#theyre not bad songs but some of them i just do not see the appeal in past the initial 'waow these lyrics are so dark :0'
noisemastter · 1 year
hi.... i am thinking about how much sweet capn nd k_k both parallel and r an antithesis of the fun gang ..... ok ? i think ......... i will mindlessly ramble . listen to me if you want . this may or may not be coherent at all . pay me no mind ok ?
they each have like,,, 1 basic trait thats described to them
okok so i think its really funny how much theyre complete fuckin opposites ( with the person they dance with ) .
kris - quiet person by susie and king
susie - mean girl by a save point
and yk . scc are energetic smooth and silly . its in their check dialogue . stated outright
ralsei - fluffy boy by a save point
energetic - quiet
smooth - fluffy
silly - mean
real interesting thing about capn and ralseis that isnt really important . . theyre both an adjective referring to a personality trait and a surface
ummm ill just go through them in sccs order . soooo,,, sweet / kris, cap / ralsei , and k_k / susie
sorry if this doesnt make sense im bad with words .
sweet / kris . . . . so much to say . mainly about sweet .
kris isnt shown to have much of a personality atleast in game ... which makes like a lot of sense considering they dont have free will for most of them . all we reaaally know is that theyre an introvert . theyre described as not being very energetic by tori, rarely ever waking up on time for school, usually sleeping through the start of class, and preferring tori drive them to school rather then walk . noelle also makes a comment about how kris isnt usually so talkative when you select the "anything" option in the hospital and as previously mentioned, theyre described as a quiet person
sweet on the other hand, is literally "the energetic one" . their movements are a lot more exaggerated and bouncier then the others, their way of speaking is a lot more upbeat then the others, and theyre the one who follows you around for ( most of ) cyber field ,,, they also have the most dialogue out of the 3 and are real passionate about their interests, being the most into the whole rebellion thing and likely being the one who started it all . they also use multiple exclamation marks in most sentences as a way of showing how enthusiastic they are about most things !!!!! this is a little small detail i noticed but.... they r also slightly off sync with the others whenever you ask them to play a song 4 you .
cap / ralsei,,,,,,, capsei shippers dee en eye you guys are weird
ough . i have so little to say about ralsei im sorry ralsei fans . ok anyways
ralsei is "the nice one" of the group i think . he tries to convince you to spare everyone, hes generally the most polite, and is maybe the tiniest bit naive in chapter 1, having to learn by the end that he cant trust everyone . even though hes nice, hes never exactly shown to be cowardly unlike most "nice" characters !!! he doesnt stand down to most enemies and is generally a lot less scared of . actual life threatening situations then a teenager should be .
cap'n on the other hand,,, is . the reason the game got a higher rating in japan because he says a statue looks like shit . capn is,,, from what ive seen, the least liked of the trio for coming off as rude in a lot of his dialogue ( hes just some guy i think ) . hes the most upfront about thinking you helped kidnap noelle, mocking you and making comments about it all throughout the first part of the game ( even trying to scam you because of it !!! ) . he also talks in a less formal way then ralsei does and makes several comments that are accidentally taken as flirty towards noelle ( hes just a little bit of a dumbass hes not a p/do . . targetted i see you freaks ) . hes basically shown to be willing to do anything if it benefits him and the others, trying to scam, trick, and appeal towards girls in an attempt to earn more money . hes also not a fan of fighting, and is reffered to as a coward by sweet for not really wanting to fight physically, even suggesting towards the start of the fight to just wait for other bad guys to come around . hes silly i love capn he reminds me of my best friend
cakes / susie .... i have so much to say about k_k you have no idea so many people get his character entirely wrong and it pisses me off . infact im breaking the pattern and starting with him because i have very little to say about susie and also fuck you
k_k is, in every way, kind of a doormat . they let people shortchange them, purposefully try and make themselves shorter to be less intimidating, and dont really wanna cause any trouble like at all . they try and make themselves sillier so they arent perceived as some sort of threat or something to be scared of ( considering theyre like 10ft tall . i did the math hes like 7 in his sprite and based on nelnals art, like 10'2 ) . hes the exact opposite of susie in every way !! k_k is tall and tries to make himself more approachable, giving you bagels for free if you dont have the money, trying to appeal to everyone by never really giving sweet or capn an answer that supports eithers argument, and just,, generally being a lot more polite then the other 2, despite the others best efforts . theyre also the first to try and cheer sweet up after they lose their battle, saying that they won because their dancing was better !!! a lot of trying to be smaller and appear as less mature likely comes from a place of anxiety,, as they only ever really speak whenever spoken to directly, try to stay on everyones good side, and have the least amount of dialogue out of the 3 by, like, 10%, most times them speaking being short, straightforward answers rather then them talking unprovoked
susie is,, kind of a smaller person trying to make herself seem bigger and scarier . she puts on a tough persona and is an asshole to most people who arent her friends, getting aggressive whenever people she perceives as threats bother her or the others and being a lot snarkier then the other 2 . towards ralsei and kris shes,, still pretty aggressive but its more in a playful way . she teases them often and is the only reason ralsei and her ever get an act option, because she points out how theyre not dumb and they can act by themselves . shes,, pretty much just any teenager with her friends
scc also think of themselves as the main characters . they make a constant attempt to act as so, trying to fight the fun gang because they think they helped the queen kidnap noelle, but in the end they just arent ,,, enough .
the fun gang r kinda just. kids who probably just wanna be kids but Cant because they kinda have this whole prophecy thing on their backs (susie and kris especially) and didnt really . choose to be the main guys .
i think,,, them being opposites is also a huge reason why scc being adults is so important to me . of course you can hc them as any age !!! but thinking of them as kids because theyre immature is,,,, boring as fuck . making them adults ties in a lot more with all of these opposites . thinking of them as adults who never really grew up would act as a sort of antithesis to the fun gang being teenagers who r growing up a little too fast and its soo... fun to play with . its fun to explore why they never matured like a lot of other people or if theyre just a little immature naturally !! theyre silly and theyre fun and theyre so entertaining to me i wanna put them under a microscope and study them ...
scc being adults who never grew up and the fun gang being teenagers who r growing up too fast is so fun to me i think . scc try so desperately to be the "main characters" . to be important . to be those guys . while the fun gang didnt even really try !!!! kris and susie just wanted to get chalk and got sucked into a huge prophecy thing in a world they didnt even know existed and i just . idk this is probably incomprehensible at this point sorry . i jusy think the fact theyre opposites is really fun and i dont think enough people notice it
tldr kris is quiet and introverted , sweet is energetic and ( likely ) loud judging from how they talk
ralsei is nice but not timid or cowardly at all, while a lot of capns dialogue is accidentally rude and hes literally called a coward ingame,
and susie tries to make herself bigger and scarier while k_k wants to be viewed as non-threatening and friendly as possible
thanks for listening to my autism rant . if you care .
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solarwynd · 4 months
just felt like sharing some of my thoughts on recent topics:
- i think nj’s album is objectively decent. if anything my biggest critique is that, similar to indigo, he insists on singing and anyone else that jumps on the record eats him up. i really did like the production and after tuning him out a little i really enjoyed the vibe. i actually think its a lot more refined and grounded than indigo despite being a mess thematically/lyrically but i actually think that thats what he was going for lol, a sort of “emotional clusterfuck”.
as for army’s reception, i think he’s def trying to build his own audience and he’s aware that takes time. he went in a totally different direction than his previous release yet its still very him. armys might not be the target audience but its better for him to build a small but loyal base that will continue to tune in for his solo stuff rather than just expecting armys to like everything every member puts out.
its rich for other kpop stans to drag him when despite doing what he’s done he’s still more successful than most korean artists, so its funny for me to see people think they can drag him for not getting streams in korea which if im not mistaken have the lowest residuals for streams and are the flakiest audience (but maybe thats just me being petty lol)
- nwjns new song not doing that hot on global spotify doesn’t surprise me. they are an aesthetic-leaning group, yes their songs are cute but its because of the aesthetic theyre accompanied with that they feel so grand and trendy every time. the aesthetic for how sweet is minimal and kinda getting old so people dont seem to be buying into that so far (outside of sk) but im sure that as soon as there’s a cute tiktok trend to go with it they’ll end up biting. the song is cute, but i have to admit this trend of “flat”singing is tiring me. open up those vocal chords and SING dammit.
- random, but i wonder if supernova by aespa doing that well is some sort of reaction to the whole mhj-bpd drama. imo drama was a million times better and didn’t do as well as it shouldve
- idk if im over my fixation, but nothing thats come out of the kpop industry this year has been genuinely interesting or exciting. i mostly just tune into female artists and a handful of soloists. there’s been some cute concepts here and there but the music is just meh.
“i really did like the production and after tuning him out a little i really enjoyed the vibe.”
Im sorry this is taking me out. Tuning out the very person whose album you’re listening to is crazy 😭 but I kinda get it lmao.
After watching that minimoni special this morning and how he described rpwp basically as a rant, an “emotional clusterfuck” is aptly named tbh. It’s gonna be really hard for him to get a solid solo fanbase because he doesn’t have personal reach or appeal beyond the armys that already know him and his music and the music he’s been dropping isn’t really attention grabbing either. Like I’m sure there’s people who are out there that know he’s a good rapper and can respect him for that, but it’s still not enough to make them stan him and that’s where the problem will lie for him.
Njws (or mhj) are following a theme that doesn’t allow themselves or their music to evolve, because beyond the different outfits and hairstyles everything is starting to feel repetitive. Real one trick pony-ish cause it seems like this is all mhj knows how to do. Like you already know what to expect from them and I find artists who just stick to one sound kinda boring (though I have my exceptions). I see what you’re saying about the “flat” singing lol but imo not everyone has to like sing sing if you get me? I’m not just talking about belting but just typical singing. Even though it would be a nice switch up from them I feel like they’ve just made that they’re brand.
I actually just listened to supernova after I drafted this and ended up really liking it. It’s a cool song. I listened to drama too, not bad either. It’s a possibility that the whole mhj/bang debacle might’ve had a positive impact for aespa, but sometimes the k gp just likes what they like and blows it up. I know they loved queen card by g-idle but I still do not like that song at all.
I’m a casual listener of a handful a groups and I’ll check out their releases when they drop. Any other song I listen to apart from them is just because I wanted to see what the fuss was about but all in all everything is just so typical. I’ve had releases I’ve enjoyed but everything still has that standard kpop sound to it so I agree nothing has really been exciting.
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transgenderer · 2 years
Think you've made this post before, but what would you recommend for someone who wants to know why you like TMG so much? (Have listened to basically nothing by them)
this is a subtly different question than the usual "what should i check out from them". and its interesting! so to me there's a "classic trio" of mountain goats albums: all hail west texas, tallahassee, and the sunset tree. they tend to be more direct, and therefore more immediately achieve their goal, which is "make you feel something intensely, something youre not used to feeling, or which you dont have the words for". like...there's an *emotion* to no children, a specific and intense emotion, for which the language is lacking. theres this one tweet abt tMG that really clicked with me, that people who like tMG a lot are often distant from their emotions, and jd is really good at tunneling through your emotional walls and letting the dam out
so anyway thats the main thing, they make you FEEL a lot, with the words, and especially with the way john darnielle sings, which is not traditionally good but imo has an unusually large amount of emotion in it. but another major aspect is that a lot of his songs, especially the pre-2000 stuff, are telling a weird ambiguous interesting story. a lot of his early songs are these weird cryptic little poems, which i find very compelling. here's one, its called love hymn to aphrodite:
The sunset gets a little longer every night And it's no good but I feel alright The sky turns orange and the colors start swirling You float downstairs, your body spinning in perfect circles It's the 18th of July What what are you doing
part of what makes this work is the trust i have in JD as an author. i dont know what he meant, but i believe he meant *something*, and something that was at least interesting to 90s-JD. which makes these songs fun impossible puzzles
ANYWAY so thats one thing. and then his modern stuff, the appeal there is like...so he used to do a lot of love songs, right? i mean thats sort of what he made his name in. but he hasnt made a love song in nearly 15 years, i think the last one was on heretic pride in 2008. his songs are are about rarely discussed events, emotions. hell make an album about professional wrestling, or goths, or the fall of paganism in the roman empire, and it feels silly when you say it but its not silly, theyre like...actually affecting! and part of this is that theyre often metaphors for more down to earth stuff but sometimes theyre not. sometimes its just a song about the band gene loves jezebel, and its a good song. anyway. theres a lot of novelty
but the CORE the core of all of it, is the lyrics are just...really really good. you mentioned earlier, that most song lyrics sound bad when you just write them out with no music. and this is true! but its not true of tMG, at least not imo. imo their lyrics stand up to a remarkable amount of scrutiny, their lyrics *make sense*, theyre talking about something, something specific, theres no...platitudes, no vague generalities. theyre telling stories! which is weirdly rare! when i was like 13 i was briefly really into fandom music (like, fan music for some property) for this trait, of music that means something specific. but yeah. the lyrics are good and jd makes them shine with the emotion in his voice
oh i spent most of the time explaining. i guess it depends a lot on what style you like. he had a period like 2001-2012 or so when he was doing a lot of stuff in a more like traditional "rock" ish style to varying degrees, the stuff before 2000 is mostly super lo fi which i love but you may not, post 2012 his stuff has often been like...idk, almost jazzy? not like jazzy jazzy. soft rock? i dont know music words. anyway. uh. yeah. i would rec listening to sunset tree, tallahassee, and all hail west texas, then try a song or two from other albums and see if theres any whose sound you like
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sowthetide · 7 months
heyyyyyy *saunters saucily into your ask box* congratulations! you have written a character so appealing that i cant stop thinking about her! and considering shes an alternate version of an already fictional character, i literally have no one else to bother about the brainworms she gives me. so, youre stuck with me. (side note if you do get sick of my endless asks just say the word and i will limit myself to like. two per chapter. probably. i can be normal i promise) ANYWAY i was listening to incredible amazing bigbrained theon playlist this morning and foreigners god by hozier came upand. the way i see it, in asoiaf canon theons one of the characters with the most interesting relationship with religion. he has the conflicting background, and doesnt really seem to connect with either. which isnt bad, not every character needs tk be spiritual, yet he is also some sort of mesiah figure??? like he has visions and talks to the weirwoods and has SO MUCH religious imagery like im not gonna get into it all but dude literally got crucified?? at a stake??? shit idk man. i like it. i like the part where he swears by the seven WHILE AT THE ISLANDS BEFORE HIS DEATH BAPTISM CEREMONY bbg theyre not pagans. but but but back to quenn- i feel like this is more emphasized in her story? maybe thats just me being delusional but (she lights insence in the sept after cat leaves hahahha im normal about this i swear) shes been abandoned by ALL the gods but still prays??? and for what??? stability???? hope?????? shes can seem like such a pessimist at time, a down to earth realist at best, but SHE STILL PRAYS. to what god???? im not very eloquent with words but you should listen to foreigners god the end byeeerer
Why, hello again ;-) You're so nice to me 🥺 I really appreciate it cause I've been dealing with some Family Issues lately ❤️
Also, you do not have to tell ME about the pain of Quen brainworms!!! Thank god I have goddcoward, Ashen_Onion, and, of course, Y'ALL to scream with about Quen with, because otherwise I'd have probably lost my mind by now. Never worry about being normal because I've spent the last year being increasingly Unnormal about Quen, with extensive daydreaming about all of the Saw traps I have/will put her in.
You've reminded me to update my Quen playlist (the link is around here... somewhere...), but I also reallyyyy need to finish my Theon playlist too... eventually...
But back on topic! Yes, Theon's relationship with religion is such an interesting part of his character, and it's something that really drew me to him while reading (as someone with a complicated/agnostic outlook on religion). He has an unusually strong connection with the North's old gods, which is especially apparent in his ADWD chapters (which are some of GRRM's best-ever chapters, I will die on this hill), and I can't wait to see how that (hopefully) intersects with Bran's journey in TWOW.
I took this aspect of Theon's character and ran with it for Quen, as she has a lot of exposure to all three of the main religions in Westeros: the Drowned God during her childhood on the Iron Islands, and the old gods + the Seven during her time with the Starks. Quen has a closer relationship with the Seven in particular, due to her closer relationship with Catelyn/Sansa/Arya/Septa Mordane (by nature of being female in this 'verse), but she oscillates between all three when the occasion calls for it.
What is she praying for? Does she even believe in any of these gods? Who knows! Quen certainly doesn't. But she'll pray to the gods of the people she loves, so their gods might protect them. Also, as my dad would put it: "there are no atheists in foxholes". This is to say, Quen will cling to whatever gods get her the hell outta this clusterfuck in one piece. And, unfortunately, she finds herself in an inordinate amount of clusterfucks. She's clusterfucks Georg, really.
"Foreigner's God" is Thee Theon song fr. We all listened to it and collectively went THEON 🫵 If anyone has any other Theon song recs, I am always open to suggestions... 👀
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
I really love Mitski, Wsshing Machine Heart and Nobody are very special to me :3. I also really love Strawberry Blonde & Me and my husband. I enjoy Conan Grey a lot, Comfort crowd is one of my faves. I also like Space Girl, by Frances Forever, Say so by Doja Cat. I also LOVE Do It by Chloe x Halle. Way Down by MØ. Also Janelle Monae.
A lot of the music on my playlists are very 'soft' and im looking for something harder, and I'm not really sure how to describe it. I did hear a BT/S song and liked the general vibe, but i dislike the band bc ive heard theyre very antiblack, but i do like what I heard so far so im pretty interested in kpop as a genre :)
Okay so some of this music I had to listen to for the first time, but I got you. Sort of. I'm taking all of this music into consideration at once because you cast a fairly broad net and I don't want to get too bogged odwn in going X Song of Mine = Y Song of yours.
I just scrolled through all my music by artist so uh
this got long
i;m sorry
Physical by The Aces, kinda poppier than you listed but still some gay girls making some indie pop-rockish music
Maybe try Runner by Alex G. I haven't listened to much Conan Grey so maybe I thought of this song when you mentioned him
Start It Up by Alex Mali, very sliick R&B with ethereal vocals. Check out the rest of this EP, tbh
Lovergirl by Andrea Valle is a bit more wavey but I think if you like Chloe X Halle this is... adjacent to that that but a bit more experimental
Lark by Au Revoir Simone has some of that sad girl crying on a synth vibe
Un Village by Baekhyun is Kpop, is both hard and soft, but has a focus on vocals that i see across your music taste
Maybe Fire Escape by Beach Bunny?
Actually I'm going through my music alphabetically and let me say if you like Chloe X Halle please listen to like... all of Beyonce's discography. She is like... the OG. I give you no specific song... just... explore, enjoy
Motospeed 24 by Bibi--she's kpop but more R&B inspired and has a lot of that vocal work I think you'll like. She can get dark and gritty
Your Light by The Big Moon, kinda poppy, kinda guitary. Pleasant
Luna by Bombay Bicycle Club--something you're less likely to stumble on as it's a bit older but it has the kinda poppy, indie rocky sound. This one is more of a reach
Forgive Me by Boa. I wanted to put Boa somewhere,because she's essential kpop me, and this is her song that feels the most "hard" BTS to me. Not a track that's indicative of most of her discography though
Just... all Bree Runway. Start with Somebody like You or All Night, which are more immediately in your wheel house
Western Wind by Carly Rae Jepsen, listen to the entire album this is from
Welcome to my Island by Caroline Polachek
HWA by CL is a bit harder kpop. Is dancier than previous kpop listing on this track
Stressed by Doechii, again more of the R&B stuff but she's GOOD. If you like this, also check out Persuasive
BOCA by Dreamcatcher, they do a lot of "harder" kpop but also have softer vocals as contrast.
An obviously Mitski-adjacent rec is Crush by Ethel Cain
Alternative to BTS: Exo!!! IDK what BTS song you liked, so it's hard to give direct alternaives but try: Monster, Tempo, The Eve, and I think Overdose is essential listening for them
I already forgot what the Conan Grey song you linked to sounded like, which makes this a bad rec based off it, but try back again by flor
MØ did a song with foster the people (blur, good song). Foster the people is one of my fave bands. None sound quite like way down but maybe try Pick U Up. Sit Next to Me is one of their song with the widest general appeal.
Undo by Heize. More kpop that isn't hard but I think based off your interest in Chloe x Halle... AND Doja Cat... thi sis a good middle place
Layin Low by Hyolyn. Sounds more like western R&B but... kpop
Be Mine by Infinite. NGL this has nothing to do with any of your songs, I just think it's essential kpop. The Chaser might be a closer BTS alternative
If you like Janelle Monae, make sure you don't miss her collab with Jidenna "Yoga." Telling a man to bend over... yes Janelle I love you
More by K/DA is a bit "harder"
Come In by Kai, I think based on your Conan Grey + Kpop interest, this might hit for you
Red Moon by KARD is a bit harder kpop, they have harder tracks but the instrumental here (and in a lot of their songs) has connective tissue with the song way down you mentioned
IDK what BTS song you listened to, so, again, Gasoline by Key is maybe the song I could more easily correlate with them. But Key is an eSSENTIAL kpop listen, so if you don't like this track, try others! Throw a dart at any track, it's good
This is a shot in the dar... by try Bedroom Eyes by The Knocks & The STudio Killers. Or look into any of The Knocks collabs with foster the people like their collab "ride or die"
LUNA from f(x) did a cover of "Say So" but her best song is "Free Somebody" which doesn't sound much like say so but give it a shot!
I feel like if you haven't heard much music, you probs don't know Marina, which is PROBABLY for the best, btu she was like... filling the void Mitski would later fill. Her older stuff is good. I am not a robot might be a nice place to start.
Another shot in the dark... try River by Mattis
All In by Monsta X is harder kpop and reminds me of what older BTS aspired to be. Try Shine Forever and Miss You a well
This is ALSO out of left field... try Heaven's Only Wishful by Mormor. Softer and different than the music you posted, but I think it's on the periphery of your taste and amybe you'll want to explore
Dark Doo Wop by MS MR comes to mind when I think of Mitski and idk why. Try it out
Listen to Come by Namie Amuro. It's jpop and it doesn't SOUND like say so but I think it taps into some of the asme energy.
This is Why by Paramore. Jump into Paramore's new album and celebrate with us all as it comes out soon!
Going by the MO inclusion, try out PVRIS. Just try a song or two from each album. Maybe start with Death of Me.
1-800-MLKYWAY by Rakiyah. She also has more Korean heavy tracks liek Like You or The Invitation.
I can't think of what Red Velvet track to rec to you just know that they are the pinnacle of kpop to me
One on 5 by Rico Nasty. Don't know why the way down track makes me think of htis but here we are
Same for Red Velvet: I think of Shinee as some of hte best kpop has to offer. Don't Call Me might be the most BTS-adjacent but isn't the best they have by a long shot. Listen to their song "View" and if you like that, I can rec you more
Listen to Jopping by SuperM i fyou want to be up to date on Kpop Memes because this one never dies but I prefer theri song I can't Stand the Rain
Idea by Taemin (a member of both Shinee and SuperM) goes pretty hard
If you liked the Tiger Woods track I mentioned in the last ask before, also try Mean Girls by her
Naturally by Tinashe, her entire 333 album really
im just rly into no one does from love by tove lo rn, check it out
you'll run into a lot of twice songs if you get into kpop, get loud is one of my fave less common ones
Scentist by Vixx is better than most BTS songs. Error is great too.
Try the WOnder Girl's album "Reboot." I have a suspicion about this
and i went overboard but i think that's it. i got distracted a lot doing this sorry
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kazzattack · 4 months
im a playlist connoisseur, i name playlists like its my fucking job.
normally when im naming playlists, I think of what I get in frequent moods for, so im not making a tiktok music playlist or smth because how often do I actually plan to listen to what I hear on tiktok (now the stuff thats not trending that come on my fyp as ads, thats a different story)
sometimes theyre pretty normal names (“albums to revisit🫶🏾”- just a bunch of my favorite albums, albums that I would like to love more, albums by artists I feel cant make a bad song; “get your day ✨started✨”- songs that make me want to be alive and promote having a good day because i start it off in a good mood)
every so often i get silly with them, these titles can come from something I see on sm (“songs to save me from vecna,”) or seen in a quiz I take (“songs id crash my car to”- this one has two versions- the og, emotional songs id prob crash to bc im in my feels, and sicmct2 which is full of high energy songs id crash to bc im having too much fun singing along and not paying attention (i have never been in a car accident), or I notice theres a common theme to the songs im cultivating (“i am transcending,” and the description I put is “feels like im floating ig,”) descriptions can also help with naming too because then you can avoid adding songs that dont match your theme.- ❤️‍🔥
honorable mention for some of my more interesting playlist names:
tears🫵🏾, songs that would be in an oth episode, should’ve been in glee, the actual childehoode., multi player songs, my whitest whites, write these papers BITCH, wedding jawns🥳🥰, 🌈
i like how you had to specify you’ve never crashed before. u r hilarious
hm hm hm. i have a playlist called “FUCK aubrey” full of kendrick’s disstracks, megan thee stallion and songs that just give “fuck a bitch ass nigga” energy bc fuck that bitch ass nigga yk? i think that’s a start. then there’s “am i sad or in love,” full of love songs and sad songs bc i can never tell the difference.
i have another playlist called novaclocks, which is novacane by frank ocean and broken clocks by sza smushed together. the description says “all my majestic songs,” so for the most part it’s alt rnb or chill indie music. i want more playlists with names like that bc it’s very appealing to the eye to me. i have a playlist of song recs that ro gave me too, i called it ivy’s orchid which is just her two account users smushed together, and now i throw other pretty song recs i get in there too. the name reminds me of harlivy a little and i thought it was cute
i think i suck at playlists bc i just be listening to anything. like. i just put all 830 of my likes songs on and go about my day. but i switched to apple music yesterday and i cant transfer my likes saurrrrr now i HAVE to make playlists </3 i think im gonna work on my musical playlist next. that’ll be all my hamilton, heathers, one or two mean girls songs and a lot of disney songs. thennnnnn maybe a playlist for songs that give euphoria vibes. ty C ur the best
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ashanimus · 1 year
Ash Liveblogs LL 2-3
Every time I think I understand I get in deeper and I realize I do Not. Oh yes Anna, oh yes Nate, I see why people like these Robits. I get it now.
I stayed up till 4 am the other day finishing MTME thinking I'd have a moment of breath, of peace, before moving on. NO! I got the ontological equivalent of the dickbutt. Go read the next collection, you idiot.
Anyway here's the liveblog of LL 2-3
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AHHHH my boys <3 also hi swerve.
Dear GOD i've said it before and I'll say it again, I would NEVER EVER want to end up on the minibot's bad side. Theyre both fucking feral but REWIND
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HE's SO bold and impulsive and intense. I would so much sooner find myself Cyclonus or even Whirl's enemy
Also, 12 of 12.
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This is what would happen if Facebok gained self awareness and a body. This is the pope if he ate -insert billionare techbro of your choice-
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I am obsessed with the coloring in this fucking series, and also I am a Fan of Anode. Her design is so appealing. Very nice colors.
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I really like her ; o ;
SKEIFJLKDAGKJ Rod's new blue look is throwing me off so bad but dear GOD this is so fucking funny. Roddles just got BURNED
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Oh Christ on a pogo stick. In a comic chock full of some of the most grotesque images I've ever seen it says something that these words and the picture they paint is so far proving to be amongst the most OMINOUS
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TRAPPED LIGHT? Lost light? Threadbare space? Like? About to tear??? AAAAAAAAA
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Aghhhh. All silliness aside. This is heartbreaking. Tailgate despite being Cyclonus' contemporary is a little naive and lacks a certain physical experience of war and destruction and Cyclonus quietly and calmly walking him over the threshold of the aftermath is breaking my little bat heart T m T
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He looks so sad :<
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SNERK yes cry for help you annoying green bitchbaby--DAMMIT
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All hail the useless one! Where did you find my negative self talk bubble six of twelve--OH DEAR GOd FOR REAL?
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I mean yes Rung is a Useless Therapist but oh my GODDDD WHAT IS THIS
LL 3
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Whiiiiirl my beloved
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Im always so impressed by how the artists make these characters emote. The squinty lil optic...
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The list of what is wrong with these men is so long but I love them all so much
Whirl. Whirl. Buddy. I distinctly remember something about your Nemesis being a guy named something else entirely and definitely not Killmaster--
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Genuinely fascinated by this entire conversation, and also in awe of how JRO effortlessly seems to come up with the most badass fantasy technical terms ever. Widowed metal. Holy shit.
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I also love how the Lost Light is big enough that we can have this drama happening upstairs and then THIS happening directly beneath their feet as;dfjlkdsjg
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Oh look, the cavalry! Cyclonus here to help!
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tinyorangepotato · 2 years
man, people complain about their friends being backstabbers or not good people or shit like that and it's a wonder because I have never once had that. I think people forget that you curate your own audience online and in real life.
Surpsingly this isn't a vent. I've have been feeling so bad, proabbly from just a stomach bug I relaize now, and yet Monday I made plans with my friends to watch Megan which is a movie they were looking forward to seieng very much. I feel so nauseous even when I went to Walmart to get more bombpops so I would have something to eat so I canceled the plans because that just sounds like a horrible time for me. And the two of them (the third I live with) were compeltely and totally okay with it and just wished for me to feel better.
like. that's very nice and how everyone should be even if they're disappointed (idk if they are super disappointed. they didn't voice it but yeyeyyeyeye).
meanwhile my cousin has so many people she talks to and one that she no longer does (thay I know of. I don't really care either way) that she would bring everywhere and they were joined at the hip for at least a few years. And all of them have had some type of drama or fight or something with her or other people she was friends with and I guess it's just two different groups seeing as she had been partying and drinking and do all that crazy shit since she was younger than I am but I don't see too much of an appeal of keeping that company.
Like I cam understand the type of people and the vibes and all that of wanting to do excited stuff and there being always something wild going on to talk about or do but if they're constantly gonna talk shit or do shitty things why? There are plenty of people out there that just aren't like that and can be just as good company. different but good.
And like the high school drama I have just overheard of the "friends" where its just one thing after another and then someone's upset or the posts online about constant betrayal within friends. Like you curated that. you chose to talk and associate with those people and there's absolutly no way you didn't see this coming or at the very least guess seeing as you know the person.
Obviously I don't know others positions and just talking as an outsider but it's still wild to me.
I'm lucky I never really got those types of friends or anything like that and the ones I have had over the years either ended just naturally or haven't and theyre all fairly good people all in all.
I guess you jsut attract like minded people usually and I can imagine doing anything like that to anyone but also I'm a pretty boring person. Hell New years eve all 4 of us were together and had totally legal substances and yet one was passed out before 11 (he passes out at like 9 every day. I'm surprised he stayed awake that long) and when I walked back in the door after dropping my brother back off just before midnight and was ready to start drinking, they were relaxing on the couches and just watching a show waiting for the ball drop livestream to come back on.
Very relaxed and chilled out and defnetly what I would've been doing but also, damn we are boring. it would be fun to actaully party yet I know I would end up hating it.
anyways yeah just thinking thoughts and that I'm glad no one at the very least voiced that they were disappointed and they just wished me to feel better soon.
hell even the boy I broke up with was super cool about it and everything. my friends significant other that the both of them were super mushy lovey dovey was a passive aggressive dick after they decided to break it up. sent lyrics to a song and shit. idk the full details but like mine said that it's okay and he just wants me to be happy.
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meikostan · 2 years
fuck it. vocaloid reblog game time. reblog & write your controversial vocaloid opinions in the tags
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classpect roasts masterpost
happy holidays, everyone. due to there being two hundred and one requests for roasts in the ask box right now ive taken the initiative to do something far easier. twenty four roasts. twelve aspects. twelve classes. you can mix and match these as you see fit. i am now going to delete every ask in the inbox
LIGHT: hows following the sparknotes twitter account going for you 
VOID: you have a youtube playlist saved of "obscure videos" you found on reddit that are in like 240p and you think theyre funny just because you dont know whats happening in them 
HEART: watching steven universe isnt a personality trait 
MIND: you genuinely kin the song rät by penelope scott 
TIME: stop fucking slamming your head into every available hard surface just for kicks i swear to GOD 
SPACE: you played cookie clicker because you thought it was a game you could win if you just tried hard enough 
LIFE: you probably smoked actual grass not knowing what weed is 
DOOM: you know every word to bring me to life by evanescence 
BREATH: youre not "adaptable" youre just "annoying" 
BLOOD: in any given shounen anime youd be the bitch who kills several henchmen and then dips on the main antagonist because "its not right guys it makes us just as bad as them" 
RAGE: youd end up in a 2013 road rage dash cam compilation 
HOPE: you have protagonist syndrome and it is sickening
KNIGHT: youre emotionally repressed as shit. now this is a common thing but you are uncommonly aware of it. active/passive knight debates aside you ARE an active class so fucking ACT like it you sick freak 
PAGE: you are a page 
BARD: get your shit under control. you are not helpless to the destruction you cause. try harder. you’e not “quirky,” youre diseased. act like it 
PRINCE: you hate yourself so much id almost feel bad roasting you if i was normal. luckily i am a thief and i do not. advice: stop being so self-centered regarding your various angsts other people do exist and interact with you 
THIEF: we get it 
ROGUE: see: roast of your own inverse aspect 
SEER: put away the fucking clipboard. yes i know its metaphorical put it the fuck away and stop "categorizing" your silly little "information" instead try "making" some "friends" 
MAGE: who ARE you lol 
WITCH: you entered puberty and havent stopped having extreme mood swings since. it does not matter if you are currently 14 or 25. this applies universally 
HEIR: YOU have adhd 
SYLPH: honestly theres so much to unpack here that boiling it down is going to be hard. heres my advice: shut up 
MAID: in 6th to 7th grade you practiced a fake stutter because you thought it would make you more appealing/cute/anime to the general populace
-mod li
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fatfemmearoorc · 4 years
this shit is what people mean by "cottagecore is used by terfs to advertise their ideology to vulnerable queers looking to escape while also neo-colonizing real life modern places that people just Live in" and "terfs/radfem your aesthetics with their dog whistles to shimmy their way into your spaces and no amount of no true scotsmanning will magic them away" (with a healthy dollop of cult bullshit).
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most everything here Looks fairly innocuous, or at least could pass as neutral if you're not good at seeing terf and radfem dog whistle ("womyn" aside lol).
what's Especially notable, however, and for various reasons, are "pagan homestead", "seperatism", "priestess of avalon", and perhaps most sinister the psuedo-comforting calls to message the op if youre in need of "healing and wisdom."
lets get into the fairly simple things first. the cottagecore-esque "pagan homestead," especially some sort of alaskan isolated terf/radfem compound who knows where and attained who knows how. probably with no mind towards whos land its on, re: the actual native people who still actually fucking Live there to this day. many of us have Heard the issues with and discussions about cottagecore in general, and im not even native, so im just going to link a few articles and sources at the bottom of this post from people with more experience on the subject than me, and put my faith in your ability to make your opinions and critical thoughts.
next, the paganism thing. heres the thing. some of these people will fake your aesthetic to advertise their ideology, using convenient paint to find vulnerable queers and women.
but more dangerously some of them just genuine believe. something we forget is that terfs and radfems arent cartoon villians, theyre very real people. and i dont say this to, like, give them Room or some sort of appeal to emotion, but because when we stop thinking of them as people, then we stop understanding their actions as the actions a person makes. we stop understanding their motives, we stop recognizing that their actions are decisions, human error, human malice. we start thinking of them as Those Things Over There that occasionally say Really Weird Shit thats Super Funny in its absurdity. UNTIL you take more than a five second look and you realize they often arent saying a word salad, but a vile cocktail of transmisogyny and self isolating group specific slang designed to make Her feel like shes in the In Group and you feel like the Out Group (which is a red flag for cult bullshit)
its important to recognize that people with Your passions, Your favorite songs, Your opinions on your favorite show, are terfs. they are people. they eat the same food you do, they like the same sodas. we arent not a different species. the difference between a terf and you is simply a Whole lot of respectibility politics aimed at the most vulnerable population they can muster sustainable hate for. they Are in your communities and they Will leverage your shared passions hide their hate behind you. they'll feel perfectly justified about it, too.
finally, what i find most personally alarming perhaps, is that homestead tag and "intentional community" and "seperationist community" in conjunction witht those very first tags. "if you feel called to hold space for healing and wisdom, reach out to us and lets talk."
listen. ladies. any radfems or terfs out there reading this just because its reached yall's circles or because some of you happen to have incognito blogs or just anyone who the post in the screenshot even Slightly appeals to. i cannot stress how MONUMENTALLY horrible a bad idea it would be to take this person up on their offer. this is primo classic cmpound cult bullshit red Flags. no matter how unlikely it seems the op will actually get the money or whatever to actually do what shes talking about, i really cannot stress how Bad and Awful an idea it is to connect with people like this, emotionally or physically. i know that people like this (ideology aside) seem nice and compassionate, and maybe they even are, on certain levels. but people who want to isolate you spiritually, socially, and physically. this person wants to take you and your money to some isolated compound in the wilderness of alaska, and in the meantime just has an Open call to spiritual counseling on their blog based on that goal. these are huge red flags.
these people are Not mean when you meet them. they are not Rude, they will Not abuse you in their Cult Bullshit Pitch. theyre not going to have the Cult robes on and they probably wont ask you to fuck the devil or anything. they will use your passions, your fears, your needs. they will seem accepting, they will seem like theyve known you your whole life, and they will seem like the only ones who understand you.
anyway long story short, this person is an embryonic cult member/leader, this is how people use your interests to get to You, and this is specifically how terfs and radfems use cottagecore and modern colonialist farm fantasies.
- https://www.hercampus.com/school/vcu/cottagecore-aesthetic-racist
- https://www.bitchmedia.org/article/black-women-cottagecore-whiteness
- https://witchwithme.com/2020/08/28/cottagecore-a-gateway-to-romanticizing-settler-colonialism/
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scoupsy-remade · 4 years
hi!!! i was looking at your blog and your gfx, and theyre soo pretty!! and i've been wanting to try my hand at gfx, so i was wondering if you had any advice for starting? thank you so much!!! :)))
ohhh i love when people want to start making gfx!! i’m totally here for anything you need help with!! I have a tutorial i made a while ago on an old blog here if you wanna check that out (i should make a new one tbh but i think it holds up okay) 
Using my HHU  edit I’ll try to explain how I go about doing it. some things i tend to do is trying to come up with a color palette first! like i’ll pick a mv, so Check In, and then try to decide what colors it makes me think of. in this case Mingyu’s cheeto hair was very inspiring lol. so check in is fun but a bit chaotic so i picked a few fonts that felt that way, and used them to write the title/ seventeen. It’s important to keep fonts either very similar or have one be messy and the other be very uniform (like time new roman) so that the picture keeps a cleaner look, doing a lot of different fonts can look bad because they pull attention from each other and your mind doesn't know where to focus. 
With mv gfx i always to to think about what i find appealing about the song, something I love about check in is all the call outs to different cities, so i scribbled them in the background messily to go with the feel of the song keeping them very light because i didn’t want too many conflicting fonts like I said before. 
I splattered some orange paint around a screenshot of the boys because again, chaos is VERY hhu to me.  Something you definitely don't have to do, but I really love is making different panels overlap, so I added static to the bottom of the check in panel because i had decided that Trauma was going to be more futuristic and glitch based. 
Again I picked a color palette, this time I used yellow red and the tealish blue from trauma because they’re very present throughout the mv. and my font choice was based on the font they use in the video but i bit more broken, since I wanted glitches. and I repeated it for Un Haeng il chi, but thought of their live stage since that song lacks a mv. 
Some other things to remember are be mindful of your negative space. everything should have some blank space so that the gfx look cleaner and don't overwhelm the viewer. sticking with a theme/color palette will automatically make your work look very purposeful (i’ve accidentally done so many things that worked out well just because the color scheme made it blend better) and don't be afraid to seek out inspiration. 
Tumblr has a LOT of insanely talented gfx makers with a lot of different styles of gfx. seeing what appeals to you can help you figure out what kind of content you can be inspired to make (and by inspired i do NOT mean copying people's gfx please). i for example, do love pastel gfx but neon inspires me so much that it’s what i think i work best with. fool around with everything too, gfx can have 100 elements to them, or just 2. there aren’t any rules, you just start layering pictures and textures until things feel right. 
doing things for music videos is a great starting point because it will already have a bunch of elements to work with. Like fallen flower has lots of flowers and grainy textures already so you can use those elements to bring out the video, or HIT has so much neon and digital overlays of triangles and things to use as ideas! I know this is long winded and I apologize for that lol, but it you want any advice or have specific questions you can always send me an ask or a message, I’m here to help!!! 
edit: also I wanna add I get my fonts from dafont, and a lot of pictures/ texture from upsplash because all the stuff posted there is free to use!
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quarktrinity · 5 years
hey so remember that post i made talking about how connor murphy is an abusive shithole? id like to make some adjustments to that.
in that post, i said that people are still allowes to like/relate to connor murphy and/or evan hansen. i only said that because if i didnt constantly cater to the opinions of deh stans, id be burned at the stake for it, and even when i did cater to them, i got people saying that connor actually isnt abusive, and that i should "let people enjoy things, karen".
well you know what? i literally dont give a shit right now.
dear evan hansen is a shitty garbage musical and anyone who tries to defend it needs to read the fuck out of this post.
lets address the elephant in the room. connor murphy abuses his sister. this shouldnt be up for debate, its literally part of his character, and basically stated in the script, which i own. if you "disagree" with this, i think you need to watch that show again.
so now that thats out of the way, i can go further into detail about this.
deh portrays connor murphy as a ~complicated~ individual, and says that even though he did bad things, the world shouldve been more welcoming and kind to him, and his parents shouldve tried harder to help him.
and sure, okay, his parents definitely sucked at trying to give their son the help he needed, but are we actually just going to skim over the fact that hes abusive? he threatened his sister and treated her like shit daily, thats not ~complicated~, thats called abuse, and the writers of this show cant fucking put this kid on the pedestal they put him on without giving the impression that they think abuse is justifiable.
you cant have it both ways. you cant have a character be irredeemable, then try to portray them in a sympathetic light. it makes you look like an asshole.
so if connors such a shithole, why do so many people like him?
well, lets just say that if sincerely me wasnt a song, people wouldnt give a shit about him. this is a classic case of "piece of media has a character say theyre gay, then pass it off as a joke to appeal to the straights, and lgbt+ fans eat it up." once fans had that impression of him, they couldnt let it go.
but that isnt who connor is. thats literally the point of sincerely me. connor isnt the cutesy sad baby you think he is, hes an abusive piece of shit who doesnt deserve the attention he got.
you might say: "but he was depressed!" "but his parents were neglectful!" "but he was ostracized!" and to that i say:
okay. that sucks. so?
how would any of that make him a sympathetic character? how would any of that justify giving the positive attention connor got? short answer: it wouldnt. long answer: you guys love saying "that doesnt make it okay, but..." but what you really mean is "i dont apply critical thinking to the characters i like because im stubborn about holding onto the first impression i had of them, so i dont care how objectively horrible they are, as long as i can tangentially relate to them via pride flags and neurodivergency, im good."
to portray connor the way he was portrayed is unacceptable. i literally cannot express how disgusted i am at this show and its fans.
moving on to the other huge asshole of this show, evan hansen himself.
where do i even start with evan hansen? well, lets make a list of all the reprehensible things hes done in the musical:
gaslighted an abuse victim into thinking her abuser loved her as a method to pursue her romantically
lied to said abusers entire family, painting a picture of a perfect child that definitely was nowhere close to who he actually was
antagonized his mother, claiming she saw him as "broken" when she was just trying to help him with his anxiety
hurt literally every single person in the musical and didnt hesitate to go straight for the jugular on every one of them
defended connor by saying "life is messy, people are complicated, blah blah blah blah false morality"
but sure hes adorable because anxiety.
evan hansen does not come anywhere close to what people call "morally gray" or "a good person doing bad things." i seriously cant think of a single thing he did in the musical that was solely for someone elses benefit. hes a selfish person. thats his whole thing. he wants attention so bad that he was willing to do outrageously bad things to get it. this isnt a matter of anxiety and getting caught up in a lie that got too big to let go, its a matter of being selfish. thats it. he isnt a good person. stop acting like he is.
the final thing id like to say is to those who identify as connorkin or evankin, or just relate to either of them as characters. to those people, i can say either 1) you dont know these characters as well as you think you do, and youre mistaken, OR, 2) you literally identify with one of these piles of human garbage, go away. im not going to waste my time arguing with people who relate to abusers/people who defend abusers
and if you think ive said "abuse/abuser" too much, and that i should find more creative ways to criticize connors character, i hate to break it to you, but theres not much else to say about him. the majority of whats said about him in dear evan hansen is a lie, so all i know about him is: 1) abuser, 2) some incident with a printer, so hes evidently a violent person, 3) weed, 4) depression? i guess? and 5) just a general asshole
thats kind of it
dear evan hansen spits in the face of abuse victims. it spits in the face of those who have depression or anxiety. it spits in the face of suicidal teenagers. it spits in the face of everything it pretends it cares about.
its a disgusting and damaging show, and id greatly appreciate it if i never had to see anyone sing its praises ever again.
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melekseev · 5 years
so i FINALLY bring you my esc19 toplist, all under the cut, with short comments.
also be aware i literally... enjoy my top 31. so twenty something places might sound bad.. BUT THEYRE REALLY NOT, I JUST LOVE A LOT. i went into this year thinking it was weak, and then after i had this playlist on so much, hello, i love a ton. nevertheless, just my taste and opinions and good luck to all of them~
1. France ABSOLUTE KIN G stuck in first place because this is undoubtedly my most listened song this year, and i'm absolutely hooked on it. i am somewhat worried about that coming revamp, but. but i fcking love this song, and he improved those vocals like d amn 2. Russia i.... am in love. every time i hear this song it gets me into that sort of dramatic ecstasy and it's so big and beautiful that it just... it kills me. i die. thats it 3. Italy soldi is still my jam, and i adore it to bits 4. Slovenia this masterpiece is one i just want to protect. so soothing, i LOVE listening to it, it's just ethereal 5. Netherlands this song, at one point, was almost at every possible spot on my list from middle to top 15, but then it stuck with me and now it's utter love 6. Hungary i adore his voice, no bias. his whole vibe, his unique delivery and technique, that folky sound, like... yes please 7. Switzerland i am not ashamed to say i am utter trash for this song. every single part i love about this. like holy shit, this time switzerland better make it thEY EARNED IT 8. Australia she is QUEEN, i considered dropping it from my top 10 when trying to readjust ONE TIME and upon relistening i instantly was like "okay no way it's going anywhere", i just unironically love it a LOT 9. Norway actual legends... this song just cheers me up to SUCH an extent! love the joiking... i love eveything, bless you norway 10. Belgium at first, i had issues with it, because i wanted a bigger drop near the end, but now i'm just absolutely... in love... it convinced me. the instrumental, the building up, the dark undertone, just. i adore this 11. Poland oH I LOVE THEM SO MU CH. li s t en. i can't explain it, but they give me like a lowkey vibe of soft punk-rock theme but also like...?? japanese pop?? but no, it's polish and slavic and traditional and i'm really really vibing with it, because some of it is familiar from my own culture, and these girls S LAY 12. Albania albania always delivering those vocals.. i love the mystical vibe with the ethnic sound, it's simply gorgeous 13. San Marino can you believe i unironically HONESTLY thoroughly enjoy this song?? serhat is an icon, but his voice actually really fits with this song and i always get super into it. i'm so happy this exists lmao 14. Azerbaijan i'm very very much into this song, and i'm EXTREMELY curious to see how he pulls this off live as it seems to be such a radio song, but i have hopes. i just dig it, like... like a LOT 15. Czech Republic this is the most chill song this year, and despite the silly, easygoing lyrics it's just... extremely fun, and it's been my jam since it came out 16. Croatia listen. l i sten. i love... theatrical. i love big strong voice explosions. this CHILD is talented as fuck. i know many people hate this, but the song actually grew on me, and then today i just honestly love it. i wish the whole song was in croatian, but even with the not so great lyrics, i'm eating it up and singing along. i know he won't make it, but oh well. it's okay Roko, i love your voice and song 17. Armenia i really love this one, too. she convinced me further in amsterdam bc she absolutely killed it (although i feel like she had a nervous slip in the very beginning) but then after that.. holyshit. such a tiny girl with such a huge voice 18. Spain honestly, if you tell me earlier it would end up this high at one point i wouldn't believe you.. i never /hated/ it per se, but i also wasn't really impressed or as into it as most people were. i think the revamp was the one that convinced me in the end, because it forced me to face the fact that i do honestly enjoy this more than i want to. also now im nostalgic towards anything spanish, even if its different, bye 19. Finland yes, this might be nothing special, but i just... enjoy it. i genuinely do, and there are certain parts i especially love, and so therefore. like. yes. 20. Estonia as much as i didn't want to like this originally, i do. like, i really do. it just happened, and i'm not mad about it 21. Romania this song is a big grower for me, and to this day the more i hear it the more i get into it still 22. UK Michael's live delivery elevates this otherwise not so amazing song like... so much. i feel like the UK does tend to send songs with this particular theme, but i actually enjoy it quite a lot when he's doing it live. his voice is impressive, and so... here he. 23. Sweden these two ^ i always moved around together for some reason, as if they were linked, which might be because John wrote both songs, although i learned that later(??? but in the end, i feel like i prefer UK a bit more. this is also really good though, it works, and it has a great vibe for esc 24. Portugal so this one slipped quite far off, as with time i sort of lost the enthusiasm for it. i still find it unique and enjoy it nevertheless though, so it could definitely be worse 25. Greece i'm in quite a pickle because after not necessarily being super into this song, i started to really like it (VOICE, BRUH) but then the amsterdam concert happened. I KNOW she was sick, though, so i sort of have this on hold. if she delivers later, which i'm sure she will, she stays, but if not, this might drop a few slots 26. Lithuania this is another song that just makes me happy and makes me smile, and i can't explain it. i love lionboy. i'm just here for it 27. Serbia her voice is quite literally pristine, i love that she's singing in serbian, and i do appreciate her a lot as i honestly enjoy this song when it's on. it tends to slip my mind, though, which i hate it does, because it's beautiful and i'm rooting for her 28. Cyprus super unpopular opinion, but i actually like this a lot more than Fuego, and don't necessarily compare the two. HOWEVER i do kinda feel like i'm seeing the same thing from the same country, like, immediately after, which makes me a little less excited about it, oof 29. North Macedonia see, the message is very nice. the song actually grew on me a bit compared to the first time i heard it, but i still just... wish it was better. i like it overall, but it's just about pushing it 30. Israel he's actually very talented and on point vocally. the only reason it's not higher is simply because it's just not really my style, but it's one i still appreciate on stage 31. Georgia there is something about this that i like. i respect him, and when near the end there's sooo much power, then especially i really dig it 32. Montenegro the revamp did help them quite a lot, but overall it still kinda feels like a high school chorus, and i'm just not really for it 33. Moldova her voice is really nice, and despite how i found it just... done several times and kind of boring (oops), her live made me appreciate this just a bit more 34. Ireland i feel like this song is just kind of... there, for the sake of being there. it's not even bad, it's just... meh? 35. Malta that chorus is a major turn off for me, and it's neeeearing that point where a song just starts to annoy me... which i feel like is worse than simply not liking something, so it's on thin ice 36. Austria first of all i think her voice is very lovely. BUT... after about the 4th yo-o-o-ouh it does tip and starts to annoy me, which i wish it didn't, but... but it does 37. Belarus i wanna talk about how they had a huge shot with Michael Soul, but i will not go down that road and focus on Zena. this song just feels like a mess to me. like... a young britney spears song, but bad. i really don't get the appeal, at all 38. Latvia hhhhhhh. this one annoys me so much, i just can't begin to explain. it's flat, repetitive, and the chorus (??) fries my nerves in a matter of seconds, IM SORRY 39. Denmark oof... o o of. i don't want to be rude but basically this feels exactly like what you'd expect a junior eurovision song to be like.... except those are actually better. it's just... no. no. way too much sugar. it’s all just... no 40. Germany speaking of songs that annoy me? i feel like this is definitely the one i can't stand the most. *screeches* SISTAH x4 41. Iceland listen i'm not going to talk about this for long but basically i really heavily dislike this for a few reasons and can never listen all the way through without like.. suffering. the funniest thing is that i love the beat. but then.. the singing (NOT even the style) it just. it makes me angry, cuz this could be good. but it's not. also i don't like the pretend-gay stuff. but that's just me
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wickymicky · 5 years
god what a disappointment lmao... i didnt even have my hopes up in the first place but still... i’m gonna listen to Violeta again lmao that song is great and really bold, this Buenos Aires thing just isn’t. it sounds like a fuckin middle aged creep seeing izone succeed with La Vie en Rose and Violeta and going “aw man.... i’m part of this production too right? i wanna do that tooo.....” but all he does is add a bit of like fake trap-production superficially (because he doesnt understand what makes that genre and sound palette appealing) and some whooshes and loud drum sounds and just slap those onto a pretty regular AKB48 song.
i cannot get over how bad the vocals sound.... owiejgniiwojrfingjijiojwefignjijiofgnjoigjrniefg
look at Chaeyeon at 1:27
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listen to this part of the song. she’s cool as hell and unconquerable.... visually. but the voice doesnt even sound like her, it doesnt sound like any of them, it sounds like a single robot is singing this entire song, it doesnt sounds like 12 different people. wioeufjowkpfeivijneiqowkprfvnigubqhwoefpjiwo and this part with Chaeyeon looks like its supposed to sound cool or something but it just doesnt, at all... Chaeyeon you deserve soooooooooooo much better....
i wanna hear someone who knows what theyre doing mix this.... take the raw audio and shit and just make it sound better.... god.... 
compare this with Violeta where the song and the video both convey the exact same feeling... theyre expensive and beautiful and somewhat mysterious. maybe that’s just cause Digipedi is the best video producer in kpop, but like... you’d get that vibe from the fucking song alone. you would not get any sort of cool vibe from the Buenos Aires audio. weoifkmnjbkwojkeflvjngeqwoifkpngjqewiuhofjgqnjweojfgqeoigjfjef
fuck man, this just makes me appreciate how good Violeta is and how PERFECTLY they suit that sound, that vibe, that concept, that color palette... everything
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uiruu · 5 years
Okay so here’s a confession lmao... I kind of got into Loona because of Hunter x Hunter. 
I got caught up in the HxH manga, and there are apparently a lot of references to a jpop idol group called Keyakizaka46. There’s a nen ability called “Silent Majority”, which is like a doll thing with the exact same haircut as the main member of that group, who has a song called Silent Majority. Also Halkenburg’s bow and arrow nen ability has him make a pose from the song Fukyouwaon. So I saw that and was like “WHAT THE HELL TOGASHI”, and I checked out those songs. They’re okay. Nothing to write home about. I mean like, they’re fun I guess, I like Fukyouwaon better of those two (which are the only ones I heard), but idk. I listened to it a lot for a couple days, it was like a guilty pleasure thing haha. And then like I must have seen posts from some of my HxH mutuals (who probably aren’t mutuals anymore after... uh... the drama in late february lmao...) post about Loona, and I was like okay, if I’m listening to this idol group that I can kinda tell isn’t like the highest quality thing in the world, let’s see what a Real group is like. 
I wasn’t really attuned to the differences between jpop and kpop, though I think I have a better understanding of the prevailing trends and styles that differentiate them (not just language. theyre as different as hiphop from LA and UK grime rap. that’s pretty different). But yeah, I was interested to see what a really Quality group sounded like. I wasn’t really expecting much, I was expecting something very catchy but kinda bland, like a lot of American pop is. I was also expecting something a little exploitative because of just the nature of having a group of “idols”, and I’d heard stuff about the kpop industry that wasn’t pleasant. 
And like, I listened to Hi High (which was the top result at the time. i got into them about a week before Butterfly), and I liked it at first. I wasn’t ready to let myself love it, though. In the back of my mind there was that voice saying “lol what are you doing, you are not the target audience for this, i should keep this to myself cause it’s embarrassing. if i admit that i’m listening to kpop right now i’ll be laughed at haha”. But still, it was catchy as hell and I liked that. The video production was sooooo good too, that video looks like a movie.
I watched Egoist too cause I guess it was the top related video, and I thought that song was pretty good, but idk I guess a lot of it just didn’t like sink in or something? I don’t really know. I listened to some others but didn’t find anything that stood out, I think there was a point just before Butterfly released where I liked Hi High, Egoist, and Love Cherry Motion (though I was kinda iffy on that one). I remember talking to my friend Jaci about them cause I know Jaci’s a kpop fan, and they said that they were kinda into Loona but not especially, though Heart Attack is one of the best kpop songs ever made. After hearing that, I listened to Heart Attack, but I didn’t really like it, it was a bit too bubblegummy for me, I guess.
Then Butterfly came out, and by then I knew most of the members by name (not all), and I had watched videos from people like formoftherapy about the songs I had heard and so I felt better about liking kpop cause the illusion of it being completely shallow was shattered. Butterfly didnt wow me at first... I liked the video a lot but the song was kinda eh. The “wings, wings” in the chorus stuck out to me in a bad way lol, I didn’t like that. 
So anyway, by then I was like huh, I’m gonna check out some more stuff. So I listened to groups like Momoland and Blackpink and Red Velvet. And by listened to, I mean really just kinda one song from each of those. I listened to other Momoland songs after Bboom Bboom and they didnt really do anything for me. I listened to Red Velvet songs besides Peekaboo and they were okay, Russian Roulette was pretty good but not something that really wowed me, but I was super super super into Blackpink for about a week there haha. I don’t know, I really liked Ddu-Du Ddu-Du, and I liked the members a lot. They’re only four members, so it was really easy to get into them. I listened to more of their songs though and at first I liked them, but the more I listened, the more I realized how bad they are lol. The members themselves are fine but god, some of the other Blackpink songs besides that one are just really bad. To me, anyway. And I think that’s when I realized... oh... Loona’s really something unique, huh?
Like, listening to other groups made me like Loona more hahaha. That’s when everything started to click with me. Songs that didnt impress me at first, like Girl Front and Favorite and especially Heart Attack started REALLY clicking with me. Suddenly every song I listened to from them I liked. And I was noticing things in their songs that I didn’t notice at first. And like, that’s also when it hit me... oh, it’s not just that Grimes did a feature in the intro to one of their songs, they actually take a lot of inspiration from Grimes musically. Aaaaaand that was the nail in the coffin. See, I was one of the biggest Grimes fans alive before we all collectively realized she’s kind of a shitty person. So, to see the good aspects of her music translated and adapted and iterated on by another group is cool. It also kinda made me facepalm because like god fucking damn it, I thought I was free of Grimes, turns out even when I get into something I thought was totally separate, nope... I can’t escape haha. Then though I started noticing interesting and experimental-ish production EVERYWHERE in their songs. 
And that’s when I’m like okay... I gotta finally go through and watch all their videos in order. I knew bits and pieces about the Loonaverse already, so I was ready to sink my teeth in and see it all for myself. It takes about 2 hours to watch all their music videos but it’s really worth it, that was a cool experience haha. The next day, I watched some of formoftherapy’s reactions to doing that same marathon too, and that helped me notice and appreciate even more things, especially about the music video production, since that’s what they specialize in talking about. 
And then you know, two or so weeks later, here we are, and I’m all in, haha. It’s wild to think that I thought Egoist was pretty good and Heart Attack was not really my cup of tea at first haha. Egoist now blows me away EVERY time I watch that video... the song is sooooooo good and the video is maybe their best and most cohesive video aesthetically and thematically speaking. Heart Attack is also in my top 5 songs now.. so is Butterfly haha, that song grew on me a lot too. It helps for Butterfly that the choreo and video are so artistic and masterful. 
Oh, also, one last thing, in the part where I mention other groups... I don’t wanna knock Red Velvet at all. I love Red Velvet. I could write a separate post about my journey with their music too, and how there was a moment when their songs also started clicking for me, and I think they’re just as adventurous and eccentric as Loona. I like Loona more cause I’m more personally invested, and I think Loona covers a broader range of styles and themes and stuff, but Red Velvet are really, really good. I cannot overstate that lol. Also, there are other groups and songs I’ve gotten into since then too, I’m not just a fan of two groups lol. Though to be honest, if I had to pick the ones that I think are doing something really interesting and stand out from the crowd, I think there’s only three groups I would call myself a die hard fan of, and that’s Loona, Red Velvet, and Fromis_9 (who have sooo much potential, im excited to see where they go). 
That’s all! I don’t expect anyone will reblog this (cause its so specific to me lol) or even read this, it’s pretty long after all, but if you did, thanks <3 I just wanted to write about my journey with this. Cause like, it’s cool how this type of thing can happen. It was cool to watch myself start to allow myself to really get into it. I could feel myself getting more and more into it but I was embarrassed about that and I thought it was really lame of me haha. I don’t mean that I was sad or scared or whatever, again, I just thought it was really lame haha. But I mean, deep down I thought it was cool, and the more I got into it, the more that became the only way I thought of it. And now I just think it’s really worth checking out and like not all that lame at all. There are lame groups, yeah. It’s just cool that Loona isn’t one of those. I didn’t expect that the one I heard the most about was 1. not even close to the most popular, and 2. really deeply musically interesting and risktaking, and that’s something that’s always appealed to me about the music I like. Who knew that Loona of all groups would be like that lol. You know... Loona. From the “Stan Loona” memes. Huh. 
Go figure. 
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