#they're comfy and i have so many pockets for rocks i find
matan4il Β· 1 year
Why I will never give up on Canon Buddie..... Listen I am just a little straight girl who grew up on romance novels. You want Eddie with a women. Well, I mean Vanessa was perfect if you were a writer.
One dare I say she was a better version of Anna and 2 with a little manipulation she could be the girl version of Buck. I mean no one ever could, so don't come for me with pitchforks I just meant in general. She was beautiful, fun, a little heartbroken and didn't add stress to Eddie. Telling the story?? So easy it's a tale as old as time. She shares his culture so let's fake date to throw our tias off. Become friends. Maybe meet Chris. Maybe hesitate to do more because she's jaded and worried it won't work out and how will that effect Chris. Like I have seriously read this story a million times yet the writers never pull the trigger.
My second thing. Again I am a moderately attractive straight single girl. It is not that hard for me to find a relationship. I can throw a rock and find companionship you know?? No disservice to us straights it's just facts. So the fact that the writers intentionally get this wrong while being so loud about the couch screams volumes to me. Especially when you couple it with the fact these 2 do not wing man for each other, talk about sex lives and only refer to the significant other to tell them to dump them. That is the loudest part about their living in each other's back pocket BFF forever relationship. I mean Eddie couldn't even process Buck taking care of himself.
In conclusion 911 if you want me to stop shipping them this all on you. I mean I will never stop. But you could at least try!!
Awww, Nonnie! :D Welcome to the hopeless romantics club! We got comfy cushions for you, as well as cookies. ;)
Regarding Vanessa, yeah. I have seen plenty of rom coms that start off with the exactly interaction she and Eddie had. He's not ready, she's not ready, they come to the date with the intent to let each other down easy, and when they realize they were never an option for the other person, it intrigues them. It could have easily developed in the direction of "instead of going through this repeatedly, how about we fake date to get our Tias off our cases?" and slowly falling for each other. TBH, I wouldn't have been surprised if that's what 911 would go with, since so many shows would. I'm glad it didn't, that the point really was to help Eddie progress on his romantic journey rather than set him up with yet another LI.
I agree with you! I already thought it was eyebrow raising when 911 let Buddie be single throughout the entirety of s3 and a respectable chunk of 4a. Now in s6, they're both once again very single. And we're talking young, good looking, heroic firefighters. It should not be hard for them to find romance, yet out of almost 5 seasons of them being on the show together, roughly 2.5 they spend with both of them being single men. When they're the only single members of the main cast! That is VERY unusual, it's not the route most TV shows would take with their only single characters, you know? That Buck and Eddie are directly responsible for this state of double singleness a part of the time just makes it all more hilarious. XD
I've said it before, I will always ship Buddie. Which means as long as the show is on air and both of their characters are alive, I will hope for canon Buddie. But even if that doesn't happen, Buddie is canon to me. The show has written and filmed their epic love story, and I can't unsee that no matter what. In my head, it will always be just a matter of time before these two morons figure it out.
Thank you so much for this ask, lovely! Have a wonderful day. As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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linawritesocs Β· 2 years
πŸ§₯🌻🏑 for everyone! and πŸ’˜ for our new boys? :3c
ah yes, a romantic question!
πŸ§₯ "what’s their style like? do they put a lot of effort into what they wear?"
(also, this is like.. about what they wear outside of school uniforms)
avery: likes casual and comfortable clothes, doesn't really care for fashion. in fact, he prefers clothes that don't look that good or aren't that expensive, because he doesn't have to worry about accidentally getting dirt on them when he does gardening. but he does appreciate some cute sweaters or hoodies with flowers or animals on them.
vance: honestly, he should've been in pomefiore, because this guy has STYLE. likes unique and colorful clothes with cute prints. also likes oversized shirts and hoodies! he feels very comfy in them :) actually loves shopping, but doesn't really like doing it alone, so he'd take his big brother with him before he started going to nrc and now he takes someone from heartslabyul or someone different (ahem, bobbie) with him.
merrill: so if we're not talking about what he wears for his acc, he likes to wear elegant, but comfortable clothes. his clothes are usually dark-colored, like dark purple or dark blue. he obviously puts a lot of effort into what he wears and he spends a lot of time deciding what he will wear today.
allen: this guy just needs to wear everything warm and soft. lots of sweaters, hoodies, all of that. would love to wear something lighter, but he can't because he'll get cold immediately. so he wants to make this situation at least a little bit better and his clothes are always very cute and usually in pastel colors!
roland: i have to say this. outside of rsa, roland dresses up like AN ACTUAL DAD. like this isn't what a teenage boy would wear, this is what someone's dad would wear to his child's football game. also lots of hawaiian shirts, so yes, he's rocking that vacation dad aesthetic. when asked why he dresses up like that, he says that this is just what he feels most comfortable in.
jay: fake! jay dresses like an absolute gentleman that he is! pretty suits, always looks very proper and elegant! but he doesn't actually feel so good dressing up like that and he'd love to wear more casual clothes at least once. but he has a reputation to protect and he doesn't want other people to judge him, so.. yeah :( real! jay meanwhile has only ONE outfit which is a yellow hoodie and blue jeans and he wears it all the time, because he didn't bring any other clothes with him when he ran away from home. would love to have more clothes, but he has no money, so he either has to suffer or borrow clothes from others.
austin: likes denim stuff, like denim jackets or jeans and he likes to wear overalls and oversized shirts. also loves clothes with many pockets! pockets are important to him! he likes clothes that is both comfortable and stylish, but if he had to choose, then it would be comfort over fashion.
🌻 "do people generally tend to like them? what personality traits do they have that draw others in?"
avery: people don't like him. at all. at first they like him for his appearance but once they find out about his personality, which happens pretty quickly, they forget about what they thought of him a minute ago and leave him.
vance: most people think that he's kinda weird, but they also can't help but think that he's adorable. vance can easily get what he wants from them because of how cute he is and it makes people want to protect him.
merrill: people think that he's intimidating, so they don't really want to do anything with him, but man.. is he pretty. people think he's very attractive, so if he flirts with them or even simply looks at them, their hearts will beat much faster than before.
allen: he's not liked by rsa students, but if they make sure avery knows how much they hate him, they're a lot more quiet with allen, because 1) they don't want to mess with allen and make him mad and 2) he's rich. and he has connections. lots of them. so yeah, they probably shouldn't get on his bad side. if someone gets to know more about allen, they might start liking him because of how cheerful and creative he is.
roland: like with vance, people think that he's weird and it doesn't help that there are rumors about him being an ex-nrc student. so rsa students don't really want to be friends with him or join his club. but what might draw a person in is roland's caring nature and his kindness.. and also his desire to please everyone around him.
jay: people generally don't mind fake! jay's company, but they find him kinda funny because of how clumsy he is and because he often tends to forget about his surroundings. and why does he keep hanging out with allen? aren't they too different for that? the real! jay on the other hand.. people don't even know about him existing. well, at least rsa students don't know about him. but they would definitely judge him for everything he does.
austin: well, he's not really liked, but people can't deny that he's talented and helpful, so yeah, they try to at least treat him with respect. and he's also smart, so that also helps his reputation. if only it wasn't for his personality..
🏑 "where do they live? do they have a house to themselves or do they live with somebody, or something else?"
avery: used to live with his parents and little sister in a nice and cute little house with many colorful flowers around it before he went to rsa.
vance: lived with his parents, big brother and grandfather before he started going to nrc. his house is much bigger than avery's, but it's less noticeable because of how.. boring it looks like. the colors are dark, they don't catch anyone's attention, the house is just standing there. vance never liked how his house looks.
merrill: lived with his parents in a very small house that looked awful. when other people found out that a child lives there, they felt sorry for him. his parents couldn't afford a better house, so they had to live there, but they also were lazy, they didn't like to do chores and didn't care about the house that much, so it only made the house look worse.
allen: lived in a huge mansion with his parents and some other people, like maids and butlers, his nanny and others. despite having people to talk to there, he felt extremely lonely, because they were so nice to him, it was obvious that they were faking it and were just being polite.
roland: lived with his parents in a normal and average-looking house, but it had some flowers around, like avery's one.
jay: like allen, his family owned a mansion back in shaftlands, but when they moved to sunset savanna, they settled for a much smaller house and they actually liked it more. jay was born there and he lived in that house with his parents and big sister.
austin: lived in a small house with his parents, big sister, little brother and a cat. it was too small for his big family, yes, but they didn't mind it and liked their house a lot.
πŸ’˜ "do they ever get crushes? what do they do when they have feelings for someone?"
roland: honestly, i feel like he would CRY when he realizes that he has a crush on someone. he doesn't want to hurt that person, he doesn't want to face his past self. but he's also so.. so in love with that person? he can't let anyone take them away from him. but if he tries to make them fall in love with him, it will just prove that he never actually changed. so he will just suffer in silence and if that person tells him that they have fallen for someone, he will try to give them the brightest smile that he can give at that moment and support them. but he may or may not end up hurting that person's crush.
jay: fake! jay does get crushes! but he doesn't know what to do about them?? he doesn't know what to do with those feelings, should he tell that person about them? he's too shy to do that, but he will continue to try and get that person's attention. also will try to impress them with his knowledge! the real! jay gets crushes too, but he's more hopeless. he has no idea what to do, he panics whenever he sees his crush and tries to hide. but also he may start asking them for more attention, will hug them more often and will spend more time with them.
austin: okay, he gotta keep it cool. gotta keep it co- wait, his crush is so cute?? what is he supposed to do about it?? like fake! jay, he tries to impress them with his skills and knowledge and if they ask him for help, he totally will do it and they don't have to beg or pay him. he also will become more open around them, he'll talk more about his favorite anime, cats and other things he likes. he also smiles more often when they're around.
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