#things like gathering info on others through sketchy sources
graincracket · 1 year
Needed to put this idea down on paper, since I've had it swirling around for a while
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st4rdust-ch0rds · 1 year
so this is what i've gathered so far-- and feel free to correct me if im wrong-- this is just to get my thoughts in a row over all of this tomb shit..
its not crypto... i think. what they have as this "token" is like an NFT but is not attached to a currency like a real nft. the token is like a little coupon to redeem for access to future tour shit. hence why it is "exclusive." which... i thought that was the whole purpose of the peaceful army mailing list was to have first access to content. but whatever...
they only released the tokens to 50 people so far and it appears to be based on how often people interact. idk through what platform they calculated this information. i was not one of those 50 people so i dont get a token. cool. anyway.
one part that seemed sketchy to me was when creating an account for the electric tomb, it gave you the option to sign in with your wallet. so with that, maybe my first point is completely incorrect and it is a real crypto nft.
simply, i think the tomb is a shit idea and they need a new marketing team to gather better info on how to pertain to their fans because this is not correct at all. idk how we got lost in translation to get to cryptocurrency.
for a group that preaches to unplug from the source and not want to be up on fads bc they are so beyond that and want to parts of it, this is a very bad move. plus there are plenty of other things to add to their approach on fan engagement before crypto should have even been considered.
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veryangryhedgehog · 6 years
“Good, Old-Fashioned Snooping,” an Ede Valley story by Hedgehog.
Mike’s first few weeks at St. Adelaide’s had been a little hectic, to say the least. First, there was the fact that he had to abruptly adjust to an entirely different lifestyle. Then there were the classes, which were much more difficult than their public school equivalents; he’d just coasted through those with solid Bs. But most taxing of all were the numerous mysteries of the school.
At first, he’d just done some casual research, looked some stuff up on the internet, asked teachers for info, that kinda thing. But as he learned more, more and more questions began to appear in the inner folds of his brain. So then he’d moved to “real research”. He’d actually convinced Jilli to go to the library with him, survived an encounter with Abigail “four-eyes” Hodge, and gathered several old, dusty tomes to peruse.
He’d learned a lot of interesting things from those books. St. Adelaide’s had been a mental ward back in the 1800s, before finally being shut down for good in the ‘40s, he’d known that much already. The official story was that it had been abandoned for years afterward, but Mike had found several sources—only one of which had been a shitty site that hadn’t been updated since 2002—that pointed to the buildings being used as a government research facility of some kind in the ‘50s, presumably to combat the Soviets. He read some crazy ramblings by a conspiracy theorist about creating “Paragons of the Future,” but that seemed way too farfetched, whatever it even meant.
Regardless, the land was finally reopened as a school for Gifted Youth in the ‘70s, and had remained so to this day. Unfortunately, every source he’d found had failed to mention the founder of the school beyond a few off-handed references, which wouldn’t have seemed odd except that every article, website, and book avoided the subject like clockwork. Searching for the Director directly did nothing either, and this only made his thirst for knowledge worse.
And then, one afternoon, Doug stumbled into the room without warning practically carrying Jilli. Something was clearly wrong. She looked just like Doug did when he returned from his sessions. But of course Doug didn’t tell him anything, just shut them both in his room and locked the door. Though Mike couldn’t hear any specifics, he couldn’t miss the sound of sobs that reached his ear through the thin wall.
Mike had known for a while that he had no shot at Jilli. That had been made abundantly clear the morning he opened his door to use the sink only to see Jilli brushing her hair with only a striped bra to cover her thin waist. And she certainly hadn’t spent the night in his room. He was pretty sure he would have noticed. But still, he cared about her, as a friend, as a person. And so he worried.
That worry quickly turned into obsession. There was something going on at this school, and now it had been made personal. It wasn’t just about solving a mystery now, it was about saving his friend. Correction: friends. Doug was neck-deep in it too, whatever it was, and Mike was the only one who could save them. He was the only one that they didn’t expect.
Doug later confirmed that Jilli had indeed been subjected to a session, but he refused to say more. “It doesn’t matter, Mike.”
“But it does!” he argued. “We can help her!”
“I said, it doesn’t matter!” Doug nearly shook with anger, or was it fear? “I hate it just as much as you, but there’s nothing we can do, okay? Nothing unless you want to end up dead, or worse.”
But Mike found himself increasingly undisturbed by that idea. He hardly slept, staring at his computer screen until the wee hours of the morning as he ventured into increasingly sketchy parts of the internet to find anything at all that could help him. It was difficult work. Many sites were just mad ramblings by unstable individuals, or conspiracies about Atlantis and the lizardmen who had taken over the government. But gradually, a bigger picture began to emerge.
The more he looked, the more plausible it seemed that St. Adelaide’s had in fact, actually been a government facility all those years ago, at the height of the Cold War. Info on what really went on in there was thin, most of the recovered documents had been highly redacted. The facility had been dedicated to something called “Project Paragon”. There had been many experiments, but it seemed as if only one had been successful: a singular flower, a Buttercup, and had received the codename “Paragon Alpha”. Why they were experimenting on flowers of all things, Mike had no idea.
He thought that maybe he’d understand more if he had any knowledge about the Cold War. So he wandered out of Dunsany and down to the library, which he was surprised to find was locked. The problem was that Mike was so distracted by his thoughts that he didn’t actually realize this fact until about two minutes of pulling at it.
Just when he was about to turn around and go back to the dorm, the handle turned and the door creaked open. Abigail peeked her head out, and blinked at him, glasses eschew.
“Mike?” she asked. “What are you doing here? It’s two o’clock in the morning.”
Mike blinked. He hadn’t even realized it was dark out. “Is it?”
Abigail nodded hesitantly. “Are you alright? You... don’t look so good.”
Running a hand through his tangled hair, Mike couldn’t answer. He had no idea how alright he was on a scale of alrightness. The world seemed like a big confusing box with a bunch of colored squares. What in the world were they called? “I... I’m fine,” he answered instead. “I need-n-need a book.”
“A book?” she raised an eyebrow. “At this time of night?”
Rubix cube! That’s what it was. Wait, no, Mike, focus. “Wait,” he realized a second later. “What are you doing here at this ti—“ but he was cut off as she opened the door.
Victor was standing in front of Abigail’s desk, cheeks flushed, hair disheveled, tie undone. “Oh,” he said. “Hello, Mike.”
Though he opened his mouth to question this whole situation, Mike decided that he didn’t really want to know the answer. “Hi.”
“Now, you’ll forgive me for getting you on your way as quickly as possible,” she sighed, before turning from Mike to Victor and then winking. “Duty calls. What sort of book are you looking for?”
Mike had to force himself to not just keep looking back and forth between the two like a bobblehead. Man, was he the only one who wasn’t getting any? No, focus, whoa he was tired. “Uh... the Cold War,” he finally got out. “Scientific advances during the Cold War.”
Thinking for a moment, Abigail nodded. A strange look crossed her face for a moment, but was gone before Mike even knew if it had actually been there at all. “Yes, that’ll be in the history section, over here.” She began leading him by the arm to the back side of one of the looming shelves. “That’s a very specific topic, you know.”
“It’s for class,” he said, a little too quickly. “It’s due tomorrow.”
“Hence the all-nighter,” Abigail nodded. “Well, let me know when you find what you’re looking—”
Again, she was interrupted by a pounding at the door. “Goodness gracious, it’s like no one ever sleeps around here. Please forgive me.”
She meandered off through the shelves, and Mike began to skim the titles of the books, trying to find something that might help him, something that wasn’t written by a conspiracy theorist nutcase. No, he didn’t want communist or capitalist propaganda either. A vein in his temple was beginning to pulse from lack of sleep, but sleep would just get in his way.
“Jilli?” Abigail’s voice reached him. “What are you doing here?”
“I need to talk to you about something.”
Mike froze. What was Jilli doing here? She should be asleep. He peeked around the corner of the bookshelf, and there she was in the doorway, her multi-colored hair was unmistakable. Oddly enough, she looked fine, composed even, even though she had just undergone a session less than forty-eight hours ago. He thought he saw her head turning towards him, and Mike skittered back behind the bookcase. If she saw him like this she’d ask a lot of questions.
“I need your help,” she continued. “Yours and Vic—oh that’s convenient.”
“Hello,” said Victor sheepishly.
Jilli looked back and forth across the cluttered room. “We’re alone, right?”
His heart clenched, Mike didn’t breathe.
“Well—” Victor began before Abigail quickly cut him off.
“Yep. It is 2 AM, after all.”
Mike relaxed, though now he was confused. Why would Abigail lie about that? She had no motive for doing so, unless she... wanted him to hear this?
"Alright,” Jilli began, breathing deeply. “This is going to sound crazy, but bear with me.”
The silence in the room was almost palpable.
“I’m going to overthrow the Director.”
No one spoke for a moment, and Mike had to stop himself from interjecting. Finally, Victor did it for him. “What?” he asked. “What do you mean ‘Overthrow the Director?’ She’s not a dictator, she’s a principle!”
“You of all people know that this isn’t a simple school,” Jilli scoffed. “Why do you keep that project of yours under a sheet? Because she and her lackeys are always watching you. We’re constantly overworked with classes and made to maintain a strict regimen so we can’t stop to think, and we all know someone who’d gotten fucked up by one of her psychotic sessions. We all live in fear that we might be next. This is the very definition of a fascist dictatorship.”
“But... but this is a school,” Victor replied weakly. “We chose to be here.”
Again, the room was quiet, and the others looked at each other warily. “I didn’t choose to be here.” Jilli broke the silence. “My agent forced me on a plane here and I haven’t heard a word since. Did you?”
“My parents found my projects and almost sent me to a mental ward before St. Adelaide’s contacted them,” Victor admitted.
“It’s the same for me,” Abigail whispered.
Jilli nodded. “So none of us are here of our own freewill, but we just assumed everyone else was.” She turned to Victor. “Still convinced this is just a school?”
“I...” he began, before hanging his head. “No.”
“We’ve been abandoned, but we don’t need to continue living in this hell.” Jilli gritted her teeth. “Se we’ve gotta fight back. But I can’t do it alone. I need your help, both of you. Are you with me?”
“This is insane.” Victor shook his head. “But alright.”
“I’m with you too,” Abigail smiled. “Oh, this will be fun. I’ve never been part of a revolution before.”
Behind the bookshelf, Mike was near panicking. What had the Director done to Jilli? This wasn’t like her at all! This plan was absolutely ludicrous! It could never work. But most of all: what would convince her to even try?”
But one question sat the heaviest in his mind: what was he going to do about it?
~~ o ~~
In the cold night air, just beyond the boundary of St. Adelaide’s, someone else was watching. Or rather, two someones, on the back of a flying motorbike.
“You know,” Lilith said, frowning as she watched Buttercup’s intense stare, “this is the fourth night we’ve done this. What exactly are you looking for?”
“I’m not looking,” Buttercup replied simply. “I’m waiting.”
“Okay, what are you waiting for, then?” And if you say Christmas, I swear to god...”
“I’m waiting for her to make a move.”
Lilith sighed. “I’m tired of waiting. Why don’t we just go trash the place now?”
“Because our goal isn’t just to ‘trash the place’,” Buttercup rolled her eyes. “We have a very specific target. And besides, the utter destruction of a school without provocation would draw unnecessary attention to us. And there’s a lot of kids in there. I’d rather not waste life unless I have to. You must admit, the school is the perfect cover.”
Once again, the small, pigtailed child juxtaposed with her grim war general speech momentarily weirded Lilith the fuck out, and she wondered for the umpteenth time just what this kid could have gone through to make her like this. The Talons, much to her chagrin, had been kept on a strictly need-to-know basis.
She hadn’t ever been told why exactly they had been undertaking these “reconnaissance” missions for the last four nights.
“She’s going to do it soon,” Buttercup muttered. “She’ll use a distraction to disappear, complete the experiment. She’s so close, I can feel it.”
“And that’s when we strike!”
“No, then we keep waiting.”
The motorbike dropped a centimeter in Lilith’s confusion. “What? Why?’
“Because that’s when our allies will emerge.”
“But we don’t need allies. Let’s just go destroy the place now.”
“No.” Buttercup put her foot down. Metaphorically. Because they were in the air. “The three of you couldn’t beat me. You won’t stand a chance against what’s in there. And it’s not all about strength. So we wait.”
“But waiting’s boooorrring.”
“I know, my friend.” Buttercup nodded. “I know.”
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yousadclownofaman · 7 years
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“ You’ve gone with the thick rims
big look with the lip rings n’ things
wake me when the bell rings
I’m gonna be sleep ‘cause you live in my daydreams”
So! Long overdue art of my first proper fallout oc, Buggsy. This started out just as a doodle of his jacket bc it’s pretty, uh, distinctive, but it blossomed into this sketchy mess. Dunno, I’m happy with it! Backstory under the cut. @trashofthewasteland
Born in the Mojave to a raider named Roach and captured wastelander he never knew the name of, Buggsy was brought into the world out of malice and chem-induced frenzy. His mother didn’t survive long after his birth, and upon seeing the pale, freckled child that he had somehow reared, Roach treated him with nothing less than typical raider brutality. He was beaten and abused by his dad’s crew often, mostly because they didn’t see why they should let him bring a kid along if he was just going to cause problems and suck up resources. Out of some shred of paternal instinct, Roach was determined to find a use for the child. On several occasions, he used Buggsy to bait travelers and caravans off the road where they could hit them easier; other times, he would run chems and booze for his father’s gang, able to get into places like Freeside without drawing too much attention. 
Buggsy ended up successfully running away when he was twelve, and fled to the sanctuary of the outskirts of an NCR camp. The soldiers there had a strange relationship with the little squatter, occasionally bringing him in for baths and food, other times paying him small sums to collect scrap from the ruins in the area. It was about four years before he was able to muster enough junk and scrap to set out on the roads, trailing other caravans distantly, selling what little he could find and jury-rig. He began calling himself a trader of sorts, and eventually got pretty good at it; his charisma grew and his eye for goods and prices sharpened, polishing off his social skills with the help of one NCR recruits who taught him to read. About a year goes by, buying and selling, before he’s saved up enough to buy a pack brahmin and names it Crackers.
He loved that brahmin like it was family. Around this time he’s about 17. He joins up with a scavver and treasure hunter for a few months, traveling around, doing odd jobs. They split up because of mobility issues with Crackers and the obvious risk of traveling with a loaded trade brahmin. Now on his own, a few months later, he’s witness to the massacre at Nipton from a distance. Seeing the brutality that the Legion is capable of wracked him psychologically. A small Legion detachment got wind of him and pursued him into a derelict Wattz Electronics building infested with Feral Ghouls. Giving up the chase due to the obvious risk and likelihood of Buggsy’s death, the Legion forgot about him. Now stuck in a maze of a building with little to no light sources and even less ammunition, he had no choice but to hole up there for two days, avoiding threats. He routinely set mines with what little supplies he had, considering he’d had to abandon Crackers in the chase, an even that he still hasn’t necessarily forgiven himself fully for. 
After many close encounters and little sleep, he was able to shack himself in conjoining office and workshop behind the storefront. He gathered whatever materials that weren’t falling apart and studied, gathered tech and info. Among the spoils of his unfortunate encounter were several beginner’s guides to text-based coding, electronics repair and a plethora of other copied information he was able to glean from a hacked terminal. Able to escape and get back on the road, he hid in the wilderness for a few months, reading and practicing his new-found knowledge. He taught himself how to upkeep and deal with energy weapons, travelling wherever he could find a workbench and tools to collect. He learned to understand them as circuits and flow of electrons rather than dangerous objects, as tools rather than weapons. 
 In addition to his new fascination with energy weapons, he eventually met a former Great Khan, bitter in his old age about the success of a group that had apparently mistreated him during his “active years”. The old timer took him in and taught him a few tips on how to create his own chems, and how to deal with already-existing ones, calling these learning sessions “Anarchy’s Chemistry Lessons”. The events at Nipton changed Buggsy somehow, retaining the new information and equations with surprising efficiency. Frequent trips back to Freeside helped hone his supply, and forced him to travel light. He wasn’t a merchant anymore, he was a Chem-peddler, travelling in and out of rotting medical facilities and labs to gather ingredients to distill into the various intoxicants of the wasteland. Among his own personal brand of chems, he has successfully synthesized & distributed; ‘Nightstalker’: A violent mix of Cat Eye & Psycho, perfect for night-owls and particularly, NCR night patrols.  ‘Sledgehammer’/’Jack-knife’: Part Med-X and part Ant Nectar, good for bodyguards and hand-to-hand fighters for pushing their body past normal it’s limits. ‘Dragon’/’D-sticks’: Powdered Xander Root and cooked-down glowing fungus, sold usually in one or three dose cones made from pre-war dollars.  ‘Baby Blue’: By far one of the most complicated drugs to synthesize, amounts of crushed Broc Flower/Hubflower are dissolved in measured portions of antifreeze and engine coolant before boiling off the excess and stoppered in Nuka-Cola bottles with an inhaling mouthpiece. The name comes from the blue-green granules that fill the bottom of the bottle. The bottle is shaken, creating numbing fumes that are inhaled through the mouthpiece. Effects include minor visual disturbances, nausea, fatigue, numbness, and intense, unpredictable euphoria.
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trendtshirtnewposts · 4 years
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On a daily basis men and women take up a new pastime merely to discover them discard it inside a 7 days. Are you someone that can never stick with a pastime for days on end? Or maybe you are only trying to find diverse tips that will spark your imagination about new pastimes. No matter what the circumstance, the content listed below has lots of wonderful activity concepts that you can keep with.
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Pastimes really are a healthy point to obtain. It really is a fantastic sensation to share your pastimes with others. Spending your free time undertaking one thing you cherish as opposed to eliminating time with t . v . or game titles is additionally wholesome for the imagination. Use the following hobby info and ways to build or improve on a hobby.
Don t reduce your hobbies and interests from what you ve looked into previously. At times you should force on your own in new directions, and interests are great for doing that. In fact, try out something out that you will have in no way deemed before. You might be astonished at how enjoyable a fresh pastime may be.
To decide on an effective activity for you, begin with making a list of items that you really enjoy undertaking. Publish every little thing down, no matter how big or small it appears on paper. Then consider that collection and provide true concern to each one particular. Somewhere in this listing is a gem just hanging around so that you can explore it.
If basketball is your enthusiasm, then build a actual pastime all around your fascination using the activity. You can do this without actually environment ft . in the area by playing imagination soccer. Get a team of friends, select your squads and keep track of their performances through the entire time of year.
Don t neglect your obligations. Hobbies and interests might be a lot of fun and when you re having a great time, it may be an easy task to carry on when you should be doing another thing. If you think just like you are shelling out too much time upon you hobby, try out setting a timer and stopping if the timer is carried out.
Skating is a exciting leisurely process, and it is another fantastic pastime. Via skating, you may find the oceans, plunge in to a lake or just sort from the swimming pool in your own garden. Carrying out this can help to help you get fit, and will also also show you newer and more effective those who share your passion for the water.
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On a daily basis folks take up a new pastime just to discover their whereabouts dispose of it within a 7 days. Are you somebody who can never stay with a pastime for too long? Or perhaps you are just searching for different concepts that can ignite your creativity about new hobbies. Regardless of the case, this article below has several fantastic interest suggestions that anyone can stick with.
Don t limit your hobbies from what you ve looked into in the past. Often you must push on your own in new instructions, and hobbies are perfect for doing that. In reality, attempt one thing out that you simply might have in no way deemed well before. You may well be amazed at how pleasant a new activity might be.
Veggie horticulture is really a hobby that is not only soothing, but functional at the same time. Gardening provides the chance to be outside in the new atmosphere and sunlight. When harvest time rolls around, you will additionally be recognized with wholesome meals for you and your family. Organic growing plants is really a activity that gives twice benefits.
When you have a pastime that involves pencils and marker pens, ensure you retailer them appropriately. Also you can get rid of any uncertainty with regards to which colour is which by holding them sideways as opposed to erect. Maintaining them saved sideways also inhibits the printer ink from pooling or drying out out.
Reserve time for your personal hobby. Many people desire they had more hours to enjoy using their hobbies and interests, but the truth is that you just have to make time for doing it. Set your hobby within your timetable at the start of a few days, and work about it up to it is possible to.
Just about the most well-known pastimes these days is garden, and for good purpose. If you re searching for a useful strategy to spend your time, look at tending to blooms or increasing your own veggies. It s a peaceful method to unwind, and also the fruits of your work are excellent centerpieces or part-dishes!
Should you be physically fit, or would like to be, a sport constitutes a fantastic hobby. Give football, operating, football, golf as well as other athletics a test and see everything you like best. Even though you didn t as if it being a youngster doesn t mean you simply will not as if it now.
Seashell gathering is a good hobby that can give you happy memories of seaside vacations. Seashells could be educational for children as well as are actually excellent ornamental highlights for your property.
Using a hobby is a marvellous way to keep your thoughts occupied and wholesome. Sharing your activity with other people also gives you fun societal possibilities. There exists nothing at all like expending spare time carrying out one thing you adore. Use the assistance above to further improve on your own and locate a hobby you love to do.
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Do you want to include fun and exhilaration to the existence? Should you, then this hobby could be merely the solution you are looking for. If you are searching for a fresh pastime to take pleasure from, keep reading and learn more about various ways to spend your time and revel in lifestyle far more.
Don t restriction your pastimes as to what you ve explored before. Often you must drive yourself in new recommendations, and interests are good for carrying out just that. The truth is, try anything out that you just would have in no way considered well before. You may well be astonished at how pleasant a whole new activity may be.
Try to help others with your pastime. Do you want to crochet? You can crochet winter caps for community youngsters that don t have caps. Do you like to cook? Prepare food meals for somebody special in your life who will benefit from it. Be creative and have fun although assisting other people.
If you are looking for any interest you can enjoy when you are traveling the globe, give scuba a test. When deep-sea diving, you get to enjoy an marine community that not many people have the chance to see. Additionally, you may get a small workout and go out with some very nice men and women too.
Consider starting a blog about whichever your own personal desire is. Talking about something that takes in your focus in your leisure time is a wonderful way to love it much more. You may even make use of it to get in touch to fellow fans who reveal your passions, equally online and potentially in real life way too.
Your computer may be your portal to your following interest. Blogging is becoming ever more popular with individuals of all ages and genders. Get something which you are searching for and make a blog site online. It provides you with anything to keep up with daily and may even tell you about folks you by no means would have fulfilled.
Go cycling your bike. People who bicycle for entertainment are capable of doing lots of exploring in the community. Motorbikes may be ridden all through the year if you dress properly. This a pastime that has numerous health advantages, can improve your fitness level, and is a lot of exciting apart from.
Seashell gathering is an excellent interest that can provide fond recollections of beach front getaways. Seashells may be academic for kids and also are actually excellent attractive decorations for your property.
This article needs to have exposed that you have things about pastimes that are not well known. To obtain the most out you hobbies, you can find things you must know about. Use the suggestions through the article that will help you accomplish a new admiration toward your favorite pastime.
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