#theyll even have time to try ex and make sure theyre really interested in high end stuff id say
heretic-altias · 2 years
Finally making some real progress in p3s, we get to the adds fairly consistently now!
Might not finish this whole tier in time tbh, but we're doing it over pf as a group of 5 rn and the static will be full next tier so I'm thinking the consistent group will be a bit faster. This was also our first tier ever doing savage raid gearing, so I feel like we've learned how things go now. I've given the baby players I have interested a deadline of end of July to finish the game if they wanna raid in the coming tier with us so we can trial them and so that if they aren't going to be ready I have time to find other people bc we do not want to pf again lol. I'm making a full static happen for next tier even if I (a socially anxious person who ended up as raid lead through shear enthusiasm for raiding) have to go out recruiting around the internet.
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Did u ever analyze bang the doldrums?
i havent, and im in a bad mood so i think this is a good time to tackle this. id appreciate if people didnt talk about rpf and shipping in the tags of this one especially. i dont usually mind that much but its not a great day.
if i had to summarise bang the doldrums, id say its about fame poisoning a relationship. the persona has someone they love who sees them for who they really are, but theyre trying not to be that person, or at least not to be seen as that person. so they ended it, and they couldnt even handle even hearing their voice. "i couldnt bring myself to call/except to call it quits". in the second verse, they point out their own infidelity, making note that theyll make any promise for a good time (come hell or high water/when im feeling hot and wet) and their inability to be faithful to either their partner or to getting better (i cant commit to a thing/be it heart or hospital)
the chorus is interesting. "best friends, ex friends to the end/better off as lovers, and not the other way around/racing through the city in the back of yellow checkered cars". it just recounts who they were before that chapter closed. they were close, thick as theives, and they had something real, and they loved each other, but it had to end. they still know, deep down, that it shouldve worked. but they called it off. they were best friends, theyre now ex friends, maybe they wouldve been lovers, but now theres no way to find out.
then the bridge, "the tombstones were waiting/they were half engraved/they knew it was over/but just didnt know the date" is very clearly about the fact that that chapter of their life had to come to a close, no matter what. a line i want to call attention to is "happily ever after below the waist" because i think this is actually a reference to 1984, just like in bishops knife trick. "youre only a revolutionary from the waist down" youre only happy from the waist down. eschewing love in favour of sex.
all of this leads me to the unfortunate truth that this is one of very few songs i actually feel like i have an idea of who or what its about. i think it might be about hey chris.
also: the little "this city says" leading up to the second verse, wasnt really sure where to put this, but it very much seems to make the second verse out to not (just) be the personas opinion of themself but also be an account of the rumours surrounding them and a summary of their reputation, true or not. its interesting.
consider buying me a ko-fi?
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skepsys · 5 years
tell us more about your two lovely OCs please! how did they meet? how did their ship start? :eyes:
oOOOHGFGGGGG BOYYY Okay well ive only had them for about a week or so? two weeks? not very long so some things are still prettyyyyy loose/vague, despite HOW MUCH time ive been putting into them LOL but there’s some pretty solid building blocks regardless so Here We Go
to clarify ahead of time in case i havent already somewhere, SAINT is the robot with the toothy mask and Maverick is the guy with the white jacket
ill be honest, they start off trying to kill and generally being pretty nasty to each other....! they’re both assassin/hitman/mercenary types so theres naturally a lot of rivalry there over who gets the real good jobs and stuff, but it’s made pretty personal right off the bat because Maverick is very smug and annoying and from the second he meets SAINT he makes sure to make it ABUNDANTLY clear that he’s better than him.  Maverick’s been in the game a lot longer than SAINT; the first time SAINT ever takes a job, he shows up to crash it and steal this Super Secret technology he had been sent to grab (which he was going to do ANYWAYS bc it was tech related to human augmentation, which he’s a Big Fan of, but SAINT getting there first presented him an opportunity to be an aggravating show-off, which of course he couldn’t resist...).  underneath the snarky flair with which he one-ups and outmaneuvers SAINT in this first encounter there’s a pretty serious threat to step off his turf Or Else, which as i said sparks a pretty bitter, intense rivalry
they spend a Good Long While beating the shit out of each other, like its ON SIGHT every time, Maverick has the upper hand for the first while, considering that while SAINT is COMPETENT, having been developed for combat, the fact still remains that he’s technically not a robot, but an AI whos spent a lot longer living in a computer than running around out in the world.  he eventually gets the hang of it though, and learns to see through a lot of Maverick’s feints and tricks.  they get pretty into it, SAINT has torn off one of Maverick’s (entirely mechanical and therefore fixable) arms in a rage because hes SUCH an insufferable dickhead, Maverick has trapped SAINT in a gigantic gas explosion... its kind of a miracle that the two of them make it out the other side alive every time??
it starts turning around when in the middle of one of their dumb scraps they get grabbed by some shaaaaaaadyyyyyy paramilitary group that i havent Super developed yet, but they turn out to be the Main Villains of the story so yknow theyre important.  the two of them are of interest because Maverick’s got absurdly advanced augments and implants, like “shouldnt really exist” advanced, while SAINT is a cutting-edge combat AI riding around in a unique, high-tech body.  the intention is theyll both be picked apart to be reverse-engineered, but not too long after getting caught and detained, Maverick manages to break himself out, bc being a slippery little weasel is kind of his thing
he then DELIBERATELY goes out of his way to track down SAINT and get HIM out too, in his words because “even though SAINT’s a pain in the ass, he doesn’t really deserve to be straight-up tortured”.  unfortunately he can only find SAINT’s AI, and not his body, and given that he’s got precious little time to figure out what to do, the two of them pretty much settle on getting SAINT’s AI out of the facility and then coming back later for his body.  unfortunately AGAIN they’re both idiots and think uploading a fully fledged combat AI suite to cerebral implants that are only really suited for enhancing reflexes and split-second decision making is a good, reasonable idea
long, painful story short, in the time it takes to escape and get to safety, Maverick’s brain almost practically melts from the strain, nearly killing both him AND SAINT in the process.  luckily with the help of a guy named Harlan, a genius bioengineer and Maverick’s ex they manage to get SAINT out and into a server he can live on for the interim
they do eventually get SAINT’s proper body back after a time where he has to live between a server and a shoddy temporary replacement body (which he is very angry about the entire time) but i havent Exactly figured it out since that has GOT to be very difficult and probably more than a 1.5 man job.  the two of them actually manage to have some actual normal conversations during this time but its kinda awkward and stilted.  theres a fair amount of realizing like “oh huh this dude is just A Normal Guy with like, thoughts and interests and stuff not relating at all to wanting me dead” on both sides
after this point they still butt heads fairly often but its toned WAY down; SAINT especially is kinda like “Hm.” because why on earth would this dude go so far out of his way to nearly die just to save someone who his only interactions with have been filled with vitriol and violence...? (spoiler its cuz Maverick is generally actually a pretty good and selfless guy underneath all the smugness and attitude)
eventually they start teaming up instead of constantly smacking each others’ wrists at every turn, around when the story starts really picking up and said aforementioned Shady Paramilitary Group starts becoming a proper real threat and theyre joined by a whole cast of other characters that i havent drawn yet (Harlan, as well as Leta, an AI programmer who worked on an early iteration of what eventually became SAINT, Jamie, Maverick’s older sister who’s a mechanic/pilot, Eleven, super-hacker extraordinaire, to name a few)
their progression from “kind of awkward friends” to “boyfriends, actually” isnt sth they rlly think about directly, its literally.  theyre both so goddamn STUPID it takes another character pointing out how theyve gone from “he’s fine, we work together pretty well i guess” to “id literally willingly die for this guy at the drop of a hat and also oh yeah i let him have access to some of my tech functions so we can keep better track of and support each other during operations better” for them to be like “wait oh shit oh fuck i might be in love”
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succorcreek · 7 years
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Teenager Donald Trump or Lizard People Alien. Which is it??? Teenager Donald Trump or Lizard People Alien. Which is it??? Wow these traits apply to all 3!! See in the topic cloud below: donald trump age-17 regressed boy From BBC and spelling errors are actually Brit spellings:http://bbc.in/2xTcz9y Millennials may be the worlds most hated generation at the moment. But is disdain towards youth a new dynamic? By delving into the archives we found that older people have been griping about young people for more than 2000 years. Far more surprising is that throughout the centuries their criticisms have been remarkably similar. From complaints that the next generation are both too cautious and yet downright dangerous too worried about the world and at the same time too self-absorbed to care here are some of our favourites. Theyre lazy Millennials are lazy and think basic tasks are beneath them. A generation with a huge sense of entitlement Daily Mail 2017 Many [young people] were so pampered nowadays that they had forgotten that there was such a thing as walking and they made automatically for the buses unless they did something the future for walking was very poor indeed. Scottish Rights of Way: More Young People Should Use Them Falkirk Herald 1951 self-obsessed Theyre out-of-touch hipsters who spend too much on coffee and too little on facial hair care. Many are spoiled entitled or both. A Bosss Guide to Managing Bratty Millennials Momzette 2016 Whither are the manly vigour and athletic appearance of our forefathers flown? Can these be their legitimate heirs? Surely no; a race of effeminate self-admiring emaciated fribbles can never have descended in a direct line from the heroes of Potiers and Agincourt... Letter in Town and Country magazine republished in Paris Fashion: A Cultural History 1771 ...and really just awful. The tragic truth is that Americas millennials are a bunch of phone-addicted selfie-obsessed hashtagging snapchatting kale-munching twerking lazy whining ill-informed politically correct cossetted narcissists who find absolutely everything mortally offensive and believe there are 165 ways to sexually identify. Memo to millennials that awful feeling youve got is called losing Daily Mail 2016 We defy anyone who goes about with his eyes open to deny that there is as never before an attitude on the part of young folk which is best described as grossly thoughtless rude and utterly selfish. The Conduct of Young People Hull Daily Mail 1925 (Credit: Getty Images) Artistotle contemplating the know-it-all youth of his day (Credit: Getty Images) They think they know best My huge generalities touch on their insistence that they are right despite the overwhelming proof that suggests they are not Bret Easton Ellis in Generation Wuss Vanity Fair 2014 They think they know everything and are always quite sure about it. Rhetoric Aristotle 4th Century BC But theyre also too cautious. Millennials have been called the most cautious generation the first to grow up with car seats and bike helmets the first not allowed to walk to school or go to the playground alone. There really isnt anything magical about it: Why more millennials are avoiding sex Washington Post 2016 Its an irony but so many of us are a cautious nervous conservative crew that some of the elders who five years ago feared that we might come trooping home full of foreign radical ideas are now afraid that the opposite might be too true and that we could be lacking some of the old American gambling spirit and enterprise. The Care and Handling of a Heritage: One of the scared-rabbit generation reassures wild-eyed elders about future Life 1950 And yet too confident. Many of the millennials in today's workforce have more confidence than they do competence. Millennials: Their overconfidence at work can look delusional Irish Independent 2017 [Young people] are high-minded because they have not yet been humbled by life nor have they experienced the force of circumstances. Rhetoric Aristotle 4th Century BC (Credit: Getty Images) Millennials are defined by their flighty entitled approach to work or is that just young people in general? (Credit: Getty Images) Their expectations are too high. The prevailing narrative about members of Generation Y is that they are a fleet of job-hoppers who think they're above the grunt work of an entry-level position; in other words not the most desirable employees. The 40-hour weeks I think its slowly killing you Irish Independent 2017 The traditional yearning for a benevolent employer who can provide a job for life also seems to be on the wane In particular they want to avoid low-level jobs that arent keeping them intellectually challenged. Meet Generation X Financial Times 1995 Really they just complain too much. Whether its jobs property or just the sheer towering unfairness of the world millennial complainants are everywhere ready to give you a rundown of everything their generation has been stiffed on. In the way that we once had The Greatest Generation we now have The Whiniest Generation. But really the only place theyve been short-changed compared to us Xers or even the Boomers is property. Crybaby millennials need to stop whinging and work hard like the rest of us The Telegraph 2015 What really distinguishes this generation from those before it is that it's the first generation in American history to live so well and complain so bitterly about it. The Boring Twenties Washington Post 1993 They spend way too much money which is bad. When I was trying to buy my first home I wasn't buying smashed avocado for $19 and four coffees at $4 each. We're at a point now where the expectations of younger people are very very high. They want to eat out every day they want travel to Europe every year. Australian mogul Tim Gurner on 60 Minutes Australia 2017 The beardless youth does not foresee what is useful squandering his money. Horace 1st Century BC But theyre not buying houses also bad. Somebody is buying houses in the United States but it sure isnt millennials. Just ask their parents. Theyll be the ones worrying in the kitchen about whether their little darlings will ever leave. Millennials arent buying homes right now: What if they never do? The Guardian 2016 We want to get married but there is nowhere we can set up a house of our own. It is either a case of waiting goodness knows how long and we've waited all the war or going to live with Mary's mother. How often is a similar remark heard in those days for it is the problem that young people all over the country have to face. Thousands of young fellows have come home from the war intent on setting up a home with the girl of their heart only to find that there are no homes to be had Many men of course have not waited for houses but have got married and gone into rooms or to live with relatives but neither course can be considered very satisfactory. Nowhere to Set Up House Dundee Courier 1920 They want to live like adolescents forever. As more millennials delay moving out of their parents' home getting a job and are paying their own bills the age of adulthood has been pushed back. One expert suggests that millennials stay children for so long because they have been coddled by their parents and have had things 'too good'. Will they ever grow up? Daily Mail 2017 A few [35-year-old friends] just now are leaving their parents nest. Many friends are getting married or having a baby for the first time. They arent switching occupations because they have finally landed a meaningful career perhaps after a decade of hopscotching jobs in search of an identity. Theyre doing the kinds of things our society used to expect from 25-year-olds. Not Ready for Middle Age at 35 Wall Street Journal 1984 Modern technology has made them useless at decision-making The endless choices millennials face have also proven paralyzing. Theyre the constantly-swiping-right generation. Its always on to the next thing. They cant even: Why millennials are the anxious generation New York Post 2016 They have trouble making decisions. They would rather hike in the Himalayas than climb a corporate ladder. They have few heroes no anthems no style to call their own. They crave entertainment but their attention span is as short as one zap of a TV dial. Proceeding with Caution Time 2001 as well as impossibly self-absorbed. Mythology of Narcissus: entranced with his own image in a reflection: Who is entranced by their own glory and aura? Narcissus? Donald Trump? Teenagers and adults as with age regression? . Lost in Me Myself I and My Things: Emory University English professor Mark Bauerlein demonstrates how the internet is making young people increasingly ignorant about almost everything except online video games and the narcissism of self-authored internet content The more skilled kids become in using the tools of the digital revolution he demonstrates the more ignorant they become about the objective world around them. Digitally Addicted Kids Threaten to Return Civilisation to the Dark Ages The Independent 2008 Cinemas and motor cars were blamed for a flagging interest among young people in present-day politics by ex-Provost JK Rutherford [He] said he had been told by people in different political parties that it was almost impossible to get an audience for political meetings. There were of course many distractions such as the cinema Young People and Politics Kirkintilloch Herald 1938 Psychopaths Pirates Vampires and more: Run flee tell others! 300 topics on this listed below in the Cloud Archive: Click Here: Catalog of 100 Books Kindle Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs culture of narcissism and psychopathy Donald Trump narcissistic personality disorder entranced narcissism narcissus self-absorbed trump aura and glory #trumpbully #stopbully #trumpmentalhealth http://bit.ly/2rZ1vSp
Teenager Donald Trum
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hardwarevent · 8 years
Highs and lows
So it's like 6am. C just left for work. I know because they're super loud, or I just am a light sleeper. Usually I will go into their bathroom to weigh myself, and I'll see their Hitachi lying un-put away on their floor next to their bed. I think it's been there every day for 3 days straight. This bothers me for some reason. I guess it reminds me of how high their sex drive is sometimes, and how I'm afraid I'll never find someone who has as high a drive as that. Things like that get to me sometimes, especially late at night slash early in the morning. I'm an emotional being. I've been trying to kick being lonely for C for like... god, 6 months now? Newsflash for y'all out there: it's super hard to live with your ex while also getting over them. I hate when people are like "Oh (me), why are you so upset about breaking up with C even now, but like back then even you were, you're the one who broke up with them right?" Well I don't really have a straight answer, but I guess it's because the reasons I broke up with them were a little superficial in retrospect, especially putting how long we were together as a persepctive, but also there were some really important reasons where I knew that eventually it would make me grow as a person? And also I was really tired of living a lie in terms of what we were. Honestly, I think I was lying to myself for a very long time about the state of our relationship. I was so stupid and weak for not breaking up with them permanently instead of dragging on a i-dont-know-what-this-is relationship for as long as I did. Let's be real, it was a relationship. They were my significant other. I was just too much of a pussy to say so to everyone. If I was honest with this, if I was honest to myself and C and everyone around, would I have stayed with them? Maybe. This is something that scares me a lot, fairly often. You hear sometimes that relationships are something you work at, something that takes time and effort. You can't just find someone that clicks perfectly and then it's perfect bliss for the rest of your life. And what scares me is that maybe C was worth keeping, but I just didn't work hard enough on our relationship, because I didn't really actualize it... we didn't say I love you to each other for like... 4 whole years while still being together. I'm sad... but I'm also pissed off, you know? I'm pissed off at myself for both not getting over them, and letting them go. It's like I made a decision, but am punishing myself with the negatives from both sides. I can't take this anymore. It's tearing me apart. I know I said I was okay on the last post, but I think things like this just take so much work. Maybe I'll never get over C. Maybe this will just be my default state for the rest of my life, just being depressed and anxious over C and what they're doing and who they're fucking and how much they masturbate and why I'm a terrible broken person for being afraid of a commitment to someone I don't view as a good long-term mate cuz maybe my standards are too high and I'll eventually turn into a stalker and theyll get a restraining order and it'll turn into this nasty thing. Maybe that's the fate that I'm resigned to. But then again... I dunno. I get real sad sometimes. C may have been my one true chance at at least vaguely happy long-term companionship, and I fucked it up. And hey, since I did all this shit, our relationship can't even go back to the shitty frankenrelationship it once was! So that's cool. I've been fucking giving myself a slow, painful torture session over the course of the last 6 months. You know how they tell you to just rip off a bandaid? I'm fucking going at a snails pace with this bandaid. Sometimes I think I put the bandaid back on a little so I can rip it off more. I'm savoring every fucking inch of this bandaid rip. It's like not even mostly off yet, probably. No, it's mostly off. What's next? Just moving out, pretty much. I could have that done by next month. A friend has offered a room on the other side of the bay. I might end up taking it. What other choices do I have? Pretty much fucking nothing at this point. God, the fucking crush of theirs is so annoying too. He fucking pings me like "hey are we cool it just seems like you're a little cold to me" and I'm like "yeah whatever we just don't mesh it's cool" and he's like "ok if you ever want to talk about your feelings I'm here" and I'm like "uhhh ok it feels like you're trying a little too hard to be friends here" and he's like "this is how things worked in bum fuck nowhere where I'm from and also I wanna be friends with everyone! XD furry telegram sticker" and I'm like uhhhhhhhh and this is pretty much how it went. Like don't fucking lie to be dude. No one "just wants to be friends with everyone". You either want to be friends because this is a stick in the mud for C, or you can't stand the fact I just don't fucking like you or find you interesting, or you want SOMETHING from me. No one tries this hard to be friends just from pure sheer benevolence. This shit happened so many fucking times in my life. People will come on really strong trying to be friends with me, and I'll be like "uhhh" and then there'll be a catch because they want something from me, like theyre trying to get me to join their religion, or buy something, or they want me to like them for some superficial reason. Oh hey, that's one new thing I've learned from the book I've mentioned. Everyone just fucking cares about themselves, so when you want someone to do something or convince someone, frame it in terms of them getting something that they want. Just saying "I just wanna be friends everyone XD haha I'm a fag and also a furry" won't work at all. Like, gimme a reason to be friends? Give me a trait in you that I would find valuable, or an interesting trait that makes it fun to hang out with you or something? I dunno. Like, honestly, even if there wasn't something going on between C and him, I wouldn't be friends with him. It's like interacting with a fucking high schooler, who is also a pussy and furry. Like, the dude has said nothing really clever or witty, his stories suck, and like I'm pretty sure he doesn't really have friends??? Other than me and C's friend group? Because if he did he would fucking hang out with them once in a while, holy fucking shit like every weekend I see him at least once. It's like, enough already. I don't want to be friends with you. You're small, weak, uninteresting, you live with your parents and also you're shit at video games. Firm pass on that one. I dunno. I'm just venting... You know, maybe a therapist might actually be good for me. I feel like I need to talk to a neutral 3rd party that knows what they're talking about. I'll look into it. Cuz I dunno. I feel like I should tell C my feelings about this, but I'm pretty sure they'd just be shrugged off. What would I even say, at this point? What would I do? What would happen? I'm expecting them to just be like "and that's okay, do what you want man" and then just kind of walk away like they always do when I try to open up. Like it's talking to a fucking brick wall, and I hate it. I know they've had all this time into come to terms with the end of our relationship while I've been struggling with whether or not I should end it, but still... shits...screwed up, man. I'm fucked up in the head. Of course, during the day I can keep it together pretty easily. Therapy might be good, but maybe I should talk to someone else close about this? Anyway. Last night I went to Oakland to hang out with my sister, who is visiting her local friend for spring break. It was actually a really good time. We got this good vegetarian pizza, we went to see the sunset over Berkeley, had some fruity drinks at a tiki bar, and shared this huge ice cream sundae. It was actually a really good time, and like I felt for a time that everything was gonna be okay, and I was almost, pretty much, like, happy? It made me forget about all that shit for a while. I was talking to my sister about my p90x stuff, and she was talking to me about being careful, how that stuff can be addicting and how I should be careful about eating disorders and stuff and that I should take it easy occasionally. I can understand where she's coming from, as she's struggled with disorders like that. We also talked about maybe travelling around Europe in may or June. That could be cool I think. Life goes on. Maybe things will be better once I move out. I should stop torturing myself. My greatest enemy is myself, I think. Besides, getting anxious because C faps daily? It's kind of a stupid reason to get upset.
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