#theyre still very much wips though since I occasionally sketch out a little scene or edit up a half-baked one!
gayskogul Β· 1 month
So, on the WIP tag game, I think it's going to have to be bodice-rippers, and just in case you have already been asked for that one (!) let's have 'yes'. Actually let's just have both 😊
Thanks for the ask. Oh, good lord. You've made an impressive go of sinking the big battleships with those two choices.
So "bodice rippers >>>>>> 10 years formal science training" is the working title for the master-doc that I have ALL of my writing for The Wavesinger in. That's the long story I've whittled away at for my first D&D character, Natt. I haven't added to it in a while now, since my attention drifted to other projects, but I'll sometimes flip through it fondly. There's some scenes I whipped out before posting the first arc online (over on Ao3 btw, go stream!) and a whole boat-load of ideas for where the story goes next. I was quite fixated upon taking them somewhere cold, for some reason. There's "sketches" of fight scenes, playful scenes, overarching plot things. There's even an explicit scene, labelled "illegal wavesinger", which I wrote mostly out of curiosity (I tend not to write those scenes but wanted to see if I could). In my shame I immediately hid it at the bottom of the doc and coloured the text in white lmao.
It's titled that because I wrote 20k words in the span of a couple of weeks, like, fairly effortlessly. This was a massive surprise to me since I was used to crawling through glass just to squeeze out a couple thousand words for any reports in my science life lmao. I felt a bit silly about being so enthusiastic for something that was, in all essence, a bodice ripper but with two dudes and tongue-in-cheek labelled the doc that.
It's a bit bizarre that my inspiration for getting into writing creatively like this all came from me deciding a couple years into my D&D game that, "Oh my GOD, why did I give him a pun name? Natt Twenny is so LAME. I have to come up with a reason for why he's called that!" Several tens of thousands of words and tonnes of brainworms later...
Funny then that the other choice in this ask is "yes". I need to stop titling things in the most unserious way possible... I think it's because I'm awful at coming up with titles and just rock with something random I come up with when it's time to post lol.
"yes" is the master-doc for the other big thing I have posted on Ao3! My first foray into fanfic, My Favourite Patient. I got roped into playing Stardew Valley with my sister (much against my will) then promptly became obsessed with the game and its characters. I particularly liked the little anxious doctor guy who my character married in-game, Harvey. I literally hadn't written any fiction before, so the writing's a little... unpracticed, but I genuinely had so much fun writing it. Just plucking interactions from the game and fleshing them out. I don't really play much any more, so my attention dwindled and I ran out of steam to keep writing that fic. That said, there are a couple of things in there that I didn't get around to posting yet. Maybe when I get round to checking out the new update, I'll get a little bit of enthusiasm and give that a proper ending.
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