#they're in love. it's horrible it's destroying them it's killing them they'll die but they're in love
theokusgallery · 8 months
Your AU is still worming its way through my brain and tearing it into pieces. Send help (there is no cure)
I am SO sorry
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guess-that-ship · 10 months
S8 Round 2
trapped on this gay ass train for 80 years
L is a former scientist turned revolutionary, who after attacking the project she used to work on and killing one of the lead engineers, was arrested and supposedly executed. She wasn't, instead she was kept alive for her knowledge, though her mind was broken to keep her compliant. Her wife, S, wasn't aware of this, and for many years thought she watched her love die. Until they were reunited on the maiden voyage of the train that L helped build. L didn't remember S, but trusted her enough to help her overtake the train.
Things went horribly, horribly wrong. The train was not what anyone thought it was. It instead contained a horror more dangerous then they could have imagined, and now it is set free. L regains her memories, and realizes what they have to do.
In order to prevent the collapse of their reality, they needed to slow the train down as long as possible. The only way to do this is to die very slowly and very painfully, and L offers herself up for the task. S stays with her the whole time, and they are finally in each others arms after so long apart. They spend 80 years by each other's sides in that engine room, and by the time the train finally arrives, they are nothing but a pair of warped skeletons, now forever embracing.
0 to 1
Swirl was originally part of a gang who picked on Tone for encroaching on their territory and stopping their schemes. The reason for this is because there isn't anything left of worth in their country, so Swirl and the others do what they can to survive. But Tone declares that he's going to change that, to turn 0 into 1, and his declaration is so powerful that it causes Swirl's personality to do a complete 180, becoming Tone's #1 supporter. Flash forward a few years and Tone stands at the top of his country with Swirl by his side. Even at his lowest point, Swirl reminds him exactly where he stands and why he and the rest of the country choose to follow him.
But when Tone has to leave, the country starts falling. Under the spell of an outside force, the people start destroying their very livelihoods, save for Swirl, who's kept himself safe and waited for Tone. Alongside others, they start to fight to get Tone back on top. Swirl ends up being brainwashed to stop Tone and destroy the key to the entire country's power, but his devotion to Tone is so strong that he shocks himself to keep from doing so. At first Tone is proud, then he realizes Swirl is getting hurt because of him. So he does what he has to to save him.
He destroys the key himself.
As the country burns in front of them, Swirl asks why Tone would do that. He says his body just moved on it's own. Swirl, crying, asks what they're going to do now. Tone says that together, they'll build the country back up again, and turn 0 back into 1.
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
when you dislike the MC of a good series AKA Who Will Die in The Wicked Powers
damn, being petty enough to flip off the MC x canon ship in my (favorite) fandom is really kicking me in the ass--
yeah, basically I can't touch half the TSC stuff on Tumblr bc I'm so anti-Clace...(meanwhile I love literally every other character that's been in every Shadowhunter series)...& they're probably gonna have a wedding + kids in the next books (assuming Jace isn't killed)...
The Wicked Powers is most definitely gonna have the Princes of Hell as the main villains. I feel like Luke, Gwyn, or Izzy will die, since the younger Shadowhunters are supposed to be central & well...look at the couples who will be alive/extant by TWP:
Jace & Clary
Magnus & Alec
Simon & Izzy
Julian & Emma
Kit & Ty
Dru & Ash (& maybe Jaime)
Diana & Gwyn
Luke & Jocelyn
Tessa & Jem
(forgive me if I'm missing anyone!)
Jace already died once. Clary had dreams about dying, but those were shown to be visions of Thule. Based on canon events, I think they're Clare's favorite ship. SAFE.
Magnus almost gave himself to Asmodeus in CoHF. Alec almost-ish died saving Magnus in The Eldest Curses. Also, Alec almost died thanks to that poison demon in TMI (the one Magnus saved him from). Malec might end up forced to rule some region of Hell (reason unknown but I think it'll have to do with them beating/destroying Asmodeus). I feel like past events foreshadow Magnus dealing with the unfortunate sides of being a warlock. But he won't die--the "killing your gays" trope might actually save he & Alec.
Simon nearly died when the vampires attacked him (when he was a mundane), then when Valentine bled him pre-Daylighter (then Jace's blood saved him). He "sacrificed" himself to Asmodeus CoHF, in the form of his vampire immortality + memories (which he basically got back later on). Izzy...she's been through a lot psychologically & about as much as I think most Shadowhunters would physically. She lost Max & her dad. But she's a badass (I'm not faulting her for it, either). So I don't think she's safe.
Julian & Emma both lost their parents in horrible ways. Their whole series was about the parabatai curse (which, to me, was conveniently not mentioned in chronologically earlier series...probably because it wasn't invented til TDA was written, lol). They're kinda written to be the leaders of Livvy's Watch. SAFE.
Kit has his whole faerie power reveal shit to explore & he + Ty are some of the major characters in TWP. I'm pretty sure they'll spend the series healing their relationship. SAFE.
Kieran/Cristina/Mark will survive because 1) Kieran as the Unseelie King is an important Shadowhunter ally, 2) they're poly rep in YA, which is rare, and 3) killing one of them off would leave the others to mourn in such a weird way. SAFE.
I love Dru Blackthorn. She's one of the main of TWP, so I think she'll survive, plus tbh I don't think any more Blackthorns will be killed. Ash will probably end up as the Seelie King or as Clace's adopted son, to "redeem" Sebastian in a narrative sense. Jaime's sort of a main for TWP as one of Dru's love interests. SAFE.
Diana & Gwyn aren't main characters (though I like their romance). Diana also is the ONLY transgender person in all the books (unless I missed something). I don't think she'll be killed off. Gwyn might be just because I see the Wild Hunt as an important group in TWP & he might die protecting Diana (narratively, this shows strengthened faerie-Shadowhunter relations, despite the Wild Hunt being unaffiliated with either Court).
Luke & Jocelyn deserve to be endgame, but I could see Luke being killed off as one of those "MC's loved one is killed so the MC goes & avenges them" type of things. I love Luke & Jocelyn as characters, though.
Tessa & Jem deserve to be endgame, arguably, more than any couple. They were the mains in their series, then Jem survived but was sort-of-"lost" when he became a Silent Brother. Then he miraculously became a (mortal) Shadowhunter again when he was burned by heavenly fire, he just left the Clave behind to hang with Tessa (good choice!). Tessa has a baby & she's gonna suffer enough when she outlives Jem. SAFE?
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sociopath-analysis · 1 year
Sociopath Profile: Emperor Belos
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Real name: Philip Wittebane From the animated series The Owl House (2020-2023) Voiced by Matthew Rhys (main form), Alex Lawther (Philip), and Fryda Wolf (child)
The main antagonist of the show and responsible for many of the conflicts of the show. Considering the tyranny of the Boiling Isles he holds, he shows a lot of traits of a sociopathic dictator. And it only gets worse with the more that is revealed about him.
From the beginning, he was dedicated to witch-hunting and would do anything he could to make sure they'd all be exterminated. He's been going through the long game for over four centuries and was willing to work with a horrible monster to do exactly that. And through all this time, he has never developed a sense of empathy for anyone else. As Philip, he was willing to throw his exploration companions under the bus when trying to find a way back to the human realm while writing them as unfortunate accidents that he had nothing to do with. Despite creating Grimwalkers to replicate his brother Caleb, he is the one responsible for his death because he found out Caleb fell in love with a witch. With all the hallucinations he has about it, he ignores them as if he has no guilt about it.
To ensure his rise to power, Belos had to be very manipulative as well. As Philip, he had enough superficial charm to look like a friendly man just looking to get home. This is how he convinces people to fall into his traps to get what he wants. It doesn't exactly work on people once the residents of the Boiling Isles catch on to his tricks, but it manages to trick Luz and Lilith when they time-travel to the time of his journals. As she continued to go through the Isles, he built his profile as Belos to begin the crusade against wild magic by pretending to speak to the spirit of the titan. All to set up his extermination plan. Despite being very oppressive, he still held enough power to keep people under his thumb. Lying to Hunter about his goals and gaslighting him shows the extent of his manipulations on a personal level.
The Collector was also one of his pawns. He promised to release them for the Day of Unity, but he ended up betraying them when his goal was just within his grasp. And when that fails, he resorts to possession to trick others into getting his goals. He did so to Hunter to torment him and his friends. He also possesses the doll of Rain to trick the Collector into seeing King supposedly betraying him. Even at the end, he tries to trick Luz into believing he was cursed into being as horrific as he was. However, Luz sees right through it and shows him absolutely no mercy.
All of this was for his own gratification to be the heroic witch hunter. All to come back to the human realm and become decorated as a legendary man who stopped the evils of witches - despite his views being several centuries out of date. His belief that he will be the one to save people is one that persisted throughout his exile. Despite what he says about needing to eliminate them for the greater good, there is no further ambition than making himself look better. Even if he needs to kill the people he is supposedly close to, like his brother. Even the fact that he recreates replicas of him out of Grimwalkers doesn't really show that he is all that empathetic toward him.
"That man doesn't care about anything but his need to be the hero in his own delusion. And because of that, he fears what he can't control." - King's father
And because of this belief that he is the hero of the story, he will do everything he can to justify the things he does to others. Stepping over his subjects is justified to him because they're witches anyway and they'll be destroyed soon. He seems to feel guilty about killing his brother, but because he can't be in the wrong, he rewrites the memories in his mind to make it seem like he deserved to die for being on the wrong side. Even when humans point out how messed up his plans are, such as when Luz points this out inside his own mind, he shrugs it off and says that she is the crazy one.
Belos: I'll do anything to save humanity from evil. Luz: No. You're evil! Belos: [shrugs] Can't reason with crazy.
And it's safe to say that Belos completely lacks remorse for everything he has done. None of his conspirators are in on the full extent of the plan and those that are want nothing to do with it. Since he thinks he's done nothing wrong, he feels that he shouldn't have remorse. The Collector trying to empathize with him after fusing with the Titan only ended with Belos blasting a beam at them for their genuine efforts. Even at the very end when he is powerless, he still tries to weasel his way out of responsibility by claiming that he was cursed to act the way he did.
Disney Sociopath List
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the-white-soul · 7 months
*Flowey looks away, as if refusing to face the facts of the past. But....he still doesn't feel bad thinking about all the horrible thing he's done. And that's what pains him. Maybe before the reset, when he still had that soul, he would have actually felt guilty. Once Kara is met by a threat yet again, Flowey is pulled out of his head. Now he understands. He smiles hollowly at Layer, circling them with a simple ring of rotating bullets. They don't close in, just surrounding them and preventing them from getting close to Kara without getting hurt.*
You're trying to distract us so you can get to Kara, aren't you? Well it won't work. I don't care! Can't feel anything. And I feel even less for you if you decide to hurt Kara. So by all means, go on. *A twisted smile spreads across his face, the flower's features contort into a horrifying expression. His eyes completely white out and sink into their sockets with the cheeks following the same pattern. His entire head seems to decay and eat into itself, distorting like that of a dead human. He has the face of a creature that could send shivers down the spine of even the bravest warrior.* That just gives me a valid reason to turn these simple bullets into something a lot more ⱧØⱤⱤł₣Ɏł₦₲.
*He now is back to one of his more cartoony faces, but it's still not pleasant. He glares at you through glowing, squinted eyes with the rest of his face cast in shadow. A few of the barrier bullets are sent forward to hit Layer just to make a point and are quickly replaced.* "For the underground?" What's your reason for trying to kill them? And what make you think you can? Not only are you weak, but you don't have the heart. Those shaking hand and tears weren't for nothing. Keep trying to convince yourself you can do it.
*He looks more sincere now, not trying to scare Layer anymore.* Look. You can go on and fight us or you can tell us what's happening and be real with yourself. I'm only going to do this if you go on, and I'm warning you... W e w o n t h o l d b a c k.
*knowing that they are actually in trouble they imminently stop to tell everyone else why they do what they do.*
(Layer) "You idiots all know that no world is perfect. They all have one problem with them. Players might suck but remember what if Frisk is powerless, what if they're a jerk? I can't let that happen. So many lives just gone. So I've decided to permanently make monsters have a good ending. It won't be fake, it will be real enough. I will control all Frisk's for all time, always."
*Kara looks totally floored, they look up and cry*
(Layer) "I'm sorry you have to die, it's just the bet..."
(Kara) "No."
(Layer) "What did you just say?"
(Kara calmly) "No, no that would not be better. You know why? YOU'RE CONTROLLING FRISKS!"
(Layer) "So what? They'll have there happy ending. Isn't that what you wanted."
*Noelle also looks up with anger and disgust*
(Noelle) "A bird in a shiny cage is still trapped. Look at yourself you're killing god who know how many Frisks and so what to get a 'happy ending.' What do you want to achieve. Humans and monster are much more complex than you think. One little kid won't change there minds. Unless, they can inspire. Frisk is a glimmer of hope. I know."
(Layer) "How, what reasoning do you have that this little kid does anything."
*Noelle looks into Kara's eyes*
(Noelle) "Because they were based on Kara. That's enough."
(Layer) "Not for me, come on look at the suffering and hate."
(Noelle and Kara) "Love is the only thing that can destroy hate."
Layer looks at the two holding hands and goes up too them. And while Kara's back is turned.
*Noelle covered Kara and just like that, gone.*
(Kara)"N... Noelle? Noelle speak to me, please don't just *cries as hard as they can.* I CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN. *They see nothing but dust.* You want to fight *there eyes angrier than ever before* I'll kill you."
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whale-minmin · 3 years
Hello. I would like to request EXO yandere reaction to being jealous. If it's okay? Thank you! ♥
EXO being jealous
Genre : yandere
tw : strong language, toxic relationships, murder, torture, abuse, violence, cheating kinda, very heavy themes
Suho :
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· Oh love, don't you know better than making him jealous?
· You know that it always ends horrible – with you being thrown into a cage you ''love'' so much
· Whether you intended to make him jealous or not, he doesn't care at all
· "Maybe this will teach you not to make me jealous. Stupid little kitten, why do you never learn?"
Xiumin :
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· Oh? You're giving something else attention? Don't you know that he's the only one your eyes should be on?
· Whoever or whatever it is, he'll make sure it'll get destroyed
· And you, of course, get punished for being so damn stupid and making him jealous on purpose
· "Oh, crying now? You should have fucking knew, kitten"
Lay :
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· It's especially hard to make Lay jealous, but if you somehow manage to, all hell will break lose
· He'll kidnap the person you were so lovey-dovey with and force you to watch as he kills them
· Since he's always calm and collected, it's especially scary to see him mad and he uses that to his advantage
· "They touched you, so they needed to die. Isn't it simple, kitten?"
Baekhyun :
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· You do not want to make him jealous. Not even a little bit. And unfortunately for you, he gets jealous horribly easily
· You had a normal conversation with someone else? Guess you don't need him anymore then!
· Make your own food, drinks, sleep alone, and don't even think about touching him
· The person you talked to, of course, is dead, but he wants you to suffer
· "Oh, you need me? Go to your lover, they'll help you. Oh, I forgot they're dead~"
Chanyeol :
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· That boy is jealous 24/7, you don't even have to try!
· Look at someone for a little second too long? They're dead, and it's your fault
· You're his, which means your attention is his too whenever you fucking want it to be or not
· "This is the fifth person this week, love. Maybe you just want them dead?"
D.O :
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· You can rarely see him openly expressing his jealousy
· Although he does get jealous quite a lot, he prefers to keep it completely to himself
· He won't hesitate to kill anyone that gets him truly jealous though – only he himself can touch and look at you
· "You're mine. I won't let anything change that."
Kai :
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· Oh, you want to play that with him? He's more than happy to play!
· He'll do everything to make you as jealous as possible, cuddling, flirting, even making out
· And he won't stop until you be begging him on your knees to forgive you
· Of course, he kills everyone he had any contact with straight away. He sees them as disgusting, filthy animals
· "See, angel? You're my only one, these idiots mean nothing to me!"
Sehun :
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· You know way better than to make him jealous, don't you?
· Sehun being jealous never ends well for you or anyone else
· He'll have the object of his jealousy killed on sight, forcing you to watch it
· "It's your fault. You shouldn't have made me jealous, baby"
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a/n : thank you for requesting! i hope you like it <3
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None of the gifs are mine!
Taglist :
@atiny-chocolate-chip @lmaoskz
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Reading update.
It has taken me months to give the candle and the flame a decent chance. It just wasn't the right time to read it. I highly recommend it. I will say some of what kept me out of it was constant terms I wasn't familiar with. There's a glossary and I didn't use it. I eventually taught my brain to just skip it. You don't need to know what kind of clothes, or prayers, or food, just move on. The minute that happened I was up and running and in love. It's such a wonderful cultural story and I can't even explain how much I would read a sequel or prequel or anything this author wrote set in this world. Djinn and magic and ghouls and mythology and love and compassion and women finding their voices, and beauty and horror and .. yes.
Frost fire I read in one day. I finished the first book mentioned and blazed thru this. It's a kids book. But it's really good. I would say it's perfect for like, middle school readers or advanced grade school. It's a neat world in ice and snow and magical entities and then the fire nation attacked. Not that they're called that. There's loss and growth. As an adult I would have liked there to be more. It was just so short. The possibilities just felt so limitless. But it was neatly contained and good. Great story.
I started the first rule of punk right after reading the frostfire book. It is about a girl struggling to balance her identity and being forced to move to a new place and give up the things she loves. Definitely more middle school again. But I loved it. I finished it the next day. There are zines that break up the story that add so much to it. It's a story about finding yourself and being yourself in a way that's unique to the struggles she faces as a latina/chicana and I just. It's so good. I love her desire to be punk like the ramones etc and fit into white punk culture being tempered by learning about Chicano punks and Posada and I just loved it. Okay? It's so good. It's fun it's sweet it's good. Plz read.
I picked up Hall of Mosses last night. Or this morning. I don't know. The book starts with a 29 year old woman who escaped a bad situation and is starting over. I thought this would be a really beautiful story about healing and finding peace. The back mentions trees talk to her and disaster is coming. I did not expect what happened and I'm going to spoil it. Because I fucking hated it. I don't know if I would hate it as much if it wasn't a pandemic. Let me say: it's well written, it's a quick read, took me a few hours. The characters are likeable but never get fleshed out and it's overall meh.
But basically mother Earth decides to kill everyone and destroy eveyrthing except 7 women and their chosen soul mates and whoever they can get to go into hiding with them in designed safe zones as she floods, quakes, explodes, and destroys the plague that is man kind bc she's over it.
Roscoe is the only person who seems to think this is fucked up and I'm with him. Only the faithful survive and it feels more like a horrible death cult situation written by a religious extremist vs a novel about finding yourself after horrible things.
I can't recommend this in any capacity. I really wanted it to be something else and I just felt increasingly more horrified as it went on. Only the faithful live. So if 1 person dies and the others worry they'll die too they get killed horribly. I'm not down guys. I'm just not. I thought it might be a twist where they realize how fucked up this is and stopped it but like. Nope. Fucking w o w. Just. Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh. I feel vile. The ending is like: look at how great it is that we're gonna kill everyone and start over! Yay! I finally found peace after all the bad things I lived thru! The forest DID save me. ...
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bluebird167 · 5 years
The Sinners and Their Saints Chapter 11: The Vampire Who Loved A Musician Part 2
Rose flew far off to a mysterious castle that was home to the vampire queen Jasper. There she sat on her thrown drinking from a goblet full of blood. She was a large, strong, and muscular being, hard to believe she was female. When she caught hold of Rose she dropped her goblet in shock.
"Rose?" She said. "Rose....You're....You're alive?"
"Indeed I am."
"That's...That's wonderful. I was told that you had been destroyed by sunlight."
"Well I wasn't no thanks to you or any of the other vampires." She said angrily. "I called for help but no one came, they all left me to die."
"I'm sorry Rose but you have to understand we can't ruin the mission just to help one injured vampire. Sometimes sacrifices must be made."
"I guess but what about loyalty and friendship? Last I checked we were best friends."
"We are but the good of our people always comes first. Anyway I'm so glad you're here because I need your help with something."
"I finally found away to exterminate those humans."
"With this."  She held up a glass vile of a strange purple liquid. 
"What is that?"
"It's a virus that will infect and kill every intelligent creature on earth. Once I break the glass they virus will spread to every where, there will be no cure. The only ones immune will be plants and animals."
"But Jasper that would infect us too."
"Don't worry I've planned for that as well." In her other hand she held a small statue of a bat. "This is the praying bat, it will ensure that vampires are the only intelligent life who survive this. Once all the humans and every other intelligent being is dead vampires will finally rule this world."
"Jasper I've been thinking and I don't think we should go through with this."
"Look for these past three years I've learned something about these humans. They're not as worthless and savage as you think they are."
"How do you know?"
"I've been able to observe them closely."
"How close?"
"Close enough to know that they're not as bad as you say they are."
"Rose may I remind you that these humans are not only brainless neanderthals but they've killed hundreds of us!"
"And we've killed thousands of them!" She defended. "Jasper I know you think we suffer the most but you're wrong. It's them who have suffered, just read this."
She handed her the bible Greg gave her. Jasper hissed and threw it down.
"What the hell are you doing reading that?!" She screeched.
"Jasper this proves that God didn't abandon us, it proves that he loves us and I think that if we try hard enough he can forgive us for the terrible things we've done."
"We have done no wrong!"
"Yes we have! We've killed thousands of innocents thinking they were nothing more than cattle but they're not. These humans they're intelligent and cultured and sensitive. We can learn so much from them!"
"They'll never accept us! They'll only kill us!"
"Not if we show them that we want to make peace. "
"Peace? With humans? Humans no nothing of peace or compassion or feelings!"
"You're wrong! There are plenty who do!"
"How do you know?!"
"Because I come to love one!"
"You what?!"
"After I was left for dead a human saved my life. He sheltered me from the sun and gave me his own blood. He taught me about the human world and he treated me better than anyone here."
"You fool! Love is weakness!"
"No it's strength! I love him! And he loves me! And there's no way I'm gonna let you destroy him or any other human!"
She lunged for the praying bat in Jasper's hand. Jasper responded by punching her and knocking her to a wall.
"You traitor! How could you turn on your own kind?!"
"That's easy! I just learned that my own kind is much more horrible and revolting than the humans are!"
Rose pulled out a sword and shield, the two she vampires began to battle. Jasper was strong but she was no much for a vampire born from Dracula's blood. Rose easily over powered Jasper and took the praying bat from her.
"I'm sorry it had to come to this old friend." She said. "But I don't want to be apart of this anymore."
"Traitorous wretch! You'll pay for this! I swear it!"
"Good luck finding me and good luck finding this! Because I'm going to hide this somewhere you'll never find it!"
Rose then fled from Jasper's castle never to return again. She flew off somewhere and hid the idol somewhere she knew Jasper wouldn't think to look. After that she returned to Greg. She explained everything that had happened and asked him if she could stay with him. He agreed without a single word or thought of hesitation. Their time together was a happy one and both couldn't help but wonder how they ever could've lived without each other?
"Greg." She said one night as they sat together by a lake gazing up at the night sky.
"Do you remember when you said love can create a new life?"
"Well I want that. I want us to create a new life together. One we can nurture."
Greg froze for a moment.
"You mean....You wanna have a baby?"
"Yes. I see couples with one all the time and they look so happy. They have a kind of joy that I would give anything to have. But if you don't want one-"
"No! No! I do but are you sure you want one now?"
"Okay. Let's have a baby."
"Wonderful now how do we make one?" She asked.
"You don't know where babies come from?"
"No. Do you?"
"Oh boy this is embarrassing." He said blushing. "Well it's like this."
Five minutes later...
"You humans do that?" Rose asked surprised.
"How strange but I can do it."
"You sure you want to?"
"Yes, do you?"
"Um..." Greg was blushing all over. "Yeah..."
"Okay then let's do it."
So within time she became pregnant and for her she couldn't have been happier. The thought of being able to bring new life into the world made her completely overjoyed. But there was one downside. Vampires were not meant to produce offspirng so the females who come from blood don't have birth canals meaning if one was to become pregnant and choose to let it be born the labor would cause terrible body damage and blood loss. Their only chance to avoid this fate was to abort the child or drink human blood to make their body stronger. But Rose didn't want her child to be a full fledged vampire so during her pregnancy she stopped drinking human blood.
As time passed their child grew at an alarming rate but it was strong and healthy. Unfortunately the stronger the child grew the weaker Rose became.  Finally on a thundering, rainy, stormy night Rose went into labor. She laid on a mat crying and moaning in pain, her body was so weak and frail and she was suffering terrible blood loss.
"Ah! Ah!" She moaned. 
"Hold on Rose." Greg said clutching her hand. "Hold on!"
"The baby! You have to find someone to save the baby! Find a doctor please!"
"I'll be right back, just keep holding on."
Greg left their house and went to find help. It was such a terrible night, the thunder, lighting, wind, and rain made it nearly impossible for him to see. He was worried that he wouldn't be able to find anyone but he was also worried that even if he could find a doctor he wouldn't be able to pay him for helping Rose.
"Excuse me. Are you lost?" He heard a voice and he saw a light. It was a lantern being held by a man carrying a bag. 
"Who are you? And what are you doing out here?"
"I'm Father Gardner. I'm a minister and I'm out here because I'm looking for a girl who was abducted from my church about a year ago but what our you doing out here in this God forsaken weather?"
"Help! I need help!"
"Whoa! What's wrong?"
"Rose! She....She's bleeding! And the baby...It's....You have to help me find a hospital!"
"Take me to her."
"I'm a doctor I can help. Now what's wrong?"
Greg took Father Gardner back to his house and explained everything on the way there.
"You impregnated a vampire? Are you mad?" Gardner asked.
"She's not like all of them! You have to believe me!"
"With all due respect as a minister I must purge the world of evil creatures like vampires!" Father Gardner pulled a cross and a wooden stake from his bag. 
"Wait! Just look at her! Please!" 
Father Gardner sighed but he put his tools up and went into the other room. He saw Rose lying on the mat clutching her stomach in pain with huge amounts of blood surrounding her body. She looked up at him with weak, tearful eyes.
"Are you the doctor?" she asked. "Please help my child."
"I am a doctor but the only way I can save your child is to perform a c-section but that will cause you to loose more blood and you'll die."
"I don't care, just please save my child."
"Rose no!" Greg said. "There must be another way. Drink my blood so you'll be strong enough."
"No Greg. I don't want Steven to be like me. To be forced to kill innocents to survive." She turned to minister. "Do whatever it takes to save our child."
Gardner couldn't believe this, a vampire determined to bring her child into the world and refusing to let it become a full vampire even if it means she could die. That was as believable as a devil serving God. (He would later learn that was possible too.)
"Alright sir get me some water and something to wrap the child in."  Gardner said. He opened his bag, pulled out a first aid kit he brought, and began to perform a c-section on Rose. With in two hours a strong and healthy infant had been produced. 
"It's a boy!" He announced.
"Is he okay?" Rose asked weakly.
"He's perfect." Gardner said. "See for yourself."
He held up the crying infant, Rose smiled softly. She had never seen anything so beautiful in all her life.
"Does he have a name?"
"Steven." Greg said. "We liked Steven."
"Nice name." 
Father Gardner took the child into the other room and began cleaning him. 
"He's perfect Greg." Rose sighed smiling. "Greg promise me something."
"Steven is going to be a strong and powerful boy. Promise me that you'll make sure he uses his strength for good."
"I'm promise but Rose you need to rest now."
"I'm so happy." She whispered with one last smile.
Her skin was losing color, her eyes closed, and her breath was slowing. 
"Rose? Rose? Are you okay?"
No anwser.
"Father! Come quick!" Greg called. 
The minister wrapped Steven in some blankets and placed him in a crib then rushed back to them.
"What's wrong with her?" Greg asked.
"She's lost too much blood." Gardner said. "I don't think she'll last much longer."
"No! No! Rose! You can't leave me!" Greg begged. "Please!"
She was fading fast. Father Gardner opened his bible and performed a salvation of the soul ritual to ensure that when Rose died she would go to heaven after death.  
"I'm sorry but she's gone." The minister sighed. 
"Oh God!" Greg sobbed bitterly. Father Gardner gripped his shoulder comfortingly while little Steven continued to cry as he knew his mother was gone. 
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