#theyre gonna be up all night. i woke up at 9am & was on the river all day.
pa-pa-plasma · 2 years
Imagine, if you will, going into the woods for a couple days of peace & quiet, but the people in the trailer right behind you shine actual neon lights directly into your face & blast Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) so loudly you can hear it past The Mummy (on DVD) blasting from your TV as you try to drown out their playlist which is, besides the previously mentioned Running Up That Hill, shite. I ask you to imagine because I dont have to. This is my reality. It is almost midnight. They are talking louder than the music somehow. Their dog, which had gotten into a dog fight 2 days ago, is running around off leash unsupervised. Would I get in trouble for spraying them with a hose?
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I NEED TO DO HOMEWORK but my brain is A MESS RIGHT NOW so here’s a list of everything that has happened this weekend/might happen in the future so i can just not think about it again until all my work is done (PS if you’re on mobile and there isnt a read more i am so so so sorry
my japanese class went on a field trip to zojoji temple near tokyo tower with japanese university students
went in tokyo tower and saw an amazing sunset over mt. fujiiiiii (and sprouted ideas for future romantic date set up hehehe)
met a bunch of cool japanese students (Hiro and Lola!!)
went to dinner with the students and our professor
ela and i were talking about how cool the guy hiro was on our walk back
and then he ran to catch up with us to walk back to the train lmao. our pal!!! what a guy!!!
wandered around back roads of azabu juban and found a cemetary
went back to tuj until 10pm in the studio
went to see the stand-up act of the guy I went to the drag show & other comedy show with (his name is nao for the record)
we were supposed to meet up with Ela but she got sick last minute :(
but things weren't awkward they were fun :)))) and i remembered that i actually think he’s really cute and funny (apparently i forgot in the week we didn't see each other lmao)
nao was so nervous and I was trying to comfort him while simultaneously trying not to make him more nervous by being too close lmao
after the show we stayed and talked to his professor that came and the also mc of the show (both asked how we met and we had to say tinder lmao)
his professor told me not to help him write his paper (hes an english major lol) and that it would be “good to make him suffer a little”
talked to the mc about being awkward when they make you participate at comedy shows but this part wasn’t actually awkward. also its so cool meeting all these people that are in japan for all different reasons??? also im becoming a real adult that can have actual good conversations with strangers
nao and i took the train back to shinjuku together and  he said he was amazed that i dont fall over on the train since i dont hold on to anything lmao
(saw udon noodle vomit... yikes)
left dorm at 9am for tuj. met up with painting professor. took train to ueno park
museum we were gonna go to was closed for renovation so we went to some Titian show at another one and it was boring so ela and i just discussed how terrible they were at painting babies
went to another exhibition space called chiyoda 3331. saw a few really cool things
walked around akihabara/ in an arcade
ate tempura and discussed japan and learning japanese. and art. 
the guy we were with (kevin) showed us this cool bridge where you can see a ton of different train lines crossing over a river and we stood there for like a good 30 min lmao
took the train across tokyo to shimokitazawa (THRIFTING)
looked around a bit before ela and i met up with our friends Kristi and Steph. 
I fell in love with a pair of suede turquoise doc martens. and they had my size. in japan. a miracle. (also theyre new not thrifted) 
bought the docs
sadly didnt fit into many japanese clothes. uncertain if this is a body type issue or a too much food lately issue or maybe a bit of both...
got crepes and a good ass teriyaki burger
THOUGHT i was gonna go home but kristi and i stopped in shin-okubo (koreatown) for desert
looked at kpop goods and yelped for a while (both our favorite groups are very popular here)
bought some korean food from the grocery store and then... alcohol from the conveince store :-) public drinking is legal here lmao japan is too lit
Got drunk off this super strong vodka tonic that im convinced is simultaneously the cheapest and most tasty way to get drunk ever. i will miss this drink
drank some nasty ass green tea alchol
wandered around drunk for like an hour
NEEDED TO PEE SO WALKED IN CIRLCes for another 30 min before we remembered mcdonalds will be our best bet for a bathroom
finally got home around midnight
ate a ton of food
couldn’t sleep til 2
woke up somehow naturally at 8am. an hour before i even set an alarm. not hung over. feeling great. 
went for a run which didnt go well bc of asthma and general lack of physical fitness but at least i got to see a lot of the nearby neighborhood
met up with ela’s class at the science and nature museum. an illustrator that works here was giving us sketching advice/tips and at first i thought he was super agressive but i warmed up to him
he liked my drawing a lot and told me i should come to his event where a bunch of artists and illustrators in tokyo come to draw on sunday nights!!
ela and i went to ikebukuro and ate mcdonalds
walked to the bar where her roommate (atsuko) was performing. 
ATSUKO IS AMAZING she is so talented holy shit i love her
her performance was incredible
then there were other bands and they were like more punk/rock (?) kind of bands but yo i was into it, it was so fun
went out to dinner with atsuko, my friends, her friends
her friend’s friends got too drunk... at first it was funny but then iwas like ok we gotta go bc of homeweork
which was the RIGHT MOVE BECAUse omg after we left some guy puked and another one disappeared and there was still the equivalent of $100 left to be covered on the check bc they drank so fucking much
at least i wasnt there
now homework??? idk i have so much to do and idk how to get it done rip
fri: movie and sunset in tokyo tower date (i think its fair to flat out call this a date) with nao
sat: photography exhibition with ela and atsuko
also sat: yokohama again- ramen museum and lantern festival
sun: artists sketching event thing!! i wanna meet artists and have them teach me how they got here and also for them to think im good and make connections :-))))
atsuko is performing again in 2 weeks and im so excited?? im gonna invite nao too so he can meet my friends
more deadlines approaching...
my dad is visiting in the beginning of march
killian called me and said she might visit??? waaaahhh so nice
ela and kristi will still be here after the program is over and will be here to celebrate my birthday with me!!!
kristi wants to come with me to korea??? ffffff im so excited
i need  a new job for summer? i keep forgetting to look at internships... i need to work hard on this stuff this week
i have never wanted something more before than to live here
i need to learn japanese
i love it here
also i feel like i have finally opened up as a person
wtf is my life anymore
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