#they're giving ronald mcdonald
egberts · 1 year
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i had to take a picture of them together before i reroot felicia 🍒💣
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jellazticious · 5 months
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bing bong bootleg SS au
very long ramble under the C
stuff are subjected to change
The working title isn't solidified but I'm leaning on either Candy Castle or Pastry Castle
Tho I think I'm gonna go for pastry cuz it has the same amount of letters as castle much like pizza and tower have the same number too
The tower is a gingerbread castle. According to a friend of mine (It's Beefy, it's always Beefy go follow him) that Hispanics love their bakeries and yeah, I guess that makes sense. Not only do I have a theme based on the protag's culture but also the theme gets narrowed down to just baked sweets. Candy in general is too broad, I would die figuring out how to put every kind of sweet in it, and if I did it's gonna be really cluttered hooboy
Noise is called Theo because that's Peppino's name formula. Peppino is a nickname for Giuseppe so I thought I'd give Noise's swap a nickname to Theodore as the main name
Hazel Nutt is pretty self explanatory cuz Noisette means hazelnut in French
Their outfits are pretty simple to mirror Peppino and Gustavo's with just coloured shirts and aprons
Hazel doesn't get a mount because she would have Theo's prototype rocket skates. Just like Gus, she would have different stages of getting used to the skates per floor. First she gets blasted from end to end cuz she can't control the thrust. Second, she manages to turn it off but she's trying to keep balance on it. Third, she catches her breath now that she could stand still without moving or slipping. Next she would make a card castle, in reference to the very castle they're inside. and lastly she'd be holding a box of sweets without giving a shit about the scary floor.
To parallel the og Noisette, Hazel would smile bigger when Theo faces her direction.
Hazel is also Theo's delivery gal to match and switch with how Peppino WAS Gustavo's delivery guy
The "kick the rat" function would be Hazel swinging one of the skates and the cops grabbing Brick would instead hold a weapon detector that also functions as a magnet
Unlike Peppino, Theo is more aggressive than anxious. Imagine an injured cat defending itself from what it thinks is a threat
the name of Pizzaface's swap is Pieface for obvious reasons 😭
both pizzaface and pieface are used as insults. pizza face is used for people with so much acne and pie face is used for someone with a flat face or dull expression. It isn't just a pun on what food the characters are made of. Pieface is also a reference to the trope where people headshot other people with pies. With the mech floating towards the protag, it would look like a pie is being thrown and targeted at Theo
Honestly drawing what food makes his face is so fun. Did you know that before the croissant smile it was supposed to be syrup shaped to a smile? The nose was a long whip of cream before turning into a cut strawberry for the mustache effect
Pizzahead's candy version would be called Gingerhead because of how ridiculous it sounds.
Gingerhead is based on Willy Wonka much like how Pizzahead is based on Ronald McDonald which is why he has more of a showman look than a clown look
okay side note, it just occured to me how ironic PH being based on Ronald is considering McDo's isn't a pizza place
actually Wonka doesn't even sell cakes and shit so, I guess it's fair game
Theo has the nickname Muffinman to reference the rhyme. but this time, it's the gingerbreadman chasing the baker
Next up is Mr S, who would be Peppino but he becomes rich. Mr S is the stage name he uses. He is a known celebrity much as Noise is but he is more of a boxer than a host. Like Dwayne Johnson or something. His name is partially a reference to ResEvil's Mr X, another absolute unit of a guy
also the reason why he doesn't wear a shirt. He's committing to the bit. If he needs to cover himself when he isn't playing a role, then there's his robe. He doesn't take out his mask most of the time tho
Mr S's mask is based on the Chef Raider design but also part of the scrapped superhero design much like Pizzano. Actually speaking of Pizzano, S is characterized so similarly to him cuz Pizzano is the only SS character who was actually written well to my standards. To be fair we've seen too much of Peppino to flunk characterizing him sksksk
Since this is Peppino that Mr S is based on, he's not as tech savvy or as self centered as Noise so he doesn't have robots that look like himself. Instead he has ants for a crew
the ants swap the place of rats. the rats in PT reference the new york pizza rat while ants just generally eat your food especially if it's sweet when left alone for five minutes
the ants come from Mr G, who would be Gustavo's swap with Noisette. He's Mr S's lawyer. at the end of S's bossfight, G would snatch him away with Click (the ant) because S would make a foul and embarrassing move on live camera
I can't seperate Gustavo and Brick so Click stays with Mr G instead of assisting Hazel
inside what would be Noisette cafe, instead of Mr G and Click being behind the counter, they would be sitting as customers next to Caraman. the barista isn't seen anywhere
Honestly when I'm writing everyone, my logic of swapping them isn't "make them switch places AND personalities" but more of "write every single one of them with the og personality because giving them a different lifestyle/role would drastically change their motives and how they behave"
I'm practically just swapping each character's place of birth
I mentioned this because it's kinda funny with Noisette and Gus since they play the exact same role of assisting Peppino/Noise so swapping them won't change much in how they act. They also have the same cheery and welcoming personality by default so Hazel and Mr G would act REALLY similar to their og
The only difference is that Gustavo can be threatening whenever Peppino fucks up. It fits right in with being a lawyer for the same goon
Now we got Mel Caraman who would become this au's Vigi. Lemme just say off the bat that Caraman is just as delusional as Vigi. He gets hired as a guard for floor 2 and took it way too seriously that he thinks he's some sort of sentinel. Hired as a guard but thinks he's an ancient guardian or something
his name vaguely references James Bond because you also VAGUELY get "caramel" out of "Caraman, Mel Caraman"
Caraman is a caramel apple but he's half glazed to form an eyemask. he's also got a stick poking out his head that stretches his chorro hat. the big hat makes him look cooler anyways. Bro I was so ready to settle for a shitty wild west mayor hat and I owe Beefy one for suggesting a new hat. I was gonna make him look like Doug Dimmadome with the short brimmed tall hat😭😭😭
but yeah Caraman doesn't have the same dignity as Vigi does. He can fight crime decently on normal circumstances and badass when he's full serious. But like day in day out he's so obnoxious about looking for crime that people get tired of him nor would they take him seriously
he would also be mistaken for a pepper
Next to last, Cam M. Bert or just Bert who would take place of Pepperman. he's an artist who appreciates the world instead of himself, a freelancer also. There was only a bossfight because he was coincidentally commissioned to make a mural for the castle the same time Theo busts in. He didn't like how Theo ruined some of his works with his rush to open the door
Bert is a cream cheese instead of a cheese slime. his beret is actually a little cherry to distinguish him from the other creams.
Bert is really chill and humble, He's like Bob Ross, whenever he can, he'd try to talk about how every beauty in the world should be immortalized through a canvas
In parallel to Vigi's delusion of thinking he's a human, Bert thinks he's actually a living painting (which is completely possible for someone to be in the PT world since Pepperman was able to do it with his own art)
instead of a :{ face that Vigilante has, Bert has a :3 face
the naming formula is taken directly from Vigi
Vig E. Lantte
Cam M. Bert
There is a type of sweet cheese that's really creamy called camembert which his name is a direct reference from. Here is a picture of a camembert since it's hella cute
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Camembert cheese was also suggested by Beefy, brother thank you for not allowing me to name this cunt Creamlad
Mr Lardo would be in place of Mr Stick but his motive is that he's collecting Theo's money on BEHALF of Mr Stick. They're probably the only ones who completely stay intact because there's not much canon info of Stick WITHIN the game itself I also feel he's a crossover character from his own "series" with how long McPig has him prior to PT so I just swap the character who makes the "cameo"
The toppins are still called toppins because they'd be used to decorate a cake or pie. They would be
Strawberry - Mushroom
Cream - Cheese
Cookie - Tomato
Icing (in a piping bag) - Sausage
actually I dont know yet for the pineapple but I'll get to it. I've only been figuring out this au since four days ago....
Lastly (of the characters), the Faker in this would be mechanical to match the original Noise's familiarity in robots
Fake Theo (temp name) would be engineered to be "Theo but way better" while actually being succesful with it. Faker would also sort of look like a mini figure of a ballerina. Referencing The Nutcracker
Opposite to Fake Peppino, Fake Theo is more graceful than terrifying but it's so uncanny how unnaturally pretty it is
and now some misc stuff
Title of the final level is When The Cookie Crumbles
the pepper pizza will be replaced with an extremely sweet pie and the immunity is caused by the sugar rush from it
Pizza Time is called Crunch Time
Pillar John would be a giant graham cracker since the walls are made of cookies instead of bricks. Gerome however, is a solidified bar of brownies. like a shittily made brownie that it just turned into a construction brick
Snotty is a pure white cream cheese and that's cuz he's actually made of glue. His name is Sticky
Pigs would either be bears or rabbits with how many times those two animals represented sweets
I'm gonna be clear with everyone here. I literally made this au cuz I'm going insane trying to make swap stuff with Pascal/Stefano when the au itself is so empty. sure it's colourful but it's so empty like I can't draw SS characters outside of poses
I tried like doing fanon modifications as I always do then there's so much I "modified" that at this point it's not Sugary Spire anymore. Just straight up a completely different au. The only similarity is that it's a swap au with sweets
it is what it is yknow. this is my life now. I said fuck it and went with the flow and boom, new personal au that I poured too much into
basically I blame Pascal for this
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lumikore · 6 months
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My Medic loadout I still don't know if he's an oc or not I guess he could be categorised as self insert oc but he's not really he's just my loadout guy but I do imagine him in my head in little scenarios mostly like stuff that would happen to me ingame and he acts like how I would but he's a little more mean and depressed like another day another dollar kinda vibe yknow so he's not me but he kind of is like he's my loadout yknow that's what other people see when they see me playing medic but also I don't 'kin' medic or anything like that if anything I think I'm most like engineer if I had to pick one Idk maybe he's a tf2-sona if that's a thing he's not exactly like me but he kind of represents me I mean he's my pfp as well on here and on Steam and on yt maybe he's like a mascot for my brand like Ronald McDonald or Chuck E Cheese but for Lumikore Tf2 Drawings And Etc Incorporated you feel me but like I also have hcs for him I guess they're canon if he's my character but anyway I think he plays the harp which well I mean I play the harp so I guess I'm projecting onto him a little bit there but it's ok like I project onto every single character I make ever it doesn't mean it's me it just means it is influenced by me which of course it's going to be if I made it and guys sorry for not using commas or full stops I can't help it this is what my thoughts sound like to me and it feels really weird and unnatural when I have to add pauses instead of just connecting all my thoughts in one sentence like how they come to me in my brain I didn't sleep very well last night btw so I'm kinda going a little crazy I slept 4 hours and then got up at midnight to eat strawberries and cherries and prosciutto and brie as stated in my other post and then tried to go back to sleep but it didn't work so I just layed awake for a bit now it's about 11:30 and I'm quite tired now thinking about it but I mustn't have a nap or my sleep cycle will get even worse and it also just occurred to me no one wants to read this and I think I got a little off topic as well but if I write a big enough wall of text peole will have no choice but to see it and think wow what is this guy on about that he needs to write so much under a little drawing post guys write Krampus in the comments if you read this far I'm also kind of sad rn about Krampus because after the event is over I'll have to wait another year before I can see my lovely wife Krampus again and she's gonna be so lonely without me like what does she do all year stay at home all alone it's sad really who's going to give her love and attention while I'm off fighting in the war (2fort) and genuinely aside from Krampus I really like the Smissmas maps especially Carrier and Galleria I don't really like Haarp it's very confusing and stressful but still I hope some of them stay throughout the year because I just know if they only come back in December then they will get hardly any players ever again cause people want to play the new maps every year and I think I should stop writing so I can go play tf2 now so I can play the event maps before they're gone so bye.
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musette22 · 2 months
I love the idea of caregiver Bucky. We know that being a caregiver is natural for him because of the way he's probably looked out for Steve their whole lives. Probably helped him breathe through asthma attacks, warmed his hands when they got cold from poor circulation and just generally tried to make life as easy as possible for him.
I can imagine Bucky feeling indebted to society after his recovery and his natural caregiver instincts kicking in again. But Steve doesn't need him in the same way anymore so Bucky starts helping out in the community until he finds his way to the children's hospital. Similar to Sebastian's dedication to the Ronald Mcdonald Centre I think Bucky would be dedicated to helping and caring for children who are ill and going through things that no child should have to face. They remind him of little Steve. And when Steve does find out he's so proud and almost cries because this Bucky. The Bucky he loved since the day he met him, the one he never gave up on. And now he's here and giving back to society in a way that doesn't involve fighting. But that doesn't mean that it's easy and when Bucky has a bad day after visiting the kids, Steve is there to hold him and kiss him and let him know that's its okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes.
This is why Stucky is beautiful to me. Because the possibilities are endless but their intentions are always good. At the end of the day they're two boys from Brooklyn who just want to do good in the world.
Aaahhhh 😭🥺❤️ Everything about this is so beautiful and perfect and it rings so true, I love it so much..! You're absolutely right, Bucky is just as kind and inherently good as Steve (even if he doesn't always believe it about himself, but that's why Steve will never stop trying to make Bucky see). And while I believe he undoubtedly also gave Steve lots of shit before the war, I also think that when it mattered, Bucky was always there for Steve, looking out for him, taking care of him in that way only he knew how.
And I've always loved the idea of Bucky looking after stray neighbourhood cats too, for instance, because of those natural caregiver instincts you mention, so I'm absolutely here for your scenario of Bucky working with charities and children's hospitals, to try and help and give back to the community 🥺 That's usually a role that fandom reserves for Steve, but I can so easily imagine Bucky doing the same. It just makes sense! And god, Steve loves him so much 😭❤️ Okay now I'm all emotional, thank you for sharing this with us, nonnie! 🙏🏻
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
Credits scene
It's been multiple months since the mansion incident
The legal case lasted a good while, but no evidence was found against any of the survivors, so they are okay now.
The blood did not leave their clothes. They got new ones.
Oliver Beebo wakes up another day in his apartment. While a lot of his nights have bizarre nightmares, this one was calm.
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Even though they are no longer on vacation, Ángel still stayed on Oliver's apartment, but they plan on staying some time in the capital, just to see what it's like.
He uses all types of products he can find to heal his scar. Beebo doesn't mind much. it's part of the job, he says.
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They've been living a calm and domestic day to day life, with ups and down.
The downs are, very down indeed
But the ups are more often.
They got matching tattoos of a sunrise, it makes them feel better.
Oliver has started taking cases again, but he's going for simpler ones.
He has told his fellow detectives to keep an eye out for seemingly supernatural cases.
Ángel has declared that he will invite himself to any case that involves a haunted house. Oliver doesn't fight him on it
They both have gained new fears
Ángel gets very anxious when they're separated for too long. He's also terrible at guessing what time it is
Oliver makes a great effort in overcoming his fear of heights. It's a work on progress.
He's also afraid of developing any kind of memory affecting disease. He keeps an incredibly detailed diary
They are getting help. It's slow and nonlinear, but they can always go to a warm home with a cuddly cat and a tight hug.
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Vivi invites Oliver for an exclusive 2-player session with Ángel, as a test for his dnd abilities, she says.
While he's not that good at the role playing, he's very good at strategy. He really enjoys lawful characters.
They have fun.
Marigold and Nina were also invited. It made for a very chaotic group.
Ángel wants to start a new game so he can upload it to his newly made youtube channel
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He wasn't satisfied with a normal 9 to 5, so he decided for a more creative job.
He's slowly rising, with titles such as "Doing the 100 babies challenge in The sims 4," "RLcraft hardcore for 100 days", "Top 10 facts about Dominion the jewel thief", "Finishing Overcooked with all stars ft. Vivi", and his personal favorite, "Speedrunning Escape rooms with my bf ❤️"
He claims to be Dominion's number one fan and sells plushies of him. Oliver will never admit he bought one.
Apparently, he is considered a cryptid in Ángel's channel, which he appreciates.
The now officially named Iraola family invites them to events quite often, it's very nice to have a friend group
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Game nights are... quite extreme
Turns out teenagers can be very competitive and capable
Nadia and Ángel have a scoreboard set up. The winner gets decided at New years.
Oliver has managed to keep his throne as the master of any and all card games, but for how long?
He can't wait for Christmas, he plans on giving Simon a cool anti-eye contact hat.
Even though he's still terrified of the concept of fatherhood, he really enjoys being an uncle.
Speaking of such, Ángel had to meet his parents. It was awkward at first, but he managed to win them over with his knowledge of old cinema and pretty boy charm.
Oliver met the Ronald Mcdonald statue by Ángel's childhood house. He has a picture with it.
Ángel's mother was sweet, hardworking, and strict. She was not afraid of telling her son how he should be a better gentleman towards Oliver. It was... an eventful night. It's a good thing the lady enjoys mystery novels.
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They celebrated Nadia's birthday in spring, cordially invited.
Everyone was sure Ángel would give her a gag gift, like a cd to a boy band she doesn't like or an ugly shirt.
He gave her a key code to an expensive editing software.
She was grateful but refused to say so. She plans on retaliating with an equally thoughtful gift.
They are slowly learning to get along, like a pair of cats that need to be separated by a door when they first meet.
In other news, Oliver recently received an autism diagnosis. He was very surprised. Ángel wasn't. He baked him a cake for the occasion.
The biggest event had to be the wedding
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On a warm spring day, in the middle of a flower field, Marigold Iraola and Nina Coli got married.
There was some bad press about it, but a certain reporter was very enthusiastic about how beautiful of an union this was, unlike the previous one.
Marigold decided to disband Coli's company, making a new one herself.
It specializes in medical equipment.
They saw the newlyweds say their vows, Oliver couldn't help but yearn for a moment like that.
He and Ángel danced the evening away
Between the multiple friends of the wives waiting for the bouquet toss, there was a determined man in white
And like a cat to a shiny object
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He jumped and got it
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They decide spring is a great season for a wedding.
They don't decide which spring though
That's for the future to know.
In a non-specific urban city like any other, an office awakes
Oliver Beebo is ready to start another day on his detective business
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shouldiusemyname · 11 months
Wedding Plan OR How I Ended Up Planning My Own Wedding
Just finished the first ep and I have some thoughts...
We're jumping straight into the PaiSky wedding.
Why are the subtitles saying something else?! They are speaking English ffs! Just write what they're saying!
And why are they speaking English? Is this supposed to be like a comment about the fact that Thailand doesn't have same-sex marriage but some English speaking countries do?
This show is brought to us by McDonalds. I expect to see them taking cute photos with Ronald at some point.
Lom looks suspiciously like Pai...
Nuea is NOT fat! How dare she?!
So, he is basically planning his own wedding but he doesn't know it yet?
Is this wedding just a cover-up? A business decision?
Why is no one wearing socks?!
Ok, Lom is into sports but Nuea isn't. Bad ex-boyfriend experience.
The lotion is called wedding dress. I don't know what I think about it. And why is he putting it on his neck?
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Because it's skin?
Is this going to be the Love in The Air race track equivalent for this show?
Hello no personal space in the locker room! These characters are BL watchers and you cannot convince me otherwise.
So Lom decided to get married when he saw Nuea at Pai and Sky's wedding.
I knew it! The bride is in on it! Now I'm curious about their arrangement... But I love that she's being supportive.
I'm intrigued. I will give this a fair chance mainly because I want to see if I'm right 😁
Oh, and I almost forgot! This one is for you @nerdybunnydestiny because no one wants to be famous for THAT.
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Mickey Mouse HCs for the Chip and Dale Universe
Cause I have a few
Full actual name Michael Elias Mouse
Stands at 2 feet 5 in,
High Pitched voice is just for the Public like Chip and Dales, his normal voice sounds like a mix of Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks.
Is married to Minnie since 1973, the company again is the reason they're still depicted as gf/bf.
Power fricking couple, when the two are on the same page there's not really any way to stop these two Minnie is just as whip smart as Mickey.
Wears a suit that looks like the Grey one Walt in his later years wore,
He's like Walt in multiple ways, many dub him the toon son of the man, in their world Disney isn't as bad because Mickeys keeping them in check wherever he can,
He refuses to be paid like a Co owner of the Disney company.
If they try to give him the money, he gives it to other Family Charity causes like The Ronald McDonald House.
He also works with one of Oswalds kids, who is a travel agent, handing over exclusive discounts and donating to a fund to take families to the various Disney properties that may otherwise have not been able to. As he puts it
"Less money going into those greedy humans hands,"
All this is done anonymously, nobody ever knows it's him as he does it out of kindness and wanting to carrying on Walts Legacy of Disney being about Families,
People think he'd be this larger than life figure, but he's actually quite humble and gentle, he can be firm though when needed he's one that you don't under assume.
He smokes, yes I dare but he only does so when stressed. This came from Walts Era,
Is actually great friends with Bugs and Daffy of the Looney Tunes despite what people say,
After a marital spat due to issues with burnout and miscommunication in 2023 in which they reconciled, Mickey and Minnie do have a couple of kids like Gadget and Zip, they though keep the children out of the spotlight. If their children wish to join them in the Disney legacy, they can when they are old enough to make that decision.
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svechnikovvv · 2 years
can’t take my eyes off you (part 7)
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gif by: @robinsteve
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
warnings: you guys know the drill by now
word count: 2,314
summary: steve fakes y/m for a week for a family reunion, but little does y/n know, he's had the biggest crush on her for a while.
a/n: this is officially my favorite steve gif. also, this one's short as well. just another filler chapter
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saturday. yes. you’ll admit it. you were kind of looking forward to going home, but steve’s family’s grown on you. especially the kids. you don't know if you want to leave anymore. you sit up in bed and see steve sprawled out everywhere. you quietly laugh to yourself. you don't bother with changing your clothes, heading downstairs in your pajamas.
"i'd say morning, but it's twelve in the afternoon" diane says to you as you step into the kitchen. your eyes slightly widen.
"i slept for that long?" she nods
"why did you and steve get home so late?"
"we went to see top gun"
"ooh. i heard tom cruise was in it"
"oh, diane. he was a sight for sore eyes" you both laugh and she gestures to the table.
"well, you missed breakfast, but we still have lunch. since tomorrow's the last day, we kept it simple. so grilled cheese and tomato soup it is for today"
"my mouth is already watering" you grab a plate, and bowl, and make yourself your lunch. this was the one time you didn't make steve his food because you were just too hungry to put your food on pause to make him something to eat. you took a seat at the barstool that you usually sit on and dipped your grilled cheese into the tomato soup, then taking a bite.
"i forgot how good grilled cheese was"
"never underestimate the power of grilled cheese" diane says
"mm. somethng smells good" you look to your right and see steve wallking into the kitchen.
"look. sleeping beauty has finally risen" steve rolls his eyes at your comment and his mom hands him his food. looks like she made it for him. he tells her thank you and takes a seat beside you. he bites into his sandwich and he looks just as satisfied as you.
"so, what do you two have planned today?" steve swallows his food then speaks up.
"i was thinking of staying in today?" he looks at you and you nod
"staying in sounds amazing to me. maybe we can play another game of twister and i can kick your ass again"
"do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"
"why would i kiss my mom, steve? that's incest" he rolls his eyes
"you know what i mean" you two go silent after that for a bit, just finishing your lunch.
"oh, y/n, wendy and nicole said they wanted to give you a makeover today. they're in the living room waiting" diane tells you and you slightly panick. you let one of your cousins give you a makeover one time, and long story short, you looked like ronald mcdonald with how much she caked your face.
"lucky me" you slowed your pace at eating your lunch, scared for what was to come. once you did finish though, you made your way into the living room, steve by your side. the two girls spotted you instantly and perked up.
"stevie! y/n! perfect!" you and steve look at each other with scared looks and then back at the girls, walking to sit in front of them on the floor.
"stevie, we're giving you a makeover too" nicole says
"what? i came here to watch"
"we want to make you look pretty" wendy says and you nudge steve. you look down at the play makeup that wendy and nicole had laid out.
"okay, nicole, you do stevie and i'll do y/n" wendy orders and nicole nods. wendy stands up so that she can properly put makeup onto your face.
"first i'm gonna do eyeshadow" you nod
"close your eyes" you close them as instructed and you start to feel her work her way across your eyelids. you're just curious as to what color she picked out. she did the same to the other eye and then blowed your eyes.
"that's to get off any extra stuff" you nod
"okay, you can open your eyes again" you open them and see wendy holding blush.
"now i'm going to do your blush" she starts to dab the pink powder across your cheeks and does the same as she did to your eyes. she blows off the extra. she stands back a bit after she does that and looks at you, then nods.
"almost done. just have to do lipstick" she picks up a mini thing of lipstick and takes the cap off of it.
"do this," she puckers her lips and you copy her actions. she applies the lipstick onto your lips. she then put the cap back onto the lipstick and looked at your face, a big smile on it.
"you look like an official princess" she holds up a tiny mirror so you can see yourself and you gotta admit, she didn't do a bad job for a kid.
"i watch mommy do her makeup all the time" she says and you nod, then putting the mirror down and facing her.
"i love it wendy. thank you" she smiles big and nods. you then turn to look at steve and nicole is still going at him. she makes him pucker his lips like wendy did with you and she put on a bold, red lipstick. his eyes meet yours and you're trying your hardest not to laugh. you'll never let him live this down.
once nicole finishes, she hands him the mirror you previously had and steve looks at what nicole did.
"wow nicole. you sure weren't lying when you said you'd make me look pretty" he puts the mirror down, looking at her. he then looks at you.
"wendy, you did an amazing job at doing y/n's makeup" he stands up from his spot on the ground.
"thank you. now, let's go show people" the two little girls grab your hands and pull you into the kitchen. diane was the first to see and the biggest smile makes its way onto her face.
"wow. you two look... just wow" she's trying not to laugh and you just stand there as she takes it all in. cynthia is the next person to see it.
"y/n... you-" she then looks at steve. "oh. and steve" she lets out a laugh at steve and he gives her a bitch face.
"this is the best thing i've seen all day" she walks past the two of you, heading out to the terrace.
"let's go show our mommies" wendy says to nicole and she nods. they drag you to where you assumed their moms were.
"mommy! nicole and me did y/n and stevie's makeup!" laura and jennifer turn around and take in the sight of you and steve.
"yeah yeah, i know" steve says and you're laughing. it's so hard for you to take him serious.
"sassy much?" laura asks and steve rolls his eyes
"you did an amazing job, sweetie" jennifer says to nicole and nicole smiles widely.
"i made him look pretty"
"so are you saying i was ugly before?" steve asks her and she nods. he fake gasps and places a hand over his heart.
"words hurt, nicole" she giggles and steve smiles
"this is by far the highlight of my life" laura says and you nod
"oh for sure"
"okay, come on. let's go back inside" wendy grabs your hand and drags you back into the house. steve in tow with nicole.
"when can i take this off?" steve asks nicole
"later" looks like you two have to go all day with your new look. throughout the day, you and steve did various tasks, still having the makeup on. at some point you two changed into different clothes. around 6, you and steve were watching some tv in the living room when wendy and nicole came up to you.
"you guys can take it off now" steve was the first to head to the bathroom and take it off. once he came back out, he was back to looking how he did hours earlier. you were next. you went into the bathroom and turned on the cold water, washing your face. you took the washcloth that you could tell steve used, and wiped your face off, getting rid of all leftover residue.
you headed back into the living room and sat down beside steve.
"who knew looking pretty came with a cost" he said and you chuckled
"you can't deny that you didn't enjoy it" he went silent, thus proving your point.
"see. i'm right"
"you usually are"
"don't kiss ass, harrington" he rolls his eyes. you swear, one day they're going to get stuck in the back of his head with how much he does it.
"i'm definitely telling robin and dustin about this when we get back home" he turns to face you, pointing a finger at you
"you will do nothing of the sort"
"you can't stop me" you grin evily at him and he squints his eyes at you.
"you got five seconds to start running. i'm giving you a headstart" you get up and take off out the door, heading to the vineyard. you can feel your calves burning as you run. you haven't put this much effort into running since highschool. you take many different turns, finding a hiding spot. you crouch down, panting and catching your breath.
"y/n!" you hear steve shout
"come on out, sweetheart!" your heart is thumping against your chest, and you're still trying to catch your breath. once you calm down your breathing, you can hear steve start to get closer. you slowly get up from your crouched position and you book it back to the house. you're running when suddenly you feel a pair of arms wrap themselves around your waist. you're let out loud laughter and steve is laughing with you.
"gotcha" steve whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
"i would've had it if you didn't have such long ass legs you fucking giant" he chuckles and sets you back down on the ground.
"you're not telling robin and dustin about today"
"how will you know what i do and don't tell them?" you raise a brow at him and you two just stare at each other for a minute.
"i have my ways" he says
"oh yeah?"
"yeah," steve starts to stalk towards you and you back up at the same time. he then grabs you and throws you over his shoulder.
"steve harrington! put me down!" he's laughing
"nope" you sigh in defeat. steve carries you all the way back to the house and diane shoots you a look as steve walks past her and heads up the stairs to your shared bedroom. he then opens the door, closing it with his food. when he's in front of the bed, he throws you down onto it.
"just treat me like a ragdoll, why don't you" he rolls his eyes
"you're dramatic"
"and you're a pain in my ass. so what's new"
"who's the one who paid for your ice cream yesterday?"
"only because you wouldn't let me" he places his hands on his hips and looks at you.
"well you paid for the movie like you wanted, didn't you?" you shrug
"still doesn't change the fact that you're a pain in the ass. just accept it, steven" he goes quiet before he sighs
"fine. you win" you grin victoriously and move on the bed so that you're leaning against the headboard. you turn the tv on and watch some cartoons as you wait for dinner. steve joins you and soon the smell of pizza hits your nose. you could kill for some pizza right now.
you rush down the stairs and head into the kitchen. you grab a plate and put two slices of pepperoni pizza onto it, sitting down at the same barstool from earlier. five minutes later steve is beside you and you munching away on his pizza. after he finishes a slice, he puts the crust on your plate
"i don't like the crust" you gasp
"steve, that's like... the best part of the pizza. but thanks for the free crust" you happily eat his crust and you grab another slice. you had a big appetite today. steve laughed from beside you.
"if i knew you were this hungry, i would've bought you your own separate box"
"you should've" once you were done with your third slice, you head back up to the room. after all that running earlier, you were tired out. you change back into your pajamas from earlier and slip into bed. steve takes a shower and you continue to watch cartoons. like clockwork, you put on scooby-doo. you were very into the episode that was on. so into it that you didn't notice steve get into bed beside you.
"i gotta admit, you rocked that shade of lipstick," you speak, attention still on the tv.
"might have to look into buying some" you both laugh, but still keep your attention on the tv in front of you.
"thank you for bringing me here. i don't regret saying yes. and besides, i think we made an amazing fake-couple" right. fake. steve had to remind himself that everything was fake and that when you two went home tomorrow, it'd be back to how it was before.
"yeah. i guess we do" the conversation died down after that and you two watched the show in a comfortable silence. you eventually fell asleep, but steve couldn't sleep.
fake. it was all fake.
"it's not fake for me" he whispers to himself before he shuts the tv off, lying down and trying to fall asleep. eventually he succumbs to sleep, but he falls asleep with you on his mind. the girl next to him. the girl that he found unattainable. the girl that he would love to grow old with. the prettiest girl in the world.
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tags: @btsinurmom @lovelyela @fezcomybeloved @manuosorioh @preciousbabypeter @in-this-minute @k-k0129 @prettysbliss @hcloangcls @simonsbluee @joekeeryswife @scoobiessnacks @sorrenthesonnetwriter @goldenbrokenheart @mess-in-side @chocolatepizzatyrant @frostandflamesfanfic
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masterlist: masterlist
a/n: despite the shortness, i hope you all enjoyed it (:
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firefly-sky · 5 months
Scared baby peepee pants anon. Too afraid to put a name to their words 'cause then everyone will know what a clown they are. Stomping around in their big floppy Ronald McDonald ass shoes like they're hot stuff. Don't trip and fall face first into your own cream pie, anon. Climb inside your tiny car and drive on back to the circus.
i blocked them, but yeah. they’re a coward. if you’re gonna leave rude messages in my inbox, i really don’t give a shit. i’d rather have a few friends who interact with me about what i’m into than be a troglodyte like them. i don’t care if yall wanna leave rude messages, but at least do it off anon. i can’t take it seriously when i see the stupid sunglasses emoji calling me a dumbass like come on. be so serious 💀
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gluttonygirls · 9 months
mokou voice: damn you're bad at this
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"Hey, I'm not that bad, right? I'm just letting her know that she's a baddie."
She's going to give it one last shout across the park.
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"Those sweats look like they're painted on! One more fast food binge, and you're gonna be ripping out of the last thing that fits you!! At least then you can dress like a Mrs. Ronald McDonald, they'd sponsor you for all that you eat!!!"
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15 questions tag game
Character interview edition: Scarface
Tagged by @catchingbigfish (I've been tagged three times recently, doing them in the order I was tagged). Thank you!!
I've previously done this game for myself (here's mine if you're curious!), so I'll give some of my main characters the floor. I just did Gabriel (linked below); this one will feature the protagonist of my horror novel, The Dotted Line.
Tagging: @i-can-even-burn-salad, @joeys-piano, @calicojackofficial, @islanded-in-a-stream-of-stars, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @late-to-the-fandom, @arijensineink, @thatndginger, @newdawnhorizon.
Gabriel's interview (Life in Black and White)
Terminology note: "the can" means prison.
1. Are you named after anyone?
My middle name is my biological father's name. Here in the can, I'm nicknamed "Scarface" after a character from an overrated 1983 gangster movie. The thing about prison nicknames is that you don't get to choose your own, but I suppose at least mine sounds cool, unlike Suds, or Bugspray, or Baby, or Deep-Dish. Imagine going ten, fifteen years being called Deep-Dish.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I believe it was during my trial, when I took the stand in my own defense. To tell you the truth, I just wanted a break, as I was tired of listening to the prosecution attorney's primordial sludge-level questions. That guy was a real catch, alright. I called him Ronald McDonald. He wasn't the only clown in that room, but he was certainly the loudest.
3. Do you have kids?
Fuck no.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Sure, but I don't like to overuse it unless the situation demands it. It gets old quickly.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I notice if they're hot, and I notice if their behavior is bizarre, interesting, or threatening. Otherwise, I tend not to pay much attention. I don't like to waste my time on a boring person unless I need to.
6. What's your eye color?
Why don't you come a bit closer and see for yourself?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Neither. If I wanted to die of boredom, I'd go to prison.
8. Any special talents?
Hah, lots. I'm real talented.
9. Where were you born?
Nowhere you'd know, surely.
10. What are your hobbies?
I'm easy. I like to go with the flow, with whatever (or whomever) piques my interest at any given moment. Whether that's shooting the shit, watching TV, making homemade wine in the showers, working out, watching a fight... in this environment, you learn quickly to take your entertainment wherever you can find it.
11. Have you any pets?
Interesting question. Can grown men be pets? If not, that's a no, I suppose.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Is fighting a sport? I do (did?) enjoy hunting from time to time. Oh, and beach volleyball. My most recent pre-can iterations were indeed big fans of beach volleyball.
13. How tall are you?
Not tall enough, I'm telling you. I mostly have to make up for it by bribing people with canteen left and right. It's a hard life, but I suppose someone's gotta live it.
14. Favorite subject in school?
15. Dream job?
Buffing floors for sixty cents an hour, obviously.
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sewerratzz · 1 month
finch give me like a v short synopsis of always sunny in Philadelphia and then link like ur fav always sunny in Philadelphia fics uve written so i can read it please
ohmigosh you have given me a huge challenge here OKAY SO
very basic is that Always Sunny is about this group of people that absolutely suck !! and like, it's not even like they're nice to each other (well. sometimes. most of the time no), they literally are just the worst people ever. like this perfectly sums up this group
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this is The Gang. in order, their names are Charlie Kelly, Dee Reynolds, Frank Reynolds, Dennis Reynolds, and Ronald "Mac" McDonald. yes his name is ronald mcdonald. the reveal of this being his name is hilarious
they all have many issues. like so many. severe issues. they refuse to acknowledge them or deal with them or change at all.
[ofc you don't necessarily have to watch the show before reading my fics but i will always reccomend watching it in general because i love this show an unhealthy amount. Charlie is literally why my url is sewerratzz & the reason my first chosen name was charlie. i <3 him hes my fav]
there's not really much plot at all to this show. it's just stuff happening. it's great & i love it
most of my sunny fics are Charlie/Mac, so a brief exposition for their relationship is that they both have horrible home lives and parents, and they've been each other's best & only friend since elementary school. god early seasons charmac save me. they have many moments throughout the show of being sweet to each other and they're my favourites
one fic of mine i love very much is a Deetress fic, so more exposition !! this ship is Dee [see above] and The Waitress, pictured here
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she doesn't have a name in the show/in canon she is literally called the waitress since season 1. i also love her. she also sucks now !! she didn't before but the gang happened and she's really. yikes. poor her yk? she has a history with quite literally everyone in the gang, has slept with all of them (except dee. but you know, they're totally lesbians and if you watch the show they have 100% hate-fucked. TECHNICALLY HEADCANON BUT. yk. subtext :p) and Charlie specifically has stalked her for. years and years.
now my fics :p
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CAS Blog Declaration
Amnesty International Club
One fo my activities to fulfill the creativity strand will be attending the Amnesty International club. By my participation I plan to learn about human rights, how they're being violated and how to prevent crimes against humanity. I believe that by understanding what we as humans require to live a healthy and satisfyng life will help me grasp the problems in society and give me a valid perspective on how to combat them.
Every time I have to make myself food it usually ends up to be scrambled eggs with sandwiches. I have never learned how to cook and because of that, most of my meals are monotonne and dull. To make my meals tastier and more balanced in nutrients, I'll learn how to cook several dishes from different countries. By doing that I'll learn about different cultures and how they used ingredeints available to them. My goal is to learn how to cook at least 3 dishes from a different country every month.
I've trained Kyokushin Karate for several years and continue to practice it to this day in "Ippon" club in Konstancin-Jeziorna. It always helped me live a healthier lifestyle and introduced me to an extremely kind and encouraging community. Since I've been training it for so long 3 times a week, my goal will be to improve my technique and strength to eventually participate in Kumite tournaments to test my abilities.
To help increase my strength, I'll train crossfit which combines weightlifting with cardio exercises. It'll match the style of karate training and will help me prepare for tournaments. My goal will be to regularly train crossfit twice a week and not skip any training sessions to maintain my progress.
I recently discovered bouldering through a friend and it got my interest. I can't climb that often because Karate is my priority but my goal is to got to a climbing gym once a week and slowly try to harder and harder routes.
Ronald McDonald's charity
2 of my higher level subjects are chemistry and biology and I plan to study medicine in the future which is why I will sign up to Ronald McDonald"s charity to support children in need of intensive care. By volunteering for this charity, I will cheer up children who might be mentally drained and learn how hospitals function. My goal will be to volunteer every wednesday (I finish lessons earlier) after lessons for as much time as I have before my Karate training session.
Ochotnicy Warszawy
Every month I'll pick an event from the website "ochotnicywarszawy.pl" in which I can volunteer in, helping various NGO's promote and raise awareness about various things. For October, I'll try to volunteer in the fifth Avalon Sekston Conference which raises awareness about the sexuality and parenthood of disabled people. If I won't get accepted, I'll participate in a different event which takes place in October.
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because I have a crushing need to call myself out in public
I posted 3,322 times in 2021
108 posts created (3%)
3214 posts reblogged (97%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 29.8 posts.
I added 670 tags in 2021
#tumblr - 93 posts
#loki - 83 posts
#euro 2020 - 77 posts
#fear street - 77 posts
#tfatws - 75 posts
#loki spoilers - 71 posts
#the lost symbol - 51 posts
#nick goode - 49 posts
#shang chi - 48 posts
#germany nt - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#like sure you got a big house and popularity but you gave up your fucking soul and any chance to be a good person and be with ziggy trash
My Top Posts in 2021
you're laughing. Armie Hammer is a cannibal and you're laughing
407 notes • Posted 2021-01-11 00:35:42 GMT
colin and michael bullying elon musk on main is what we deserve
1186 notes • Posted 2021-05-09 04:27:26 GMT
LISTEN every ship in shang chi is top tier and valid
shang chi x katy? they're idiot best friends to lovers your honor
katy x xialing? Clueless bi and badass lesbian nation rise
xu wenwu x ying li? who on earth doesn't love the trope of man who immediately falls in love with a woman who kicks his ass, and star crossed lovers?? mob boss gives up life of crime for the woman he loves?? avenging your lost love and losing yourself in it?? tony leung gazing at you like that?? simply elite
xialing x jon jon? distinguished bi dating a clown of a pan, also accomplished boss woman dating her goofy right hand man slaps
ship and let ship AND GO WATCH SHANG CHI
1225 notes • Posted 2021-09-06 19:53:57 GMT
my favourite thing about the venom 2 trailer is that cletus kasady doesn't look like fucking ronald mcdonald anymore
1243 notes • Posted 2021-05-10 14:04:27 GMT
one big thing from Shang Chi that stuck with me was parental love, especially in Asian families. I'm from a non-chinese Asian family, but Wenwu being ready to give up his immortality for his son despite never giving him the support he needed hit close to home.
Like I hate how much the movie resonated with me in the "they may not show you love the way you need but they still love you, and that still doesn't make it okay that they treated you that way".
1767 notes • Posted 2021-09-06 04:38:29 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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movetothesuburbs · 5 years
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@magneticghouls first of all... My ask box was apparently turned off so it's good to know I'm an idiot. Secondly thank you for asking
Season 1: Charlie Has Cancer. I love this so from the depths of my heart. The concept of it was like that first idea rcg had for the show. Nothing will ever be as relatable to me as Dennis trying to get out of that conversation as soon as possible. "You can talk to me any time" ... "Oh you meant now?" Fucking incredible.
Season 2: The Gang Exploits a Miracle. I'm gonna be honest s2 is my least fave season. The episodes are all pretty good. They just don't grip me as much. They are bastards to the best degree in this episode though. I've never been Catholic but I'm obsessed with the rituals and imagery. "Am I gay for God?" (Real talk I made a dream daddy meme to that) I love Charlie in all white and Mac in all black.
Season 3: The Gang Gets Whacked. Everything about this 2 parter is funny to me. (Except when I get sad abt Dennis) But! Pussy Hands. Peter Nincompoop. Jackie said she counted that Mac and Frank slap Dennis 13 times in a row and I love that. I think cocaine is funny. I think ruining Crucket's life further is funny. I think watching this ep after binging 5 episodes of the Sopranos is extra funny.
Season 4: It was very nearly Mac's Banging the Waitress but I am a sucker for a musical and a basic bitch so you know it's The Nightman Cometh. It was one of the first eps I ever saw. My best friend showed it to me then immediately showed me a live recording. I get Dayman stuck in my head often. I love Charlie. Also "I'm eating because I'm uncomfortable" Cat eyes Mac makes heart eyes Jack.
Season 5: Mac and Dennis Break Up. This was the first episode I ever saw. My bff was like "watch this they're gay" and by God were they. I think about the line "Far be it from me to keep the flower of you from flourishing" every goddamn day.
Season 6: Who Got Dee Pregnant? Admittedly I'm very soft for Dee Gives Birth, but I'm hella gay for Jimmi Simpson and Halloween. Also I love the reactions to if Mac had been the one. I am a sucker for characters telling conflicting accounts of the same event. I think Dennis looked hot as Luigi and think he could have worked that without a Mario just fine, he just wanted a couples costume with Mac. I will not encourage incest shippers, but Dennis thinking he might have gotten Dee pregnant is the funniest gd thing.
Season 7: The High School Reunion. I love far Mac with all my heart and if I saw that man at a high school reunion I do not care what rep he had in high school I would be on that. Also irl I had a crush on the high school drug dealer so what are standards? I love Dee immediately jumping on being the nastiest meanest bitch ever. I love the dance at the end. I think Tim and Dennis made out in high school. I'm gay for Jason Sudeikis so seeing Schmitty show up was beautiful. Cricket..... Was there. My only regret is that I already knew Mac's legal name is Ronald McDonald so I did not get to experience that reveal as a fresh concept.
Season 8: The Gang Dines Out. Did you ever know that you're my hero? I love endings where the gang appreciates Dee. Episodes that take place in one set are always great. The Waiter is great. Frank and Charlie havin' an anniversary 💙 Dennis did not have to give that speech in front of a crowd. He was going to tell Mac all those things just to his face. But he needed that whole restaurant to know who the real hero is. Dennis Reynolds said fuck the troops. I still don't know what a Groupon is. Also that table being so close to the kitchen door probably violates OSHA guidelines but thay's not a part of why I like the episode, just an observation.
Season 9: The Gang Saves the Day. I love seeing characters just imagine fantasy scenarios. Dee's is inspirational but should have been gayer. Mac is... Stupid but I love him with my whole heart and I support him imagining Dennis crying over his corpse. All hail our mighty and buff Lord. Love Dennis saying he'd rather die than have a broken dick. I love that Charlie's is animated. He is so small. There are two genders: janitor or waitress. The most relatable is Frank tho. You eat those hotdogs bitch
Season 10: The Gang Goes on Family Fight. I'm a slut for Argyle sweater vests and Dennis having a mental breakdown. Also Charlie being one of the survey takers was priceless.
Season 11: It should come as no surprise that my favorite of this season (and the series as a whole) is Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs. I love every single moment of this episode. I love the breakdown of their sanity. Rage fuels me. People think Dennis is a psychopath but who in this episode is feeding their roommate a dead dog? Not Dennis. What would be different if Dennis was the house husband? You know Wally just wanted to be nice to the gay couple that moved next door but they acted Like That. I'd love to make a longer post just about this episode. Some guy in fb was like "the seasons sucked after sesson 8" and everyone was like "okay but suburbs in season 11 tho" and they guy was like "okay u right" Suburbs is the episode that brings the gays and straights together and will bring us world peace
Season 12: This wss hard cuz I think this is my favorite season overall. And I'm gonna be real controversial here and let you know my fave ep is Dennis' Double Life. I love the concept. I love the convoluted scheme. I would die for Mandy. I know there's a lot with real life stuff happening and how it affected things after but I wanna appreciate it as is. Sometimes you juat have so many big feelings that you run away to North Dakota to be a dad I guess. "I'm the lover obviously" "I have a good plan but you wouldn't listen to it anyway" Did I mention I love Mandy? Maybe it's that I grew up in the Midwest but I understand her on such a deep level. I love this episode so much.
Season 13: The Gang Solves the Bathroom Problem. Every time I go into a bathroom I just think "animal shithouse" nonbinary/genderfluid Charlie rights. Hawaiin shirts. I also love Jimmy Buffett. I love they all sing the wrong song. "As a straight man" in the least convincing way. This episode speaks to me on all levels.
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acaseforpencils · 5 years
The Ink Well Foundation.
The Ink Well Foundation is a non-profit that helps bring smiles to the faces of children facing adversity such as illness, neglect, and abuse. I cannot begin to express how big of an honor it is to have Elizabeth Winter on Case—this interview brought me to tears, and it means a lot to share her message on here, so that you all can help more children in need to be able to connect with this incredible foundation.
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Bio: I am the Founder and Executive Director of the Ink Well Foundation. Growing up, I had cancer my entire childhood—it was a rare cancer that kept getting misdiagnosed, which meant a fair amount of biopsies and days in the hospital, and finally major surgery where I was told I might wake up without a leg. I am very fortunate in that the doctors were able to remove all the cancer without amputating, and I have been cancer-free since I was about 20 years old. 
That experience gave me a lot of empathy and compassion for kids facing long, isolating hospital stays. There were also other issues during my childhood: I experienced a lot of abandonment with a mother who just could not play the role of mother, and who eventually died when I was fifteen. In general, I just had a pretty severe lack of affection and emotional support growing up. All that made me very tough, in some ways too tough and it wound up creating only further isolation and pain. 
As an adult, I saw that pain mirrored in other children's eyes and I began to seek out a way to connect with them, to help them and myself learn to nurture and heal together. I strongly feel that genuine human bonding can fuel both physical and emotional healing. I also think getting out into nature and carrying that same respect to all wildlife helps us to become humble and connected in a very powerful way, so we stress those ideas in our work often.
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In 2005, I was working in animation in New York City, and I stood up in a meeting at work one day, and asked if any of the other artists would like to come along with me to draw with kids facing illness and hardship. A couple people raised their hands, and we went together to Gilda's Club out in Brooklyn (that club house has since closed, but we still go to the one in Manhattan). The artists who came along in those early years, like Rami Efal and Ray Alma, Pedro Delgado and Sergei Aniskov—those people are all still volunteers today! That says so much to me about the kind of people this work attracts. We've all become like family over the years and I love those guys so much. 
It all began at Gilda's Club, but then I reached out to places like the Ronald McDonald House, St. Mary's Hospital and Bellevue Hospitals, and we slowly but surely became accepted and welcomed at healthcare and at-risk support centers all across New York, because the kids loved what we did, and at then end of every event they were begging us to come back. So we always did! That is the true mark of success for me every time, when the kids are yelling at us to get back there as soon as we can.
A few years ago, I learned about the great organization on the Upper East Side, The Society of Illustrators. Their Executive Director, Anelle Miller, connected me with all these other great artists like Stefano Imbert, Bil Donovan, Abby Merrill, and Elana Amity (who is now our Event Director at Mount Sinai Hospital, where she hosts a monthly live drawing call-in show that beams to all the kids' hospital rooms at once). They draw along with us and call or text in with questions and comments. It's hilarious and adorable. We also connected with the great people of the National Cartoonists Society, and wonderful artists like Ed Steckley, Adrian Sinnott, Howard Beckerman, Tim Savage, Marty Macaluso, Joe Vissichelli and so many more. 
After MTV Animation New York shut down, pretty much all my colleagues and I from great shows like Beavis and Butthead, Daria, The Head, and Celebrity Death Match all moved out west. So I had this great group of talented friends still living there, and based on the Ink Well's popularity in NYC, I thought, let's give it a shot there too! I reached out to my former colleague from Rugrats and Wild Thornberrys, Joseph Scott, and asked if he'd be interested in running things there. He is now heading up all our operations in L.A. and he is just the most phenomenally kind and talented person on earth. With his art skills he could do whatever he wanted but he devotes a huge amount of time to the kids we work with and I'm so moved by his giving spirit and boundless good energy. And Michael Daedalus Kenny is also stepping up in a leadership role as our newest Event Director, we've got amazing artists like Marla Frazee of Boss Baby genius, Monica Tomova from SpongeBob, Jeanette Moreno, king of The Simpsons, Chris Harmon from Futurama, Ashley Simpson from Phineas and Ferb, Christian Lignan of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, graphic novelist, Jeremy Arambulo and so many others so we're in great hands there. I just wish the traffic weren't such a problem! It really is tough to get around that city, unlike NYC where there's a decently functioning subway that goes to all our locations, so getting around is no real trouble comparatively.
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Tools of choice:  Our events are usually very handmade by design so that the kids can feel like they could do all of this easily by themselves. So we come up with themes like, “Who is your Superhero?,” and we ask the kids to focus on their strengths and what superpowers they wish they would have, and we draw their portraits as such. We are not art therapists, but we feel these event themes help to make the kids focus on positivity and their potential, and therefore help them to bond and heal. 
We do sometimes get more elaborate, like when we teach stop motion, claymation, and we once even taught them how to build homemade rockets on the roof of Bellevue Hospital! One of our Event Directors at the time, Nathan Schreiber, used to come up with the most fantastic science-focused events. He now runs a company called Science Ninjas, that helps kids learn about science with fun card games. But usually it's simple by design.
We are extremely fortunate to have Blick Arts as a sponsor. Their support enables us to provide each child with their own art kit after each event so that they can keep creating on their own after they learn new skills with us so thanks to them we have a lot of the arts tools we need.
Tool I wish existed: I think we do great working with anything we've got lying around- we emphasize the potential of just about anything to become art: we often create characters out of inanimate objects, make flip books, sculptures and puppets— using everything from card stock to socks to toothpicks and gum drops. We keep it accessible and inventive. 
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How can we support The Ink Well Foundation? Because our volunteers are by definition "the artists behind the kids' favorite books, films, comics, and TV shows," we don't solicit volunteers from the general public. We do have an online application on our site, so other professionals that meet our criteria in the illustration, animation, and cartooning industries are welcome to apply there. 
What the general public can do is to help us spread the word so that more children can see that others are going through what they're going through, and also so that they see examples of adults believing in them and encouraging them. We try to promote the idea of art as self-expression and a way to get through trying times, ideally together. Connectivity and encouragement are critical to healing, and honestly, to just building a better world. So we talk about that a lot on our social media and at the events themselves. We also honor the kids' intelligence by talking about art in general there— we highlight classic and new artists and ideas and encourage them to learn from those masters as they develop their own skills.
Because we are a very small 100% volunteer-run organization, we focus on giving the kids the greatest events possible, and sometimes that means we don't have a lot of time for social media, self-promotion, and fund-raising. So spreading the word is huge and we are always extremely grateful for, and in need of, any financial donations. 
Where are Ink Well Foundation events held? We operate in New York City and Los Angeles because that's where the top artists in our fields are concentrated. We go to hospitals and at-risk support centers like Ronald McDonald House, Gilda's Club, Bellevue, St. Mary's, Mount Sinai, Childhelp, Covenant House and more. You can see the full list here. 
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How can children who don't live near Ink Well Foundation events benefit from your Pen Pals Program? This is another reason we want people to spread the word. Loved ones of a child experiencing serious illness or hardship, who is physically or geographically unable to attend our events, can apply to have a special artwork sent straight to them. We ask the kids what their favorite animated films, TV shows, or illustrated books are, and then we have an artist who actually worked on that production make something tailored to that child. We then frame it up, and send it off to them by mail. 
We've done this with artists from SpongeBob, Captain Underpants, and just a week ago, we delivered a beautiful drawing of Curious George that our Event Directors, Franz Palomares and Lisa LaBracio (both of whom worked on Curious George) lovingly made. This was for a girl named, Maryanne who lives in Florida. She suffers from a rare disease called, vein of galen malformation that has led to brain damage and vision loss. She is unable to talk or walk or eat through her mouth and she suffers seizures but she understands everything around her, and she can feel texture. So Franz and Lisa made her Curious George playing in a sand box, and they glued real sand into the picture, so that Maryanne could feel that, and enjoy the art on multiple levels. Maryanne's mother, Sandra, said that she was thrilled, and that she loves to hold it. 
Our hearts are full being able to share these works with kids who need that moment of light, and that knowledge that an adult they admire, someone who doesn't even know them well, can care enough about them to take the time to create careful, tailor-made artworks just for them. We hope that helps to bring a smile in the moment, and build self-worth long term.
Misc. I'd like to mention that everything we do is 100% free of charge. No one gets paid, no money ever changes hands for the art. We have brilliant artists like Peter de Séve who is on our board and attends many events, while also creating characters for Ice Age, The Little Prince, and all his New Yorker covers. He could get a mint for his works, but he comes down and does this for free, and that's a testament to the power of that loving connection we all feel when we are just selflessly helping one another.
I feel this most acutely when I'm working with youth who have suffered abuse and neglect. We have an Event Director, Jane Archer, who leads our work at Bellevue Hospital. Many of those kids are there because they have been through unendurable trauma, and Jane connects with them beautifully. She begins with a meditation where we all envision our strengths together, we talk about our talents, and hopes for a brighter day, we imagine embodying those gifts and then we gently, patiently, ask the kids to help us draw characters step by step. Many kids start out very suspicious and resistant, even angry. But by the end of the events they are almost always laughing and teasing us, and they don't want to stop creating. It is my greatest joy to experience that transition and I hope we may continue to spread this support and faith in one another for many years to come.
Website, Etc: 
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