#theyre starving man
mcybree · 5 months
im crying these results are actually so fucking funny. still putting scott in jail but to the three Everyone Sucks Here voters. I love you
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shahareen · 7 months
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never has there ever been a ship that goes through this cycle like asaden does
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stiffyck · 2 months
Trans hermits. You agree.
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cemetery14 · 3 months
so youre saying mayuzumi just so happened to randomly change his mind about staying on the team after akashi praised him a little
i know this man only stays on this team because akashi tells him "good job" after he passes to him
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whilomm · 16 days
the whole "would you rather be alone with a man or a bear in the woods" thing is so fucking infuriating from all sides like on one hand u got the MRA cunts getting waaay too angry over it and proving that they specifically are Bad People to be alone in the woods w, like yeah no 99% of men id see on a hike who gives a shit but U Specifically are worrying. and on the other hand u have the genuinely worrying notion that some ppl are either so terrified of strangers conceptually that they think the very common occurance of "passing a stranger on a hike" is the beginning to one of their spicey true crime murder horror stories, which as much as i hate to say it Says A Lot About Society (general fear of strangers/lack of community fostered in the U.S.A. and shit and that leads to obsessions with security theatre/further isolation in the name of "safety" blah blah blah u kno the drill) meanwhile when ppl who actually go hiking see this they are just like "uhm idk when i see random dudes i just like. nod at them as i pass by" bc tbey actually Go Outside and realize being alone w a strange man on a hike just. happens. a lot. passingly. OR the possibility that some of these are people who are the reason why they have to plaster "DONT FEED THE BEARS" signs everywhere. which. well there are studies showing that quite a few americans are convinced they could take a bear in a fight, i wouldnt be surprised if a lotta ppl have a skewed idea of How Dangerous Bears Are.
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fauvester · 1 year
Do lim and garak ever have a genuine bonding moment?
OUGHH I think he has to get a lot of his therapizing done offscreen and internally. He needs to put aside his anger and see his father and his contemporaries for the flawed-but-trying people they are. Iskra doesn't really help, but eventually 'if you'd been born into his position you would have done the same thing to protect Cardassia that he did, except worse, because he's smarter than you' settles in.
Garak has to learn to speak his mind more plainly because Lim sees his vague allusions and crafty lies as a cowardly way to hide unpleasant truths. Galactic politics necessitates that he tones his monomaniac Cardassian exceptionalism down, and eventually that may grow to reflect his genuine feelings (but if asked he will certainly lie, so who knows?) Lim needs to grow up a little, see that his parents are also just people trying their best like he is, and maybe go through the mundane trials of adult life on a stunned and recuperating planet to sand his edges off. It's very gradual.
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Also tbh they need some time to develop things in common... Lim isn't very well read, doesn't like to talk for fun and is inconsistently disparaging of anything unnecessarily decorative. But eventually he develops an appreciation for creature comforts and realizes that that doesn't make him a bad person, and then he and Garak can debate about what color to paint the house siding or whether or not the azaleas will grow in full sun.
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But he very much benefits from some good yadek hugs now and then...
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grim-faux · 3 months
The Achievement Post Industrial inspired the idea that there are adults in the Pale City that pose no threat to the children, and manage to survive through various 'creative' means.
Unless they encounter a child, like Mono.
Since adults are all 'monsters' and always pose a threat to children - even when they don't mean to - children either avoid or will dispatch the threat. Usually avoid.
Unless it's Mono. He's very protective of his Thin Man.
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fluxydrawings · 2 years
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hello lifesteal fandom. this guy’s been standing menacingly in my head until i drew him so have a clown :)
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jaijaitbinks · 2 years
Ive been brainrotting this since last night, and I really want an OPM Personality Swap au, but just Genos and Saitama
Like. Genos being very laidback and neutral and overall just. Chill. And Saitama is this over the top, overly dedicated and motivated, serious, and pretty goddamn clingy guy.
Genos' behavior is almost exact to Canon Saitama's because his emotions have dulled, a result of him being turned into a cyborg and his brain being affected in the process. He only really expresses anger, and that's majorly, if not solely, the result of his hatred towards the Mad Cyborg. But, when he meets Saitama, he does get attached and slowly becomes more emotionally responsive.
Saitama is this guy who heavily believes in justice and wants to do right for the world using his extreme strength. Granted, he still has his depression (which he had prior to achieving strength. His strength only amplified it) and that constant wish of wanting an opponent as strong as him, but he never lets that show. He focuses on what he does in the now and the fact he protects people. When he meets Genos, he becomes an extremely dedicated "sensei". He tries his best to always teach Genos something, even if it is something small or ultimately useless in gaining strength/power, and he always worries for him.
Genos asks to become Saitama's student because he wants to be stronger, but he also hopes to gain his emotionalism back because self-objectification go brr
Saitama willingly accepts and becomes serious about being Gen's sensei because he wants to help Genos regain his emotions (which, he doesn't know Genos himself wants. He just felt bad about it and wanted to help him) and assist him in his search for revenge. But he also hopes that, if he can teach Genos how to become strong, he won't be so lonely anymore.
Other than that, plot is still the same.
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remadra · 2 years
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He is ancient in every aspect except the most technical.
Webber: Mister Maxwell, how old are you?
Wendy: I said 98.
Maxwell: Let's see... the twins are 11... so I should be... I think... 43?
Webber: Jesus Christ, have you heard of exfoliating?
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eldhuug · 1 year
Two men who fucking suck at being taken care of but who try so fucking hard to care for the other and cannot fathom why its so hard to accept the help and concern that contain their affection... But they try anyways
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jerseyclown · 1 month
idk whats happening w my body lately but its ok
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hecksupremechips · 3 months
Teehee I got hugged today 🥰
#the klock keeps ticking#it was literally like 2 seconds but idk im like WOOOOO#like it wasnt long enough for me to be all satisfied touch wise nah im so starved itd take all night and day man#and also this particular person is uh. very special ahem. and it was like#i wrapped my arms around them best I could and i could just feel their hips and like their body squish under my hands#cuz theyre so squishy and sturdy at the same time it felt safe and its like. thats really scary actually#ive never ever felt safe hugging anyone this kinda thing is brand new to me#touch in general is new to me. at least consensual touch that i wanted and initiated#and i just felt really nervous cuz like i really love this person but sometimes its hard cuz like ‘guys’ dont hug each other often#or at least not in a case like this where we’re friends but theres this sorta avoidance around anything romantic#cuz we’re both very awkward and also uh. trying not to cross certain boundaries just yet we need time#but unfortunately im so aaaaa rn and touch starved and i was like im just gonna bite the bullet and ask if we can hug LIKE A DAMN GAY ASS#its like fuck i may as well propose marriage and get on all fours while im at it aaghhhhh why am i like this#but it was fine they werent weirded out or anything. not visibly anyway. and they hugged me!!!#me! of all people! im like so happy we got to hug but im also really pissed cuz it was really brief and i didnt get to memorize how they#felt and now im just like grrrrr. fucking tease why must i be so tortured i get the smallest taste and then poof its gone#i just wanna cuddle and hug them for hours and pull their hair and feel their body all over and uhhhhhhhhh#ahem. i may be getting too gay here huh. damn itttt. fuck me. how do you ask your mate if you can explore bodies#in a way that definitely isnt platonic without making things weird
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mamawasatesttube · 11 months
Timkon shower together and people think they’re having sexy times when in reality they’re giving each other shampoo mohawks and bubble beards and singing songs from their fav musicals
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arolesbianism · 5 months
You see Jackie is great because she has a similar appeal to me as Maxwell but she's a lesbian and also not british so she's automatically a billion times better and more interesting
#rat rambles#oni posting#starve posting#theyre very different people fundementally but the core appeal of watching a shitty guy dig themselves into deeper and deeper holes remains#bro if they met itd make maxwell so pissy he would not be ok with having someone talk down at him like jackie would#bro jackie would at best be patronizing as hell she would see him as the dirt beneath her shoes#she would not be impressed by his magic tricks at best shed be intrigued by the science behind it but she would not think hes special#now to be clear. jackie is just as pathetic as he is and would 100% die so fast in the constant#like shed get attacked by nightmare creatures so fast and if she survived that a hound would probably maul her#I do hc that at least in the past jackie was decently physically fit but even back then she was like ripped and I think if she tried to#punch something shed miss pathetically and fall over and break all of her bones#olivia is a similar case but shes more fit and probably could barely brute force her way through a few hound waves#the real difference is that olivia would be quicker to adapt and would put up a much better effort at preparing the essentials#now. she would get side tracked as hell by the wildlife. I think if you showed her a carat shed stare at it forever.#but jackie would struggle so hard to adapt and I think the isolation would get to her hard#if you put them together itd just be olivia hard carrying while jackie trips and eats shit every 10 steps#now putting them with the rest of the survivors would be interesting given that I think the two would hate most of them dhdkhdj#like I have no proof that olivia wouldnt like most of them but idk man I dont trust her to not be quietly judging them all#and jackie would probably explode if she was forced to interact with other human beings in a non boss-employee setting#olivia would start calling her jackie again and the others would start calling her that too and shed light herself on fire#wilson would start trying to be buddy buddy with the two and theyd both hate him so fucking much lol#the two would start trying to blueprint machines they could build with what they have and winona would enter frame about to ruin their day#you see winona is like their dark reflection shes like if you took a lesbian and made her the worst but not a bad person this time#shed start critiquing their work for being to fancy and theyd want to strangle her#and god knows how theyd handle the kids I think jackie would have a panic attack and olivia would go smash her head into a tree#and by the kids I mostly mean walter he was hand made to annoy them specifically#oh no wait hypothetical crossover cancelled I forgot abt wanda dont Ever let jackie and olivia meet wanda
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animutate · 7 months
man i dontthink i can be in a real relationship ever again im just starting to process how everyone has treated me HORRIBLY
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