#they’re tired of gods. they’re tired of being prey. but if they don’t comply they are drafted and die. if they do die they’re dead anyway
soyoudneverguess · 7 months
This is a little bit of a live blog
Anyways, happiness is fleeting but “hold on Dev, I’m coming” for a man you’ve known for days who’ve you loved almost upon first sight.
Oh bitch. Oh you fucking bitch. I’m. I. Yeah. It truly was too good to be real.
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The Experiment: BNHA X READER
Chapter 2
(I changed hawk's age in this. At this time he is 15 and you are 13. Otherwise there would be a 7 year age gap.)
Himari POV
"That was some cool flying. We should hang out sometime and you could teach me. I could show you a few things too." He sounds so casual, so smooth, so beautiful.
"Oh, I, uh, ok!" God I sound stupid. Follow up with a question. I don't know where this advice is coming from, but I decide to follow it. "When do you want to meet?" Wait a minute, why am I even asking. It's not like I'll be able to see him anyway. I don't have anywhere to go. Am I homeless? I guess so. God I didn't think this through. But being homeless is better than being a test subject's toy.
"I don't know."
"Oh, well, could I have your number and we could work something out?"
"Oh, sorry, I don't have a phone…." He looks disappointed.
"Well, where do you live?" I shift uncomfortably. He notices. "Oh, sorry, that sounded creepy, you don't have to tell me."
"I gotta go…"
"Wait! If I come back here tomorrow will you be here?" He sounds almost desperate. Almost.
"Sure," I reply, gaining more confidence by the second, "but only if you bring me dinner." I turn and step off the roof, soaring down to a nearby alley, disappearing into the darkness.
(Time skip)
I creep through the alley, looking for something that can be used as shelter. A pile of boxes catches my eye. Weird, someone would just leave them here. Whatever. I pick up one box and think of the best way to arrange them, so that there's enough room for me, but also slightly hidden from the street, because I don't feel like being murdered today.
I end up making a sort of tent-house thing. (Use your imagination) It's not going to be very sturdy, I can tell. Eh, whatever. I put a box on the ground because germs duh, and I slept on that.
When I wake up, there is a girl who looks a little older than I am poking me. I scream.
"Who are you?" I ask once I catch my breath
"Who are you?" Her voice sounds surprisingly normal.
"I asked you first"
"I asked you second." She looks at me, and I know she's not going to back down. "Why are you in my sleeping spot?"
I must look at her confused, because she adds,
"Those are my boxes. Why are you here?"
"Are there arranged spots or something?" I ask.
"Well, no, but I always sleep here…"
Well, obviously not last night...
"What's your name?" She questions.
"Well Himari, I'm Takahashi Kei. What's your family name?" (Family name means last name)
"I don't have one." She looks surprised, but quickly brushes it off her face and is smiling again.
"Ok. How about we share this spot."
(Time skip: later that night)
I'm supposed to be meeting Keigo on the roof. I make an attempt at lifting myself off the ground with my wings, but the best I get is a little lighter and my feet brushing the ground. Fine. I have to find something high to jump off of. There are no trees nearby. The closest thing is an apartment with stairs leading to the top. Ugh.
I run up the stairs, and then leap off when I think I'm high enough. I soar through the air and my stress melts away. God I love flying. Maybe it's because the first time I really flew I was being freed. Maybe my brain set some sort of subconscious connotation with flying.
My shoes touch the cold cement of the roof as I land. My eyes automatically scan the area. No sign of Keigo. I glance up, scanning the skyline. He's not here. I feel a worm of disappointment wriggling into me. It's ok. I can wait.
About 15 minutes later, I start thinking that maybe he isn't coming. Maybe this was all a joke. I'm about to get up and leave, when I hear the familiar sound of wings behind me.
"Hey cutie…" I whip my head around to see golden hair and a charming smile.
"Hey." I try to sound flirty, but I think it comes out as creepy.
(Time skip)
Keigo taught me how to increase muscular endurance and strength through specialized workouts, and where to find the equipment to do so. It should build up the amount of time I'm able to use them. Just because the wings won't disappear doesn't mean that they aren't muscles, and they don't get tired.
I tuck my wings and show Keigo how I dove so fast. My muscles ache from working out, and I'm not enjoying doing the same thing over and over to show him something he clearly doesn't understand. I have to try something else. Maybe he'll learn by himself if he looks at real birds.
"You know what, just research some flying things and base your flying off of them. Birds of prey work well because they're fast and accurate." I say, my voice leaking out some of my annoyance. "I'm gonna go now." I grumble, and take off.
Back at my, no, our, box, I see that Takahashi is already asleep.
"Scoot," I growl, "I need to get in."
She complies. How the hell am I supposed to survive in a box for the rest of my life.
The hustle and bustle of the city keeps me up. I get the feeling someone, or something is watching me. I keep my eyes screwed tightly shut, not wanting to alert whoever's there that I know.
"Hello there beautiful." A deep, creepy, voice whispers in my ear.
My eyes fly open.
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amnachil · 5 years
To the Perfection Chapter 1 Part 9
Me late ? Never :)
Thomas Wednesday February 13
He had always wondered what he could say to a girl who asked him out. I'll hurt them whatever I reply, right ? Usually, he had been trying his best to reassure them, but not this time. This time he just threw her like trash. To be honest, since last weekend, Thomas lived in a world of anger, bitterness and frustrating love. Anger towards everyone, and especially Raphaël. Bitterness against his brother too. I'm mad at him. The worst ? Dan seemed nicer and nicer which each day. And fatter. Being at home with him was hard, because he was so sweet, so understanding... Of course, he had tried to make an apology for Raphaël, and Thomas loved him even more for that. He's the only human part of my brother. Otherwise, he's just a freaky manipulative monster.
"Yo Thomy, we're waiting here." hailed him Joël.
They were supposed to train, right. The ginger smiled to his friend and started to run, the whole team behind him. He could feel Cody's stare behind his back, but he ignored it. You're spying for Raphaël, I know that already. I can't trust you. He sped up to outstrip them. Of course, it was the warm-up and they were supposed to follow, but who cared ? He finished his race far ahead the other. Or at least he thought. Joël arrived at the stadium a few minutes after him.
"That was quite intense." he smiled. "Don't you think it's a bit too much ?"
"You managed to do it." Thomas retorted. "The others should too."
His friend came closer and drank some water.
"The Jessica games ends tomorrow." he said. "And to my own disappointment, you're winning since I didn't have the balls to ask her out. What will you demand from me ?"
"It's a surprise."
The ginger hadn't thought much about it. He started this as a simple game, but right now he was so mad only means things came to his mind. But he looked for it anyway. And it would be nice to teah him a lesson. The others eventually arrived. With satisfaction, Thomas noticed Ilhan was the last, and exhausted. Nobody saw it yet, but he could glimpse a little roll of fat over his short. Seems like I'm having an impact on him...
When he came back home this evening, the young lad was satisfied by his session with Ilhan. He's complying so well to my orders... He wasn't like Cody or Joël, both traitors. It's just wild sex after a good stuffing session. Feelings are not involved, and that's great. Thomas was almost home when he noticed his science teacher coming straight fowards. Damnit. He tried to hide, but Darren saw him anyway.
"Thomas ? It's pretty late to wander around."
It's only 8 pm. What are you ? A nun ?
"I was studying at Ilhan's place." he explained with a smile. "We have a mathematic test coming soon."
His teacher nodded. Apparently, he had drunk because his cheeks were redder than usual. Thomas didn't like his lanky body, but he had cute feature. The girls in their class were always gossiping about him.
"It's nice to see you're opening to your friends." Darren said.
"Yeah... they're... very helpful. You're not coming from the highschool by the way. You were ?"
I know I shouldn't ask that but well... Maybe he would learn something interesting about his lame teacher.
"I was with a buddy, Dan Vince. Maybe you know him, since everyone seems to know eachother in this town ?"
What ? Thomas froze, surprised. Darren and Dan are buddies ? What the hell ?
"Yeah, I know him." he laconically replied. "Anyway, I must go. See you next week sir."
The ginger left pensively. No way I'm letting this awful teacher near Dan. He'll spread Raphaël's word, and I don't want that. His brother was probably always criticizing him, no need for Darren to do the same. I'll have to think about it...
When he finally arrived home, Thomas almost fainted. He just had to enter in the living room, and all his fantasies were reawaken. His dick get hard in one second. Because Dan was lying onto the couch, overstuffed. His belly was incredibly round, forming a wide dome. He was panting, obviously in pain. His tee-shirt was barely hiding anything now, and the ginger admired the soft skin of his friend with amazement. What the hell did he ate ? No... What the hell he's eating ? Because Dan wasn't only moaning with discomfort : he was still wolfing down crips, donuts and cakes which lied around. When he noticed Thomas, he lowered his eyes.
"Sorry burp..." he moaned. "I... burp... can't stop myself..."
As he talked, he took another creamy donut and shoveled it. His stomach produced some painful gurgles. This is... The hottest thing I ever saw... The ginger was short-winded. He couldn't think straight. He came close to the junior, and put tenderly an hand on his overbloated belly.
"Urp... That's... painful..." complained Dan.
But still you're eating. Slowly, Thomas rubbed his friend's stomach.
"It's okay." he whispered. "I'll apease the pain. You really put yourself in a food coma dude."
Yeah, I'll act as a friend. Any normal person would help him, right ? Sure, I'll enjoy every second of it, but it's not like if someone would know....
"Do you want this cookie ?" he asked with a smile.
Dan Friday February 15
This is getting out of control. Completely out of control. Dan took a deep breath and sucked as much as possible. He had to get this pants on. C'mon, fasten already. He tried his best to close the button, without success. I'm just way too big for these jeans. Well, way too big for any clothes from my wardobe... He looked at himself in the mirror. Around chirstmas, he had been quite brawny. Now, he was flabby. His tights was soft and fleshy. His rear too. It's wider than it has ever been... He had little man boobs. But most of his gain went to his middle section, like always. His belly stood out more than he thought. It poked out his briefs significantly. Dan patted it pensively. It feels kind of nice but this is the limit. He probably had exceeded 85 kg (187 pounds) now. Well, the junior liked to be well-padded but he didn't want to be unhealthy for all that. His belly gurgled. He realised he was famished. Damnit. That was the problem... He couldn't stay away from food since Thomas made him indulge with his amazing cooking's skills. He had became more and more dependant, and now he was constantly snacking. Dan's alarm rang. Oh... I'm late, time to go.
He dropped off Thomas at school first. His friend didn't look happy to go, despite his warm smile. Since they were basically living together, the junior was understanding better his friend. I also made a fool of myself in front of him... Thanks god, Thomas took his "out of control eating habit" pretty well. Dan remembered vaguely the ginger rubbing his distended stomach several times these last days. He's a feeder, it's not like he would help me to lose weight... He's constantly providing food, and not the healthiest kind. But I can't blame him for that since I don't say anything.
"Hey Thomy." he hailed him before he left the car. "Is everything alright at school ? You look a bit unmotivated..."
His friend lowered his eyes and pouted. A cute and childish pout.
"There's nothing in particular." he said nevertheless. "I would just prefer to spend my day at home with you... School is pretty lame actually. And my science teacher is being an ass with me."
Dan frowned. He really dislikes Darren uh...
"After all, he's the one who texted Raphaël and put me in this situation, isn't he ?" continued Thomas. "I wish he was nicer with me but like everyone else, he had to be on my brother's side..."
"There ain't side Thomy, you know ?" mumbled Dan. "I don't understand, you and Raphaël have always got along famously..."
His friend smiled. A warm, cheerful and completely fake smile. The junior didn't like it. Why is he lying to me ? When it become so natural to you to hid your feelings from your friends ?
"It was before he began to boss me around. But don't worry Dan, I'll not endanger your relationship with your boyfriend for my personal pride."
Thomas left after this mysterious and a bit annoying statement.
Dan struggled during his presentation. Not because it was difficult, but because his clothes were snug and he was hungry. That was probably why he left Carol afterwards and headed straight to the nearest fastfood. I shouldn't do that. He ordered three menu for himself, and started to eat as soon as his food arrived. He truly was terrible at controling his appetite. But suddenly, his phone rang. Raphaël ? I wonder why he calls at this hour.
"Hi love." he picked the phone up. 'What's up ?"
A long silent followed. A strangely long silent.
"Raph ? Are you alright ?" he asked, more and more worried which each second.
"Dan ? I'm sorry my phone called you by itself." finally replied his boyfriend. "I was resting."
This is weird. Firstly, Raphaël's tone seemed a bit off. Secondly, his voice was cold, and Dan was prey to a bad feeling.
"Sorry I disturbed you." repeated his ginger's lover. "I'm very tired. You don't mind if I hung up ?"
"Not at all, you should take all the sleep you can love."
"Thanks." concluded Raphaël.
I don't like this. Thomas who almost said he hated his brother, and now Raphaël who seemed ill ? Maybe I should go visit him ? But he asked me to stay with Thomas... Damnit, I don't know what to do... Dan had always been undecided. And that was why he eventually chose to do nothing...
To be continued
Nothing much to say here ! Dan’s having second thought on his ever expanding waistline while Thomas is enjoying the show from behind.
Raphaël is being all mysterious like always. By the way I like Joël but idk why :)
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itbeajen · 7 years
The Supernatural | Tsukishima Kei
Unlike most nights, this night was different. Haunting melodies that whispered forbidden secrets and unspoken taboos filled the air, with shrieks and screams following its wake. To many humans, it was Halloween, but for those that were aware, or at least suspicious of the unknown, it was a night of terror and guard. After all, it was this night that the monsters that have blended into society resume their natural form as what they truly are. You watched, clearly amused as little children visited your house for candy. Of course, you complied with the festive holiday as you grabbed handful after handful of candy for the small children. Occasionally there were visits from those that were supposedly your age, and if it wasn't for their nonstop flirting, you would've thought they were cute too. But in all honesty, you were growing tired of this repetitive cycle. You just wanted it to be your turn to be out and about, slinking through the darkness and having fun.
"Yo," you hear someone call out from behind you. Thankfully there was no line in front of your house anymore before you momentarily closed the door, leaving it slightly open, in the case another child or so appears with the familiar chime of "Trick or Treat!" "Hey, how was it?" you asked, but you smirk upon seeing her lick her ruby red lips. And she smiles, a flash of her two fangs proudly being displayed in the open, "Wonderful. I forgot how delicious it is when it's fresh. And of course," she pauses, her thumb gently rubbing the side of her lip where a stray drop threatened to trickle down her chin, "Willing." "I prefer it when they're unwilling, that's always fun," you responded and she shakes her head before walking over, "Go, I'll take over from here on out." "Thanks Sis." "Of course, let me know how your conquest goes," she giggles and slightly wiggles her eyebrows, "After all, you already have a certain prey in mind don't you?" You don't answer, but the smirk that lifted your lips, exposing one lone fang was more than an answer for her.
"You're late," he comments dryly upon seeing you. You shrug, "Fashionably late. As always, I was taking turns with my family on passing out candy." The tall blonde glances over at you and momentarily you freeze upon meeting the liquid gold orbs and you mutter, "God damn it." "What." "Nothing, where's the rest of your team?" you asked, deflecting his question. He narrows his eyes at you and he sighs, adjusting the gothic costume on him and he answers, "They went off first. Told me to wait for you." You internally cheered and then you smirked as you looked over him once more. Despite how indifferent he was to the holiday whenever his volleyball team talked about it, he sure dressed up nicely. You can tell he put effort in, dressing as a vampire in one of the most traditional way ever. And he narrows his eyes once more, "What is it?" "Nothing, just..." you pause, and you hear a "tch" and you finish with a slight giggle, "You look good." "What the hell [L/N]." The two of you set off, and to Tsukishima's pleasant surprise, you weren't screaming at everything you saw. Instead, you'd laugh and giggle, or even worse, you'd just stare at them blankly, clearly unimpressed. Tsukishima almost laughed at how disappointed one of the workers in the Halloween maze was when you merely scoffed and kept walking. "You seem bored," you commented as the two of you waited for the volleyball members to reunite. Tsukishima shrugged, "It's not real. Why would I be scared?" "I see," you responded, and he swears he saw a flash of red, but your eyes were the normal hues that shined brightly even with the dim moonlight. You turned to him, clearly with another plan up your sleeve and you asked, "Hey, do you not believe in ghosts, and the supernatural at all?" "Well," he pauses, and he sees you tilt your head and he mutters, "No, not at all." "Really?" you asked once more, you were closer than he remembered. And something about the way you spoke and carried yourself was captivating and intoxicating. He blinks, shaking his head in response to the slight moment of confusion and you weren't pressed up against him anymore. Perhaps you never were at all, and you pout, "That's a shame. I believe in them." You hear him scoff, and he asks, "What are you, 10?" You'd be surprised Tsukishima-kun. You mentally muttered and shook your head, "Nope." You popped the P and took a step forward again, reaching for his wrist and then dragging him towards yet another haunted house. "Oi, we-" "They'll wait for us here, if they're going to be late, might as well enjoy ourselves. Let's go first!" you cheered as you basically dragged him along. He rolled his eyes, but he lets you do as you please, even if meant going into the one haunted house that was basically notorious for its endless maze and its haunted residents. Upon stepping in, you can tell that your companion is slight disorientated due to the fog machine and the flashing monochrome lights. You slip your hand into his, feeling him flinch completely, yet at the same time feeling him holding onto you for reassurance and you smirked despite knowing he couldn't see. "It's okay, you'll be fine," you laugh, and he mutters, "I am fine. Just can't see." You hear him mutter an ow and you turned back, confused. And he mutters, "I'm too tall for some of these decorations." You immediately burst into laughter, it was a completely different melody that contrasted drastically with the shrieks of terror and cries of horror that filled the air of the other poor victims of the maze. Tsukishima shook his head, clearly amused at your response and you lean towards him again, "It's okay, your pretty face hasn't been hurt yet." He frowns and he mutters, "You're impossible." The maze went by rather uneventfully, save for the few times someone tried reaching for either ankle only to be stepped on. The countless apologies that left your lips left not only humiliation, but also amusement. You were reaching the end, you can tell by the sounds of relief of the victims before you, and as soon as you exit, your eyes catch sight of the moonlight above. The moon was round and full, if you were a werewolf, you are certain you would have turned by now. But nope, you weren't and Tsukishima looked at you, and then at the hand holding his and he scoffed, "Are you going to howl? I thought you were a vampire tonight." You looked at him, and the liquid gold matches your orbs, but you see the surprise on his face when your orbs are no longer the bright and warm hues he saw daily, but rather a ruby red. The hidden blood lust gleaming brightly as your gaze flickered momentarily to his neck and he tries to take a step back, but he can't. You take another step closer, your chest pressed against his, and your breath fanning out over his neck. Your free hand trails ghosting touches, each finger lingering just a bit more than expected and leaving him breathless and his heart pumping louder than ever. You smile languidly, your ear pressed against his heart and you asked again, "Hey, do you believe in the supernatural?" No. He wants to respond, but what was happening before him made him want to retract that answer. He felt suffocated, oppressed, and completely captivated by you. You detach yourself from his heart, instead gazing deep into his golden orbs in you cooed, "Well?" Tsukishima grits his teeth, and he shakes his head to the best of his ability and you smile, before leaning forward. You place a soft kiss just before sinking your fangs in, and you feel him flinch against you. The tension in his body leaving him as he begins to relax against you. The hand held in yours begins to weaken its grip and you lick the two punctures close, savoring the fresh blood on your lips. You breathe against the shell of his ear, causing yet another shiver to travel down his spine and you whisper, "Shall I teach you all about it then? I promise you'll grow to love it."
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