#theyre the only one who will give her dirty hands and dirty heart any real love
nostomannia · 8 months
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How do you view love?
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harsh words and cold glares. painful in the way that your heart burns but can never seem to seek for something better. it is the way you would walk through glass to see a smile, or claw at your own arms just to satisfy another, give and never take for the guilt that comes with wanting is suffocating. emotionally draining and a forever ache that you can't escape.
Tagged by: @xavthew0rld
Tagging: @hriobzagelthewanderer @goldspun @kingdom-of-mxginica @wiildhearrted @dragonskxn
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smutav · 4 years
So i posted the pictures I had for my xray and comic in this post here and I said id wait a year but I’ve decided I need to lay this project to rest and move on to what comes next. Its under the cut because its mad king heavy
the old man part was fully scripted out so I’m going to throw the script in here first then it’ll be just notes for the general plotline
(M) Old Man   = O1 / (J) Old Man   = O2 / Xray          = X / Vav           = V
we come in on Xray and Vav coming onto the scene but we start lookin at the old men
O2: "Uh Oh, the calvaries here" O1: "issit the popo? tell them they cant make me go back... to that horrible home... fulla old people..." O2: "No.. its those spandex kids again" O1: "Oh, the blue one confused me... so blue jus like those dirty cops" O2: "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE US ALIVE" [O2 throws something that lands nowhere near xray and vav] V : "Look you have to stop causing a ruckus!" O1: "ah ah ah prettyboy we got da bomb" O2: "Thats right if you get in our way it'll be a real stinker!" O1: "Uh Ohhhh"
X : "you have got to be kidding me" O1: "I'm too old for kidding, im old-ding over here" V : "What are you doing with a bomb!?" O2: "We've got demands!" O1: "Oh yeah lots of demands!" O2: "We want.... Pudding!" O1: "Oh yeah and none of that rice shit in there" O2: "get that rice out of our pudding no chunks!" O1: "itsa chokin hazard, I almost died when they had that at the home" O2: "thats why we left they was tryna kill us" O1: "But you only show up to stop two guys havin fun" O2: "Ya punks!" [Vav has snuck over to the obviously hidden 'stink bomb' and gags when he sees whats under the cover]
O2: "Ey!" [he smacks Vav with a cane] "gettaway from there" O1: "These two have no manners" O2: "they jus go touchin stuff that doesnt belong to them!" O1: "Well two can play at that game" [he moves towards Xray pointing at his glasses] "I want those" X : "How about I give you this instead" [he shoots a lazer at the old guy but it bounces off his walker] O1: "uh oh you shouldn't have done that" X : "oh yeah what if i do it again" [it really has the same result smart guy]
[Vav at the same time is dealing with.. a really slow old guy. and he dodges a punch an the old guy just keeps goin down and hits the ground] O2: "Ah! I'm hit thats it for me! [he tries to get up but just knocks himself over again] it's over for me I'm deadd. You killed me ya bastard" V : "I really didn--" O2: "this blood is on your handssss ohhh im goinnnn" [Vav backs off while the old man keeps slowly 'dying' to help out with Xray who's wrestling for his glasses from O1]
X : "Youre smudging up my glasses!" O1: "oh i'll do more than that" [he moves to take a lick at them] X : "no you dont!" [He punches the old man square in the jaw] O1: [catches himself on the walker] "you want a boxing match, i used ta have the belt ya know" [he lands a punch on xray who doesnt even flinch]
V : [Vav comes up from behind and pulls the old man away] O1: "No he's got me!" [he flails a bit but ineffectively to get out] "this is just like the 40s you cant stop all this" V : "We're sending you both back to the old folks home just stay there this time!" O1: "You'll never keep us caged! We'll always be ba-- Oh no is this a heart attack? Ma is that you in the light I'm-- I'm comin... comin to kick your dead ass" [and he's dead]
[Xray and Vav dump the old guys on an elderly bus they're used to dealing with these guys 'dying' and approach the stink bomb which is the stink jug but theres wires and stuff attached to supposedly detonate it] X: "Well I guess we'll have to deal with this" [he kicks the 'stink bomb' and Vav goes green] V: "I guess it'd be best to get it to Hilda she'll know how to get rid of it" X: "right lets go" [he starts walking leaving Vav to carry the barrel, poor vav]
I hope the notes after this make sense plot wise a lot of it was going to be explored deeper as we get drawing XDD ((also you get all my note writing jokes that i make to myself))
V = xray and vav / K = mad king / R  = rimmy tim / M = mogar
(V) - I need,, some basic everyday hero biz to start the story with - tIME TO THROW THE OLD MEN IN THERE (K) - He decides to try out his powers a lil test run ((around Hilda's lab)) - Xray and Vav crash the party ofc - He gets by them EASY slow mo can't do much against teleporting - He didn't have much of a goal for it but, now he knows he has the upper hand on Xray and Vav - He leaves victorious (V) - He gets the business end of a run in with ender ryan - What was that?? he can teleport?? - Well we have to figure something out! (R) - Rimmy Tim runs into Mad King - Which is wild! thought he was dead! - but he does have some weird ass shit going on (K) - Wow running into Rimmy Tim isnt that neat? - He pays no mind to the Battle Buddy (R) - Rimmy Tim is crashing at Jake's place ((to be relevant)) - He also meets Xray and Vav but nobody knows what his full deal is ((and theyre distracted from having they ass kicked))
(V) - Vav is the plan guy - They get intel that he has a weird power source - it gave him the powers so if they can figure it out maybe they can take them away! - We'll need to be stealthy boys... - MOGAR! - ask mogar for help, he distract while they sneak in and nab the gem (M) - The plan involves Mogar fighting Mad King up front - Mogar runs into Rimmy Tim and is suspicious of him (K) - Ofc he knew Xray and Vav would make a plan - Mogar comes to fight him aw they just decided to send a fwiend - Mad King is busy beating Mogar and doesn't notice that they got the gem ((Uh Oh! Plothole!)) (M) - They dont see him at the meeting place (K) - He Notices when he decides to experiment with it and tries out a lesser power source - Resulting in Zombie Mogar
(V) - They HAVE to find Mogar - poking around the outside for a sign of him they find his sword in the dumpster - thats,,, not good - its really heavy but if vav straps it to his back he can handle it - they wind up splitting up for any sign of Mogar (K) - Well if you're going to be rude about it - [teleports in the streets] - Have it your way do what you want - [and he leaves Mogar there] - when he teleports back Rimmy Tim is there and he quips ab how convenient tping is (R) - MK has him get rid of the new power source obviously a failure (V) - It gets dark but vav hears a noise in the alley - He finds Mogar! But he's eating something - Mogar growls and starts running at him - *british screaming* - As he BOOKS IT around a corner Xray runs into him and Vav just grabs his arm - NO TIME TO EXPLAIN - so what the plans just fucking run - oh wait thats Jake's van - *climbs in* wEHAVE TO GO HIT THE GAS - bro its a red light - iTS THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT THERES NO TRAFFIC JUST - Mogar jumps on the vAAAAAAAA - Thats enough to convince Jake she slams on the gas - " you guys are paying for any tickets i get"
((for context, Jake is my oc she has an ask blog that I was planning to use to be like in between she and rimmy tim are hanging out and you might find out things from interacting w her. But for character knowledge she’s an appliance installer that works with The Monarchy’s Servants. Which that is the company that installs the stuff that comes out of Monarch Labs. there was also a whole bit where she and rimmy tim would be hanging out and he’d be joking like oh do you ever go in like “ah m’lord!! is this installation to your liking thank you m’lord!!” and she’d goof back if he ever had a house for her to install shit in she’d do it just for him.
and for how Jake and Rimmy tim met it was at 3am dennys a few years ago and they been buds ever since))
(R) - Jake's checking on her van later and Rimmy Tim comes out to give a hand - and he asks what happened and she's shaking a lil - she just leaves it as hero biz as usual she thinks (V) - bloody hell we have to help mogar! - yeah what did Mad King do to him! - they gotta bait and catch him (R) - Jake gets a call from xray and vav asking for help getting mogar to a lab - Rimmy Tim tags along and gets to see Mogar (M) - Xray and Vav catch mogar and have him leashed in the lab - But?? Is he dangerous?? Can he contaminate others??
(R) - This is wrong - RYAN is wrong - Rimmy Tim,, Has to do something - discussion doesnt work, Ryan's just a wall discussion wise - theres no talking him out of anything he's too absorbed (V) - Mogar has good moments - reference the rotten flesh test w vav (K) - Rimmy Tim is getting increasingly worried ab him - Rimmy Tim mentions Mogar - Well it wasn't on PURPOSE - but yeah i did that - No, I don't particularly know how to reverse it (R) - Rimmy Tim tries talking hey what if we just did this partner like - Nothing can beat the battle buddies then this can all be done right? - Mad King brushes him off and tells him to stay out of his business - Ryan gets caught in the rain - He claws Rimmy's face oh no! his money maker! - Rimmy Tim decides enough is enough and leaves to help Xray and Vav fix this,,, fix him,,, (V) - They hear Mad King in the rain - hhhhh i dont want to deal with more monsterrrrssss - Rimmy Tim joins the team! - he explains his history with Mad King - and how he's worried - wORRIED LOOK WHAT HE'S DONE TO MOGAR - He digs out the lesser power source that was used on Mogar - THIS made THAT *points at Mogar* (K) - Mad King is bandaged and goes to sleep off the pain and *emotions* (gross) of the evening - as he drifts off instead of dreaming he finds himself seeing through Jeremy's damaged eye - He just sees xray and vav but he cant hear a word - needless to say he feel betrayed
(Finale leadup)
- they need a plan to catch MK - Xray and Vav decide to drill RT ab possible weaknesses - he doesnt have much to contribute though they havent worked together in years and he didnt have all this magic junk going on. - and all RT's seen of the magic junk is teleporting - Well have you seen his hideout? can you explain like layout or whats going on there - oh fuck yeah i guess that is intel lemme sketch it out
- Hilda is playing around with whats the difference between the gem they stole from MK and the one that RT says changed Mogar - Mayhaps after some experimentation gone wrong she figures they cant use the thing against him but need a device that'll remove that specific energy - so you know a SUCKING machine - While she's working so closely with this she starts having enderhilda dreams but like when she's awake shes like yeah thats neat but you aint caught my interest you dumb gem
- Wait RT if you and MK used to be in cahoots do you have any powers that can beat him? - I got guns we were guns for hire you know battle buddies - wot MK doesnt use guns he plays mind games - well yeah NOW he does he uh-- didnt have it all together after our last mission
- Battle buddies are cleaning up after a mission - they're both pretty angry like we wound up being the bad guys AGAIN how does this keep happening - RT agrees he's not a fan of dirty cash - MK comes to the conclusion if i controlled these sheeple nobody would be calling my shots and makin me do the wrong thing - come on ryan ya cant control people thats wrong - whats a little more blood on my hands if it means making things better on the whole - and MK winds up leaving the battle buddies :C
- Hilda comes in like hey i got your guys's sucking machine go suck off mad king or whatever - and vavs like Alright! lets make a plan lads! - then we go to MK - he can see them coming, he's gotten practice watching through RT's eyes - he gets the machine from them as theyre barely through the door - "well I was curious what this would do but what does it matter anyways" - and he's got like some full ender shadow clones to help with the fight and they all pair off ((not like an army literally just enough to pair off MK dont need an army to beat these guys)) - the real MK personally faces off RT though :) - RT "why do i get the real ryan why couldnt you face off with like vav or something" - MK "im curious if you could shoot me 'buddy'" - RT "well I doubt i'll do something but i do owe you one ;)" and he do shoot him but yeah the bullets are stopped and do nothing - MK "I do hope you brought something else if youre turning against the MAD KING you have best be prepared" - RT "what can i say" [drops gun] "I stick to my guns" [throw punch]
- but yeah after the fighting and witty dialogue clears it looks like MK do have the upper hand - RT was left bleeding out ((stabbed through with pointy fingers oooo MK got his blood literally on his hands)) - While MK is monologuing RT sneaks into the bathroom which MK pauses mid monologue when he sees a flash of RT's bloody hand reaching for the showerhead - cant believe that fuck - and RT comes out and hoses him down ((yes it reaches that far LOOK its got a long hose)) - then MK's on the ground fucking sizzling - vav's like oh right! and jumps up to get the sucking machine and they use it on MK
- Jake drops RT off where they got MK locked up and shes like "do what u gotta do man" and RT's like "thanks for understanding bud" - and he gets in MK shifts to look at him - RT starts to apologize for ruining his plan but gets interrupted as MK says "you were right" - which is a SHOCKING thing to hear from that guy - and mad king is like "thank you" - and we end on "anytime buddy."
so that was my plot I havent been kidding when I said it was a long comic plan. Its been heartbreaking to have this whole thing ripped from me but I can’t tell a story about friendship w a manipulator. 
I’m not sure how long it’ll be until I actually get another thing started but I hope its soon because I was very excited to share a good long story with the xray and vav fandom and I thought this plot wouldve been like a good season worth of content
I had some draws tagged under “#its all connected” and they were all me working on this idea before I actually decided to write it out and try for a whole comic after being inspired by some close friends and the good at being bad animation collab
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ladyboltontoyou · 6 years
Arthur Morgan x Reader: Farmer’s Daughter. 2
Warnings: Cursing probably. Smut. 
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Reader
A/N: HELLO AGAIN. Listened to ‘Home’ by Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros while I wrote this lmao.(Okay I listened to it like three times in the span of the three hours it took me to write this) You should all listen to it, gave me young Arthur x reader vibes tbh, it’s super cute and happy. RIGHT OK so I hope you guys like this one as much as you enjoyed the first one, didn’t plan this to be more than a one-shot but more than one person wanted it to be so here I am. Hope the smut didn’t feel too rushed! I was going to do a few time skips but this just felt right to me. Thanks so much for your notes, comments, and reblogs, they mean the world to me.
It had been a week without any sign from Arthur, and on the seventh day you had almost given up hope. But he showed up right when you were about to fall asleep, knocking over a vase on your table when he climbed through the window it sat in front of.
You sat up in bed and pulled the sheets over you, frozen solid in fear for a good ten seconds before your eyes adjusted to the light and you made out Arthur picking up the vase from the floor. 
“You scared the daylights out of me.” You whispered as you calmed down from the near heart attack.
“Your doors were locked, so I uh, knocked on the window. You didn’t wake up and, well, here I am.” He sounded slightly embarrassed, taking his jacket off to put on the floor. “Sorry about that.”
“You don’t need to do that, a little water is okay.” You said as you climbed to the foot of the bed, but his jacket had already soaked up the spilled liquid. 
“Exactly. I’ve got other coats. At least it ain’t leather.” You both laughed a little at that and then you lit your bedside candle. 
“Close the curtains, will you?”
He looked over his shoulder and realized he’d not only left the window open, but he gave a good view to anyone who looked up at the balcony. He quickly did as you asked, closing the window too. “You draw anything while I was gone?” He asked as he walked back over and sat in the chair at your table. 
Another reason he was such a good man, he sat a respectable distance away from you when there was a whole bed he could have taken advantage of. 
Which damn, you wished he would. 
If there was anyone in the world who was sexually frustrated, it was a tie between you and Arthur. You had sex only once in your life, and it wasn’t even good. You had many other opportunities with pretty attractive people, but your family was almost constantly on you so you had no time to sneak away. And for Arthur, well, it’s self explanatory. 
“A few things.” You admitted and crawled back to the head of your bed and pulled out the drawer of your nightstand. Your brand new sketch pad laid in there, your father had bought it for you a few days before since you had already filled up your last one. 
“Really? Well, I’d love to see them.” He hated how vulnerable he felt then. Snuck into some girls room, knowing damn well he was a fool for being there. He fawned over you a little too much for his liking, last time he had butterflies over a girl he was very, very, very young. But that was the last thing on his mind for once. All he cared about now was the farmers daughter in her silk night-dress with the sketch book in her hands. 
You opened to the first page where a simple sketch of a cat waited to be praised. “This is my cat Scully.” 
Arthur got up from his seat and walked over to where you sat on the edge of the bed, squatting down at your knees so he could see properly. “Well, look at that.” He grinned and you handed the book over to him, which he gladly took. “How’d they get that?” He pointed to the right ear which was missing the top half. 
You leaned over to look at what his finger pointed to and sighed. “One day when I was real young, I was playing outside and the neighbor's dog came over, guess he didn’t like how I smelt so he started growling at me. Scully, she saw me crying and came over, kicked its ass then chased it off.” You laughed when you remembered how your parents treated the cat afterward, taking her to the most expensive vet they could find. She was queen of the house from then on out. 
Arthur snorted, his head bobbing slightly as he did so. “That so? She’s braver than any man I’ve ever met.”
You smiled and nodded in agreement. “You can go through them, there's only two more in there.” Your heart sped up in excitement when you remembered the last picture was something you’d done for him, a silhouette of him standing on your balcony overlooking your farm land. 
He turned the page slow as to not wrinkle the expensive paper. When he saw the next one he raised his brows. “Christ, girl. You need to be selling these.” 
The one he was looking at was a more detailed sketch, one you had done the day before. You still needed to do a little more shading on it, but it was mostly done. It was your parents sitting outside at the bench in your garden, they were both laughing and holding wine glasses. Your father had told your mother something funny and she was almost doubled over, one hand in front of her mouth and the other holding the glass outwards so she didn’t spill any on herself. They were surrounded by their roses and jasmine. 
“How do you remember something like this?”
You shrugged with the biggest smile on your face and a blush in your cheeks. “Something like that just sticks.” 
He looked up to you and shook his head before looking back down. “You’ve got me speechless.” He flipped to the next page and completely froze. He didn’t say anything for a minute, which worried you, but then he just let out a huff-like laugh of disbelief. “This me?” He knew it was him but for some reason he felt like he had to ask, just to hear you say it.
“Yes, it’s not weird, is it?” You asked while you chewed on your bottom lip nervously. 
Arthur scoffed and stood up before sitting down on your bed next to you, his eyes on the paper the whole time. “I’ve never seen myself the way you draw me. Even though this is just my damn figure.”His words really hit you. You knew what he meant by it and although you wanted him to explain it himself you knew it was something he wouldn’t go into detail about. He probably didn’t even mean to say it, it was most likely a slip of his tongue. 
After what seemed like several minutes he closed the book and handed it back to you. “No, this is for you.” You opened the book back open and cleanly tore the page out, handing it to the man sitting next to you. 
“I appreciate it. I really do.” He said and walked over to the table, setting it down on top of his satchel. His hand lingered there momentarily, considering taking out his own journal and giving you the paper he had spent days perfecting. Anxiety gnawed at him and he pulled his hand away, turning back to you. “Sorry I didn’t come back earlier, by the way. Got caught up in some business and ended up in Valentine for a while.”
“No, don’t apologize.” You waved him off. “You didn’t even have to come back, we barely even know each other. You got what you came for the first time anyways, you could have taken my hundred dollar drawing and sold it to make yourself a rich man.”
He laughed and sat down at the foot of your bed, making sure to keep a proper distance from you so he wouldn’t scare you off. If only he knew you wanted the complete opposite. “Now, a hundred-dollars isn’t very rich, why do that when I could keep coming back and get more? That would be one hell of a business.”
Where on this cold earth did this man come from? How were you so lucky to know such a good person? Given, you had only seen him two times, but he had still made a name for himself. He had a good sense of humor, he was polite, and goddamn he praised your art like it was god. If there was one sure way to your heart it was through that. And not to mention he was incredibly attractive. Fit as could be, well-groomed yet he had this dangerous look about him that said he could put you down in two seconds flat if you tried him. 
You wished he would.
In an attempt to clear the dirty thoughts that had flood your head you brought up a new subject. “The last time you were here you said my drawing was better than yours, you never answered me when I asked if you drew too.” You said and tried to look casual as you watched him for a reaction. 
He cleared his throat and looked away from your gaze, his eyes landing on everything in the room besides you. “I said that? Of course I would. That sounds like something I’d say.” He laughed to try to chase his anxiety off. “Sure, I do. A little bit.”
“Do you have anything you could show me?” You asked and pulled your legs back up onto the bed, making yourself comfortable as you continued watching him. It was hard not to, every single thing he did was mesmerizing.
He scratched his chin and sighed. “Yeah, I do.” He reluctantly grabbed his satchel from the table and pulled his own journal from it. “They’re not the best, but, well, look for yourself. There’s some writin’ in there too, pay no mind to that.” He handed you the worn leather book and you flipped through it. It was mostly full of wildlife, plants and scenery. 
“These are really good. This wolf looks like a photograph.” You said as you went through the pages. Some of his work was way better than anything you could ever dream of drawing, but he probably thought the same about yours. There were a few small doodles that made your heart melt, like one of a poodle that looked like he drew under sixty seconds. 
You had gotten so wrapped up in looking at the pages you didn’t even notice the way he was looking at you. He looked at you like he was seeing something so magnificent, and if he dared look away he would miss something. The way your eyes scanned over the paper, the way you would smile when you saw something you found his drunk doodles, it made him feel like he was drunk then and there. He had almost forgotten about what he drew you, on the newest page. When your expression changed to something unreadable his heart sped up and he shifted anxiously on the bed.
“This is me?” Your voice was barely a whisper. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing, it was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen. Not because it was you, but because you knew it was the way he saw you. You were wearing that pretty white sundress you had worn the day he first saw you and you had jasmine flowers in your hair. You looked like you were in the middle of walking, your left hand trailing through the tall grass he had drawn you in. You had a small smile on your face and you were looking directly in front of you as if you knew you were being drawn. It looked amazing, so beautiful you couldn’t believe that was actually you. But sure enough it was identical. “I look so pretty.”
Arthur scratched the back of his head, torn between feeling utterly in love with you and feeling disgusted at how sappy and vulnerable he was. “I draw what I see.” 
That was all you needed. You set the book down beside you and threw all your inhibitions out the window, crawling to the foot of the bed to kiss him. You took his face in your hands and pulled him towards you. His trimmed beard felt rough in your hands but you loved every bit of it. His lips felt even better against your own, they were hot and tasted raw as if he had been chewing on them for hours. 
Arthur inhaled sharply through his nose, his eyes wide and his hands raised off his lap in surprise. He wanted to push you off because he knew it was wrong and you’d regret it later. He told himself you had to have been drinking, there was no way any woman like you would kiss someone like him. 
You were the one to end the kiss, but only because you were running out of breath. It seemed he had been too, since when you parted he sucked in a breath. 
“Now why did you do that?” He asked immediately, his voice faultering.
“I don’t know.” You admitted with a shrug and a soft laugh. “I just wanted to. I’m sorry, I should have asked. I just, really… really like you, Arthur. I know we haven’t been in the same room as each other a total of ten hours… but I don’t know. I’ve never felt like this. I don’t know what the normal thing to do is when you like someone like this.”
Arthur shook his head and sighed. “Don’t do that. Please. Don’t.” 
“Give me a reason.” You were still so close you were practically touching, your knees a hair length apart. “Because I don’t see any good reason not to.”
“(Y/N), I’m not a good person. I don’t know if I’ll stay around here long, I don’t normally stay in one place for too long. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you, you’re a young beautiful woman. You could have any man, hell, any man or woman you’d ever want.”
“Really? Well, I want you.” 
He sighed and closed his eyes, shaking his head again. “Don’t say that.”
“But it’s true, I want you, Arthur. I don’t want anyone else, not right now at least. And right now is all that matters.”
At your words he groaned, hearing the sentence ‘I want you’ coming from your mouth was too much for him. “But-”
You shut him up with another kiss, this one shorter but more heated. “Listen Arthur, I’m a big girl, okay? I won’t be heartbroken if we never see eachother again. I’ll be sad for a while, sure, but like you said. I’ve got my whole life. I’ll get over it.” You smiled and took off his hat, setting it beside him. “You think pretty highly of yourself if you think one night will be the end of me.”
Arthur laughed and finally looked at you. “You’re stubborn. You know that?”
“Of course I do. But now you’ve got me interested, what’s so good about you that you want to protect me from missing?” You questioned with an innocent smile, placing a hand on his knee. 
He grew serious again and the playful smile disappeared. “(Y/N), I don’t think this is such a good idea.” He warned while he still had the mindset to think that deeply. Your hand on his knee wasn’t helping his good intentions. “If your folks-”
“Don’t worry about them. They sleep on the other side of the house with the river right outside their window. The only thing that will wake them is screaming, or the dogs outside. But don’t worry, I can be quiet.” You winked and took his hand in yours, impressed by how huge they seemed compared to you. “Please?” 
There was no way of explaining how you got the idea to start kissing his fingers, it just felt right. Arthur closed his eyes and groaned in the ‘What have I gotten myself into’ type of way. There was no way he could say no to you, not when you were doing… that. “Christ, woman.” He hissed when you pulled him forwards towards the head of the bed. 
He took a quick second to take his boots off and blow out the candle, providing you with a more comfortable sense of safety. There was no way anyone besides the two of you could see what was going on in your room.
He climbed back on the bed and kissed you, one hand on your cheek and one on the bed beside you. Arthur kissed so sensual and deep that you felt like you were kissing someone you had been married to for your entire life. Your heart swelled and all the blood made its way between your legs in a hurry. “Take this off.” You whispered against his mouth as you unbuttoned the front of his shirt. 
He finished the rest of the buttons, sitting up on his knees to pull his arms out of the shirt. Once it was off he hurried back to kissing you like his life depended on it. He loved the feeling so much he totally forgot about the rest of his clothes and only stopped when you placed your toes on his belt buckle and gently pushed him back. 
You smiled when he laughed and shook his head at you. “What? Don’t like taking your time?” He teased and lowered his hands to unbuckle his belt. The imagery mixed with the gentle clink of metal as he took his belt off drove you mad.
“I do once the clothes are off.” You meant to tease him back but you sounded far too serious. He had nothing to say to that so he just finished taking his belt off, laying it with his hat at the foot of the bed. When he leaned forward again you stopped him with your foot on his chest. “Keep going.”
“Maybe you should've been the one warning me.” He breathed and pulled his pants down his hips, standing from the bed to pull them off the rest of the way.  “There’s no way I could have you just once.” 
Good. You thought. You didn’t want him just once either. 
Once he finally got his pants off you felt it was unfair that you were still fully clothed so you reached under your dress and pulled down your panties. He watched as you pulled them off of your raised feet with a look that just screamed sex. “Am I dreamin’?” He asked with a laugh, sliding back onto the bed in front of you. 
“Come here and find out.” You grinned and spread your legs a bit, just enough to notice but not enough for him to see anything exciting.
“Jesus, woman.” His voice was barely a whisper and he leaned back into you, grabbing your waist gently to pull you flat on your back, his hips pressed flush against you. You could feel how hard he was through the thin fabric of his underwear and it drove you fucking crazy. He finally started taking the lead then and he slipped his hand between the two of you, sliding his fingers down your slick folds to your entrance. When he pushed a finger inside of you the both of you gasped, he didn’t expect you to feel so good around him. 
“Oh, fuck.” You muttered and closed your eyes, grabbing onto his biceps. His arm muscles tensed under your touch, mostly his right arm since that was the one with its fingers inside you. 
He kept at that for a while, curling it inside you in sync with the beat of his heart. You came just from that. When he felt you tense up around him mixed with the feeling of hot cum oozing down his hand he lost any patience he had left. He took his hand out from between your legs and kissed you again, using his right hand to take the last article of clothing he had off. When he pressed back down into you the breath hitched in your throat. 
“God.” You moaned and moved your hands from his arms up to tangle into his hair. “I want you so bad, Arthur.” 
As if he couldn’t be in any more of a hurry, you had to go and say that. 
“You have no idea.” He said with a grunt and used a hand to guide the tip of his cock against you. He rubbed it up and down your slit a few times and you let out the filthiest sound he had ever heard. You locked your ankles around his back and pushed him into you, catching him by surprise. 
The feeling of his cock fully inside of you was indescribable. You arched your back and rolled your head back into the pillows. He groaned and grabbed the bottom of your nightgown to pull off of you. You had to help him get it off your shoulders. After it finally came off he sighed, looking down at your body.
“You’re going to be the death of me.” He whispered and leaned back down into you. His thrusts were slow, but only for a few of them. Once he was sure you were ready he let himself go completely. You pulled his head down to yours and kissed him again as his cock drove in and out of you at a quick steady pace. He felt so amazing inside you, the feeling of his cock rubbing against that one special spot gave you your second orgasm. 
Your third came when he rough handled you a little bit for the first time, he had grabbed your thighs roughly and slammed himself inside you about four times. The sheer force of it all knocked the air out of your lungs and left you paralyzed. The fourth time you came he had flipped you onto your stomach. The way he could manhandle you to easily was so hot to you that you swore you fell in love with him then. 
When he pushed his cock back into you at the new angle was when you came, and god, he felt it. He almost came with you but he thankfully had the will to pull out and give himself a few seconds to calm down. Once he had enough time he continued fucking you into your mattress. 
This all went on for what only felt like a few minutes. You had no idea that you’d actually been at it for nearly two hours. You probably would have gone longer if you didn’t decide to sit in his lap, that had been what finished him off. 
When you were on top of him his cock reached deeper inside you than it had ever been before. He was stunned for a second, unable to move as you rode his cock and pulled his head back by his hair. When you sunk your teeth into his neck was when he truly lost it. He came undone in you, grabbing you by your hips and forcing you down further onto his length. 
The noises that came from him sounded so primal it led you to your final orgasm. Thank god you came with him because there was no way he’d be able to go again after that. He’d be surprised if he had the energy to climb down that lattice and onto his horse. 
No one said anything for a good while but that was okay. You couldn’t talk if you tried. You were too busy gasping for breath to form words.
Arthur was the first to speak. “I should probably leave now, I told Dutch I’d only be out a few minutes.” He sighed when he remembered that the older man had told him not to stay out too long since the law was keeping an eye out for them. You had no idea who Dutch was but you nodded anyways. 
“Alright. I should go to sleep anyways, I’ve got to wake up early in the morning to go to town with my mother.” 
Arthur nodded and ran a hand through his sweaty hair, noticing how messy it had become. Before he came over he had made sure it looked nice but now he was sure it looked as if he had no idea what a comb was. 
You watched him pull his clothes back on, almost forgetting his hat and belt. He slipped your picture for him in his journal and safely secured it, sliding it back into his satchel. 
After he gathered his things he gave you one last kiss at the doors, full of more passion than any others you had previously shared. “Could I come see you again sometime?” He asked after you parted with the most adorable smile on his face. 
God. He was right in his warning, there was no way you could get over a smile like that.
“Arthur, you know the answer to that.” 
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angrylizardjacket · 6 years
when i said it i thought it was true [1] {Ben Hardy}
Anon asked: could you do an imagine where ben is the reader’s ex and they are somehow working together on the set of bo rhap and they fall in love all over again ☺️ could you make it angst-y and then end with fluff? i love your writing so much!!
Anon asked: could you do an imagine where the reader is in bo rhap, maybe playing as one of roger’s gfs or something and she kind of falls in love with ben while filming the scenes with him as roger 💖 very fluffy pls :D
A/N: 3124 words. Super AU version of BoRhap being filmed in the fic. There’s gonna be another part, that will fill the prompts better. This might end up being a series. I hope you enjoy. Feedback would be nice.
When your manager rings you, telling you that you’d landed a part in the Queen Biopic Bohemian Rhapsody, you were elated. Freddie Mercury was a bit of a personal hero of yours, and to be a part of his story on the big screen, it was sort of a dream come true. 
In your first meeting, you sign a nondisclosure agreement, and you’re given the latest draft of the script to start learning, as well as a character brief. The script calls your character ‘Amanda’, the girlfriend of Roger Taylor who he eventually realises he wants to settle down with. You’d seen pictures of young Roger Taylor, you wouldn’t lie, you were excited for the role. Honestly, even today he was still quite a fox.
The point is, you were excited to have a fun time on set with a pretty blonde, make some new connections, and earn some good money. Some really good money.
The other shoe drops when you’re flicking through Instagram, and one of the stan accounts you follow has posted a leaked screenshot of the proposed cast list, and there’s your name, right beside the name of the last person you wanted to pretend to be in love with. Ben Hardy; pretty blonde extraordinaire, and your ex-boyfriend.
The table read is... awkward. 
The two of you are sat next to each other, and barely spoke two words to each other. You feel unprofessional the whole time, but you’d rather be anywhere else in the world, and the delivery of some of your lines falls a little flat. The director casts a concerned look between yourself and Ben as you rattle of what’s meant to be banter like you’re reading the news paper.
“They’ve got no damn chemistry; it’s like watching a celebrity divorce hearing.” When the Director vents to one of the producers in the hall outside after the reading, you manage to catch it where you’re just about to come out of the bathroom.
“They’ll be better on set, I promise, it’s just jitters.” She tries to soothe his nerves, and they’re off soon after, and you’re left with a cold, sinking sensation in your stomach.
“You’re Y/N, aren’t you? How are you finding the set?” The guy who greets you on your first day on the Eastenders set smiles with such casual ease it feels like you’ve known him for a while, instead of having just met him.
“Yeah, that’s me.” You agree with a quick nod, rocking back on your heels as you gaze around the space, trying not to look at him for too long. “It’s a bit overwhelming.” Actually, what’s overwhelming is that he’s talking to you. He’s Ben fucking Hardy, pretty-boy on the soap-opera scene, and he’s talking to you on your first day.
“Yeah, you’ll be right though; if you need any help or anything, just give us a yell, yeah?” And you realise he probably doesn’t know who you’re playing, or how you’re involved in that Season’s arc, but you certainly did.
“I didn’t know you could play drums.” You’re trying to be casual when you say it, but you see Ben tense where he’s sitting on a sofa in the rehearsal room, script and pencil in hand.
“I can now, that’s all that really matters.” He’s giving off such strong ‘please leave me alone’ vibes that it almost hurts, and you have to push through the knot in your stomach and sit down next to him.
“Ben, we need to at least be civil.” You say quietly, and he looks at you, expression a little forlorn.
“Y/N, we are civil, and we’ve done this before. Let’s just keep it professional, okay?” His tone leaves little room for argument, and you nod in agreement with a small smile, and pull out your phone, waiting for the rehearsal director.
“Hey there, baby, I don’t think I’ve seen you around here; I know I’d recognise your face.” You purr, running your hand delicately over the collar of Ben’s shirt, as his eyes widened and he spluttered to form a sentence, just as the script had told him to. 
Your character was more a plot device than anything, when Ben’s character is at a low point, his main romance is on a break, and he meets you, a temptress in all black. Your job is to give his character a realisation, he starts as your cocaine dealer when his supplier can’t make the drop, and he falls for you. Depending on the audience reaction, you knew the producers were waiting to see if they kill you off or have you recover from your addiction. The point is, your fate’s uncertain at the end of the Season, and Ben’s character realises he has to get out of the drug trade.
“I’ve got something for you, from Oskar. Can we go somewhere more private?” When he speaks, it’s with surprising confidence, and he steps up from the bar stool and into your space, smiling as your face lights up. The director calls cut after a moment, and you step back, smile sliding to something genuine as an assistant comes in and straightens your loose, black silk shirt, and they reset the shot for a new take.
“Ben, could you try less flustered? You’re here to deliver drugs, you’re not a schoolboy.” The director’s voice was kind as she came up to the two of you, and Ben agreed easily before she turned to you. “Great job, Y/N, don’t be afraid to be more even more forward, if you feel it.” As soon as you nod in understanding, she absconds, and you half laugh.
“If I was any more forward I’d be in your lap.” You snickered, voice quiet as you dipped your head to hide how you were faintly flustered. Ben was quiet, just watching you for a moment, but before you noticed, the director called for everyone to standby.
“I’m after Maggie, do you know where I could find her?” Ben starts as soon as the cameras start rolling, brow furrowed as he leans across the bar to speak to the bartender, and that’s your cue to enter the scene.
“Hey there, baby, I don’t think I’ve seen you around here; I know I’d recognise your face.” And when you say it this time, he smirks back at you, a little cocky, and you can feel the way it makes your heart flutter and you know it’s not as fake as it should be.
Before filming even starts, the producers have essentially forced you and Ben into bonding sessions which, if this were several years ago, would have just been dates. Now they’re awkward and tense, and you tend to bring heavily highlighted scripts.
“I saw you in that Wes Anderson movie last year. It was a really good performance, one of your best.” He offers over coffee. The idea that he’d kept up with enough of your work to label one ‘your best’ has you a little shocked, and something in your heart warms as you thank him softly.
It’s gotten easier to hang around with him, and it’s even easier to pretend to be in love with him in rehearsals. It’s like riding a bike, how easy it is to let yourself smile and lean into him, to let the banter flow easily between the two of you, fond jabs that edge on insulting coming as easily as breathing.
Joe mentions that he thought the two of you worked together before, and when you reply that you’d dated for almost a year, he goes very quiet, eyes going wide. After a beat, he admits it explains a lot.
“X-Men did you real dirty.” You’re half paying attention to an interview with Roger Taylor that the two of you had been instructed to watch together. You’re both in his trailer, sitting on opposite ends of the sofa as you watch in almost complete silence.
“What?” He asks, after a beat, your words having taken a moment to process.
“Killing you off like that; they could have gotten so much mileage out of your character.” The way you say it is far too well thought out to be an idle thought. Ben smirked.
“You just liked the leather pants.” He muttered, but you’re silence is answer enough. You know he sees your embarrassed smile, but you can’t bring yourself to deny it.
“Hey, do you wanna grab a drink after and go through notes and blocking and stuff?” You’re shooting your third episode, and you’re far more comfortable on set by now. Agreeing easily, you let Ben drive the two of you to what he claims is the best pub in town, and you sit in one of the more secluded booths to talk.
It turns out he’s just as much a fan of you as you are of him; you’re known more for your bit-parts in long-running series, it seems like the only show you hadn’t been a part of so far had been Eastenders, it was only a matter of time. It’s an innocent night, true to his word, all you do is talk, and discuss the script. There is one part of the upcoming script that has you a bit nervous. 
“Listen, honestly just go for it; it’s not meant to be sweet or anything, I’m literally taking coke from you.” You tell him, fidgeting, and he’s hums thoughtfully.
“You sure? We can talk to the director, I’m sure-” He offers, but you laugh to hide your nervousness.
“Nah, let’s knock it out of the park, the script says go for it so just go for it.” You assured him, heart rate already quickening at the mere thought of it. 
The next day, before the scene, the director comes over to talk you through it, making sure that if anything becomes uncomfortable, that you can talk to her. Both you and Ben assure her that it’s fine.
“You’re far too cute for this line of work.” You say as you hold a baggie of “cocaine” up to the light, smile playing on your lips.
“Cute? Ouch, you really know how to wound a man, you know.” He says, leaning back against the sofa in the hallway of the grubby hotel your character was staying in. He’s watching you with interest, small smile playing on his lips.
“Cute’s not a bad thing, baby, but you look like you should be making coffees or playing football in the sun, not here, not with me.” And you tap out a little of the powder onto your hand, pretending to snort it before you turn to him, his expression dark and hungry, and he kisses you, aggressive, almost desperate, and you lean into it, almost forget you’re playing a role with his hand on the back of your neck. When he lets go, when he pulls away, your eyes are still closed and you chase his lips for a moment. Eyes flickering open, you see him smirking down at you where he’s standing, and you both know it wasn’t entirely acting.
“You don’t know anything about me.” He growls, and you know you have to smile like you’re into it, like it’s a challenge, but instead, you duck your gaze, giving a small laugh and wiping at the nostril you’d just “snorted cocaine” through, before looking up at him through your eyelashes.
They call cut, and the director announces, almost a little awed, that she’s pretty sure they got the the take, actually says she’s not sure if she could getting a better take if they tried again. Ben seems far too pleased with himself. 
“They want us to tell the public we’re together.” You’re resting your head on Ben’s chest laying at the back of the tour-bus set, and his hand is resting on your waist, which is bare for the crop top and booty shorts they’ve put you in.
“Yeah, I heard.” He replies, voice equally quiet. “I think we’ve got a meeting about it tomorrow morning.” Gwil and Rami are actually playing scrabble at the front of the bus, and Joe is talking to Singer, the director.
“It’s a bad idea.” You’re so frank that you feel Ben freeze, and you heave a sigh. “It’s good for the movie, but Ben...” You trail off, and you feel it when he forces himself to relax. “It wouldn’t be real, it would just be weird.”
“Y/N, we’re actors.” He says very pointedly, and when you turn, resting your chin on his chest, he looks tired, a little exasperated. “It’s just a business deal.” He assured, and you let out a low, thoughtful grumble. 
“We’ll discuss it tomorrow.” You allow, and he nods once, shifting to a more comfortable position, and you go back to resting your head on his chest, eyes fluttering closed as Singer called for the shot to be reset and a bunch of people came and straightened your clothes, and touched up your makeup, all without you having to move much.
You agree to the terms set forth in the meeting easily, the story being that your relationship rekindled on set, and that you were now madly in love, mirroring the relationship you were portraying on screen.
“Wait, does that mean-?” Ben leans forward in his chair, with his heart in his throat as he followed their logic, thinking through the plot of the movie. “Like engaged?” He asked.
“Seems a bit fast.” You agreed, voice level enough that someone might mistake you for calm rather than internally freaking out, and your managers shared a look.
“There will be a public proposal during or after the world premiere, that’s up to you both, and after the movie is out on DVD, you can go your separate ways.” They assured, but your mouth fell open.
“You know he left me for X-Men, right?” You splutter, and Ben’s eyes widen as he turns to you with a scoff.
“You’re the one who said the distance was too much for us while I was in Cairo.” He snapped, and you threw your hands in the air.
“I was offering to come and stay with you instead, but you said you were too busy!” That was enough to shut him up, his mouth snapping closed as he turned away sharply, huffing out a resigned sigh.
“We have a few brands and restaurants who are interested in sponsoring, and the producers are willing to increase both your salaries if you go through with it for the full duration.” Your manager informed you both carefully, and you and Ben shared a resigned look.
“Fake intend to marry me for like three months?” He asked, voice low and bitter, and after heaving a long sigh, you look to your managers,
“I think I love you.” Ben’s character shows up at your character’s door, and you open it in a silk robe. 
“Hello to you too.” You laughed, but he’s so serious, so sincere, and when he doesn’t flinch, doesn’t offer anything else, you step up to him, pressing your lips to his, and he wraps his arms around you, hands sliding against the silk over your hips, and you pull back.
“You’re too sweet for me, baby,” voice so low it’s barely a whisper, he’s the one who chases your lips this time, but your catch his chin, and his eyes open. 
“You’re high.” He says softly, voice raw and a little desperate.
“And you’re my dealer.” You push him back gently, going to close the door and his expression turns angry.
“That doesn’t mean anything; I love you, Maggie.” His words hang heavily in the air, but before you can respond, they call for cut. You’re told to play it more like it hurts to try and turn him down, and you agree, smiling and nodding all the while. Everyone sets up for another take and you close the door.
When you kiss him this time, his hands are holding your face, and you’ve got your arms around his neck, and it’s like the world falls away from around you. It’s not acting now, hasn’t been for weeks, almost months now, not since he’d asked you out officially. Every time you kiss him you’re desperate to drown in his embrace, and he kisses you like it’s just the two of you, no cameras, no scripts.
“You’re-” and he cuts you off with another quick kiss, which has you laughing a little sadly, “Peter you’re too sweet for me.” He rests his forehead against yours, heaving a sigh.
“I know you’re high.” He says gently, and you don’t push him away this time, just lean back, your finger lifting his chin.
“And you’re my dealer.” You tell him, expression falling.
“That doesn’t mean anything, that doesn’t matter; I love you.” And you know that in that moment, the words mean so much more than the script, than these characters, than the show; he loves you. Ben loves you.
You avoid him, outside of filming, until you actually get a call from your manager telling you you’re contractually obligated to be seen in public together at least once a week. Even while filming you’re short with him, and he’s quick to get away from you the moment he doesn’t need to be around you, which was getting to be pretty bad, seeing as how you had been blocking a sex scene.
After the call, you and Ben get a drink. It’s awkward at first, though that’s unsurprising. After a long sip of his beer, he pats his thighs where he’s sitting in the armchair across from you. You make a face at him, shaking your head. 
“It’ll look less suspicious than if we’re shouting at each other across the table.” He hissed, and you groaned, obliging and crossing to sit yourself in his lap. He’s warm and secure, and he wraps his arm around you like it’s second nature. “Let’s not make this weird.” He said gently, and you nod.
“As for tomorrow’s shoot,” you said softly, leaning in to make sure no-one else heard, and he nodded, humming softly, “we’re professionals, and,” after a beat you cleared your throat pointedly, “it’s not like we haven’t done it before.”
“Not in front of a camera crew we haven’t.” Ben says with a smirk, and you snicker in agreement. “It’s gonna go fine; this is all gonna go fine, I promise.” And when you raise your eyebrows at him in surprised question, he just laughs softly, and brings you in for a chaste kiss. “It’s only until the DVD’s released.” He assures you, and you let your expression fall, already weary.
“Ben, that’s over a year away.”
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homestucky · 5 years
ok ok this is like not anything new but still since i havent been on here i havent fully ranted about this yet. big long rant incoming
re the epilogue (spoilers etc)
ok. i have onl y read meat. but fucking? dirk? dirk? ok? dirk??
i am aware of what happens in candy. i know he dies.
i also know in the version i read, in meat, he becomes his ultimate self, all versions of dirk. as many people have said, this includes AR, this includes bro, this includes even to some degree, LE. its an interesting idea ill give you that. but its also.... shitty and not backed enough by well, anything?
so heres my personal rant about the shitty things in Meat.
when i first finished it i couldnt help but think. was the dirk narrative even necessary? on the one hand it was meant to be the MAIN PLOT and it defined the narration etc, but.... it honestly didnt seem to have any importance. i know it was likely  a set up to imply future stuff like making the next sburb or whatever but like
who CARES? why on earth would that be interesting or important? maybe im crazy but like, the ‘b plot’ which was mostly about character relationships and jobs in earth c, was compelling and enjoyable. the narrative with john ‘not important and not the main character anymore’ egbert had details and conclusions ACTUALLY RELATING TO HOMESTUCK, THE COMIC I LIKE AND WANTED TO READ AN EPILOGUE FOR. it was tragic and frankly very upsetting! im not saying i liked it!! but the tragedy felt compelling and significant. 
i appreciate that dirk as narrator IS BIASED so him saying that these narratives are less important is inherently like. not to be trusted but. just. i cant help but feel like you could have cut the whole ‘main dirk reality affecting’ narrative OUT 
and that seems to me maybe like... not good? if such a central part of your narrative has almost no bearing on homestuck or anything anyone cares about?
but im sure there are other people who found it compelling and necessary. thats fair. cant relate but you do you. there are other issues. 
me saying that the dirk narrative felt weirdly isolated and insignificant sounds pretty weird given that it put jade into a coma, manipulated kanayas mind, effectively killed rose and destroyed rosemary right? WELL that brings me on to the next thing. people have noted that meat barely passes the bechdel test. and hey, sometimes things like that can just be a coincidence or unlucky. but the repeated erasure of the female characters minds, motives, identities and autonomy was????  a little too consistent to dismiss. like ok terezi was still her dope self in a lot of ways. jane kinda did some stuff (under dirks direction, and only shitty stuff but . whatever). 
(sidebar: ofc it doesnt make sense to talk about calliope and roxy in the context of the female characters in Meat but either way they were very in the background. like cool an all, and i always love roxy. and i respect they were mostly just minding their own businesses??? which is fair)
 i just. urgh. homestuck has such a genuinely good track record of giving female characters genuine motivations and powerful abilities etc. the fact that almost ALL the female characters involved were working for or manipulated by DIRK. DIRK of all people. is like... is this even based off the real comic? idgi????
roses loss of autonomy.... rose is such an important character. and she goes along with everything dirk says because dirk is suddenly all OP and ‘theyre basically the same person anyway’ like i get that there was some magic bullshit going on or whatever but at the end of the day rose was still written as weak and passive. dirk as strong and skilled and decisive. i get the undertones.. hes a prince of heart. a destroyer of souls, and identities. he messed with kanayas identity , destroyed roses, repeatedly ignored roxys and calliopes, and god i wont even get started on jake yet. but that doesnt make it satisfying to read. or even really feasible.
so theres a possibility im missing something. but im confused about WHY dirk is allowed this power. in the narrative its waved off as a kind of ‘i guess because im like a prince of heart or whatever and im just super good at managing identities and being a strong boy’ like ok if theres some implication somewhere that that is MEANT to be a bogus explanation id be interested to know because it sounds pretty goddamn bogus. why would this happen to dirk? why? literally? one reason? one that makes sense? because there arent any i can think of. why, in the new universe, would dirk, a prince of heart, manifest into a narrative controlling supergod. and fucking WHEN has dirk showed any actual capabilities in this area before?? he KINDA sucked at it in the game. dirks an idiot! hes smart and capable in like, some ways but. its like
why is dirk so powerful suddenly -> its because hes become super ultimate dirk -> ... ok why -> uh because like. hes just so naturally inclined towards being a great manipulator yknow..... canonically.... uhhhh
it just. canon dirk to epilogue dirk is the most ridiculous leap character wise, skill wise, arc wise, personality wise, with minimal reasonable explanation. 
which brings me on to the next thing. so i roasted dirk and said he wasnt strong enough to be able to manipulate things this well. well, obviously through some other means dirk HAS been afforded this power. but what about his personality? its obviously gonna be warped with self importance and knowing how things ‘have to be’. but hes heartless, cruel and hateful. in some ways it seems like canon dirk levels of ruthlessness, especially when it shows that he is actually doing something dumb and petty like his treatment of jake. that shows that he STILL has emotional connection to people as dirk. he also seems to care about some people, like dave and roxy, and cracks jokes and wants to have ‘fun’. this makes the ways in which hes so warped and cruel seem even worse. maybe on the one hand im giving dirk too much credit, everyone knows he has the potential to be a real bastard. but i dont think that was the trajectory he was on when we last saw him. and if this is truly due to him just.. becoming other versions of himself too including LE and bro and stuff..like. i dont see how it could have gotten that bad without say, roxy or dave noticing. 
‘oh they didnt notice because hes just so good at hiding’ why on earth would i believe that!! dave especially this is kinda insulting for. dave is shown to have an almost supernatural ability to detect danger. partially this might be timeline stuff, knight stuff, but also notably im sure his upbringing is involved too. he was trained to be hypervigilant. who was he trained to be hypervigilant for? bro. bros manipulation and traps. near the end of the epilogue we show that dave IS capable of detecting the mindfuckery thats happening. how would that not set off 1 million alarm bells? theres literally apparently a twisted dirk-bro mutant INSIDE HIS HEAD telling him what to do. i just. know that scene was played for comedy and romance but at the very least thats gotta like???? mess with u if ur traumatised? and thats like , why i think dave should have had an inkling abt what was going on!! this is exactly the thing he hates and fears and was traumatised by! and it just going under his nose n him not even knowing , and still pretty recently being all buddy buddy with dirk seems just stupid and infeasible to me. maybe this is me being naive or kind of a stretch but i just feel like daves danger instincts would have been kicking up a whole assed ruckus that whole time. 
also kind of unrelated but i associate sunglasses with strider style toxic masculinity and hiding things so like. ok transitioning or changing gender presentation is one thing but roxy apparently permanently wearing sunglasses makes me NERVOUS
and ill probably wrap up this mighty rant soon but i wanna also say jake was done so fucking dirty. i know he was like, meant to be, because for some reason god dirk just hated him? like ok petty much. but. urgh jake is such an interesting character with a lot of potential and while i appreciate that him being manipulated by someone who may reasonably have a problem with him may make him do stupid and embarrassing stuff, all the narrative seems to have taken a backward step in how hes represented. jake isnt stupid, dirk clearly knew this in canon and he maybe was the only one even including jake. and there was some acknowledgement of this near the beginning of the epilogue. but then for some reason it goes back on itself. everyone still thinks jake is just completely stupid, including the embittered superdirk. so yeah i guess hes upset with jake or whatever but. its still dissatisfying to be like oh yeah jake isnt stupid he actually has a complex set of motivations and potential etc BUT over the X number of yrs on earth c no one else has realised this yet?? hmm. then his narrative is just gonna end up with him being a total joke and essentially becomes as stupid and incompetent as his worst critics say he is. feasible given the mind control ? yeah. enjoyable to read or having any kind of satisfying bearing on anything? nope!
so anyway. i feel like any criticism i have could be argued back with ‘but oh it has to be this way’ or ‘mind control!!’ or ‘not everything has to be nice and happy !!’ but like. dude. there are flaws. many of them. and seeing characters just get shat on is never gonna be good writing. 
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imoutofreach1 · 4 years
I have decided to turn this into a blog. A blog where truth honesty and integrity and I don't have to be intimidated by feeling and showing my life as raw and hard and the challenges I face on a daily occurance truly is as someone who suffers with schizoeffective disorder lives feels and thinks. Welcome to hell and bliss All in one. Oh and don't let me forget to tell you drug addiction. Also. Starting this completely fucked up story off and how I abused a very important friendship. This is a true and accurate story of life and how easily you someone can fuck everything up. Life for me started off completely shitty as a child I would have to guess that life started with abuse at the age of 8yrs of age. See my parents were not fit to be parents they should have. Protected me as a child and throughout my. Younger years but they failed. I was molested by their friend who was a " family friend" haha.you know even your parents can be. Bought to turns blind eye. At the age of 1p we moved from the east coast to California. Wowwwhat a mistake. My father not a dad. Brought his family if 5 here and divorced my mother less then a yr after arriving. Wait. So my dad left my mother for a woman he started N affair with before the move band we were forced to move in with. My dad's brothers. Family. Mistake number 3 they subjected me too. My uncle molested me what the fuck you're supposed to trust family's oh hell no. I was 10 and a half or so. That's when life just started to get rich.. so as his wife walks down the hall and asks what he's doing and he replys I'm covering her up. And the good lil soilder I am I agree. Life is not easy knowing that night if my mom was with her kids and not conceuwith getting boned or drinking that I would have been safe that night asleep with a mother not hands down my pants. By a blood relative..well I. Think like anyone would do at the age that would have become rebellious and try not to feel. Some conflict. Happens I in the home that was mine that my father's brother bought and moved his family in and like that I was a guest in my own home. And I got the added bonus of family "love" sick shit so conflict broke out between my dad's brother and me and I ran away. I. Had gotten in the ice cream trucks guys truck well oh yeah he took real good care of me I don't know junk I was 11 yet.well he took me to Escondido didn't know where I was at that time but I know it now. Well like any kid would think they were safe with the ice cream man. He and his buddy persued to get me drunk and high.so much that I couldn't function he out me in the station wagon of his where I'm blacked out and came to where I found a fat ass dirty ass Mexican pin my back where he was fucking a 10 yr old and when I got up weather or heard my cry's idk I was able to make it to the tree next to the car and I don't know. How
Does a kid feel when they were just raped . I was brought to his friends house and as I sat on her sofa sue had cartoons on for her kid. I fucken hate cartoons. I made it home and walked in my molesters home and my mother who is never around and my perpatrators home that was mine first. I was put on the couch and had a fist raised in my face she didn't hit me but had she I might have. Thought she loved me.. while theyre being responsible they had no idea I was just raped. No child should experience this type of life yet or ever. I'm living with this in mind and body. There was never love it life by the two people who brought me in this God awful world. So we cont. to live with them .the family that demised my life. My older cousin was getting married and I was probably 12 and everyone was drunk at the reception and I had asked for an older woman to stay because she was to fucked up to drive bi was chocked. By my father's brother and yes mind me. I had to get through this alone too. I went to my father's home where I pounded on the door and was just tring to find a safe place. My dad's wife knew I was there so I climbed throughout the bathroom window where I was greeted by my dad's wife naked with a knife no lil one a butcher and was escorted to the door. As i noticed the bruses went around my entire neck.so as I am realizing at this moment I have only had myself for my whole life. So that's the horror story as I'm still young I guess we are at the age of 12 . I'm giving you the gore of my life leaving most of the moving between dad's. Home and moms homes. And all the time my life has been filled with men who only want lil girls to rub their dick and give me booze give me crystal and smoke pot with me. I'm surprised that. Not more damaged to that I am. It's amazing that I have not started to attempt suicide much earlier in life than my early 20s 23 to be exact. And all the while I'm doing methamphetamine and drinking and smoking pot I figure it this way I deserve to get high in this stage only life. I don't think I deserve to live with the pain of loss or memories of someone I love it and I lost because I won't tell the people I care about and treat them with the respect they deserve simply because Im scared to trust and love. Now I have my life to finish up the way it is supposed to play out. . I have love one woman with every fiber of my being and had 2 chances to have her in. My life and you guessed it did fuck it up once I did it twice now I have to live with the fact that I have to live the rest of this life without my best friend
I want to make it clear and honest when you love someone with all your heart you don't think about anything except wanting to be a better person and not for yourself but for them. Not the fact of sex. If you're still thinking about sex I definitely did not reach you. And if you ever think that it might have ended different no probably not. In the end there's always an end. Love the experience I got to share with you I didnt know it could be anything but honest and felt with courage and just know. It's a life I only wanted to share with her and forget about one of the biyches in my past I want nothing more but to forget one day I'll get to rest and stop hatred I want freedom complete
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
Bucky thinks theyre dating and Tony doesn't (he thinks Bucky hates him or something) and has been going on dates. The whole team thinks they're dating actually. So either the team "catches" Tony and tell Bucky or Tony finally giving up and asking Natasha to set him on a date and Natasha yells at him about it like "how dare you do this to him!" And idk splashes a drink in his face then tells Bucky. Either way, Tony is very confused and is even more confused to have an angry Bucky in his workshop.
Well, this got away from me... mind the read-more.
ask me again
“Do you want to go out?” Bucky asked, in an very even tone. It was almost emotionless.
Tony startled. “What?” He looked up from the guts of a phone he was fiddling with. His brows drew together as he stared at the other man. Surely he wasn't asking what Tong thought he was asking. He was just... lonely. Starved for company. “What?”
Bucky took a step back, his face twitching minutely.
Probably annoyance, Tony concluded. Bucky was always annoyed when around him. It made his stomach knot that Bucky... disliked him so intently, but he wasn't going to force his presence on the other man. It would be rude.
“Everyone is going out to go see that new movie that you were going on about,” Bucky said, in that same even tone. “I thought- Maybe you would like to come with-”
“And you got suckered into dragging me out of here?” Tony interrupted, wryly. Then he had another thought. “Wait, who’s everybody?”
Bucky’s face looked like he had sucked on a lemon. “Steve, Sam, and Nat. Clint is off Robin Hooding and Thor is off.... doing whatever Thor does.”
“Well, that’s something at least,” Tony considered. “No Thor to talk over the movie.”
Bucky cracked a little bit of a smile. “Like you’re one to talk.”
Tony clutched his heart. “I am wounded, Bucky. Absolutely wounded.”
The smile grew a little bit. “You comin’?”
Mentally reviewing his to-do list, and weighing his desire to see the movie against being a fifth wheel, he pushed away from the table. “Love too, Buckaroo. Let me,” he gestured expansively at himself. “Clean,” he said vaguely.
“We’re leaving in an hour!”
(mind the read more!)
Natasha looked at Bucky as he exited the elevator. “How’d it go?”
“He said yes,” Bucky said, a hint of a smile on his face.
Natasha tipped her head, looking at him as if she could see to his soul. “Wear the blue shirt you got last week,” was all she said, before walking away.
They got two popcorns between the five of them, insisting that no, Tony, they did not all need their own large bucket of popcorn. As they filed into seats, Tony noticed the strange order of the other four. Steve sat on the far side of the group, followed by Natasha, then Sam. He was on the other side, sitting next to Bucky. He was puzzled, but figured they didn't want him to feel too left out by pairing off. It was sweet, he thought fleetingly, but unnecessary. Sure, he wanted to be in a relationship, but he didn't begrudge them theirs.
Sam shoved the bucket in Natasha’s lap. She gave him a withering look. “If you spill this into my lap,” she trailed off.
“You should watch out for Steve, he's the klutz!” Sam protested.
While they bickered, Bucky wedged the other bucket between them. Tony looked down at the bucket then up at Bucky. “What, no threats for me?” he half-joked, fluttering his lashes.
Bucky rolled his eyes. “If you spill the gallon of butter you put on this thing on me, I'll make you lick it off.”
Tony froze for what felt like a minute but was really only a few seconds. What the hell. “Oh,” he forced out a grin. “You wish,” he winked.
Thankfully Steve interrupted their conversation before Bucky could reply, and their mini-argument lasted until the lights went down.
Bucky came two days later, bearing plates of pasta. Tony glanced away from the holograms he was manipulating. “While I love pasta, I think that's overestimating my stomach just a bit.”
“I was going to stay and eat here.”
Tony stared at him. “To make sure I eat it all? I assure you, despite what you might have heard I am an adult and am capable of eating. I do so quite regularly. And this pasta looks delicious and I have no problems stopping to eat it.”
Bucky looked frustrated, which was in no way unusual. Not for Bucky to look around him, or really anyone to look around him. Which was somehow more painful than other people’s annoyed reactions to him. “I want to.”
Suspiciously, Tony took one of the plates. Steve had probably put it up to this. “Where’s Steve?”
“Out with Natasha and Sam.”
Strange, Tony thought. But the siren’s call of pasta and some time to think through the problem he was working on outweighed forcing his personality on Bucky. “If you don't mind too much.”
“It's fine, genius.”
Tony’s mouth was already full or he would have responded to that. Holy shit, it was homemade pasta.
“We had lunch,” Bucky told Steve.
Steve raised his eyebrows. “You mean you managed to get his attention away from his work?”
“I made homemade pasta.”
Steve whistled. “You definitely know the way to his heart.”
Tony whirled. “How long have you been down here?”
Bucky lowered the book he was reading and aborted his next throw. DUM-E made a sad beep as the tennis ball barely went two feet. “What?”
“How long have you been in here?” Tony repeated, slowly. “How did you get in here?” He made a frustrated noise and shoved his hand through his hair, smearing grease into it. There was a streak of black on his cheek.
Bucky’s brow furrowed. “Two hours maybe?” He hazarded. “And you said I could. I asked if I could come in and be with you and you said yes,” pausing, as if in thought, he continued. “You didn't seem to be real focused on me though.”
Tony stared at him. Why would Bucky willingly want to spend time with him? And why hadn't he noticed someone in his space before? Other Avengers had spent time on his couch before but he always felt their presence like an itch between his shoulderblades. It felt like they were trying to figure him out, like a puzzle, or fit him into a box. This was different. It was almost nice. “Why?”
“Why what?”
Frustrated, Tony snatched a dirty rag to clean his hands, just for something to do. “Why are you hanging out here? With me?”
An expression passed over Bucky’s face too quick for Tony to identify. “Why wouldn't I?”
It was said so simply that Tony gaped at Bucky.
Now he could identify the expression on his face - hurt - as Bucky gathered the book he was reading and the water bottle he had brought down with him, rising as if to leave.
Backpedaling quickly, Tony snapped his mouth shut and thought quickly. “No wait,” he said without thinking. Bucky paused and looked back at him. “I- well- you can stay,” he finished lamely.
Bucky hesitated. “You don't sound sure.”
Not feeling sure about any of this, Tony picked his words carefully. This felt like a bomb about to go off, and not one of his old ones, but a shitty Hammer bomb liable to blow without being triggered. “I was just- surprised. No one wants to sit and listen to me work. It's... not entertaining,” he finished finally.
Bucky’s posture relaxed. “I don't need you to be entertaining, DUM-E’s got that covered,” he said, one corner of his mouth hitched up.
Scoffing, Tony looked at his bot. “That pile of bolts?”
Bucky patted DUM-E’s arm. “It's ok, he doesn't mean that, DUM-E.”
Tony hid a fond smile. Anyone who liked his bots, and who his bots liked back, was a good person in his book. “Sure do,” he replied cheerfully. “But if you want to sit here and be suckered into throwing a tennis ball for hours, then thanks for taking one for the team and keeping him out of the way.”
DUM-E let out an indigent beep.
“Fine, you can help when I get to the heavy lifting!” Tony replied, throwing his hands up in the air.
Now there was a full smile on Bucky’s face. It was the first one that was in Tony’s direction, he thought. “Go,” he said, making shooing motions at the two. “I have work to get done.”
Maybe he was growing on Bucky. Like mold, he thought, vaguely disgusted at the comparison.
“Where did you disappear to?” Sam asked, as they competed at MarioKart.
Swerving deliberately to knock Sam off the track, Bucky shrugged. “Tony’s workshop.”
Sam stopped cursing at falling off the rainbow. “Arm?” There was sympathy in his voice.
“Nah. Just sitting in there with him.”
Nat stopped speaking, and looked at the entrance. “Is that Tony? No-” she sighed as both Sam and Steve immediately, and obviously, turned in their chairs to look where she was looking.
Steve turned back. “That's Tony but Bucky didn't say anything about a date tonight,” he said with a frown.
“Wait, is that that woman from the gala the other night?” Sam’s voice sounded confused. “The one who was hitting on Tony all night?”
Natasha looked closer at the two people who were being led closer to the three of them. “It is. Apparently she's going to help co-host fundraising gala in a few months for the Maria Stark Foundation.”
Steve’s brows drew together. “This is an... awfully intimate place for a business meeting.”
“I don't think it's a business meeting,” Sam said slowly, watching their body language. “It looks... like a date.”
Steve stiffened and drew in breath to argue, but Natasha looked at the two carefully. It did look like a date.
Tony noticed them before Steve could reply. Instead of shying away, or freezing, he lit up. Tugging the woman over with him, he smiled at the three of them. “Hi! Where’s Bucky? Bathroom? Oh, yes, this is Linda, my date for the evening, first date and all, you might remember her from the gala. Linda this is-” He didn't have time to finish the introduction, because his stomach and pants were suddenly soaked. “What the hell, Natasha?”
The immediate area around the table was silent. Natasha neatly folded her napkin. “I never took you for a cheater, Stark.” She got up and walked away before he could reply, pulling out her phone.
Tony gaped. “Cheater?”
Linda pulled away from him. “Maybe we should postpone this evening.” She offered him a small piece of fabric. It wouldn't do much again the sopping fabric of his pants, but it was a nice gesture. “I'll get in touch about the gala, Tony.” She, too, walked away.
Tony glanced between Steve and Sam, who both looked stony faced. “Cheating?” He repeated himself. “What the hell?” He held up a hand. “I thought you knew I wasn't dating Pepper anymore? We broke up months ago!” Annoyed, he stalked away, ignoring the steadily rising murmurs of the other diners.
“He what?” Bucky pulled the phone away from his ear to stare at it, as if that held the answer.
“He said she was his date for the night,” Natasha repeated. “I don't know what was going on.”
Bucky’s face hardened. “I'll find out.” He hid the end call button and stalked to the elevator.
Tony sat on a stool in his workshop, thankfully dried off, but too annoyed and confused to work. His hands tapped out a tempo as he thought out the evening’s disaster over and over again. The doors to his workshop opened with an ominous sound, and he didn’t bother turning to face whoever had just came in. Probably there just to yell at him about cheating, for whatever reason.
“What the hell was that?”
It was Bucky. And he sounded... hurt.
He stood and turned now, to face him. “What the hell was what? I went out on a date, I don’t understand why everyone is so upset!” His voice took on a plaintive note.
“Don’t understand?” Bucky’s voice was dangerously soft now. “Is cheatin’ somethin’ you do without thinkin’ twice about?” His accent thickened.
“I’m not dating Pepper anymore!” Tony defended himself.
“Well good, cause you were datin’ me!”
Stunned, Tony groped for his stool before lowering himself onto it. “What?”
It was clear Bucky was gearing himself up for a rant, Tony had seen him in full-rant mode before, usually when Steve had a particularly ‘jump out of a plane without a parachute’-like idea, but that breathless question stopped it in it’s tracks.
“Whaddya mean, what?”
“I mean, what do you mean I’m dating you?”
They stared at each other for a full minute in silence. Bucky opened and closed his mouth several times. Tony couldn’t even form a full thought. Dating? Them? What? When?
“I asked you out,” Bucky finally managed. “Three weeks ago.”
Tony simply stared at him. Three weeks ago?
“The movie you wanted to see?” Bucky prompted.
“You’re dating Natasha.” There, coherent words. Tony was pleased he had remembered that fact with his brain offline.
Now Bucky looked offended. “Nat’s dating Steve and Sam.”
“Is this some sort of parallel universe? Did I walk through a portal? Did Reed Richards fuck something up again?”
If possible, Bucky looked even more offended. “I brought you pasta, we went to the arcade, we went out to Central Park, and I hung out here with you last week.”
“Okay,” Tony muttered to himself. “No parallel universe then.” He paused. “You asked me out?”
“When we went to go see that movie you wanted to see!”
Tony thought back to the afternoon of the movie. Had Bucky? “I thought- You were just- Being nice and inviting the only single guy,” he concluded.
“And the homemade pasta?”
“Steve forced you to bring me food so I wouldn’t starve.”
Bucky looked a little desperate now. “Hanging out with you?”
Tony shrugged. “I find engineering relaxing. If you did too, why would I begrudge you that?” He hesitated. “I didn’t think you liked me at all.”
Bucky looked pained. “What?”
Tony looked away, not wanting to put it into words. “You never wanted to be around me, and you never really talked to me.” It sounded lame. It sounded silly and vaguely like middle-school.
Sighing heavily, Bucky gestured towards a stool near Tony. “May I?” At Tony’s nod, he sat. “I thought it’d be too obvious if I was around ya too long. Or talked to ya too long.”
Leaning on the table, Tony contemplated the disaster of the past three weeks. “What the hell,” he finally said, “did we do?”
“Did what two human disasters do best, I guess,” Bucky said, giving a half smile. It still looked a little pained.
Tony looked at Bucky, really looked at him. “Look. I... never really considered this-”
“Oh, don’t give me the easy let down-” Bucky interrupted. “I don’t need to hear it. It’s fine-”
“Oh shut up,” Tony said mildly. “But you bring me homemade pasta, you’re good-looking, and you’re right at home in the workshop.” He paused, looked down at his hands as if for the right words. “Obviously we should maybe take some time to think this through, but maybe after some time we could try again? Maybe this time where both of us know what’s going on?”
Bucky couldn’t say anything, he was too busy staring at Tony.
Eyes rolling, Tony gently closed Bucky’s mouth with a fingertip. “This offer is predicated on one, you telling Natasha, Steve, and Sam - and wow, I did not see that - what happened so I don’t get soaked again, thanks for that. And two, you hang out around here and we try to be friends first. Without me thinking you hate me.”
“You would fixate on that,” Tony muttered. “Tasha threw her drink at me. At my stomach, thankfully.”
“Even pissed she wouldn’t aim at your face,” he said knowingly.
Startled, Tony eyed Bucky. How had he known? “Well, she ruined a very lovely shirt.”
Bucky held out a hand. “Deal.”
Tony shook his hand. “Deal.” He echoed.
“He didn’t know?”
“You’re the one who told me he was oblivious!”
“Yeah but not that oblivious!”
Three months later
Tony brought Bucky a plate of pasta. “Hungry?” He wasn’t. His stomach was in knots.
Bucky looked up from the book he was reading and grinned. “Definitely. Brought enough for both of us, or do you need to run off and work?”
“Nah, I figured I’d eat with you.”
Tony took a deep breath. “Can I ask you a question?”
Shovelling pasta into his mouth was not an attractive look, Tony concluded, but it was somehow endearing. Bucky nodded and gave a go ahead gesture.
“Remember the conversation we had after I ‘cheated’? Tony asked, adding air quotes.
Bucky set down his fork, and nodded. “Yeah,” he said hoarsely. “Changed your mind?”
“No, no, nothing like that,” Tony said quickly. He shoved a hand through his hair. This time, the hand was clean. He took another deep breath, and asked. “Want to ask me again?” He smiled, but he was pretty sure it was shaking with nerves.
Bucky blinked a few times. “Ask you- oh!”
Surprisingly, that made Tony’s nerves settle a little. “Yeah.”
Bucky looked down, as if steeling himself, then back up at Tony. “So, there’s a movie you’ve been wanting to see. What to go see it? With me? Alone?” he added. “And then continue going on romantic dates with me in the future?”
Tony smiled. “Why, James Buchanan Barnes, are you asking to ration me?”
That startled a laugh out of him. “Where did you hear that?”
“He’s a punk.”
“Yeah, well?”
“Yeah, I guess I am.”
“Well, in that case, yeah, I’d love to go out with you.”
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hannahindie · 7 years
Hannah & Manda’s 200 Follower “Punk’s Not Dead” Creative Challenge
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Hey everyone! It’s me, Hannah! And over there is my lovely Manda! We both are excited and very thankful to announce that we have both hit 200 followers. We were so excited that we decided to have a special challenge to celebrate!
The name of the challenge is “Punk’s Not Dead”. Why’s that, you ask? Because Manda and I both grew up with and love 2000s pop punk, and it’s one of the great things that we have in common! We decided to pick out some of our favorite lyrics to inspire you all to create amazing things. The rules are listed below! We hope that you are excited to join us and we can’t wait to see all the awesome things you all come up with!
This is a Creative Challenge! We know there are so many creative people with amazing talents in the SPN fandom and we want to give you a chance to share yours! Anyone is welcome to participate!
Do you write fanfiction? Awesome, write your heart out!
Are you an incredible aesthetic designer? Yes, please!
Is art more your thing? Fantastic - make all the things.
Love making compilation videos? We have a great list of songs you can use for inspiration/background!
Got another totally awesome talent that you want to utilize to participate? Sweet, we can’t wait to ohh and ahh over it!
Following both of us is NOT required but would be appreciated! Pick a prompt from the list below (you can click the song title to hear the song if you are unfamiliar)
Send an ask to either Hannah (@hannahindie) or Manda (@pinknerdpanda) with the number of the prompt that you would like and if you will be creating a fic, aesthetic, art, video or whatever your clever little selves would like to do! (messages and reblogs won’t count so we can keep track of them easily)
Any pairing except NO WINCEST please! :)
SPN only
Any Genre, length, format (Fic writers - just be sure to use a “Keep Reading” break if your fic will be more than 500 words)
The lyrics you choose should inspire your work in some way. If you choose to use the lyrics in what you do, be sure to bold them and give credit to the artists
Be sure to tag both @hannahindie and @pinknerdpanda in your work
Use the tag #HanPan Punk’s Not Dead Challenge
Entries are Due June 5, 2017 (If you need more time or need to back out for some reason - that’s fine, just let one of us know!)
“When I was younger/I saw my daddy cry/And curse at the wind/He broke his own heart/And I watched/As he tried to reassemble it” - The Only Exception by Paramore
“The faster we're falling/We're stopping and stalling/We're running in circles again/Just as things were looking up/You said it wasn't good enough/But still we're trying one more time” -  In Too Deep by Sum 41
“But now this broken soul of a boy/Falls in pieces with no choice/At the sound of her voice/He falls apart/But now this broken soul of a boy/Falls in pieces with no choice/At the sound of her voice/He falls apart, he falls apart, he falls apart” - Sincerely Yours by Hit the Lights
“I'm troublesome, I've fallen/I'm angry at my father/It's me against this world and I don't care.” - The Young and the Hopeless by Good Charlotte
“Simple words we never knew,/The power behind what they put us through,/Now it's all begun,/what it takes to make it real./We're standing on the edge of this,/When our soul is gone,/what will we miss?/We lost what it takes to really, really feel.”  - Save Us by Cartel
“I watched the smoke, as it grew darker and blew up through the roof/I watched the fed, saw them panic, as the fire grew/I saw virginia, get rid of langley, and its secrets too/I held your hand, and sat there knowing, that we'd make it through.” - Watch the World by Box Car Racer
“Is it still me that makes you sweat?/Am I who you think about in bed?/When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress?/Well, then think of what you did/And how I hope to God he was worth it/When the lights are dim and your heart is racing as your fingers touch your skin” - Lying is the most fun a girl could have without taking her clothes off by Panic At the Disco
“As for now I'm gonna hear the saddest songs/And sit alone and wonder/How you're making out/But as for me, I wish that I was anywhere with anyone/Making out.” - Screaming Infidelities by Dashboard Confessional
“And the record won't stop skipping/And the lies just won't stop slipping/And besides my reputation's on the line/We can fake it for the airwaves/Force our smiles, baby, half dead/From comparing myself to everyone else around me” - I've Got A Dark Alley And A Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song)  by Fall Out Boy
“Wait, they don't love you like I love you/ Made off/Don't stray/My kind's your kind/I'll stay the same” - Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
“Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say./I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way./For all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took,/Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?” - I’m Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance
“I remember the look in your eyes/When I told you that this was goodbye/You were begging me not tonight/Not here, not now” - Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard
“Your sins into me/Oh, my beautiful one/Your sins into me/As a rapturous voice escapes, I will tremble a prayer/And I'll beg for forgiveness/(Your sins into me) Your sins into me/Oh, my beautiful one” - Silver and Cold by AFI
“Laying in the summer grass, you told me not to talk so fast,/As I told you how I feel,/You made me feel right at home,/You told me I was not alone and you knew just how I feel,” - Seasons by Good Charlotte
“life is/only/as good as the memories we make/and i'm taking back what belongs to me/polaroids of classrooms unattended/these relics of remembrance/are just like shipwrecks/only theyre gone faster/than the smell after it rains” - So Long, Astoria by The Ataris
“Back then it meant so much to have you by my side,/I always had your back and you always had mine,” - Let Me Go by Good Charlotte
“feel your fire,/when it’s cold in my heart/and things sorta start/remindin' me of my last night with you/i only need one more day/just one more chance to say/i wish that i had gone up with you too/and i'm sure the view from heaven/beats the hell out of mine here/and if we all believe in heaven/maybe we'll make it through one more year/down here” - View From Heaven by Yellowcard
“I don't care about a thing today /I used to but I'm fed up/And I can hear the words you say/I wish that you would shut up” - Festival Song by Good Charlotte
“Light breaks underneath a heavy door/And I try to keep myself awake/Fall all around us on our hotel floor/And you think that you've made a mistake/And there's a pain in my stomach from another sleepless binge/And I struggled to get myself up again” - Globes and Maps by Something Corporate
“you see, it's never bad enough /to just leave or give up/but, it’s never good enough to feel right” - This Photograph is Proof (I know You Know) by Taking Back Sunday
“Days swiftly come and go./I'm dreaming of her/She's seeing other guys/Emotions they stir/The sun is gone./The nights are long/And I am left while the tears fall.” - Swing, Swing by All American Rejects
“And when it all goes to hell, /will you be able to tell me sorry with a straight face.” - The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes - by Fall Out Boy
“But I’m too tired to go to sleep tonight/And I’m too weak to follow dreams tonight/For the first time in a long time I can say/That I want to try to get better and/Overcome each moment/In my own way.” - Even If It Kills Me by Motion City Soundtrack
“Oh don't mind me I'm watching you two from the closet/Wishing to be the friction in your jeans/Isn't it messed up how I'm just dying to be him?/I'm just a notch in your bedpost/But you're just a line in a song” - Sugar We’re Goin Down by Fall Out Boy
“I'm gonna tear your ass up like we just got married/And you're all mine now/Tonight is the night we've been waiting for all our lives/Or maybe for just tonight” - Bedroom Talk by The Starting Line
“I tried to be perfect/It just wasn’t worth it/Nothing could ever be so wrong/It’s hard to believe me/It never gets easy/I guess I knew that all along” - Pieces by Sum 41
“And the mindless comfort grows/When I'm alone with my 'great' plans/And this is what she says gets her through it/"If I don't let myself be happy now, then when?/If not now, when?" - For Me This Is Heaven by Jimmy Eat World
“I've given a lot of thought to the nights we use to have/the days have come and gone/our lives went by so fast” - There Is by Box Car Racer
“Forgive me, I'm trying to find/My calling, I'm calling at night/I don't mean to be a bother,/But have you seen this girl?/She's been running through my dreams/And it's driving me crazy, it seems/I'm going to ask her to marry me” - Remembering Sunday by All Time Low
“Are you gonna live your life standing in the back looking around?/Are you gonna waste your time?/Gotta make a move or you'll miss out.” - A Praise Chorus by Jimmy Eat World
“I just can't look, it's killing me/And taking control/Jealousy, turning saints into the sea/Swimming through sick lullabies/Choking on your alibis/But it's just the price I pay/Destiny is calling me/Open up my eager eyes/'Cause I'm Mr. Brightside” - Mr. Brightside by The Killers
“Hey, you know they're all the same./You know you're doing better on your own, so don't buy in./Live right now, just be yourself./It doesn't matter if it's good enough for someone else.” - The Middle by Jimmy Eat World
“The angry boy, a bit too insane/Icing over a secret pain/You know you don't belong/You're the first to fight, you're way to loud/You're the flash of light on a burial shroud/I know something's wrong/Well everyone I know has got a reason to say/Put the past away” - Jumper by Bedlight For Blue Eyes version
“Since the day I met you/And after all we've been through/I'm still a dick/I’m addicted to you” - Addicted by Simple Plan
“I got a couple addictions/But I swear that I'm coming clean/I got a new way of thinking/Yeah, you're bringing out the best in me” - Chemicals Collide by Boys Like Girls
“I can't remember the time or place,/or what you were wearing,/it's unclear about how we met,/ all I know it was the best conversation that I've ever had,/to this day I never found someone,/with eyes as wide as yours” - The Story So Far by New Found Glory
“What if I wanted to fight/Beg for the rest of my life/What would you do?/You say you wanted more/What are you waiting for?/I'm not running from you” - The Kill by 30 Seconds to Mars
“Your eyes were covered in sunglasses /When they first met mine/I sat there and stared at you /You didn't seem to mind” - I Don’t Wanna Know by New Found Glory
“We drive tonight,/and you are by my side./We're talking about our lives,/like we've known each other forever./the time flies by,/with the sound of your voice./its close to paradise,/with the end surely near./and if i could only stop the car/and hold onto you,/and never let go (and never let go)/i'll never let go (i'll never let go)/as we round the corner/to your house/you turned to me and said,/"i'll be going through withdrawal of you/for this one night we have spent."/and, i want to/speak these words/but i guess i'll just bite my tongue,/and accept "someday, somehow"/as the words that we'll hang from.” - Tiger Lily by Matchbook Romance
“Think i'm dying without you here/so i drink myself to sleep/and then i hide beneath the sheet/and i try to disappear” - Dumb Reminders by No Use for a Name
“First my car broke down/So then I had to hitch a ride/I was almost there/When the motor died” - My Life Story by MxPx
“Now here I sit, so far away./Remembering all our memories./It's times like these that I miss you most,/Remembering when we were so close.” - Jaded (These Years) by Mest
“Well there's a million other girls who do it just like you./Looking as innocent as possible to get to who,/They want and what they like, it's easy if you do it right./Well I refuse, I refuse, I refuse!” - Misery Business by Paramore
“We're traveled like gypsies/Only with worse luck and far less gold/The kids you used to love/But then we grew old/We're the lifers here til the bitter end/Condemned from the start/Ashamed of the way/The songs and the words own the beating of our hearts” - Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year by Fall Out Boy
“She/She's figured out /All her doubts were someone else's point of view/Waking up this time to smash the silence with the brick of self control/Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you?/Are you feeling like a social tool without a use?/Scream at me until my ears bleed/I'm taking heed just for you” - She by Green Day
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