#they'll even stay with their parents for extended periods
aeondeug · 9 months
i love that red foxes can be polygynous or monogamous. apparently polyandry has been observed too? anyway i love this because it i think it is neat but also as foxes are my fursona i am happy that they aren't 100% always monogamous like many previously thought.
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seramilla · 2 months
Someone asked for angst so here it is.
After learning who Emily is Carmilla is torn on the one hand she found she had another daughter and already loves her and wants to keep her but she knows she can't. 1 Emily wasn't born in hell and doesn't have the instincts she needs to stay safe as can be seen by how easy Clara and Odette caught her thank God it was them and not someone worse. 2 Sera needs here Carmilla knew Sera loved and feared for Emily and learned that Emily had only recently learned that Sera was her mother because Sera had told her growing up they were sisters to keep her safe and hadn't even let Emily call Sera mom. She would have thought that Emily going to hell would have caused Sera a lot of stress after getting more of the story she knew Sera had to be frantic. As much as she wants to keep her other daughter she loves Sera too much to take Emily from her. She already has two daughters that should be enough. Still she convinces herself letting Emily stay and night or two wouldn't hurt after all she can keep Emily here and safe and let her recover after her adventures in hell it would probably be the only time she'll see her third daughter so she should make it count. She plans to let Emily rest and recover that night and the next day tell Lucifer to let Sera know she found Emily and the girl is alright and maybe get one last day before she says goodbye for the first and likely last time.
For roughly 48 hours, Carmilla Carmine almost remembers what it's like to have Sera in her life again. Emily's resemblance to her other parent is uncanny. The way she laughs. The way she immediately warms up to her sisters, Clara and Odette. The way she asks so many questions, wanting to know everything about life in Hell, despite having witnessed so many of the horrors of this place just trying to find her way here.
Carmilla knows she should tell Lucifer of Emily's presence. And she does immediately...there is no doubt in her mind that Sera will probably be frantically searching for the girl, if she isn't already, and Carmilla isn't that cruel. She tells Lucifer that Emily is safe in her care, but goes against her better nature to make a very selfish request. One that she knows she shouldn't make. But as Carmilla is rarely selfish, she can't help but wish for it just this once.
"Tell Sera Emily is safe," Carmilla pleads with Lucifer over the phone. "But please...wait a few days before you tell her where she is. Tell her she's with you...or that she's resting. Something that will assuage her fears, but not have her rushing down here just yet."
"Why?" Lucifer asks, completely flummoxed. "Carmilla, she's at her wit's end with worry. I can't just not tell her! That's her daughter."
"She's my daughter, too! Please!" Carmilla begs. Very emotionally, which signals to Lucifer that she is serious. Carmilla rarely shows this side of herself to anyone, let alone Lucifer.
"Please, Lucifer, I just...I just need time with her. I don't know if I'll ever get this chance again. You know neither of them can stay down here long. Hell will warp and distort them. Like it did to our bodies. And I don't want to risk them coming down here more than once."
Lucifer goes silent on the other end of the line. He knows better than anyone the toll that Hell pays on a fallen angel's body over an extended period of time. A day or two isn't anything to fuss over. But after a week, their angelic essence will be sucked dry. After two, their bodies will start to transform, leaving them unrecognizable as Heaven's angels.
After a month, they'll never be able to go back. Those types of changes are permanent. Carmilla judges that a few days should be safe, at the absolute maximum. That's all the time she's willing to allow herself to spend with Emily. Any longer than that would risk her and Sera's immortal souls being trapped down here forever like her.
"If that's what you want..." Lucifer says, the hesitation in his voice indicating he does not like this idea one bit. "I understand where you're coming from. I do. And I will allow it. But 2 days is all you get, Carmilla. You'd better make it count."
Carmilla thanks Lucifer, and hangs up the phone. She will make it count. She will shove so much love and affection into the next 48 hours, it will be impossible for Emily to ignore how much she means to her. Carmilla vows to cherish the next 2 days always, and at the same time, steel herself for the inevitable end to their time together.
She understands that before all is said and done, she and Sera will undoubtedly come face-to-face one last time, and she needs to be ready for that moment. Needs to be strong for Emily, but also for herself. Carmilla Carmine has become an expert at not showing weakness. This situation, however...this will truly test her. It might even be what finally breaks her. But she will risk it. For a few moments of stolen happiness, and for them to ultimately be safe.
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orderrup · 1 year
Procedurally generated art poses an existential threat to art the same way mass-produced MDF and particle board (for simplicity's sake, IKEA) furniture poses a threat to woodworking.
There is a hell of a lot more cheap IKEA furniture in the world than hand-carved or assembled furniture. The craft is also much smaller than it was in my parents' and grandparents' day. However:
Almost everyone knows that while the IKEA furniture serves a function in the house, it isn't ideal. It has advantages like portability, and ease of assembly, but it also absolute trash quality and is often the first thing to get replaced when you have a bit of money laying around.
The problem with IKEA furniture isn't that it's "not real" furniture-- or even that some of the pieces aren't pretty good quality, and last unexpectedly well. It's that it's kind of... shlock. It's just not very good at doing what it's supposed to for extended periods.
To complete the analogy: AI art is rising in prominence. We will all see and interact with it. It has the veneer of art, but most AI pieces lack "staying power". When people crave something more substantial, they'll need artists and craftspeople.
In the meantime: We complain endlessly about how our current world produces way too much crap that breaks way too fast, and that planned obsolesce is killing us. If you want to strike at the beating heart of why AI, and job loss, and cheap shlock is making you miserable, you need to strike at the *system*.
Is enforcing copyright more strictly a good way to prevent an exploitative and capitalist system from marginalizing a workforce of artists? I don't know. I don't think so. I think it's a good way to give up the few rights we have as creatives in a sacrifice to ward off a very indifferent god.
TLDR: I don't think we are scared of AI. I think we are scared of capitalism finally getting to chew up and spit out art like IKEA furniture.
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babymoname · 2 years
Diaper Bag Essentials
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Packing a diaper bag is really a work of art. So many essential items need to be packed for every possible situation when you're away from home. Especially if you're going on an extended trip. If you forget to pack one little thing, you'll quickly regret it.
However, mama, you can handle this. Putting together a diaper bag doesn't have to be challenging.
Let's explore some necessities for your diaper bag that you shouldn't forget when you leave the house.
The longer you and your baby are away from home, the more diapers you need. Whether you're a cloth diapering mama or use disposable diapers, always make sure to pack enough diapers to last you the entire trip. To have a constant resupply of your favourite diaper brand delivered right to your door, try Made of. It is an amazing brand which has super absorbent, soft and hypoallergenic diapers.
Diaper Rash Cream
A diaper rash cream must be added to the list of essential items to carry around.
You never know when your baby will develop a rash or when they'll require a diaper rash cream on-the-go. The best diaper rash creams are those that have organic and natural ingredients to calm the baby’s bottom.
Baby Wipes
When you change a lot of diapers per day, you need a wipe that can handle both routine changes and epic blowouts. We looked at reviews from the Baby Community and combined the findings with our editors' knowledge and expertise to determine which baby wipes moms and dads thought were the best.
Feeding Bottles
Baby bottles are an absolute necessity for your growing family. Plastic, glass, and stainless steel are just a few of the materials that are used to make baby bottles. It's important to keep in mind that it will take time for the baby to get used to a specific bottle, whether you need them for traveling or they simply work best for your family.
When picking the right bottle, consider qualities like the material it is made of, how comfortable it is to hold and feed from, and the style of the nipple.
Burp Clothes
Running errands with a burp cloth slung over your shoulder...when you're out alone...is a quickest sign that you're a new parent. This baby necessity is so important that you carry it with you even when the baby is not present.
You should always have burp cloths on hand, especially during the early newborn months. Burp cloths can be used to wipe anything that comes your way, including milk dribbles and sneezes, in addition to absorbing the majority of spit-up. because something is usually coming your way. Purchase plenty of soft, absorbent burp cloths that will endure countless washings.
Teething Toys
Soft teething toys are a diaper bag essential for any mom with a baby over three months!
There’s so many options for teething toys on the market, but here's one that we would recommend.
Nursing Cover
If you are a breastfeeding mama, you’ll need to add a few extra items to your diaper bag like a nursing cover.
You may also want to add other personal items to your diaper bag, like breast pads, period pads, tampons, etc.
Extra Clothes
When you have a baby, extra clothes are a must! Carry around at least two sets of clothes. One set always stays in the diaper bag and the second set of clothes stays in the car.
Remember to also pack extra clothes for yourself mama!
Baby Blanket
A blanket will always be useful, whether you need one to keep the baby warmer or just want one for extra cuddles.
Thick blankets for warmth won't fit inside a diaper bag, but smaller blankets like receiving blankets do. But you can always keep a heavier blanket in the car during the winter.
Sun Hat And Sunscreen
You must also be ready for warmer weather, in addition to packing a blanket for cold weather.
Baby's skin will be shielded from the heat and sunburns by items like a sun hat and sunscreen. It might be a good idea to always keep these things in your diaper bag if you live somewhere with warm weather all year long.
Baby mess is common. You never know when you might need to scoop up vomit or when you might unintentionally smear poop on your finger while changing a diaper. When this happens, baby wipes are simply insufficient to clean your hands.
Diaper Bag
And lastly, without a diaper bag, packing is practically impossible! Diaper bags come in a zillion different styles. There is a diaper bag out there for everyone, whether you like totes, backpacks, big, or small bags.
Finding a diaper bag that matches your personality is the best advice I can give you for doing so. Additionally, look for a bag with lots of storage space and a foldable changing pad!
You can find some incredible diaper bags here if you don't already have one or want to upgrade.
Final Thoughts
The list is a great place to start when packing your diaper bag, even though it may not have everything!
Babies require a lot of little things for the day when you're away from home. You have to decide what's necessary to take and what is not. Only you know your baby's needs and what items you need to take with you. It's always best to be prepared with extra baby items, then compared to needing them last minute.
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Born and raised in Du Quoin, Illinois, into a devoted evangelical christian family, Yule never really had a good relationship with his parents, whom he considered too strict and conservative. Still, religion has always been an important part of his life and Yule eventually found his own way to God, developing his own relationship with Him — he prays often (especially when things are bad and he could need a little extra help) and is actually really good at it, as well as at saying grace before meals, and he keeps a vintage Bible he's inherited from his grandfather. However, he prefers to keep this side of him secret to his friends, as it doesn't match the bad boy, shoplifting skater punk image he likes to portray. Always a punk enthusiast, he's often seen wearing his favourite Misfits jacket, combat boots and cap (always backwards!), along with many other vintage thrift store items. His long wavy hair, styled in some kind of a mullet, is something he's proud of, even if it's always been one of the many things his parents always disapproved about him. Another of those things was his lack of interest in school. Not that he wasn't smart enough, as he excelled in subjects that really interested him, it was just that most of them didn't and he was too energetic to just sit still and bored for such extended periods of time. It was only when school was over and he could go to the skatepark with his friends that he was most happy. Or when he could just stay home, playing videogames and live-streaming them on Twitch. In fact, his channel (of which he's really proud and will never miss an opportunity to advertise) became quite popular and as his followers kept increasing, he actually started receiving new games to review and making some real money, which allowed him to cover his daily expenses (at least most of them) and move out of his parents' house, renting a place with 3 friends. Charming, friendly and outgoing, in his free time Yule loves to hang out with his friends behind the abandoned Burger Crown "from 7 to whenever", where they'll skateboard, blast death metal music, sit by the fire to have a few drinks, smoke and chat about everything — from the most trivial things to everything that's wrong in the world nowadays. As a matter of fact, Yule is a non-conformist. Very attentive to what's happening in the world around him, he considers himself an activist, a supporter of the causes he deems right and important, such as the climatic change and the protection of the planet. A young man with a somewhat rebellious attitude, he doesn’t want to be perceived as vulnerable, but is actually very sensitive in private, even if he'll only open up to a very select few. Funny and flirtatious, he's also very polite and respectful towards his potential partners, and consent matters a great deal to him. In fact, Yule has a romantic side he's never shown anyone, longing to connect with someone on a deeper level and eventually get married, finally making him part of a family who'll love and accept him for who he is.
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