#Chip and dale movie
Mickey and Minnie VS Baffy in Chip and Dale Universe headcannons/thoughts
Mickey and Minnie:
Definition of Midwest Family like these two are the American dream, let's not lie.
Minnie keeps the home, likes baking and cooking. While Mickey is a businessman, leader, and all-around nice guy, he's got a bit of a temper, but that's just normal, same with Minnie
Bugs and Daffy
The extremely rare veteran lgbtq couple that somehow ended up adopting 7 kids, one kid is kind of the outside one, yes I'm talking about Max whether you see him as a funny friend of Yakko or more. Max is basically the kid that just gets adopted by them because their house is your house and yes I think Goofy would find it absolutely funny.
These two however are the definition of we know we are chaotic but we are darn proud of it....just let's not do so much property damage children. One is also casually doing drag, even at the supermarket just for the hell of it because he knows he looks good and the other is just as chaotic as the kids, which can be both a good and bad thing at times.
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speeddemon-82 · 1 year
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I can actually draw him well now!
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life-in-toontown · 2 months
Why was Chip’s dog ear in the Chip and Dale movie called a “Snoopy ear” when it looked nothing like Snoopy’s ears
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That’s a Goofy or Pluto ear
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deux-shipping · 2 years
Ok but Lena Hyena from Who Framed Roger Rabbit could've TOTALLY become a Tumblr sexy woman icon if given her own character development, considering she has her own personality outside the more popular character she resembles, Jessica Rabbit, coupled with the fact that as of the Chip and Dale movie, it's been confirmed that "ripoff" and "bootleg" toons exist. In this essay, I will
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mceproductions · 2 years
Seasons Feelings (Movies Runners Up)
Greetings everybody and welcome back for the 10th anniversary of the annual countdown. We have a new feature showing up this year that will be unveiled Saturday but of course we begin with the first 3 days having runners up for the 3 categories.
Starting with Movies.
Lightyear: The Space Ranger that inspired the in universe toy has a unique origin story with unexpected canon shakers.
The Bad Guys: Society’s Notorious animal stereotypes have a chance at redemption via a like minded civil servant. Even better book series.
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore: Jo Rowling returns to her signature creation with more and more real world events influencing the 1930s Wizarding World. Jude Law carries this.
Chip n’ Dale Rescue Rangers: A modern update on Roger Rabbit sees the two gumshoes reunite after the end of their show. Worth it for Ugly Sonic and the Gadget/Zipper Coupling.
Weird: The Al Yankovic Story: Biopics get turned on their head thanks to Weird Al and great performances from both Daniel Radcliffe and Evan Rachel Wood.
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analexthatexists · 1 month
Morbid curiousity is killing me. I want to criticize a certain Disney movie but that means I’d have to rewatch it.
I’ve binged the entire Velma show before.
I’ve binged both Wreck It Ralph 1 and 2 back to back. (That sequel is HORRIBLE.)
What more can I possibly lose.
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saschagemruler · 2 years
Okay the chip and Dale movie sucks
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disneytva · 7 months
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Disney Afternoon Reboots (2017-Present)
Step right up and come on in, here's where the fun begins
DuckTales (2017-2021) - EP By Matt Youngberg and Frank Angones
Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022)  - Directed By Akiva Schaffer, Written By Dan Gregor and Doug Mand
Darkwing Duck Reboot - EP by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg
Gargoyles Live Action Series - EP by James Wan and Michael Clear
TaleSpin Reboot - EP By Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg
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destinylordoffreaks · 8 months
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so I don't think I ever said this before, but I have been a lifelong Disney fan. and Well they done a lot of things in the last few years that I haven't necessarily agree with, the once upon a studio short was absolutely heart melting. I loved it. It was easily the most respectful to the source material piece of animation. Disney has made a very long time and the sheer number of characters I spent the whole short, trying not to cry because of how much I absolutely love it
with that being said there is only one character that wasn't in here that I Think should have been and that's max goofy's son
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adventurelandia · 9 months
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Up a Tree (1955)
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willemdafinky · 8 months
Me to Chip and Dale’s animation after watching Once Upon A Studio mixed 2D and 3D animation flawlessly
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Mickey Mouse HCs for the Chip and Dale Universe
Cause I have a few
Full actual name Michael Elias Mouse
Stands at 2 feet 5 in,
High Pitched voice is just for the Public like Chip and Dales, his normal voice sounds like a mix of Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks.
Is married to Minnie since 1973, the company again is the reason they're still depicted as gf/bf.
Power fricking couple, when the two are on the same page there's not really any way to stop these two Minnie is just as whip smart as Mickey.
Wears a suit that looks like the Grey one Walt in his later years wore,
He's like Walt in multiple ways, many dub him the toon son of the man, in their world Disney isn't as bad because Mickeys keeping them in check wherever he can,
He refuses to be paid like a Co owner of the Disney company.
If they try to give him the money, he gives it to other Family Charity causes like The Ronald McDonald House.
He also works with one of Oswalds kids, who is a travel agent, handing over exclusive discounts and donating to a fund to take families to the various Disney properties that may otherwise have not been able to. As he puts it
"Less money going into those greedy humans hands,"
All this is done anonymously, nobody ever knows it's him as he does it out of kindness and wanting to carrying on Walts Legacy of Disney being about Families,
People think he'd be this larger than life figure, but he's actually quite humble and gentle, he can be firm though when needed he's one that you don't under assume.
He smokes, yes I dare but he only does so when stressed. This came from Walts Era,
Is actually great friends with Bugs and Daffy of the Looney Tunes despite what people say,
After a marital spat due to issues with burnout and miscommunication in 2023 in which they reconciled, Mickey and Minnie do have a couple of kids like Gadget and Zip, they though keep the children out of the spotlight. If their children wish to join them in the Disney legacy, they can when they are old enough to make that decision.
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People who have been following me since 2022 will know that I have a bad habit of becoming obsessed with things I haven't actually watched. The Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers film became my new special interest in 2022, but I didn't watch it in full until 2023, when I finally got Disney+.
Well, it's happening again.
Right now, I'm mildly obsessed with Hazbin Hotel.
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Now, I haven't seen none of it. I've watched the pilot on YouTube, and I've watched the first episode of the Prime Video series (which is freely available on YouTube). I don't have Prime Video, so I haven't seen the rest of it.
But I have been listening to the songs, browsing Tumblr for talking points, and watching scattered clips and reviews and essays on YouTube - which is basically what I was doing with Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers.
I'm a Christian (awkward!), and it initially bothered me that the show didn't mention God or Jesus at all. Not that I'd have wanted them to poke fun at God or Jesus ... but I'd assumed the series was meant to be a satire of Christianity, pointing out how much it sucks that its believers can be so judgmental and unforgiving when the faith is supposed to be about love and forgiveness. So I was quite surprised by the reveal that the angels don't actually know what gets you into Heaven. What, you don't even have the Ten Commandments? You don't have any rules that you impose? You can't satirise Christianity if you don't understand what you're satirising!
But upon reflection, I guess Hazbin Hotel is meant to be seen more as a cautionary tale about hypocrisy and second chances and redemption - about those concepts in general, rather than how they're (mis)used specifically by Christians. It's about how the people preemptively labelled "bad" who do bad things are clearly proving they're bad, while the people labelled "good" who do bad things are defended and justified because there must have been a good reason for what they did. Even if a good reason isn't apparent. And the settings of Heaven and Hell are just being used as vehicles for that social commentary.
It seems as though Hazbin Hotel is not really about Heaven and Hell, it's about life on Earth. But there are still some things that are interesting to think about from a theological viewpoint.
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To close this slightly rambling post, here are some even more scattered thoughts, which may evolve if I actually get to watch the full thing:
"You Didn't Know" is a banger!
As is "Poison". Kind of reminds me of "All You Wanna Do" from Six: The Musical - in that it's a bop, but the lyrics are dark because they're about sexual abuse.
I really enjoy the "I'm a Disney Princess in a Hellish landscape" thing that Charlie's got going on.
I hope we get to see more of Emily and more of Heaven in the second season.
I wasn't sure about Vaggie at first, but she's grown on me.
My favourite characters are Charlie, Vaggie, Emily and Angel Dust. I refer to them as Charlie's Angels.
After a year of basically binge-watching loads of kids' cartoons on Disney+, it's still feels jarring to watch a cartoon where people say the F-word a lot.
Wait, Angel Dust has a twin sister? Molly? And she might be in Heaven? Is that girl with four legs we see in Heaven supposed to be Molly, or is she just a random background character? Why is she in Heaven when Angel Dust isn't? Are they going to be reunited? Is Molly friends with Emily?
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bahbugandhum · 10 days
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djsherriff-responses · 8 months
I seen people comparing captain laserhawk to the chip and dale movie but other than having childhood characters do edgy adult stuff, I’m gonna state they’re no where close to being similar
For starters, Laserhawk isn’t anti privacy propaganda kissing Ubisoft’s ass
and it actually has good animation
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mceproductions · 2 years
Worst of 2022 Music #2: Post Malone “Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers Theme Song”
If there’s a thing comebacks can teach us is that not everything needs to be updated.
 With this past summers Chip and dale rescue rangers return, near everything was executed flawlessly.
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Until you got to the iconic theme song, that, although was included proper in the intro was needlessly modernized by Post Malone.
Not Everything needs a trap remix .
Thank goodness this did not kill the movie.
SUM 22: A lackluster reimagining of an iconic theme from Post Malone sours a near perfect comeback for the two gumshoes.
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