wolfboywarmachine · 5 years
felix iresso for the headcanon meme?
ooh hmmmMM i haven’t given him enough attention bc cas has No Time For Being Nice To People, lemme think
1: sexuality headcanon: i’m gonna say bi because there are too many damn heteros in this game and i don’t wanna refute his Canon Thing With Women 
2: otp: i can’t say i have one actually? i might do a female consular eventually but til then…i cannot say. i don’t know much about the romance so i might also decide i hate it, who knows. most of the base game ones are Fucky and bad
3: brotp: i might be misremembering because my brain is full of sand but i think there were a couple moments where he got along well with qyzen? that could be sweet. also nadia (STRICTLY not romantically, because Gross) because i think she needs a lil bit of a calming influence. especially in my verse, because she’s stuck with cas “feelings what are those” ariel. also i think he Tries to be friends with zenith but zenith, much like cas, is in the camp of “i don’t need friends. they disappoint me” and cuts it off fast
4: notp: hmmmm….like i said i’m not sure how i feel about him/f!consular yet. lemme go do Research. OK. it’s okay? not as bad as some of the base game ones. still a little uncomfortable. i don’t rly have an answer here. 
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: i like the thought of him being a Music Guy. lt iresso banging out the tunes.
6: one way in which I relate to this character: definitely the “i have no idea what the fuck is going on in my brain” part. i know in his case it’s a Fucking Sith Holocron instead of Mental Illness but i still Feel it god dammit
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: some of his Quips were endearing and done well but i think there were a couple that were…trying a little hard8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinnamon roll, for sure.
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scionprotector · 5 years
a hug around the waist for vayllaa and theron?
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Iokath was a damn mess. And that was saying a lot, considering how much Vayllaa felt the entirety of her life was a mess. But with both sides scrambling for power, plus a machine that could destroy entire planets, things were not exactly under any semblance of control. 
Nonetheless, she could resist taking one moment in the chaos to slip her arms around Theron’s waist, pressing her forehead against his back. He’d initially stiffened, but she felt him relax as she murmured a muffled “It’s me.”
“Hey. You holding up alright?”
“Hanging in there. I just needed a moment to anchor myself.”
He chuckled softly, a vibration she felt against her chest. “This tends to work better if I can return the favor, you know?”
“Gonna have to wait your turn, Oro. I got here first,” she teased, although after a few moment, she relented and loosened her hold on him enough to let him turn around and face her. 
His arms slipped around her and he settled his chin on the top of her head. “Take all the time you need, Vay. I’ll be right here.”
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aurriearts · 5 years
i know ive told you this before but im saying it again: literally my favorite thing about your art style is the way you color. the palettes you choose... just the way things LOOK is so awesome and amazing to me? like i WISH that the world looked like your style because i think i'd love it even more........
make super specific assumptions about me based on my art style
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
i was curious about your opinion of writing characters like,,, with a different character arc? like, a sort of canon divergence where certain characters end up developing different opinions than they do in canon? like, just an example: someone writing quinn realizing the severe downfalls of the empire (you know, mass propaganda, fascism, slavery, etc.) and moving away from that? or lana being more rigid in their opinions than just following an ls!outlander without question?
i am 100% supportive of writing characters with growth arcs (both towards and away from the ideals of the player and or player character) and of writing them with different outcomes than we have in canon - to use the example of lana you mentioned, she and outlander!eirn butt heads much more in my writing than they do ingame, because eirn is an ls/disillusioned sith who wants nothing further to do with the empire, and lana is... well, lana.
personally, i try to write characters as true to themselves, or at least, my conception and understanding of them, which means inevitably my depiction will be different to canon because bioware a. have limited resources with which to do their exposition (see also: much of my frustration with lana being an exposition bot at the cost of her characterisation) and b. caters expressly to a player power fantasy (chuck has said as much on livestreams), so major npcs are unlikely to complain much about their actions (and those that do are frequently murderable, as of kotfetet - see: senya, koth, indo, atrius, etc...)
(similarly, i tend to hc and write lana as being more manipulative and controlling than a lot of fandom write/hc her as, which has caught me flak from lana fans in the past but to me,feels truer to her personality, especially as it is shown in sor, than the characterisation she gets in some parts of being completely benevolent and selfless)
this isn’t to say i feel that characters should be static or stagnant - sometimes people don’t change, this much is true, and going through a period of trial and doubling down on one’s previous beliefs is both an incredibly human trait and a completely valid character arc. but even that is a growth of a kind, because the character in question has had their beliefs or stances challenged and come away with more conviction in them.
but i am also okay with and (try to write) character growth and change from npcs even in directions that are canon divergent, but... within that framework of ‘doesn’t fundamentally contradict or betray the characterisation’. i will admit that it is something i struggle with, in part because longfic and i are hated nemeses and in part just because i focus far more on my ocs. at the very least, i try to work out where a character would (imo) reasonably have come to, given the events and circumstances that they have been through and the people they have been around.
so for a concise example: under the right circumstances, i could buy quinn having an arc where he comes to the conclusion that there are things about the empire that need changing. however, there is not a circumstance on this green earth where i could buy quinn not just leaving the empire but fighting against it for the republic.
similarly, i could buy an arc where (for example) kira carsen comes to the conclusion that the jedi are not For Her and she leaves to find her own path. however, given her personality and her history, i don’t see any reasonable path to her rejoining the empire and or the sith, never mind fighting against the republic and or jedi.
so like. ultimately, i don’t have a problem with canon divergence when it comes to people writing npcs, not least because.. i do it myself [shrug emoji]
my only sticking point is when people paste ‘improved’ or noncanon traits onto characters - quinn is a great example - without actually showing them developing those traits or behaviours, and defending this as ‘character growth’. if you don’t show the character growing (or having grown), it’s not growth, it’s a whitewash. there’s quinn fic all over the place which has him being Best Pals with vette or mysteriously anti-slavery (in all its forms, not just his ‘these people have no standards’ from rishi) etc without bothering to show how he got from the canon starting point to the divergent fic characterisation, or to show him dealing with more insidious internalised prejudices and beliefs - he just gets dubbed ‘non problematic’ at some point and thereafter is a Good Bean who says and does Nothing Bad.
(and then there are people who just straight up ‘nah i’m just going to remove all his Problematic traits or rewrite his Problematic decisions to be justifiable because i’m an adult and i do what i want’, which... okay, but at that point, he basically turns into an oc with a canon character’s name, so [shrug emoji] all people show when they do that is that they don’t like anything about the actual character or dynamics, just the aesthetics)
(these aren’t problems unique to quinn, ofc, but quinn fandom’s whitewashing of him and his less than stellar attributes is something i’ve butted heads with people over in the past)
but like. fundamentally, people will always write whatever they want, and as a random asshole on the internet, i neither have nor want much control over that. i find people who turn lana into the sort of person who moons over LSV jedi knights or who rewrite pierce into a cuddly supportive big brother to be exasperating but ultimately i can’t stop them from doing so, so [shrug emoji]
...anyway wow this got long sorry D: i rambled
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disaster-bi-shan · 5 years
🌺 ry loves scritches..... but he especially loves getting scritches under his chin or behind his ears.....
i didn't consider this at first but now??? HELL YEAH 11/10, has to be from someone he utterly trusts, but once he gets over the initial embarrassment of enjoying it bc it's been a while and he's been trying to repress his cathar behaviours, he purrs real loud and low and gets all giggly, and then eventually starts doing the slow blinking thing with his face all scrunched up from smiling and laughing and all squinty (he'll still try to hide his face in a pillow bc he thinks he looks silly and pulls funny faces like a pallas cat)
(🌺 tell me a preconeption/headcanon you have for one of my characters and I'll rate how accurate it is)
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cat-mlm · 5 years
oh hey bro just found your blog and... we got the same name bro... solidarity
bro,,,, solidarity,,,, 😔👊
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pupcrimes · 5 years
i love katabi so much & i just want him to be happy.........
he’s trying his best to get there!! he’s still adjusting to life outside of slavery and all the extremes that come with it, so he’s a lil confused about how to find that middle ground 
he does eventually find someone to talk to and help guide him through it, because there’s definitely no one more sick of his shit than himself and he wants to be a better friend and partner and person all around 
he’s just gotta.... suffer a little bit first :)
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lesbijkas · 5 years
that’s how it is on this bitch of an earth
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woowiee · 5 years
2,4, 16, and 31 for chaya? and 9, 18, and 36 for adal?
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
She’s has a GenZ mind set so things like vines or dumb tumblr posts are the things that’ll make her chuckles
4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
Well it took Crowley about a century to get on their good side but Azi is still on thin ice so I’d say it’s pretty difficult. Well for celestial beings at least. Chaya has a soft spot for most humans so he’s down to make friends
16. What makes their stomach turn?
People who use god to justify their terrible actions, rapists/pedohiles, etc.
Oh and politicians. They HATE politicians
9. Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
God the boy curses like a sailor, but he gets that from his master
18. What embarrasses them?
Being a klutz. He ends up knocking shit over or dropping things really often at the worst times possible
36. Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall in their lap?
Vic can tell you that adal is a magnet for romance. If it weren’t for the fact that he’s traing to be a Jedi, he’d probably being going on ALOT of dates by now
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spilled-almond-milk · 5 years
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plotbunny-bundle · 5 years
for the oc compatibility meme: hyroh? falls in love way to easily, has a type (as you know). loves to cuddle but very respectful of personal space, so he wouldnt like force that on anybody. very soft (emotionally and physically) but will also kill for his partner(s) if they asked him to
I kinda want to say my Knight, Mordra. I’m not so sure cause Mord can be militant and an ass. But he would be the one to fall head over heels for Hyroh. He has a thing for warrior, especially heroic warriors. That thought is in my head and I can’t think of anyone else. 
So yeah Mordra would love Hyroh if he could get passed the Jedi repression thing. Hyroh would know the relationship issues Mordra gets from being a Jedi. and a guy like Hyroh could really make Mordra feel safe whether they had a romantic relationship or just friendship. (Mord would still have a crush)
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wolfboywarmachine · 5 years
your writing is Really Really Lovely and i just... i aspire to be like you tbh
!!!!!!!!!!!! that’s really sweet thank you, i’m so glad you like it. don’t be like me tho!!! be better!! i know you can, i believe in you
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scionprotector · 5 years
how they smile & nonverbal greetings for vamien?
The smile varies, but Vamien lately has been doing a quirky one-sided smile quite a bit... I wonder who he gets it from:
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As for nonverbal greetings, it depends almost entirely on who it is. Most of the time, it’s a polite nod of the head. With Theron, it tends to be a slight squeeze of his arm (with his good hand). 
Vamien is not very physical, but he’s learning. 
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aurriearts · 5 years
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PAINTING AGAIN, got carried away and drew zashir’s teenage sweetheart/voice of reason, sephi! :D they’re farm husbands!!! and they’re both really just Like That.
thanks @theyronshan for helping by letting me bouncing ideas at you for sephi :^)
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spaceprincesses · 5 years
theyronshan replied to your post: idk what it is but steg’s design makes me so...
it’s the sexualization of a fusion involving a minor :/
woof, i wish i could say you were wrong but the way the camera was lingering on steg doesn’t really help their case
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disaster-bi-shan · 5 years
pannatt sometimes knocks her montrals on doorways when she forgets to lean her head down so she doesn't hit them
(🌺 tell me a preconeption/headcanon you have for one of my characters and I'll rate how accurate it is)
OH YEAH ABSOLUTELY CANON ALSO 11/10, especially when she's tired and/or it's not a place she's used to, and then the knocking makes her head rattle a little and her teeth ache from reflexively clenching them afterwards bc of the vibrations. she's a little bit hard of hearing for a few seconds minutes afterwards/disoriented depending on how hard she knocked her montrals against it, but definitely snaps her out of the wooziness with the pain of "ow, low doorway"
a sound of something hollow and hard knocking something (kinda like a comical "bonk"), stumbling footsteps, followed by a very quiet "aahhhh ouuuuchhh..." through gritted teeth is usually what her crew end up hearing throughout the knight story and more frequently in the latter stages (probably increasing intensity of cursing) - she's constantly running herself ragged keeping up w the newest disaster caused by uppity Sith/general failfish/vitiate, poor bb :<
definitely does this more during kotfe/kotet too.
fortunately Kira and T7 had the good sense to pannatt-proof the ship's door ledges that don't have sliding doors with foam pool noodles to cushion her montrals a bit, so the knocks aren't quite as bad, even if they need to be replaced quite a few times bc of the pointy parts of her montrals gouging holes into them. the alliance base didn't need this as they'd already accounted for the heights of everyone, with a few exceptions that still trip pannatt up every once while.
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