, struggling despite the pain. “Oh you won’t be getting out of those any time soon, we made sure of that.” The man stood up, raising his arms above his head to stretch. Nearby you heard Paimon shout from the net she was still trapped in. “We only want one thing, hero. Mora. And a buttload of it.”
“No way!” Paimon cried out from where she was. The treasure hoarder’s snort turned into a full blown laugh as he looked down at you. His laughter quickly died and his eyes narrowed dangerously. (This isn’t good.) A feeling of dread quickly washed over you.
The treasure hoarder crossed his arms over his chest. “Oh I wasn’t asking-”
“Boss!” A panicked shout interrupted their leader and the treasure hoarder in question growled, turning to address the woman who called for him. You followed his gaze and were met with a confusing sight.
“Shall I take care of them, comrade?”
Childe. And.. Sulien? Before Childe could pull out his weapon, Sulien’s claymore appeared in his hand, the man flipping the weapon casually as he stepped forwards. “No, I need to ensure the repairs were done right.” Sulien tilted his head, making a point to look the leader up and down. “Unless, of course, you give us the Traveler.”
Sulien pivoted to the side, one of the potion bottles the treasure hoarders often used flying by him. The leader pulled his own weapon and Sulien merely sighed, adjusting his one handed grip on the large blue and black weapon. “Yes, I didn’t think it would be that easy. Unfortunate.” He brought the claymore up, pointing it directly at the treasure hoarder. “Fruit Tart, please go untie the Traveler, thank you.”
(Why was he so friendly with the Fatui?)
~Sandrone Trial~
The enemies fell with very little effort on the masked man's part. The man's claymore dug into the ground as the last enemy poofed away from the fight. He let out a sigh as he turned back to look at you.
Childe untied the rope around your wrists, freeing you from the binding. The harbinger returned to the masked man's side, his claymore disappearing into light blue crystals. "What are you doing here?!" Paimon questioned, fists on her hips as she floated beside you, focus pointed at Childe who gave her a lazy smile.
The other man adjusted his gloves wordlessly, face directed away from you and your companion. Childe laughed as he looked between you three, hand on his stomach as he let out a couple of laughs much to Paimon's chagrin at being ignored. The man beside him sighed, turning his attention back to you. The soulless eyes of his mask bore into you as you looked him over. (He had seemed so friendly earlier.. But now.. Was that..?)
The harbinger straightened out, clearing his throat. He gestured a gloved hand to his companion beside him. "This is Sandrone, codename Marionette. Number ten of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers. He prefers the first name." Childe patted Sandrone's back, earning a soft huff from the man in question. Paimon gasped as he quickly looked to you, as if trying to gauge your reaction to the news. Your eyes focused on the gem on the back of his left glove.
(I should have known.)
"You lied to us!" Paimon accused him to which Childe chuckled as if he were enjoying a show. Sandrone hummed in response, one arm crossing over his chest, the other hand pressing to his chest. "Do you have anything to say for yourself, you.. you.. uhm, puppet!" You looked at Paimon, that was her best nasty nickname in the moment?
Sandrone sighed, bowing his head. "That I did. My intent was not to manipulate, however, when an opportunity arises." He stood straight. Just as before his voice remained stoic. Perhaps his manner of speaking and lack of expressive actions made sense now. "And, while I may have lied. Had we not come, you would still be held up by those Treasure Hoarders." The masked man pointed out. He wasn't wrong.
Before either you or Paimon could respond, Childe turned away. "Remember, Traveler. Not everybody is on your side in this battle of yours. No hard feelings, of course." He gave a small wave over his shoulder. Sandrone once more bowed but hesitated before he turned, looking back at Childe and then to you. Childe stopped, looking back at Sandrone.
"It is merely a business transaction. I do hope you find your sibling. That much was honesty." And with that the harbingers left you and Paimon alone in the darkened clearing. His words stuck with you as you watched them disappear.
(Why did he seem so familiar there? As if I've met him before?)
~Quest Complete~
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I’m super into The M/andalorian right now and couldn’t resist writing some sick!D/in.
1.7 k. Set some time in the first half of S2. There are some minor mess mentions. Enjoy!!
Din was startled awake at the helm of the Razor Crest by a blaring alarm and flashing red lights. His eyes jumped from scanner to scanner trying to determine the source of the malfunction, and his grip tightened around the controls, bracing for a crash landing, when the beeping and flickering stopped. Turning his head to the right, he watched the Child sheepishly remove his hand from a switch.
Din sighed. "I told you not to do that."
Though the alarm had gone silent, it still echoed in Din's head, and he could feel a headache budding. "I'll be right back. Don't touch anything while I'm gone." The Child leaned towards the switch again, looking at Din the entire time. "Hey. No." Din tried to sound his sternest, but a tenderness in his throat which hadn't been there before he dozed off prevented him from speaking as loudly as he would've liked. 
"Here. You can have this." Din unscrewed the shifter knob and tossed it to the Child who cooed excitedly and rolled the silver ball in his hands. Now satisfied that his kid wouldn't cause mischief, Din proceeded to his quarters and pressed a button to shut the door behind him. He glanced back, confirmed that he was alone, and removed his helmet. He downed a pouch of water hoping to relieve some of the scratchiness in his throat and clear his head, but his symptoms persisted. 
To make matters worse, an obnoxious prickling teased his sinuses. Din did nothing to stave off the expulsion, well aware by now that he was coming down with something, and he sneezed openly toward his chest. "GSHHHHuh! hh...h'EKSHHHoo!" He grabbed a rag to blot his nose. "Ugh. Dank farrik."
The Mandalorian didn't get sick often, and when he did, he always hid himself away in his ship for a few days so he could cough and sneeze without his helmet on. Now that he had the Child, that would be impossible. The thought of keeping his dripping nose in his helmet was disgusting, but the thought of showing his face to another living being was unfathomable. There was no convenient solution.
Resigned, Din blew his nose a final time and put his helmet back on before returning to the cockpit. The Child was in the same place Din had left him, laser-focused on his ball. 
"Hey, kid. What do you think about spending a few days with Cara and Greef on Nevarro?" Din asked. The Child tilted his head curiously. "I have to take care of something on my own, but you should be safe there, and I'll be back as soon as I can."
The Child responded with a gurgle that Din took as an agreement. He sent a vague message to his friends on Nevarro stating that he needed help with childcare while he took care of a personal matter and left it at that. They were already in the correct sector, so the journey to the planet was quick and Din was able to keep his symptoms in check by breathing shallowly through his mouth, knowing that any attempt to breathe through his nose would be disastrous. 
When the ship landed on Nevarro, they were met by Cara and Greef, the latter of whom squatted and held his arms out towards the Child. "There's the little guy!" As fast as he could, the Child waddled over to Greef and allowed himself to be scooped up.
"Thank you for watching him," Din said. "I should be back in a few days."
Cara put a hand on her hip. "I'm surprised you're letting him out of your sight."
"I don't want to, but I—" Din paused as an annoying itch spidered through his nose. Though wearing a helmet while sick was mostly a hindrance, it did allow him to covertly scrunch up his face, attempting to quell the sensation in any way possible. "I... hh! need to be alone for thi-IH!-s."
Greef frowned. "You okay, Mando?"
"I'm f-fine. hxtCH! ngx'CH!" Din stifled as well as he could, but he knew he would have to give the inside of his helmet a good cleaning. 
"Yeah, that doesn't sound fine," Cara said, giving him a quick head-to-toe inspection and noting his tired posture. "Are you ditching the kid to take a sick day?
Din sighed, deflating. "Yes. I'll be staying here in my ship, so I'll be nearby if anything happens."
"Why don't you come stay in town?"
"A nice bed and a warm meal should heal you right up," Greef agreed.
"I need privacy," Din explained. Urgently, he wanted to add as mess dripped on to his lip. 
"You'll have privacy," said Cara. "You can stay in the back bedroom at my place. I just use it for storage."
The Mandalorian relented. "Fine. Let me grab some things."
He frankly didn't have much worth grabbing, but he was desperate to blow his nose before heading into town. He did so, and while it granted him momentary relief, the congestion was persistent. Aware that he would be fighting an uphill battle against his dripping nose, Din filled a satchel with clean rags that would surely be sullied by day's end.
"You can bunk in here." Cara drew back the curtain to her guest room, a cramped space filled with old shock trooper gear and unlabeled boxes on either side of a bed. The bed was small, but no doubt softer than the sleep mat in the Razor Crest. "Greef'll keep watch outside in case anyone tracked you here. I'll be hanging out around the house with the kid." She bounced the Child on her hip, and he giggled. 
"Thank you," Din said. "Will you be okay watching him?"
"As long as he doesn't try to choke me again." The Child blinked at her with his big eyes and tilted his head.
Din knelt down so his visor was level with the Child's eyeline. "Hey. Be good. Cara has very kindly agreed to help us out, and I want you to be on your best behavior, okay?"
The Child made a gesture that Din took as a nod, and Din patted him between the ears.
Steadying himself with a hand against the wall, Din stood back up despite his muscles' protests. He felt utterly drained. Given his constant travelling, it was impossible to say where he'd picked up this illness which made it difficult to know what exactly it was, but it was hitting Din hard and fast. He turned away from Cara and failed to suppress a chesty coughing fit.
"Go rest," Cara said. "That sounds disgusting." 
"Are you sure you can handle—?"
"Yes, Mando. Now get in that bed, or I'll make you get in." 
Cara walked off with the Child in tow, and Din closed the curtain at the room's entrance behind him. Finally alone, he set his helmet on some boxes beside the bed and let himself collapse into the mattress. 
Din was startled awake by a knock on the wall outside of the room. Unsure whether he'd been laying there for minutes or hours and head heavy with congestion, he hastily redonned his helmet.
"Mando?" Cara called. "I'm leaving some food outside if you—"
The curtain opened, and Cara raised her eyebrows upon seeing the Mandalorian out of bed and in full beskar armor. 
"You didn't take your armor off?" she asked, giving him a once-over.
"It's—" Din cleared his aching throat. "It's easier to leave it on in case something happens. I slept without my helmet, though."
Cara gave him a half-teasing, half-affectionate grin. "Nothing's going to happen. I promise. The kid is safe, and Greef and I have been keeping an eye out for any trouble. Just rest, okay? We've got your back."
Din nodded and accepted a bowl of soup from Cara. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it. I'll let you have your privacy now, but I'm not far if you need anything."
Closing the curtain and setting the soup aside for the moment, Din debated the pros and cons of taking Cara's suggestion. On the one hand, he would be much more comfortable without the weight of cold metal encasing his body, but on the other hand, trouble was drawn to him like a flea to an Ewok. As a faint buzzing settled in his nose, Din decided to take the risk and remove his armor. 
He tried to keep his hitching breaths at bay as he took off his helmet and tossed it on the bed. He brought a lazy arm up to his face, keeping it far enough away that he wouldn't accidentally slam his nose into his gauntlet if he pitched forward, but this rendered the attempt to cover was more symbolic than effective. 
"ih-hih... IHhh’GYZSHHHuh!" Droplets gleamed on the smooth beskar. His armor had certainly seen worse, but nonetheless, Din felt a little gross. His mild disgust only served to increase the relief he felt as he stripped his armor off piece by piece, revealing his skin to the cool air. Though the sensation of anything other than metal against his body was welcome, it sent a chill through him that reignited the urge to sneeze. Din tented his hands over his nose. "hihh'IKshHHuh! hh'ATShHOO! hihhh-ih... G'SHHUHH!"
Din sniffled wetly against his fingers and bent over to grab a rag from his satchel. He blew his nose unceremoniously, and his head felt five pounds lighter. Tossing the rag aside, he fell back into bed and idly sipped the soup Cara had prepared, savoring a rare moment of quiet. He knew that Cara was right: he and the Child would be safe here, and his friends would be there should anything go awry. It was unusual to find non-Mandalorians whom he trusted so completely, but it was a pleasant feeling. Holed up in Cara's back room, Din felt more at peace than he had in ages, even with the obnoxious itch in his throat and stuffiness in his nose. 
Maybe, mused Din, I should take a sick day more often.
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
A Different Hashira (Giyu x Reader) pt 5
Here is the part 5 of A Different Hashira
You can click here for part 1 :)
You can click here for part 2 :)
You can click here for part 3 :)
You can click here for part 4 :)
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Attempted Conversations
Despite the fact that you failed in extracting knowledge as to what his favorite food was, the two of you still enjoyed the simple lunch of tempura and soba. It was a miracle that you knew just how much spices you needed to put since Giyu had such particular taste.
"Are you in the mood to talk, Tomioka-san?"
Taking your eyes off of the tempura, you stared at the messy haired hashira. He was wearing a white undershirt and his pants. Though this time, he was barefoot.
"How was your mission?"
"It was successful. I met up with Kochou and she assisted me." He slurped his soba and proceeded "A dog bit me as well."
"Huh?" Putting your bowl down, you scooted towards him and extended a hand. Half expecting he would reject it.
Staring at you with stuffed cheeks, he placed his chopsticks down and gave you his bandaged hand. Inspecting it a little, you saw the messy of a job was done in wrapping up the injury. Knowing that Shinobu would never make something that horrendous, you could only deduce that it was him who did it.
"This was done... very badly, Tomioka-san."
Taking his hand from yours, he grabbed his chopsticks and continued eating. You sighed and stood up. With big steps, you went to your room and grabbed your first aid box. Though you were not as skilled as Shinobu when it comes to medicine, you were an expert at wrapping bandages. Admittedly, it had been a while since you last bandaged your hand. Hopefully, your hands still remembered what to do.
Seeing you carrying a first aid kit, Giyu stopped eating and waited for you to begin the small procedure.
Carefully unwrapping the bandage, you felt how calloused his fingers were. You didn't know how old he was but your estimation was around 18 or 19 years old. Asking him would be pushing it and he might just stand up and leave you alone.
Seeing that there was a faint bite mark, you couldn't help but giggle at the picture of an emotionless man being bitten by a dog.
Your thoughts were cut when his voice cut the silence between you.
"I was just thinking how you looked like when the dog bit you." A smile escaped your mouth. Looking up, you saw him staring at you with such dead pan eyes. He looked annoyed but in reality, he looked like a child. Your smile only grew  even larger causing him to sigh in defeat.
A few minutes passed and you were pleased with your handy work.
"There you go! Much better and definitely cleaner too."
"Thank you."
Crawling your way back to your seat, you picked up your bowl and continued to eat. A slight breeze found it's way to the two of you. Instantly, the two of you relaxed. The two of you had been on long journey's and the breeze was a much needed energy booster.
"Your left palm? What happened?"
"Hmm?" You replied with food in your mouth this time.
"I noticed a healed laceration on it."
"Very observant. Yes, it is a healed laceration. As to how I got it, only time will give you the answer, Tomioka-san."
Now that the two of you finished sharing lunch, Giyu silently offered to wash the dishes once more. Thanking him, you cleaned the table and set it aside. Now that the receiving area was empty, you lazily flopped to the ground and inhaled the fresh air passing through the engawa.
"Care to join me?" You invited Giyu to lay down on the tatami mats.
"Suit yourself."
Hearing his footsteps go up the stairs, the tranquility was cut by the caws of your raven and his crow. Landing beside you, the two birds looked at each other and nodded.
"(F/N) (L/N) and Giyu Tomioka. Head northwest. Village with reports of demon. Leave tomorrow. " Karasutori announced.
"So much for peace, ey?" You hummed while petting the head of both birds. Both of them responded by bowing their heads even more. Telling them to wait, you went back inside the kitchen and gave them each some bread crumbs. The moment they left, you headed to your room to get ready for the mission to come.
As the sun was setting, you had just finished preparing the necessary items. Hoping that there would be a Wisteria house there, you only brought some bandages and cash. Any more than that would become a hindrance when fighting off demons.
The question now was, which sword you would have to bring with you on the mission. With zero details to go on, it would be a risk to bring a jagged sword. Telling yourself to pay Tecchikawahara a visit, you stored the blue Nichirin blade and brought out the black sheathed one from your closet. Taking a cloth, you wiped off any traces of dust and placed it beside your futon.
Hopefully, this demon would have no need to let you use any breathing techniques. It did cross your mind that this would be the perfect time to show Giyu what kind of pillar you were, but you made a pact with yourself. Only use it in times of need.
Standing up, you changed into your uniform's skirt and a plain white shirt. Too lazy to cook dinner, you headed to the butterfly estate. There you killed time till you fell asleep
- -
Going back to your estate in the early hours of your dawn, you savored the chilly morning breeze accompanied with all of nature's sound. Regretting not bringing along your haori, you walked a pace faster till you saw the familiar building emerge from the wisteria trees. A carving of tidal waves were now visible on the wooden gates.
Opening them, you were greeted with a meditating Giyu with tea cups beside him.
Walking up to him, you sat on the engawa. Your eyes focused on the steaming cup of tea. Sipping on it, you felt energized and ready to start the mission. Comfortable silence engulfed the two of you. Thanking him for the tea, you stood up to ready yourself for the mission.
Moments later, the two of you were now walking towards the Northwestern village.
Inside you, you were dying to initiate conversation. You were so used to having Misturi or Kyojuro talking their hearts out as you headed to your assigned places. The person you were teaming up with gave you nothing but silence. Would he be annoyed if you kept talking about random things till you reached the village? Would an exchange happen? Or just nods and hums? Sulking it up, you began to tread the waters.
"Uh, what kind of demon do you think we'll find?"
"Not sure yet."
"When did you start learning water breathing, Tomioka-san?"
"A few years back."
"What was it like, training with Urokodaki-sensei?"
"Never let him drink alcohol."
"Wait, what?"
You stopped walking as you processed the tidbit of information you had just received. In all your years with Urokodaki, you had never once seen him drink anything other than tea and water. A mental image of him drinking was harder than learning your own 10th form of breathing. Catching up to Giyu, you matched his pace once more.
Regretting that you stopped the momentum of the conversation, you stared at him once more. You noticed how his cheeks were a little bit more fuller. The dark circles around his eyes were still there, though. He had his fair share of sleepless nights, too. Mentally, you took note to buy some lavender to help him get some goodnight's rest.
By the time the two of you arrived in the village, the sun was now setting. Looking for an inn or a Wisteria house, you stumbled upon the latter. The family gladly took the both of you in but only had one room to offer. Graciously accepting it, the two of you sat down on the only futon available and rested your legs after a day's worth of walking.
"Shall we take turns in patrolling the area?" You offered.
"That's fine. Rest for now. I'll start."
Before you could say another word, Giyu vanished. Not bothering to get up, you plopped onto the futon and took a nap. Just as you felt your body give in, there was a knock on the door. You sat yourself up as you told them to enter. Upon seeing their smiling faces, you were greeted with 2 sets of mouth watering food.
With no one else to talk to, you invited the woman to sit down and chat.
"Do you have any idea what kind of demon is running lose?"
"Very faint, but I heard that the demon only eats those in their teens and late twenties. Some people also report that they find large holes around the forest. Holes enough for a full grown person to hide in."
"I see. When was the last time there was a sighting?"
"About 3 days ago. By the ramen shop."
"Around what time? Would you know?"
The girl touched her chin and tried to think about the conversation she had.
"They say it was around 10pm."
"Alright. Thanks for the information, uhh, may I have your name again?" You scratched your head awkwardly at forgetting the name of your host.
"Ayumi." She replied with a smile.
"Thank you, Ayumi-san. You should rest now, I'll be patrolling in a few minutes time."
After you finished eating, she took your set of bowls and dishes. Leaving Giyu's meal in case he would feel hungry when he returns. Laying back down on the futon, you yawned and waited for the return of your partner. You closed your eyes to make use of the time.
You woke up with start when you felt the futon move slightly. Giyu had returned. Examining him, he looked clean and calm, as always.
"Anything happened?" Rubbing your eyes as you asked him.
"Aight, Imma head out now. You- oh you already ate, good." Standing up, you took your blade and bid farewell.
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so... this was... yeah xD sorry if this chapter sucks but author-chan still has to build things up a bit ;) doncha worry, there will be action in the next upload. i also hope that ya'll felt that this chapter was quite awkward since its usually awkward around our bibi boi Giyu~ (save if your Tanjirou because, yeah he's who he is 😂 )
Also... I tend to update this late here in tumblr so if you guys want the link to the story :) feel free to message me :D this is actually chapter 5 out of 16 (currently)
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