#theyre all just goofin around all the time
funshinebf · 3 months
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well. fantasy/court au for shits n giggles
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takeyourhands · 3 years
deltarune s/i thoughts lol
okayhithereuhm this is for me to like. lay all my ideas out in front of me kinda? bc thats how i work out a lot of my thoughts out best!! so mayb some of this will change, mayb not, who knows :P
okie thank u :3 u can look at it if u want to now
i figure im probably in kris' class w them and everyone else, since im pretty sure theyre around my age? theyre like,, 15 or 16 arent they?? 🤔
im there >:D but also literally no one knows who i am lmao
like. im just the rlly anxious and painfully shy kid in the very back of the class who has a total of one (1) friend and it's my pink bunny stuffie i carry around with me everywhere
and also temmie :) temmies my friend
well i mean we're only rlly just acquaintances but-
also???? i cant decide if im a human or a monster????? so for now i am just. a thing. i am existant. just a little friend.
anyways deltarune has 8 chapters actually <33 and one of them focuses on me specifically
i imagine like,, noelle and berdley r sick, and kris and noelle need help w their project but literally everyone else is too busy and/or too scared of susie to wanna help
so they just waddle up to me to ask me for help
me: uhm... 👉👈 okay...
susie: SICK haha whos ur partner btw
me: jeremy
susie: who
me: *sets my plushie on the desk*
me: :D
susie: okay cool whatever then
so we all decide to study together (idk where maybe like. nearby where onion is, like at the picnic tables) but then UH OH!! we get slorped into the dark world and gotta find a way out and seal the fountain
i imagine im like,,, some sort of beast tamer almost?? like yknow ha'anit from octopath traveler? shes able to sorta capture animals and use their abilities in battle, and she always has her best wolf friend w her. that's what i do!!! like i can summon recruits during battle to help us fight or act and i always have jeremy with me (whos now a SICK ASS magical familiar kinda thing thatll nibble u to death. hes v small and hides in my hair most of the time and it makes it look like i have bunby ears :33 he cant help w all acts, but he can heal and attack).
i feel like a lot of the chapter is just me getting used to everyone, but i warm up to everyone abt halfway through or so
also fhgjhdgjhdgj for like the whole of the first half i kept thinking kris' name was actually krisp bc thats what temmie calls them
u can try and correct me several times but susie always interrupts bc she thinks its funny
the rest of the chapter is us goofin around and becoming better friends, and eventually the four of us defeat the bad guy together >:3
but yea, being w everyone showed me what it was like to have ppl genuinely want to be around u and just how wonderful having friends is
and that gives me the confidence to try and reach out to others more and make friends with my other classmates!!
starting w temmie <33
its v slow progress, but progress nonetheless :) baby steps
i probably end up getting told everything was all a dream like how berdley and noelle did, but its chill and kris and susie and i are still friends after it all :')
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flaine · 3 years
Hey angel 💖
Am currently listening to my dance vibes playlist and thinking about that time Mike suggested a footloose marathon (the fact that he didn't get to perform footloose is just tragic smh 😔)... I haven't seen the original but I saw the more recent one a few years ago and Fake ID by big & rich is such a bop.... I guess it counts as country so sam and potentially finn (bc of his vocals in red solo cup lmao) are my obvious choices to sing it but id want Mike n britt as lead dancers.... idk it would be fun to have the whole glee club dancing n goofing around n just overall having fun
Also more vb au furtana hcs for a much needed serotonin boost... furtana + showing affection:
Finn is by far the most physically affectionate! He gives great hugs that both Kurt and Santana love, and also developed a habit of kissing Santana's cheeks 🥰 and despite Santana not being a huge fan of physical affection from people, finn one of her few exceptions. Also casual displays of affection!! Like slinging his arm over their shoulders, clapping their backs, etc, he does it all
Kurt loves gifts! He always buys these little trinkets that remind him of finntana and is generally great at picking out stuff for them.. and sometimes he'll hide lil handmade presents for them in random places so that they get cute surprises throughout the day... (finn and santana always buy each other gag gifts n dumb stuff for shits n giggles but when it comes to getting stuff for Kurt they both put in a lot more effort. It doesn't always work out, especially at first, but he knows they're trying and that's all that really matters to him)
Santana's the clumsiest at showing love unless they're not paying attention hdjsjfjs she's so used to throwing playful jabs at finn and she did spend a few years putting Kurt through a lot of shit so it takes a while for her to be upfront about showing genuine love to him... but eventually it starts by coming out in the form of compliments sandwiched between insults until she finally allows herself to put down that harsh persona and give both boys the sweetest compliments when they need it the most. Most of the time she sticks to affectionate insults tho lmao. She's 100% that person who goes "Finn and Kurt are my brothers and I will kick your ass if you say anything bad about them" but once they walk into the room she'll turn around and call them both dumb shits bc she's the only one who's allowed to insult them 😔💞
Wow look at that I just rambled on and on about them again hdnshfjs I miss drawing them 😔💔 it's your turn to ramble now so... tell me more about rutherchang pls I'm v curious....
Have a wonderful day ily and I'm sending u the good vibes my playlist is manifesting 💓💞💕
hey love!! <33
i KNOW mike deserved to do footloose.... i absolutely adore footloose gcv (sam and artie sound SO good i won’t get over it!!! and it just slaps!!) but still i do have footloose in my mike playlist bc he is the Footloose Fanatic ! he deserved a lil dance number to it and tbh i think it’s a song he’d sound great performing!!
but this song!! it definitely has the vibes of nd just having the time of their life n goofin off jamming together.... which is like the absolute best glee vibe possible, just them being a happy lil family 🥰🥰 i cosign on this 100%!!
(also i just tend to love 80s movies but i do recommend the original footloose!! and also dirty dancing if u havent seen it... i didn’t expect to love it sm but it’s my fav dance movie for sure :) )
and oh my gosh furtana 🥺🥺.... you rambling in my inbox is my fav gift to receive <33 i am going to MELT i swear.... theyre a lil family i love them sm... finn kissing santana’s cheeks 🥺 kurt hiding presents for finntana 🥺 and santana is absolutely that person but we all know she loves them sm <333 these made me so warm....
and i will gladly talk abt rutherchang since u asked <33 here is an assortment of hcs i have for them!!!
matt loves singing so he secretly rly wanted to join the glee club (wish we actually got to hear him sing </3) & he was kinda nervous to bring up the idea but as soon as he told mike, mike was also ready to join with him!!! even though he wasn’t much of a singer himself he was happy to do it for matt, plus he felt like it’d be a lot of fun n he’d get an opportunity to dance :)
matt’s favorite thing in the world is watching mike dance, there’s nothing he’d rather do. sometimes they’d stay after school and just hang out in the ballet room and matt would just happily watch mike practice, n sometimes matt couldn’t help but join him n they’d just dance together :)
i think mike is rly close with his mom, and one thing they love to do is cook dinner together :) she was happy to let matt join in when he was over the house, and to this day he tries to find takeout as good as what he made w/ mike but to no avail... 
matt is an artist!!! he was shy about it but he made a few pieces to give to mike as gifts, which mike adored. after he moves away, matt still looks at his paintings sometimes and realizes they’re about mike...
your recent art piece reminded me a lot of this thought i had for them - but basically at some point soon after they reconnect, they obviously have a lot to talk over (they’re prioritizing communication this time around!) so they go out to some emtpyish diner early in the morning and spend hours there just catching up and falling back into each other again, realizing that they are both very much still in love <3
in terms of music that makes me think of them... basically all of heartbreak weather by niall horan!! but if u wanted to listen to any specific songs, everywhere, arms of a stranger, & still are very rutherchang to me 🥺
thank u for letting me ramble abt them sfjksdlh <33 ily and hope you have an even more wonderful day!!!
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thepringlesofblood · 3 years
finished taz grad
*disclaimer: if you cyberbully Real Human Being Travis McElroy bc you don’t like taz: g, fuck off. it’s ok to just say ‘hmm i don’t like this thing’ and then stop listening! im always about in depth media analysis and critical thought, and bringing up valid criticism in a polite and constructive way, but sometimes its not that deep, and some of yall take it too far, and not liking something doesn’t mean its bad
anyway, I though the finale was pretty cool!
I had the thought, as the stupid stupid stupid remix of pomp and circumstance played out the end of the episode of ‘oh right, not every campaign has to be heart-wrenching and soul-building and all that shit, sometimes it’s nice to just listen to some boys goofin around and being family’
bc like. there are a lot of Serious Themes in taz:g but also, it’s just a different balance (lol) of comedy and drama than previous arcs. and that’s ok! it was honestly refreshing. i laughed, i cried, it was good shit
some things about this arc confused and upset me (under the cut bc spoilers) and im gonna talk about them here, not in the form of a personal attack, but just as thoughts
so, here’s my pros/cons/thoughts on taz g
i did not like the drugs. now this may be bc of my personal aversion to recreational drug use (including alcohol), but it just seemed really fucked up and out of nowhere???
like i really like festo as a character and i get that theyre kinda morally grey but i figured it was like in a murder is ok way not like this - it’d be one thing if it was an offer instead of like. a demand. and then they leveled up?????
pls tell me im not the only one incredibly confused and upset by this. is it like a metaphor for the college experience???? is it symbolic of entering the fairy realm???? what is it??????
to clarify - im not saying drug use itself is immoral. the situation w festo and the boys and the party in the fairy realm is what was irking me. like griffin pointed it out! the power dynamic and everything was real fucked up!!!!
it just felt weird and kind of out of nowhere idk
and then the 5 yrs later
I liked most of it, but. argo’s cruiseline bit being like firbolg-themed? yikes!!! that’s a whole culture that you’re not part of!!!! i know clint loves to make weird franchises with his characters and this was his way of trying to honor his relationship with the firbolg gary, but ya couldve gone w a lot of different things, this seems Less Than Spectacular
and like
some things i personally would like to have seen
- the complete destruction of capitalism (a tall order, i admit, i don’t blame em im just a sad strange lil man lookin for wish fulfillment in this crazy mixed up world)
- i love the whole gary plotline and justin fucking one-hit KO’d me with that line ‘it feels good to have a name’ but also i was really looking forward to seeing the firbolg and the boys being more found-family-y and maybe going on that big international waters trip together but i also very much get that the kind of distance b/w them is very emblematic of the post-college experience of trying to keep in touch long distance while also creating a new life for yourself
things i thought were bomb af
- stormbringer fitzroy and big snippers
- reality breaking down and doing that thing from gravity falls where they go through a bunch of different iterations of themselves that was both fucking hilarious and kept things interesting
- clint forgetting the 2 other times clint mcelroy embezzling janitor appeared in this arc and trying to make another joke about it being officially canon now only for his sons to go no! youre already here!
- The Boys Gettin Beefy w the chaos builds
- the narrative of chaos finding their voice
- how quickly everything turned into ‘get this dipshit prince into the hole asap’ and gray just being like ok????ok???
- gray not betraying them but also making no promises like this arc fucks w morality and hes smack dab in the center
- them leaving rainier in charge like yeah everything’ll be fine right? and they get back and she’s queen of darkness marionette of the battlefield fuck yeah i love her and her cool dad so much
- the commodore’s death. i know we all talk about the emptiness of revenge, but at the same time he was going to go on to do so much hurt to the world and fuck if he didn’t deserve it. this arc said ‘violence is ok sometimes’ and tbh it was really refreshing to have a completely fulfilled ‘you killed my mother prepare to die’ inigo montoya moment.
- the contrast b/w the morality of professional heroes and villains and the morality of The Boys. where the lines were drawn and why, and how much of it was just gut instinct of ‘you should do good not bc it is required, but bc it feels right’
i am super excited for ethersea bc i am a sea-faring bitch who went through a big mermaid phase and also ngl, i personally prefer griffin’s DMing style over travis’ longform not bc it is inherently better but bc people can have preferences for things without assigning a value judgement to them.
also, i have synesthesia, which means sounds have colors and textures for me, and i realized this arc that the color and texture of travis’ usual speaking voice are best appreciated in small doses for me, idk what it is but it just gets to be too much sometimes, and again that aint on him hes doin great and his character voices are dope, thats on me and my personal preference
anyway, taz g was cool and i liked it, not my favorite but thats just personal preference its still dope
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mar1garden · 4 years
even more diamond au because i said so
this bitch wanted to write more nerds being nerds so here
adrien is Very Protective of his friends because tikki gave him a super Mom Boost
he takes to carrying around a big ol bag full of bandaids, snacks, water bottles, sunscreen, hoodies, etc. someone asks if anyone has a phone charger and adrien has three out before theyre done asking.
mari stubs her toe and hes like “do you want an ice pack? i have some painkillers as well. do you need a splint?” and pulls out a fucking tiny toe splint nd mari’s like WHAT THE FUCK THEY MAKE THOSE?
meanwhile mari is still responsible but plagg is a bad influence and mari becomes more and more chaotic. adrien is just sighing and preparing emergency supplies while mari does a sick kickflip off bustier’s desk when her back is turned.
mari wears heelies. that is all
mari dunks on fashion nightmares with sincere advice. she has never caused an akumatization but she has sure as shit corrected someone who was wearing stripes on stripes on stripes (vert hor diag) mari does not stand for that shit
mari made high heeled heelies and she wears them to school once and nearly dies. alya cackles while adrien mother-hens the hell out of her.
femme minuit is wildin. this girl has just as much chaotic energy as mari but with superpowers.
shes still a responsible leader and her timing is impeccable but like. unless she is Needed, she is Goofin
she did a backflip off the eiffel tower. she didnt use her staff until she was ten feet from the ground. red light had a heart attack and was never seen again god rest his poor soul
red light stops by maris balcony for snacks and banter and gaming and it’s fuckin cute darnit. theyre in love and this is the side they love and theyre just. chillin and its PINING and its CUTE *i am dragged off stage*
minuit breaks adrien out of his house often and slowly infects the boy with her chaos energy.
the first time he eats a hot cheeto he cries
one time mini swings by the agreste mansion and sees adrien sitting sadly at his desk and shes just like. dammit i gotta cheer up the boy.
they’re good friends as civilians!! mari is extemely responsible until u get to know her and adrien is super composed until u get to know him and as soon as they break through each others walls they complement each other well
mari’s chaos keeps adrien from helicoptering and being overprotective of others, both because he’s becoming more chaotic and because he has an actual sense of “oh this isn’t too dangerous, oh this is too dangerous”
adrien’s meddling keeps mari from dying. no, mari, you can’t try to do a wheelie on a motorcycle. you don’t know how to drive one. no. bad mari. bad.
his rigid schedule & her overpacked one mean that they study together a lot because two minds finish homework a lot faster than one. they’ll facetime sometimes and he’ll practice piano while she designs and it’s just peaceful and nice
no matter how much mari is in love with red light she finds herself falling more and more for adrien because he’s so sweet and kind and reliable and she just. doesn’t want to love him because he reminds her so much of red light and she doesn’t want to love him because of someone else
and adrien finds himself falling for femme minuit as her chaos leads to his freedom over and over. a friendship forms between her and him on both sides of the mask and he feels like he’s betraying mari by loving mini
in reality the reveal isnt all that much
during a fight mini has to recharge and just as she detransforms red light gets flung into her alley. he sees her detransform and immediately reveals himself
over the next week they stumble and blush around each other but they fall back into their groove
(no one is surprised when, a month later, they announce officially that they’re dating. no one comments as alix, kim, and ivan slip alya $20 each, all grumbling)
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darling-rompers · 5 years
Ok so obv in dr1 postgame they end up working for the FF and naegi, kiri and byakuya work at the new hope’s peak and inevitably in some way they have to spend time together until the rest of their lives and its really funny because after a time they DO start genuinely caring about each others but even after 30 years theyre all still disasters byakuya and kirigiri are still not able to go 5 minutes without fighting if they do they die. “30 YEARS BYAKUYA WE’VE KNOWN EACH OTHER AND NOW YOU TELL ME YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TO USE A DUSTPAN? FUCK YOU. FUCK THE BOURGEOIS.” togami offering to make a fancy dinner for naegis bday and then it turns out he bought everything in the store and heated it up in the microwave. Naegi trying to go to a fancy meeting in a hoodie and then byakuya and kirigiri fight for 20 minutes about whether they should let him do it or not. Their coworkers theorize that SOMEONE amongst them is probably married to another but also maybe they hate each others guts they are so weird? What im trying to say is 70 yo togami fights with 70 yo kirigiri about monopoly and naegi is just goofin
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