#they from Quebec tho idk what i expected
pa-pa-plasma · 2 years
Imagine, if you will, going into the woods for a couple days of peace & quiet, but the people in the trailer right behind you shine actual neon lights directly into your face & blast Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) so loudly you can hear it past The Mummy (on DVD) blasting from your TV as you try to drown out their playlist which is, besides the previously mentioned Running Up That Hill, shite. I ask you to imagine because I dont have to. This is my reality. It is almost midnight. They are talking louder than the music somehow. Their dog, which had gotten into a dog fight 2 days ago, is running around off leash unsupervised. Would I get in trouble for spraying them with a hose?
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gotham--fc · 3 years
Thanks for the games I’ll defo try to watch them, cause it seems that when I don’t watch Canada loses and we can’t have that 😤.
And yeah unless she played in the games in the US she’s probably gonna be the 3rd goalie which is ok it’ll be good for her development cause she’s a young goalie and goalies tend to get better with age.
Those coins look sick! I love all the different sports on there!Yeah defo show me your collection! I don’t really collect but my Nan gave me the Montreal centennial coin set from when she lived in Montreal and got them there.
Yeah I can imagine it was crazy over here when England played in the euro final (we are not that good at it but we invented it and like it) , I had a game that day and one of our players or coach ran in to the changing room (cause we’d just finished and was changing as fast as we could so we could watch) and just shouted England scored! And we were buzzing.
GB is my fave like the logo and the colours and the sleeves just works 😂🤷‍♀️.There’s some absolutely gorgeous jerseys internationally Germany is nice, Russias is good (Russia Russia not ROC Russia),and I’m partial to swedens even tho that’s pretty plain. There’s a few more I like too but none are popping up rn.
Tbf yeah I agree it’s like the same but idk what else they could do. Maybe the three leaf thing like they had in the 90s? Or it split with designs of each province/territory ?
Yay we love fights😂 good on Jenner and Clarky (I needed to make her surname more hockey vibes) for protecting the tendy. And lol that’s a mood.
Poor fillier :( but I feel like that’s a mood in hockey as soon as that whistle is gone play nice 😂. Oooh a high hitting game sounds fun but the PIMs must’ve been so high!
I’d be willing to bet it’s designed that way, make the opposing team as uncomfortable as possible, give em the smallest hottest changing room and the bench u have to cross the ice to .
Live hockey> everything else😂😂
And omg that’s boss! Net seats are really cool! Glad you didn’t see any non Canada goals right in front of you cause that would be painful. And that’s also dead cool too getting to see the players so close up ! What jersey are you gonna get?
Oh no poor Desbiens and MPP 😂😂 hopefully they didn’t get a fine or penalty. Tbf It is really weird they’d put anthems before the game rather than just the winners at the end?🤷‍♀️😂
Taking off your helmet fast is weird too, we don’t do anthems or that but on remembrance day they did like 2 mins silence and a speech and both teams lines up in the blue lines and took off their helmets but I was so confused when the other team was just stood there (our huddle was longer than theirs) cause we don’t usually do anything like that. -Also standing still in hockey skates for about 2-5 mins is very hard.
(Also if i didn’t reply to anything I’ll add in the morning it’s late and I’m tired and need to start watching the time lol)🏒
You have to commit and watch the rest we need you
Yeah like I didn’t expect her to really be one of the two because obviously desbiens and maschmeyer are very good and more experienced but I guess I just hoped she’d get a real chance to prove herself but it is what it is but hopefully for the next Olympics she will be there
That’s the best part of the Olympics or big tournaments because the whole country just rallies behind the athletes like it doesn’t matter if you’re a sports fan or if you know anything about the sports happening if Canada’s doing well we’re all the biggest fans
Yeah I feel like European countries always have good jerseys and Canada and the us tend to be boring and safe, but I think Canada’s would be better if they included some designs, like I think if they partnered with local artists who created designs you know like I think that would be cool. I like the 2010 one because they had the design in the leaf and since maple trees are only in Ontario and Quebec that having different designs to represent the rest of Canada
I love Clarky because she always gets in fights like I love it, also I totally have been calling her clarky in my head can you believe we have one brain? 😂
High hitting games are so cool especially in person I loved seeing the Americans get fucking bodied 😂 the refs let a lot of shit go but they also called a lot of pens
But yeah it’s all mind tactics eh give the visiting teams the worst bench the worst locker room 😂
I don’t know what player I’ll get if I’ll even get one but I’d honestly just love a Canadian one even if there’s no name, I just want a hockey jersey they’re my favourite kind of jerseys
I don’t think they’ll get fined for it, it wasn’t disrespectful you know like it wasn’t intentional so I don’t think they’ll get in trouble for it more than the coach or someone just telling them not to do it again
But true I forgot you europeans don’t play the anthem before games, we do it here and in the us before the games you play the anthems, they don’t normally televised them anymore, but yeah standing in skates must be hard, the players just kinda kept shifting their feet
Also!! I’m going to put pictures of the rest of my coin collection here!! I’m very proud of it it’s my most prized possession
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Also ignore my philosophy notes in the first one 😂
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I want to talk about the play I’m listening to so here’s a detailed resume with commentary
Because of the pandemic(TM), my favorite theater made their latest play available as a podcast. I’ve been listening to it over and over again and now that I recognize the characters’ voice and understand the story well, I have thoughts I’m ready to talk about
So when the TNM released their play calendar, Le Peintre des Madones by Michel Marc-Bouchard interested me.
I discovered this playwriter through school and I’ve loved his work mainly because his main themes: forbidden (lgbt) love and religion. I’ve loved Les Feluettes, Christine la Reine-Garçon, Tom à la ferme and I’m loving Le Peintre des Madones
Set during the times of the Spanish Flu, a young prist commisions a sacred triptych depicting the Virgin Mary in the hopes that it’ll keep their small community from the sickness. The arrival of the Italian painter disrupts the community, secrets resurface, and what was supposed to bring hope condemns.
The play opens with an enticing choir, I fell in love after hearing the first notes. Soon after, a man enounciates his vision for what he hopes to commission for his small community. I can’t describe very well everything he list, but you can feel his hopes as he describes the image of the Madonna.
I like the characters we’re introduced to: The candid Marie-Anne. Marie-Paule the “promiscuous” young girl. Marie-Louise who can read ‘sheets’. Marie of the dead, who helps the dying to die in peace by listening to their ‘secrets’.
The prist enlists the financial help of the doctor to pay for the commission. A very entertaining conversation between a naive young man who expects his act of faith to be enough to keep the Flu away and an older man who’s too down-to-earth to be swayed by words. I find it interesting how the prist talk down to the doctor telling him that by financing the triptych, his soul will find peace and alleviate his conscience. The doctor retorts his conscience is clear and how little rewarding his job actually is nonetheless he hands him the ring he took off the hand he had amputated earlier as his salary. The prist’s words hadn’t swayed the doctor, only his pretty face
The painter always uses a girl among the community to pose as when he works so they hold a little presentation to decide which Marie will be the Madona. Alessandro chooses Marie of the dead, the only Marie who hadn’t signed up to model, but he wants her, he says she’s ‘Splendida’ that her sadness highlights her beauty. She retorts that she is only looked at when one dies, that no one from here talks to her sweetly and that people are afraid of her. Alessandro says she’s the one he wants. Is this supposed to be sweet? I didn’t have enough information to decide so I decided to wait.
Shortly after, Marie of the dead tries to renounce her position as the Madona, she can’t be distracted from her work and she doesn’t like how Alessandro looks at her yet doesn’t paint her face. The prist tells her to suck it up, that her mission is sacred. I don’t like where this is going. Their next session, Alessandro tells Marie of the dead he will paint her face if she tells him a secret, he will tell her his secret if she tells him her secret. Despite her loneliness and her sadness, Marie of the dead is a young girl desperate to be love, and so she falls for his words. She tells him how her mother tried to abort her brother with knitting needle only for him to be born deformed I’m sad for a girl and her mother who deserved better.
While the work is being done, many die from the Flu. The prist is desperate, Marie of the dead is sick, he confides in the doctor his worries, the doctor’s not interested in that, the prist’s pretty face is not as handsome when worried The prist is distraught because the doctor looks at him the same way the painter looks at him when he should be painting.
 Marie’s sickness is not from the Flu, it’s more akin to the Madona’s though this conception isn’t immaculate: she’s pregnant. Now when people want her to listen to their secrets before their death, when they want her to tell them how much things are better on the other side than their current pain, Marie of the dead pushes them away coldly. Die, die without me she tells Marie-Paule as she tries to reach her before she dies
Marie-Louise is sad, the dead are envelopped in the sheets she used to read. there are no more sheet. Will there be any for her when it’s her turn to die?
The doctor visits Alessandro to pay him. He’s shown the face of the Madona, the most beautiful face made splendid by it’s immortality captured by the work. Yes, the doctor is quite satisfied unlike Alessandro. The painter shares his boredom, how he had hoped Marie of the dead would be different from all the others he had charmed before. she wasn’t and what an inconvinience to him! The doctor’s not interested, he has work to do, too many dying. If Alessandro needs ‘help with their baby, the doctor knows he’ll know where to find him...
The fever has caught up with the prist, he realises his desire for the triptych might have been a mistake: to adore images is a sin. This scene I’m not exactly sure what happens but I think I understood. The doctor offers the prist morphine, in an earlier scene, morphine is used to amputate a man’s arm. In the next scene the prist’s face is said to be covered in bandages. The doctor tells him that after a little of paradise, it’s quick.
Marie of the dead is happy, free from the heavy secrets that were intrusted to her. She joins Alessandro, her voice is light very different from what it was in the beginning. She loves the baby already and she can picture their lives together. Alessandro says nothing, Marie looks at the painting, those are not her eyes. None of those features are hers. I had to paint a virgin Alessandro says coldly. He no longers talks to her in english, I don’t understand what he says in Italian but I understand when he says Adio Maria. My heart breaks for Marie of the dead as she begs the embryo to leave her body in a voice riddled with anger, as she hopes she’ll knit better than her mother did.
Marie-Anne tells the feverish prist that since the triptych is finished, the war ended, the Flu kills no more. He begs her to close the churche’s door before she arrives, a dark figure holding a deformed cherub leaving behind her a red trace, surrounded by secrets and cursing the living. The wind takes her away, her assumption
Before he dies, the prist asks Marie-Anne to describe the triptych. She does, it’s a maliciously deformed version of his initial vision. It depicts the final fate of all the characters.
“Please , describe me the Madona’s face.”
“It’s yours, your face.”
The play ends in an enticing choir.
Some remarks :
So a lot of things were kinda predictable, doesn’t make them any less impactful when they happen. I wish I could’ve seen this play in theatre but oh well.
 This story is set in old Quebec so yeah it’s old-fashioned and it shows i.e. the girls deserved better.
 I love how many things came full circle, that’s something I love in stories and this one delivers.
Kinda funny how there were characters with unusual gifts.
I don’t think many if any will read this but idk I needed to share so thank you if you’ve made it this far. DM if you want the link to the play or you can look up TNM Le peintre des Madonnes and I’m sure you can find it, it’s in french tho
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allbeendonebefore · 4 years
I was kind of under the impression that this is just a widespread thing in Alberta, especially because of the Angus Reid fractured federation survey (I cant include the link here, but you can Google it, its from January 24th 2019). When got back into Hetalia, I imagined the dynamics kinda changed to this, which would be pretty bad tbh. I hope its not that aggressive in Alberta, I will never be able to go check tho, too expensive :( I loved the bad french btw
i see you guys sending these asks super late at night and i wonder whether any of you sleep - idk where you’re writing from and i may be on the west coast but are you guys ok wherever you are? I just woke up but I have my tea and if I’m not caffeinated now I surely will be as I answer this.
I’m sure I’ve seen the survey you’re speaking of before and before I address it in any specific detail I just want to back up and re frame Why I’m Being Like This in regards to recent events and my orientation towards answering these questions in terms of Hetalia the way I do, because I think it’s the heart of how I answer.
the tldr of it is:
1. I have an opportunity to make interpretations of reality in unexpected and challenging ways, therefore widespread opinions don’t govern anything but my stupid gag comics in the simple sense that if everyone was represented by widespread opinion alone all the time, nothing would change and
2. if i can answer dozens of asks about ralph and oliver hanging out there’s absolutely no reason I can’t answer asks about ralph and jean hanging out, lol.
3. If you’d like a shorter, more concise “vision statement”, I have one on @battle-of-alberta here. (although now I notice the links don’t work on mobile so you’ll have to be on desktop for that one)
I’m assuming this will be long so cut time
(and yes, alas, the bad french is my legacy and I’m afraid it has not improved much although i swear i was an A student when i was actually taking it) (and no please don’t visit now, purely for pandemic reasons, it would be really expensive And you’d have a bad time) (and talking to me is free lmao) (I do not mean to say that you need to have feet on the ground to understand a place at all, i mean, at the moment I don’t lol)
headings because I say a lot
what even is hetalia
At the most basic level, Hetalia is a tool that can be used in a variety of ways. It can be for memorization, current politics at a glance or historical relationships in different settings. I use it for all of these things, of course, I certainly use it a lot in comics that take place in the much more distant past in @athensandspartaadventures. When I was writing that, I was in undergrad and AaSA was a tool to help me pass my exams, I didn’t think of how it might be read or interpreted by people who have lived in or experienced those places these days, or what kind of political and cultural tensions it might reveal. (Not to say that it has gotten me into sticky situations, exactly, but I am more aware of where things like that would arise now).
These days I look back on a lot of my experiences - both in IAMP/Hetalia and just as a person, and I think that if Hetalia is a tool it should be used with some awareness of intention and responsibility. Things in the fandom have changed as it became more mainstream and more well known and I think there’s a definite worry about screwing up or not representing Everything or not pleasing Everybody or not doing it Right. I have a simple, insufferably academic principle.
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(That said, yes, you can still do it very wrong if you write a methodology.)
Still, it’s a comfort to me that I’m just doing the things the way I say I’m going to do them, and that is the underpinning of Inspired But Not Constrained By Hetalia. I don’t do things Himaruya’s way, I can’t do things the way IAMP would do them if it were running today because it’s not and things have changed, all I can do is do them how I would do them.
I have hurt people in the past because they sometimes couldn’t tell whether I was writing From an Albertan Perspective or not, and I’ve evoked some preeetty spicy comments over the last decade, and I realized that tone and perspective are something that really shapes how people understand and interact with my work and I’m trying to use that understanding in a conscientious way)
what even is alberta
So when you’re me and you’ve grown up in a province that is the Angriest in the country and the most Misunderstood in the country and the most Entitled in the country and nobody outside of maybe Saskatchewan has a good thing to say about you half the time and maybe you’re tired of that... you get kind of depressed thinking about how every year some kiddo comes on the internet ready to be excited about making or celebrating characters that represent themselves and No Matter Where They Go running into everyone else’s negative impressions first and foremost.
We joke about how everyone hates Toronto, though I’ve always understood it in a teasing way because I’ve never ACTUALLY met someone (outside of our current legislative assembly) who REALLY hates Toronto, but it does feel like I’ve encountered (directly or indirectly) people who do Genuinely hate Alberta and hoo boy is That a strange feeling. I mean, there’s an understanding that BC also ‘hates’ Alberta but half the people in BC are originally from Alberta so it’s a, uh, different feeling.
The story of Alberta from everywhere else is always the story of that Angus Reid article and the memes and comments and listicles that spin out around mainstream media. Alberta is giving too much. Alberta is getting too little. Alberta is too stupid to understand that equalization payments are a good thing actually, and Alberta is too dumb to understand you don’t really need EI if you make enough money in six months to own a house and multiple vehicles Just Because you own a house and multiple vehicles. Alberta is destroying the environment for everybody. Alberta has a huge concentration of white supremacists. Alberta is the Texas of Canada* and has the conservative streak and bible belt to match. Alberta should get annexed by the US. Oh, but Banff! We like Banff, though.
And like I said, politicians use these widespread feelings to stir up the sentiments of people who can’t afford to travel, people who are naturally suspicious of mainstream news, people who have barely even left their hometowns let alone the province and have no other means of validating what they hear, but people who’s emotions are genuinely tied to real feelings of alienation that really exist and HAVE existed for generations. And when the so-called “laurentian elites” in ontario and quebec make fun of them for being uneducated red necks, well, you hit a wasps nest and expected what, exactly?
what even am i doing
And like I’m faced with this question every day I decide to pick up my stylus and badger you all with unsolicited comics: do I want this to continue? Do I want to wear the mask that fits? Do I want to stand aside and say #notallalbertans #notlikeotheralbertans and stand over here on the island** patting myself on the back for not? being? there? Do I say yes, you’re right, and stand aside and watch loud mouth white supremacists co-opt wexiters and let them lead the perception of the province I grew up in just because that is what’s currently happening? Do I acknowledge the widespread sentiment and then pick apart every other province to say Well Actually You’re Equally Problematic Hypocrites, So There?
Obviously I’ve been saying no for a while. I’m perfectly happy to acknowledge the reality and when I draw stupid gag comics like this or this you can tell (hopefully) from my style that it’s tongue and cheek. When I draw less stupid not-gag comics like this or this I am trying to explore the Real Sentiments in a way that doesn’t completely polarize the issue and spin it out of control. I’m more of the opinion that even though Current Sentiments do get in the way that as personifications they 1. have some perspective and as people they 2. have some interest in not throwing out a friendship that was a struggle to build up every time the polls change or some new radical party seizes power. I do a lot of research and I want that to be reflected in my understanding of each characters deep seated beliefs and motivations, but I don’t want to let either the history or the current realities dictate the future if I am going to try to do that myself. 
why even am i doing it for
So like really the heart of the matter is: I am writing what I write for my thirteen year old self. She was the me who moved back to Canada from the United States, who’s first introduction to living there was a hellish surge of nationalism after September 11th. Who’s defense against that was to hide behind a shield of Canada is Better, Actually and who returned to Alberta during the boom years to realize that, oh wait, the rest of the country thinks we’re assholes just like they think the United States is. Who spent her teenage years learning that, boom or bust, the widespread sentiment in and out of the province is just as narrow, shortsighted, self interested, and stubborn as her own fiction of What Canada Was Supposed to be Like. Who learned that propping up that image at the expense of her friendships was not worth it, that propping up that image at the expense of people who are suffering and dying under that image is not worth it. Who found herself rehashing the same sort of gut reaction defensiveness online because the Guilt and Apologizing on behalf of her province compared to others felt Really Heavy for a kid who didn’t have any clue what to do about it and was just there to have fun and learn some stuff.
So I’m writing for anyone else who finds themselves exhausted and saddened by coming online and seeing that the only way that people can imagine Alberta is as an antagonist. I’d like to challenge everyone to start to imagine it better. It’s my little “escape” from reality, and for me it’s much easier to talk to people here where the stakes aren’t as high and the grievances a little less personal.
I’m also writing (in a more secondary way) for everyone who’s ever looked at alberta from afar and wondered What is going On inside your Head and is it always This
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(no comment at this time)
as always, I’m here to explain At The Very Least what goes on in My head because at the end of the day, that’s all I can do. And though there are some things that make me angry and emotional, I’m happy to explain why. Happy to answer asks or chat on discord or whatever, any time I have the time. :)
*This is just a footnote to say something I didn’t want to interrupt the flow of my comments, but this is an annoyance that me and my Texas Tomodachi share lol
**You’ll notice angry Albertans online have a favourite tactic, and that’s pointing out hypocrisy. They can justify A N y T h I n G by calling another province a hypocrite “so there” (i.e. BC can’t claim to be environmentally conscious because of Victoria’s sewage problem or Site C) - and while I am interested in shattering the image of Alberta vs. the Perfect Rest of Canada a little bit, I feel like it’s a very lazy argument that is used to deflect and not to help. I think it is more useful to unpack the sentiment of Why Alberta Still Feels Taken Advantage of rather than mudslinging, and when the mud starts flying no one seems interested in addressing problems anymore.
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oofluc · 4 years
⌠ AXEL AURIANT, 20, CISMALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, LUC MONTAGNIER! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in AWARENESS TRAINING, BREATH CONTROL, HAND TO HAND COMBAT + KNIFE FIGHTING SKILLS, SWORD TRAINING, PRECISION SHOOTING, FIREARMS & SWAT TRAINING; and they DID go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of ( dried blood on busted knuckles, forced smiles and sweat drenched after training ). when it’s the (virgo)’s birthday on 09/17/1999, they always request their SEARED SCALLOPS from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ ooc mochi, 23, she/her, gmt ⍀  
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slight warning to those who saw i originally planned him to be an anxious soft boi … i was wrong also there is a suicide mention & some subtle child abuse maybe... plus it’s kind of long ? and an incoherent mess but whatever !! plotting is welcome either on tumblr or on discord which you can find me at mochi#7066 !! his pinterest is here yes i went overboard with sections esp bc im gonna add more hdjf !! stats here and a full connection page here with most stuff i have so far ! @gallagherintro​
fred jones | scooby doo
stefan salvatore | the vampire diaries
hatsuharu sohma | fruits basket
noatak | avatar: the legend of korra
phillipe montagnier | 54
ameline montagnier | 46
marc montagnier | ✝
luc montagnier | 20
charles montagnier | 18
elias montagnier | 18
the montagnier family was originally located in the south of france until luc’s grandfather moved them to quebec. their empire was in manufacturing all kinds of weaponry and selling them to governments and other spy families and organisations. if you needed something a bit obscure or unique, this was the family you'd come to.
luc grew up in a fairly isolated countryside area in a family of four brothers who he loved for the first few years of his life. first was marc, shy and respectful, luc himself two years behind, and then another two years graced the family with twins; charles and elias who lived by their own rules. marc and luc had always been close, marc was the best big brother possible and luc loved him a lot.
eventually after being pitted and forced to compete against each other for so long, it got quite personal and their bonds started being tested. their mother turned a blind eye to their father's borderline abusive methods when luc overtook his older brother in their father’s tests and training. bruises and broken bones were only natural in training so there wasn't much she could say even if she wanted to.
from as long as he could remember, he'd been firing guns. there was a shooting range on their estate and they went on hunting trips, too. his dad often had him show customers the potential of their weaponry and so he'd always been thrusted into that life whether he wanted a say or not. it’s been clear since he was around fourteen that if anyone was taking over the family business it'd be him, not his older brother, marc.
this definitely caused somewhat of a rift between him and marc, as he'd end up getting much harsher punishments when luc would disarm or ground him.
luckily for luc, he did enjoy fighting and was exceptionally gifted in the life planned out for him. he was always the most determined to gain their father's approval, which definitely showed in their results and how obedient he was in front of the man. when he finally got what he wanted, he didn't quite expect it to mean what it did. it was rare but every now and then he would kill for his dad. whether it was someone who betrayed the family or a potential threat to their business, if his dad told him to, he would, no questions asked. it was during this time he was more excluded from training with his brothers since he would be with his dad instead.
his oldest brother marc was sent to blackthorne once he was eighteen and ended up committing suicide at the end of his second year, with luc set to follow the next year. this news was shocking for the montagnier family as luc's father was bitterly embarrassed and disappointed by his firstborns' death, wanting to cover it up as a murder so it couldn't be tied to the family name with such dishonour. it quickly created a divide as charles and elias defended marc's actions and revealed he'd been struggling with depression for the majority of his life, much like they did, which was all unknown to luc, who, for the first time, felt the repercussions of his father's favouritism. he had a new found rebellion against him that was violent with them going at each other's throats for the foreseeable future. luc ended up avoiding his place at blackthorne in hopes to piss off his dad and becoming more reclusive and bitter as time went on.
he really took his brother's death personally, believing he was a factor in it and wishing he'd been there for him more closely. if anyone so much as mentions marc to him he will be on guard and very easily angered. i think before marc died he was very charismatic, egotistical at times and driven whereas now he’s lost a lot of his energy and is more negative & aloof.
the following year was Rough™. he was no longer his dad's golden boy and the family dynamic shifted a lot with marc's death as luc ended up protecting his younger twin brothers instead of beating them for their dad's favour. he's certain he'd have been disowned had his mother not aligned herself with the kids as well.
i think their family dynamic is kinda like the cha family from sky castle if anyone has seen it !
luc eventually decided to enrol in school late, only to end up at gallagher instead. which... i mean, i think before marc died he was excited about attending blackthorne. so he’s bit ??? uncertain about the girls school.
genuinely i think it comes down to so many factors, whether he’s in a good mood, who’s speaking to him etc but neutrally he’s quite charming, happy to mess about a bit but more or less takes most stuff too seriously. since he’s not around his dad i do think he will explore a lot more and seek out adventure and fun but if he’s got a test or something due the next day then he’ll bail early since he is defo the type to never let his grades or performance be ruined
he’s quite cocky + likes to win no matter what so yes he will ruin a friendship to beat u at monopoly. second place is last place in his head.
at his best he can be confident, alluring, courteous, loyal… at his worst he's aggressive, destructive, apathetic and always says shit he doesn't mean !!!! will he apologize ?? unlikely but he'll try n make it right once he’s calmed down
thinks the best way to deal with things is with his fists, he’s so EASY to snap and start a fight n he’ll.... maybe apologise for it
i think he defo likes to pretend he’s got no problems and so reverts to a social, supportive friend every once in a while. the type to be brutally honest !!
he’s a definite know it all, thinks he’s the dog’s bollocks, gods gift etc !!!!! doesn’t believe in god but still. I kinda see him a bit jocky idk why but more brooding n isolating 70% of the time bc he’s easily pissed off but when he’s having fUNNNNN he’s ok like a solid guy at times just easily angered
very flirty, he's a major ladies man despite actually being GAY. which is a secret. sh. only two people know he’s gay and that’s his current beard girlfriend ellie cavanagh and childhood friend regine ren. more ppl can defo find out in time and i’m sure ppl have speculations ? maybe have seen him hooking up with guys or something when he thought no one was looking etc probs think he’s bi who knows!!! but for now those two are the only people he’s actually spoken to about it!!!! so if anyone else tries he will deny it as he’s very against the idea of coming out so will not discuss it ty pls.
and it’s not that he doesn’t enjoy sleeping with girls, he’ll be having a great time regardless but he just aint abt to love them like that pls understand
still, he is in a current relationship with ellie who is acting as his beard for him. they have ‘ dated ’ before and are off and on a lot, so they probably seem pretty toxic tbh since ellie n him can clash n argue and he defo still hooks up with other girls despite being in a relationship so feel free to kill him for cheating !
wanted connections !!!
going off the last point, maybe some of ellie’s friends who come at him for how he seemingly treats her !!!
i'd love for blackthorne ppl to have known his brother, he'd have been around about 22/23 and a fourth year now if he was still alive so ?? it might help luc with some closure if he could talk about him since it happened at blackthorne
ppl to know the family, some family friends would be amazing !!! i feel regardless of alliances etc their family would have stayed as neutral as possible since they're selling weapons so they want all the customers.
so people that know HIM while he was growing up would be interesting esp those expecting him to have joined blackthorne when he was supposed to 2 years ago, and obvs him probably changing from who they knew him as to a more negative version now
might put a wc for his twin bros as they potentially joined his arrival at gallagher as first years too but who knows. they’d be 18 so if anyone wants a family friend connection that is around that age, maybe they were closer to the twins than luc ??
he sleeps with a lot of girls to kinda ‘make sure’ no one knows he’s gay as he defo doesn't feel comfortable with being out. the guys that he sleeps with he'll always pin it on being too drunk to remember or he'll threaten them if they told etc ?? he's very on edge about it and would only hook up super secretly sooo if anyone’s down for that with him
and then obvs need a lot of ladies he’d wanna sleep with to keep his image
previous ex gfs ?? from prep schools !!!!!!!
some positive influences would be good
bad influences as well bc tho he is a bit of a party guy, he doesn’t drink loads and he doesn’t do drugs !!!!!!!!!!!!!! but…. I mean i bet he could be convinced now he’s away from home so
study / sparring buddies !!
i’d love someone to teach him pop culture n normality !! his childhood was training and competing with his bros so he defo doesn’t watch many movies or tv or play games etc so ? someone making him watch all the harry potters ?? binging parks and rec ?? he’d find it so dumb but who wouldnt enjoy it ??
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jakeoettinger · 6 years
#i lowkey hope its not the habs tho tbh RUDE!!! i know they suck lately aka for the past couple seasons but brooooo my team. hahaha, im from montreal so it's like...obligatory to be hardcore habs. he would be in a team with a REALLY passionate city/fans tho so that's always an amazing experience for players.
listen i used to adore the habs.. but the way the players tend to be treated by the media, the fans, and staff is unfavorable. look at alex galchenyuk or patches, hell look at carey price. the second they don’t amount exactly to what they (the media/fans) want, everyone rips them to shreds. jonathan drouin (though he’s my boy, my love) didn’t do shit but he’s from quebec so it’s okay.. lmao i just… like if you separate the team from all of that, then yeah that’s fine… but it’s hard to do that.. it’s like i fucking adore the oilers but i wouldn’t wish my fav draft pick go there due to the media alone.. i don’t want them ripped to shreds the second their performance doesn’t amount to what’s expected in the beginning. if they impress then fine, but idk… it’s nothing against the habs roster specifically, just uh everything surrounding them :)
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piesforjack · 7 years
hiiii yesss!! so if you’ve seen my last canada post (HA that’s a pun bc our mail service is called “canada post” har har har...anyway) u know that i had some records to set straight, so to speak, so i’m back at it again w canada FACTS aka things you probably don’t know but might be useful and helpful in your attempt to flesh out realistic Canadiana™. this is in honour of me hitting 500 followers, thank y’all so much ily all and thanks for bein awesome!!!
without further ado, buckle up, buds, here we go again!!!!
canada eradicated pennies not too long ago. basically, we don’t have a 1¢ coin anymore, we only have 5¢ coins ergo all payments paid in cash are rounded up/down accordingly. jack and ransom 100% hate this because now they’re so annoyed by the concept of carrying around pennies (”what’s the point!?!? 1¢??! USELESS!!)
along this same vein, canada doesn’t have a $1 bill, we have coins known as a loonie ($1) and a toonie ($2), the smallest bill we have is $5 (jack is still consistently weirded out by paper dollar bills. it feels wrong.)
ALSO while we’re on the topic of money, all our bills are different colours (blue for $5, purple for $10, green for $20, red for $50, brown for $100), they’re also waterproof (not heatproof tho!!!), and the $100 ARE NOT officially created to smell like maple syrup but i can assure you i’ve sniffed some bills that do smell like maple syrup and i cannot explain why (ransom still gets confused w american money “it looks like monopoly money, jack!” “i know, bro, i know”)
IN OTHER MONEY RELATED TRAINS OF THOUGHT, there are two main canadian airlines: air canada and westjet. they both have a total monopoly on canadian travel so it’s real damn expensive to fly anywhere in canada from within canada. it sucks a whole lot. (just remember than whenever you write ransom/jack flying home. it’s a pretty penny even if jack is loaded)
age of consent is 16 across canada
the drinking age in canada is 18/19 (dependent on provinces), however, CANADA WIDE the legal adult age (to vote, essentially) is 18.
driving ages differ province to province (you’d have to google because even i don’t know every province)
SPEAKING OF PROVINCES, canada is split into provinces and territories: 10 provinces and 3 territories. here’s a breakdown of each (it’s long, skip if you wanna!!):
british columbia (BC)
west coast best coast, lots of mountains, very hippy dippy, home province of vancouver aka movie city central, capital city is VICTORIA not vancouver, rains a lot, is known for being the birth city of ryan reynolds (your welcome), is split into two main sections: the mainland and the island (even though BC is composed of many islands, vancouver island is referred to as THE island), bland football team, even blander NHL team.
alberta (AB)
neighbour to BC, cowboys, hyper-conservative, also mountains, capital is EDMONTON not calgary, lots of extreme weather (sunshine and +20 (celsius) and then it’ll snow. alberta is weird like that), oil oil OIL, two mediocre football teams, home of the calgary stampede (again, cowboys), i often refer to alberta as the texas of canada and i’ve never had someone disagree tbh, mediocre hockey teams (including connor mcfuckingjesus don’t get me started)
saskatchewan (SK)
neighbour to AB, pronounced SASS-CAT-CHEW-WAH-N, flat flat FLAT, farmers galore, capital city regina (hahaha laugh it up it’s not that funny once you’re beyond the age of 10), even more mediocre football team (i’m only saying that bc i’m from manitoba, the rival province), tbh i don’t know much about saskatchewan except that we drove all the way across it once for a roadtrip and i swear to god we didn’t see another vehicle or human for the entirety of our trip across
manitoba (MB)
neighbour to SK and also the prime rival, capital city winnipeg (YES IT’S A REAL PLACE, I WAS BORN THERE, I LIVED THERE FOR 18 YEARS, CAN CONFIRM, STOP IT), cold as FUUUUUCK in the winter (-40 (celsius) and schools don’t close until it’s -45, so, deal w THAT), mosquitoes fucking galore (it’s disgusting and awful and makes being outdoors AWFUL), we also have polar bears!! (more north, but, still!!!!), really cool live theatre and music vibes, very dry heat, UBER MEDIOCRE FOOTBALL TEAM (but still better than SK rough riders bc provincial rivalry!!!), SUPER mediocre NHL team (i only say this because my mom’s a jets fan whereas i’m a pens fan...lmao BYE MOM), tbh can’t say many mean things bc i still love wpg with at least half my heart!!!!
ontario (ON)
neighbour to MB, capital city toronto, home of the capital city of CANADA, ottawa, muskoka chairs, so many fuckin lakes (everyones fave place to camp/own a cabin), extreme winters just like MB, niagara falls, again a rly cool arts district here (in TO and surrounding area), 3 football teams bc why the fuck not (fffffuck the TO argonauts), 2 NHL teams (everyone in canada hates the leafs. that’s not a fact but i could find enough evidence of it to convince you it is), basically TO is considered the center of the fucking universe according to everyone who lives in TO and everyone who lives outside of canada bc no one knows anything else about canada. canada might as well JUST be TO for all people fucking care. just. fuck toronto. (i think it’s a canadian thing to be Bitter and Annoyed about toronto’s unending praises from every corner of the map) ((jack is V much “fffffuck toronto” and ransom is V much “fuck you toronto is RAD”)
quebec (QC)
neighbour to ON, pronounced KUH-BECK not KWUH-BECK or KEY-BECK and lord have mercy on your soul if you dare say it like “Q-BECK”, capital city quebec city, french-canadian province that’s threatened to “leave” canada multiple times, HOME OF OUR DING DONG HIMSELF, MSSR. ZIMMERMANN!!!, poutine holy fucking HECK god bless poutine (if you think it’s gross i already don’t like you sorry 100000% NOT SORRY. jack and ransom love some good ass poutine oKEEEEER), a rly good music scene (osheaga music festival is top notch), essentially a canadian paris except people speak quebecois not france-french (but you can get away with it in most respects, there’s differences but the foundations are the same, bc DUH they’re the same language but essentially different dialects, KIND OF similar to mandarin and cantonese (although that particular case has more nuances than this one but you get the idea))
newfoundland and labrador (NL)
neighbour to QB, capital city st. john’s (not to be confused with saint john, NB...yeah there’s another province w almost the EXACT SAME CITY NAME sigh i know it’s dumb and rude) i’ve never really been to the east coast so idk what to tell you but LOBSTER and FISHING and WEIRD FUCKIN ACCENTS, another coastal place so it’s p weird and hippy dippy, but i’ve only ever heard that they’re lovely people, often referred to as newfies.
now, the maritime provinces....starting with new brunswick (NB)
just south of QB, capital city fredericton, v small in comparison to other canadian provinces (as u can tell), again don’t know much about NB but i know they’re big on fish and are basically Maine The Second (they’re pressed right up against maine so, it’s basically maine 
nova scotia (NS)
south-ish of NB, capital city halifax, HOME TO THE REAL LIFE DING DONG OF MY HEART, MISTER 87, SIDNEY CROSBY, a full on island, full of wonderful kind people a la mister crosby himself (honestly, it’s just a bunch of super kind people), really cool coastal scenery with amazing seafood (as you’d expect), home of the city that many a traveller has confused for sydney australia, very old-fashioned (idk how to explain???) but just like...you feel like you’re in a storybook when you’re there, lots of lighthouses, overall a v nice place to be
prince edward island (PEI)
the teeny-tiniest place in all of canada i’m certain, north-east-ish of NB and NS, capital city charlottetown, honestly i’m running out of things to say, it’s exactly like NB and NS had a baby that never grew out of infancy it’s so small.
now onto the TERRITORIES which are all up north...yukon (YT)
pronounced YOU-CON, north of BC, east of alaska, capital city whitehorse, cold as heck (tundra baby!!), extremely expensive living conditions ($9 for a 2L of milk, $18 for some fuckin apples...absolute fuckin robbery), lots of hunting and fishing goes on up here (aka lots of people hunt/prepare their own food), lots of mountains and such, v beautiful.
northwest territories (NT)
above AB and SK, capital city yellowknife, used to be bigger but then it was divided up (creating the new territory nunavut), v similar to yukon but with less mountain and more lakes, again v cold bc TUNDRA, my cousin met her husband while working in yellowknife...she’s from MB and he’s from ENGLAND aka what kinda fucking fateful BS...amazing, p cool w lots of islands and such far up north, it’s neat and suuuper beautiful in the summer (so many flowers lksdfjlskad)
nunavut (NU)
pronounced NEW-NUH-VUH-T, north of MB, capital city iqaluit (pronounced EE-CAL-EW-IT) used to be part of NT but they separated into two territories circa 1999, again v similar to the other territories, beautiful scenery with an OBSCENE amount of islands (colouring in maps was always a fucking DOOZY), again, not much to say. just a rly lovely place.
WOO congrats if you read all that lmao now lets get into some other stuff!!
our thanksgiving is in october, the second monday in october to be exact. it’s only been a thing since like??? the 60s??? like it’s a brand new concept, essentially, and i’m not even 100% sure why we have thanksgiving but we do (it’s mostly a charade, thanksgiving means nothing in canada, it’s a completely arbitrary reason to be grateful and eat some fuckin turkey) (jack and ransom both support arbitrary turkey holidays)
canada’s national sport is actually, like, officially lacrosse?????? i know what the fuck (i bet ransom follows lacrosse)
marriage equality has been a thing since 2005 (doesn’t mean jack wasn’t excited about the USA, just, not quite as overcome as bitty was)
winnie the pooh? based on a real bear from winnipeg, MB. yeah, be fuckin jealous y’all
if you didn’t know canada has universal health care. it’s pretty fucking rad.
idk if this is Too Obvious but canada has two official languages, english and french, so all of our packaging/instructions has to be in both languages. everything. from toothpaste to trampolines. everything. signage is a bit more dicey, most trans-canada highway signs are in both languages but more rural/urban ones probably aren’t (jack gets thrown off still when he instinctively looks for the french translations on packaging for nothing to be found. it happens more than you think)
oh also?? we used british spelling, meaning we add a bunch of ‘u’s where they don’t really need to be. this is 100% a point of contention between bitty and jack. 
CANADA IS METRIC. IT’S RLY SIMPLE PALS. everything is in groups of 10s. 10 millimetres = 1 centimetre. 100 centimetres = 1 metre. 1000 metres = 1 kilometre (aka how we measure speed, km/hour) you get it? (the prefixes, ie. milli, centi, kilo, are huge helpful hints)
the exception to this is baking measurements??? unlike the UK we couldn’t escape the wrath of cups and teaspoons and all those other arbitrary measurement devices. we still use those (for the most part)
we use fucking celsius okay (except on ovens, mostly because they’re american distributed machines ergo run in fahrenheit) anyway it’s p straightforward:
celsius is in relation to water temperature, ergo, 0 degrees celsius is waters freezing point, anything below that is freezing (relatively, of course), anything above it is not. this is especially useful for discussing weather, as, y’know, most people typically use temperature for (outside of the kitchen and hospitals, that is)
+20? nice summer day. -40? typical MB winter, +30? typical fuckin central canada summer, +7? dependent on where you live it could either mean SHORTS!! (central canada) or a light jacket (west coast), again it’s all relative to your acclimatization
okay i think this is long enough!! here’s some random nostalgic things that ransom and holster def remember/love dearly
i pray with all my heart that jack has this funny little soft spot for ‘corner gas’ in the same way i do (it’s a canadian prairie sitcom CLASSIC and i love it SO MUCH)
jack and ransom both have a strange crush on rick mercer
ransom definitely had some misconceptions about what being 16 would be like because of this fuckin show (he also 100% did the air guitar to the theme song)
this show meant a whole heck of a lot to lil bb jack (who 100% watched cartoons in english AND french okay????)
ALSO (i think i mentioned this in the last post but!!) ransom grew up watching caillou in english, jack in french, and they argue all the time about the differences between the two.
ransom remembers being a little bab watching this nonsense right before bed with a cup of warm milk and exactly two oreos (just me??? pshhh i don’t believe it)
jack had very strategically thought out how he would destroy his competitors at this game show
jack loved babar. don’t even touch me. just. imagine tiny jacques w a lil stuffed elephant my hearT!!!!!
ALSO MCFUCKING T’CHOUPI ET DOUDOU!!!!!! i watched this one in english but i can only imagine jack loved it
okay. okay. again, thank u for reading, i hope this was helpful!! lemme know if there’s anything i missed!! who knows, i might make a third installment one day!?!??!
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icipicicicacici · 8 years
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you finished tag 5 people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!! tagged by @cherrydrop (-: !!!! 
tagging @raindropsfallingup @uchihachiha @nachofather @thirdbomb @zoocosplay101 (if you want to ^^<3 ) 
1: Are you named after someone?
nope my mom just saw my name in a baby names book and liked it a lot 
2: When was the last time you cried?
today? I cry almost every day tho LOL
3: Do you like your handwriting?
I like the way it looks but it cramps up my elbow/wrist when I have to handwrite for long periods of time, or very fast 
4: What is your favorite lunch meat?
I fucking love spam (but hate pork otherwise?? idk whats up with me) 
5: Do you have kids?
no they are yucky 
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
hell yeah! I have so much in common with me!! 
7: Do you use sarcasm?
ya especially with people I love (^: they get the best of it 
8: Do you still have your tonsils?
i believe I do 
9: Would you bungee jump?
nooooo, the fact that I have to rely on that rope freaks me out. I have no problem with heights, it’s that.....rope.......agh 
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal?
Love Crunch strawberry dark chocolate granola 
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
I can’t take them off otherwise loool ;_; (doc martens) 
12: Do you think you’re a strong person?
emotionally: no
physically: I can lift many things/people so i will take that as yes (LOL) 
13: What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
coffee <3 
14: What is the first thing you notice about people?
usually their lips, but sometimes it’s their hair 
15: Red or pink?
red but I like both 
16: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
acne on my chest/back that still comes back sometimes, even after medication in highschool ): 
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now?
black leggings and no shoes because who the heck wears shoes in their room?? this is not the american south yo 
18: What was the last thing you ate?
thai coconut soup
19: What are you listening to right now?
lana del rey.......... its good for drawing 
20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
charcoal (im 2 edgy 4 u) 
21: Favorite smell?
sandalwood or peach 
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
Junj <3 
23: Favorite sport to watch?
figure skating & swimming (fuck ice dancing tho that shit is scary) 
24: Hair color?
silver/grey/steel (i have no idea but something like that)
25: Eye color?
26: Do you wear contacts?
nop only coloured plano for cosplay sometimes 
27: Favorite food to eat?
sashimi!!!!!!!! or pizza 
28: Scary movies or comedy?
scary movies 
29: Last movie you watched?
It was a short horror film titled “Dumplings” for class at school 
30: What color of shirt are you wearing?
dark grey 
31: Summer or winter?
i like both and then I get tired of both (-: i’m picky 
32: Hugs or kisses?
hugs <3 
33: What book are you currently reading?
魔の断片 (Fragments of Horror) by Ito Junji (thank u riko piko <3 ) 
34: Who do you miss right now?
Viola and I miss her every single day 
35: What is on your mousepad?
the overwatch logo lol (it’s the razer OW mousepad) 
36: What is the last TV program you watched?
That 70′s Show (while I eat bc it was just on netflix) 
37: What is the best sound?
that noise cats make when they go “mrrr?” when you touch them suddenly 
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
lol neither i dont listen to them 
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled?
thats a lil subjective I guess i mean.... Ive been to mexico and also Romania so idk both of those are kind of “far”? to where I am now? 
40: Do you have a special talent?
I’ve become a pro at crying (jk but I do happen to know the lyrics to technologic by daft punk and can still recite it from my head wtf ) 
41: Where were you born?
Quebec, im not french tho it was just where my parents were randomly at the time 
42: People you expect to participate in this survey?
anyone from up there who also loves to overshare on the internet (-: 
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