#they’re gonna be such great papas 😭😭😭
newtonsheffield · 2 years
ok but like imagine in hurts like heaven when teenage kate bring a boyfriend home for dinner and anthony is there and is so heartbroken and papa sharma is comforting him😭
Oh Anthony is brutally jealous of Kate’s boyfriend Tom Dorset who’s the Captain of the rugby team and Anthony’s only the first year bench warmer. Tom who he once walked in on with his hand up Kate’s skirt when Anthony burst into the Sharma’s house excited to play his new video game with Edwina and there they were on the sofa.
“Eddie’s upstairs Tony. You know Tom right?”
“Yeah-yeah we’re on the rugby team together.” Anthony had forced himself to say quietly while Tom had waved.
“Hey Mate, what are you gonna play?”
And Anthony had felt so fucking stupid when he’d shifted his feet, all of 13 and muttered, “Super Smash Bros.”
And he was almost thankful when Edwina barrelled downstairs to pull him away rolling her eyes at her sister giggling at something Tom had whispered in her ear.
“Ugh they’re foul.”
“You don’t… you don’t like Tom?”
“I mean… he’s nice enough. And he doesn’t like hit her or anything.”
“Wow. Bar’s really high there, Ed.”
Edwina had rolled her eyes, plugging in his Nintendo. “He’s… I don’t know. I don’t think the conversation’s that great honestly. That guy is not the love of her life.”
“So you’re saying… like maybe she could like someone else.” He hated that his heart pounded in his chest.
“Not you… Tones. Sorry bud.”
But he brushed it off “one day, you are going to attend the wedding of Anthony Bridgerton and Kate Sharma, Eddie, brush off your lehenga.”
“I might not steam it just yet Buddy.”
And years later he does have the pleasure, during his groom’s speech of turning to his now sister in law grinning and saying “I fucking told you so.”
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superbattrash · 1 year
Hi, I watched the first episode of sandy aka The Sandman and here are my many, many thoughts
Sandy ep 1
Oh okay much more magical intro that I was expecting. He’s got a really nice narrator voice, I approve
“Father likes to be called magus” ok so father is insane, gotcha
OH MY GOD IS THAT THE FATHER? Can’t remember the actor’s name but I feel like he’s good as far as old white men actors go. Wait he’s in game of thrones isn’t he? This will annoy me
Off Jutland? Wait I live in Jutland!!! If it’s yaknow. The Danish Jutland.
Jesus Christ okay so he’s insane and an asshole, good to know. “Randall was my greatest joy” THE KID IS RIGHT THERE
Oh no, are you serious? You can’t make death do anything. Have you not seen Puss in Boots 2? That never ends well
THAT GOTTA BE THE TEEF GUY HELLO TEEF MAN oh you’re not good :( “my lord”, damn that’s hot
[Dream groaning] and it just sounds like a dying bee
Even Father is surprised this is working. Oh no, this won’t do any good, you’ll fuck someone up, I just know it. Oh is, he slammed into the floor hard, didn’t he? Poor sandy, he’s not even conscious
Is he gonna sacrifice his son??? Oh no, he’s just using him to do the dangerous stuff just in case, okay, that seems fair 🙄
YOU CANT JUST TAKE THAT, YOU LUNATIC!!!!! Thief!!!!! Oh my god he’s naked….. DON’T TOUCH HIM?????? What the FUCK
I TOLD YOU SO, YOU RUINED THE SLEEP, YOU PSYCHO!!!! TEEF MAN, EAT HIM!!!!! Oh no of course not, why would it be that easy
Oh they’re all D’s, that’s pretty cool
This honestly looks like some kind of renaissance painting, all naked and in glass, poor sandy :(
You’re doing this because you want your dead son back from the dead? Grieving would be better for everybody, you idiot. Humans are the most selfish things ever, dear god
He won’t give you shit, old man, fuck off
Alex is not like other boys, Alex reads gasp gasp. And he attracts older pretty ladies, that’s nice. Too nice. She’s too good to be true, isn’t she? Hmmmm
Oh no, don’t leave the kid alone with him. Or wait maybe do?? I’m not sure who do root for yet except the naked man in the glass bubble because he has a nice voice. You’re presenting yourself??? Oh no, poor boy
Angry little sandy doing the >:c face
OH SHIT DADDY CAUGHT YOU!!!! Was he about to beat his own son with a cane? He’s paranoid and insane oh my god if YOU can’t shoot the bird, how’s Alex supposed to??
Ethel, aw. That’s a nice name
Do you sense your birb is here, sandy? BE CAREFUL, BIRDIE!!!! Oh daddy’s a Hunter huh? No wonder I don’t like him
Are you seriously gonna burn the house down? Impressive, actually. Oh birdie, you found him 🥺 look at that face, he’s almost smiling
The bird’s gonna die, isn’t it? OH MY G O D, I TOLD YOU SO THAT IS HORRIBLE HOW FUCKING COULD YOU?!?!?! 😭😭😭 THAT WAS HIS FRIEND!!! You better fucking bury it right, you little shit.
Oh god, not sleeping at all?? You can die from that, can’t you???
…are they gay? They could totally be gay. It sounded like flirting
Oh noooo, Ethel, why are you crying? :( a baby? Oh dear. Papa doesn’t like that, does he? Of course he doesn’t. Shithead. PLEASE RUN AWAY ETHEL oh or grab a taxi, that’s great too. AND you robbed him??? I’m kinda impressed by you, E
He CANT FUCKING RAISE THE DEAD YOU ABSOLUTELY MORON, he can’t just give you whatever your tiny mind wants
Oh THANK GOD, someone finally stood up to him. Oh no, did you kill your own dad? That’s gonna give you ALL the issues, you idiot
Look at him. He’s waiting for you to free him, you’re ALLOWED NOW, you’re the master of the- oh wow he really is naked, huh??? 😳
His father would beat him senseless, what does it matter what he would say? Jesus these people are all so moronic
Oh it’s the gay boy again!!!
WHAT THE SHIT HES ACTUALLY GAY???? Oh my god I feel so weird, this never happens
Is Ethel important or is baby Johnny? Or both? I feel like they’re both involved a lot, even without the stealing
Gay boy wanting him to let sandy out, please please please. Oh his name is Paul, hi Paul. I like Paul, Paul seems good
You didn’t, did you? Oh could not, right, of course. Oh man, how many years went by? THEY GOT MARRIED? Awwwww. Like, a tentative aww but still, I never get to see happy gay endings
Paul, don’t say anything. Paul, don’t do it. Paul. Good good good, good boy, man, good Paul
Lord, that is an intense stare, little sandy
Nicely placed hand there, kiddo, wouldn’t want us to see your actual everything, huh? You are. So very thin, my boy
Oh god no is he gonna kill Alex? At least don’t kill Paul, he helped!!! Oh it’s a dream, sorry, my bad
Of course he doesn’t understand, nobody told him, sandy, you’re punishing Paul too :/ although, okay, I get it, it makes sense
Oh ew, teef man, you really. Those are some. There are teef on you, man
Aww look at him, that’s actually a smile, isn’t it? Poor little sandy, finally home with his sand <333 Oh god he can’t get in, can he? Not without his things??? Please omg no
Oh thank god, at least the doors open for him. Everything looks so awful :( oh he’s so sad, his home is all broken
Aw there’s some sad backstory there, huh? Which of the Endless jumped ship before? Death, Desire, one of the other Ds?
Okay okay okay, that was good, lots to absorb. Still waiting for the plot plot I think, is he gonna go around chasing the dreams and nightmares? That sounds fun
I won’t grade it because it’s like 7/10 did capture me enough to watch another episode but not like I was running to go watch it because I needed to actually listen and follow along which is tough with depression brain
Narrator is 100/10 though, absolutely the main reason I’ll be watching this show, very nice
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flowitch · 10 months
okay final thoughts ab blood and guts last night:
-i really enjoyed the junglehook match. obv jack’s promos are iffy but that’s nothing new. i thought the match was great, and hook’s former bff giving him his first loss in his career PLUS taking his dad’s title from him is a fantastic part of the story so i’m really glad it’s continuing. i also thought it was one of if not hook’s best match so i’m thrilled. idk i love junglehook man.
-the SUPLEX TO THE OUTSIDE??? OW???? also hook no selling the german was fantastic. & also the ddt to the outside was pretty brutal as well. i assume this is all leading to a ftw rules match
-jack coming out to beethoven was so fucking funny i had tears in my eyes. also him smiling as he pinned hook was incredible
-taz on commentary has been such a nice touch to the junglehook feud. also him saying “don’t you touch me, chompy” to the fucking shark was so funny man. mans just watched his son die and now this shark is dancing behind him
-the roddy/adam cole/mjf love triangle is fantastic
-the dance off was fucking crazy and i’m so glad it happened😭i felt like i was hallucinating man it came out of nowhere. the pop for the double clothesline, the suicida + the holy shit chants were so fucking funny. i’m also really sad that they’re already teasing the breakup between max & adam like i really hoped they’d keep this going longer but now we know max is faking it even more now so i’m a little bummed. but still i love them so much. the matching gear + the mashup music was so funny.
-99,000 screaming maximaniacs in the saskatoon silverdome has been stuck in my head since last night
-idk why but dax & max seemed genuinely heated at each other during the face to face wtf was that about LMAOOO i mean it was prob nothing i’m not gonna go on ab it but i was like damn dax calm down
-daniel garcia should receive 1 million dollars every time he does his stupid dance. huge pop.
-why does tony khan hate women
-stat + the bfs all together again made me very happy
-the production/camera team is AWFUL bro holy shit. it’s not a new thing either like there are so many times that they cut away right as something happens and it makes no sense. cutting away from kris statlander doing asl, non-mic’d promos that wrestlers cut to the camera and they randomly cut away from, them cutting away from every single golden lovers moment, not catching any of the story telling big moments in the blood & guts match. like what??? get a grip man. i have the same problem w wwe sometimes where a wrestler is ab to do whatever pose they do at their entrance and then that’s the exact moment they cut away from the crowd or do a weird ass wide shot. like what goes through your brain??? that’s the one moment u should be on a close up of them.
-i thought the blood & guts match was great. yuta died which we all knew was coming BUT we got papa mox submitting For his son which was incredible. another thing i wish the camera would’ve caught. i think that’s why a lot of people are iffy on the ending bc the camera didn’t show a lot of the story stuff and commentary had to cover for it and tell us shit that we weren’t seeing.
-i also loved the ending of the match and them shaking hands off air bc it ended w mox finally understanding that kenny was right, that all the shit they’ve (the elite) been through together and all the drama didn’t make them weaker, but stronger when the time came, while the bcc was fucked in the end bc as cohesive as they were, they trusted 2 people that they shouldn’t have and underestimated the elite. & the bcc is big on bleeding w people/going to war w people and then respecting them, so it makes sense that they finally don’t see the elite as amateurs anymore and respect them. it also sucks that bryan couldn’t be there for the end of the feud :/
-tldr: loved the show besides the lack of women & the camera work
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teeniestjojokitten · 2 years
Hope this rough patch doesn’t last for too long, tiny
Your f/os don’t judge you for your intrusive thoughts—no matter how scary. They just want their angel to be okay
Papa Joe keeps you fed and loved with his signature dishes and great big hugs. Daddy Cherry sets you up with the resources you need and makes sure you’re treating yourself with love
Both of your daddies give you tons of affirmation to combat those mean, icky thoughts. You’re the most precious baby in the world to them; they’ll pamper you until you believe that too <3
Nonny, this is so sweet, I’m gonna cryyyyy 😭 (happy tears, promise!)
My brain has been a little mean lately and I’m realizing… I don’t think I’ve ever regressed with intrusive thoughts before. And it feels icky….
But that’s why daddies are here to help. They hold me so tight so I feel safe, and they distract me when the noise in my head is loud. It’s harder to feel scared n alone when they’re reminding me I’m safe with them. When Papa and Daddy are there with cuddles n yummy food n nice words, I feel so much safer and happier already. 💕💖💞💘💕💖💕
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Every time I see Otto in these drabbles, my heart just goes… the dudes…. when are they coming back….. is Squishy girl part of the dudes…. Will Bladey allow Harry use the Squishers to get girls bc let’s not lie, Squishy will get ALL them girls! The Dudes… 😭
The Dudes! I just don't know what you want to see with the Dudes! I do love the fast talking Otto, especially since he's not afraid to swat Harry on the back of the head. Hawwy just needs to not tawk about Otto's mom! He can dream, but he'll never take Story Baizen away from Carter.
So let's take a sneak peak of Harry meeting the squishy girl! At this time Harry, Eva, and Kira are "playing" with each other. It's not serious, but they do consider him their puppy.  Squishy girl won’t officially get to be apart of the Dudes, but she will have a special bond with all of them.  And Blade and Harry are taken, they don’t need another one.  When Otto’s older, he may use Fable for his own Benefit, he is nearly eleven years old than her.
The Best Cuddler
Summary:  Harry meets the squishy girl
Pairings:  Harry, Otto, Blade, Squish
Rating:  FLUFF
Warnings: Fable Pearl Drysdale, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  950
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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"Hawwy, come on,” Otto drags Harry’s hand down the hallway to where you, Blade, and Fable are.  You can hear his frenzied breathing of trying to get Blade’s best buddy to see his pride and joy.  “Hawwy, move youw feet!” 
It’s not that Harry doesn’t want to see your baby.  He’s terrified.  Just getting into something new with two females that are doing a great job of taming him, and keeping him.  But he almost feels now that Blade has left him, and now they’re in two separate places.  
Blade turns to look at the two as soon as Otto finishes walking in.  With a skip over to your lap, he bounces in it, tapping the spot next to him, so Harry can see Fable.  Always being held by Blade.  He claims since you held her for nine months, he gets to hold her, while you weren’t feeding her.  His eyes always bouncing between you and the squishy little girl that he holds.  But when he sees the tears well up in Harry’s eyes, he himself gets glossy eyed.
“Hawwy, come wook at hew.  She’s beautifuw.”
Harry walks over to the couch, and sits beside Blade.  He begrudgingly extends his arms over for Harry to take her but Harry shakes his head quickly.  Believing he isn’t good enough to hold something so pure.  He does stare down and look at her.  “She kinda looks like Story,” he chuckles.
“Seems fair, since her first looks just like Blade,” you give a kiss to the little boy’s head.  
“Just means, you’re gonna have to have another one that looks like Blade, or you.”
Blade scoffs at Harry, “We don’t need to fix perfection.  Look at her.  This is it.  We don’t need another perfect baby.  What would the world do with that much cuteness floating around?” 
Otto moves from your lap, over to Harry’s, his own hands reaching to hold Fable, and Blade knows what he’s doing.  Extending the chunky little thing so Harry can fully look at her.  “She’s beautiful.”
“I towd you, watch this,” Otto gives her little cheeks a squish, and she gives a sleepy little smile, that one dimple on full display, before she pops her lips, and settles back down.  Leaving Otto to turn and smile at Harry.  “You howd her.”
“I might break her, buddy.”
“No, you won’t,” you reassure him.  Your eyes getting heavy at how comfortable it feels in your home.  Knowing that Blade and Otto will take care of your baby, you allow your eyes to drift closed.  Only barely hearing the sweet conversations between the three boys.  
“Hewe, I’ww hewp you,” like a kid who has held a lot of babies, he slides off of Harry, and hands the baby to him.  “Now, suppowt hew neck.  That’s vewy impowtant.  If you get stwessed out, just squish hew.  That’s what me and Bwade does.  Even Papa does it.”
Blade sees a softness he wasn’t aware that his friend possessed.  His eyes looking all around the little baby, and he gasps when she takes his finger in her hand.  “Did you see that?”
“Suwe did.  Now squish hew,” Harry looks at him odd, but gives her thigh a little squish.
“Oh my gosh!  Her rolls have rolls.  Look at this sweet thing!” Harry’s whole demeanor changes.  And when she opens her eyes to look at the bozo that’s talking too loud, he nearly loses it again.  Ahh!  This is amazing.  I need one.”
“No!  No, you don’t need one.”
“Why?  You got one.”
“I’ve been with Lo for three years.  You’ve been with Kira and Eva for three months.  Which one is going to make you a father?” Blade leans back thinking that he’s got his friend.
“Oh, we’ve done this little role...” he looks over at Otto who stares owlishly at him, and he tries to think of a more savory way to talk about this.  “Anyway, we pretended, and it won’t be Eva.  So if I can convince Key.  She’ll have my baby.”
“And you’re going to get stuck with a girl, and have to beat the boys away with a stick.”
“Oh, no!  Blade, you’ve got a girl.  What if, I had a boy?” Blade shakes his head no.  “But if I have a girl, I got to...you’re dad always being grumpy makes sense.  He couldn’t sleep.  He had to deal with James and Carter their whole lives.  Then Az’s string of men, including me,” Otto turns and scowls at him.  “And and, Lucy and her string of men, including me.  Wow, I just need Iri...” Blade puts his hand over his mouth shaking his head and looking at Otto.  “I almost hit bingo.  Do you think Iris and James?  No, probably not but...”
“Harry,” Blade coughs.  “Hand me the squishy girl.  You’re stressing me out, and I need to squish her.  
“I want one.”
“Babysit one.  You don’t need one anytime soon.”
“This puppy is going to talk his kitty cats into making one.  I need a squishy thing.  Like that, look at her, she doesn’t cry.”
“Nope,” Otto agrees.  “I know cwying babies.  Awchie is a cwying baby.  She doesn’t cwy, she waughs aww the time though.”
“Blade, let me have one, please.”
“Not this one.  Find your own.”
“Fine, I’ll make one.  Adios my dudes!  I’ll be by tomorrow to squish on her, and I want her to lay on my chest.  She looks like she’s going to be the best cuddler.”
“She is Hawwy.  We take naps in the fwoor togethew.”
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btsqualityy · 2 years
*Pregnant Brooklyn chilling in her room*
Yoongi: *enters* Did you eat?
Brooklyn: Yes papa
Yoongi: How long ago?
Brooklyn: Half an hour ago
Yoongi: Gonna get started on dinner for you then
Mason: *enters* Put this pillow on your lower back princess, it’ll feel better when you sit up
Brooklyn: Thanks dadddy, and thanks for the other 4 pillows you just gave me 20 mins ago
Namjoon: *enters* Did you take your vitamins?
Brooklyn: Yes grandpa
Namjoon: Finish this bottle of water, you have to stay hydrated Brookie
Kinsley: *enters* Do you wanna go get ice cream with me and Aiden? Figured you’d need a break from your dad and grandfathers bugging you every hour
Brooklyn: You’re a lifesaver mom, its not just them tho, Junior is texting me from NASA 24/7 asking me if i’m feeling contractions yet, im only 12 weeks! I thought he was the smart one?
Kinsley: They’re just excited baby, trust me i’ve been through 4 pregnancies with all of them and this is just the beginning 😂
Brooklyn: Great 🙃
All of the men in her life just wouldn’t be able to keep themselves from hovering 😭😭
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devilbrakers · 2 years
⚰️😱❌🎵 for my main mans indigo and zeke <33
Da murder men.... I'm not gonna answer the second one for Indigo bc I've talked abt it a lot I think 😭
[ ⚰️ ] what are your muse’s greatest regrets? what would flash before their eyes when they’re on their deathbed?
Treating the people around him poorly, not getting help when he needed it and actually had the chance, things like that. Though I think the main one would be the way that he treated his brother before he passed. They were never on great terms, and rightfully so, but Indigo still regrets not being kinder. That's one of the main things that haunt him as is common when someone dies.
[ ❌ ] is there something your muse struggles with that they might never overcome? what is it? why do they have so much trouble with it?
He'll likely never overcome a lot of his mental obstacles without some kind of professional help. His behavior is heavily trauma based and it's not something he can really work through alone or ask his equally fucked up friends to help with. His jealousy and fear of abandonment are the main things that get in his way. He lashes out often because of this and not being able to manage his emotions.
[ 🎵 ] is there a specific song or songs you associate with your muse? why is that?
Jesus Christ by Brand New
Blood Infections by Frank Iero
Bullet by Hollywood Undead
He is a sad and pathetic little man <3
[ ⚰️ ] what are your muse’s greatest regrets? what would flash before their eyes when they’re on their deathbed?
Zeke has been lucky enough to live his life without major regrets. Most of his regrets would be things like "ah man, i should've bought that thing :/" but nothing more. So he doesn't really have anything on his conscience. If he were to kill anyone close to him (Vince, Mike, or Prim), he'd genuinely regret that.
[ 😱 ] does your muse have any specific fears? where did those fears come from?
Other than his fear of the dark, Zeke is afraid of facing the consequences of his actions, or justice being served, however you wanna see it. He's never really had to, he's always been able to talk and gaslight his way out of most things in life and he'd very much like for that to continue. He's wary of forming friendships for this reason. He'd sooner kill himself than go to jail. He is also afraid to die, this stems from the people he's killed and how scared they seemed.
[ ❌ ] is there something your muse struggles with that they might never overcome? what is it? why do they have so much trouble with it?
He likes the idea of loving someone and being loved, but that's not something he's ever going to achieve, at least conventionally. He tried to maintain relationships when he was younger, though they'd quickly turn abusive just because of the way he is. He can't "love" someone without hurting them. It's bothered him less as time has gone on and he's met people similar to him but it's something that's always sat in the back of his mind.
[ 🎵 ] is there a specific song or songs you associate with your muse? why is that?
So Cold - Remix by Breaking Benjamin
Getting Away With Murder by Papa Roach
Reptile by Nine Inch Nails
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