#theyre way more balanced then in cannon but developed thier own personalities
im-totally-not-an-alien-2 ยท 2 years
Au where Phantom discovered the last two high rulers of the Infinity Realms were actually really nice people who genuinely wanted what was best for it people...until the crown was placed upon thier heads that is.
It was like thier entire personalities changed overnight.
Team Phantom unravels the centuries old plot by the Observents to curse the crown of fire and the ring of rage so that any who wear them are quickly drowned by malice and madness.
The ghost zone used to be a paradise. A second chance for those who had terrible lives and even worse deaths. According to the much older spirits the zone used to be filled with interesting lairs and isles creating an almosy playful scene.
Now most of what you see is locked doors of spirits too afraid to leave the confines of thier homes.
Danny knew he couldn't take the crown, but if he refused the Obervants would know something was up and force the crown onto his head like they did with the Queen before Pariah Dark. He knows he can't fight them off. They had defeated Pariah without any special gear after all and he no longer had the suit he had used before.
Danny would need to run and find help,, but his enemies would surely follow or track him via is ecto-signature So team Phantom came up with an idea. They recalibrated the Fenton dream catcher to split his human half from his ghost half again. This time it worked pretty well...if you ignored the fact both boys were now 12.
The boys went into the zone and began dimension hopping throughout the multiverse as a pair of twin bountyhunters/mercenaries Blanko and Noir Chrome. It was perfect! They could get money for food and supplies, Blanko- who had apparently inherited the fenton genius- could build a spaceship, they could fight heros to see if they're up to snuff and they could get around mostly unhindered and without an adult bossing them around.
Eventually they run into this group calling themselves the Justice League and decide to start business around thier terf. They were impressed.
But what was this about the chrome Brothers being "Ready made Robins"? And what are "Bat adoption papers"?
Could they teach Red Hood to become a proper halfa? Could they convince him to take the throne once this was all over? Did they even want to go back to being Danny?
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